Dao Shaohua

Chapter 195 Knight Battle Formation, Excavating the Treasure House

Chapter 195 Knight Battle Formation, Excavating the Treasure House

The induction of three hundred breaths quickly disappeared.

But there is no need to sense it, there is a "boom" in the distance, and there is a huge explosion.

At the beginning of the war, the six great aristocratic families took advantage of their own weirdness to kill the Shangjing family.

Immediately, a terrifying battle broke out there.

The flames burned up, almost turning the night into day, and the ground shook unceasingly. Yang Xiuming could feel the brutality of the battle here.

What are you waiting for.

Yang Xiuming immediately left the room, looked for a dark place, and stood up with his sword.

At this time, no one cares about him anymore, so let's do whatever he likes.

Fly into the sky and go straight there.

Now Yang Xiuming has reached the tenth level of Qi training, Yujian Gaofei, has reached 120 zhang.

He approached Jing's house, wanting to watch the battle.

But the battlefield is full of domains, he can only watch from a distance, not daring to approach.

Fortunately, in the world of Liaochang, there is no concept of flying to the sky, and no one pays attention to him.

Even if they noticed, no one cared about him, thinking that he was also a member of the Six Great Aristocratic Families.

The Jing family is very strong, and their unique features are all kinds of warriors fighting against the six major families.

It's a pity that no matter how strong a warrior is, he can't resist in front of the strange sea.

Warriors died in battle one by one, and the magic circles were broken by the six great families.

If there are almost no deaths or injuries, the clansmen have to rely on the other party to resist the strangeness, and the casualties will be heavy at that time.

It can be said that genocide is just around the corner.

Suddenly, in the Jing family, a horn sounded.

As if in hell, someone responded.

"Tread, step, step..."

Countless horseshoes sounded.

Then I saw that knights began to appear in the Jing family!
Death knight!

Death knights appeared one by one, Red Nightmare Death Knight, Mo Yuan Buddha, Hell Dark Knight, Black Gold Warrior, Immemorial Extinction, Cyclonus Death...

They are all the same death knights as Diyuan Qizhan.

A total of eighty!
They are all third-order weird, each with its own energy, radiating out one after another, and connecting together to form a battle formation.

Everyone sighed, everyone understood!

Why did the Jing family want Yang Xiuming's Diyuan Rider?

Because one more number is ninety-nine and eighty-one.

Moreover, Yang Xiuming's Diyuan Qizhan is the fourth rank, a natural leader.

At that time, the death knight army will inevitably be promoted, and its power will increase several times.

While everyone was thinking wildly, the Knight Legion charged forward.

Eighty death knights formed a battle formation and charged frantically.

Just charge up, they are heaven and earth, they are everything!
All the weirdness that blocked them was shattered like a piece of paper.

All attacks against them are like illusions, useless.

All the six great aristocratic families were destroyed by them.

Whether it's the weird zombie series of the Xiang family, the scarecrow series of the Xiong family, or the stone monster series of the Zhao family...

This is simply unstoppable. Facing this terrifying knight's charge, all the weirdos can't resist at all, and they all retreat!

At the critical moment, someone said slowly:
"Jing family, Hugh is crazy, I will meet you later."

Zhao Wuguang from the Zhao family stepped forward and released his fourth-order sanctuary.

With his appearance, Wu Xu from the Wu family, Xiang Boran from the Xiang family, Qu Zhang from the Qu family...

All the sanctuaries of the major aristocratic families made their moves one after another.

Immediately, there were more than 110 sanctuaries, which were released to suppress the invincible knight formation.

This is almost all the sanctuaries where the six great families fought.

Of course, they must have something to hide, not all their strength.

The fourth-order sanctuary is equivalent to the strength of a Jindan real person, but according to Yang Xiuming's judgment, the fourth-order sanctuary in the Liaochang world is still much worse than the Jindan real person who is too high.

A Jindan Daoist who is too superior can fight five or six saints in the sanctuary.

But Yang Xiuming was dumbfounded by the 110 or so Jindan Daoist.

They gathered together and relied on their own strength to block the knight battle formation.

Suddenly, the Jing family let out a soft cry, and the knights reversed their battle and returned to the Jing family.

