Dao Shaohua

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

At this moment, the three of them are all stupid, Dao armed?Do not move mountains and seas?What the hell?

After a long time, Yang Xiuming asked, "Old Fu, is this the Daoist weapon of the Nine Paths of Cultivation of Immortals?"

Fu Xialiang said: "I don't know, I'm also a little confused, wait for me, I'll check it out."

He immediately went to the Sutra Pavilion to inquire, and returned after a long time.

"This is really a great way armed.

It should also be Fudo Shanhai, one of the armed forces on the 36th Avenue mastered by the Holy Armor Sect.

We are developed! "

Zhang Yue and the two couldn't believe it, and Yang Xiuming asked, "Are you sure?"

Fu Xialiang said slowly:
"According to my research in the Cangjing Pavilion, the Shengjia Sect has 36 armed forces, one of which is Fudo Shanhai.

The Sacred Armor Sect should use nine third-level robes to fuse and refine them according to the sequence, so that they can get the Dao and arm the mountains and seas.

The "Tianyuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia" we practice is similar to the refining method of the Sacred Armor Sect, but it is also possible that the core refining method of the Sacred Armor Sect is "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia".

In short, we have completed the first level of training in "Tianyuan Yaomingxu Huangjia", and obtained the Dao Armed Immovable Mountain and Sea. "

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue nodded slightly.

Fu Xialiang said again: "We are Taishang Dao Taishang Baojue, we can refine eight kinds of Dao weapons, but we need the Nascent Soul realm to practice.

We will not dedicate it to the sect if the Dao is armed without moving the mountains and seas. It is too difficult to explain, and it also involves the secret law of Xianqin. It is better to have less than one more thing. "

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue nodded again.

Fu Xialiang continued:
"The Dao is armed with the Unmoving Mountains and Seas, so it is called the Unmoving Mountains and Seas because there is a Dao of God that does not move the Mountains and Seas.

No matter under any attack, activate this divine power, within three breaths, it is like a great way, unmoving and indestructible.

In other words, we are invincible, but only for three breaths, and within three breaths, we can't move.

At this point, the sky is falling apart, the universe is collapsing, and we are all fine. "

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue nodded again and again.

"In addition to this, there is also a holy shield in one day, as before, it can resist the blow of Jindan Daoist, if you can't resist it, you can transfer it directly.

There is still a strong defensive power left, which is equivalent to three times the total defensive power of the nine magic robes.

There are also twelve magical functions such as protecting against cold, resisting inflammation, resisting corruption, resisting soldiers, resisting spells, cleaning, avoiding dust, and converging spirits. "

The more Fu Xialiang talked, the more excited she became.

This means that there is a strong trump card in the trial!
But they quickly discovered the problem.

Dao armed with immovable mountains and seas is too big, too strong, and for Fu Xialiang who only refines Qi to reach perfection, it's too heavy!
Fu Xialiang has a small horse-drawn cart, which is difficult to run like carrying a mountain on its back.

It seems that the body is carrying a heavy burden, and it is firmly pressed down.

This is just a metaphor, not a real weight.

Zhang Yue was even more speechless. Up to now, Yu Jian had completely lost his flexibility, like a puppet.

After the training is completed, the strength is not increased, but the cultivation level is reduced.

This is not possible, the three of them hurriedly tried to find a way.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Old Fu, Jia Dao Jia Bian, have you refined it?"

Fu Xialiang replied: "I've been busy with other things these days, not refining."

"Then quickly refine it!"

Fu Xialiang nodded, and refined the cunning Jiadao Jiachang on the spot.

The refining process was completed very quickly.

Jia Dao Jia changed, let go of the armor, and took the porch to enter Ziwei.

This combat role has three abilities, armor transforms into activation, armor transforms into spirit, armor transforms into King Kong!

The activation of the armor can increase the spirituality of the armor, thereby enhancing the defense.

Armor becomes spiritual, which can add memory to the armor, and has the function of automatic repair.

Jiachang King Kong is an ultimate ability, Fu Xialiang can't use it, so ignore it.

After refining, Fu Xialiang snorted softly and said:

"Brother, it works!"

