Dao Shaohua

Chapter 191 The Way of Heaven Establishes the Foundation, Lightning Thousands of Miles

Chapter 191 The Way of Heaven Establishes the Foundation, Lightning Thousands of Miles

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

With a sword down, Jiugang Tianlong didn't respond at all, and was hit by the sword immediately!
For a moment, Jiugang Tianlong remained motionless, unable to resist this terrifying sword technique.

However, the sun on Fu Xialiang's body does not linger, and the Jiugang Tianlong vainly plans to use the dog to swallow the sun to fight against Fu Xialiang's "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Sword".

But how is it possible!

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" contains the most powerful law of heaven in this universe, and Daluo Jinxian is also blood-stained.
With a click, the round sun shattered, but Fu Xialiang was not hurt at all.

Tengu Tunri was shattered by "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword".

Jiugang Tianlong let out a terrible howling dog, because she knew that her life was about to end.

She is crying for help, begging for mercy!
In an instant, the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon was about to burst and turn into countless flying ashes.

But suddenly, a powerful force was transmitted from the depths of the world.

This power enveloped the Jiugang Tianlong.

It wants to protect her!
This is the original power of the Desolate Beast's Blood Cave, and it wants to save the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon with the power of a world.

The body of Jiugang Tianlong, which was about to explode, immediately recovered, as if it was intact.

But, pointless!
"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

With thoughts turned into swords, all thoughts are true, nine days and ten places, there is no disadvantage!

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Jinxian are blood-stained.

The world is in the way, so what?
Then smash this world!
When you meet a god and kill a god, you meet a world and break a world!

With a puff, the Jiugang Tianlong still splashed into thousands of blood.

Then the power of the world's origin, with a click, also shattered.

Fu Xialiang stood there, not far from the Jiugang Tianlong, and the blood splashed by the Jiugang Tianlong sprayed him all over.

It didn't even splatter to other places. I don't know why, but it was all splattered on his body. From head to toe, it was full of the blood of Jiugang Tianlong.

As if it was his body that was specially attracted.

This made Fu Xialiang and the three of them extremely speechless.

Then there was a click and a boom, and the magnificent temple collapsed.

The original power of the world comes from the black-headed dog god in the temple.

When the Five Elements Heavenly Dog was refining the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon, the Black-headed Dog God didn't care, and the meat rotted in the pot. It would be better if the refining was successful.

Later, the Five Elements Heavenly Dog died, and the Nine-Gang Heavenly Dragon was in danger. The Black-headed Dog God immediately took action, and he wanted to save the Nine-Gang Heavenly Dragon.

However, he failed in his attack, "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" is so domineering.

Cut off the origin of the world.

So his temple also collapsed.

All this happened so fast that everyone was dumbfounded.

Abaddon suddenly shouted: "No, the temple of the Black-headed Dog God is broken, which means that the world's shackles on him are also weakened.

Everyone, hurry up and get out of here, lest the black-headed dog descend! "

As soon as these words were said, everyone immediately activated their marks one by one and left here.

In this battle, the dog clan was completely wiped out. It can be said that the trial was over. Immediately, everyone shone brightly, and then left one by one.

Gu Daoling left and waved to Fu Xialiang to tell him to leave quickly, but Fu Xialiang didn't respond.

Then Ye Zhiqiu also left.

Abaddon also left, looked at Fu Xialiang and shouted:

"Fu, see you again when we have a chance!"

Fu Xialiang nodded slightly, seeing him off!

Then Magnus and Defu left one after another.

Magnus took one last look at Fu Xialiang, as if there was an inexplicable emotion in the eagle's eyes.

A few Guanghua left in the distance. They were all human monks. They just watched the battle from a distance and did not dare to participate in the battle. They fled now.

Fu Xialiang really wanted to leave, but he didn't dare to move.

Because of a powerful force, it locked him tightly.

As long as he moves, he will surely die!
Suddenly, the power became stronger, and in a trance, a giant beast slowly appeared.

A giant dog, as tall as a thousand feet, with a black head, dead black!

Black-headed dog god!

He is the god of this place and controls the world here, but he is also restricted by the world and cannot deal with those invaders.

It can only change the luck of the opponent, improve the luck of the dog clan, and play bad hands behind the scenes.

Now that the origin of the world has been severely damaged, the temple has collapsed, but his shackles have disappeared, and he wants to kill Fu Xialiang himself.

As time passed, his power became stronger and stronger, and there were several human race lights in the distance, which suddenly went out.

I want to leave now, it's too late!

Fu Xialiang was shocked and asked, "What should I do?"

Yang Xiuming looked at the huge dog god in the distance, and said slowly:

"The "Nine Skys and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" is no longer available, so there is one way!
Devouring Demon God, devour him! "

Fu Xialiang said: "How is it possible!"

"nothing is impossible!"

"Look at this guy, with such a big dog's head and sharp teeth, it seems that he likes to eat people, so he will definitely swallow us up."

"It devours us, it just gives us a chance!"

