Dao Shaohua

Chapter 179 The Tengu Eats the Sun, Crisis Response

Chapter 179 The Tengu Eats the Sun, Crisis Response

"This trial, the Five Elements Heavenly Dog started the trial, when it entered the blood cave of wild beasts.

We have great powers here to send us to follow each other and enter the bloody cave of wild beasts together with the supernatural powers of the universe.

Every time there is a trial, there are tens of thousands of dog clans on the Five Elements Tiangou side, entering the trial.

These dog clans are either a single five-element dog clan, or a multi-element compound dog clan. They kill and devour each other here, and with the help of the wild beast blood cave, they finally complete the unity of the five elements and become the real five-element sky dog. "

Everyone listened and nodded.

Fu Xialiang continued:
"According to the experience of the senior sisters and the others, the first crisis of the trial, the wild beast blood cave is the holy land of the beast clan.

So when you enter there, you will inevitably turn into a beast. The beast only has claws and claws, so any of our tools cannot be used.

Whether it is the natal sword, the magic treasure talisman, or the magic robe flying boat, all foreign objects are invalid, and they can only fight with their own fists and magical powers. "

Zhang Yue frowned and said: "In the land of wild beasts, you can only rely on yourself? Without a sword, how can you control the sword?"

"Hey, Old Wei is dead, otherwise he is alive, the number one in martial arts, absolutely invincible in this trial."

"Oh, what a pity for the fourth brother."

Fu Xialiang said again: "The second crisis is that these dogs are particularly vicious.

For the intruders who entered the blood cave of the wild beasts, they chased and killed them endlessly like mad dogs.

So how to avoid their pursuit is very important. "

Then Fu Xialiang took a sip of water and continued:
"The third crisis, in the blood cave of wild beasts, the Five Elements Tengu has undergone countless trials, and a god has been born here!
This deity is called the Black-headed Dog God, but it is actually the world consciousness of the Desolate Beast Blood Cave.

When we got there, we faced not only the Ten Thousand Dogs, but also the whole world, the world and the world, all of them were our enemies.

Fortunately, countless ancestors participated in the trials and carried out pollution. The black-headed dog god will be three-point neutral, and will not end in person, and will directly descend to hunt and kill us. "

Yang Xiuming said: "This is the enemy of heaven and earth, curse the world!"

"There is no way, who let it be their territory!"

Fu Xialiang continued:
"Then the fourth crisis, besides the dog clan and the black-headed dog god, there are other alien races."

Yang Xiuming asked late, "Other races?"

"Yes, apart from our pollution in the past, the Mudaya fairy, Moko Shura, who borders on the Five Elements Tengu, must also have sent people to pollute it in the past.

When these guys see us humans, they will never kill dogs, they will hunt us down.

In addition to them, there are also some alien races around Wuxing Tiangou, who will also send tribesmen to make trouble.

In the end, some big spirit beasts would send their cubs in. For them, this was a chance for the cubs to have a full meal. "

Zhang Yue said: "How can this five-element dog mess around, the four wilds are enemies."

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "The Five Elements Heavenly Dog is particularly bad, the mortal enemy of the human race.

The surrounding ethnic groups are constantly attacked by them.

I have experienced two tengu eclipse days since I was a child. I once had a good friend who was killed by them. "

Yang Xiuming asked late, "Tiangou eats the sun?"

"A space-time invasion that the Five Elements Tengu often launches.

Under the power of the Five Elements Tengu, the two worlds merged briefly.

They will use this to break through the defense of our Taishangdao, enter the hinterland of the Taishangdao, and carry out killing and plundering.

They like to capture our human women and bring them into their world to give birth to them, and they will eat all the women captured in the end! "

Yang Xiuming frowned and asked, "Can't this dog eat the sun?"

"The Tiangu eclipse is related to the total solar eclipse, it belongs to divine power and cannot be defended against.

Only Daluotian will not have Tiangou eclipses, and when they happen, there will be no return.

But beyond Da Luotian, time and space overlap, although it is only a short period of a few hundred breaths, every time it is a catastrophe for the human race. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and asked, "Are there any other crises?"

"Yes, the fifth one. When we go, we have the power to send it in. When the trial time is up, the wild beast blood cave will send all the creatures out.

My Zong Da Neng will imprint time and space on everyone, and after sending it out, I will use it to return to the Supreme Dao.

But the last few trials were almost completely wiped out, and no one came back.

Zongmen later discovered that the space-time imprint would be destroyed during the trial, and the survivors who survived the trial would all fall into the domain of the Five Elements Tengu and die there. "

Yang Xiuming looked at Fu Xialiang and asked:

"Is there a solution to these crises?"

Fu Xialiang smiled and said:

"The first crisis, luckily we have the right idea.

We have the supernatural power of Sanyang Kaitai, which can be used as a sword when it works.

We have "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor", which turns the armor into its own body, with its own defense.

This is the most terrible restriction for all monks, and it is of no use to us. "

The three looked at each other and smiled, very happy.

"Second crisis, a few senior sisters taught me twelve small natural spells to overcome the tribulation, and the master also found some test experience records for me, let's see when the time comes."

Zhang Yue suddenly said: "Why hide?
They are crazy, then go crazy, kill them all, isn't it over? "

Fu Xialiang was speechless, and said for a long time: "Second brother, every time the Five Elements Tengu is tested, there are 10,000+ dogs on their side."

"It's just 10,000+ swords, just kill it!"

Fu Xialiang didn't know what to say, thought about it, and said:
"The third crisis, the black-headed dog god, my senior sister also gave me a way to avoid it, we should avoid it, it should be fine."

"The fourth crisis, if you encounter it, you will fight. Who is afraid of whom? If they don't mess with us, we won't mess with them!"

"The fifth crisis has been resolved, and this time the sect's brand revision should not be destroyed by the opponent.

In addition, Senior Sister Qingliang left a brand for me, even if there is a problem with the brand of the sect, I will return. "

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang showed them the top of his head, and there was a golden hair among his black hair.

This blond hair is like a living snake, writhing unceasingly, which is different from others.

This is the imprint of time and space left by Senior Sister Qingliang, and she can return to the Supreme Dao.

"It's good to have a way. By the way, how are you practicing these days?"

Fu Xialiang replied with a smile:
"In the past few days, I have practiced "Golden Pupils Misunderstanding Cave True Eyes", and I was born with the second supernatural power, Jimu Tianshu.

This is of great value to me. Cooperating with Plunderers will increase my detection ability by [-]%. "

Yang Xiuming was overjoyed to practice "Golden Pupils, Misunderstanding Caves and Real Eyes". So far, all three of them have completed the second supernatural power, Jimu Tianshu.

Yang Xiuming said: "That's good, let's practice Fangjue "Zhenjia Wenchan" together.

Refining and transforming the armor of the sly armor, advancing to the rank of armored person, and finally thoroughly practicing the "Tianyuan Yaomingxu Huangjia".

Then there is the meaning of "Mystery Without Light, Jade Shulei", and finally wait until the spiritual objects of heaven and earth are sent, and practice "Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lamp Method". "

"Then stop talking nonsense and practice!"

The three immediately fit together and started working.

(End of this chapter)

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