Dao Shaohua

Chapter 192 Diyuan Riding Slash, Ghost Banshee

Chapter 192 Diyuan Riding Slash, Ghost Banshee

The maid stays, and the rest is easy.

They cleaned up the cave for Fu Xialiang, brought in all kinds of new furniture, made the beds, and everything was completely new.

The two of them were very sensible, and after finishing tidying up, they turned and left without harassing or flattering them.

If Fu Xialiang didn't summon them, they wouldn't appear.

After Fu Xialiang finished handling all this, he began to contact Xiao Minghai, the second-door businessman in the sect.

Soon, Feifu passed on the letter, and Xiao Minghai got in touch.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Fu, you survived the catastrophe and made great achievements."

"Haha, Senior Brother Xiao is being polite.

This time I contacted my brother, I have some rewards here, and I want to sell them. "

In fact, Fu Xialiang has already been promoted to Foundation Establishment, but Xiao Minghai still calls him what he used to call him, and he doesn't care that Fu Xialiang is already a true foundation establishment cultivator, which shows that he is full of confidence.

"Okay, don't know anything good?"

"Two Foundation Establishment Pills, one Wu Dao Bing!"

Suddenly there was no sound from the opposite side.

It took a long time before there was a response.

"Thank you junior brother for valuing me, such a precious treasure is actually entrusted to me to handle.

Don't worry, Junior Brother, I will definitely give you the best price. "

In the words, very excited.

Fu Xialiang smiled, not caring.

"Brother Fu, the Foundation Establishment Pill is nothing to us. If you honestly queue up to clear the sect mission, you will get one sooner or later.

But outside of our sect, it is the best pill. For the foundation pill, countless Qi-refining monks are willing to compete with each other through life and death.

These two Foundation Establishment Pills, I can sell them for 40 spirit stones. "

40 spirit stones, Fu Xialiang nodded, it's ok!

"For a group of Dao soldiers, what is cherished is not the Dao soldiers themselves, but the selection qualifications of the Dao soldiers.

Within the sect, there are millions of people who practice "Taishang 81 Huazhen".

Dao soldiers are very important to them.

With the option of Wu Daobing, I can sell the price of 16 spirit stones for my younger brother! "

Fu Xialiang responded:

"Okay, then trouble brother!"

"Master Fu, I don't know if you have anything you want?

I can not only sell, but also buy for you. "

As you talk, you will become you. Xiao Minghai doesn't care about Fu Xialiang's foundation establishment status, but Fu Xialiang is really good!

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said: "I need the fourth-order heaven and earth spirits, which belong to the five elements!"

Fu Xialiang's second puppet needs fifth-order heaven and earth spiritual objects, but these spirit stones are not enough at all, so he can only buy fourth-order ones for his elder brother and second brother.

Senior Brother Xiao grinned and said, "The spirits of heaven and earth are beyond money and can only be found by power and chance. I will try my best to find them for you."

After thinking about it, Senior Brother Xiao said, "Brother Fu, you are also a Foundation Establishment cultivator now.

However, he was still wearing the magic robe of the sect's Qi Refining Disciple, and he didn't have any magic tools, which really hurt his face.

Do you want to buy some magic tools? I have a lot of good things here. For monks, magic weapons and magical weapons are also part of their strength. They are not weaker than magical powers. Would you like to buy a few? "

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said: "No, please brother to help me sell the goods!"

He has been poor all his life, buying magical weapons and magical weapons, and besides, he is armed with the Dao and can't move mountains and seas. This is stronger than any magic robe.

Xiao Minghai felt it was a pity that he didn't kill this big fish, but he acted quickly and the transaction was completed very quickly.

So far, Fu Xialiang has a total of 63 spirit stones on his body!
It was the first time that he had so many spirit stones in his body, and he was full of confidence.

Immediately prepare a family banquet for guests and friends.

The joy of housewarming, contacting friends from all walks of life, Li Xumi, Bai Li, senior brother Gu Ling, Gu Daoling, Luo Xuanbing, Ximen Qingyan, Chaotianjiao, Fengbailing, Yaqimi...

Everyone responded one after another, and basically they would come over to be guests, congratulations on the housewarming.

Ye Qingshuang will also come, but Fu Xialiang has no contact with the six senior sisters.

When he invites his senior sisters, it must be a private banquet. On such a large and powerful occasion, he will not invite several senior sisters.

Fu Xialiang arranged for Liu Yuefei to prepare a banquet to welcome and see off guests.

He didn't have to be responsible for the chores, he called Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue, and the three began to study, and then studied the method.

""Taishang 81 Huazhen" and "Seven Essences and Five Talismans Mantra" must be given up.

