Dao Shaohua

Chapter 189 Abaddon, Son of the Cosmic Judge

Chapter 189 Abaddon, Son of the Judge of the Universe
It was getting dawn, so the three of them hid.

It's the same routine as the original Zongmen Grand Competition.

Fu Xialiang said: "Okay, let's rest."

Yang Xiuming said: "Go to sleep, I'll watch over."

Fu Xialiang said: "No need, no need this time, let's rest together."

After finishing speaking, he began to summon, and the Extreme Path Purple King Kong appeared.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm in trouble!"

Jidao Purple King Kong replied: "Where righteousness comes, life and death follow."

From now on, he will guard them, and the three of them can rest together.

Yang Xiuming nodded, this is very good.

Fu Xialiang tidied up, condensed the stone platform with mana, and rested here.

The avenue is armed without moving mountains and seas, and has many magical functions, such as automatic warmth preservation, self-cleaning, and no dust falling.

It is said to be resting, his body has completely entered a state of fetal breathing, as if he is not breathing.

This is also a small spell, the most powerful sense of smell and object-finding of the dog clan, the normal resting body, even if it is hidden so deep, it will definitely be discovered by the other party.

Therefore, it is necessary to rest in this state, just like a dead person.

With the physical body resting like this, Yang Xiuming's three souls are also in a state of sleep.

In fact, even if the three of them don't sleep, there is no problem.

But in this kind of trial, you must force yourself to rest and maintain your best condition at all times.

While Fu Xialiang was resting, Jidao Zijingang stood slowly, being vigilant.

The Jidao Purple King Kong is completely like pure gold, without any breath of life, let alone being discovered by the dog clan.

The three of them rested, and after three full hours of sleep, it was already over half a day.

At this point, the three woke up one by one, looking refreshed.

Fu Xialiang got up and started cooking.

It's still the old method, igniting fire in the void, gathering water with spiritual energy, and after a while, a big pot of dog meat soup is ready.

Eat a full meal and restore your energy.

Don't underestimate this bit of rest and maintenance, only in this way can you maintain the best physical strength and win the trial.

After thinking about it, Fu Xialiang made a move, and the Extreme Purple King Kong followed the passage, left here, and returned to the ground.

Fu Xialiang didn't move his body, and used his puppet clone to go out to explore the way and check the situation.

Fainted, Zhang Yue Fu Xia Liang came to the body of the extreme purple king kong.

Yang Xiuming is the housekeeper and guards Fu Xialiang's real body.

Jidao Purple King Kong climbed out, chuckled, moved quietly, and wandered around.

This is wandering around, so as to get familiar with the world and master the geographical advantages. If you encounter a lone dog family, kill it.

If there is a large group of dogs, he chooses to avoid, mainly to investigate, and not to be impatient.

The most important thing is that when the Jidao Purple King Kong is in danger, Fu Xialiang can simply dismiss it and summon it again.

As long as Jidao Purple King Kong is not killed on the spot, it is too late to disband, there is no problem.

Even if it is killed, it can be summoned again after a month.

Along the way, many traces of fighting can be seen, and the dog clan began to fight.

However, most of the dog clan gathered together, tacitly looking for other race invaders.

Even if Yang Xiuming and the others turned into dogs, they would be recognized immediately when they met. It can be said that this disguise is not very meaningful.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!
Along the way, Zhang Yue also killed seven or eight dogs, but saw a corpse of a foreign race.

This is not a human monk, it should be Moke Shura. Their strength is also the second-order Dzogchen, but they have beaten the world upside down.

However, they were still besieged by the Five Elements Tengus. At the last moment, at least 50 Moke Luochas were all killed in battle.

The most frightening thing about the Five Elements Tengus is their crazy, endless and desperate attacks on the enemy.

Moke Luocha's body was either eaten or decomposed. Fu Xialiang shook his head and continued to explore the terrain regardless of other matters.

But Zhang Yue said: "There is a Moke Shura who probably didn't die in battle, but was captured alive by the dog tribe. You can see that there are traces of dragging there."

Zhang Yue's hunting and tracking can not only track the strange, but almost all things and spirits can track traces.

"It doesn't matter, Moke Shura has no good things, it's better to die."

The two continued to investigate the environment, being cautious and not distracting each other.

At dusk, Fu Xialiang said, "Let's go back."

"it is good!"

It is already seven or eight hundred miles away from their cave, which is very far away.

