Dao Shaohua

Chapter 193 Full of righteousness and deceit

Chapter 193 Full of righteousness and deceit (ask for a monthly ticket in case)
The ghost banshee, completely floating in the air, her whole body is snow-white, with endless strange energy, her possession erupts.

Her hair was flying all over the sky, like poisonous snakes, exuding terrifying power.

The Ghost Banshee roared at Di Yuan Qi Zhan, under her roar, withering, charm, frenzy, poisonous, blood, a series of terrifying laws appeared, blocking the madness of Di Yuan Qi Zhan.

The two monsters were at a stalemate with each other, motionless, but they collided with each other and attacked wildly.

During this period, Yang Xiuming was given a chance.

He suddenly roared, covering the sky with one hand!

Immediately, the surrounding area turned into a piece of darkness, including the Diyuan Qizhan and the Ghost Banshee into his own night range.

Don't look at the opponent's fourth-order paradoxical domain, but under Yang Xiuming's night range, it is unstoppable at all.

In the final analysis, they are all Yang Xiuming's tricksters in Southern Chu.

Yang Xiuming looked at Diyuan Qizhan and Ghost Banshee and shouted:
"What's the trouble, if you haven't returned to your seat, when will you wait!"

Don't be angry!
Following his roar, the Ghost Banshee slowly recovered, turned into Su Xiaomei's appearance, smiled at Yang Xiuming, and ran to his side.

Diyuan Qizhan seemed to wake up all of a sudden, he looked around and let out a long breath.

He didn't change back to Wei Wuguo's appearance, and he couldn't change back either. Riding his Hell Skeleton Nightmare, he came to Yang Xiuming's side.

Diyuan Qizhan is on Yang Xiuming's left, and Ghost Banshee is on Yang Xiuming's right.

After covering the sky with one hand for fifteen breaths, it gradually dissipated.

Both of the two weirdnesses are missing, but Yang Xiuming knows that they have become his own weirdness.

Yang Xiuming summoned them south of Chu, but he made a contract with them as his best friend of the night watchman.

At the critical moment, the best friend of the night watch finally exerted his strength.

Su Xiaomei became a close friend of the night watch, and it was still the same as before, there was no difference.

However, Di Yuan Qi Zhan became a close friend of Night Watch, but it was completely under Yang Xiuming's control.

But it is also because of this that they will only appear if they use their magical powers to cover the sky with one hand.

Because of their addition, Yang Xiuming's supernatural ability to block the sky with one hand changed from five times a day to seven times, and from fifteen breaths each time to twenty breaths.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming looked at the sky, a little hesitant.

Sensing Yang Xiuming's crisis, Fu Xialiang who came here in an instant also said:

"Just now, something seems to have woken up?"

"Old Fu, do you also feel this way? Just now when Di Yuanqi Zhan crossed the border, it seems that something in this world has been awakened?"

Zhang Yue didn't speak all the time, and suddenly said: "Daoist!"


"Daoist, my intuition! The township Taoist, who was never summoned by the Jiang family, has awakened!"

The three of them were speechless, not knowing what to say.

Although it was nonsense, they all believed in Zhang Yue's intuition.

So far, the crisis has been resolved, some students were scared to death, some students were stunned.

Everything was normal, and Gao Zihui, who was running fast, appeared again with a dignified appearance.

"Everyone, it was just an illusion, nothing happened, don't worry about it."

He didn't expect him to say that, to expose the fact that Yang Xiuming had summoned the fourth-order Great Stranger as his natal Stranger.

"Students, the ceremony continues."

Under his auspices, everyone recovered and gradually didn't take it seriously.

There are still a few people behind, and they all end soon.

Gao Zihui said a few more words on the occasion, ended the ceremony, and dismissed the get out of class.

When Yang Xiuming returned to the dormitory, both Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang felt the danger and had already arrived.

"Is that the fourth brother?"

"No way? Didn't he become weird?"

"The fifth page of "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Jue" has been restored, but his page is still gray?"

"In the end what happened?"

Yang Xiuming stretched out his hand, covering the sky with one hand.

The darkness was controlled within the dormitory, and in this darkness, Wei Wuguo appeared.

However, he is just a Diyuan Rider.

He obeyed Yang Xiuming's command, without any self-awareness, like a puppet, a strange death knight.

Soon the time of [-] breaths was up, the night disappeared, and Di Yuan Qi Zhan Wei Wuguo disappeared.

Yang Xiuming covered the sky with one hand again, letting him appear again.

The three tried various methods, but to no avail, that was all they could do.

Moreover, this Nan Chu Jiagui was similar to clairvoyant eyes. Except for Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang were unable to hold the ceremony to summon their natal Weiwei.

This is similar to a special ability, right?
"Looking at it this way, Old Wei is back. Although it's still weird now, let's take our time and revive him in the future."

"That's the only way to go! By the way, I have learned a lot from the foundation-building technique of "One Sword Shocking the Heaven".

