Dao Shaohua

Chapter 194 Eternal Night Snake, Wild Animal Blood

Chapter 194 Eternal Night Snake, Wild Animal Blood
When Zhang Yue said this, the expressions of the three changed.

It is not yet possible to sacrifice and report, silently waiting for Zhang Yue's feeling.

If the token is discovered by the Jing family and they go to sacrifice it themselves, then they will lose their wife and lose their soldiers!

Waiting silently, Zhang Yue said:
"They sent our token back to the Jing family!"

The three breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still not sure whether the other party would sacrifice or not.

Fu Xialiang said: "I will report it now, so that they have no chance to sacrifice."

Yang Xiuming said: "Wait a little longer, there is no rush."

"Brother, isn't it too risky?"

"I have a feeling that there should be no problem, just wait a little longer!"

After waiting for a while, Zhang Yue said: "They seem to have sent my token to the warehouse.

And the storeroom is very high-level, and my induction is already very weak. "

As soon as this was said, the three of them laughed.

Sure enough, the Jing family's first reaction when they found the token of Xianqin was not to offer sacrifices to Taoist officials, but to hide it for secret research.

The Taoist official issued the first order, that all relics of Xianqin must be sacrificed and handed over immediately, otherwise the family will be wiped out.

So this kind of relic from Xianqin must be a good treasure.

Now the Taoist officials are gone, and their whereabouts are unknown. The last Jiang family who offered sacrifices honestly has been destroyed, so the Jing family chose to keep it private and study it by themselves.

Good stuff, why sacrifice?
Yang Xiuming said: "Old Fu, come on!"

Fu Xialiang nodded, and strode into the Taoist Square.

Go straight to the big drum quickly.

When I came to the drum, I hadn't played the drum yet.

A powerful sanctuary appeared and enveloped him.

"Who is here, why are you here?"

Fu Xialiang shouted: "I am a disciple of the Jing family, come here to report."

"Report what?"

Fu Xialiang used her mana violently, broke through the cover of the opponent's sanctuary, picked up the drum hammer, and beat the drum three times.

The sanctuary was furious, and the coercion increased.

Suddenly, his sanctuary disappeared, as if this person had never existed.

A voice sounded:
"Puppet? The new weirdness of that family?

What's the matter with you?But offering sacrifices to the relics of Xianqin? "

The voice was ordinary, but with a terrifying force that could not be resisted.

Fu Xialiang immediately said:
"Disciple, report the relics of the Immortal Qin to the Jing family.

I saw with my own eyes that the four tokens are all relics of Xianqin.

Among them, it is written on the token: Ordered by the sky, life will last forever, Xianqin Baiqi City will advocate Yue..."

One report.

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang immediately moved her soul and returned to Yang Xiuming.

As for the Xiyuantu puppet, throw it there to fend for itself.

Even if the Xiyuantu puppet is shattered, it can be summoned freely after one month.

However, the Xiyuantu puppet was not smashed, but a combat role appeared in the cave, and he was pressed into a prison.

So far I don't care.

Yang Xiuming is not in a hurry, he can cancel the summon at any time and start again.

Do everything you can, and leave the rest to fate.

I don't know if the so-called Taoist officials will take action and destroy the Jing family?
But to Yang Xiuming's surprise, before the Taoist officials could do anything, the Jing family did it first.

In the evening, Xiong Kuohai called Yang Xiuming with a smile.

It was that hall again, and Yang Xiuming frowned when he entered it. There was a hidden magic circle in the hall, and there were slight fluctuations.

These large formations have only one purpose, to suppress weirdness.

This is the main hall of the Xiong family. It has been arranged for many years. The weirdness of the fourth level will be suppressed into the third level here, and there are various arrest restrictions.

Immediately, Yang Xiuming knew that this was a Diyuan Riding Slash against him.
Su Xiaomei was attacked by someone on the street yesterday, and Su Xiaomei killed a sanctuary of the other party.

In the dark night, they didn't know who made the move, so it could only be counted as Diyuan Riding Slash.

Even though it was a surprise attack, they all knew that Yang Xiuming had the means to kill Sanctuary.

So now, Yang Xiuming's natal life is strange, so be on guard.

In addition to the magic circle, there are two people behind Xiong Kuohai, both of whom are in the sanctuary, and they can completely suppress the fourth-order weirdness in silence.

As for Yang Xiuming's own strength, what is a little night watchman?
"Xiu Ming, let me tell you something!"

"Master, tell me!"

"I settled the dispute between you and the Jing family.

The other party is aggressive, and you also know that our Xiong family is not as good as the Jing family. We have clashed several times and sacrificed more than a dozen clansmen.

However, you are a disciple of our Xiong Family, so you must not be bullied.

I united with the Zhao family, and finally forced the Jing family to retreat.

For such a big event, for the sake of the family's reputation, the Jing family proposed a fight to the death.