Zhao Wuguang shouted: "Jing Boran, your Jing family is dying before your eyes.

If you feel like surrendering, the Taoist official may let you live. "

In the Jing family, someone laughed loudly and said:

"It's a pity, there is only one death knight missing, otherwise..."

"But it's nothing!
The six great families?Hehe, even your stinky fish and rotten shrimps deserve to be as famous as my Jing family!

I have endured you for so many years, and finally let them be completely shattered today. "

As soon as these words were said, it seemed that the Jing family besieged the six great families, and the six great families were all furious.

"Jing Boran, what are you talking about!"

"An old thing that doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Too arrogant, death is not a pity!"

"Your Jing family is doomed, no one will stay."

But soon everyone fell silent, because they saw the golden coffins being carried out one by one in the Jing family.

These coffins are all made of gold, extremely heavy, simple and elegant.

There are a total of one hundred sixty seventy, arranged in three rows.

Jing family, what is this for?
The Patriarch of the Jing family, Jing Boran, came out quietly, and when he came to these coffins, he knelt down impressively, muttering something silently.

Following his words, those golden coffins shook,

Then one by one, the coffins were opened with a bang.

There are dead people lying in it!

The robes worn by those dead people are not current clothes, they are all past styles.

Suddenly, one of the dead men opened his eyes.

On him, power exploded, and a sanctuary appeared impressively.

Then one by one the dead were resurrected with their eyes opened, and sanctuaries appeared one by one.

Zhao Wuguang from the Zhao family suddenly shouted: "This is Jing Huangshan, Jing Boran, your great-grandfather, I met him when I was a child?"

In an instant, he understood, and shouted:
"The rebellious Jing family, your ancestors did not die at the end of their lives.

It's all fraudulent death, and there is still a lifespan that is not yet over. Enter the golden coffin to continue your life, wait for the crisis in the family, and call for resurrection! "

In the words, the more than 170 golden coffins were opened, and many ancestors of the Jing family were all resurrected.

They roared up, and all escaped from the golden coffin.

Jing Boran shouted loudly:
"My ancestors, the Jing family is at a time of life and death.

Also invite the ancestors to kill the enemy! "

With a roar, they rushed out in all directions.

Each searched for the six sanctuaries and started a big battle.

There are more than 110 people in the sanctuary of the six families, more than 170 golden coffins in the sanctuary of the Jing family, plus the original 30 people of the Jing family, all of a sudden far surpassing the six great families, and a war broke out immediately.

The battle of death knights came out again, once again looking at everything.

Jing Boran shouted: "Gao Zihui, do you want to be my enemy?"

The Gao family has always been allies of the Jing family, colluding with each other. Hearing Jing Boran's shout, Gao Zihui waved his hand and led everyone in the Gao family to retreat.

They were the first to escape, and the six alliances collapsed immediately.

Unexpectedly, the Jing family is so powerful, one family pushes back six families, how can this be fought?
Boom, a powerful explosion occurred in the distance, and the first sanctuary who died in battle appeared.

Yang Xiuming was completely dumbfounded, and the battle was shocking.

Many fourth-orders were killed together, and the flames of war spread outward, and the entire imperial city became a battlefield in an instant.

Many combat abilities were used to the limit, roaring and exploding, illuminating the night sky brightly.

Strangeness is everywhere, the sanctuary is all over the sky, and the blood of killing is flowing like a river.

Explosions came one by one, which represented one sanctuary, and they died on the spot.

The Jing family is really powerful, one family pushes back the six families, and they have the potential to turn the world around.

Yang Xiuming looked at it from a high position, but fortunately he was at a high position in the sky and stayed out of the matter, so it didn't have any influence on him.

The flames of war continued to spread, and fighting began in the wilderness outside the imperial capital.

For hundreds of miles, there are battlefields.

Then, Yang Xiuming discovered the location of the Zhao family of the six great families, and flames began to appear.

This means that the Jing family has reversed to the mansions of the six aristocratic families.

Then the Xiang family also caught fire.

This is going to turn the sky upside down!

Yang Xiuming couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It's like a drumbeat...

Someone killed Daoguan Dongfu in the center of the city. It was a sacrificial relic of Xianqin, the drum, and it was all affected.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming inexplicably felt a danger.