The only choice is between "The Extinct Light of the Great Five Elements" and "Three Purities and Four Truths One Pneumatic Hammer"! "

Yang Xiuming said!
Zhang Yue nodded: "In "Great Five Elements Extinct Light", we have the Five Elements Tengu transformation, and there is a bonus between the two.

"Three Purities and Four Truths One Qi Hammer" is backed by your master, and passed down in the same line of essence. "

Yang Xiuming continued: ""Three Cleans, Four True One Qi Hammer" ranked 65th, and "The Great Five Elements Extinct Light" ranked [-]th.

However, how to choose is up to you!

This is your business, we are just a reference, everything is your own choice.

Because, you are Fu Xialiang! "

Fu Xialiang thought over and over again, and said: "Choose "Three Cleans and Four True One Qi Hammer"!
This method is powerful and terrifying, and it has been taught by the master, and there are traces to follow.

In addition, we have the supernatural powers of the three yangs. The senior sister once specifically explained that Chunyang and Chaoyang correspond to "Three Purifications and Four True One Qi Hammer", "Taishang Diamond Cutting" and "Taishang Lianbao Jue", which is also one of the advantages.

Therefore, I choose "Three Purities and Four Truths One Air Hammer"! "

At the critical moment, it was the senior sister who influenced Fu Xialiang!
Everyone nodded, so decided!
Fu Xialiang said again: "Although I decided to major in "Three Purities and Four Truths and One Qi Hammer", I will still exchange for "Sword Jue" "One Sword Shocks the Sky", "Dark Sky" and "Fight Jue" for 33 days. The foundation-building skills of Zhenjia Asking Zen and Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder".

We can't stop this, continue to practice and strive for perfection. "

In the past, Fu Xialiang could not be exchanged until he reached the foundation building period, but now that he has reached the stage, he can exchange it.

However, to exchange for 33 Heavenly Absolutes, meritorious deeds are required, and without meritorious deeds, spirit stones can be exchanged, which is impossible.

Yang Xiuming said: "The most important things are "Taishang Diamond Cutting", "Taishang Lianbao Jue", "Taishang Purity""

Fu Xialiang said with fascination: "I'm afraid this is after getting the golden elixir."

"However, I have great merit, and the prerequisites are resolved."

Yang Xiuming said again: "There is still one gas to transform the three cleans."

"This will have to be later, I have the qualifications to be a candidate now, but I still need to make a big contribution."

Zhang Yue said: "By the way, Chi Jing transformed into a nine gang dragon, how do you feel?"

"I can only activate the dragon scales of the Nine Gangs Divine Dragon, nothing else."

"I am also a dragon scale. With our immovable mountains and seas, it can be said to be as solid as gold."

Zhang Yue smiled and said:

"I have practiced for the past few days and found that if the Nine Gangs Divine Dragon can burn the dragon's blood, it will gain infinite power.

The real power, tens of millions of catties, moves mountains and fills seas, and takes stars to pick the moon. "

"so smart?"

"Well, I'm afraid it's the second magical power after Dragon Scale, Dragon Blood!

It's just that I haven't fully dug it out yet.

The three discussed it here, and the more they talked, the more excited they became.

"Also, I discovered the real use of Chi-Ji's transformation.

That is surrogate death, when the key is to die, transform and respond to disaster.

But we are not dead, and the transformation will recover in a few days. "

Zhang Yue really worked hard to discover this secret by himself.

The three of them discussed the Dao with each other, argued with each other, and enlightened together.

Or three people become one, gather into one person, practice together, and comprehend together.

In short, the three of them worked hard, practiced hard, and improved together!
After returning to the imperial capital, Yang Xiuming was still immersed in the cultivation of the three of them, which was unforgettable for a long time.

Suddenly, beside him, Su Xiaomei appeared.

"Yang Laosan."

"Ah, Susu, what's the matter?"

"Do you remember what I told you before?"

"Remember, university studies?"

"Yes, tomorrow afternoon, remember to go to class, it is very important!"

"Okay, no problem, tomorrow afternoon? Absolutely no problem!"

"That's good, if you don't go, I'll eat you!"

"Hahaha, Susu really knows how to joke, so I'll give you a bite now."

"By the way, it's just you sleeping, and your young master sent you a letter again."

"Ah, this is..."

Fu Xialiang hurried over, and sure enough there was a letter at the door.

Open it and let him go to a place at night.

Fortunately, it was just dark and we were not late.

"Susu, I'm off to work, so I won't talk to you anymore!"

"be careful!"

Yang Xiuming immediately went to that place according to the guidance of the letter.

Soon came there, very remote, a villa with a single family.

The door was locked, but there was no one in the villa.