Without going back by himself, Fu Xialiang disbanded the Purple King Kong.

The Extreme Purple King Kong turned into a piece of dust and decomposed, and Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue returned to their bodies.

After a few experiments, although the Jidao Purple King Kong can dismiss the summon frequently, it can't exceed five times a day.

After five times, the summoning was difficult, and the spell reached its limit.

Over there, Yang Xiuming has already made dinner, and it's still broth...

There is no way, only such a dish.

Not only to eat now, but also to eat later.

The three of them had another big meal, it was not the time to be hypocritical.

Waiting silently, soon at night, the three of them looked at each other, let's go!
This time, Fu Xialiang's body was also dispatched, continuing to explore the terrain, taking his time and avoiding the large number of dogs on the other side.

The Blood Cave of the Wild Beasts is actually not that big, it only covers a thousand miles, and it will be almost explored soon.

At night, there are fighting vitality fluctuations in all directions.

This night, I do not know how many monks died in battle.

But Yang Xiuming and the others saw the second descendant of the Great Spirit.

A descendant of a great spirit like a big bear ran not far from them.

Looking at it from the past, the big bear is stupid and silly, but no one would think that he is a five-element dog!

This guy is powerful, when he met a group of Evil Toothed Dogs on his way, he rushed over, like a meat ball, crushing and crushing, dozens of Evil Toothed Dogs on the other side were all killed by him.

Yang Xiuming nodded slightly, and quietly avoided.

The big bear looked at the dark place where Yang Xiuming disappeared, as if thinking about something.

The terrain is almost explored, sneaking all the way, avoiding all dangers, and finally the three of them came to the plain where the temple is located.

But it was found that outside the temple, it was extremely lively, and there were twelve big tree poles erected there.

Among them, there are several human-like women tied to the poles, but most of them are petite.

Fu Xialiang said: "This is the Mudaya fairy."

Among these Mudaya fairies, one was particularly beautiful, with blond hair from a distance, and was hung on a wooden pole.

"What is this for?"

"Senior sister didn't say that there was no such project before?"

"There is now!"

"Looking at it, this is a sacrifice to the gods, maybe it's a sacrifice to the black-headed dog god?"

"Eighty percent, hey, no way!"

In addition to them, there are two ghost-like existences, which are exactly Moko Shura.

In addition, there was another Fu Xialiang who was speechless, and it was the monks Ye Zhiqiu and Xichen who came here together.

The so-called elite disciples were caught and tied to poles less than two days after they arrived!

They were directly scattered and transformed into dogs, completely in human form, hanging there to blow the cold wind.

Fu Xialiang looked at it, shook his head, the trial had just begun, and he had no way to save them.

Let's hang there first, let's talk about it, we can only live in peace!

Fu Xialiang returned to his cave. According to the time calculation, there was still an hour to dawn, and it was time to rest.

But when he got near the swamp, Fu Xialiang was taken aback for a moment, and walked quietly, being extremely careful.

The swamp was boiling like a market.

Having mastered the location, he quickly came to a small hill on the edge of the swamp, and he had all the conditions in the swamp in his eyes.

Under the extremely comfortable eyes, everything can be seen clearly.

Fu Xialiang couldn't help cursing angrily.

The house was stolen!
There are more than a thousand dogs on the swamp, digging the swamp frantically.

Among these dogs, there are burial shadows, rotting magnets, vicious teeth, and black teeth...

They each cast their spells and turned the swamp upside down.

Fu Xialiang's cave has been uncovered, and all the bacon he collected was seized.

The reason for this is very speechless.

As a rule, the swamp is boundless and rotten, which is the least favorite place for dogs.

Therefore, this is the best hiding place for the human race.

But this rule has been around for too long, and there are too many people who know it...

Not only Fu Xialiang built his cave here, but seventeen or eighteen monks built their own cave here.

Everyone came here to build Dongfu, the level is different, naturally there are wastes, leaving traces.

Gouzi is not stupid, there are so many people here, after finding traces, he was finally tracked here, after searching for a while, a monk was immediately exposed.

Yang Xiuming was completely speechless, and said, "What should I do?"

Zhang Yue chuckled and said, "What else can I do?"

Killing intent is full!
Fu Xialiang also said: "Go ahead, it's impossible to keep hiding."

Yang Xiuming nodded, and suddenly he frowned and said:

"Attention everyone, look, that old guy!"

Under his guidance, the three found an old dog sitting on the edge of the swamp.