This is very interesting, everyone can feel it for themselves. "

"That's right, my Lei Jue "Zixiao Thunder" is the same, but it's more refined."

""Dark Sky" is also extensive and profound, we have time to get together and study it."

Fu Xialiang said: "I have already started practicing "The Crazy Step of the White Horse Crossing the Gap", but it is too difficult and it will take a while."

Yang Xiuming also said: "I haven't gotten started yet with "The Great Capturer of Netherworld and Darkness."

"I went to see my master. He was very happy and decided to teach me the "Three Purities and Four Truths One Air Hammer", but it needs to be reported to the sect and a ceremony will be held."

While they were chatting, someone knocked on the door of Yang Xiuming's dormitory.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and immediately stood up, checked, and went to open the door.

There was an old man in front of the door, Yang Xiuming was shocked, it was old man Jing Fu Nian from the Jing family.

What is he doing here?
Yang Xiuming frowned, opened the door anyway, and said politely:

"Master Jing, please come in."

Mr. Jing entered Yang Xiuming's dormitory with a smile all over his face.

"The room is nice, how is Xiu Ming doing recently?"

"Very good, by the way, how is Young Master Jing now?"

"He, he has gone to a place far, far away. I'm afraid you will never see him again in your life!"

Yang Xiuming was shocked, did Jing Shao die?

But is it not like it?
The more so, the more anxious Yang Xiuming was, what is this old guy going to do.

I used to go to see him, but I couldn't see him at all, but now I automatically come to the door, there must be something!
The two of them casually exchanged a few words of politeness, and Mr. Jing didn't bother to continue the politeness, so he went straight to the point and said:
"I heard that Xiuming summoned the fourth-order death knight Di Yuan Qi Zhan in the Southern Chu driving trick ceremony today?"

Yang Xiuming thumped in his heart, and said calmly:

"Old man, these are all rumors, there is nothing at all."

Mr. Jing's expression changed slightly, he took out ten black cards, and said:
"The death knight Diyuan Qizhan is very important to my Jing family.

This is 1000 million, I want to buy it!
Don't worry, we have someone to cut it, so you won't get hurt at all.

And we guarantee that you will get the best Nanchu driving trick again, which is not inferior to the death knight Diyuan Qizhan.

It can even allow you to easily enter the legendary realm without encountering danger in the trial. "

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, but smiled wryly.

The death knight Di Yuanqi cut Wei Wuguo, that is himself, even if he dies, he will not betray himself!

This is absolutely impossible, once betrayed, the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art" will collapse, and I will definitely die.

"Senior, I really don't have any death knight Di Yuan Qi Zhan."

"Hehe, this is Gao Zihui's first notification to our Jing family."

Yang Xiuming was speechless, this bastard, it's no wonder he took care of the aftermath for him later, because he was afraid that the news would leak out and he wouldn't be able to sell it for a good price.

Yang Xiuming stood up suddenly, looked at Mr. Jing, and said slowly:

"Senior, I really don't have any death knight Di Yuan Qi Zhan."

Mr. Jing was also cold, stood up slowly and said:

"Will die!"

Direct threat!

"Senior, I am a disciple of the Xiong family!"

At a critical moment, Yang Xiuming called on Xiong's family.

"Hehe, Xiong family, they are nothing.

A group of old farmers who just know how to farm, I trampled them to death.

Boy, listen, whether you like it or not, the death knight Di Yuanqi Zhan must belong to our Jing family! "

After speaking, he turned around and left!

When Mr. Jing left, Yang Xiuming immediately got up without saying a word, and went straight to Xiong's house.

But when he walked outside the door, he found that outside his dormitory, a group of people had already surrounded him.

They are all teachers from Imperial University, like Baoan, and disciples of the Gao family.

They intentionally or unintentionally blocked Yang Xiuming in the dormitory.

Don't let him go.

Yang Xiuming's face suddenly changed, what should I do?Is it hard to break through.

However, it is very difficult, because the sanctuary has already released its own domain, covering itself all around.

It is not difficult for him to break out of the domain, a divine sword can be combined into one, and he can rush out.

Yu Jian flew and could escape the encirclement, but his own strength was completely exposed.

While Yang Xiuming was thinking, someone suddenly blew a special whistle in the dormitory group.

Make a strange whistle!

Following the whistle, many students rushed out.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, these students were almost all disciples of the Xiong family.

They come together around one person.

It was Xiong Kuosen!
He brought these Xiong family disciples straight to Yang Xiuming.

There were more than 40 of these people, some were classmates from the original banquet, and some were old students from the Xiong family. They all obeyed Xiong Kuosen's order and gathered around him.

Xiong Kuosen took these people to the outside of Yang Xiuming's dormitory, but was blocked by Gao's family.

Gao Jiarong is basically at the elite level, and most of the people under Xiong Kuosen's leadership are at the extraordinary level. Teachers and students are incomparable.