Yang Xiuming entered quietly, and the whole villa was very dilapidated, feeling like a deserted house.

Under the dark night range, Yang Xiuming immediately saw a large number of corpses in the basement.

He was extremely speechless and came there.

In the basement, there were more than 20 corpses, each with a hideous face, and they died in a terrible way.

After careful inspection, there are several legendary ranks in the corpse, and the rest are almost all elite ranks.

Judging by the state, they are all newly born today.

This is who the Xiong family had a fight with.

It seems that the seven major families are fighting openly and secretly from time to time.

In this world, even though this is the imperial capital, it is very easy for corpses to turn into tricks.

These corpses are not weak. If they are not handled properly, they will easily turn into a group of strange creatures.

Therefore, there must be a professional burner.

It used to be Yang Xiuming's elder brother Yang Xiuqing.

Now the younger brother inherits the elder brother's business, and he is in charge.

To be honest, Yang Xiuming was very speechless about this, but Xiong Kuohai gave so much, he burned 100 million corpses at a time.

We're all here, we have to settle this matter.

Yang Xiuming closed his eyes and went to the base camp with fascination.

After Fu Xialiang was promoted to Foundation Establishment, he quietly bought three storage bags, all of which were the sky style in the Qiankun Bag series, with a space of ten feet, each worth 350 spirit stones.

Then he sent the two into the base camp without saying anything, one for each of the two elder brothers.

He doesn't care if you want it or not, but everything is in place!
Yang Xiuming felt very warm in his heart.

He's been useless, and now he's gone, too many dead bodies.

Back at the base camp, I took the storage bag, and when I returned here, put many corpses into the storage bag.

Among them were two legendary corpses, their whole body was already blue, and they slowly opened their eyes, which was a sign that they were about to become strange.

Yang Xiuming hurriedly installed them all, then left the villa and stood up with the sword.

Under the assimilation of the night, there was no sword light at all, just darkness.

Yang Xiuming left the city with his sword, looking for a remote place outside the city.

Compared with Taishang Dao in Liaochang World, Yang Xiuming found an obvious shortcoming.

That is flying.

In the later stage of Taishang Dao Qi refining, one can fly away with the help of magic tools, and one can fly away directly in the foundation building stage, but Liaochang has never heard of anyone who can fly away.

When fighting in the fourth-order sanctuary, you can make a short leap, but you can't fly long distances at all.

Came to that remote place, a valley, very hidden.

Yang Xiuming started to take out the corpses, and then operated Thunder.

With experience in burning corpses, the Haodang Lei in "Zi Wu Hao Dang Qian Kun Lei" is the best for burning corpses.

The mighty thunder revolved and turned into a thunderbolt in front of Yang Xiuming, like a sea of ​​thunder.

Then Yang Xiuming took out the corpse and threw it in. In the sea of ​​thunder, it automatically turned into fly ash.

Both fast and convenient!
The corpse was thrown in, and there was a corpse in the sea of ​​thunder, so he was about to get up and rush out of the sea of ​​thunder.

This is something that has been transformed into eerie.

But in the sea of ​​thunder, they are all fly ash in the end.

After refining, more than 30 corpses dissipated.

Thunderbolt destroys evil, there is absolutely no possibility of them becoming weird.

But Yang Xiuming let out a long sigh, thinking of the fourth brother Wei Wuguo, wondering what kind of state he was in now.

If he was alive, the four of them would definitely be twice as strong as they are now.

After refining the corpse, Yang Xiuming returned to the university dormitory, and sure enough the next morning, there was another envelope in the crack of the door.

Open it and see, a black card, 100 million!

Now Yang Xiuming has 3504 million yuan, which is considered a huge sum of money.

There was only class in the afternoon, and it was fine in the morning. Yang Xiuming thought about it and went to find Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang was going to receive the exercises today, and he would also get his foundation-building realm "Dark Sky".

Fu Xialiang had been waiting for them for a long time, everyone was assembled and went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, you didn't come last night.

These guys have been tossing all night, and I am exhausted, more tired than killing a dog. "

Fu Xialiang was a little tired.

Last night, he treated guests to dinner, and he invited everyone to come for the joy of housewarming.

Everyone played here all night, and almost bored him to death.

"That's what you say, but why do I feel that you seem to be very happy?"

Zhang Yue naturally hated him.

"Yesterday I held Junior Sister Qingshuang's little hand and saw that she didn't object, so I gave her a kiss, and then she gave me a big mouth and ran away!"

"Hahaha, yes!"

Both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue said happily!
"Then this morning, she brought me breakfast, which is worth ten spirit stones!"

It turned out he was showing off.

Zhang Yue couldn't help but said: "You are a virgin, what are you showing off, if you are capable, you will sleep with your senior sister!"