This old dog looks very old, his body is very old, there is not a few dog hairs on his head, and you can't even tell what kind of dog he is.

It's just that he was treated very well, and someone specially made grass weaves to pave the way for him.

The stone pots and cups that Fu Xialiang made in the cave were all sent to him, and the dog tribe boiled water for him to make tea. It seemed that the treatment was very high.

Yang Xiuming said: "Look at his waist!"

The old dog had a sword on his waist.

No foreign objects can be brought into this place, this sword was made by him with his own bones.

Fu Xialiang said: "The golden bone dog is of the same breed as the second brother. Make swords with your own bones..."

"A born swordsman!"

Zhang Yue snorted coldly and said, "Really?"

Before the words fell, there was a roar, and another monk's cave was dug out, and a stream of light shot up into the sky. .
"Huang Cui?"

It was one of those six young monks.

Two of the six people hung on the pillars, and Huang Cui who was hidden in the cave was also discovered.

But in an instant, the old dog flashed suddenly, and with a movement of the sword at his waist, Huang Cui in the air was split into two, and he was directly beheaded by it.

Fu Xialiang didn't have time to rescue him, so Zhang Yue gasped and said, "Sword Master?"

The old dog had already landed, and continued to drink tea with Fu Xialiang's stone pot and stone cup.

"How to do?"


Zhang Yue answered simply.

Before dawn, the three of them acted immediately and approached the old dog.

But two miles away from the old dog, outside Yang Xiuming's night range, Zhang Yue said: "Stop, back!"

Fu Xialiang retreated immediately.

Zhang Yue said: "This old thing has a clear sword heart!

Within four miles is his sword domain, we cannot enter. "

"The heart of the sword is clear? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, above my Jianxin Tongxuan, Jianxin Tongxuan!

The heart of the sword is clear, no fear, no obstacle, no past, no future.

Just one sword, only one sword, where the heart points, the sword goes. "

Yang Xiuming frowned and said: "The sword field has a radius of four miles, and my night range is three miles. There is still a distance, so I can only cover the sky with one hand and attack?"

Zhang Yue shook his head and said:

"No, Xiu Ming, your hand covering the sky has no effect.

Because in the dark, he is also enlightened in his heart, and can avoid our strong attack. "

Yang Xiuming said, "What should I do?"

At this time, Fu Xialiang smiled and said:

"Big Brother, Second Brother, please look here!
You country bumpkins, you can't figure it out, look at me! "

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang looked for the best position, just outside the opponent's sword domain, he slowly aimed at the opponent and began to cast spells.

"Tiangang is real, the thunder is ordering, Yushu is thundering, and the mystery has no light."

"Mystery Without Light Jade Shulei"

There was no fluctuation of mana, no brilliance of thunder, as if nothing happened, there was no sound, there was a thunderbolt.

The thunder rose, dimmed and pitch-black, and an afterimage flashed across it, silently darting towards Juggernaut Old Dog.

Lei Ting entered the sword master's domain, but he was not surprised, as if he didn't exist.

At the last moment, the old dog suddenly exploded, feeling the thunder attack.

But it didn't work, boom, thunder exploded.

Under the thunder, Juggernaut Old Dog was directly blown into powder and turned into fly ash.

Fu Xialiang laughed loudly, suddenly flashed, and jumped into the swamp in a dark night.

"The universe is mighty, the meridian is brilliant, the soul-invigorating god thunder, the figure is ordered, the evil spirit beheads, and the birth is rapid. The urgency is like a law."

In an instant, seven thunderbolts appeared on Fu Xialiang's body at the same time, and then they instantly merged into one.

Turning into a thunderous force, it has infinite power.

In the void, a dazzling sound sounded:
"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Meridian mighty heaven and earth thunder!
36 thunderballs fell, and then burst, the entire space became a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

The sea of ​​thunder covered the entire swamp, and all directions were filled with boiling thunder.

With one blow, the thousands of dogs here will evaporate directly.

Jidao Purple King Kong appeared, turned into Zhang Yue, Sanyang Kaitai became a sword, and rushed into the remaining dogs, killing one by one.

Suddenly he rushed to the place where the old dog died, and picked up a golden bone sword, which was transformed by the old dog sword master.

The three yangs dissipated, and he killed even more with this sword.

Fu Xialiang looked into the distance, stretched out his hand, aimed at the distance, and cast a spell.

"67 miles to the south, there is a large group of dogs charging here!"

