Dao Shaohua

Chapter 190 No matter how powerful the supernatural power is, it is better to have a father

Chapter 190 No matter how powerful the supernatural power is, it is better to have a father (in case, ask for a monthly ticket)

Under the sea of ​​thunder, many dog ​​clans were turned into dust and were directly vaporized by the thunder.

This is the power of extraordinary Taoism. Originally, the lowest level of cultivation required them to build a foundation, and they could even be used to kill Jindan real people.

But here Fu Xialiang is only practicing Qi Dzogchen, and he can use the two extraordinary Taoism techniques to kill many of the same Qi training Dzogchen.

In the sea of ​​thunder, the dogs screamed, and the sea of ​​thunder dissipated, but Fu Xialiang stretched out his hand and let out a flash of thunder.

There are also dog clans, and those who have survived until now are all elites, who survived the sea of ​​thunder impressively, but under the lightning flash, all of them were killed and headshot.

In the blink of an eye, all the dog clans were killed. Fu Xialiang let out a sigh of relief and looked over there.

But he found that Zhang Yue, who had always been invincible, had fallen below.

The other party, Shi Zhaogou, flickered non-stop, and Zhang Yue's sword couldn't get close to him.

Not only Zhang Yue, the big bear, and the golden giant eagle also besieged each other together, but they were all ineffective.

That Shi Zhao dog is like a ghost, moving quietly, avoiding all attacks, I don't know what kind of ability it is?
Fu Xialiang let out a long breath, gathering strength to prepare to join the battlefield.

Suddenly, in the distance, that Voldelon Fax appeared, five miles away, flashed quietly, and attacked Fu Xialiang again.

It appeared from the ground and bit down, basically unable to guard against it. It clicked and bit Fu Xialiang.

Immediately, a vision of mountains and seas appeared on Fu Xialiang's body, and he did not move the mountains and seas to protect Fu Xialiang.

But this time, Voldemort Fax was prepared. He bit it down and waited for the mountains and seas to dissipate from Fu Xialiang's body. Then he swung his tail suddenly, turning into a terrifying phantom. He cast a spell and struck madly.

He didn't believe that Fu Xialiang couldn't be killed.

Voldelon Fax is used to being arrogant, but no matter what kind of dog or human you are, you can't bite Fu Xialiang to death, he is still worried, and it is another attack.

At this moment, a white light rose from Fu Xialiang's body, and Sanyang opened up.

Then Sanyang Kaitai turned into a sword. This sword looked extremely simple, with a light stroke and a slight cut, but it carried endless power.

A shocking sword!
This sword carries indescribable supreme power, blocking the sky and cutting the sky, blocking and killing the devil!
The two collided, and Voldelon Fax's spells lost to Fu Xialiang's supernatural powers!
Magic is no match for supernatural powers!
Voldemort Fax let out a scream, his tail was cut off directly, blood spattered, he turned and fell to the ground, and fled again.

Fu Xialiang let out a long breath, ignored Volderon Fax, turned around and joined the battle group over there.

In the void, a dazzling sound sounded:
"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Lei Hai appeared, but in the sea of ​​thunder, Fu Xialiang, Zhang Yue, the big bear, and the golden giant eagle were all protected by thunder.

But Shi Zhaogou didn't, no matter how he teleported, he was immediately hit by the thunder in this sea of ​​thunder.

Just froze, Zhang Yuejian arrived.

What Zhang Yue held was the Juggernaut Old Dog Bone Sword, which was extremely sharp.

This time it was impossible to dodge, but Shi Zhaogou still took a shot to resist.

In an instant, the two exchanged thirteen swords, and Zhang Yue did not break through Shi Zhaogou's defense.

Shi Zhaogou's real body is equivalent to Jindan Daoist's dog family. Although there is only Qi Refining Dzogchen now, it is powerful.

But in an instant, the big bear seized the opportunity and came to his side, looking at the big bear as if waving its paw lightly, but at this moment, under his bear's paw, it seemed that time had expired.

This blow, I don't know how many bear paws waved, this is the magical power of the Silent King.

With a snap, Shi Zhaogou's brains burst and he died instantly.

Magic is no match for supernatural powers!
After killing Shi Zhaogou, Fu Xialiang didn't stop, and shouted: "Second brother, let's go, follow up!"

Zhang Yue immediately looked to the ground, and followed the blood of Voldiron Fax, and began to track strangely.

This time they were determined to kill, and they would never look back unless they killed Voldiron Fax.

Follow the trail for five miles away, and continue to track.

After chasing for sixty miles, they saw Voldemort Fax in the distance. He had fled to a high mountain far away, and was about to enter a dense forest.

After entering the dense forest, the traces were chaotic, and I was afraid that it would be impossible to track him and catch up with him.

Yang Xiuming said, "Yu Jian!"

Zhang Yue took out the old dog's bone sword, took Fu Xialiang, and walked with the sword.

It flew up in an instant, as fast as a stream of light, and it was ten miles away, and it immediately caught up.