Fu Xialiang was speechless and let out a long sigh.

But the mouth is not honest:

"Second brother, you big lotus man, what do you know.

You are still laughing at me, when the time comes, I will arrange ten wives for you, and you will have to have a bunch of children, let's see if you still laugh. "

This time it was Zhang Yue's turn to be speechless and let out a long sigh.

If you want to go to the Sutra Pavilion, you must pass through a separate transmission channel.

But there is none in Jinyang Lake.

Fu Xialiang controlled the sword and flew out of the lake.

Outside the lake, there are three sect residences, all of which are sub-level Dongfu.

He came to one of the stations, where there was a walking station, and then sent to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

When I arrived at the Sutra Pavilion, I went to seek the Dharma.

After handing over the token of the sect, Fu Xialiang received the 33 Tianjue Sword Jue "One Sword Shocking the Heaven", An Jue "Dark Dark Sky", Fang Jue "Zhen Jia Wen Zen", Lei Jue "Lei Jue" in one breath. "Zixiao Thunder"'s foundation-building exercises.

Fu Xialiang was also a little confused about the four Styx oaths.

Next to the Sutra Pavilion, after drinking a few sips of spiritual spring water and resting for a while, Fu Xialiang said:
"Let's go, let's exchange rewards for the battle."

He handed in two demon treasures, and the Zongmen rewarded the law library with corresponding two spells, but he didn't know what they were.

After resting for a while, according to the Zongmen Token, look for the corresponding Buddhist scripture pavilion, and receive the rewarded spells from the Dharma Library.

Arrived there soon, it was not as lively as 33 Tianjue just now, there were people everywhere, and there was a long queue.

It's deserted here, only Fu Xialiang is alone.

He took the Zongmen reward token, found a deacon here, and handed over the token.

This deacon is very old, almost dizzy.

He looked at the token and said, "Okay, you come with me!"

After finishing speaking, he led him to a large hall.

"You hand over the two demon possessions of the sect.

Zongmen rewards you with corresponding spells.

A Magic Spine Demon Cang can make people have powerful teleportation abilities, and this is the only corresponding spell. "

After speaking, he took out a jade slip.

"The super-sacred method of "The Crazy Step of the White Horse Crossing the Gap" comes from the former Shangzun Yan Xingzong.

This is one of the twelve super god escape methods of Yan Xingzong.

Yan Xingzong was very prestigious back then, and was once ranked in the top thirty of the Supreme Master.

Shendunzong, who is famous for the same Yidun method, is a sworn enemy, and he also robs Buyanzong of stealing luck and watching the sky.

In the end, the Shendun Sect and the Buyan Sect jointly wiped out the sect. It is said that some remaining disciples are lingering in the Tianxingjian Sect. "

Fu Xialiang was very happy and put away the jade slips.

"I really don't know what you're thinking. You don't want Yaozang, which can make people have supernatural powers immediately, but you choose spells that require hard work."

Fu Xialiang just smiled, and replied in his heart:
"Yozang is the same as binocular clairvoyance, it can only change one person's body, and one person owns it.

Magic, but we can practice it as three of us and own it together! "

The old man said again:
"Your second arm bone demon hides, there are many spells corresponding to it, you choose it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and dozens of spell jade slips appeared on the wall.

"Ling Xiao's penetrating body is boundless", "Infernal Grand View Sealing Method", "Great Master of Congenital Qi", "Mighty Qingming Slashing the Sky", "Yoga Technique of Ying Luo", "Empty Room Creates White, Meteors and Flowers", "Great Master of Darkness and Darkness" "Dancing through the sky and stepping on nothingness and extinction", "Nirvana relying on the sky and stars to fight the cold", "Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands" "Avalokitesvara" "The Immortal God Yan Yuan Jinghuang"...

Fu Xialiang's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the "Great Capturer of Nether Darkness" and asked, "Senior, can you tell me about this method?"

The old man glanced at it, and said: ""The Great Grasping Hand of Nether Dark Darkness", the sect's spells and supernatural Taoism of the Master Netherworld Sect are actually very ordinary.

However, this method is not the same as "The Great Master of Innate Qi", "The Great Master of Great Sunlight", "The Great Master of Running Thunder and Lightning", "The Great Master of Presence and Invisibility", "The Great Master of Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara" and "The Great Master of Great Heaven Demon God". "Hand" and other spells, known as one of the eighteen great grasping hands. "

Fu Xialiang was overjoyed and said, "That's it!"

The reason for choosing this is that it is specially prepared for Yang Xiuming.

During the battle, Zhang Yue had five extraordinary sword skills, Fu Xialiang had two extraordinary thunder techniques, and only Yang Xiuming had nothing.