They offer an elite rank combat position, which is the same level as yours, and then you fight one-on-one to the death.

The winner lives and gets everything, the loser dies and loses everything.

I wonder if you have the courage, Xiu Ming, to participate in a death fight? "

Under the rhetoric, no matter who it is, they can only participate in the death fight.

If he doesn't participate in the deathmatch, the Xiong family doesn't have to protect him, and many sanctuaries take action and win directly.

Yang Xiuming immediately replied: "Okay, don't worry, young master, I will win the fight to the death!"

"I think so too, Xiuming, you are a genius of my Xiong family, and I have great confidence in you.

But even though you have a weird fourth-order natal life, the other party will also have calculations.

You take this, this is the secret treasure of our Xiong family, the Earth Spirit Mother, if the other party resorts to tricks and tricks.

If you activate this, it will summon our Xiong family's fourth-order earth spirit mother to appear and fight for you.

However, it can only fight for [-] breaths, you must seize the time. "

After speaking, he handed Yang Xiuming a seed.

This seed is the size of a lychee, crystal clear, and contains a lot of energy.

Yang Xiuming took it carefully, and said: "Thank you, young master, I will definitely live up to my high expectations and defeat the traitors of the Jing family."

"Okay, get ready, let's go, fight to the death immediately."

"When we get to the place, it will be dark, which will greatly increase the strength of your night watchmen, lest they choose to fight you to the death during the day."

This time arrangement is all for Yang Xiuming's good!

Holding the secret treasure Earth Spirit Mother, Yang Xiuming sneered, what secret treasure is fake.

Fooling Yang Xiuming to participate in the death fight is just a seed with a lot of spiritual energy, which is useless.

Xiong Kuohai set off with Yang Xiuming, and they left the main hall and the range of the large formations.

But around Yang Xiuming, the Four Great Sacred Domains followed him silently, watching him tightly.

If Yang Xiuming breaks through and rises with his sword, he can charge out.

So far, he can only live in the wild, and his family will be affected.

But the other party is five people, and they don't know what realm they are in, so it's really hard to stop.

Thinking about it again, it is impossible for the other party to dispatch five sanctuaries for Yang Xiuming, a night watchman. That would be too ridiculous.

Sanctuary is dignified.

One or two sanctuaries, it's not that I don't have opportunities. When the time comes, I will see who the enemies are and look for opportunities.

Unexpectedly, just after they left Xiong's house, several groups of people gathered on the road automatically.

Xiong Kuohai's face immediately changed, and he looked at his subordinates, as if asking something.

Those people came together, and someone shouted: "Brother Xiong, I, Wu Xu, am here to accompany you!"

"Xiong boy, I heard that you guys are having fun today, so I, Xiang Boran, will also come and see."

"Little bear, it's so lively, why don't you call me!"

When these people appeared, Xiong Kuohai couldn't help laughing. Facing them, he didn't seem to dare to offend them.

Zhao Wanjun's voice quietly appeared next to Yang Xiuming's ear:

"Yang Xiuming, be careful of Xiong Kuohai.

They colluded with the Jing family to frame you.

In a fight to the death, manipulation is inevitable.

However, don't be afraid, I pushed the Zhao family and contacted the Xiang family, the Wu family, and the Qu family. Except for the waste of the Gao family, all four of us support you.

The Jing family is desperately looking for the death knight, they are afraid that your death knight will be acquired by the Jing family, and the Jing family will become dominant.

So, don't worry, the Xiong family's tricks are completely useless, and none of them will try to harm you! "

This is a secret sound transmission, only Yang Xiuming heard it, and he can't answer it yet.

He just couldn't stop nodding!
It warms my heart!
Thank you Princess Zhao Wanjun, it's really a critical moment, it's really good!

Zhao Wanjun said again: "Yang Xiuming, you pay attention, in the death match, personal equipment is not allowed to be used.

But each person can bring a magic weapon, or choose a combat magic weapon provided by the death battle field.

When choosing, notice that there are three black claws, which are the weapons of the night watchman.

You choose the one with the silver thread, and there is a fourth-order magic weapon, Mushroom Thunderbolt, in the claw, even if the opponent sends a fourth-order sanctuary, it can kill him.

So you must win this battle! "

Yang Xiuming's face darkened, Xiong Kuohai, that bastard, was too dark.

It turned out that the purpose of the fourth-order Earth Spirit Mother was to let him not choose the death battle field to provide combat magic weapons, but to bring the Earth Spirit Mother into the arena.

The plan is so detailed, and I set myself a trap.

It's really step by step!
When the crowd gathered, Xiong Kuohai smiled wryly and greeted everyone one by one.

Wu Xu, Xiang Boran, Qu Zhang, Zhao Wuguang...

This is an existence similar to his from the four major families, and he would not dare to attack them even if he was killed.

It turned out that during the deathmatch, two to one, the Xiong family and the Jing family excluded the Zhao family, and they could play however they wanted.