But Xiong Kuosen strode forward and shouted: "I am Xiong Kuosen, the direct descendant of the Xiong family, is your Gao family going to fight our Xiong family?

Do you want to fight!If you don't want to fight, get out of the way! "

Under his words, those teachers who stood in the way retreated.

Xiong Kuosen looked at the sanctuary saint, and shouted: "Teacher Gao Yuheng, I am Xiong Kuosen, the direct descendant of the Xiong family. Do your Gao family want to fight our Xiong family?"

The sanctuary domain also disappeared.

Xiong Kuosen came to Yang Xiuming and shouted, "Yang Xiuming, come with us and go back to Xiong's house."

Yang Xiuming never expected that Xiong Kuosen, who had never paid attention to him, would come to save him at a critical moment.

Thousands of words turned into one sentence: "Thank you!"

"You are from my Xiong family, our Xiong family absolutely cannot see you being bullied.

Hurry up and go with us! "

Yang Xiuming immediately followed Xiong Kuosen, and everyone gathered to protect Yang Xiuming and headed straight to Xiong's house.

The members of the Gao family just waited and watched, not daring to step forward, watching the members of the Xiong family leave the Imperial University.

They moved forward quickly and headed straight for Xiong's house.

But as soon as he left school, fifteen men in black appeared silently on the street.

These people are all dressed in black robes, with only their eyes exposed, and strange ribbons on their bodies.

Xiong Kuosen was shocked, and shouted: "The Jing family's Dao soldiers are clockwork, not weaker than the Wu family's vanguard, the Zhao family's heartbreaker, and the Jiang family's yin and yang buckle.

This, what should I do? "

Of these Taoist soldiers, twelve are elite ranks and three are legendary ranks, but together they are like an organic whole.

Everyone's movements are so weird, like a machine, as if there is a clockwork behind them to power them up and let them gain strength.

The Xiong family of Xiong Kuohai is almost all students, and there are very few elites. Only one of Xiong Kuohai's bodyguards is a legendary venerable, and the other party is three legendary venerables, which is not enough to watch.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath, and stretched out his hand suddenly, the sky darkened suddenly, covering the sky with one hand.

In the darkness, the death knight Di Yuanqi cut Wei Wuguo, rushed out suddenly, and stretched out a knife.

The light of the knife flashed like a whirlwind, and all 15 people's heads flew up at the opponent's clockwork Taoist soldiers, beheading them.

But Su Xiaomei seemed to be smiling and disappeared.

In the darkness not far away, a bloody light appeared.

That was a sacred saint. He didn't expect that there would be a fourth-order monster attacking him. He was accidentally killed by Su Xiaomei's bloodthirsty banshee.

This is beyond everyone's expectations!
Su Xiaomei and Wei Wuguo returned, but Yang Xiuming felt that they were very tired and couldn't make any more moves today.

It can only be done once a day. After all, Yang Xiuming is only a second-level night watchman, and it is still a bit difficult to make a fourth-level emissary.

The darkness disappeared, and everyone was shocked when they looked at the corpses all over the place.

Only Xiong Kuosen's eyes were bright.

Originally, he saved Yang Xiuming only for the sake of the Xiong family's reputation. He just rescued him back home, and the rest is the family's business. If he can still gain a reputation for righteousness, why not do it?

Now seeing that Yang Xiuming is so strong, it is worth investing in himself.

This was also the reason why Yang Xiuming made a move. Against the Jing family, he could only rely on the Xiong family.

I am nothing, so why should others help?
So show strength!
"Go, let's go!"

Xiong Kuosen ordered everyone to move quickly.

The Jing family's strongest Taoist soldiers, plus a sanctuary, died for no apparent reason, and they never had time to stop them.

Soon, everyone came to Xiong's house.

The gate has been opened, and everyone enters.

Xiong Kuosen said, "Yang Xiuming, come with me."

The others made their own arrangements and dispersed separately.

Xiong Kuosen took Yang Xiuming to a hall.

Xiong Kuohai is located in a large hall, sitting upright in the center, but there is a row of seats around him, where a group of old people are chattering and discussing something.

Seeing Xiong Kuosen, Xiong Kuohai nodded and said:
"35, you are doing well!"

"Thank you big brother for your praise, protecting the family's glory, this is what every Xiong family disciple must do!"

"Okay, you are really a good man of my Xiong family, my brother is proud of you!"

After speaking, Xiong Kuosen left the hall.

Xiong Kuohai looked at Yang Xiuming and said:
"Xiu Ming, don't worry, you are a disciple of my Xiong Family.

My Xiong family will definitely protect your safety.

Jing family, don't try to bully you, we are here, it's impossible! "

Yang Xiuming's blood boiled when he heard it, and he saluted and said, "Thank you, young master!"

"Go down and rest for a while, don't worry, your business is my business, our Xiong family's business!"