Although Yang Xiuming didn't say anything, Fu Xialiang could see it.

So picked this one for Yang Xiu Ming!

"The Great Capturer of Nether Darkness" is completely in line with Yang Xiuming's Night Demon, and it is also in line with his "Dark Sky", it is simply a match made in heaven.

Seeing Fu Xialiang's choice, the old man was very speechless and muttered:

"What on earth do you want to do? It's to choose the great master, the innate oneness, the thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, isn't that better than the dark black?

Today's young people ah, alas.

It's not stupid, it's Biao..."

Fu Xialiang just smiled. This kind of old thing really can't be offended.

Those who work in the Sutra Pavilion, those who sweep the floor, who knows what kind of existence they are, many of them are hidden powers, and if they make a move, it will change the world.

After receiving the exercises, both jade slips belonged to Yang Xiuming.

This jade slip is full of aura, and it won't be lost in the gourd.

Yang Xiuming immediately returned to the imperial dormitory, and the other two followed.

This time, Yang Xiuming took the lead and began to make an oath to refine the jade slips.

"Dark Sky" Foundation Establishment Realm Jue is completely different from Qi Refining Realm.

The simple and rough three ways, three methods and seven styles in the realm of refining qi are easy to practice and quick to get started.

This forms the mana seed of a great dark sky.

The foundation building part is mainly about cultivation, teaching the four changes of "Dark Sky", which is extensive and profound!
Bo, for the countless applications of "Dark Sky", clever changes.

Big, because the mana of "Dark Sky" is thick and boundless.

Excellence, as the only one in "Dark Sky", strives for perfection.

Deep is the depth and weight of "The Great Dark Sky", like an endless abyss.

This is to germinate the seeds of the great dark sky and turn them into seedlings.

Yang Xiuming silently felt the power of "Dark Sky".

Immediately, I felt the infuriating energy in my whole body like a tide, endlessly turbulent, suddenly shocked, and the dark area expanded impressively.

With him as the center, the diameter is four miles!

It's unbelievable!

But it was almost noon, and he promised Su Xiaomei that he would not be able to practice anymore.

Can only go to school.

"The Great Master of Netherworld and Darkness" is not in a hurry at all.

Fu Xialiang said: "I went to find my master, and I am going to major in "Three Purities and Four Truths One Pneumatic Hammer."

Zhang Yue also said: "The water tower in Baiqi City leaked yesterday, and I will take charge of the repair work today."

Fu Xialiang said: "Tomorrow, if everyone has time, I will open Fangjue's "Zhenjia Wenchan" and Leijue's "Zixiao Thunderbolt"."

Yang Xiuming said: "You wait for us, don't worry!"

Everyone has something to do, after learning "Dark Sky", they dispersed.

Yang Xiuming arrived in the classroom, it was only noon, but the classroom was already full of people.

In the past, if there were one-third of the students in the class, it would be good.

This class was almost full, and no one was there.

It can be seen that this lesson is important.

Yang Xiuming had just arrived here when someone shouted, "Yang Xiuming!"

Yang Xiuming saw that it was Princess Zhao Wanjun.

"Hi princess!"

Zhao Wanjun has been promoted to the elite rank.

Zhao Wanjun smiled bitterly and said, "Don't call me the princess.

In Yinzhou City, everyone can joke around.

In the imperial capital, I am just a junior of the Zhao family, and I will be laughed to death when I hear your words. "

Yang Xiuming shook his head and said, "No, I don't care what they think.

In my heart, you will always be my little princess! "

After saying this, Zhao Wanjun blushed, turned around and ran away.

Yang Xiuming is speechless, is it because he and Fu Xialiang have been hanging out for a long time, and they are starting to turn into scum?
"Brother Yang, are you here too?"

Yang Xiuming looked familiar, and by the way, this was his high school classmate Xu Heyuan.

His family has almost monopolized the furniture and utensil business in Yinzhou City.

When something happened to the flying boat, he was the only one who was fine. He followed the Tao and the heart. At that time, he was at the fourth level of the extraordinary, but now he is at the eighth level of the extraordinary, and his realm is not bad.

"He Yuan, long time no see."

After chatting casually, the class bell rang in the afternoon.

Everyone is back seated.

Su Xiaomei appeared excitedly: "We can finally go to class!"

Yang Xiuming nodded. He didn't know what to study in the afternoon. Why were everyone so excited?
The class bell rang, and everyone sat upright at their desks, all looking forward to it.

Only Yang Xiuming was confused. What class is so important today?

In the corridor, someone walked slowly.

Entering the classroom, someone suddenly whispered:
"Gao Zihui, the head of the Gao family!"