"Whether it's armor transformation activation or armor transformation spirit transformation, it seems that it can reduce the burden on the Dao armed forces."

Yang Xiuming said: "Then what are you waiting for, quickly cultivate these two abilities to the tenth level of Dzogchen, and then advance to the armored man!"

The three of them practiced together, and with the experience of the previous four tricks, it was very easy to be promoted to armor transformation and activation, and armor transformation to spiritual transformation.

Every time they are raised by one level, the weight of the mountains and rivers seems to be reduced by one point.

Soon both abilities were tenth level Dzogchen, Fu Xialiang said in surprise:

"It turns out that Dao is armed, it feels like it used to be a thousand catties, but now it's only seven hundred catties!"

The three of them were overjoyed, and immediately prepared to be promoted to armored man.

The promotion of armored man is also completed very quickly, it has three abilities.

Wearing armor and undressing can reflect the opponent's attack.

Adding armor and clothes can improve the defense of the armor on the body.

The third ultimate ability cannot be cultivated and can only be ignored.

The advancement is completed, and the two abilities have been cultivated hard, and the first level has been improved.

This is the ability to improve the defense, and it seems that the mountain and the sea have been reduced from [-] catties to [-] catties!

At the same time as they practice the armored man, they are also practicing the "Zhenjia Wenchan" in defense.

"Zhen Jia Wen Zen" battle formation spells, cultivated to the extreme, transformed into a defensive position, which can resist the bombardment of other 33 heavens.

However, Fu Xialiang's choice is naturally personal inheritance, focusing on defense, resisting the enemy's attack, and also has an attack method, that is, rebounding the enemy's attack.

With the realm of asking Zen, form absolute control, tremor armor, form the method of rebound,

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people!

Yang Xiuming and the others discovered that there are many similarities between the two, the "Zhen Jia Wen Zen" and the elite armored men.

With a man in armor, it becomes very easy to practice "Zhen Jia Wen Zen", and it becomes a small success very quickly.

You can seize the opportunity, use the armor, and bounce back the opponent's spells or supernatural powers.

"Zhen Jia Wen Zen", the realm is high, you can attack the opponent, and bounce back with multiple times, which is exactly the same as the armored man's ability to put on his armor and take off his clothes.

There are traces to follow in all the laws of the world, one main branch and countless branches!

But at the end of the practice, all dharmas will return to Hunyuan, and all the avenues will finally become one.

This also has an effect. With the progress of "Zhen Jia Wen Zen", the Dao weapon seems to be lighter again, making it easier to control.

It seems that it has weakened from two hundred catties to one hundred catties, and finally there is no weight at all. It is completely refined and restored to the past!
At this point, all three of them let out a sigh of relief.

Another success in cultivation!
It's just that the avenue armament in "Tianyuan Yaomingxuhuangjia" doesn't move mountains and seas, and only Fu Xialiang owns it. Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue need to fuse nine armors each to get the same avenue armament.

However, it's nothing to them, they all have non-confused outfits, guardian armors, and holy scale armors, but the cheapest five-element sets are missing.

It's just that a five-element suit needs six thousand spirit stones, and they don't have the money to buy it now, so they will find a way to buy it after Yang Xiuming passes the trial.

During this period, Senior Sister Linglong finally sent a heaven and earth spiritual object.

In addition to this, Senior Sister Linglong also sent two sets of five-element sets, which Fu Xialiang prepared for Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue said angrily: "Xia Liang, what are you doing?
The spirit stone of white flowers is meaningless, so it is better to use it for your cultivation. "

Fu Xialiang said:
"Second brother, this is what my senior sister and I asked for. It can be regarded as the other party's compensation. Anyway, they are not short of this thing. We didn't spend any money."

Yang Xiuming also asked: "Old Fu, what do you mean?
What are you doing preparing the five-element set for us, use it on yourself, life-saving is the most important thing. "

Fu Xialiang sighed and said:
"I've prepared everything I can."

"Trials are life and death, in case I die there like my fourth brother.

There is only the eldest brother and the second brother left in this world.

When the time comes, you will depend on each other and live well, don't forget me!

So I will prepare this five-element set for you, lest without me, you will not be able to get together the Dao Armament! "

For a while, the three of them were silent...

(End of this chapter)

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