Now the Zhao family, Xiang family, Wu family, and Qu family are all present.

Four to two, it is impossible to expel them to watch the match.

In the end, they could only rely on the Jing family one-on-one.

Soon everyone arrived at the Deathmatch Field, which was a public building where the original Eight Great Families who controlled the world had a deathmatch.

How can there be no conflicts among the many families, and the fight to the death is over here.

When he got here, Xiong Kuohai smiled wryly again.

The deathmatch referee he arranged is no longer there, and has been replaced by someone else.

Seeing Xiong Kuohai, the deathmatch referee immediately ran over and said:

"Lord Xiong, Wang Long, who was presiding over the death fight, suddenly fell ill, so I, Guo Sen, can only preside over it."

Xiong Kuohai nodded and said, "It's troublesome!"

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will uphold justice, absolutely fair and open!"

"Hahaha, good, good!"

Everyone entered the arena of death.

The Jing family had arrived long ago. Besides Mr. Jing, Gao Zihui was on the opposite side.

When he saw this side, there were so many people rumbling in, his face immediately changed.

"Wu Xu, Xiang Boran, Qu Zhang, Zhao Wuguang..."

When the four saw Gao Zihui, they also sneered.

Vaguely, the two sides formed two camps.

Mr. Jing stared at Xiong Kuohai, Xiong Kuohai sighed, and there was no other way not to look at him.

Guo Sen ran over and shouted:
"Now there is a deathmatch.

Death fighters come out! "

Yang Xiuming stood up, and the five people from the Jing family looked at each other, and one of them walked out.

But immediately someone shouted:

"No way, Jing Fangze, you are too shameless, you are a sanctuary!"

"Jin Suo Qiankun Jing Fangze, the older you get, the more shameful you are. A fourth-level sanctuary bullying a second-level night watchman?"

"It's too shameless, isn't it?"

The person appeared on the other side and said slowly:
"I was seriously injured, and my strength has declined. Now I am only a second-order trapped person, which is comparable to the opponent's strength."

Referee Guo Sen walked over, began to check, and said:

"Jing Fangze, the death fighter, was indeed injured, and his strength is only a second-order trapper."

Seeing the appearance of many families here, the other party made a decisive decision and wounded himself, causing internal injuries, falling from the fourth level to the second level.

A voice came from Zhao Wanjun:
"Be careful, Fang Ze, the locker of the universe, although his strength has declined, but his natal strangeness is the maze of the earth, which completely restrains your natal strangeness.

And his strength is the veteran fourth-order sanctuary, he is afraid that he will recover quickly when the battle starts, so be absolutely careful. "

Yang Xiuming nodded.

The referee Guo Sen asked: "Xiong family death fighter, do you agree to fight with the opponent?"

Xiong Kuohai was about to open his mouth to say something, but he glanced at the situation on the scene.

The seven major families formed two forces, and he suddenly kept silent and handed over the power to Yang Xiuming.

Old Master Fang Jing was furious, looked at Xiong Kuohai and sneered.

He believed that Xiong Kuohai's so-called death fight had deceived him.

At this time Yang Xiuming replied: "Agreed!"

On my side, someone said: "This kid has some backbone?"

"Looks like you can win?"

"Maybe we can win, come on, let's make a bet!"

Referee Guo Sen nodded and said: "The two sides decided to fight to the death.

For the sake of fairness, please hand over all the magic weapons on your body.

If you choose to keep a magic weapon, you can also go to our arsenal in the death field and choose a combat magic weapon. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, took off his night devil suit, and suddenly took out the fourth-order earth spirit mother and said:
"Thank you, young master, for your great kindness.

But such a treasure, how can I, Yang Xiuming and He De, control it.

The other party is just a young man, he is not worthy of me using this treasure! "

After finishing speaking, return this object to Xiong Kuohai.

Xiong Kuohai was taken aback for a moment, then took it, his face constantly changing.

There was laughter all around.

They all know the basics, and naturally know Xiong Kuohai's purpose, and they all laugh at him.

Xiong Kuohai didn't care, and just let it go.

With nothing else left, Yang Xiuming followed Guo Sen to the arsenal.

There are most of the weapons of many combat roles here, and there are as many as hundreds of them.

Jing Fangze chose a weapon of his own. He didn't come here, but someone from the Jing family followed to prevent accidents from happening.

Guo Sen shouted to Yang Xiuming:
"Here is the arsenal, you can choose whatever you want, but remember, there is only one item!"

During the words, his eyes drifted to the side, as if to indicate something.

Yang Xiuming immediately understood and walked over, and sure enough, there were three Night Demon Claws there.

He chose one with a smile, and held it in his hand. There was really a strange thing like a mushroom hidden in it.

This so-called fourth-order Mushroom Artifact Mushroom Thunder Explosion has powerful lethality. Even if the opponent's strength is originally fourth-order, it is difficult to face this treasure.

