Dao Shaohua

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

In a flash, time and space teleportation.

This teleportation is exactly the same as the last trip to Taiyizong.

Fu Xialiang felt that she had entered a rotating channel.

Countless black and white scenes flew by quickly.

A black and white scene is a world of time and space. The passage is composed of endless worlds. Everything seems like a dream, but there is a feeling that the body is about to explode and die.

This time without the help of Daoist Xiyan, but soon Fu Xialiang found that he was used to teleportation, it's no big deal!
The strength of all three of them has improved, so there is no problem.

I just don't know what the wild beast blood cave looks like.

Suddenly time and space stagnate, and the front changes, Fu Xialiang knows that he has teleported to the destination!

Boom, a world appeared.

It looked like a normal world in the past, and everyone fell like a meteor and was sent into the sky and the earth.

However, this world seems to be limited, only some monks can enter, and many meteors hit the edge of this world.

One by one, they smashed into pieces, turned into thousands of blood, and merged into the world.

It depends on where everyone was before teleportation.

People in core positions like Fu Xialiang landed safely, and those in peripheral positions basically crashed to death directly.

It's no wonder that after everyone turned into a dog clan, their positions quietly and automatically adjusted.

Like a copper-headed dog man, worthless and sure to die, Fu Xialiang just arranged for him to crash and die.

The monks entered the world one by one, and Fu Xialiang stared at him with relief. Only 350 people entered the world.

At the time of departure, a total of 820 seven people were directly entering the world, and most of them died.

Of those Dao soldiers, not a single one remained, all of them died while entering the world.

The meaning of their existence may be like this.

The void fell, and Fu Xialiang looked carefully at the ground.

Under the eyes of the sky, the world seems to be composed of eight terrains.

There are forests, grasslands, hills, deserts, lakes, swamps, and even a snow mountain.

And the center of the world is a plain, on which there is a huge temple.

Is there perhaps the temple where the black-headed dog god resides?
Just as he was about to continue checking, Fu Xialiang had landed on the ground with a bang. He landed on a piece of grass. The grass was as tall as a person and stretched as far as the eye could see.

Fu Xialiang's whole body is red and white, without an inch of cloth, but it is not a human figure, but a kobold covered in thunder.

Thunder Mastiff transforms!

He looked to the sky, which was his main concern.

In the void, three full moons hung alternately in the sky. Apart from the full moons, there were also many stars.

On the grassland, although it is not bright, the moonlight is also bright.

But Fu Xialiang smiled, ecstatically.

"Brother, there is night here!"

This is what they are most afraid of, afraid that there will be no night in this barren beast blood cave.

Although there is a moon here, and the moonlight is very bright, but there is no fear at night, Yang Xiuming's Night Demon is still useful.

Yang Xiuming felt silently, and said: "Under the light and the dust, our night assimilation is still there. Although the effect is a little worse, there is no problem!"

All three are ecstatic!

Yang Xiuming's dark night perception, with him as the center, within a diameter of three miles, is all in his heart.

There was no human monk left in Sanli, and he was the only one here.

Zhang Yue stretched out his hand suddenly, and a brilliance appeared in Fu Xialiang's hand, like a sharp sword.

Miracle Sanyang Kaitai!
Zhang Yue felt it silently, and said, "Okay, it's not weaker than the third-order Excalibur. I haven't scrapped it, so I can fight!"

Fu Xialiang flicked the skin of her arm, felt it silently, and said:

"The Dao is armed without moving mountains and seas, there is no problem."

Under the protection of armed forces on the avenue, keep out the cold, resist corruption, resist spells, clean, avoid dust, and gather spirits...

It is more effective than any robes!
Fu Xialiang operated the method silently, feeling the thunder appearing outside her body, and her battle formation thunder method, "Zi Wu's mighty universe thunder" and "Mysterious Ji Wuguang Yushu thunder" are all fine.

"Hahaha, we have night, sword, armor, and thunder, and we are not afraid of anyone!
However, it is impossible for the three of them to be one, to use the Supreme Way to teleport here, to return to their original body, and to leave whenever they want.

Only when the task is completed and the teleportation is carried back to the starting point by means of the Supreme Dao can one return to oneself.

The three nodded, and Zhang Yue asked, "What should we do now?"

Yang Xiuming also asked: "Old Master, did your senior sisters say what to do after entering the world?"

"They have some suggestions, it's nothing more than how to avoid it, and stick to it until the end.

Let's not waver, the first step is to explore the topography of the world, and first take advantage of the geographical advantage.

Then wait for the night, occupy the time of day, and then kill the Quartet! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "That's easy, what are you waiting for? Run!"

After speaking, they ran wildly.

Running so wildly, with Zhang Yue threatening people, Fu Xialiang plundering tourists, and Yang Xiuming's night assimilation, coupled with his eyesight, he runs fast and is familiar with the terrain.

Not only the ground, but also the underground is familiar, and the entire terrain is systematically recorded in their minds.

All the hidden tunnels, burrows, and spiritual veins are not to be pulled.

After running for five miles, Yang Xiuming directed his body to turn around and rushed to the side.

Came to a grass, a mess, bloody.

Looking over, Yang Xiuming said, "This is an old monk who came with us. I remember he transformed into a mountain dog clan."

Zhang Yue checked and said, "It was eaten by a dog, and the traces are still there?"

He meant to chase after it.

The corpse decayed rapidly and gradually dissipated.

Without any hesitation, Fu Xialiang said, "Chase!"

Zhang Yue immediately began to chase, and chased for three miles, and in Yang Xiuming's night sense, he suddenly found a giant dog.

This giant dog looks exactly like a meat gada, with a size of three feet.

Here is a dog, here is an elephant!

The meat mastiff family, someone turned into this meat mastiff family during the transformation.

But compared with others, the old monk is just a pug, and there is no comparison at all.

Yang Xiuming sensed the other party and looked here.

The Meat Mastiff is a wood-type spirit dog among the five elements, with the most powerful muscles and a super strong sense of smell.

Although Yang Xiuming's assimilation in the night is harmonious with the light, he was still weak under the moonlight, and was immediately sniffed out by the other party.

Suddenly, the meat mastiffs rushed towards this side, heading straight for Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang glanced at it, and instantly handed over his body to Zhang Yue, and he went to meet the meat mastiff!

One person, one dog, approaching quickly!

The body of the walking mastiff has skyrocketed, and the infinite muscles have turned into the only one, and all of them are concentrated and exploded at 100% in an instant.

On it, infinite vitality appeared and turned into a ray of light, which was as strong as the sun, protecting it.

Suddenly, a phantom of the Meat Mastiff appeared on its back. Under this phantom, the entire Meat Mastiff seemed to grow bigger again, with a full five-foot figure. This is a supernatural power and soul transformation!
But Zhang Yue didn't change at all, it was still the same, but there was a long sword made of three feet of light in his hand.

In an instant, the two collided!
Zhang Yue just flashed, there was no collision, he shifted shape, and he was already behind the walking mastiff.

The Meat Mastiff pounced, tearing the enemy apart, but all of a sudden, it seemed like everything was in chaos.

The sword intent is chaotic, and "Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea" breaks through the magical powers and soul changes of the meat mastiff clan.

With the movement of the sword light, under the Kaitai of Sanyang, the supernatural power of the meat mastiff clan was broken away.

Under the aura of the sword, "Zhenjiang Danghai Luoyunxia" cut open the skin and flesh of the meat mastiff, entered its flesh, and broke its muscles and bones...

It's like a Pao Ding solving an ox!
With a crash, the meat mastiff turned into a pile of meat and fell to the ground, dead!

(End of this chapter)

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