"Zixiao thunder, clouds rise and thunder falls!"


Boom, a cloud of thunder shot out, a huge whistling sound, howling in all directions, after a long breath, the ground trembled, and the thunder exploded!

The cloud and thunder fell, with a point as the core, and a radius of several miles, the cloud exploded suddenly.

A large number of dogs rushing over were all blown to pieces under the cloud and thunder.

Fu Xialiang stretched out her hand again...

"East 53 miles, a large group of dogs is approaching!"

"Zixiao thunder, clouds rise and thunder falls!"

Boom, another cloud and thunder shot out, eroding ten miles away.

This is Zhang Yue's return, and there is not a dog left in the surrounding area.

"Let's go, Xia Liang!"

Fu Xialiang nodded, fired another cloud thunder, and then disappeared into the night.

After he left, three human monks climbed out of here, including the young monk Hu Duanyue, and they also fled in all directions.

Escaping into the night, it was about to dawn, Fu Xialiang fled quickly.

When Zhang Yue fled, he carried more than 100 catties of bacon.

Handed over to Fu Xialiang, the extreme purple diamond disappeared, its target was too obvious.

And Fu Xialiang used Yang Xiuming's night demon, assimilated into the night, and escaped quietly.

Along the way, he passed by a large group of dogs.

Under the protection of Heiye, he didn't meet the kind of dog who can see through him like the meat mastiff, and the other party didn't find him.

And not far away, the battle came.

Hu Duanyue did not escape, but was watched by dogs, and a large number of dogs ran there.

So Fu Xialiang escaped safely.

It's a pity that out of the seven caves he arranged outside, four of them were discovered by the dog tribe one after another.

These four caves were arranged in the safest places according to past experience, but this time, they were all excavated.

However, there were still three caves left. Fu Xialiang entered one of the caves and breathed a sigh of relief, at least now it was safe.

This cave is located in the middle of a rocky cliff. The passage behind the entrance is not going down, but a stone road is opened in the rocky cliff to build the mansion upwards.

"It's safe!"

Zhang Yue took out the old dog sword holy bone sword and said:
"This sword is not bad!"

"Let's see if this sword can be refined and used as a magic weapon to fly with the sword."

Yang Xiuming and the two checked, nodded and said:
"This sword can be refined, so you can fly with it."

"Hahaha, the dogs here are running on the ground, we can fly away and have a big advantage."

"You can't be so optimistic, there are countless souls who can fly away, why no one is flying here.

There must be a problem, maybe it's the ban of some black-headed dog god.

Therefore, keep this sword, and at the critical moment, Yujian will fly. "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "Brother is right!"

Yang Xiuming said again: "There's something wrong with that sword, why do I feel that the level is very high..."

The three of them checked, and Fu Xialiang said for a long time, "Could this be a magic weapon?"

"How is it possible, the magic weapon is the lowest level four, the Jindan realm!"

"But this sword seems to be a magic weapon, and there is something wrong with the old dog.

Why do I feel that he is definitely not the second-level qi refining Dzogchen, the lowest is the third-level foundation building, self-repression, lowered cultivation base, and participated in the trial. "

Zhang Yue said: "Looking at his swordsmanship, it should be at least level three."

"But why did he compromise his own strength and participate in the trial?"

"He is so old. With his strength, if he wants to advance to the Five Elements Tengu, who can stop him in any trial?"

Fu Xialiang said: "I know!
He is a bodyguard! "

Immediately everyone nodded.

"Yes, bodyguard!
Protect other dignitaries from this trial. "

"There is also the sacrificial pillar in front of the temple, which has never been seen before. This time it was specially built, and it should also be prepared for the powerful."

"Yes, that's what happened."

"Looks like we need to be careful."

Fu Xialiang said foolishly:
"I don't know what rich man? If I can kill him, there will be a big reward when I go back!"

Zhang Yue said: "There should be no problem. We will lock it from a distance, and a cloud of thunder will go down and let him fly to ashes."

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said: "No way, we have fought against the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs for millions of years, and they have a way to resist us 33 days ago.

This kind of powerful person cannot be killed by Yun Lei, and can only be killed by your sword, my thunder, and close combat. "

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Don't worry, just keep us close.

As long as one breath, under the Juexian sword, no matter what kind of dignitaries they are, they will all die! "

Zhang Yue also said with a smile: "They have power over the world, are worth billions of dollars, and have countless minions. If we go down with the sword of immortality, it will be nothing but illusion!"

