Dao Shaohua

Chapter 188

Chapter 188 The three caves of the cunning rabbit, the right time and place (fifth watch, ask for a monthly ticket)
After killing the golden dog, Fu Xialiang cut off more than ten catties of meat and trained it into bacon.

Soon the body of the golden dog dissipated, and Zhang Yue nodded and said:

"I also absorbed a trace of Qi and blood, the wild beast blood cave is really evil."

Yang Xiuming said: "I also absorbed it, everyone has a share!"

"Of course, this is one of the thirteen great adventures.

The wild beast blood cave can change fate against the sky and break the shackles of all races. Even the weakest ant and cockroach can evolve into a real dragon and titan in this process.

Legend has it that in the second ancient era of the Archaic period, the civilization of giant beasts controlled the world by relying on the bloody caves of wild beasts.

However, at that time it was called the Giant Beast's Spiritual Cave, and the current Wild Beast's Blood Cave is the weakest one at that time, and it is difficult for the real Giant Beast's Spiritual Cave to survive until now. "

Yang Xiuming asked: "Era? How many years ago was the second era of ancient times, the Archaic Era?"

"Brother, this cannot be calculated, it has to be counted in billions.

Each era represents the restart of the universe, the re-establishment of earth, fire, feng shui, and the end of the world. "

Yang Xiuming grinned and said, "Then what era are we in now?"

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said:

"According to the records of Bu Yanzong, we are now the No.13 era, the era of immortals.

This era almost came to an end due to the collapse of Xianqin, the Earth Fire Feng Shui was re-established, and the universe restarted.

However, it is said that Xianqin sacrificed himself at the last moment, saved our era, and continued for another 300 million years. "

As he said that, a group of dogs appeared in front of him.

There are hundreds of them, like an army formation, marching in an orderly manner.

Seeing these dogs, Fu Xialiang said: "Black Fang!
Avoid this one. "

Zhang Yue took a look and said, "This is a battle formation. Hundreds of dogs are like one body. It is very troublesome to fight. Avoid."

Yang Xiuming left the body of the Purple King Kong and returned to the Trinity.

"The Jidao Purple King Kong is put away first, and then released during battle."

Fu Xialiang nodded, and put away the extreme purple diamond.

When Jidao Purple King Kong was put away, he let out a long sigh, as if he was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

Then Fu Xialiang proceeded carefully, avoiding the group of black-toothed dogs.

"What are they doing?"

"Black Fang gathered in the large army, and this time 12 dog clans, 31 tribes, entered the game.

After entering the world, they will all gather together and start to cast out ghosts. "

Yang Xiuming asked, "Outlaws? Us?"

"Yes, Anne must fight against the outside world!
After dealing with us outside ghosts, they started to kill each other.

In the end, dozens of them died, absorbing countless blood energy, turning into Five Elements Tengu, and ending the trial. "

"I see!"

"let's go!"

The three walked quickly to check the terrain.

After walking for a while, I encountered two groups of dogs fighting.

There were dozens of them, and when they met each other, they went to war without saying a word.

The battle was quick, and while losing, the immediately defeated Gouzi fled in all directions, leaving behind a dozen corpses.

Those victorious dogs began to devour the corpses of their opponents, and they didn't even spare the corpses of their own clansmen who died in battle.

Yang Xiuming and the others shook their heads and turned to avoid it. They didn't want to fight yet.

Analyze and research as you go!
"In the valley here, you can make an ambush battle, and then leave quickly with the help of the side waterway."

"This high mountain can set up a magic circle, at least it can kill a group of dogs."

"This swamp is good, here it is!"

After searching for a long time, Fu Xialiang found a swamp.

He immediately began to cast a spell, a small spell like cleansing flesh and blood.

Transform the ground as you like, the soil will automatically separate, and a small channel will appear.

The passage twisted and turned, kept going downwards, and finally stopped at a depth of twenty feet under the swamp.

Then continue to divide the soil to form a small cave.

He continued to use small spells to turn mud into stone, completely turning the cave into a stone mansion, which was extremely solid.