"When the time comes, you will not move mountains and seas and guard us.

Then I invite Night God to appear and devour him in turn! "

The three nodded, and instantly became one!

Yang Xiuming silently cast the spell:
"The night is dark, the sky is dark, the darkness is infinite, my night is ignorant..."

"Great Darkness" spell "Darkness Devours".

The talent Grass Dragon Snake is activated, the talent Night Demon God is activated, the destiny flashes, the star of the heavenly scourge falls, and finally the Demon Devourer.

At this moment, Yang Xiuming fully activated all his abilities, and suddenly, he seemed to be connected to that great existence beyond the distant starry sky.

The distant Ye Shen connected to Yang Xiuming and immediately understood what happened here, as if in ecstasy.

Infinite power fell far away and injected into Yang Xiuming's body.

However, this power is very secretive, preventing the other party from discovering it.

At this time, the black-headed dog god has completely broken free from the shackles of the world, and it has completely gained freedom. With its full body, it is staring at Fu Xialiang.

It opened its mouth to devour Fu Xialiang, but it seemed to be taken aback for a moment, as if it sensed danger inexplicably, so it didn't bite down.

Yang Xiuming said calmly: "Old Fu, activate the mark of return left by Da Neng!"

In addition to this mark, Fu Xialiang also has a mark given by Senior Sister Qing Liang, so she is not afraid.

Without any hesitation, Fu Xialiang immediately activated the return mark.

Suddenly, a streamer appeared on Fu Xialiang's body, and he wanted to run away.

escape there!
The black-headed dog god lowered his vigilance, and suddenly opened his mouth and bit down!

With this bite, Fu Xialiang was bitten tightly.

Unmoved mountains and seas are activated, but under the spirit of the gods, they can only hold on for a while.

This breath is enough, Yang Xiuming shouted: "You've been fooled!"

Suddenly, a huge mouth appeared on him.

This huge mouth is actually not big, only ten feet long, but it bites down in one bite, and swallows the thousand-foot black-headed dog god in one gulp.

The huge mouth continues to devour, and the whole world, the wild beast's blood cave, is swallowed by it in one bite.

In a blink of an eye, only Fu Xialiang existed, and there were no more desolate beast blood caves.

In the void, countless powerful divine senses appeared, and countless powerful beast races rushed here.

He immediately activated the golden hair given by his senior sister, and in a flash, Fu Xialiang disappeared, teleporting back!
With a flash in the void, Fu Xialiang returned to the Supreme Dao.

In a trance, time and space rotated, and with a sudden shock, Fu Xialiang appeared in the departure hall.

After returning here, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue disappeared immediately. They returned to the base camp and went home separately.

There are too many talents here, if you don't leave, accidents are easy to happen.

Yang Xiuming went home and returned to his body.

He gasped for breath, and his whole body twitched suddenly.

Infinite vitality, across time and space, was injected into his body.

This is the harvest of this trial.

Under this boundless zhenqi, Yang Xiuming's whole body was shaken in the end, and he was promoted to the first level of realm.

Qi Refinement Ninth Layer!

Yuan Neng Zhen Qi soared by [-]%, the whole body was incomparably strong, the body was strong, the five senses expanded, and the body was infinitely flexible.

He gasped for breath, not only did he improve his cultivation, but also tried to transform himself!

In an instant, Yang Xiuming turned into a shadow dog, and Taishang Chijing was still transformed.

But just for a moment, the Burying Shadow Dog changed drastically, rolling on the ground, and suddenly turned into a thin and handsome dog man.

Yang Xiuming immediately felt the vitality of the five elements, as if it was clearly written in front of him.

It's never been so easy!

Five Elements Tengu!

After the trial is completed, all the dogs will die, and those who survive will be promoted to the Five Elements Tengu.

In addition to these, Yang Xiuming also felt that there was infinite blood condensed on his body, which was difficult to control.

This is the Jiugang Tianlong, who was killed by them, and blood splashed on them.

At that time, Fu Xialiang had already completed the Five Elements Heavenly Dog, the origin of the same race, so he absorbed all the dragon blood of the Nine Gangs Heavenly Dragon, and the three of them shared it equally!
In addition to these, Yang Xiuming also felt the place of the night god in the distant starry sky. He ate the black-headed dog god and swallowed the blood cave of wild beasts, and he must be rewarded.

However, it is still in the blood cave of refining wild beasts, and will be rewarded later.

But Yang Xiuming didn't care too much about these things. What he cared about was Fu Xialiang.

But Fu Xialiang didn't call for a long time.

Yang Xiuming could only get up, clean himself up, take a good bath, squatted in the pit for most of the day, and now he is a little constipated.

I went to school early the next morning. I hadn't attended class for a long time, so I had to show my face.

At night, there was still no contact from Fu Xialiang, and Yang Xiuming was very worried.

Come to the base camp, Zhang Yue is here.

Zhang Yue is still at the first level of foundation building, Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang have not been promoted, and he will never be promoted to the realm.