The three of them laughed together, and their confidence was buoyant.

After tossing all night, fortunately Zhang Yue brought back a hundred catties of bacon and cooked immediately.

While cooking, Fu Xialiang said, "Didn't we collect these bacon?"

This is the cave of other people. Zhang Yue carried a pile of the spoils of the dog clan after being ripped apart, and he didn't look carefully.

"It's okay, just eat it!"

Yang Xiuming sensed it, and the grass planter checked that it was not poisonous, and said, "It's edible, no problem!"

Stew, feast, rest.

It was afternoon again, and the three of them were ready.

But they didn't go out, they waited until night before dispatching.

At the beginning of these few days, the dog clan was most united and cleaned out the ghosts.

After a few days, the cleaning was almost done, and the dog clan began to fight among themselves.

There are 12 dogs, dozens of them will die, how can the battle be simple?
So Fu Xialiang and the others are not in a hurry, don't move during the day, and talk about it at night.

But at night, they dispatched.

Walking around, if you encounter a lone dog family, kill it immediately.

At midnight, dozens of dogs have been killed, but there is no major record.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "Wait a minute, someone is coming."



For a moment, a person drifted past.

Fu Xialiang shouted: "Gu Daoling!"

It was the Ancient Daoist Mausoleum, and he also saw Fu Xialiang, hesitantly said: "Lei Jian's terrific dog, Fu Xialiang!"

"Hahaha, you're really an idiot now!"

Looking at the ancient Taoist mausoleum, he didn't look like a dog at all, he still looked like the ancient Taoist.

Fu Xialiang laughed loudly, and immediately undid Lei Mastiff's transformation.

"A good person is a good person, what a dog.

Since no one can hide it, why change him. "

Zhang Yue also said: "Yes, it's still comfortable to be a human being."

"Gu Daoling, are you alright?"

"What can I do? I'm safe."

The three of them chatted internally, and Yang Xiuming said: "This guy is practicing Taishang Tingfeng. I feel that he is not in any danger in this trial."

Zhang Yue also said: "He is very floating, very ghostly, you should not underestimate him."

Gu Daoling over there said: "By the way, Lei Juehu, I have something to tell you.

This time, there is a problem with the Five Elements Tengu.

It seems that a real five-element dog has entered here.

This guy brought in four fourth-order tengus..."

Fu Xialiang was shocked, and said, "Fourth rank? Are you sure? It's the realm of Jindan Daoist!"

Gu Daoling smiled miserably and said, "I'm sure!
I saw it with my own eyes!
A fire-throated dog confronted Zihuan Dao, it only had three moves to refine Zihuan Dao.

But at the last moment of Zihuandao's death, he used the Jueming supernatural power, the world lived together, and died with the fire-throated dog.

A Shi Zhao dog captured Ye Zhiqiu and Xichen alive.

There is also an old dog, a sword master, who killed twelve Mudaya fairies with one sword...

I escaped! "

So it turned out that Zi Huan died in the sword battle, but he died with the fourth-level fire-throated dog.

Ye Zhiqiu and Xi Chen were arrested here.

That sword master old dog is in the realm of a fourth-order Jindan real person, but in this place of desolate beasts and blood caves, he has to lower his realm, which is equivalent to the great perfection of Qi Refining, and he is also crushed into powder under the thunder.

Looking at Gu Daoling's sad appearance, Fu Xialiang said:

"I saw Ye Zhiqiu and Xichen hanging in front of the temple.

In addition, Huang Cui was beheaded by Juggernaut Old Dog.

Hu Duanyue was exposed last night, and it was more ominous. "

Hearing this, Gu Daoling was even more sad, and things hurt his kind.

But Fu Xialiang changed the subject:
"But that old Juggernaut dog was killed by me last night!"

Gu Daoling was suddenly dumbfounded, it's hard to believe!
"Really? That's the fourth-order dog clan, which is equivalent to the golden core real person of our human race!"

"In this world, no matter what he is, he is just refining Qi and achieving great perfection. Under my thunder, he has already been turned into powder."

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang took out the bone sword.

Gu Daoling examined it carefully, and said, "Okay, this is really a fourth-level spiritual material. After returning, you can find someone to refine it into a fourth-level magic weapon!"

"That's great, otherwise that old thing is too scary! He killed twelve Mudaya fairies with one sword..."

It seemed that this scene had greatly stimulated him.

"Brother Fu, what are your plans recently?"

