Dao Shaohua

Chapter 184 Taishang Chijing, Tengu Transformation

Chapter 184 Taishang Chijing, Tengu Transformation

It's good to have acquaintances, it's better than being surrounded by a group of old grandpas and grandma.

Seeing Fu Xialiang come here, Chao Tianjiao was also very happy, he was already surrounded by people and almost found a crack in the ground.

The two began to have an awkward chat without saying a word.

No matter what you say, as long as you are not embarrassed, you are not afraid of anything!
However, Fu Xialiang felt that this kid was dishonest.

Chao Tianjiao kept many things hidden and did not elaborate.

Fu Xialiang knows all these things from her senior sister, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you either.

During this process, old monks came here one by one.

Soon there were five to six hundred people in the hall.

There are also three young monks here.

Fu Xialiang didn't know them, they were all the elites of the sect, it could be seen that they were very extraordinary and imposing.

Chao Tianjiao knew one of them, and he seemed to have some grievances with this person, so he didn't talk to him.

The other party didn't pay attention to the two of them, but their positions were arranged together, in the core of the hall.

More monks continued to come here, and soon another acquaintance came over.

Ancient Taoist Ancient Taoist Mausoleum!
They were very happy to see Chao Tianjiao and Fu Xialiang. His seat was also here, and everyone sat together.

It can be seen that his realm of refining Qi is perfect, but it is also stimulated by external forces such as pills.

This is also specially prepared for this trial.

The Five Elements Tengu Trial, in the process, can improve the potential of the five elements of the body, which is of great significance to Chao Tianjiao.

So gradually the hall was filled with monks.

Among them were nine young monks. Fu Xialiang knew Chao Tianjiao and Gu Daoling, while the other six did not know each other.

The other party didn't want to know him, and basically didn't talk to him.

In addition to their nine young men, there were 120 blood-filled monks in the hall.

These guys came in together.

They are either middle-aged or elderly. To be precise, they are not monks, but Taoists.

Among the sects, they are cultivated with secret methods, to put it bluntly, they participate in the trials, come to die, and pollute the opponent with blood.

Not to mention that Chao Tianjiao and his group of young people ignored them, those old monks also looked down on them.

There were more than 600 old monks left, both men and women, some sat there dumbfounded, and some chatted about the past in small groups.

Fu Xialiang has been here for a full three hours without any movement.

One thing is very good here, in front of everyone, good wine, good tea, good meat and good food, as long as you want to eat, you can have anything.

It's the equivalent of a decapitated meal, a good meal.

Fu Xialiang was not too polite, and he started to eat. He could eat ten people by himself, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

Suddenly, there was a soft beep.

I saw a female cultivator walking over slowly.

She is dressed in a blue silk robe, simple clothes, elegant demeanor, slender and graceful figure, beautiful facial features, long hair casually pulled into a bun and fixed with a white jade hairpin.

Some of the old monks knew each other, and some saluted immediately:
"Meet the ancestor!"

"I have seen Lord Zhenjun!"

Among the sects, those who refine Qi and establish foundations and see Yuan Ying are all respected as patriarchs.

But there are also old monks who don't even look at her, they are going to die, no matter who you are.

The female cultivator smiled and said: "I am the Supreme Daoist, the song of the red sun, Yuanying Zhenjun Cui Linqing! I have met all the fellow Taoists!"

The red sun is singing, this is the title of heaven and earth!
The other party was Yuanying Zhenjun Cui Linqing, and he saluted first, which was already a great deal of face.

She saluted like this, and immediately all the monks present stood up and returned the salute.

"Meet the ancestor!"

Cui Linqing smiled and said: "This time, you are serving the sect and participating in the catastrophic trial of a narrow escape.

I am proud of you, proud! "

Immediately, a group of old monks replied: "Thank you, Patriarch!"

This is the Zongmen program. Although these old monks are not strong enough, the program is clear.

Fu Xialiang and the others quickly followed suit.

He peeked at Cui Linqing vigorously.

This is Nascent Soul True Monarch!

The most Fu Xialiang sees is the master's Jindan real person. This kind of Yuanying Zhenjun can only be seen from a distance in the grand ceremony.