But in the void, a thunderbolt suddenly descended out of thin air and hit Zhang Yue.

This is the reason why no one flies in the sky here. Anyone who flies in the sky will be punished by heaven!
With a click, the Extreme Purple King Kong was almost shattered.

Fortunately, Jidao Purple King Kong has extremely strong defense and is the strongest puppet of gold.

The Jidao Purple King Kong was almost shattered, Fu Xialiang immediately released the Jidao Purple King Kong, and he can continue to summon tomorrow, if it is smashed, it will be a month later.

Zhang Yue returned to Fu Xialiang's body.

Edgeworth was broken, but within three miles of Voldelon Fax.

Fu Xialiang picked up the Excalibur, jumped in the dark night, and chased after it frantically.

Voldiron Fax was shocked, seeing Fu Xialiang chasing him so madly, he wanted to run away again.

Suddenly a sword light rose, Zhang Yue took control of his body, and the sword became one.

Kill to the side of Volderon Fax, and crazily draw the sword.

Voldelon Fax was never given another chance to escape.

Voldelon Fax resisted desperately, and suddenly shouted:
"My father is Bilaquer, the Eater of Worlds. If you dare to kill me, my father will avenge me!"

But Zhang Yue didn't care about him at all, and the three became one in an instant.

After the seven swords, he killed Voldelon Fax, cut his body into seventeen or eight pieces, and left no one alive.

But in an instant, Voldelon Fax's body merged into one and recovered automatically, and a powerful force appeared on him, which defied fate and revived him.

In an instant, the three of Yang Xiuming understood that this must be the life-saving power left on him by Voldelon Fax's father, the World Eater, Bilakel.

Voldelon Fax was not only resurrected, but also infinite power erupted on him.

It was as if a great existence appeared on him.

The three joined together and suddenly drew their swords.

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

With thoughts turned into swords, all thoughts are true, nine days and ten places, there is no disadvantage!

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Jinxian are blood-stained.

Under this sword, Bilaker, the devourer of the world, was also unable to save his son. It roared at Fu Xialiang and remembered Fu Xialiang firmly.

Then Volderon Fax dissipated with a bang, unable to be resurrected again, dead!
But feeling disgusted, Fu Xialiang laughed and returned to the ambush.

Whatever you son of the Eater of Worlds, kill!

Neither Abaddon nor the golden giant eagle Magnus left. When they saw Fu Xialiang return, they said:
"Fu, did you catch up to Voldelon Fax?"

Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "Kill him!"

"Bilakr, the Eater of Worlds, didn't protect his son?"

"Kill them together!"

All of a sudden Abaddon and the golden giant eagle Magnus were dumbfounded, and Abaddon said for a long time:

"You have to be careful, try not to leave the sphere of influence of the human race.

Bilakel, the Eater of Worlds, is very scary. He will sense your breath and seek revenge on you. "

Fu Xialiang said: "I'm not afraid!"

Magnus suddenly threw a bone to Fu Xialiang.

It's like a spine.

"what is this?"

"Shi Zhaogou's Dharma Spine, and his quick-flickering supernatural powers, come from this. In your human race, this is called Yaozang."

Fu Xialiang was shocked, is this the demon possession of Nine Paths of Cultivation of Immortals?
Magnus continued: "I have frozen it and extracted it with my spell.

You can transplant it into yourself and get this supernatural power.

You can also ask your elders to condense this into a spell.

Be my reward! "

Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "Thank you fellow daoist!"

"Unfortunately, Fax's body should be shattered, otherwise I can condense his supernatural power for you."


Fu Xialiang was speechless, feeling as if he had lost millions of spirit stones.

At this moment, the sound of wailing came from afar.

They killed many dog ​​clans, and the news passed that the dog clan reinforcements came, there were hundreds of them, among them were the dog clans such as Zhiyan, Li Chen, Zongrou, Zhanying, Rotten Magnet, Wendi, Laughing Skull, and Shining Gold. .

Fu Xialiang was just feeling sad. Seeing them attacking, he cursed angrily:
"You are no longer 12, and you are still here to die?"

Jump up and kill the opponent's dog clan!
In anger, he shot with hatred.

Directly dazzle the sound:

"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Lei Hai falls!

Then Siye Yihei, covering the sky with one hand, was replaced by Zhang Yue, and frantically unleashed his sword.

Magnus flew up wildly, and every time he landed, he would definitely kill a dog family.

Abaddon was among the dogs, wandering wildly, slapping one by one under the giant claws.

After a great battle, a quarter of an hour later, there were corpses all over the place.

The more than 200 dogs who chased and killed them were all killed by them.

Fu Xialiang stood there holding the sword, Zhang Yue laughed loudly: "Happy, happy!"

All three are happy.

Magnus flew over and said, "Fu, you are really amazing.

I, Magnus, admire you! "

Fu Xialiang said: "It's just rubble."

Abaddon ran over, and seemed to collect something among the many dog ​​corpses.

Fu Xialiang asked: "Abadon, what are you doing?"

