Dao Shaohua

Chapter 185 Big Dog Thunder Mastiff, Chixu Axis

Chapter 185 Big Dog Thunder Mastiff, Chixu Axis

"I swear by the Styx here..."

All the people swore an oath with True Venerable Han Shan, and suddenly they were in a trance, and a Dharma door was injected into their bodies.

With the infusion of this method, they all began to cultivate themselves in the dark.

It's no wonder that Huashen Zhenzun was invited to teach the Dharma, because this Dharma is really powerful, and teaching the Dharma will become the Dharma.

It is not necessary for them to practice, just let them master this method directly.

Suddenly someone yelled, instantly tore off the white robe on his body, and transformed into a dog.

To be precise, it is a half-human, half-dog kobold, with hands and feet, but they are all dog limbs, with a bowed body, and a huge dog head on its head, as if cast in bronze, extremely hard, dog teeth are like knives, extremely sharp.

Cui Linqing said slowly:
"That's right, after completing Taishang Chijing's cultivation, he will be promoted to the Five Elements Heavenly Dog and Bronze Headed Dog Clan."

This is a copper-headed dog, which belongs to one of the many dog ​​families of the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs, but it is the lowest existence.

Someone also transformed into a dog family that seemed to be made up of shadows, but it was not a kobold, but a ferocious big dog. Suddenly, it entered the shadow and disappeared.

Cui Linqing said:
"Okay, this is the Burial Dog Clan, with them participating in this trial, you have three points more vitality than others.

However, because the Five Elements Tengu basically exists in the form of a kobold, the dog clans under the Five Elements Tengu's tent will all turn into the Five Elements Tengu form.

You, the original ecology, must quickly master the transformation and become the half-human, half-dog form of the Five Elements Tengu. . "

Some people completed their transformation one after another, and Cui Linqing said again:

"The Five Elements Tengu have several forms, but the most common is the Kobold.

The outer body is similar to our human race, but generally shorter than our human race!

Among the five elements of tengu, the male is the most respected, and the female is no more than an ant.

But the female of the Five Elements Tengu is similar in appearance to our human women to some extent.

Everyone remember, don't be deceived by the female of the Five Elements Tengu! "

Everyone was transforming, but Fu Xialiang insisted silently.

Under this decision, various dog clan forms appeared.

There are scorching dog clan whose whole body is red like a raging fire, there are flesh-and-blood mastiff clan with huge body but hairless like piled up muscles, and there are pestilent dog clan whose whole body is rotten like countless pus...

The images of thousands of dogs appeared in Fu Xialiang's mind, as long as he chooses one, he can transform.

But these, he did not fancy, did not meet his requirements.

If it can be done in one step, it would be great to be promoted to the Five Elements Heavenly Dog!
But how is this possible?

Suddenly the image of a big dog appeared, as if the dog was made up of thunder. In fact, Fu Xialiang had seen it once, last time in the ghost cave, when three fellow disciples attacked him, the summoned thunder summoned the spirit.

That was the first time I met my eldest brother and second brother.

Fu Xialiang smiled knowingly, and in an instant, he changed into this big dog like thunder.

This is not a dog, this is a mastiff!

The magao dog is called Ao, the crab with big feet is called Claw, the big tortoise is called Ao, and the fierce dog is called Mastiff.

Suddenly Thunder Mastiff stood up, and transformed from a giant dog into a half-human, half-dog Five Elements Tengu form!
So far free your hands and feet.

Even though the Thunder Mastiff is of the Lightning type, it is formed from the transformation of the Five Elements and the Three Elements of Water, Wood, and Gold, and is still in the sequence of the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs.

Cui Linqing frowned and said:

"Thunder Mastiff? Not bad!"

Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "Thank you, Patriarch, for your compliment!"

In his "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation Heart Jue", there is an extra line of words in the category of exercises and the meaning of the law.

Transformation: Thunder Mastiff

At this time, Fu Xialiang understood why Chao Tianjiao called him a dog. It turned out that it was really a dog who turned into a dog...

Everyone present transformed into various dog clans one by one, but there was one person who hadn't transformed for a long time.

It was Chao Tianjiao, the fanatic of the Five Elements. Suddenly, he roared and turned into a dog man.

Looking at this dog man, there is nothing special about it, it is ordinary, but it has a sense of nature.

But Master Han Shan was shocked, he stretched out his hand, Chao Tianjiao was taken away by him, and Master Han Shan disappeared.

What is this for?
Cui Linqing said slowly:
"This, this seems to be the Five Elements Heavenly Dog..."

Her voice became envious.

"This fellow Taoist transformed into a five-element dog directly, so there is no need for trials, the sect has other tasks!"

Whatever task, protect it directly, promote it and reuse it, and don't need to participate in the trial.

Everyone was speechless, only envy remained.

Cui Linqing said again:
"Okay, everyone has transformed successfully, let's move on to the next item, please invite Patriarch Chixu Wheel Shaft Huo Wufan to prepare time and space travel marks for everyone!"

This is another true god of transformation, but this one has the title of heaven and earth, while the true master of Hanshan just now does not have the title of heaven and earth.

The Chixu Wheel Axle sounds like it is related to space.

Sure enough, Huo Wufan, the true god of transformation, didn't have his real body here, but a clone, and then turned into many brilliance and injected them into everyone's bodies.

This is the mark of time and space. As long as the other party starts the trial, the mark of time and space will send everyone to the place of trial.

Wait until the trial is over, and then use the space-time mark to pull everyone back.

The imprint was completed quickly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Cui Linqing said:
"All that's left is to wait. Everyone hurry up and familiarize yourself with your dog clan transformation. In addition, just tell me what you want to eat, everyone eat and drink well!"

Everyone is speechless!

After transforming, Fu Xialiang found that her taste also changed accordingly.

My sense of smell seems to be more than ten times more sensitive, and I can smell many smells that I couldn't smell before. Just like vision, smell forms a sensory system by itself.

As for what he wanted to eat, what he wanted most was big bones, the more chewy the better.

Everyone is waiting here, and the Tengu trial depends on other people's time.

Everyone is wearing a white robe again, or each of them is light and willow, so it doesn't look too ugly.

Fu Xialiang chewed hundreds of catties of spirit beast bones with a click, it was so satisfying to eat.

In this way, we waited for another three hours.

While eating the bones, Fu Xialiang noticed that the seat seemed to change quietly.

Some are sent to the periphery, others are entered inside.

But the innermost one is Fu Xialiang, Gu Daoling, and six other young monks.

After sitting for such a long time, I chatted a few words casually, so that everyone can get to know each other.

Zihuan Dao, Ye Zhiqiu, Wang Fengkuang, Xi Chen, Huang Cui, Hu Duanyue!

They are the real elites of the sect, and Fu Xialiang was only able to refine Qi at the fourth level when they had achieved great perfection.

After chatting for a while, suddenly, Cui Linqing appeared and looked at everyone.

Everyone immediately knew that the trial had begun!

They came up one after another, tearing off their white robes, all of them were kobolds, waiting silently.

Cui Linqing looked at them and said slowly:

"From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite."

The Taishang Daoshi number means that the critical moment has arrived!

All are responding!

"From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite."

Cui Linqing nodded slightly, and said, "I wish you all peace and tranquility, and good fortune in martial arts!"

Then in a flash, everyone disappeared here, started time-space teleportation, and left this sea of ​​stars!

(End of this chapter)

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