Dao Shaohua

Chapter 180 Flying with the sword, roaming the void!

Chapter 180 Flying with the sword, roaming the void!
Since knowing about Fu Xialiang's trial, Yang Xiu will travel over to help every day.

First help Zhang Yue practice the sword, and then help Fu Xialiang practice the law.

In the blink of an eye, I tossed and tossed for more than ten days, without a single day off.

There is still one month left before Fu Xialiang's trial, and the trial is getting closer and closer.

Fortunately, the management of the university is not strict. It doesn't matter if the students come to study or not, as long as someone signs in.

On this day, after waking up, Yang Xiuming tidied up his body and took a shower.

For a month, he forgot to sleep and eat, and his body slept almost every day, tossing and tossing like a human.

While he was tidying up, Su Xiaomei suddenly appeared.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, Su Xiaomei appeared, there must be something wrong.

"Yang Laosan, what's wrong with this paragraph?
Sleep every day, one day and one night, are you sick? "

"No, Susu, it's no problem for me to practice Night Demon. What's wrong with you?"

"One thing, after a while, the university will hold a class.

I hope you have to listen to that class, that class is very important to me. "

This Yang Xiuming knew that within a certain period of time, the university would teach several particularly valuable abilities, which can be said to be the core abilities of the university, and this is the most fundamental meaning of further study in the university.

"sure no problem!"

"That's good, if you forget, I'll eat you!"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? Which of us is with whom.

I will never forget, but you remember to remind me in advance when the time comes. "

"Okay, don't sleep like this, you'll become a big fat pig."

Su Xiaomei disappeared, Yang Xiuming thought about it, and decided not to go to practice today.

Now I have reached the eighth level of Qi refining, which belongs to the late stage of Qi refining. The last time I flew with the sword, I didn't fly up to the level.

It should now be possible to try Edgeworth flying.

Yang Xiuming's day and night are upside down these days, and it's already night.

He moved quietly, left the dormitory, and tried to fly with the sword in the open space.

When the realm is reached, everything is really simple!
It is not too difficult for Yang Xiuming to use the third-order divine sword Tianying Yufeng Escape Sword as the air-defending magic weapon to try to escape. He has many times of flight escape experience after the fusion.

He flew a few times and failed three times, but the fourth time, he suddenly moved, and it seemed that the human and sword were united, but it was not the same as the human and sword, and he rose into the sky.

In this dark night, there is night assimilation, and there is no sword light exposed.

Walk with the sword, roam the void!
Yang Xiuming flew up to an altitude of 75 feet, and his fastest speed could reach [-] miles per hour.

The wall of the imperial capital, which has been unable to leave, is no longer a problem at this moment.

Yang Xiuming flew out of the imperial capital and into the wilderness.

This flight is really comfortable. Under his control, he undulates up and down, spins sideways, stops and starts suddenly, passes through the woods, and flies over the mountains...

At this point, we can fly too!

Outside the imperial capital, Yang Xiuming did not notice anything strange.

At least within three hundred miles, not a single strange thing can be seen, but there are no human races, desolate and desolate.

The imperial capital is naturally different from ordinary cities!

After flying in the middle of the night, Yang Xiuming came back and was about to go to the Taishang Dao to help Fu Xialiang practice.

But someone came to the door quietly.

This person is a classmate of Yang Xiuming's class, and also a vassal of the Xiong family. I don't know why he came here.

At the last party, this guy looked down on Yang Xiuming and was full of foul words.

He sent a letter, and in addition to the letter, he also carried two corpses.

Yang Xiuming opened the letter and saw that it was Xiong Kuohai's letter.

The content of the letter was very simple, asking Yang Xiuming to kill this person and destroy the corpse together with him.

Yang Xiuming was speechless, isn't this the eldest brother's job?

Now arrange for myself.

Looking at this person, Yang Xiuming was calculating whether to do something, but he didn't think that the other party had already quietly poisoned him.

The opponent's combat profession is poisonous and poisonous, and he secretly strikes.

Yang Xiuming is the second cunning weed grower, and he is very sensitive to grass poisons, so he knew immediately if the poison was poisoned here.

This is helpless, Yang Xiuming moved in the dark, under the destruction of the night vigil, the opponent's head burst and was killed by Yang Xiuming.

Now that you're killed, let's work, destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces.

In Liaochang, death is not the end. Many times, the death of some people is just the beginning of the strangeness.

Therefore, if you want to kill people, you must destroy the corpses.

And this can't be in my own residence, nor in the places I often go to. It's weird that there are some ways to track the traces.

He had to go to a place that he had never been to, where the corpses and traces were destroyed, completely destroyed, so that the other party would not become weird and come to take revenge.

Yang Xiuming put away the three corpses, rose with his sword, and flew outside the imperial capital.

Although he brought three corpses with him, Feidun was still extremely relaxed.

Randomly find a remote place, suddenly stretch out his hand, and Thunder appears.

Under his thunder, the three corpses were all turned into dust, destroying the corpses and obliterating their traces.

This is the class to take over from the eldest brother, and now it's his turn to destroy the corpse.

Yang Xiuming's body was cleaned up and returned to the dormitory.

When I woke up in the morning, someone sent a letter. I opened it and found a black card inside.

100 million!
But dealing with three corpses is too much!

Xiong Kuohai is really too generous, no wonder the eldest brother likes to hang out with him!

If you have work, you must do it!
After taking a bath and having enough food and drink, Yang Xiuming thought about it and went to practice.

When they reached Taishang Dao, the three continued to practice.

They are all assisting Fu Xialiang now, increasing Fu Xialiang's strength, even if they have a little more, they may be able to survive in the future.

After practicing for a long time, Fu Xialiang suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"Today I want to practice "Tianyuan Yaoming Xu Huangjia"."

The three of them looked at each other. They originally planned to practice the armored man first, and then practice "Zhenjia Wenchan", and finally practice this method.

Since Fu Xialiang wanted to practice this method on a whim, he should do this first.

Fu Xialiang began to practice "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia".

In fact, this method is very simple. When the method is operated, nine vortexes appear, and seven of them already have robes and armor.

For the remaining two, Fu Xialiang put in the non-confused outfit to protect the armor.
After putting it in, suddenly, the nine vortexes merged into one, and the real operation of "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia" started.

Under many spells, the vortex suddenly shook, nine vortexes merged into one, nine pieces of armor merged, and suddenly a magic robe appeared.

This robe can't see clearly, but it is like a boundless sea, towering mountains, immovable heaven and earth, and an eternal avenue, representing endless power and infinite defense!
The robe fell on Fu Xialiang and merged with his body.

Immediately, Fu Xialiang's body changed quietly, handsome and handsome, infinitely luxurious, coupled with his straight back, handsome facial features, and a pair of dark eyes, he has a majestic air of his own!
But this is nothing, because at this moment, the three of them knew the name of the robe!

The avenue is armed without moving mountains and seas!

(End of this chapter)

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