This ancient Taoist mausoleum changed his face very quickly. After meeting each other, he took a mouthful of thunder swords.

After seeing the sword, he immediately became Senior Brother Fu.

Very sensible, the road widened.

"I'll avoid the sharp edge first, there are too many dogs!"

"After five or six days, they will start fighting, and after eight or nine days, they will almost die.

But no matter how many people die, there will be thousands left in the end, and then they will start fighting one-on-one in front of the temple until the Five Elements Tengu is finally born.

However, Senior Brother Fu, you should pay attention, when they are fighting in front of the temple, don't hide in the cave! "

Fu Xialiang asked, "Why?"

Gu Daoling said: "Once they start fighting in front of the temple, it seems like a sacrificial ceremony has begun.

If you are still avoiding and hiding at this time, you will be swallowed up by this wild beast blood cave unknowingly and become a part of their nutrition.

So at that time, even if you were wandering outside and were hunted down by them, you couldn't hide in the cave. "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "So that's the case, I really don't know about this."

The two communicated again, and suddenly there was a sound of flying away in the void.

Six winged dogs fly across the sky.

Gu Daoling frowned and said, "They are looking for traces!"

These flying winged dogs fly extremely low to check various abnormalities above the ground.

Fu Xialiang smiled slightly, pointed his hands at the void, and immediately used light and thunder.

Click, click, click!

A series of thunderbolts shot out, like a heavy sniper, and the light shone on the night sky.

One hit at a time, no matter how these flying winged dogs struggled to dodge, it was completely meaningless.

In the blink of an eye, all six flying dogs were killed. Fu Xialiang looked at Gu Daoling and said:
"Old Gu, flash, let's go our separate ways!"

Gu Daoling laughed and said, "Take care, Senior Brother Fu."

The two dispersed separately, Fu Xialiang escaped into the night, and Gu Daoling went away with the wind.

At this time, a large group of flying winged dogs appeared, hundreds of them, looking for enemies to kill their companions.

Above the ground, various dog races appeared secretly. Although they also fought among themselves, they still focused their attention on other alien races.

Yang Xiuming fled quietly, the night was his umbrella, safe and reliable.

He didn't kill wantonly, restrained his inner desires, and just moved quietly.

When encountering a lone dog clan, he will take action silently and kill them quietly, otherwise he will just wander.

At this time, you can't hide in the cave. The cat looks safe in the cave, but now the world is an enemy, and if time goes by, there will be leaks.

So now I have to wander, whereabouts are uncertain, and in the morning, I will go back to the cave to rest for a while.

And you have to change shifts to use the Dongfu, so you can't live in one Dongfu for a long time.

In addition, Fu Xialiang will also look for new places to build new caves.

Soon it was dawn, Fu Xialiang went back to the cave on the cliff and hid here.

Continue making broth, roasting, and resting.

After staying up until night again, Fu Xialiang left the cave.

This time he won't come back, he changed to another cave, safety first.

This is like hide and seek, day by day.

Sure enough, on the fifth day, the dogs stopped looking for ghosts and began to fight slowly.

Fu Xialiang was dumbfounded watching this battle.

Too tragic!

I often see hundreds of dogs lined up with each other, forming a battle formation, and then frantically fighting each other, fighting to the death.

For the dog clan, life and death are trivial matters, and there are eight or nine clan members in one birth, and some of them are exhausted.

Madness, fighting, killing enemies, and death are their fate.

Fu Xialiang dodged carefully, avoiding all dangers, even the dogs who were alone, he would let them go, they would die anyway.

Following this kind of battle, a trace of blood was injected into Fu Xialiang's body.

In this way, as long as you live until the end of the trial, you will definitely be promoted to the Five Elements Heavenly Dog.

Later, he met Gu Dao Mausoleum again, and the two had another exchange,

It's no wonder that Gu Daoling participated in this trial, he's too good at listening to the wind, it's really amazing.

Not weaker than Yang Xiuming's night assimilation, here he is the wind, safe and sound, avoiding all crises.

Other human monks were not so lucky.

Of the more than 300 people, only a dozen died.

One of them was Wang Fengkuang, a six-year-old monk who was still alive.

The old golden dog monk that Fu Xialiang met last time, called Huang Mengbi, was also alive.

Those who survived have their own tricks, and they persisted in living.

But Mudaya Fairy, Moke Shura, and Fu Xialiang never saw it.