But Yang Xiuming smiled wryly.

By now, it was already dark.

Yang Xiuming's night assimilated and quickly invaded this thing.

The attack was successful soon, but Yang Xiuming found that the throwing of this object was not just killing the enemy as Zhao Wanjun said.

Immediately there was a roar, and a huge explosion appeared, which could kill both himself and Jing Fangze.

This is the terrifying explosive power of mushrooms!

Zhao Wanjun didn't know, what she wanted was to save herself.

But other people don't think so, if they kill themselves, all the weirdness of their own lives will disappear, and it will be over once and for all.

As long as he died, the Jing family could not get the death knight they wanted and could not become stronger.

To them, their own life and death are worthless and meaningless, so they gave them a dead mushroom!

Yang Xiuming put it away carefully, even if he was killed, he would not use this.

Guo Sen shouted: "Okay, the selection of the magic weapon is finished, let's prepare for a death fight."

After speaking, he brought Yang Xiuming to a hall.

Here is a huge stone field, similar to the ancient Roman arena, with a huge area.

Those other people were all sitting in the stands, looking at the two people in the death battle!

Yang Xiuming slowly walked into the arena and looked at the opponent.

Jing Fangze just sneered. Although he had self-destructed his energy, caused internal injuries, and lowered his strength to the second level, he was able to deal with such a small second-level night watchman with ease.

The two faced each other, and Yang Xiuming cupped his fists and said, "Senior, please!"

"Little thing, seek your own death!"

Jing Fangze let out a long breath, let go of his healing suppression, and immediately recovered from his injuries, and his strength skyrocketed.

There was an uproar from all over the world, all kinds of boos.

But Jing Fangze didn't care at all. His main purpose in the end was to use his ability to lock the lane to catch Yang Xiuming alive.

Only by catching Yang Xiuming alive can he strip away his strange nature and use it for the Jing family.

That's why he ended up. In their view, it was too easy to kill Yang Xiuming, but the key is to catch him alive, stripping him of his life, otherwise what's the value of killing Yang Xiuming?
Everyone on the stage didn't care who won or lost, anyway, they had already given Yang Xiuming the fourth-order Mushroom Dao magic weapon, Mushroom Thunder Explosion.

As long as he uses it, the two of them will fly to ashes together, the one who dies can't die again, what kind of ground Yuan Qi chop will naturally dissipate, and the goal is achieved.

As for Yang Xiuming's life and death, what do they care about?

Facing such a powerful enemy, Yang Xiuming stretched out his hand to cover the sky with one hand!
Suddenly, the surrounding fields were in darkness, but in the darkness, Jing Fangze gently moved his hand, and an inexplicable brilliance emanated from him, illuminating Yang Xiuming's darkness.

How can the family that produces the certificate of combat status have no way to fight against the nightfall of the night devil?
Facing Jing Fangze's light, Yang Xiuming didn't make a move like the light, but roared angrily.

The knight who controls the nightmare of hell and bones appears in everyone's sight!

The heavy armored death knight, with no legs, is automatically connected to the hell bone nightmare. It is impossible to see clearly, and it is extremely hideous.

With a huge sword in his hand, he can open mountains and cut seas!

He drove the nightmare of hell and bones, went straight to Jing Fangze, and slashed heavily with his sword.

Seeing Diyuan Qizhan, everyone on the stage exclaimed, unbelievable.

It turned out to be the fourth-order death knight, Di Yuan Qi Zhan!
No wonder the Jing family is so persuasive, and they absolutely cannot let them get it.

But Jing Fangze sneered, and with a movement of his hand, his original life appeared strangely.

Like a labyrinth, boundless, changing reality, it is the labyrinth of the earth.

In an instant, Yang Xiuming's Diyuan Qizhan fell into the maze of the earth and disappeared.

All of a sudden Zhao Wanjun screamed on the stage, what should I do.

Yang Xiuming let out a loud roar, waving his Ye Mo fingers and claws and rushed over.

The night devil's finger claw is like a glove, worn on the hand, with three sharp thorns on it, similar to the wolf blade of Wolverine in the previous life.

Amidst his furious roar, he quietly resorted to Light and Dust, and the brilliance around Jing Fangze was extinguished.

But Jing Fangze said coldly: "I know you work part-time, but it's useless..."

Facing the rushing Yang Xiuming, he used his ability.

At this time, he had recovered to the strength of the third-rank Venerable Golden Lock, and instantly locked Yang Xiuming completely, motionless.

Won, no objection, totally locked, firmly.

Then he was startled suddenly, and someone rushed to his side.

Who is it locked up by yourself?

The man made a move, stabbing at his throat, Jing Fangze hurriedly retreated to dodge, but the opponent stabbed again, as fast as a whirlwind.

Jing Fangze continued to dodge, but couldn't dodge, and wanted to use other abilities, but the opponent was too fast.