He immediately landed the sword light, landed on the ground, and was careful.

Then, he felt, above the imperial capital, on top of the world.

It seems that something appeared.

Like a huge eye, slowly appearing in the void.

The eyes are huge, thousands of feet high, above the void, looking at this world.

This eye appeared very suddenly, the battlefield where the battle was in full swing, suddenly fell silent...

Everyone looked up and looked at these eyes, unbelievable.

His eyes swept away, as if he was sure of something.

Then the eyes disappeared, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Yang Xiuming seemed to know this scene.

Zhang Yue said: "Jiahe Giant Ape!"

That's right, the Jiahe giant ape's thousand-foot dharma looks like this.

Suddenly, it seemed that a finger appeared, prying something at the original eye.

The fingers seem to uncover the world, and press it down from outside the world.

It's like looking at the ants on the ground and pressing them down with your fingers.

It's just that people in this world are ants!

His finger dropped, and with a pop, Jing Boran, the Patriarch of the Jing family who was fighting to the death in the distance, instantly turned into a puddle of meat, thousands of pieces.

Then the fingers continued to tap, puff, puff, the sanctuaries of the Jing family collapsed one by one, turning into thousands of flesh and blood, flying everywhere.

Some people ran away desperately, but under the finger, all the sanctuaries of the Jing family within a radius of a thousand miles were crushed to death one by one.

The death knight fought frantically, wanting to resist.

With a pop, it was also crushed.



In less than a hundred breaths, all the Jing family sanctuaries were killed without leaving a single one.

Mr. Jing also didn't escape, and was directly crushed to death.

The finger was withdrawn slowly, disappeared, and the world returned to normal.

Fu Xialiang said: "The Nascent Soul's Faxiang!"

"This is the might of the Nascent Soul True Monarch!
This is the power of Nascent Soul!

terrible! "

All three of them were dumbfounded.

Fu Xialiang said: "I have been in Taishangdao for so many years, but I have never seen Yuanying make a move.

But I didn't expect to see Yuanying make a move in this Liaochang world! "

Suddenly he seemed to react to something.

"In the beginning, the world was too small to bear the power of Nascent Soul.

Therefore, he first peeped at the world, then pulled the world, changed the world's laws, and then shot.

I get it, I get it..."

Following Fu Xialiang's shout, in a trance, he seemed to comprehend the way of heaven.

As soon as he said this, Fu Xialiang suddenly comprehended countless truths, and felt an ethereal epiphany in his heart, like a divine enlightenment...

The "Rhythm of Everything" he practiced changes quietly.

In silence, he broke through the second level and was promoted to the third level.

Following the promotion of "The Rhythm of Everything", Fu Xialiang's whole body was shocked. He was directly promoted from the second level of foundation building to the third level of foundation building.

Then his enlightenment spread, and both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue got enlightenment.

It's a pity that Zhang Yue has already established the third level of foundation building. If Yang Xiuming does not enter the foundation building, Zhang Yue will not be promoted.

However, Yang Xiuming got the benefits, and his whole body was shaken here, and he was directly promoted from the tenth level of qi refining to the great perfection of qi refining.

It took a long time for Yang Xiuming to come back to his senses, and when he looked back, the Jing family was already on fire. They lost all their fourth ranks, and the six families immediately counterattacked.

This time, the six families, no, except the Gao family, were extremely angry.

Many sanctuaries have died in each family, and they are resentful in their hearts, and they are determined to wipe out the Jing family.

The Jing family is over, just like the Jiang family back then, no one will stay.

The Gao family roared and yelled, and suddenly turned back again and killed them.

Gao Zihui was the first to lead people into Jing's house.

This guy, most inhuman, is capricious.

Yang Xiuming let out a long sigh, but he was happy that his crisis was resolved.

Suddenly, Zhang Yue said: "Hey, my token and induction are still there.

It's just that it's not in the Jing family! "

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and asked, "Where is it?"

"over there!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yueyue pointed aside.

Fu Xialiang said: "Is this the secret treasure house?

It was not built in Jing's house to prevent accidents..."

In an instant, the eyes of the three people lit up.

Zhang Yue said, "Come with me!"