Yang Xiuming turned and left, and someone came to guide and arrange.

They were sent to a guest room, where the decoration was luxurious and the big bed was comfortable. Yang Xiuming lay down on his stomach for a while.

After tossing for a long time, it was getting late and night fell.

Yang Xiuming silently released his dark range, which is not far from the main hall, just within his range.

Although the main hall is brightly lit, it is very bright.

But with light and dust, in the dark night, even if there is a light, it is still within Yang Xiuming's dark range.

Of course, in this hall, it has its own sanctuary domain defense.

But this is the main residence of the Xiong family, and it is extremely safe. The guarded sanctuary has been cut corners and fooled, so far it has given Yang Xiuming a chance.

Suddenly he heard the quarrel in the hall!
"You are crazy, offending the Jing family for such a little bastard."

"The Jing family gave too little, and they are bound to get it. This is not a good price."

"But the Jing family is crazy. If they don't give people, they will fight us to the death."

"You can give it to them, but you have to sell it for a good price!"

The voice was Xiong Kuohai!
The righteous words just said are all big fools!
"No, I don't agree!"

Finally someone objected.

"The Jing family has been looking for the Necromancer Knights for so many years. They must have something in mind. Selling them to their family will make them stronger, which is not good for my Xiong family."

It turned out that there was another reason...

Among the crowd, someone said timidly:

"So, will betraying your subordinates affect the reputation of our Xiong family?"

It was 35 Xiong Kuosen.

Xiong Kuohai laughed and said, "Fame? What's the use? How much is it worth?

This world belongs to our seven families, who doesn't know who?
Whoever's heart is not black, who's hands are not black, the so-called reputation means nothing to us!
After the matter is over, wash it up, talk in the vernacular, arrange some rumors for him, find someone like him to pretend that he is still alive, black is also white. "

"However, if the truth gets out, what will those subordinates think of our Xiong family?"

"Hahaha, this world is controlled by our seven families, what else can they do?

In fact, they are dogs. Even if they leave, we have meat here, and they have to come back in the end! "

Yang Xiuming was speechless, and his heart was cold. He thought that the Xiong family was really righteous, but he didn't want to just sell it for a good price.

But Yang Xiuming soon felt relieved.

The ruler of the Liaochang world feeds people on tricks and imagines that they are good things. This is a big fool.

They are not human, they are worse than Weird, their hearts are already rotten.

Relying on the mountains and falling, relying on the sea to dry!

How could they offend one of the seven major families in the world for themselves?

Fortunately, I have a dark night range, and I heard their countermeasures, otherwise I would be cheated by them, and I would count the money for them when I sold it.

Yang Xiuming wrote down the hatred of such deception.

There is also the Jing family's persecution and enmity, which is also recorded.

Xiong Kuohai said:
"Send a message to the Jing family, we don't want to do this price, let them increase the price."

"But the Jing family got a death knight, and their strength has become stronger..."

Xiong Kuohai said: "If you are strong, be strong, don't delay our business!"

After speaking, he pointed to the sky, and everyone nodded.

All were silent, not knowing what was going on.

Yang Xiuming has a feeling that it should have something to do with the monks of Shenzong hidden in Outer Territory.

Soon the news came over there, it seemed that Xiong Kuohai was very satisfied, and said:

"The price is okay, let someone contact the Jing family.

The acting needs to be complete, and our two families have done a few confrontation scenes outside.

Then all kinds of news spread, and finally we negotiated to resolve it with a deathmatch. "

In a deathmatch, each side sends out one person with the same realm. Under the supervision of the two sides and the auspices of the notary, the deathmatch begins.

Winners get everything, losers lose everything!
Xiong Kuohai looked at Xiong Kuosen and said, "35 Don't worry, I'm not stupid. Although this reputation is worthless, we still want it."

"During the deathmatch, let them send five people in, regardless of the realm.

The supervisors on our side, as well as the notary, should be invisible, five beat one, if this still can't catch Yang boy, then there is really no way.

By the way, when the time comes, I will take out tens of millions and I will send it to Xiuqing. His brother will die in a fair duel, and he will not say anything. "

After thinking about it, he said again:
"However, I harmed his brother, maybe one day he finds out, and he will be in trouble.

So, after two years, they stabilized Yinzhou City and found a reason to send him and his family on the road.

Then let us arrange for Li Rui next to him to take over Yinzhou City. "

This is cutting weeds and eradicating roots!
Xiong Kuohai also sighed: "I especially like being with Xiuqing, this is my very few friends.

But for the sake of the family, there is no way, people are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves! "

This made Yang Xiuming hate him so much that he wanted to kill this hypocrite immediately.

However, there are countless sanctuaries here, and there are so many masters here, he can only endure it.

Suddenly, someone came to report.

Xiong Kuohai was taken aback, and said slowly:

"The Zhao family, here's a letter.