Chatting with Gu Daoling, Fu Xialiang knew that there were two other fourth-order dog clans, and a Shi Zhao dog was chasing and killing the remaining Mudaya faeries.

A dread dog is chasing and killing the descendants of the Great Spirit.

Except for the three who were tied to the pillars, Moko Shura should all be dead.

For those descendants of the Great Spirit, Fu Xialiang saw the big bear twice, and the giant golden eagle once. There was no conflict between the two sides. They watched each other from a distance and went their separate ways.

However, a descendant of a great spirit, similar to a kind of Voldemort, attacked Fu Xialiang impressively.

When he climbed high and looked far away, this Voldemort, the silent Tudun, suddenly appeared and attacked Fu Xialiang.

It was a completely silent ambush, like diving, quietly escaping five miles away.

Fortunately, Fu Xialiang has the immovable mountains and seas.

As soon as the other party came down, the defense appeared. At this moment, Fu Xialiang was the mountains and the sea, and there was no danger in the moment of moving.

Then Fu Xialiang made a long jump, one and a half miles away, turned around and counterattacked.

Under the light of the sword, the slashed Voldemort screamed, burrowed into the ground, and disappeared.

The horrible bastard made Yang Xiuming and the three of them gnash their teeth.

Continue to wait, the fierce battle between the dog clan is getting more and more intense.

Even in the first battle, more than [-] dogs were gathered, and the two camps were brought together, fighting for a day and a night, and almost the entire army was wiped out in the end.

There is a terrible madness in these dogs, ignoring life to the limit, rabies!

Faced with this kind of madness, Zhang Yue stopped shouting and killing, and avoided it honestly.

This is a group of second-order dog clans. Imagine those third-, fourth-, and fifth-tier dog clans attacking everywhere.

This makes people shudder, Taishangdao guards the border of the human race, and the merits are endless!

On the 13th day, the dogs that were visible to the naked eye were all dead, and it was no longer a scale of tens of millions, but only a few thousand remained.

It seems that they are about to enter the sacrifice stage!
Soon to enter the stage of offering sacrifices, the three of Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief.

It can be said that the most dangerous moment has passed, and the dog clan has now lost its racial number advantage, and it is easy to deal with it later.

In fact, in a certain sense, the dog race does not want the human race to die too much here.

Even if they leave after the trial, they just take away the blood of the Five Elements Tengu, which is not bad for the Five Elements Tengu, and may even stimulate these monks to transform into their own clansmen in the future.

They died here, but they were extremely disgusting, using the blood of the human race to defile the blood cave of wild beasts.

But for the dog clan, there is no way to stop the defilement of the various clans, only to dilute the contamination with a large amount of blood of the dog clan.

The ceremony in front of the other side's temple hadn't started yet, and the three of Yang Xiuming waited silently.

In front of the temple, twelve large pillars have been erected.

Among them were two young human cultivators Ye Zhiqiu and Xi Chen, three Moke Shuras, six Mudaya fairy spirits, and a mouse-like existence, who should be the descendants of the so-called great spirits. They were also caught and locked here.

These guys are hanging here one after another. I don't know what they are used for?
While Fu Xialiang was observing, suddenly he looked into the distance, and someone entered his night range.

Looking from a distance, Fu Xialiang was taken aback, it was the descendant of the great spirit, the big bear.

He came straight to himself, and he must have a purpose.

Fu Xialiang asked spiritually: "Fellow Daoist, please, I don't know why you are looking for me?"

The descendants of the other party's great spirit can see through their own night assimilation, so how can they not communicate.

The other party also sent a spiritual message: "Human race!
I can feel your strength.

I have a thing for you.

Alanna chased and killed us several times, and we suffered heavy losses. We can't continue like this, we must fight back and kill her! "

Fu Xialiang immediately knew that the so-called Alanna was a fourth-order phobia dog family.

"What's in it for me?"

Fu Xialiang replied.

"She killed us all, and you will be next.

Don't think that your darkness can hide from everything, Alanna is a fourth-rank old dog, you can't hide from her! "

Fu Xialiang pondered for a while, and the three studied internally.

"How to do?"

"Kill!" Zhang Yue replied immediately!

"This big bear, I can feel the kindness in him, we can cooperate!"

Fu Xialiang nodded, looked at the big bear and said:
"From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite."

"Human Race Supreme Dao Luo Tianlei Jue Fu Xialiang, I have met fellow Taoists!"

This is the registration of the Zongmen Poetry Number, a formal exchange.