He leads the way and flies there.

After flying for a while, at a corner of the imperial capital far away from the battlefield, Zhang Yue stopped and said:
"it's here!"

Looking at a stone building in the past, it is ordinary to the limit, and there is nothing special about it.

No one would have guessed that this is the special treasure of the Jing family.

Yang Xiuming nodded, and immediately landed, the stone building was enveloped in darkness.

Under his night range, he found nothing.

Ordinary stone buildings are nothing more than ordinary.

In the stone building, there lived a family of four, all ordinary people, the male was a kendo sword fighter, the female was a deputy spiritual chef, and they had two children.

Nothing unusual was seen.

It is also impossible to find abnormalities in other fourth-order.

But Zhang Yue said: "It's right here, the ground is extremely deep, and there is a special magic circle, which isolates the exploration of the sanctuary."

"Leave it to me, I'll look for it!"

Zhang Yue, who had a token sense, began to investigate.

This family also didn't seem to know that there was a Jing family treasure house here.

They watched the battle in the distance carefully, trembling and praying unceasingly.

Zhang Yue searched again and again, digging down, a full thirty feet into the ground, and only then did he find the treasure house.

This treasury doesn't even have an entrance, it seems that a teleportation circle has been constructed to teleport from the Jing family to the treasury, cutting off all connections.

Even if you dig into the treasure house, you can't enter it. The outside is like a layer of black iron, which is extremely strong and difficult to break through.

Suddenly, there was a big explosion in Jing's house.

A huge pillar of fire was a hundred feet high, and a mushroom cloud was born suddenly.

This is the end of the same. All the buildings within a few miles around the Jing family were shattered, and a tenth of the imperial capital collapsed.

Those six great families who entered the Jing family were all wiped out!

The shock wave swept across the imperial capital, and Yang Xiuming was almost stunned by the huge explosion.

This was the last ultimate move of the Jing family, and they all died together.

Others don't know that Gao Zihui, the patriarch of the Gao family, was the first to rush into the Jing's house and beat the dog in the water. He must be dead!

When Yang Xiuming was thinking wildly.

In an instant, the incomparably strong outer body of the treasure house seemed to be opened.

Someone teleported here, and the invincible defense so far was quietly opened.

Opportunity, Yang Xiuming immediately stood up with the sword, and the divine sword became one, turning into a sword light, piercing the outer body of the treasure house that had lost its defense, and penetrated into the treasure house.

Entering with a bang, the treasure house is not big, only a radius of ten feet.

Various items were piled up inside, and Zhang Yue sensed his own token here, and it was also placed here.

But his mind was not in it, but directly locked on a person in the treasure house.

That person was teleported here at the moment the Jing family exploded.

This should be the last member of the Jing family. Taking advantage of the big explosion of the Jing family, the golden cicada escaped from its shell and teleported to escape here.

He was still in the trance of teleportation, and in an instant, Yang Xiuming moved.

He went straight to him, the sword in his hand flashed, and he was sure to kill him.

The opponent was in a state of confusion, but six death knights appeared in front of and behind him.

They all have wounds on their bodies, and they are the remnants of the knight battle formation.

Scarlet Nightmare Death Knight, Mo Yuan Buddha, Hell Dark Knight, Black Gold Warrior, Immemorial Extinction, Cyclonus Death Battle...

Some of them have broken arms, some have missing legs from the nightmare warhorses, all of them are injured and incomplete, but they defend each other to the death.

Yang Xiuming rushed over, and the six ghost knights tried their best to stop him.

But Yang Xiuming's body flickered, and he was replaced by Zhang Yue. Like a fish swimming, "Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea" staggered the attack of the Necromancer Knight.

With a flash, a drill, and a move, he continued to charge and was already in front of the opponent.

At this time, the members of the Jing family woke up, and they were very surprised to see Yang Xiuming coming straight towards them.

Suddenly, he took out something and pointed at Yang Xiuming.

For a moment, Yang Xiuming felt endless danger.

This means that the other party did not know what method was used, and came to attack with a terrifying killing power.

But Yang Xiuming wasn't afraid at all, he just didn't move for a moment.

The avenue is armed without moving mountains and seas!