But Zhang Yue also became a five-element dog.

There is also the coagulation of the Qi and blood of the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon.

They continued to wait for three full days.

Suddenly, a call came from Fu Xialiang.

The two went over immediately, and were taken aback when they saw Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang has suddenly been promoted to the foundation building realm!

It turns out that these days, he is attacking the foundation building period!
Looking at the two of them, Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "Big brother, second brother, I also succeeded in building a foundation!

Moreover, I am also Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment! "

In the words, there is endless calmness!
After going through so much, killing gods and breaking the world, how can we not build the foundation of the way of heaven!
Zhang Yue shouted: "Great, you have also established the foundation!"

Before the words fell, Zhang Yue felt his breath tumbling. Following Fu Xialiang's successful foundation establishment, he broke through the realm in one breath and was promoted to the second level of foundation establishment.

In fact, Zhang Yue should have been promoted a long time ago, but he was suppressed to death. Now that Fu Xialiang has succeeded in building the foundation, he is also a breakthrough.

Then in an instant, the three of them felt the change together.

"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" seemed to be a loud bang.

After the blackened fourth page, the fifth page quietly appeared, and one page was automatically restored.

The three were ecstatic!

Suddenly, Fu Xialiang has an extra talent!
Birth and death!
Trials and battles are almost instantaneous life and death, and the same is true for many dog ​​clans, five-element heavenly dogs, nine-gang heavenly dragons, and even black-headed dog gods.

Therefore, Fu Xialiang was promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, and gained an extra talent.

Sudden attack, life and death in the blink of an eye, Fu Xialiang is always the one who wins, he can survive, with this talent, the balance of victory is tilted towards him!

Fu Xialiang laughed loudly, all the talent has been contributed by the elder brother and the second brother, he is very unwilling.

Finally, he also contributed one!
Then the supernatural power Lei Kai Er, quietly evolved, and became Lei Dang San!
Name: Fu Xialiang
Lifespan: 130/[-]

Dao Body: Thunderbolt

Bloodline: two skillful hands, icy heart and bones
Fate: Nascent Thor


Boundary: Stage [-] of Foundation Establishment

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost, Life and Death
Supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, the heart of the sword penetrates the mystery, one sword shakes the sky, thunder strikes three, and three yangs open up Tai


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (Second Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (fourth stage)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lamp Method" (Level [-])
"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
"Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor" (first stage)
Sword Intent: Repression, Assassination, Concussion, Illusion, Chaos

French meaning: Lei Hai, Lei An

Transformation: Five Elements Tengu

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

33 days of Taishang Dao, prevent "Zhen Jia Wen Zen"

Judgment: Thunder clears thousands of miles, does not move mountains and seas
The data has changed drastically, especially the verdict has been changed, and it is no longer a demon. The three of them are happy.

Yang Xiuming asked concerned: "Are you okay when you come back?"

Fu Xialiang said slowly, "I'm currently in isolation."


"Yes, this kind of trial, after returning, will be quarantined for one month.

The ghost knows if the monk who went there will be infiltrated and infected by the other party, and will take away his body and soul.

This time, besides me, there are 11 people including Gu Daoling, Ye Zhiqiu, Wang Fengkuang, Huang Mengbi, etc. "

Yang Xiuming complained: "We have never seen that Wang Fengkuang.

Ye Zhiqiu was hung from the head to the end, rolling and crawling, running the fastest. "

Fu Xialiang laughed, and said: "When we return, the Zongmen will naturally check the Yuanshen, and the Zongmen has records of the general process.

Therefore, it should be rewarded and punished!

However, everyone will be rewarded if they come back alive.

This time, all those who came back alive were transformed by the Five Elements Tengu, especially Huang Mengbi and the other seven old monks, who were originally at the end of their lives, but now have at least 36 years of life, and may be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

They are sensible.

Ye Zhiqiu sent me three thousand spirit stones to express my gratitude.

Huang Mengbi and others each sent eight hundred spirit stones, only Wang Fengkuang did not make any movement, I will remember him! "

Almost all of these people were saved by Fu Xialiang, so I came here to thank them.

Gu Daoling fought their lives together, so naturally there is no need to send spirit stones.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I also remember Wang Fengkuang, as long as we come back alive."

Fu Xialiang said: "Not only did we come back alive, but I also brought back the demon's spine and arm bones.

It's a pity that the sword master's bone sword was broken and he was blinded in vain.

I handed over these two to the sect. "

Since the dead dog tooth did not belong to Fu Xialiang, naturally he did not bring it back.

Zhang Yue said: "You deal with it, we don't worry."

Fu Xialiang smiled and said: "I didn't hand it in for nothing, please the Zongmen will turn these two demon possessions into corresponding extraordinary Taoism rewards.

Yaozang can only be refined by me alone, and the three of us can practice Transcendent Taoism together, so Transcendent Taoism is the most suitable. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Old Fu is the most reliable in handling things!"

"Unfortunately, the vortex heart of the universe and the method of refining the skeleton demon possession have special spiritual deeds and cannot be taught to others.