"Principal of Imperial University!"

"Yeah, it turned out that the headmaster taught the class himself!"

"It's so exciting, it's unbelievable."

Suddenly someone started applauding, and then everyone applauded.

Yang Xiuming also followed, there was no way...

The person who came to teach this time turned out to be Gao Zihui, the head of the Gao family.

Lord of the Seven Great Families!

The importance of this lesson can be seen.

Gao Zihui was tall, with broad eyebrows and broad eyes, extremely mighty.

He strode up to the podium, waved his hand lightly, and the applause disappeared.

His domain has already surrounded everyone.

This field is boundless thick and endlessly powerful.

Li Xingyun, Zhao Sihai and his ilk would be wiped out with one move from him.

Sanctuary saints, and at least the eighth or ninth level, the late sanctuary,
The next step is the stage of the law phase, which is the realm of the Nascent Soul.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help but sit down and listen carefully.

"Students, it's a pleasure meeting you all!
I, Gao Zihui, the president of Imperial University, today's class is taught by me..."

Normal cliché nonsense, but no one dares to ignore it.

"As we all know, in our world, it's only natural for weird people to eat people.

The meaning of the existence of ordinary mortals is to be weird. "

Go To Topic!

"But, as everyone knows, there are exceptions!

Like our Seven Great Aristocratic Families, the so-called weirdness is nothing but something we control, the seedlings we cultivate, and the fruits we harvest!
Why is there such a separation between the same people with different fates? "

Hearing Gao Zihui directly say that the control of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families is strange, Yang Xiuming's expression remained unchanged, but his hands were tightly clenched.

"Why is this?

That's what I'm imparting in today's lesson!
As long as you master this knowledge, your life so far will be different from before.

You are separated from the common people, and you are no longer weird food.

From now on, weirdness is your food, your food. "

No wonder everyone came to this class.

But what knowledge is he trying to impart?
"The knowledge I imparted today is called Nan Chu Jiagui!"

Nan Chu, sure enough!
Yang Xiuming couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

It's just that other people have never heard of Nanchu, so they don't know what it means.

"The so-called Southern Chu driving the strange is to use the secret method to summon and control the strange.

So far, Weird is your servant, your subordinate, your escort, and your use.

At this point, you are one of the weird, and stand out, detached from the weird, so you are no longer weird food, no longer mud legs, little boy.

You become an elite, above the weird, and control the weird!
no longer human..."

"Actually, this knowledge is quite similar in our combat positions.

But those are not as cunning, direct, and powerful as Nan Chu! "

"Okay, everyone, listen up, let your combat abilities function like this..."

Gao Zihui taught it. He is really a good teacher. The knowledge he teaches is simple and easy to understand.

"According to these methods of primordial energy operation, you can summon a weirdness that belongs to you in the vast universe.

This weirdness may exist in the past, or it may belong to the future, and it is more likely to be by your side.

Strangeness comes to you and connects with your life. Under the adjustment of the world certification, it will undergo some changes, become suitable for this world, and can exist in this world.

It will become your life, it will be used by you forever, it will obey your orders, it will be your servant, it will be your best friend..."

"Of course, you can also prepare the weirdness yourself, which is more direct and convenient.

Because not everyone can successfully summon Nanchu Jiagui.

Moreover, the weirdness summoned may not be what you want, maybe you will lose your life if you get it..."

Yang Xiuming finally understood why Su Xiaomei attached so much importance to it.

Su Xiaomei was harmed by Gao Yuanyuan, Gao Yuanyuan turned her into a strange one, but she never thought that in the process of evolution, Su Xiaomei changed into a fourth-order big weirdness.

However, her fourth-order is so weird that she needs to rely on life to exist, and she is not that powerful.

She broke free from Gao Yuanyuan's control, attached herself to Yang Xiuming, and existed in Yang Xiuming's world.

Only Yang Xiuming can see her, other people, even the fourth-order sanctuary, cannot see her existence.

Along the way, Su Xiaomei assisted Yang Xiuming several times, killed the disciples of the Gao family, and resisted the fourth-order weirdness on the road.

But in the final analysis, this kind of attachment has a weak foundation and belongs to Yeluzi.

If Yang Xiuming had practiced Nan Chu Jiagui, Su Xiaomei would have become Yang Xiuming's natal Wei. Under the adjustment of the world certification, she would become stronger and last longer.

Yang Xiuming smiled, this is not bad, Su Xiaomei has helped him many times in the past, and has been with him until now, she is already one of his indispensable relatives.

It's just that she likes to tamper with her memory when she's fine. When the two talk, Yang Xiuming will think of everything about her, stop talking, and forget that she has become a big weirdo.