"This is my ethnic group spell, and I am absorbing their spirituality."

"Fu, do you want to learn? I can pass it on to you as my reward."

Magnus sent Yaozang as a reward to Fu Xialiang, and now Abaddon also wants to reward Fu.

Fu Xialiang was taken aback, and said, "I can learn too?"

"All intelligent life can learn."

"Okay, teach me!"

Abaddon blew on Fu Xialiang.

In a trance, Fu Xialiang felt a strange power injected into his body, turned into countless pictures, and became his own instinct.

"This is? How amazing?"

Fu Xialiang came to the pile of corpses and tried to use this ability.

Immediately, among those corpses, streams of light seemed to be absorbed by him.

Spells, the vortex of the universe!
To be precise, Fu Xialiang absorbed the spirituality of the dead alien race and injected it into his own race with the so-called vortex heart of the universe.

This spell is the unique innate spell of the Abaddon family. As long as they kill other alien races, they can absorb the spirituality of the alien race.

The spirituality of the foreign race absorbed, I did not keep it, it was injected into my own race, to strengthen the spirituality of my own race.

It looked as if he didn't get any benefits, but every drink and peck, there must be cause and effect.

Their own group will feed back this spirituality in other ways, such as good luck, favor of the opposite sex, etc.

It's just that the Abaddon family is very small in number and has great spiritual value, while there are too many human races. This spirituality can only mean something, and there will be no immediate benefits.

Fu Xialiang said: "It's interesting!"

Look at the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", Huanyu Vortex is the same as those small life spells, which are not included in the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart".

While Fu Xialiang was absorbing spirituality, the sound of flying away came from the distance.

They patronized absorbing spirituality, missed the escape time, and were stared at by the dog clan who came here.

In other words, they already disdain to avoid it!
Dozens of flying-winged dogs flew over, carrying more than 100 other dog families on their backs.

They approached here, falling crazily, their eyes were bloodshot, and they rushed towards Fu Xialiang and the others.

What else is there to say, Zhan.

Fu Xialiang rushed over, followed by Abaddon and Magnus.

Magnus fought against dozens of Winged Dogs.

These dog families include the Sunburn dog family, which guards against flames; there are the meat mastiff dogs, which are infinitely powerful;

There are also plague-killing dog clans that secretly spread the virus; there are even more silver-pine dog clans that come to assassinate them without making a sound.

In such a great battle, these dog clans were all killed by Fu Xialiang and the others in the end.

During the fight this time, a gold-shimming dog struggled to bite.

This bite contains a strange and terrifying power, which kills when touched.

Fortunately, Fu Xialiang didn't move mountains and seas, and he still had a chance to avoid this fatal blow with the Holy Light Shield.

After killing, Fu Xialiang lay down and gasped for breath. He had six wounds on his body, and he recovered quickly in the dark.

"Is this headless?"

"This is the frightening thing about the dog clan. When they go crazy, they are endless."

"Fu, let's retreat quickly."

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "It's been three waves, let's dodge."

Suddenly Abaddon said: "Actually, if we don't dodge, there is no problem.

In these three waves of battles, we killed more than a thousand dog clans, and the remaining dog clans were less than two thousand.

If there are a few more waves like this, there won't be many of them left! "

Fu Xialiang's eyes lit up, and said, "Can you fight?"

Abaddon said: "Fightable, kill them all.

We have already killed the fourth-order dog heads, so why are we afraid of them? "

"Okay, let's get ready!"

Sure enough, after a while, another group of dogs came to kill them.

There are two or three hundred more, but for some reason, they are separated from other dog clans.

When they arrived here, they were immediately ambushed by Abaddon's space-time trap, killing [-]% of them in one fell swoop.

The rest of Fu Xialiang's headshots were all struck by lightning.

After that, another wave of dogs arrived, this time there were also two hundred.

These dog clans are enemies of each other and have no contact with each other.

There is no leader who can command them, and they are completely disorganized and disciplined.

They rushed here, because their respective strengths and speeds were different, forming waves one by one, like adding fuel.

If in the past, when there were more than 12 dogs, such an attack, even if there was no command, the dog family would be boundless, and any powerful enemy would be grinded to death.

Now they are insufficient in number, and they are still following the previous 12-hour tactics, so they failed miserably.

The three of Fu Xialiang are amazingly powerful, especially Fu Xialiang, who has the Dao armed body protection, and the three of them can change their battles. They have enough real energy, have the Sanyang Kaitai sword, and the fourth-level magic weapon in their hands, so they will surely win.

Feeling that the spells had almost recovered, Fu Xialiang summoned the Extreme Purple King Kong again, and Zhang Yue entered his body, gaining another combat power.

After a battle, these dogs were all killed by them.

This time, Fu Xialiang suffered seven wounds and thirteen wounds all over his body.

But he didn't rush to heal his wounds, but silently sensed, facing the distance, suddenly a cloud of thunder.

Thirty miles away, there was a huge explosion, and Abaddon said happily:

"At least nearly a hundred dog clans were killed, hahaha, they are less than one thousand and five!"