Otherwise, I will hand it over to the sect in exchange for benefits. "

Zhang Yue said, "What about the Zongmen's reward?"

Fu Xialiang said: "It hasn't been issued yet.

Also I have made a special application, I asked to study Taishang Chi Jing.

We all have the blood essence of the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon in our body, so we can't be blind, we can use Taishang Chi Jing to practice a true spirit transformation. "

Yang Xiuming said: "This is good!"

The three of them talked here, thinking about what they wanted.

Suddenly, a sect deacon came here.

Fu Xialiang hurriedly greeted him.

After the deacon of the sect arrived here, he was not polite and directly preached the decree of the Dharma!
"Fu Xialiang, participate in the trial of the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs, save the fellow sects of the sect, kill all the dog clans, kill the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs, kill the Nine Gangs of Heavenly Dragons, destroy the Black-headed Dog God, and destroy the Blood Cave of Desolate Beasts!
Make an inexhaustible contribution, and the sect will reward you heavily!
Fu Xialiang, with the two types of disciples of the sect, specially promoted to the five types of disciples, as the true biography of the sect! "

Fu Xialiang was in ecstasy, five kinds, directly for the true biography of the sect!

"Award, Fu Xialiang, a great merit from the Supreme Dao!"

What does this mean, Fu Xialiang doesn't understand, he has never heard of any great merit.

"Reward, Fu Xialiang, Taishang Chijing, the secret transmission of Taishang Dao, receive the Dharma once."

This is what he asked for, and it is normal.

"Award, Fu Xialiang, there are two spells corresponding to the Zongmen's law library, super-sacred magic, and super-ordinary Taoism, both are acceptable!"

This is the exchange of two monsters.

"Award, Fu Xialiang, two foundation building pills, [-] spirit stones, one selection of supernatural powers, one army of Taoist soldiers, and one Fuyun cave!"

Foundation Establishment Pill is a great reward for participating in the trial, but Fu Xialiang has already been promoted to Foundation Establishment, so it is useless.

Spiritual stones are money, supernatural powers are methods, Taoist soldiers are companions, and Fuyun cave is land.

This is a standard reward for a couple of wealth and law.

Fu Xialiang was very happy. After the deacon rewarded her, she left.

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said:

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I want to sell both the Foundation Establishment Pill and the Dao Bing. These things are useless to us. It's better to replace them with spirit stones."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Indeed!"

"Save up enough spirit stones, buy another fourth-order heaven and earth spirit object, and activate the "Five Elements Heaven and Heart Lamp Method"."

"The selection of supernatural powers must be kept, and go to Taiyi Nine Suns again to gather the leaders of the Six Suns."

"Yes, the leader of Liuyang, this is a good thing."

"Brother has already refined the ninth level of Qi, and the foundation should be established soon."

"I also want to build the foundation of heaven!"

Yang Xiuming said proudly!

"Haha, it's a must!"

While they were chatting, a powerful divine sense appeared in the void.

The three of them were immediately honest and respectful.

Because Supreme Master Han Shan is here.

It was still a streamer avatar appearing here.

"You kid, you actually have this opportunity, come on, let's finish quickly, I still have something to do!"

It seemed that Master Han Shan was in a hurry.

Fu Xialiang was honest, saluted and said: "Respect the decree of the law!"

"Swear with me!"

"I swear by the Styx here..."

"I cultivate Taishang Chijing. I will never teach any spirit intentionally or unintentionally. If it is leaked, the Styx will prove it. The demon will be punished by the sky. The self will destroy itself.

All three shouted together!
"I swear by the Styx here..."

In a trance, a method was injected into their bodies.

"Tai Shang Chi Jing has twelve true spirits, I wonder if you will get that transformation?"

Following the infusion of this method, Fu Xialiang began to cultivate himself in the dark.

Suddenly he roared, and instantly transformed into a dragon man!
Half human, half dragon, with horns on the top of the head, and dragon scales all over the body, it seems to have infinite power!

"Hey, not bad, is this the Nine Gang Heavenly Dragon?
The opportunity obtained during the trial?No wonder you choose Chi-Ji Transformation?
No, it's not the Nine Gangs Heavenly Dragon, but the Nine Gangs Divine Dragon?

Have you touched the divinity of the gods? "

After Fu Xialiang's transformation was completed, he turned into the Dragon of the Nine Gangs. When the black-headed dog god swallowed him, he was swallowed by the night god, so as to touch the divinity of both.

So Fu Xialiang's transformation changed from Jiugang Tianlong to Jiugang Shenlong.

"Haha, the Nine Gangs Dragon is stronger, you're not bad, what's your name?"

Fu Xialiang said respectfully: "Disciple, Fu Xialiang of the true lineage, Master Nine Kong Zhenjun Huang Wushang."

Fu Xialiang didn't mention his unlucky master, Jindan Daoist was not good enough in front of Huashen Zhenzun.

"I'll look inside your body, if there are three-point signs of the primordial spirit.

