Dao Shaohua

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Yang Xiuming said: "Old Wei's death is undeserved, so, old Fu, our brothers will never let you die!"

Zhang Yue also said: "Yes, even if you put your head on the ground, you have to fight for your life.

Xia Liang, the second brother also wants to protect you to survive! "

Fu Xialiang burst into tears, and then said: "Let's not talk about this, the senior sister sent a spiritual object from heaven and earth.

Let's practice the "Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lamp Method". "

Senior Sister Linglong sent a heaven and earth spiritual object.

The fourth-order spiritual gold, the four-day Taixuan gold.

This spiritual gold is very mysterious, and it was produced in an abyss in the cave world, the subsidiary dimension of the powerful monk.

In the beginning, it was the first-order spiritual object, the Tiantaixuanjin, and the huge hole in the abyss, in which endless spiritual energy floated up, forming an air current, and blowing the Tiantiantaixuanjin to the sky.

One day, Taixuanjin was extremely light in weight, like flying catkins, located at the first layer of clouds in the void, floating in the sky.

They absorb the endless aura of the cave sky, and one day Taixuanjin begins to evolve, the body becomes bigger, the weight remains the same, and it falls from the sky into the abyss.

Then, the spiritual energy from the abyss was blown into the sky, and this time it entered the second layer of clouds.

Absorbing spiritual energy, the body becomes bigger, the weight remains the same, and it turns into the second-day Taixuan gold, becoming a second-order spiritual object.

Here it falls, blows again!
By analogy, the quadruple evolution, when it reaches the quadruple cloud, the four-day taixuan gold will take shape.

In an instant, it was as light as a feather, and gradually became heavier, falling from the air little by little.

In the abyss, it changed from flying catkins to a metal iron ball, only the size of a fist, but weighed exactly 360 catties. This is the fourth-order spiritual gold and the four-day taixuan gold.

There is also a four-day Taixuan gold, which has not formed, and continues to blow up and down like this, with seven ups and downs, and finally becomes the seventh-order spiritual gold and the seven-day Taixuan gold.

According to legend, the highest is the Nine Heavens Taixuan Gold, a ninth-order spiritual object, priceless!
The Heaven and Earth Spirit Gold was specially requested by Fu Xialiang, because among the three, Zhang Yue belonged to the gold department, so he chose this Heaven and Earth Spirit Gold on purpose.

This item is very precious, if you buy it yourself, you can't buy 30 spirit stones at all.

With this spiritual object of heaven and earth, you can practice the "Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lamp Method"

Among the 99 secret methods of Xianqin in "Five Elements and Heaven's Heart Lamp Method", it ranks 84th and is known as the strongest puppet technique.

It can condense the puppet of breathing primordial earth, summon the giant of samadhi fire, create the dharma body of one element of water, refine the ultimate purple diamond, and transform into a taiyi puppet of ten thousand bodies.

These five puppets are the strongest five-element puppets in the world of cultivating immortals.

This method has been refined to the extreme, transforming oneself into a puppet, and ascending to the fairy world.

The three of Fu Xialiang started their first practice, setting up a magic circle, and laying down the heaven and earth spiritual objects in the center of the four-day Taixuanjin.

Silently running the true energy, driving the dharma decision, chanting the dharma mantra, and urging the original force, Fu Xialiang began to release the five elements, heaven and heart lamp method.

"The mortal world refines the furnace, and all living beings lead the fire of karma.

How fearful life and death are, life is at stake in the morning dew.

The five elements and heavenly hearts are on fire, and the purple gold body is extremely sharp!
Show me, the ultimate purple diamond. "

But when the true essence moved, the qi and blood rolled, but nothing appeared.

Spellcast failed.

But Fu Xialiang didn't care, the three of them continued to fit together and continued to cast spells.

After casting spells again and again and failing again and again, Fu Xialiang never gave up. After countless times, suddenly his heart moved, inspired by the voice of his heart, he shouted:

"The mortal world refines the furnace, and all living beings lead to karmic fire..."

Immediately, Fu Xialiang felt his body and mind move, and all the true energy in his body was absorbed crazily, and gathered on the heaven and earth spirit gold.

But it wasn't enough, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue joined immediately, injecting all their true energy.

A lot of true energy gathered on the spirit gold of that day.

The four-day taixuan gold suddenly dissolved automatically and turned into a bright lamp.

When the lamp is fully formed, it emits colorful strong light, transforms into countless primordial powers, and arouses the resonance of the heaven and the earth. Suddenly, there is a spell in the void:
"Congenital Qi, five elements of gold essence, up to Qingming, down to Jiuyou, endless and endless, shattered infinitely.

Watch and listen back, keep your breath and adjust your breath, don't deceive your heart, all gods gather together, don't shake their essence, three flowers gather on the top, five qi return to their roots, return to purple and embrace yellow, empty rooms give birth to white...

Entering is the Tao, leaving is the Dharma, the Dharma does not exist at all, only the spirits exist, when one thought arrives, all spirits will listen to it..."

With the sound of the mantra, the golden lamp transformed by the Four Heavenly Taixuan Gold suddenly changed into a golden giant, fully three feet tall, standing in front of Fu Xialiang.

This golden giant, the ultimate purple vajra, possesses supreme divine power, destroying everything in the world.

He seemed to glance left and right, took a deep breath, bowed slightly to Fu Xialiang, and said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense:
"Thank you fellow daoist for alchemy, I have returned to this world."