Continue to fight like this, come and kill a wave.

Fu Xialiang raised his hand and under the clouds and thunder, many dog ​​clans were wiped out before they even arrived.

Killing to the end, from the beginning of the battle, there were nine waves, and corpses were everywhere. After the nine waves, there was no tenth wave.

Because there are less than seven or eight hundred dogs left, they are afraid of being killed!

Fu Xialiang and the three of them had no strength either.

Magnus's flying feathers turned into a dozen small birds, flying around to investigate the situation and protect them.

Fu Xialiang reluctantly made a big pot of dog meat soup, and the three of them had a full meal.

Then he collapsed to the ground and slowly recovered.

Magnus has been among the corpses, looking for something.

After searching for a long time, I found a dog's tooth in the body of the golden dog that almost killed Fu Xialiang.

She refined it slowly, while Fu Xialiang was watching, and couldn't help asking:

"Is it refining demon possession again?"

"I can condense the supernatural powers possessed by the bones of foreign races into bones and organs that can be transplanted, which is what you humans call demon possession."

Fu Xialiang gritted his teeth and asked, "Can you teach me this refining method?"

Magnus nodded and said: "It can be taught, but you are not allowed to teach others, and we must exchange!

Equivalent exchange! "

Fu Xialiang gritted his teeth. Most of the many magical powers he knows have the Styx oath. It is no problem for the three of them to teach each other, but it is impossible to teach others.

After thinking about it, Fu Xialiang said:
"I have a set of life spells here, a total of twelve.

You can open soil to refine the Tao, divide the land into a mansion, turn stones into mud, rest after the fetal breath, ignite fire in the void, and gather water with spiritual energy..."

What a blast!
"How? Change or not!"

Give it a try, the most common little spell, give it a go, you won't get pregnant anyway.

But I didn't want Magnus to be overjoyed, and said: "Change, change!"

Although these are small spells of the human race, they are unheard of for the Magnus race.

A group of big eagles, how could it be possible for you to ask them to study and practice this little magic of life!

Magnus was delighted with this exchange.

The spell exchange was successful.

In fact, Magnus also concealed many weaknesses of the method of demon possession.

Her method of refining the Yaozang also has limitations, the opponent must condense the supernatural powers in the bones to refine the Yaozang.

For example, the law ridge of the stone dog at the beginning, and the teeth of the gold-shining dog, are all like this.

But Fu Xialiang didn't care, anyway, getting the refining method of Xiuxian Nine Paths Yaozang was more valuable than anything else.

After the exchange, the three of them began to rest here.

With a few hours before dawn, Fu Xialiang used Ye Mo to recover from his injuries.

Abaddon came over and handed Fu Xialiang a meat ball the size of an eyeball.

"Fu, eat it and recover quickly!"

Fu Xialiang glanced at Abaddon, and asked internally:
"Eat or not?"

Zhang Yue looked at Abaddon and said, "It's okay, let's eat, this bear has no bad intentions."

Zhang Yue is the most sensitive, and can see the essence of the other party.

Fu Xialiang nodded, and ate the meat ball in one gulp.

Sure enough, the wounds all over his body slowly healed, and the vitality in his body recovered.

"nice one!"

"Fu, I want to make friends with you!"

"Aren't we friends?"

"Hahaha, good, we are friends!"

After speaking, Abaddon took out a little light from his body.

"This is my true spirit's famous thorn, no matter how far we are in the future, we can use it to communicate."

The famous real spirit thorn needs to be refined by separate soul sacrifices. With this famous real spirit thorn, even thousands of time and space apart, they can communicate with each other.

It is a kind of supreme trust to give a famous thorn to a true spirit.

Fu Xialiang took it carefully, and said, "I don't have the real spirit thorn, and I don't know how to refine it. I'm really sorry, but I can't return the gift."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you have it or not, as long as I have it, we can get in touch!"

"Well, I accept it. If you have a chance to be my guest, I will treat you to a feast!"

Magnus on the side said, "Fu, I also want to make friends with you."

Fu Xialiang said: "We have been friends for a long time!"

Magnus also took out a True Spirit thorn and handed it to Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang took it and refined it slowly.

After exchanging the famous stabs of the real spirit, the relationship between the three seemed to be one step closer. Abaddon asked:
"Fu, what shall we do next?"

Fu Xialiang said with a smile: "Poor generals are left to chase after poor bandits bravely, so they must not be known as overlords!

Go after them and kill them all! "

Both Abaddon and Magnus were taken aback for a moment, and then said ecstatically, "Good!"

"There aren't many of them left, you can kill them all!"

"This is something that has never happened before. When I go back, my father will definitely reward me heavily."

Fu Xialiang thought for a while, and asked Magnus: "Excuse me, Magnus, why didn't you get punished by heaven for flying away?"

Magnus said with a smile: "As long as you perform a ceremony and get the approval of the world here, you will not be punished by heaven."

"Can this ritual teach me? If I can fly with the sword tomorrow, my combat effectiveness will be greatly improved."