"In the swamp, there are countless smells, which can cover our smell, so that these dogs can't find our lair.

Here we can practice, rest, and avoid the opponent's early exorcism. "

This is also the experience of the teachers and sisters.

Both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue nodded.

This underground cave is not big, only one foot in radius.

Fu Xialiang got busy again, creating three exit passages in different directions, all of which were hidden.

When everything was ready, Fu Xialiang cast another small spell.

"Break off your luck, and temporarily close your own luck so far. Although there won't be any good luck, there won't be any bad luck either."

"In this world, the black-headed dog god is the ruler. Whether it's good luck or bad luck, he will use this to lock us in, and then reveal all kinds of news, attracting dogs to surround and kill us. Only by cutting off luck can we avoid it." Open the attention of the black-headed dog god."

After cutting off his luck, Fu Xialiang returned to the cave, where he used mud as a furnace, and then turned the mud into a stone furnace to refine a batch of stone pots and bowls, and even a set of tea sets.

Grill those bacon on the stove.

Among them, the fire was ignited in the void, and the spiritual energy gathered water, making a pot of dog meat soup.

These are the twelve little spells taught by the senior sisters, which are very valuable. After a while, the barbecue is cooked and the dog soup is boiling.

Fu Xialiang started to eat, one person ate and three people enjoyed it, it tasted good.

Yang Xiuming calculated silently, and then said:

"Next time you fight, collect more bacon.

Otherwise, the three of us would not have enough to eat. "

Although Fu Xialiang ate alone, he now has enough food for three people.

"Yes, got it."

After completing a cave, Fu Xialiang did not end, so he continued to search.

In other places one after another, small caves were refined.

After preparing seven more caves, he said:
"Sly Rabbit Three Caves, these should be enough!"

After working almost half the night, Yang Xiuming said:
"Let's go, let's continue to explore the terrain."

The three of them acted again.

Along the way, we encountered dog clans one after another.

If there is only one dog family, they will kill them immediately to make bacon.

This time, I met a dog family, and it turned out to be a gold glitter dog.

But Zhang Yue smiled, shook his head and said, "This is not a dog, this is a human being."

Fu Xialiang looked at it, smiled, and said, "Yes!"

When the three of them appeared in front of each other, the Golden Glitter Dog was shocked and wanted to run away.

But he immediately stopped and said, "Fellow Daoist? Taishang Qingjing..."

Sure enough, he was Taishangdao's companion.

Although they are all pretending to be dogs, they recognize each other when they meet.

Humans and dogs are still different, even if they have changed into the form of dogs, but a glance is false!

Don't say that you can hide it from the dog clan when you meet it, the human race can see through it at a glance...

Yang Xiuming recognized him, and he also recognized Yang Xiuming and the others...

"Wu Yun Heng Tong!"

"Fellow Daoists, are you looking for a shelter? Hurry up, it's almost dawn."

"We've already found it. We're just going out to walk around and familiarize ourselves with the terrain."

"That's fine, me too.

By the way, three hundred miles to the east, someone saw the traces of Moke Luocha.

Those guys are crazier than dogs. One of my companions died in their hands. Be careful. "

"Okay, I know!"

After chatting for a few words, the other party just left.

Here, the human monks mainly focus on evasion, and they don't gather if they can't gather. They didn't even leave a contact information, and the other party ran away.

Yang Xiuming nodded and continued to check the terrain.

Walking into a group of mountains, suddenly above the void, there was a cry of an eagle.

I saw a golden giant eagle, and in the void, started an air battle to confront the three flying winged dogs.

"Hey, why is there a flying eagle here?"

"Maybe they are the descendants of those great spirits? Send them here to condense their blood?"

The golden giant eagle was very powerful, within ten breaths, it tore the three flying dogs to pieces, and left proudly amidst the roar.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help but said: "It's so majestic!"

Zhang Yue said, "I'm envious!"

Fu Xialiang shook his head, looked at the sky, and said, "It's almost there, it's almost dawn!"

The three of them returned to the marsh cave with nearly a hundred catties of bacon on their backs, burrowed into the ground, and lurked!
(End of this chapter)

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