They said that Yang Xiaozi was the Fu son of their Zhao family, and their Zhao family supported Yang Xiaozi in this matter. "

Immediately fry the pan.

"how is this possible?"

"We have investigated this kid. Could it be that girl from the Zhao family has feelings for him and wants to save him?"

"The Zhao family and the Jing family are extremely at odds. Using this kid to lead us to fight with the Jing family, their gang will do harm to others."

"Kuo Hai, what should we do?"

Soon there was another news that there was a death case of the Xiong family inside the Zhao family, and the specific situation came.

Zhao Kuohai laughed loudly, and said: "Sure enough, it was that girl from the Zhao family who lobbied and promoted this matter.

Delusion to save his little lover!

Hahaha, it's nice to be young! "

Yang Xiuming was speechless, it turned out to be the princess Zhao Wanjun, begging for help in various ways, wanting to save herself.

Someone asked, "Then what shall we do?"

Xiong Kuohai said: "Simple, continue with the plan just now.

When the time comes, let the Jing family use the excuse that the Zhao family is not the party involved, not to send anyone to watch the death fight.

We don't let it go, one to two, so that their people can't enter the death arena, everything is no problem. "

"What if someone forced their way in?"

"Then send them away together, what can we do if we die?
Injured by the aftermath of the battle is easy to explain.

In fact, the purpose of the Zhao family is to make things difficult for the Jing family. Except for that girl, no one cares about this kid's life or death. "

Everyone nodded, that's it.

Yang Xiuming sighed and asked, "What should I do?"

Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue were also here, listening together.

Zhang Yue said: "Don't fight uncertain battles.

Although our strength is very strong, it is still not enough here.

The other party's Tier [-] is too much.

So, I think escape!
Escaping into the wilderness, although weird and rampant, but the three of us have no problem and can survive.

Let's practice hard and wait for you to build a foundation in the wilderness.

If it goes well, he will be promoted to Jindan and come back to kill them all. "

Zhang Yue is warlike and likes to be the first to charge, but he is never reckless, on the contrary he thinks of retreating before attacking.

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "It's too dangerous, but there is a way!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Yes, there is a way."

After speaking, he and Fu Xialiang looked at the sky together.

Zhang Yue said: "You two don't play charades, talk quickly!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Old Wei was attracted by me and crossed the border here, as if he woke up from something.

If your intuition is Taoist officials, then it must be them.

The Taoist official has returned, but only I can feel that the seven great families think that the Taoist official has disappeared and will not come back.

According to the regulations set by the Taoist officials in this world, if any Xianqin items are found, they must be turned in immediately.

Hiding Xianqin items is a crime of extermination.

Although the Jiang family was exterminated by the seven great families at the beginning, this was the crime, and they were exterminated under the banner of the seven great families. "

Zhang Yue couldn't help but said, "So?"

"So, Old Zhang, go get some Xianqin items and bring them here.

Then I sent it to Jing's warehouse.

There is no need for any treasury, it is heavily guarded, and an ordinary warehouse will do.

Then we went to report it. If the Taoist official is not there, it will be of no use.

However, when they wake up, they must investigate. The Jing family will definitely repeat the same mistakes as the Jiang family, but this time it is not other aristocratic families who destroy the family, but Taoist officials! "

Fu Xialiang said: "There is no need to report it personally, but find a way to not reveal your identity.

This Taoist official can do anything without waking up, but once he is waking up, he will be furious if he finds out that the Jing family has hidden the Immortal and Qin items.

In addition, the good eight families, how can he not be angry if one family is gone.

Just take advantage of this matter to vent.

Finally, I observed the Jing family. They used to be in charge of mass production of Weird, but now they have taken over from the Jiang family to sell Weird.

Build it yourself, sell it yourself!
During this period of time, I should have made countless profits. I don't believe that the other few people won't be jealous and envious?

So maybe this Jing family is the second Jiang family.

His family is gone, we are naturally fine! "

Yang Xiuming said harshly: "There is nothing good about these big families.

If there is a chance, destroy the Jing family! "

Over there Zhang Yue had already said: "I'm going back, I'll look for it right away.

You wait for me! "

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and asked, "Is this plan feasible?"

Fu Xialiang said: "Ghost knows, just let him go.

Don't force us, or let them have a taste of the power of Taishang Bajue.

If it doesn’t work, we hide in the wilderness. If the weirdness can live, so can we. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I really want to kill all these man-eating beasts!"

Zhang Yue acted quickly and returned in a moment, bringing the magic weapon of Xianqin.

It is almost exactly the same as the token used by Liu Changlong back then.

Each token is a third-order magic weapon with words on it.

"Being ordered by the sky, you will live forever, and the city of Xianqin Baiqi will advocate Yue"

"Ordered by the sky, since longevity is eternal, Xianqin Baiqi City is in charge of Zhang Fuming"

"Ordered by the sky, since longevity is eternal, Xianqin Baiqi City is in charge of bringing Sun Huangyuan"

"Ordered by the sky, since longevity is eternal, Xianqin Baiqi City is in charge of Zhang Sanyuan"

This is Zhang Yue's own token, as well as the tokens of his subordinates.

