Dao Shaohua

Chapter 178: Ziqiu makes noise in the sea, a sword shakes the sky

Chapter 178 Ziqiu makes trouble in the sea, a sword shakes the sky

The division of labor between the three was clear, and Yang Xiuming continued to help Zhang Yue practice sword.

"Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea"

Focusing on practicing swords and nothing else, Zhang Yue swung his sword, and Ziqiu caused chaos in the sea!

Persisting again and again, cultivating again and again, this is a kind of loneliness that cannot be described in words, but he can hold back this kind of loneliness, he can practice little by little, only the sword, nothing else!
With the cultivation of "Zi Qiu Nao Hai Chao Shen Jian", with the flying of sword light and sword energy, Zhang Yue gradually discovered that within the range of three miles of himself, that is, the range of night assimilation.

The sword light and sword energy seem to be an ocean, and all enemies who invade the sea of ​​swords will be crushed and killed immediately!

It turns out that the sword intent of "Ziqiu Navigating the Sea Chaos Sword" is not the so-called Ziqiu Jiaolong, but the sword light raging in the sea, a vast ocean.

So far, Zhang Yue has practiced Ziqiu Naohai Sword, and he is extremely happy in his heart, but he just feels that something is still wrong.

Keep practicing!

Learn, comprehend, practice, and swing a sword!
Tired, rest, sleepy, sleep, hungry, eat, all the rest of the time, practice swords all!

Yang Xiuming also helped:
"This sword should come as soon as it is said, and go as soon as it is said, with ease!"

"Yeah, my sword sea, the sword light is not enough, the strength is not enough, it's just a show!

As long as the opponent gathers a little bit of force to attack, they can easily break through the so-called sea of ​​swords. "

"So, you can't rely on that flashy sword sea, you must gather your strength and condense all your strength to one point!
With the sea of ​​swords as cover, this sword is the core, this sword is Chaos God! "

"When the sword comes out, bend your knees, bend your waist, and explode like a bow, the strength can be increased by [-]%."

"Yes, Xiuming, you can also turn to the side to make your figure more smooth."

"With this sword, you can instantly take a step back and avoid a blow from a powerful enemy."

Among them, it is another step forward, from Naohai to Chaoshen.

Continue to practice, continue to comprehend, suddenly one day, Zhang Yue yelled!

"I understand, I understand, I have refined the Ziqiu Chaos Sea Chaos Excalibur!"

"Ziqiu, Naohai, Chaoshen, all of them are the key!"

The third-order Purple Jade Mysterious Ice Fire Flood Sword in his hand turned into a sword light that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, a dragon but not a dragon!
This sword light, moved at will, swam around in front of him and behind him, within three miles, like a true purple horned dragon.

But Zhang Yue said again: "No, no, it's still a bit worse!"

Continue to practice hard, and finally on this day, suddenly he laughed again:
"Ziqiu, Naohai, Chaoshen, sword, in fact, the real sword technique is the sword character of Ziqiu's Naohai Chaoshen Sword!

Ziqiu, Naohai, Chaoshen, and sword, the four are perfectly fused, fused into one, and finally transformed into a sword. This is the real "Ziqiu Naohai Chaos Sword"! "

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a sword light rose, and there was no Zi Qiu, no sea of ​​swords, and no chaotic gods, only one sword!
This sword seems sad and chaotic, with a three-foot green front that is not stained with dust, it is unparalleled in the world!

It seems to be extremely chaotic, but there are hidden rules. Under a sword, in the chaos, you can't distinguish things, instantly kill, and kill invisible!
The sword light looks like a dragon and not a dragon, like a jiao and not a jiao, as if alive, flying lightly and nimbly, confusing the world, turning rivers and seas, and the sword is majestic!
Zhang Yue suddenly discovered that his "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" had an extra sword intent.

The sword intent is chaotic!

So far the training of "Ziqiu Naohai Chaos Excalibur" has been completed, Zhang Yue has the sword intent: suppression, assassination, shock, illusory, chaos!
But it didn't end, Zhang Yue laughed, and in an instant, Yang Xiuming was kicked out!

Because Zhang Yue enlightened!Jianxin Tongxuan works!

He practiced not just a set of swordsmanship, but the principle of swordsmanship, the heart of the sword and the intent of the sword!
There was a roar, and for an instant, it seemed that countless figures appeared in Zhang Yue's mind.

Some of these figures practiced "Ao Song Shenghua Sword", some practiced "White Ape Holds Peach Sword", some practiced "Shaking Rivers and Seas Falling Clouds and Clouds", some practiced "Void Illusory Sparrow Soaring into the Sky", and some practiced "Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea"...

Constantly practicing swordsmanship, their swordsmanship is extraordinary, harmonious and psychic, fierce and deadly, illusory and unpredictable, fierce and domineering, very chaotic, complement each other, and cooperate seamlessly.

These people wield their long swords lightly, their figures are elegant and unrestrained, and there are various profound and mysterious changes hidden in the simple changes of swordsmanship.

They swung their long swords one by one, and Zhang Yue was immersed in the endless sea of ​​swords.

With the sword of comprehension, that person will disappear. In the end, everyone disappeared one by one, and there is no one left.

Then these people appeared one by one, gathered again, and continued to practice swords!
Some kind of pattern was felt in the dark.

"Sword of Ao Pine Holy Blossom", "White Ape Holds the Sword of Peach", "Shaking the River and Falling Clouds", "The Illusionary Sparrow Soars into the Sky", "The Sword of Ziqiu Raising Chaos in the Sea"...

Re-decomposition, reorganization... change, endless life...

These people went up and down three times, disappeared three times, reappeared three times, and for the last time, they all disappeared with a bang, never to be seen again!
It seems that a day has passed, it seems that a year has passed, and it seems that a moment has passed, without knowing time or space.

Knowing nothing, those people began to dissipate, disappearing one by one, and finally there was only one figure left, waving a long sword there.

He is the only one who is silently controlling the sword. There is nothing but a sword between the heaven and the earth.

Waking up suddenly, Zhang Yue drew out his sword. This sword seemed to contain infinite power, and he lowered the sky with the sword!
On the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation Heart Jue", the 33 days of Taishang Dao, the sword of "One Sword Shocking the Heaven", slowly disappeared, never to be seen again.

But in Zhang Yue's supernatural power, there is an extra supernatural power, a sword that shakes the sky.

This supernatural power is not weaker than the combination of divine swords, and one sword against the enemy can shock the nine heavens.

So far, with a single sword, you can kill the enemy by leaps and bounds, build a foundation and kill the golden core!
It's just a pity that Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang won't enter the Foundation Establishment, and Zhang Yue's Foundation Establishment realm won't improve either.

Zhang Yue changed, and Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang followed suit.

Fu Xialiang was shocked and said:

"Among the 33 Tianjue of Taishang Dao, there is a phenomenon called Tianjue Dzogchen.

Turn 33 Tianjue into supernatural powers, you are the Great Perfection of Jianjue. "

Zhang Yue asked: "I have only practiced the Qi training part of Jianjue, and there are still many realms that I haven't practiced yet?
Is this consummation?What to do next? "

Fu Xialiang said: "It doesn't affect, and the effect of cultivation will be better, draw inferences from one instance, and you will know everything!

After the trial is over, if I am alive, I will definitely be promoted to the status of a first-order disciple, and then Jianjue Dzogchen will go up, and I can still be promoted to another level, then I will be a four-level disciple. "

Fu Xialiang laughed loudly, her attitude was completely different from before, and she was no longer afraid of trials.

"Old Fu, how is the trial going?"

"Brother, listen to me carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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