The perfect movement and the terrifying spikes are simply irresistible.

The night devil's claws are extremely sharp, and there is an unknown spell on it, as long as it slows down, its throat will be pierced immediately.

Jing Fangze was shocked. Many combat abilities could not be used, and the death fighting magic weapon brought in could not be activated. The opponent did not give him this time.

Jing Fangze had no choice but to stop the opponent with his own instinct.

He was not afraid, he was also a master of gymnastics when he was young, and the Jing family was famous.

But it's just a fight, he is not an opponent at all, the opponent is too strong, completely suppressing him.

At this time, Yang Xiuming's dark night disappeared, and everyone on the stage saw Yang Xiuming and Jing Fangze scuffling together. There was no glory of a warrior at all, just like a hooligan, punching, biting fingers, tearing hair, choking neck wrestling.

How is this going?

Before the people on the stage could see it clearly, Yang Xiuming's Yemo finger claws had pierced into Jing Fangze's heart, firmly inserted.

Jing Fangze couldn't believe it, how could he be defeated and killed by this young man in this way, with all his abilities and a majestic fourth-tier sanctuary?
His eyes were full of horror, Yang Xiuming had already inserted Ye Mo's claws into his heart, twisted it hard, and smashed his heart.

Then pull it out, poof, insert it into Jing Fangze's brain at the temple, die!

Yang Xiuming sneered, in fact, he predicted all of Jing Fangze's attacks, and even predicted Jing Fangze's predictions.

Deliberately release Diyuan Rider to lock Jing Fangze to death.

Then attack in the dark, at this moment, summon the Xiyuantu puppet, let him block Jing Fangze's lock for himself.

Jing Fangze had so much combat experience that Zhang Yue got close to each other and killed the enemy with a sword.

Completely controlled by Yang Xiuming, mastering the rhythm of the battlefield, creating the illusion of a brutal fight between the two.

Jing Fangze didn't have a chance to make a comeback, and was stabbed to death by Yang Xiuming using Ye Mo's claws as a sword.

In the final analysis, it was Jing Fangze who wanted to die on his own and abolished his strength. He was not Yang Xiuming's opponent at all.

Assassinating Jing Fangze, Yang Xiuming's eyes moved, he yelled suddenly, he vomited blood, and fell to the ground.

At first glance, he was shocked by the opponent's Yuan Neng, killed one thousand enemies, and injured himself eight hundred.

This is in line with everyone's understanding.

All of a sudden, everyone watching the battle was in an uproar.

"how is this possible?"

"Am I blind?"

"Jing Fangze is dead? How is it possible!"

But soon someone saw the problem.

"Jing Fangze is too arrogant. He abolishes his own strength and has the same second-level strength as the opponent."

"Fist is afraid of being young, Jing Fangze was too proud and looked down on the opponent too much, so he was killed."

"He didn't have time to use all his abilities. If he couldn't use his abilities, he was a waste, so he was approached and stabbed to death."

"It's such a big joke, the mushroom road exploded with thunder, so I prepared for nothing."

Mr. Jing was furious. He knew that Jing Fangze had the ability to lock down the opponent, but why he didn't use it. The Xiong family must have used a dirty trick behind his back.

He got up suddenly, flicked his sleeves, turned and left without even looking at Yang Xiuming.

Other aristocratic families here have no chance, let's talk about it later, as time goes by.

The others also laughed and dispersed, leaving only the Xiong family and the Zhao family.

They started to compete for Yang Xiuming, but this Yang Xiuming didn't care about them.

Wait until night, find an opportunity, and leave quietly by yourself, whatever Xiong Zhao is, go there!
Xiong Kuohai's honey-belly sword is very bad, and the Zhao family has the Lai Yizong entrenched, do you want your own body to be the body of seizing houses?
Only Zhao Wanjun treats herself best, and steps forward at critical moments to save herself!
Yang Xiuming pretended to wake up in a trance.

Find yourself in a guest room.

Zhao Wanjun was by his side, silently guarding him.

"Yang Xiuming, it's okay, our Zhao family came out and rescued you.

You don't have to be afraid, with our Zhao family in the lead, no matter whether it's the Jing family or the Xiong family, you don't have to worry. "

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Thank you princess."

"You don't need to thank me, who made us classmates!"

That being said, all fools know Zhao Wanjun's attitude towards Yang Xiuming, and he risked his life to save him, but he is just a classmate?
Zhao Wanjun has always had a good impression of Yang Xiuming, and she is silently in love with her.

But for some reason, when Yang Xiuming thought of Fu Xialiang's six senior sisters, he always felt shuddering.

seems to be scared...

Fu Xialiang suddenly said: "Brother, you trash, such a confidante, risking your life to help, what do you want.

You can't chat, get out, I'll come! "

Yang Xiuming silently cut off the contact and got lost.

Zhang Yue shouted: "Xiu Ming, no, let me watch for a while.