"sure no problem!"

"Magnus, what payment do you need?"

"No need, we are friends now, free delivery!"

Fu Xialiang learned a ritual.

This ceremony is actually very simple, using common items in this world.

Use soil clods, branches, and clear water to lay out the magic circle, pray gently, and complete the ceremony.

According to this ceremony, he silently prayed for completion, and now he can fly away at will.

Watching Fu Xialiang complete the ceremony, Abaddon whispered:
"Fu, you are so powerful that you can kill Voldelon Fax.

Voldelon Fax is the only descendant of Belakel, the Eater of Worlds, so it is particularly arrogant, because his father will always protect him, and no one can kill him. "

Fu Xialiang nodded. Without the Absolute Immortal Sword, she would not be able to kill Voldemort Fax.

Looking at Abaddon, Fu Xialiang asked, "Aren't you the same?"

Abaddon smiled bitterly and said, "It's the same with me. I'm my father's 360 seven sons. If I die, I will die. He won't protect me."

One thousand 360 seven sons...

Fu Xialiang was speechless. He looked at Magnus and asked quietly:

"What about her?"

"Magnus, although she is not the only descendant, is also one of the favorite daughters of the Storm Lord Emerkel."

Fu Xialiang nodded, the same person does not have the same fate!
Abaddon said again: "Tomorrow's battle, be careful of a dog family!"

Fu Xialiang hesitated and said, "The master of the four guards?"

"Yes, he should be a real five-element dog. According to regulations, five-element dog is not allowed to enter the trial.

Not only could he come in, but he also brought four guards, who must have a high status.

However, looking at the dog clan who attacked us behind us, they were disorganized and unmanned.

He should be very afraid of being discovered, otherwise he will stand out, and with his status as a five-element dog, all dog clans will obey his orders.

If he leads all the dogs to hunt us down, we are also in danger. "

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said, "Except for him, the rest of the dog clan should be fine!"

"Be careful and take your time."

Here they rested, and the next day, after daybreak, they went to the land of the temple.

Along the way, there were no dogs and no one else.

In fact, there should be more than a dozen monks in the human race. They also secretly watched from a distance during the battle yesterday.

But no one came to fight.

Including Gu Daoling, this guy is very cowardly!
When I came near the temple, I saw a group of dogs from a distance.

There were still seven or eight hundred in number, and it looked like a huge mess, but they had already been killed and dared not chase Fu Xialiang and the three of them.

Many dog ​​clans are surrounded by twelve pillars in front of the temple.

Fu Xialiang gestured, and struck suddenly, a cloud of thunder blasted out.

Such dense dogs, how could they not be bombarded.

But the cloud and thunder flew up, approached the temple, and dissipated automatically without any reaction.

Before the temple, such terrible spells were invalid.

Fu Xialiang was speechless, wondering if "Mystery Without Light Yushu Lei" and "Ziwu Mighty Universe Thunder" were effective.

In the past, the slaughter of dogs relied on these two extraordinary Taoism.

Seeing Yunlei disappearing, the dogs howled happily.

Abaddon asked, "What to do?"

Fu Xialiang said: "Come back at night, we will be on our own side, all kinds of sneak attacks, guerrilla tactics, killing one is one."

Under "The True Eye of the Golden Pupil Wrong Light Cave", he said: "There are three more 810s! A drop of water penetrates a stone, and they will all be killed sooner or later."

Both Abaddon and Magnus nodded.

They stopped attacking during the day, just watched silently, waiting for time to pass.

Little by little, the sky was getting dark, Fu Xialiang smiled, summoned the ultimate purple king kong, Zhang Yue entered his body, and gained another combat power.

The four of them, one on one side, quietly attacked many dog ​​clans.

More than 800 dogs were surrounded, cut, and slaughtered by four of them!

This is the characteristic of Xianxia civilization, where great power is concentrated on the individual.

Although their realms are similar, although the number of dogs is close to a thousand, they are no match for the four of them!

Fu Xialiang moved quietly, and the night assimilated and approached him.

But there are too many dogs there, and among them, there are no longer a few dogs with supernatural powers of vision and perception.

There is still a bright moon in the sky, so it is impossible to forcibly infiltrate it.

He approached repeatedly, but was always discovered by the other party.

The most speechless thing, close to the temple, not only the cloud and thunder of "Zixiao Thunder" cannot be cast, but also the "Mystery of Wuguang Yushu Lei" cannot be cast.

It seems that the natural magic here, this kind of large-scale killing thunder spell, is forbidden.

Not only Fu Xialiang, but also Abaddon, the two of them couldn't get close to each other at all.

As long as you get close, you will be immediately besieged by the opponent's hundreds of dogs.

The flames of the Burning Dog Clan, the shadow attack of the Burying Shadow Dog Clan, the venom of the Rotten Magnetic Dog Clan...

The bombardment came like raindrops, and there was no way to resist it.

The dog clan formed a battle formation, defending desperately, defending tightly.