Because they don't want you to see him, what you see forever is a phantom, and you can't see anything.

This was the case last time in the Martial Arts Field.

Cui Linqing is amiable here, saying every sentence...

"This time you are not only fighting for our Taishang Dao, but also for your future generations, and even for all mankind!
The Five Elements Heavenly Dog, cruel and heartless, attacked me too much, an unforgivable crime..."

After talking for a while, I finally got to the point.

"The five-element tengu family has more than ten thousand branches, and the five elements have different attributes. They are named after dogs, dogs, and mastiffs...

Among them, the Five Elements Tengu is the royal family and controls all the dog clans.

The Five Elements Tengu master the mighty power of the Five Elements. They claim to be descendants of real dragons. They are very powerful and should not be underestimated.

This is not nonsense, above the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs, it is said that there is a family of Jiugang Tianlong, who is the Supreme Emperor of the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs.

This kind of Jiugang Tianlong is a mutation of the Five Elements Tiangou, but it is the blood of the real dragon!
This time, among the dog clans that participated in the trial, we made a deadly investigation, among which 31 clans of dogs and mastiffs participated, 12 in number.

It can be confirmed that there are several major dog clans such as Sunburn, Lichen, Walking Flesh, Burying Shadow, Rotten Magnet, Wendi, Laughing Skull, Shining Gold, Xiaokong, Evil Tooth, Black Fang, and Silver Pine.

If you enter the blood cave of wild beasts in your current state, you will definitely die in less than half a day.

That's sending you to death, the sect will never let you die like this.

Therefore, the sect must have gifts! "

As soon as he said this, Fu Xialiang suddenly realized that Gu Daoling's eyes were sharp, and he came here for this gift.

Cui Linqing said again:
"This gift, bestowed by the sect, bestows on you the secret of the Supreme Dao, the transformation of the Tengu of the Supreme Chijing!"

Everyone was in an uproar, Taishang Chijing, what do you mean?
Yang Xiuming remembered that the one next to him in the ancient Taoist mausoleum did not practice the 33 Heavenly Jue of Taishang Dao, but he practiced the secret transmission of Taishang Tingfeng, which is outside of the Bajue of the main system of Taishang Dao.

Taishang Chijing and Taishang Tingfeng are both Taishang secrets!

Cui Linqing continued: "The Supreme Chi Jing, the innate essence of man!
With this transformation, the twelve true spirits, rats, cows, tigers, rabbits...

Five Elements Tengu is one of them!

At this point, you will transform into one of the five-element tengu dog clan and enter the trial. If the chance coincides, you will absorb the blood of other dog clans and evolve into the five-element tengu.

It is even possible to break through the Five Elements Heavenly Dog and be promoted to the Nine Gangs Heavenly Dragon!

This method is taught to you. If you survive the catastrophe, no matter how weak your body is or how broken your spirit is, you can increase your lifespan by 36 years by transforming with this method! "

As soon as these words were said, all the old monks were boiling.

They are all about to die, and there is a spell that can increase their lifespan by 36 years, how can they not be excited.

In fact, many people came here to fight for these 36 years.

Cui Linqing ignored them and continued
"I invite Grand Master Hanshan Zhenzun to pass on the Dharma!"

True Venerable, this is the True Venerable of the God of Transformation, and it is actually the God of Transformation who spread the Dharma in this way.

However, the so-called Hanshan Huashen True Venerable did not arrive at all, but a stream of light appeared in the hall.

"Listen to the truth, today's affairs, today's law, no matter whether you have passed the trial or not, don't reveal a little bit to the outside world, otherwise, I will kill you!"

No wonder the senior sisters didn't say anything about it. It turns out that there is such an oath and they can't say it.

Everyone saluted and said: "Respect the decree of the Dharma!"

"Okay, swear with me!"

"I swear by the Styx here..."

"I cultivate Taishang Chijing. I will never teach any spirit intentionally or unintentionally. If it is leaked, the Styx will prove it. The demon will be punished by the sky. The self will destroy itself.

Everyone immediately followed him and shouted:
Both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue shouted together!
"I swear by the Styx here..."

(End of this chapter)

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