This kind of magic weapon is very important to these deacons, but Zhang Yue needs it and sacrifices it.

Zhang Yue said: "I don't know why, I really don't like this token. Mine has never been refined, so I just used it this time!"

It seems that the last assassination of Liu Changlong, because of this token, stirred up the situation in Yinzhou City, which made him very disgusted, so he didn't like this token at all.

Yang Xiuming put it away and said:

"Hopefully this time, they will work."

He was going to go out and frame him, but it was easy for Yang Xiuming to leave here, but after he left, if someone from the Xiong family came to check, it would be troublesome.

We must find a way to deal with this problem.

Fu Xialiang next to him suddenly said:
"Brother Xiao sent a letter yesterday, saying that he got two fourth-order heaven and earth spirit objects.

It's just a water attribute and an earth attribute, neither of which is gold, so I didn't say it if I didn't feel suitable. "

Among the three, Yang Xiuming is dark, Fu Xialiang is thunder, and Zhang Yue is gold. Only Zhang Yue conforms to the attributes of the five elements, so last time Fu Xialiang chose heaven and earth spirit gold.

For Fu Xialiang, anything is fine, but for others, it still needs to match the puppet attributes.

The Jidao Purple King Kong is especially suitable for Zhang Yue. Yang Xiuming has also tried it. It is true that driving the Jidao Purple King Kong feels like a diaphragm, uncomfortable, and it is not as agile as Zhang Yue's control.

This spiritual object of heaven and earth is for Yang Xiuming to use, for Yang Xiuming, any attribute is fine.

For Zhang Yue, gold is the best, so Fu Xialiang wants to get another heaven and earth spirit gold.

"Originally, I wanted to wait for a heaven and earth spirit gold.

Now, at a critical juncture, I can't control so much, brother, do you think which one is suitable? "

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang passed on his spiritual knowledge.

A rock-like spirit of heaven and earth, extremely hard and thick as the earth, a fourth-order spirit earth abyss evil stone.

The other one, like a cup of boiling water, will always boil like that, the fourth-order spiritual water is too true and the third-born water.

Sensing these two spiritual objects, Yang Xiuming immediately said: "Choose the fourth-order spirit earth abyss evil stone."

"I have a feeling for this! How many spirit stones?"

Fu Xialiang said: "We bought it with our own money, the price is not cheap!"

The spiritual objects of heaven and earth are all expensive goods. After Fu Xialiang bought them, there were only 16 spiritual stones left.

But there is no choice now, Yang Xiuming nodded.

Soon, Fu Xialiang returned, bringing with him the spirit of heaven and earth.

Yang Xiuming took it out carefully, checked the surroundings, and found that it was all right.

This is the old nest of the Xiong family, and there are countless Jing family chasing soldiers outside, what can Yang Xiuming do?
It's just that someone will come to see it later, and no one is closely monitoring it.

Yang Xiuming immediately started refining according to the method Fu Xialiang practiced last time.

Lay down the magic circle, and put down the fourth-order spiritual soil abyss evil stone in the center.

Silently circulating the true energy, driving the dharma jue, chanting the dharma mantra, and urging the original force, Yang Xiuming began to release the five elements, heaven and heart lamp method.

"The mortal world refines the furnace, and all living beings lead the fire of karma.

How fearful life and death are, life is at stake in the morning dew.

The five elements, the heavens and the hearts of the people are burning, and the puppet of the earth and the earth is resting.

Show me, Xiyuantu puppet! "

As soon as the true essence moved, it was about to fail.

Suddenly, a figure seemed to appear behind Yang Xiuming, it was the death knight Di Yuanqi beheading Wei Wuguo.

He seemed to be roaring, unwilling!
Wei Wuguo is of the earth attribute, and now it has turned into Yang Xiuming's natal strangeness, so Yang Xiuming has also increased the earth attribute in silence.

So when Yang Xiuming saw the fourth-order spirit earth abyss evil stone, it was very in line with his wishes.

Yang Xiuming's heart moved, inspired by the voice of his heart, and shouted again:
"The mortal world refines the furnace, and all living beings lead to karmic fire..."

Immediately, all the true energy was absorbed frantically, and gathered on the fourth-order spiritual soil abyss evil stone.

The fourth-order spiritual soil abyss evil stone automatically dissolves and turns into a bright light.

When the lamp is fully formed, it emits colorful strong light, transforms into countless primordial forces, and arouses the resonance of heaven and earth.

Yang Xiuming hastily covered the sky with one hand, and covered his room with a hole in the area. Many visions were not leaked at all.

A mantra came from the void:
"Innate Qi, Five Elements Metal Essence, up to Qingming, down to Jiuyou..."