The attack hit Yang Xiuming with a click, and then dissipated, nothing happened.

Fudo Shanhai's defense is invincible, and he withstood this unknown attack.

Suddenly Yang Xiuming moved again, and slashed out with a sword.

The other party also drew a sword and resisted at close quarters.

Six dead knights rushed towards Yang Xiuming frantically.

Suddenly, Diyuan Qizhan automatically appeared on Yang Xiuming's body, and roared at the six death knights.

All of a sudden, the six death knights remained motionless, completely stiff!

Zhang Yue fought against the opponent. The opponent should be the Dao of the Sword and the Sword Master. He has not reached the fourth-order sanctuary, but only a third-order legend.

The two just fought seven times, Zhang Yue's sword light flashed, and the heads of "Zhenjiang Danghai Luoyunxia" and "Void Illusionary Sparrow Soaring into the Sky" flew up, kill!

As soon as this person died, the six death knights made various roars, and they began to slowly dissipate.

When their owner dies, they also disintegrate and dissipate.

Diyuan Qizhan suddenly seemed to transmit divine consciousness to Yang Xiuming.

It wants to save them!

How to save?
Immediately Yang Xiuming understood, and he covered the sky with his hands.

Darkness enveloped the six death knights, and Yang Xiuming extended an invitation to them to be his best friend in the night.

While the six death knights hesitated, Diyuan Qizhan roared suddenly.

They immediately obeyed Diyuanqi Zhan's order and turned into Yang Xiuming's best friends in the dark night.

It's just that they all succumbed to Diyuan Qizhan and served as his subordinates, not directly commanded by Yang Xiuming.

This is the Death Knight Legion of Diyuan Knight...

Yang Xiuming shook his head, but this is better.

Di Yuanqi Zhan Wei Wuguo seemed to have regained some sanity, and was no longer a piece of dead wood.

This is a good thing!
Then he looked at the Jing family member who was beheaded by Zhang Yue.

I'm in my 20s, I don't know, I don't know who it is.

Who cares about him, whoever he loves.

Yang Xiuming started to clean up the corpse and searched the corpse, but there was nothing there. .

There is no magic weapon for storage in this world, and teleportation cannot carry too many items, so there is nothing.

But here is the secret treasure house, what's not there?
As soon as Yang Xiuming stretched out his hand, a thunderbolt fell.

Turn this corpse into powder and burn it first.

The corpse disappeared, and Yang Xiuming began to search for treasures in the treasure house.

In the treasury, the most is one kind of material.

Each metal box is one foot long, one foot wide, and one foot high.

When I opened it, I saw shrunken human bodies, curled up, lying in the nutrient solution similar to amniotic fluid, as if they had returned to the embryonic state.

Yang Xiuming suspects that this is a strange carcass made by human beings.

The Jing family has a way to make them weird.

Quickly form a strange army!

With these carcasses, they can make a comeback.

Looking at the past, these carcasses, if one needs a person, at least 3000 people were killed by them.

Yang Xiuming gritted his teeth, the hateful thing was fortunately exterminated.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Thunder appeared, turning these carcasses into powder.

In addition to these carcasses, there are many other materials that should be prepared for their refining.

Looking at it, one can feel the human body shape, Yang Xiuming is all refining fly ash.

Apart from these, there are not many items left.

The first was Zhang Yue's token, but only two were found.

Two more are not here.

The tokens that exist here are treasured items, and the tokens that are absent stay at the Jing family to start research.

If it's all here, maybe the Taoist officials can't find any evidence...

In addition to the token, there is a shelf on the side.

There are all kinds of job transfer certificates on the shelves, there are more than 100, and there are all kinds of combat jobs.

However, not all [-] combat positions are complete, and many of them are repeated.

The other shelf is all advanced certificates, and there are more than 50 of them.

There are also a few shelves, which are all kinds of military weapons, from the first-level combat role to the fourth-level sanctuary, all kinds.

Yang Xiuming shook his head, and he quickly sent the aura-filled job transfer certificate and promotion certificate to his base camp.

Then there are those military weapons, none of them are kept, they are all taken away.

These are all taken away, and there is still a shelf in the back.

The jade boxes on this shelf are carefully arranged,

He picked up a jade box, opened it, and saw that it was all crystals.