But Magnus was different, she flew up and down, and must have caught a dog among the dogs, flew in the air, and tore it to pieces.

Her flying speed is extremely fast, even as if she has traveled through time and space, in a flash, a dog family must be captured by her.

Over there, Zhang Yue couldn't assimilate into the night and approach, but with a roar, he raised his sword, and the divine sword merged into one, and killed the dogs.

He wielded the Excalibur, killing all directions, and under the light of the sword, no one could beat him.

Under the light of the sword, from the dog clan's side to this side in one go, beheading thirty or forty dog ​​clans.

But that's the case, the dog clan's battle formation is strict, and all of them are not afraid of death. They fully exerted their abilities and withstood the attacks of Fu Xialiang and others.

How can this be good?

When they were at a loss, suddenly, in the east, a large cloud of smoke appeared.

The smoke was grayish-yellow, completely poisonous.

It rose in the east and quickly spread over here, as if under an inexplicable wind force, at an extremely fast speed, enveloping all the dogs in a blink of an eye.

In the smoke, many dogs coughed desperately.

This extremely poisonous stench happened to be the nemesis of the dogs with the first sense of smell. Fu Xialiang and the others might be able to bear it, but the dogs couldn't bear it at all.

Many dog ​​clans rushed out of the smoke, but they seemed to be weak all over, with only two or three points left in their abilities.

Fu Xialiang and the others shot immediately, one at a time, beating the dog in the water.

Many dog ​​clans had no ability to resist, and they were all killed on the spot.

A person walked out in the east, it was Gu Daoling, and he also joined the ranks of the Dog Beating Clan.

He released the poisonous smoke. He cultivated Taishang to listen to the wind and control the wind, so he could control the poisonous smoke properly.

This is not any magical power, it is simply burning fire and smoking.

Among them were all kinds of poisons he was looking for, and he skillfully blows the poisonous smoke over with the method of listening to the wind.

This is not a large spell, but a natural phenomenon, so the temple has no way to defend.

Under the poisonous smoke, many dog ​​clans collapsed on the ground, and those who could struggle to get out were killed by Fu Xialiang and the others.

There are also quite a few, directly poisoned to death.

Fu Xialiang looked at Gu Daoling and gave him a thumbs up.

Gu Daoling laughed and said, "It's just a coincidence!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, extremely happy.

After doing such a deed, after returning, the sect will definitely reward him heavily.

After a while, the poisonous smoke dissipated. Looking at the dogs all over the place, some were moaning and some were directly poisoned to death.

Few can get up and continue fighting.

They passed by without mercy, killing them all one by one.

Among them, Fu Xialiang resorted to the vortex of the universe to absorb the spirituality of the dog clan.

Zhang Yue is the most vicious, under the sword light, the heads of all the dogs are different, it can be said that among the crowd, he is the No. 1 dog killer.

He was about to approach the twelve pillars, and cried:
"What about these guys?"

Abaddon immediately shouted: "That big rat is one of our own!"

The big mouse on the pillar also struggled vigorously, squeaking, as if echoing.

Zhang Yue laughed and said, "Okay, my own, stay!"

Looking at other Moko Shuras and Mudaya faeries, his eyes were filled with killing intent.

Suddenly, in the void, there seemed to be a figure rushing towards him.

The speed of this phantom is very fast, it goes into the earth, travels through the woods, and when it encounters gold, it will divide the gold...

Abaddon couldn't help shouting: "Be careful, Wuxing Tiangou Wuxingdun!"

It went straight to Zhang Yue and arrived in an instant.

Zhang Yue sneered, let out a loud roar, and immediately drew out his sword, "Zhenjiang Danghai Luoyunxia", "Void Illusionary Sparrow Flying into the Sky", "Ziqiu Navigating the Sea Chaos Sword"...

But those sword lights can't stop the opponent.

The Five Elements Tengu flashed suddenly, and Zhang Yue seemed to have a round sun...

Abaddon yelled again: "The dog swallows the sun!"

With a click, Yuanri was swallowed by something, and as Yuanri was shattered, Zhang Yue's body was shattered like a purple diamond, without any struggle, and turned into powder.

Not only his body, but also the fourth-order divine sword obtained from the sword master Old Dog was also shattered along with him.

The five elements and the heavenly dog ​​roam freely between the heaven and the earth, and the five elements are free to be violated by any law.

The Tiangu swallows the sun, and it destroys all dharmas and all bodies. The big sun can swallow it, not to mention others.

Just one blow, Zhang Yue died!
However, Zhang Yue's spirit returned to Fu Xialiang's body all of a sudden.

The five-element dog in the void immediately appeared.

It looked like an ordinary kobold, very handsome, even somewhat human-like.

But his eyes were full of killing intent, and he looked at everyone.

With a "bang" sound from Gudao Mausoleum, it turned into a gust of breeze, disappeared and ran away.

Abaddon immediately put his hands on his head, raised his head like a bear, knelt down without moving!

It looks ridiculous, but this should be a powerful defensive power.

But Fu Xialiang was not afraid at all, and even had a provocative look.