This made Yang Xiuming very speechless.

"Okay, everyone, are you listening?"

"I understand!"

"Then let's start. According to the student number, I will help you complete the Nanchu driving tricks one by one!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and everyone felt the space move.

They are no longer in the classroom, but in a martial arts arena.

A huge talisman array has been arranged in the martial arts arena, and there are various magic patterns on the ground.

Gao Zihui shouted: "Number one, Zhang Wu."

Some students stood up, came to the center of the talisman array, and closed their eyes silently.

Gao Zihui instructed him to summon, operate spells, and silently catalyze.

Zhang Wu suddenly roared, and a golden puppet appeared behind him.

The first-order treacherous golden skull!
Gao Zihui nodded and said, "Okay, Zhang Wu, you have left the team of mud-legged mortals, and now join my generation!"

Zhang Wu also cheered.

He swaggered down.

Gao Zihui shouted: "No. [-] Liu Mingyu."

Liu Mingyu came to the stage and began to summon, and soon a ball of mud appeared from the ground.

First-order creepy worm.

Gao Zihui said: "The summoning was successful, but you, Nanchu Jiagui, are too weak and have no great prospects for development."

Liu Mingyu left with a sad face.

Gao Zihui shouted: "Cui Kai No. [-]."

Cui Kai came to the stage and summoned desperately, but a quarter of an hour passed and nothing happened.

Gao Zihui shouted with a cold face: "Get down!"

He was as cold as ice, and never regarded him as his student again.

Cui Kai wanted to say something else, Gao Zihui scolded: "Get lost!"

Can't be summoned, so far it's nothing, just ordinary mortals, mortal food.

Cui Kai burst into tears and ran to the martial arts arena.

Gao Zihui didn't even look at him, and shouted, "No. [-], Wu Jianjun."

Wu Jianjun came to the stage silently, but Yang Xiuming knew that he was a disciple from the Wu family, so there should be no problem.

Sure enough, after Wu Jianjun took the stage, he carefully took out a jade box from his arms and handed it to Gao Zihui.

Gao Zihui frowned and said, "Wu's, this is it?"

Wu Jianjun replied: "Second-order strange, Mu is cunning and fierce!"

The second-level strange animal husbandry should have evolved from the first-level strange animal husbandry.

Gao Zihui nodded and began to cast spells.

Wu Jianjun roared, and a second-order monster appeared behind him, it was Mu Guijiu, with dozens of vines that could control other weird vines to fly.

So far he has passed.

And then the next one, one after another.

Yang Xiuming watched, basically one of the three ordinary people failed to summon.

High school classmate Xu Heyuan luckily succeeded in summoning a first-order bone-eyed ghost. After passing this level, he wept with joy.

But the disciples of the seven great families all carry their own weirdness and pass the level easily.

And almost all of them bring second-order strangeness, not first-order strangeness.

For such a big event, the disciples of the aristocratic family all know that no matter how poor the family is, they will raise money to buy the second-order difference for the descendants, so far apart.

This is impossible!
The world is so unfair!
Princess Zhao Wanjun soon arrived. She slowly stepped onto the stage and looked at Yang Xiuming intentionally or unintentionally.

Yang Xiuming nodded slightly to her, gave her a thumbs up, and blessed her.

Zhao Wanjun smiled as a response.

Gao Zihui asked: "Zhao Wanjun? A child of the Zhao family? Where's your weirdness?"

Zhao Wanjun replied slowly: "I didn't prepare to be weird, I chose to summon myself."

Gao Zihui's eyes lit up, and he said, "It can be regarded as meeting a disciple of a family with integrity."

"Come on then!"

Gao Zihui began to cast spells.

But this time was very long, and there was a sudden bang, and a slender figure appeared behind Zhao Wanjun.

It looks like a little princess in a fairy tale, gentle and lovely, sitting on a poisonous snake floating in the air.

Gao Zihui said in disbelief: "The third-order weird Princess Lucrezia!"

"Okay, that's great, there is someone in the Zhao family's follow-up."

Suddenly there was an uproar, this was the only third-order weirdness in the entire class.

Yang Xiuming applauded, she really is a princess, and her reputation is well-deserved.

People called one after another, and finally Gao Zihui shouted: "Number 44, Yang Xiuming!"

It's Yang Xiuming's turn.

He let out a long breath and walked to the stage.

Gao Zihui didn't talk nonsense and cast spells directly.

Yang Xiuming felt silently, wondering if he would summon something weird, what kind of weird.

Then I knew right away that the weirdness would definitely be summoned, wasn't it Su Xiaomei?
This is the disadvantage of Su Xiaomei, he will forget her existence for a long time.