There were more than 100 kinds, Yang Xiuming was overjoyed and took them all away.

In the back, there is a pile of land deeds and house deeds.

There are three big boxes below. When you open it, you can see that there are coins inside, worth at least tens of millions.

These do not contain aura and cannot be brought into the base camp.

Fortunately, Yang Xiuming had a storage bag and put them all in.

He checked carefully, and found that the treasure house was completely cleaned up by him, and there was nothing left, so he left carefully.

Leave carefully and exit the basement.

Lay the ground so that no traces can be seen.

Zhao family, Yang Xiuming will not go back, the monk of Laiyi Sect is staring at him, it is very dangerous to go back.

The Xiong family and Yang Xiuming will not go back either.

Xiong Kuohai is a mean person, Yang Xiuming doesn't want to get close to him.

It is even more impossible to go back to my own dormitory.

So far I am homeless.

But I have to find a place to settle down, and I need to live for a while.

But after thinking about it, Yang Xiuming thought of a place to go.

Shi Haba's dormitory.

Shi Hama left and returned to Yinzhou City. His dormitory was empty and no one lived there.

At least the next batch of students must arrive here before anyone will pass.

There is nothing lacking there, and no one cares about it. I live there first and then talk about it.

Yang Xiuming went straight there and went back to Imperial University first.

To be honest, he is the most familiar with Imperial University, and he doesn't want to leave.

Along the way, there was chaos everywhere.

In this battle, there were heavy casualties.

In the sanctuary of more than 110 people from the six great families, at least 40 people were killed and countless were injured.

Especially the last self-explosion of the Jing family, others don't know, Gao Zihui, the head of the Gao family, must have died in it.

This guy is capricious, but he is also greedy for the inheritance of the Jing family, so he got involved in it.

Yang Xiuming returned to the university. In the chaos, the university did not have a sanctuary in command, and many students were panicked.

He quietly came to Shi Hama's house.

Shi Gama was attacked and then left immediately, his dormitory basically remained unchanged.

When Yang Xiuming came here, he didn't sleep in his master bedroom, but found a clean guest room to rest here.

Shi Hama prepared a lot of food and various drinks, Yang Xiuming had a big meal.

Then sort the harvest.

Land deeds and real estate are worthless to Yang Xiuming, so he sorted them out and packed them into a big bag.

He decided to give these to Zhao Wanjun. Only the strength of the Zhao family can realize these things, which can be regarded as his guarantee.

The money is counted, a total of 270, so far I am completely rich.

Then Yang Xiuming went to the base camp.

In the base camp, Fu Xialiang and the two of them had sorted out the job transfer certificate, promotion certificate, and combat class magic weapon.

"Brother, there are 41 job transfer certificates for 140 types of combat jobs in total.

There are 58 types of second-level promotion certificates, [-] in total. "

Yang Xiuming was very happy with so many certificates for combat positions.

However, all three of them have completed the Five Paths, so it is meaningless to them.

However, the fifth page of the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Art" has been restored. If you come to a newcomer, you have to prepare a trick for the other party.

"Brother, don't worry.

The fifth person's sword, thunder, night, armor, and second-level promotion credentials are all complete.

It's just that the sixth man is not complete. "

Yang Xiuming said: "We have everything, and everyone else has to.

Now that I have money, I can buy it, not only to complete the sixth person, but also to complete the next few people! "

"Understood, Xiuming, apart from the vouchers, there are 850 and nine pieces of various magical instruments, but sorting them out doesn't mean much to us."

Zhang Yue said!

Yang Xiuming checked it, and it really didn't make much sense.

Many magic tools have wonderful functions, and most of them can improve the ability level of the combat class, but they are all cultivated to the Dzogchen, and there is no meaning of improvement at all.

There are some Tier [-] Magical Artifacts, but they are worthless. They belong to combat profession specialization. Except for Tier [-] Corresponding Sanctuary, no one else can use them.

"It's okay, you sort it out, keep the valuable ones, and leave the worthless ones, I'll go to the black market to dispose of them tomorrow and replace them with other certificates."

Not to mention useless, Yang Xiuming found a special suit for night watchmen.