The big bear said slowly: "The great king of silence, Abaddon, the son of the cosmic judge Saleh, has met you!"

The King of Silence, the judge of the universe Saleh, this is the father of the big bear, the great spirit of the universe.

The two smiled and reached an agreement.

Fu Xialiang suddenly said: "Before, a Voldemort attacked me.

I will seek revenge from him, and I will definitely kill him. I don't know what is the relationship between him and Fellow Daoist Abaddon? "

The big bear Abaddon replied: "That's Fax, the son of Bilakel, the Eater of Worlds, a fool, and this time he doesn't care about us at all.

If you meet him and kill him, count me in! "

Reach an agreement.

Fu Xialiang said, "How do we ambush Alanna?"

The big bear Abaddon said: "She was very arrogant, killed Chen En, Xinghuotian, captured Difu, and didn't pay attention to us.

Magnus will lure her into our trap, and if she doesn't die, we'll beat her up. "

Difu?Should it be a big rat hanging from a pillar?

Fu Xialiang asked, "Magnus?"

"You should have seen a golden giant eagle, she is the daughter of the storm lord Emerkel."

"Okay, let's go!"

Led by the big bear Abaddon, they soon came to a valley. Fu Xialiang nodded. He had noticed this place a long time ago, and it could be used to ambush.

Here, Abaddon set up a special trap, Fu Xialiang and the others couldn't understand it, and it belonged to his race secret.

However, the alliance Abaddon mentioned was extremely speechless, except for the big bear Abaddon and the golden giant eagle Magnus, there was no one else...

No wonder there was no way to come to Fu Xialiang.

"Just the three of us?"

Magnus said: "There is also a human race, a waste chasing the wind, we will go find him, but he dare not participate."

Don't look at it, it must be the ancient tomb. With his personality, he really dare not face the fourth-order dog clan.

The rest of the human race, the golden giant eagle Magnus, they didn't like at all.

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said, "Then come! But, you must ambush her at night!"

"no problem!"

Fu Xialiang waited here, and at night, Magnus, the golden giant eagle, really attracted Alanna, but what was unexpected was that in addition to the fourth-level fear dog, the fourth-level stone dog also chased and killed them together.

In addition to the two of them, there are three or four hundred extremely fast dogs, following them to hunt down the golden giant eagle Magnus.

The golden giant eagle Magnus was also injured and flew away, dripping golden blood continuously.

No matter how you look at this temptation, it was a failure.

Abaddon said suddenly: "Fu, shall we escape?

Ambush, failed! "

Seeing that there were too many dogs chasing and killing, Abaddon felt timid and wanted to give up the golden giant eagle Magnus and run away directly.

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "Fight!"

"Where can you escape? Meet you sooner or later!"

Then he summoned the Extreme Purple King Kong, and Zhang Yue entered his body.

The golden giant eagle Magnus flew over, and the stone dog and the dread dog immediately entered Abaddon's trap.

Abaddon let out a roar, and the space around Shi Zhaogou and Fearless Dog suddenly trembled, as if being twisted and folded, many dog ​​clans following Shizhaogou and Fearless Dog were immediately shattered.

But Shi Zhaogou and Fearless Dog charged violently, and with a bang, the folds of time and space were broken by them, although they were also seriously injured and escaped.

At the same time, Fu Xialiang cast the spell silently.

"Tiangang is real, the thunder is ordering, Yushu is thundering, and the mystery has no light."

"Mystery Without Light Jade Shulei"

There was no fluctuation of mana, no brilliance of thunder, as if nothing happened, there was no sound, there was a thunderbolt.

The thunder rose, dimmed, a mass of pitch black, passing an afterimage, and swept towards them silently.

Shi Zhaogou suddenly barked, and he pulled Alanna, the fearful dog, in front of him.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, if you escape from the trap of the Great Spirit, you still have no way to continue to dodge, so a dead fellow Daoist will not die as a poor daoist.

With a puff, under "Mystery Without Light, Jade Shulei", Alanna, the fearful dog, was smashed into powder.

It doesn't matter what your cultivation level is outside, here you can only practice Qi Dzogchen, die!
Then in an instant, Zhang Yue had rushed over with Yujian, heading straight for Shi Zhaogou.

Fu Xialiang also moved, jumping under the dark night, killing the rest of the dog group.

In the void, a dazzling sound sounded:
"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Lei Hai appeared, covering all the remaining dog clans, killing all directions!

(End of this chapter)

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