Fu Xialiang looked at the extreme purple king kong, and countless spiritual senses were transmitted into his brain:
"Purple King Kong of the Extreme Way, I am that, and that is me. I was born in that body, transformed into the world, and became the Purple King Kong of the Extreme Way, following the inheritance of Taibai Jinxing..."

Spiritual consciousness came slowly, that the extreme purple King Kong is the avatar of Fu Xialiang.

After metamorphosis, it becomes a puppet body and automatically receives the blood inheritance of Taibai Jinxing. It can be said to be a strange creature, or Fu Xialiang's incarnation outside the body, but it will never betray Fu Xialiang.

This extreme purple diamond, the three-foot body is just an illusion, and it began to take shape slowly with Fu Xialiang's body.

The body became smaller and smaller, and finally grew taller with Fu Xialiang. The original golden battle body also gradually dimmed and became more solid.

In the end, the Taoist robe appeared on his body, and his facial features transformed, just like Fu Xialiang.

After the ultimate purple diamond was transformed, it suddenly flashed and turned into a little golden light, which poured into the center of Fu Xialiang's forehead and eyebrows.

It immediately penetrated into Fu Xialiang's body, causing endless pain.

Fu Xialiang gritted his teeth and persisted. After a full hundred breaths, a golden lamp birthmark resembling a tattoo appeared on his forehead.

At first glance, the golden lamp birthmark is just an ordinary lamp birthmark, which looks like a burning oil lamp.

But as long as you look carefully, you can see that this lamp is a pentagonal rhombus lamp with countless stripes on it, showing a mysterious color.

If you zoom in and look carefully again after casting the spell, you will find that the patterns that make up the heart lamp are all made up of countless mantras and French.

These incantations and French are full of the appearance of the great law of the world, containing endless energy, as if they are still constantly rotating, converging into the appearance of this heart lamp.

One corner of the five-pointed golden lamp seemed to be lit, and that was where the Extreme Path Purple King Kong was.

Fu Xialiang was overjoyed, at first he thought it was just a clone puppet.

But I don't want to, this clone puppet not only has its own wisdom and ideas, but also has its own inheritance of skills.


never heard before?But it looks great!
Feeling silently, this inheritance can cultivate all kinds of gold-type magical powers, can transform into various gold-type magical weapons, can change various kinds of gold-type war spirits, and can fit together with Fu Xialiang...

Once born, it has its own wisdom, and can gradually become stronger over time, refining various combat magical powers by itself.

As long as he is not completely destroyed by a powerful enemy, or Fu Xialiang detonates himself, he will grow up little by little.

With the increase of time and the increase of the number of battles, it will become stronger a little bit, and finally it will deploy the golden light array of the Ten Absolute Arrays to destroy everything.

As for Zhang Yue's possession of the Extreme Purple King Kong, it is completely trivial, just a small part of many magical powers,

If the Jidao Purple King Kong is completely destroyed, it will take a month before it can be summoned again.

But the skills and supernatural powers accumulated in the practice will disappear, and everything will start all over again.

Fu Xialiang can also cultivate the magical powers mastered by Jidao Purple King Kong, and if he inherits them like this, he can even establish a sect.

And this is only the metal system method of the Five Elements Heavenly Heart Lamp Method, and it does not involve the other four systems of the Five Elements Heavenly Heart Lamp Method.

There are also many magic arts that the five elements generate and restrain each other, and complement each other, which is only one of the most basic five elements. If the five elements are complete, how powerful this inheritance will be, I can't believe it.

In an instant, Fu Xialiang shouted, "Jin Lai!"

Boom, the clone appeared, and then the clone trembled, and Zhang Yue entered his body.

The two of them looked at each other and laughed.

It's a pity that if you want to activate the second puppet of the Five Elements Heaven Heart Lamp Technique, the three of them will show up at the same time, but now it won't work. At least Fu Xialiang has to be promoted to Foundation Establishment to activate the second puppet.

Moreover, the second heaven and earth spiritual object must be of the fifth rank, which is one rank higher than the Purple King Kong of the Extreme Path.

The third puppet, the spiritual object needs to be of the sixth order, and so on.

In addition, between Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue, this method cannot be passed on. You need to obtain the spiritual objects of heaven and earth and practice alone.

But Yang Xiuming and Yang Xiuming were also happy with such a powerful Xianqin Secret Art. Yang Xiuming said:
"The next step is to cultivate the meaning of "Mysterious Ji Wuguang Yushu Lei".

Make our own strength the strongest! "

Fu Xialiang said: "Then come on, I am good at this!"

He is really good at this, and he can go a long way through cultivation.

In fact, Fu Xialiang has practiced "Mystery Without Light and Jade Shulei" for a long time, and has already started.

Now that he is practicing hard, the three of them will work together to quickly cultivate this mysterious lightless Yushu Lei to the point of entering the room.

Endless practice, practice makes perfect, in order to obtain powerful power.

Three days before the trial, Fu Xialiang felt his whole body shake.

Endless aura tumbling, the whole body is extremely comfortable!
"Tiangang is real, the thunder is ordering, Yushu is thundering, and the mystery has no light."

So far, "Mysterious Ji Wuguang Yu Shu Lei" has been practiced, and Fa Yi Lei An is born.

Lei An, since there is no light!
At this point everything is ready!
(End of this chapter)

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