You, princess, are much more comfortable than Xia Liang's, at least you won't suck your blood..."

Also cut off!

"Thank you very much!"

"Yang Xiuming, we were born in Yinzhou, why are you being polite to me, who made us all classmates, we..."

Zhao Wanjun was still talking about the scene, looking at her delicate face, Yang Xiuming suddenly grabbed her.

Zhao Wanjun was taken aback, and said, "You, what are you doing..."

When Yang Xiuming kissed her, Zhao Wanjun was completely dumbfounded and struggled desperately.

The hardest thing to bear is the kindness of my daughter. She has already saved herself in this way, and then pretends to be confused, it is too inhuman!

But she was caught by Yang Xiuming, unable to break free, and gradually stopped struggling, and softened like dough, and fell into Yang Xiuming's arms.

The silence speaks!
I don't know how long it took, Zhao Wanjun struggled desperately, his face was flushed, and he said:
"Yang Xiuming, you are so annoying."

After speaking, he ran away.

Only Yang Xiuming was left alone in the guest room.

Yang Xiuming smiled, no wonder Fu Xialiang liked so many seniors and seniors, it was really comfortable to kiss.

He went to the base camp, and seeing Yang Xiuming here, Zhang Yue immediately said:

"Xiu Ming, you need to wake up.

What's so good about women, don't go astray and affect your cultivation! "


Yang Xiuming smirked and said, "Tonight, I will abscond and hide."

Zhang Yue said, "What about the princess?"

"I will contact her in the future, I believe her, but the rest of the Zhao family, I don't believe it!"

Fu Xialiang said: "This Taoist official is not good enough, there is no movement, just a piece of trash."

"Yeah, no wonder the Jiang family was destroyed, forget it, don't count on him."

"Brother, where do you want to hide?"

"I don't know either, but I can make a false impression that I will be snatched away by the Jing family, and then I will hide first."

"Well, here's the way!"

Suddenly, the three of Yang Xiuming were taken aback, and Yang Xiuming returned immediately.

Outside his room, someone knocked on the door.

Yang Xiuming opened the door, and someone came in.

A middle-aged man dressed as a doctor.

"Yang Xiuming, I'm Zhao Fei, the doctor of the Zhao family.

Are there any problems with your body now?
Let me give you a diagnosis. "

Yang Xiuming smiled and said:

"I'm fine!"

Zhao Fei came over and began to check the pulse with his hands, and checked after a while.

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong, but pay attention to your body.

I'll check it out tomorrow. "

"Thank you senior!"

After Zhao Fei left, Yang Xiuming couldn't help but said, "Lai Yizong's dirty taste!"

Fu Xialiang also said: "Yes, it stinks!"

This is Zhao Fei, a monk of the Laiyi sect, what is going to see a doctor, this is to see his own body.

But his strength is only average, not as good as Zhao Wuji at all.

"What should I do? Kill him before leaving?"

"No, killing him will easily remind people of Zao Wou-ki.

Leave him alone! "

"Well, it's been eventful."

"Then shall we go now?"

"Well, leave the Xiyuantu puppet and pretend to be it, let's go!"

Just as Yang Xiuming was about to move, he stopped suddenly and raised his head involuntarily.

In the dark, there is a sense of self.

There is an existence, separated by endless time and space, and began to contact Yang Xiuming.

This connection, Yang Xiuming is very familiar with, it is Ye Shen!

In that distant starry sky, the existence of endlessly powerful outer gods, after swallowing the bloody cave of wild beasts last time, there was no movement at all.

Yang Xiuming thought that he was greedy for his reward.

Now that there is finally a response, here comes the reward.

Then a spiritual consciousness slowly poured into Yang Xiuming's mind.

This time it was the three of them sensing together.

Because at that time when devouring the blood cave of wild beasts, there were also three people in one body.

The so-called separation and integration of the three of them, one is three, to Ye Shen, it is not important at all, it is too normal.

Slowly, Yang Xiuming realized that the reason why Ye Shen was rewarded so late was because he was fighting.

He ate the Blood Cave of Desolate Beasts, and he also existed among the Five Elements of Heavenly Dogs.

The most powerful existence in this world, if you use the civilization of cultivating immortals, it is either the eighth-order Hedao, or the ninth-order Mahayana, and it is also possible that it has transcended this universe and is at the level of an immortal.

In short, with Yang Xiuming and the others' strength, it is impossible to know what the other party's strength is.

The great existence among the Five Elements Tengu summoned allies and wanted to take back the bloody cave of wild beasts.

Ye Shen defended the blood cave of the wild beast, defeated the opponent, and completely controlled the blood cave of the wild beast, which was the end of the game.

The rewards will fall, first of all, a transformation similar to the Five Elements Heavenly Dog and the Nine Gangs Dragon, the Eternal Night Snake!