Because he has immovable mountains and seas, he can resist all attacks. If the five elements of heavenly dogs attack him, let his tengu Tunri and his own immovable mountains and seas try to see who is more powerful.

With just one breath, Fu Xialiang can kill him with a sword, the Immortal Sword!
But at this moment, the Five Elements Heavenly Dog has set its target.

Just now, the first crazy one was Zhang Yue, and the second one was Magnus.

So his target is Magnus.

Magnus frantically flew through the void, trying to escape.

The Five Elements Tengu flashed and disappeared invisible.

He seemed to blend into nature, and he couldn't see his trace at all, the five elements escaped.

Suddenly, a full sun appeared on Magnus, and Magnus screamed in despair.

Seeing that Magnus died immediately, but in an instant, a powerful force appeared on Magnus.

This power penetrates time and space, and is directly projected from the distant star sea.

Yang Xiuming actually saw this kind of power once. When he killed Volderon Fax, his father appeared like this, wanting to save his son.

Wuxing Tiangou seemed to feel something bad, turned around and ran away, Wuxing escaped without a trace.

But in the void, a huge eagle claw suddenly fell.

Grab it from that endless time and space.

Then in the distance, there was a pop, and a blood burst.

This almost invincible five-element dog was directly crushed to pieces.

Immediately, Yang Xiuming understood that this was the protection left by Magnus' father, Imerkel the Storm Lord, on Magnus.

Sure enough, Magnus screamed: "Daddy, Daddy, he's killing me!"

Then, a voice came from the huge eagle claw:
"Ant, dare to murder my daughter, it has been crushed!"

With life and death in sight, Magnus was so frightened that he cried, "Dad, Dad, I'm so scared!"

"Don't be afraid, the ants have been completely smashed, who is killing you, I will continue to crush them!"

Completely a daughter slave!

Fu Xialiang was so stupid, she exchanged a look with Abaddon, as if saying: "Your father is like this too!"

Abaddon smiled wryly, how could he have such a good father...

Fu Xialiang let out a long sigh, no matter how powerful his supernatural powers are, no matter how powerful his spells are, it's not as good as having a good father!

According to Merkel's projection, the Storm Lord disappeared soon.

Magnus seemed a little embarrassed, and fell slowly.

Fu Xialiang immediately called for help:
"Thank you Magnus, you saved us all, without you, we would all die, you are our hero."

"My lord, this is great, it's amazing!"

After a few words of flattery, the embarrassing situation was resolved, and Magnus looked very comfortable.

Gu Daoling, who ran without a trace, did not know when he would come back.

Everyone continued to work, killing those dogs.

Abaddon saved the big mouse in the past. He should be called Difu. After being rescued by Abaddon, he immediately burst into tears.

Gu Daoling rescued Ye Zhiqiu and Xi Chen, two human monks.

They were hung for eight or nine days, panting for breath, and needed to rest for a while before they could stand up.

Fu Xialiang didn't care about them, he came in front of the others.

Moko Shura, kill!

One palm at a time, all smashed into meat paste.

Then use the vortex of the universe to absorb spirituality.


One of them, Moke Shura, had a special power coming from the arm bone of one arm.

Fu Xialiang immediately used the method taught by Magnus to remove the arm bone. Sure enough, it contained supernatural powers and could refine demon possession.

Fu Xialiang was overjoyed and came before those Mudaya fairies.

The Mudaya fairy is similar to a human woman, but she is very short, half the height of a human.

And there are more wings on the back, the hair is grass, and there are many vine-like existences on the body.

Fu Xialiang didn't care about these, and killed them all with one palm.

With the vortex of the universe, absorb spirituality.

It's a pity that these Mudaya fairies don't have any supernatural powers on their bodies.

There are six Mudaya faeries, five are killed, and the sixth is reached.

Fu Xialiang was taken aback, what kind of Mudaya fairy is there, this is a human girl.

A beautiful woman, very tall, a head taller than Fu Xialiang, in a coma, with delicate features, beautiful face, demure and gentle.

But this person is not a cultivator in this trial?
Fu Xialiang shouted: "Old Gu, come and have a look."

Gu Daoling came over to take a look and said, "This is a human woman, but she's not from us?"

"How is this going?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a dog family, this big man is too tall.

Maybe it was a clansman who was captured by the dog clan before? "

The Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs attacked Taishang Dao from time to time, plundering the population, and even among the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs, many human races were raised.

"Is that one of your own?"

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang untied the woman.

Surprisingly, the woman was tied very firmly. Fu Xialiang tore it several times, but she couldn't break the binding rope.

Magnus came over, and the eagle claws tore hard, breaking the ropes.

But the woman was unconscious,
At this time, Difu recovered and came here to thank Fu Xialiang.

I am very grateful for this blessing, one benefactor for each mouthful, it is almost like falling into the ground.

Abaddon saved him so desperately, this guy must have something extraordinary.

Fu Xialiang also responded politely, and got a famous stab from the Earth Blessing True Spirit.