But after turning into a natal cunning, there is no such problem anymore.

Su Xiaomei had already waited beside Yang Xiuming, impatiently waiting.

The summoning continued, and Su Xiaomei was just about to accept the appointment.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming's body moved, as if something wrapped around Yang Xiuming.

That thing is disconnected, like a series of lines, entangled from the far end of the world, the depths of hell.

In the helix, it seemed to hear the sound of wailing, and someone crawled out of the underground hell.

"Yang Xiuming, Yang Xiuming, Yang Xiuming..."

She seemed to be roaring, howling angrily...

what is this?
Gao Zihui over there said: "The third level is weird, hell bride?"

All of a sudden, everyone was in an uproar, and there was another third-order weirdness, which was too powerful.

I saw a bride in a wedding dress, covered in blood, crawling out of hell. It was Gao Yuanyuan, Teacher Gao.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, how is it possible!

That's it, he killed Gao Yuanyuan back then, but Gao Yuanyuan practiced night ghosts.

Night ghosts never die, lingering forever.

The ghost haunts Yang Xiuming in hell.

If Yang Xiuming cultivated Ye Dao Ye Gui, she would definitely come back for revenge.

But Yang Xiuming and others all gave up the night ghost to avoid a terrible crisis.

But this time, Nan Chu was treacherous, and she crawled out from the depths of hell again, and came to take revenge.

However, Su Xiaomei was furious.

He cursed loudly: "You dead ghost, you are already dead, so there is no place for you here!
He killed you, you know revenge?Then you hurt me, how can I not take revenge? "

During the words, Su Xiaomei suddenly became furious, and Gao Yuanyuan, who was about to climb out, was beaten back to hell in her roar.

Gao Zihui was taken aback, and said, "Where is the Hell Bride? Why did she disappear? What's going on?"

Everyone is stupid, this summon is weird, and it will disappear automatically?

Su Xiaomei let out a long breath, looked at Yang Xiuming and said:
"Yang Laosan, I chose you, treat me well in the future, listen to me, and never leave..."

Before she finished speaking, suddenly, the sky darkened!
When Yang Xiuming started to summon, in the distant interstellar world, in the Zhenglong Realm of Pozhou in Wuwei, three thousand miles away, there suddenly seemed to be a huge earthquake.

The whole deceitful domain boiled up, countless deceitful auras combined into one.

Those tricks finally turned into a figure, it was Di Yuanqi and Wei Wuguo.

It looked into the distance, harnessed the nightmare, leaped vigorously, and disappeared.

Numerous great masters of Wu and Wei came here to check repeatedly, and the seal was lifted, but there was no trace of Di Yuan Qi Zhan anymore.

But here, it was suddenly dark, and then there was a voice in the void, like laughter, or crying!
Yang Xiuming was taken aback, so familiar?

There is the sound of hooves.


In all directions, endless mist was born!

The black mist, like a fountain, appeared endlessly.

Gao Zihui yelled loudly: "It's tricky..."

Then I saw one person and one rider quietly appearing in the distance.

The knight who controls the nightmare of hell and bones appears in everyone's sight!

Without legs, it is automatically connected to the hell bone nightmare. The whole body is heavily armored, and its appearance cannot be seen clearly. It is extremely hideous.

With his appearance, the whole world seemed to start to change, a terrifying force penetrated the world.

But his power is too strong, this world cannot accommodate him.

Then the power still weakened, and it continued to weaken, and finally turned into a fourth-order monster, it was Di Yuanqi cutting Wei Wuguo!

Nanchu's frame will make the strangeness change with the owner.

The power of Diyuan Riding Slash is weakened.

He is actually Yang Xiuming, and Yang Xiuming must be the first to respond when he summons Nan Chu Jiagui.

Gao Zihui yelled: "Fourth rank! Diyuan Rider, death knight!"

Turning around, he ran.

The so-called student safety, whoever it is, let's talk about escaping.

All students are dumbfounded and don't know what's going on.

Di Yuanqi beheaded Wei Wuguo and looked at Yang Xiuming, but at this moment, he was just weird, not Wei Wuguo.

Weird wants to kill someone, no matter who he is!

Suddenly Yuan Qi cut Wei Wuguo and charged up, swung a huge blade, trying to cut Yang Xiuming in two.

At the critical moment, Su Xiaomei stepped forward and tried her best to stop the knife!

But this knife is too powerful, even Su Xiaomei, who is also a fourth-order monster, can't resist it at all.

Nan Chu's frame will make Wei Yi change with her master, she starts to become stronger, and suddenly starts to transform, no longer looks like a human race, but turns into a terrifying witch!
Ghost Banshee!

(End of this chapter)

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