Seeing that you are pleasing to the eye, I will give you the candidate qualification of the sect's great supernatural power to transform the three cleans into one breath!

Next time, if you make a great contribution, you can apply directly, and the sect will definitely reward you with great supernatural powers to transform the three cleans in one breath! "

Fu Xialiang was ecstatic, turning Sanqing into one of the core supernatural powers of the Taishang Dao, and it was extremely difficult to obtain the candidate qualification.

I didn't expect that I would have a candidate qualification.

"Thank you ancestor!"

"Hahaha, you're not bad, I'll remind Yunheng, maybe you guys will come out of the line of excellence."

Fu Xialiang was speechless, who is Yun Heng?

Maybe this is my true patriarch, the elder of Huang Wushang, the Supreme Lord of the Nine Spaces...

After finishing speaking, True Venerable Han Shan's avatar left, and Fu Xialiang sent him off honestly and respectfully.

The three breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue left, and they all returned separately.

Yang Xiuming returned to his dormitory and tried to transform. Sure enough, besides the Five Elements Tengu, he also transformed into the Nine Gangs Dragon!
He tried to transform both of them, silently discovering the abilities in them.

It's a pity that during the great battle, the Five Elements Dungeon of the Five Elements Tengu and the Tengu Swallowing the Sun were not cultivated.

However, Yang Xiuming discovered a supernatural power of the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs.

In that night, he seemed to be able to swallow the moon quietly.

Tengu eats the moon!

Between heaven and earth, there are total solar eclipses and total lunar eclipses.

Yang Xiuming's first transformation was the Burying Shadow Dog, so the ability of his Five Elements Tengu is not that the Tengu swallows the sun, but that the Tengu eats the moon!

This is also a kind of power to completely smash the opponent, but this method is not effective against flesh and blood entities, but it is weird against demons, summoning magic items, ghosts and gods, there is no real entity, one bite at a time.

This is also related to Yang Xiuming's talent of eating ghosts.

Jiugang Shenlong has just mastered change, and also discovered a natal supernatural power.

That was the dragon scale used by the opponent during the battle.

The defense of the Nine-Gang Divine Dragon is particularly strong. With the supernatural dragon scales, it is almost invulnerable to weapons and spells.

The transformation of the two can be transformed as long as the physical strength is sufficient, but it should not exceed nine times a day, otherwise you will lose yourself.

And each time it can only last [-] breaths, it will automatically disband.

After the transformation, Wuxing Tiangou or Jiugang Shenlong are still at a very weak stage and need to be cultivated slowly, and sooner or later they can discover more magical powers.

In addition to the transformation of the two Taishang Chijing, Yang Xiuming took out the five-element set that Fu Xialiang bought for him before participating in the trial.

He began to practice "Tianyuan Yaoming Xu Huangjia".

Following the casting of the spell, nine vortexes appeared one by one above his head, but the last one had holy scales.

Yang Xiuming began to wear the Five Elements Robe, the Golden Armor, the Longevity Jacket, the Thousand Waves Clothes, the Red Lotus Clothes, the Mountain Yishan Helmet, the Confused Clothes, and the Guardian Armor...

Put them in one by one!

Suddenly, the nine vortexes merged into one, and the real operation of "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Huangjia" began.

Yang Xiuming was not surprised by this, it was exactly the same as Fu Xialiang's complete cultivation process.

Immediately, the nine armors merged into one, condensing into a magic robe, like a boundless sea, towering mountains, immovable heaven and earth, and an eternal avenue, representing endless power and infinite defense!
The avenue is armed without moving mountains and seas!

Many abilities are exactly the same!
It's just like Fu Xialiang, it's very difficult to control it, like a heavy weight.

Yang Xiuming smiled, his next step is to refine the Jia Dao Jia Bian, an elite armored man, practice 33 days of absolute defense "Zhen Jia Wen Zen", and continue to improve his defense power!

With these practices, gradually the Dao will arm the mountains and the seas, and it will become more and more relaxed, until finally it becomes nothing.

In fact, Yang Xiuming has been waiting for Ye Shen's reward.

Ye Shen swallowed the black dog god and absorbed the blood cave of wild beasts, how could he not show any signs of it?
According to the past, there must be heavy rewards.

However, after waiting for seven days, there was no response.

This made Yang Xiuming very speechless?Is this gone?
Are there times when the gods are so shameless?
Seven days later, Fu Xialiang was released, and there was a word from Huashen Zhenzun that there was no need to be quarantined for a month.

Fu Xialiang was very happy, and it was a necessary procedure to be the first to meet Master.

Master of Heaven and Earth!
Master Broken Tie was very happy, encouraged him, and gave Fu Xialiang a thousand spirit stones as a reward from his master.

It seems that real Broken Tie has gradually valued Fu Xialiang, and his status has quietly improved.

"Xia Liang, you have already established your foundation, what method do you want to learn next?"

"Master, I have been majoring in Taishang 33 Tianjue. After the foundation is established, I don't know how to practice. Can I ask Master to teach me?"