The ancient Taoist mausoleum was not obtained over there, and Difu was very disdainful when he saw the ancient Taoist mausoleum escaped so quickly.

Gu Daoling didn't care either, suddenly, he shouted:
"Where's the girl?"

Fu Xialiang looked, and the woman who was unconscious just now was gone.

Looking over, she had already come behind Xichen, tilted her head, bit Xichen's neck, and sucked blood hard.

Ye Zhiqiu was so frightened that he rolled and crawled, and ran away desperately.

These girls are not good people!
The crowd immediately surrounded her.

The woman only took a few bites, and Xi Chen was turned into a mummy by her blood.

The woman's face was covered in blood. She dropped Xichen, looked at the crowd, and suddenly stuck out her tongue, which was a foot long, and licked her face.

Seeing this scene, Abaddon yelled:

"She's not a dog..."

"She, she is the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon!"

Almost screamed!

The Five Elements Tengu master the mighty power of the Five Elements. They claim to be the descendants of the real dragons. Above the Five Elements Tengu, there is a family of Jiugang Tianlong, who is the Supreme Emperor of the Five Elements Tengu.

This kind of Jiugang Tianlong is a mutation of the Five Elements Tiangou, but it is the blood of the real dragon!
In an instant, Fu Xialiang and the others understood what was going on.

This woman is a female of the Five Elements Tengu. Before the trial, it was specially explained that the female of the Five Elements Tengu is similar in appearance to a human woman to some extent.

The five-element tengu is a female, and is discriminated against by the five-element tengu, and is not treated as a member of the clan.

This five-element tengu female breaks through herself and is promoted to the nine-gang heavenly dragon.

That's okay, but in the end she was attacked and captured by the five-element dog who died just now, and was taken into the blood cave of wild beasts.

The pillars were set up here and the ceremony was prepared. The other party wanted to use the blood cave of wild beasts to extract her blood of the Nine-Gang Heavenly Dragon, and use this to evolve the Nine-Gang Heavenly Dragon.

But he didn't want to, when he met Fu Xialiang and others, he was directly crushed to death.

Then Fu Xialiang and the others rescued her, she pretended to be in a coma, deceived everyone, sucked blood from Xichen, and regained her strength.

There was nothing to say, Fu Xialiang let out a roar and replaced Zhang Yue.

In an instant, Sanyang Kaitai turned into a divine sword, and the divine sword merged into one, slashing across.

Among them, everyone followed closely behind and shot one after another.

This time, Gu Daoling didn't escape, but rushed forward.

But the woman opened her mouth suddenly, as if roaring.

Following her movement, there was no sound, but infinite coercion appeared.

Dragon Might of the Nine Gangs!

Under this coercion, Gu Daoling, Abaddon, and Magnus all collapsed.

Difu burrowed into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

Only Fu Xialiang was not affected by any influence. At this moment, the three of them had merged into one, and the sword light fell, slashing towards the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon.

Jiugang Tianlong retreated, and it was also Wuxingdun, which disappeared in a blink of an eye, avoiding Fu Xialiang's sword light.

Zhang Yue let out a loud roar, followed by Sly Hunter, looked at the ground, and immediately found faint traces, and followed them away.

The Jiugang Tianlong suddenly appeared, and its stomach immediately turned into a meat ball, and it sprayed suddenly.

With a puff, a sea of ​​light spewed out from her mouth.

Nine Gang Dragon Breath!

Faced with such a dragon's breath, Zhang Yue drew out his sword, and the sword shook the sky!
As soon as this sword is released, it is like a pillar of light that overwhelms the world, and the terrifying dragon's breath of the nine gangs is divided into two, which has no effect.

Yang Xiuming made a move, covering the sky with one hand.

Suddenly it was pitch black.

The Jiugang Tianlong was in the dark vision, and Zhang Yue rushed forward.

The sword moves instantly, "Sword of Ao Song Shenghua", "White Ape Holds the Sword of Peach", "Shaking the River and Falling Clouds", "Void Illusionary Sparrow Soaring into the Sky", "Purple Qiu Navigating the Sea Chaos Sword"...

Jiugang Tianlong made a move to resist. In the dark night, he couldn't see anything, but he made a steady move.

The two fought, and in the blink of an eye after seventeen sword strikes, Zhang Yue shouted: "Strike!"

The sword light transformed by Sanyang Kaitai immediately broke through the defense of the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon and slashed her.

Middle, middle, middle!
Click, click, but Jiugang Tianlong was not hurt.

Nine Dragon Scales!

Seeing that Zhang Yue was unable to cause harm to herself, she stopped defending immediately, and looked at Zhang Yue with an evil look.

Suddenly, a round sun appeared around Fu Xialiang, this is the dog swallowing the sun!

But with this breath, she gave Zhang Yue a chance.

Zhang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and stabbed out a sword quietly!
"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

With thoughts turned into swords, all thoughts are true, nine days and ten places, there is no disadvantage!

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Jinxian are blood-stained.

(End of this chapter)

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