Eternal Night Snake, the oldest and most powerful snake, eats chaos, eats Pangu, eats Titans, and eats Dragon Emperor.

This is one of the most powerful existences in the Archaic period of the second era, the era of giant beast civilization.

This is Ye Shen looking at Yang Xiuming and others, who seem to like transforming very much, so he bestowed this reward.

Yang Xiuming is speechless, in fact, he doesn't like it!

Can it be replaced with another one?
This transformation was injected into the bodies of the three people, Ye Shen counted, all three of them had it.

Then there was a sudden change, and the Eternal Night Snake was connected with the Five Elements Heavenly Dog and the Nine Gangs Dragon.

It automatically absorbs the mana fluctuations of the opponent's two transformations, suddenly transforms, and transforms itself.

It is also one of the transformations of Taishang Chijing, one of the transformations of the twelve spirit beasts.

Ye Shen is very considerate, so many things can be avoided.

The so-called transformation of Taishang Chijing's twelve spirit beasts are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig!

It’s just that this is the basic series, and there will be countless changes on it, such as the dog is the five-element dog, the chicken may be a peacock, a phoenix, etc...

Suddenly the three of them transformed, all of them changed.

Transformation: Five Elements Tengu, Nine Gangs Dragon, Eternal Night Snake, one more.

Then the second reward fell.

It seems to be a heart, but it is not a heart, but a magic weapon composed of countless runes.

No, armed!

Dao Armed Beast Blood Savage!

Immediately, Yang Xiuming knew that this was a kind of ability that Ye Shen had mastered through the blood cave of wild beasts, and he had refined a piece of avenue weapon by himself.

This avenue of armament is successfully refined, and it can cooperate with many transformations, so that these transformations can return to the barbaric era and master the power of ancient beasts.

If we talk about their transformation now, the Five Elements Tengu is just a dog that is half human and half dog, and it is not much different from themselves.

After using this, it will immediately become a mighty body, with endless supernatural powers, covering the sky and covering the earth, a big tengu that can devour the earth!
All of a sudden, Yang Xiuming was dumbfounded. It turns out that this reward is matched?
It seems that Ye Shen asked again, don't you like transforming?
Yang Xiuming immediately replied, I like it, I like it, I like it terribly!

This is really delicious!
Dao Armed Beast Blood Savage!

What Ye Shen sent was the method of manufacture, not the real Dao weapon, which needs to be refined by Yang Xiuming and the others.

But this one is even better!
If there is a real thing, it is only one, and it is refined by oneself, which represents countless.

This is the real money source!

As if sensing Yang Xiuming's excitement, Ye Shen rewarded him again.

Endless vitality is injected from the void.

Whether it was Yang Xiuming from the Liaochang Continent, Fu Xialiang from the Taishang Dao, or Zhang Yue from the Tieling Realm, all of them were immediately infused with vitality.

Under this vitality, Zhang Yue was the first to stop.

He was promoted to the third level of foundation building, because Yang Xiuming was still in the Qi refining stage, no matter how much vitality he injected, it was impossible for Zhang Yue to be promoted to the fourth level of foundation building.

Then Fu Xialiang, he was promoted to the second level of foundation building!

Then there is Yang Xiuming, who broke through the ninth level of Qi refining and was promoted to the tenth level of Qi refining.

Yuan Neng Zhen Qi soared by [-]%, the whole body was incomparably strong, the body was strong, the five senses expanded, and the body was infinitely flexible.

The vitality continued to pour in, and it was automatically guided into the Eight Desolation Dao Pan Ya Tian Chess.

The Eight Desolation Dao Pan Overwhelms the Chess of Heaven, it has changed twice, one life is two, two begets three.

Now, under the infusion of vitality, it will immediately change for the third time, directly changing from three to six!
Then continue for the fourth change, six to nine, with a click, nine in one, and turned into a chess piece again.

So far, Ba Huang Dao Pan Ya Tian Chess has been promoted from a fourth-tier magic weapon to a fifth-tier magic weapon.

Vitality continued to be injected, and the Eight Desolation Dao Pan Yatian Chess changed again, the fifth and sixth changes, one life two, two beget three.

Finally turned into three pawns, and then stopped.

Yang Xiuming was dumbfounded, Ye Shen gave too much.

Finally, Ye Shen sent a consciousness.

He will rest for a while, and Yang Xiuming will not be able to find him in the future!

However, if Yang Xiuming had something to do, if he wanted to devour the Demon God, Ye Shen locked the great existence in the five universes for Yang Xiuming in a trance.

One is like a death star, endless dead silence.

One is like a mighty sea of ​​thunder, extremely thunderous.

One is like a great sun and a fire that consumes all things.

A majestic and motionless, everything stagnates, as if standing still forever.

One is torrent, eternal motion.

They are all great existences similar to Ye Shen, and Yang Xiuming can contact them in the future.