Anyway, Broken Tie is also an old Jindan real person, a tyrannical one, not a weak person, Fu Xialiang begged his master for advice.

Broken Iron Master nodded slowly and said:

"A monk of the Supreme Dao, who has been refining Qi for 33 days.

After establishing the foundation, ordinary inner disciples have two options.

One is to continue to improve for 33 days, enter the battlefield, gain authority, and become the backbone of the Supreme Dao.

The second is to choose to practice "Taishang 81 Huazhen", to break away from the 33-day battle formation, one person and one army, which is also the backbone of Taishang Dao. "

Fu Xialiang listened carefully. For him, "Taishang 81 Transformation" is impossible.

Because he has the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", he often has three people in one.

"Taishang 81 Transformation True", invites the spirit to enter the body, but there are only 81 spirits. The Taishang Dao practiced this method with millions of monks, and tens of thousands of people shared the spirit of a patriarch.

These people can even communicate internally, and have a lot of secret arts and arcane arts to communicate with each other. This is normal for them, but it is an obstacle for them.

One's own special situation must be discovered by others.

Therefore, Fu Xialiang decided to give up "Tai Shang 81 Hua Zhen".

The master over there continued:

"But these two roads are just the backbone, the so-called grassroots, not the elites who are too high.

The true elite of the Taishang Dao began to practice the Taishang Bajue's "Great Five Elements Extinct Light", "Three Clears and Four True One Qi Hammer", "Seven Essences and Five Talismans Mantra" during the foundation building period!
"Great Five Elements Extinct Light", among the secret methods of Xianqin, ranks 65. This is absolutely dedicated to dealing with the five elements of Tiangu, using the five elements to fight the five elements.

You have Taishang Chijing Five Elements Tengu Transformation, it should be very easy to practice this skill.

"Three Purities and Four Truths One Qi Hammer", ranked sixteenth among the secret methods of Xianqin, condensed the seven great Yuan hammers, the most powerful, the first in attacking fortifications, breaking all defenses, this is also one of the nine soldiers in the 99 secret methods of Xianqin.

It was a coincidence that I was able to teach the Yuan Mie Hammer of the Three Purities and Four True Qi Hammers, and this is how I got the name of Broken Iron.

Now I have practiced Yuan Mie Hammer, Ding Yuan Hammer, as long as I go one step further, Hao Yuan Hammer, I can be promoted to Yuan Ying realm.

"Seven Essences and Five Talismans Mantra", ranked 38th among the secret methods of the Immortal Qin Dynasty.

Collect the seven essences of the world, condense the original five talismans, fix the sky with one word, and change the world with one talisman!

To be honest, I don't know much about it, and I can't say anything. "

Fu Xialiang listened attentively and nodded.

The broken iron real person said again:

"Of these three, I can recommend you to major in "The Extinct Light of the Great Five Elements", or "Three Cleans and Four True One Air Hammer".

However, you can only choose one!
Moreover, once you choose, you will automatically leave the Taishangdao battle formation and enter the Taishangdao elite sequence.

This change brought not only opportunities and strengths, but also dangers and tests.

This time you participate in the Tengu Trial, which is particularly dangerous for you, but once you join the elite, this kind of trial is just commonplace and dangerous at all times.

Because while you enjoy the benefits of the sect, you also have to bear the corresponding dangers for the sect!
You choose! "

Fu Xialiang let out a long breath and said, "Thank you, Master!"

This recommendation is also very precious to Broken Tie, and being able to give it to Fu Xialiang is already worthy of the word master!

Broken Iron Master thought for a while and continued: "As long as you advance to the elite sequence.

The previous three-leaf, six-branch and nine-qualification sorting is no longer used, but another kind of qualification sorting is used.

The so-called three leaves, six branches and nine species actually represent seeds, just sprouts, representing potential.

But once you enter the elite sequence, it has germinated from the seed and turned into a tree trunk.

The past is just the past, and now it is re-ranked.

Entering the elite sequence, the basic benefits start with true disciples. In fact, most of the disciples who can enter the elite sequence have the qualifications of true inheritance.

If you are not the five kinds of disciples, I have no way to recommend you.

Remember, this is not allowed to be spread outside, and other Taishang Dao disciples must not know. "

It turns out that I have entered five kinds of true biography, so my master can recommend me.

Broken Iron continued:

"The ranking order of the elite sequence is one round, two rounds, three rounds... until round nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Using tree trunk growth rings as a metaphor, completing a sect and a small task is one round, and a big task is several rounds of rewards.

Wheels represent your level of strength. Anyone who reaches a thousand rounds will be guaranteed by the Zongmen to enter the Nascent Soul.

I am now at round 97, but I don't have to protect the sect, I will rely on my own strength to advance to Nascent Soul. "

In the words, there is endless confidence.

Fu Xialiang was so impressed, he asked:
"Master, what happened to the other three unique skills?"