With the sound of the mantra, the golden lamp changed and turned into a giant of fine earth. Originally, it was also three feet long and would break through the roof.

But in a flash, the Jingtu giant shrank in size, no longer so huge, and was as tall as Yang Xiuming.

It steps on the ground, under its left foot is a snake, and under its right foot is a turtle. It is covered in black soil and white stone armor, which is even more imposing.

Xiyuantu puppet!
He seemed to glance left and right, kneeled down and kissed the ground deeply, bowed slightly to Yang Xiuming, and said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense:
"Fellow Daoist, please take care of me!"

Yang Xiuming looked at the Xiyuantu puppet, and countless spiritual senses were transmitted into his brain:
"Xiyuantu puppet, I am that, and that is me. I was born in that body, transformed into heaven and earth, and became a Xiyuantu puppet, following the inheritance of the earth Titan..."

The consciousness came slowly, and the Xiyuantu puppet was Yang Xiuming's avatar puppet, which was inherited by the Titans of the Earth.

It slowly changed and became exactly the same as Yang Xiuming's, a self-generating magic robe. In the last flash, it turned into a little golden light and poured into Yang Xiuming's forehead and eyebrows.

Yang Xiuming also had a golden lamp birthmark similar to a tattoo on his forehead.

In extreme pain, Yang Xiuming insisted on it, and finally finished it. One corner of it was ignited, and that was where the Xiyuantu puppet was.

With this puppet of breathing primordial earth, countless earth-type spells are automatically transmitted, and are inherited by the earth titans.

The Earth Titan is one of the powerful races of the Quaternary Tianhuang Period!

With this Xiyuantu puppet, it not only has its own magical powers of earth magic, but also affects the main body. So far, Yang Xiuming can also practice all the magical powers of earth magic.

This is just the five-element celestial heart-lamp method and the earth system method, and it does not involve the other four systems of the five-element celestial heart-lamp method.

There are also many laws that the five elements generate and restrain each other, and complement each other.

It's just that this puppet dharma body, no matter Zhang Yue or Fu Xialiang, is a bit difficult to control.

But now, I can't control so much.

The biggest advantage of this Xiyuantu puppet is that he turned into Yang Xiuming's appearance and pretended to be Yang Xiuming here.

Someone from the Xiong family came here from time to time to secretly monitor Yang Xiuming.

There is no problem with the Yiyuantu puppet.

Yang Xiuming got up suddenly and escaped into the darkness.

Start the next step, go to Jing's house, and frame her!
With the scope of the night, Yang Xiuming moved quietly.

Escape into the darkness, no trace.

However, Xi Yuantu puppet turned into Yang Xiuming, exactly the same, sitting in front of the table, moving from time to time, proving that he is alive and real.

No one could tell that this was a fake Yang Xiuming.

But the real Yang Xiuming jumped into the void with a light leap, and together with the sword light, he soared into the sky.

Under the assimilation of the night, there is no light, and no one can find it.

In fact, there are many combat positions in the Liaochang Continent, and very few of them have mastered flying. Even the Saints in the Sanctuary make short leaps, not flying.

So Yang Xiuming flew into the sky, completely beyond the thinking range of the local aborigines, and no one was prepared.

Flying in the air, this feeling of freedom is really comfortable.

Yang Xiuming quietly jumped into the air and went straight to Jing's house.

He had visited Mr. Jing before and knew where the Jing family was.

Flying out of Xiong's house, Yang Xiuming frowned.

Outside the Xiong family, there are many spies.

It was said that they were spies, but they almost always appeared in the open and surrounded the Xiong family.

These are all members of the Jing family, the Xiong family is really not as strong as the Jing family, the difference is too much.

Even if the Xiong family wanted to protect themselves, they probably didn't have the ability.

Flying across the street, all the way forward, soon arrived at the residence of the Jing family.

The places where the seven great families are located all occupy an area of ​​several miles, with countless pavilions, many magic circles outside, and high-walled blockhouses inside, which are heavily defended.

Even if Yang Xiuming fled here, he still couldn't get close.

Because there are many sanctuaries, covering the other family's resident.

There is no gap at all, and the defense is tight.

This is not allowed, you can't get in!
This is how to do?
Yang Xiuming suddenly remembered Jingkonglou, where he had bought promotion certificates many times, maybe he could sneak in there secretly.

It's also the property of the Jing family, so there should be no problem.

Yang Xiuming immediately went to Jingkong Tower.

When he got here, he was very careful, but found that there was no guardian of the sanctuary here.

How is this going?

He sneaked in carefully.

The Jingkong Building is also on guard, with various magic circles activated, among which several venerables are guarding here.

But without saints, there would be no sanctuary. For Yang Xiuming, he could sneak in as long as it was at night.

In fact, this is also a coincidence, during the daytime, Su Xiaomei killed a Jing Family Sanctuary on Su Xiaomei Street.