But who to choose, how the other party will respond, whether they will eat Yang Xiuming, that is Yang Xiuming's own business.

Vaguely, Ye Shen seemed to be reminding Yang Xiuming not to die!

Ye Shen disappeared, and Yang Xiuming gasped for breath, unbelievable.

Feeling the transformation in the body, Yang Xiuming suddenly transformed into an eternal night snake.

But it is only one foot long and has a great reputation. In fact, it is a small broken snake with a black bar.

However, in an instant, Yang Xiuming's night assimilation range changed from a radius of four miles to a radius of thirty miles.

Moreover, the destruction power of the night has increased several times!
As long as it moves, there will be no snakes, it will be a mass of darkness.

The Eternal Night Snake is used to sneak on the road and hide in concealment, which is several times stronger than Yang Xiuming's own night watchman.

It's just that this transformation, like the previous two, lasts for [-] breaths and is automatically released.

Yang Xiuming nodded and headed to the base camp.

Using the soul-attached gourd, he brought two of the three Eight Desolation Dao Pan Suppressing Tian Chess.

At the base camp, call the other two.

They are also checking their own situation.

Hearing Yang Xiuming's call, they all came here.

"Brother, this realm has been promoted too fast, right?"

Fu Xialiang couldn't help but say!

How can it be so fast, every once in a while, it is promoted to a level.

Yang Xiuming replied: "It's nothing, our foundation is very stable."

After finishing speaking, he pressed the Eight Desolation Dao Pan against Tian Qi, one for each person!
"The fifth-order magic weapon, everyone has a share!"

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang readily accepted.

This is a good thing, a fifth-order magic weapon!

The three of them gathered here to study the Dao Armed Beast Blood Savage together!

But to be honest, I don't understand!
Zhang Yue shook his head and said: "This refining method is too difficult.

Look at these materials, they are all fourth-order heaven and earth spirits.

With one, we can all summon the five-element sky lanterns. "

Fu Xialiang said: "It seems that this can only be refined by being promoted to a Jindan Daoist. Let's keep it. This is our foundation."

Yang Xiuming also said, "Let's keep it for now, and we'll talk about it later."

Although Ye Shen's reward came late, it was better than nothing.

It was almost time, and Yang Xiuming was about to abscond from Zhao's house.

He once again summoned the Qiyuantu puppet, turned into himself, and prepared to escape quietly.

Just when he was about to act, suddenly, the Zhao family seemed to be awakened by something.

From top to bottom, it is activated silently.

The lights were turned on one by one, and all the sleeping members of the Zhao family were awakened.

Yang Xiuming was startled, what's going on.

As if some mechanism was activated, all members of the Zhao family quietly prepared, assembled, prepared for battle, and dispatched!

In such a situation, Yang Xiuming did not dare to move.

Calling brothers, Fu Xialiang's looters began to investigate.

However, the effect of the investigation was not good. The Zhao family activated many anti-reconnaissance methods in silence, and the investigation was not clear.

Yang Xiuming frowned, and suddenly changed into the eternal night snake.

Immediately, the range of darkness expanded for thirty miles, and almost half of the imperial capital was within Yang Xiuming's perception.

Then Yang Xiuming discovered that not only the Zhao family, but also the Xiang family and Xiong's family in the distance in the dark night were like this.

Among these families, basements were opened one by one, and one by one appeared strangely.

In addition to these, in the desolate outskirts, groups of strange people appeared silently, responding to their call, and quickly gathered towards the imperial capital.

When they came under the city wall, the secret door of the city wall suddenly opened, and groups of weird people entered the imperial capital.

The weirdness that appeared in the basement immediately became the leader, controlling and directing the weirdness gathered in the suburbs, forming a team of weirdnesses.

This is trickery!

In the past, Yinzhou City, the Wu family, and the Li family all perished in this way.

Now the imperial capital saw it again!
Quietly gathering combat forces, the strange army turned into long dragons and headed straight to a place.

That's the Jing family!

And the Jing family has quietly raised magic circles one after another to protect themselves.

Many strange warriors, black warriors, blood warriors, purple warriors, and golden warriors appeared in batches, defending their homes tenaciously.

Three hundred interest time, just sensed these.

Yang Xiuming immediately knew that his report was valid.

The Taoist official didn't know why, but reacted so slowly.

But finally came to his senses, he was sure that the Jing family had hidden the relics of Xianqin and did not hand them over to the Taoist officials.

Therefore, an order was issued that the other six great families in the imperial capital gather their forces and destroy the Jing family.

Although it was a bit late, the war still came.

It seems that there is no need to escape, after tonight, there will be no Jing family anymore!

 Vera, the author of "I Invented at Hogwarts", writes words every day.

  After Rigg joined Hogwarts, the pressure came to Azkaban.

  When Voldemort escaped, he was knocked down by a super electromagnetic gun from Harry Potter.

  "Rig, this is much better than a wand!"

(End of this chapter)

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