Master Broken Tie said: ""Tai Shang Qing Jing" can only be cultivated by the direct line of the head of the sect.

I don't know about "Taishang Diamond Cutting", "Taishang Lianbao Jue", and the internal selection of the sect.

I am now specializing in "Three Cleans and Four True One Qi Hammer", and I can't be distracted from other cultivations. After my Nascent Soul, I can't study the "Three Cleans and Four True One Qi Hammer".

However, I have heard that if you want to cultivate these two unique skills, you must have a prerequisite, which is to have a great merit of the Supreme Dao! "

Fu Xialiang was taken aback for a moment, she never thought that the great merit of Taishang Dao would be of such a use.

Three leaves, six branches and nine kinds are the basis, and five kinds are promoted to true inheritance, enter the elite sequence, complete tasks, sacrifice great merit, practice "Taishang Diamond Cutting", "Taishang Lianbao Jue", and enter the core sequence...

Fu Xialiang chatted with Master for a while, and then said goodbye to Master.

The rest is simple, start to find the senior sister.

It's a pity that Senior Sister Linglong didn't see her in seclusion. Qingluan performed the mission of the sect and led the crane to go out to practice. In the end, she only saw Qingliang, Misty, and Shuling.

After seeing the six senior sisters, Fu Xialiang went to see Ye Qingshuang again.

Seeing Fu Xialiang's return, Ye Qingshuang didn't say anything, but it could be seen that she was very excited and very happy.

Then Fu Xialiang met Baili again.

It's not bad to see this one anyway, hug the grass and beat the rabbit, by the way.

But he didn't know that in the process of his flight, someone in a flying boat far away looked at him obsessively, but he didn't alarm him at all!

It was Xin Chunfeng!
After a lot of tossing around, worshiping the master and meeting his girlfriend, Fu Xialiang finally returned to the cave.

Fu Xialiang didn't take a break, but sorted out the cave, and put all kinds of items into the storage bag.

This storage bag is not the shabby old one, nor is it the storage bag given by Baili.

It is a full ten-foot volume, the Tianqiong model in the Qiankun bag series.

Now that he has money, he doesn't have to live in poverty.

A lot of things were packed, and there were still some unnecessary sundries, but soon some disciples from the outer sect came here, and Fu Xialiang sold them all.

Then Fu Xialiang set off.

Go to one of his rewards, a Floating Cloud Cave Mansion.

At the time of the reward, the Dongfu control token is issued, which has its own mark.

According to the sign, Fu Xialiang rose from the sky and headed straight for the cave.

Goodbye Jin Fenglin!

Although we have only lived here for less than a few months, there is still a feeling of reluctance to say goodbye.

After flying away for half an hour, a lake appeared ahead.

The whole lake has a radius of [-] miles, the lake water is clear, there are many fish swimming, and koi carp jump out of the water from time to time, it is a beautiful landscape.

Fu Xialiang fell in love with it immediately.

There are four small islands in the center of the lake, Fu Xialiang stood up with his sword and rushed to one of the small islands.

The four small islands are all caves at the level of floating clouds, each of which has a foundation building real cultivator living here.

The island is about five miles in size, and there are several small buildings on it. This is his new home.

It is close to the small island, which has its own prohibition and the protection of the magic circle, so it cannot land.

However, Fu Xialiang took out the Zongmen reward token, stretched out his hand, and immediately the restraint was opened, allowing him to fly down.

The size of the island is five miles away, and there are beautiful scenery everywhere.

Among them, there are pieces of spiritual fields, dense forests, and a building complex in the center, which is full of miles.

There is a circle of white walls on the outermost perimeter of the building complex, and inside are individual buildings, pavilions, and a small bamboo forest.

White walls, green trees, bamboo groves, red tiles, rich gates, pavilions, pavilions, flower terraces, and different trees are scattered high and low, and the scenery is beautiful. A small stream flows from east to west, or it is a fish pond or a lake, in which golden scales swim. Fish, Shining Faliang.

From time to time, white cranes fly in the air, birds sing and butterflies fly among stones, water, flowers and trees, cranes stop and fish jump on the pond, the palace is magnificent with golden walls, and the mind is ingenious. One scene and one scene are harmonious and natural, and ingeniously integrated, which shows how much effort has been made here , Ingenious, what a fairy scenery.

Fu Xialiang's Yujian fell, and a dozen people hurriedly ran out here, standing in a row to meet Fu Xialiang.

These are two handyman monks, each with seven or eight people. When they saw Fu Xialiang coming here, they immediately came out to greet them.

"Meet the island owner!"

They saluted respectfully together, and an old man led them out slowly.

"I have met the island owner, I am Liu Yuefei, the handyman here."

This is the handyman who manages the island here, such as taking care of buildings, clearing weeds, planting spiritual fields, and cutting branches, all of which are their jobs.

They are all descendants of the former inner sect disciples of the Zongmen. The ancestors had made great contributions to the Supreme Daoist, and the younger generations were not talented and gradually fell into disrepair. However, the Zongmen will keep them and give them handyman jobs.