The sanctuary died. He had a garrison mission at night, but he died, so he could only transfer others to perform the mission.

So the sanctuary of Jingkong Building, go there, and there is no sanctuary guard here.

Given Yang Xiuming's chance, under the scope of the night, he soon discovered a flaw here.

Entering quietly, with the power of night assimilation, he is like a ghost, coming and going freely in the night.

Even a small hole as thick as an arm, he can enter and exit at will.

Entering the building, Yang Xiuming silently checked.

Jingkong Tower is meaningless at night.

Those promotion certificates and valuable goods were transported back to Jing's house at night.

Some ordinary goods were pulled to the underground warehouse and locked up.

Yang Xiuming focused on those ordinary goods, moved quietly, and came to the underground warehouse.

There are two combat positions here, looters and night watchmen, who guard here.

However, the two of them secretly prepared a table of food and wine, and drank it early in a daze.

Jingkong Tower is protected by its own magic circle, and it is the property of the Jing family, so what can we guard against?
Yang Xiuming smiled and entered quietly.

The room was dark for a while, and then returned to normal. The two of them were in a daze and didn't care at all.

Yang Xiuming has come to the big iron gate of the warehouse.

This big iron gate is very thick and there is no gap at all.

Yang Xiuming carefully looked for the vents in the warehouse.

Sure enough, I found that the vent hole is not big, and there are talisman restrictions on it.

This didn't bother Yang Xiuming, he ran "Dark Sky" and suddenly moved, entering the other party's warehouse through the vent hole.

After all, this is just an ordinary warehouse, without such a strong defense.

Entering here, Yang Xiuming checked carefully, and there were messy goods everywhere.

Among them, various materials are the main ones, and the Jing family controls the manufacturing industry, so they like collecting materials the most.

After checking it, Yang Xiuming suddenly found various marks among the pile of materials.

This is the raw material sent by other cities yesterday, the package was not opened, and it was too late, so it was thrown into the warehouse.

Yang Xiuming smiled, took out a token, and put it in.

The other three tokens are all hidden in the warehouse debris, in a mess.

This relic of Xianqin was discovered by your Jing family, hid it, refused to hand it in, and violated the laws of Liaochang, let's see if the awakened Taoist official can destroy the door!
The planting was successful, and Yang Xiuming left quietly.

Avoid the two drunkards, leave the Jingkong Building, and fly back to Xiong's house.

Along the way, it went smoothly, without any accidents, and arrived at the residence safely.

There is nothing wrong with Yang Xiuming, the Xi Yuantu puppet pretending to be.

Yang Xiuming stretched out his hand, close it!

The Xiyuantu puppet disappeared, and the summoning was withdrawn.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath, got up in an instant, and flew away again.

This time it was very fast, within a few breaths, it flew outside Xiong's house.


The Xiyuantu puppet appeared again, turned around, changed into another appearance, and disappeared in big strides.

It took less than a dozen breaths for Yang Xiuming to return to his residence, and there was no problem.

The reason for this is that there must be a report tomorrow, and the Xiyuantu puppet is just right.

Send it out at night now, so as not to be unable to send it out during the day tomorrow.

The reason why the relics of Xianqin cannot be sacrificed at night is because there is currently a curfew and the place of sacrifice cannot be entered.

Only when the three poles rise tomorrow will the place for offering sacrifices be open.

Yang Xiuming returned to his residence and began to rest.

There is no problem with the Xiyuantu puppet. Fu Xialiang possessed it and came to the sacrifice place carefully.

The so-called sacrifice place is the center of the imperial capital.
This is a huge palace with majestic and majestic stone pillars, but no one knows where it is.

Yang Xiuming knew that this was the Taoist cave!
In front of this Daoguan cave, there is a large square, about a mile away, with a smooth marble floor.

At the last moment of the Jiang family, everyone knelt here and begged the Taoist officials for help.

Then he was blocked here by the Seven Great Families, and he was killed cleanly. In the end, the marble was stained red with blood.

The Qi family cleaned the place and restored it to its previous appearance, but some people always said that it was very gloomy, with people wailing from time to time, and the ground was covered with blood.

But this should not be a rumor, this world is strange and countless, the death of the Jiang family is too tragic, maybe some strange things will naturally be born.

At dawn tomorrow, when the sun is three poles high, the gate of the Taoist cave will be opened, and there will be a drum inside.

Beating this drum means offering sacrifices to the relics of Xianqin, and there must be a response!

This is the rule, and it has been like this since ancient times.

But the last time the Jiang family beat the drum, there was no response!

Everything was normal for Yang Xiuming. The next day, after dawn, a maid brought breakfast.

The breakfast was very good, and they waited silently for the Taoist government to open the gate.

Suddenly, Zhang Yue said:
"No, someone found the token we put in the Jingkong Building!"

One of those tokens belonged to Zhang Yue, which was connected to his mind, and he sensed the accident immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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