They are different from the handymen of the outer sect, they belong to the old aborigines of the sect.

In fact, Fu Xialiang also belongs to this kind of background.

Fu Xialiang nodded, and said: "I am Lei Jue Fu Xialiang, this place is my cave, let me introduce you."

"Yes, my lord!"

"The name of this place is Qushui Island. Master, if you don't like it, you can change the name."

"No need, let's call it Qushui Island."

"My lord, Qushui Island is the Floating Cloud Cave Mansion, which can support the cultivation of three Foundation Establishment cultivators.

The surrounding large lake is Jinyang Lake, with an area of ​​67 miles. The special products in the lake include the third-order Jinliu carp, the second-order variegated grass, and the second-order white clam.

It's just that these are all special products of the sect, and there are special personnel in charge.

However, every year we can get one jinliu carp, twelve stalks of bluegrass, 28 white clams, worth [-] spirit stones for free.

Our Qushui Island covers an area of ​​five miles, with seven acres of spiritual fields, one mu of third-grade spiritual fields, planted with third-grade Cuicui rice, and six acres of second-grade spiritual fields with second-grade Qingyang rice.

In addition to the spiritual field, we have three spiritual springs in Qushui Island, which give birth to a small river, and the magic circle condenses at the confluence, which can produce a catty of third-grade Baiyan spiritual dew every day.

In addition, there is a forest, among which there are 350 Yanglin fruit trees, which produce fruit once a year, weighing about [-] catties.

There is also a small medicine garden, the Lingzhu Medicine Garden, with 380 seven spirit bamboos, in which five kinds of spirit grass are planted.

Many industries on the island, after deducting the land tax of the sect, our two handymen can contribute [-] spirit stones a year. "

Fu Xialiang nodded. In the island in the lake, the total income of five thousand spirit stones, plus the income from the tea garden in Zhang Yue Baiqi City, can support her normal cultivation.

"Master Island Master..."

"Don't call me Lord Island Master."

"Yes, Master Fu..."

Liu Yuefei glanced at Fu Xialiang secretly, seeing that the other party had no objection, he secretly let out a sigh of relief, and continued to introduce.

"Qushui Cave Mansion, a five-fold mansion, three entrances and three exits, seven spirit rooms, one host and six guests, three training rooms, one martial arts arena, one alchemy room, one refining workshop, and amulet making. One workshop.

These magic chambers are all supported by special magic circles, each with magical functions.

In addition to the dharma room, Qushui Cave Mansion has a third-order magic circle, the Haoshui Rock Formation, which protects the island cave, a third-order magic circle, a flowing water gathering spirit formation, which nourishes the cave mansion, a third-order magic circle, the Xuanshui Canning Star Array, which protects the island, and a third-order magic circle. The water is far away and the sky is clear, monitoring the entire lake.

Young master Fu asks you to stay in France and take control of the cave. "

Fu Xialiang said: "Good!"

Led by Liu Yuefei, they came to the main room in the courtyard, where there was a stone tablet.

Fu Xialiang put the token on the stone tablet, and the token disappeared immediately, and the stone tablet shone brightly.

He was distracted by dripping blood on the stele, and suddenly the stele flashed, and three large characters appeared: Fu Xialiang.

So far, he has completely controlled the entire island, and he has completely controlled the four magic circles.

Liu Yuefei smiled and said:

"Master, the island is too big, there are too many rooms, and there are many things that you don't need to do yourself.

At least at ordinary times, there must be an ink grinder and pourer.

Liu Qingting, the granddaughter of the old man, is twenty-eight years old. She has received special training from the Taishang Dao, and she can be your maidservant to save you trouble. "

This cave is very big, Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Liu Yuefei went over to call for someone, and two handsome girls came, both at the second level of Qi Refining.

Why two?

Liu Yuefei saw Fu Xialiang's hesitation, and said:

"The room is too big and there is too much work, I was afraid that Qing Ting would not be able to handle it, so I called a handyman at the outer door.

Liu Yueling, who belongs to my family's relatives, can definitely be trusted, her talent is too low, it is impossible to enter the inner sect, so she called to serve the young master together. "

Liu Yuefei and Liu Yueling are both ranked in the top ranks. They seem to be of the same family, but some of them are good at being too good at it, while some are not good at it and have already left Daluotian.

Fu Xialiang took a look, the girl was good-looking, her face was calm, but her eyes were full of anticipation, and her tense forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

If she can't stay here, she will leave Taishangdao Da Luotian and return to her hometown.

So far back to ordinary.

I don't know why, seeing her, Fu Xialiang remembered the fear she had when she was a child in the outer sect of Taishang Dao.


This is staying, and the three members of the Liu family let out a sigh of relief, and their hearts are ecstatic.

Especially Liu Yuefei, if Fu Xialiang doesn't like them and drives them away, maybe they can no longer stay in Da Luotian and can only leave Taishangdao.
Xiao Shan, I was really trying my best to write, I was so tired, so I yelled and asked for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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