This is unique to the Jing family and is not for sale.

Yang Xiuming happily changed into a set of leather pants, leather jacket, vest, belt, wristbands, gloves, cape, leather boots, sunglasses...

In the last night around the sunglasses, whoever you love!
Fu Xialiang nodded, and said happily:
"The biggest gain this time is Lu Jing.

A total of 120 seven. "

Yang Xiuming laughed too, and said, "We are rich now.

You take all of these away, and exchange them for spirit stones in Taishangdao! "

"Ah, brother, let me pick and choose. We will keep some particularly good ones, and deal with the ordinary ones."

"it is good!"

Fu Xialiang was very happy. He now has 16 spirit stones left, which can restore blood.

On the second day, when the sun was high, Yang Xiuming quietly left Shi Hama's dormitory.

In the university, there was mourning, and the Gao family suffered heavy losses.

Not only did the Patriarch die, but many sanctuaries who followed the Patriarch also died in the explosion.

There was no teacher to host the class at all, the campus was in chaos, and many students didn't know what to do.

Yang Xiuming sneered and went to the black market.

I've been here the last time, and I'm familiar with the road.

When it came to the black market, it was so lively here.

Crowds of people, gongs and drums are loud!
The Jing family fell, and the world was full.

Although the Jing family exploded and suffered heavy losses, countless family properties were still looted.

Apart from the Jing family, there were also other ordinary families who were robbed.

The chaos of last night was indescribable.

And the black market is the best place to sell stolen goods, selling everything.

Yang Xiuming went around, found some of the largest buyers, and began to sell magic weapons that were of no value to him.

850 nine pieces left 33 pieces, and the others were disposed of.

The final account was 720 million yuan.

In fact, it used to be able to sell at least 1000 million, but now there are too many goods and they are worthless.

But Yang Xiuming didn't care and started to scan the goods.

The first Yang Xiuming proof of purchase.

All the certificates for buying sword, thunder, night, and armor.

He gathered together for the newcomers later, but Ye Dao didn't buy Ye Gui.

Gao Yuanyuan almost returned to Yang and was entangled. Yang Xiuming would never buy a night ghost.

After turning around, the next six people in the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", the sword, thunder, night, and Jia are all put away.

In fact, the fourth person, Wei Wuguo, has already been blackened and his pages are banned.

But Yang Xiuming still prepared a set for him.

Even if my brother died or mutated, it was still prepared for him!

You can't pull one person alone!
I got it yesterday, and it cost Yang Xiuming 850 million, which is not cheap.

Second, collect credentials at will.

All kinds of valuable things that were difficult to come across before, such as the extremely rare Idol Road, Mirror Road, and Drum Road, must be purchased.

There is spare money, sweeping lujing.

In the battle last night, countless weirdos died. Almost all of these weirdos were second-order weirdos, and most of them had Rhythm Crystals.

So this time, the law crystal broke out, many people sold it, and the price was very low.

Turning around, Yang Xiuming collected a full 31 rhythm crystals.

After a lot of tossing, Yang Xiuming only had 300 million cash left.

Stop buying, leave the black market.

He sent many things to the base camp.

Looking at the neat six copies of the latecomers and the four roads in all directions, Yang Xiuming showed a gratified smile.

In addition to these, there are a bunch of other tricks, which are left for later generations to choose by themselves!
Lu Jing was handed over to Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang tidied up and set aside 32 valuable heaven and earth spiritual objects!

For example, some heaven and earth spirit water can be used to honor the Jiahe giant ape.

He went to Senior Brother Xiao to deal with these heaven and earth spirits.

Senior Brother Xiao was very excited and checked carefully.

Most of this batch of heaven and earth spirits are first-order heaven and earth spirits, just a few hundred spirit stones.

But there are also high-quality goods among them, and there are also some second-order ones.

In the end, the spirit stone on Yang Xiuming's body became 25, making him rich again!

Selling things, buying things, and all kinds of purchases, Yang Xiuming tossed for a long time.

Then he found a tea house, drank tea, and when it was time for dinner, he found a restaurant to have a big meal.

He is waiting for night to fall.

Soon as night fell, Yang Xiuming stood up and quietly moved to find Zhao Wanjun.

Report your own safety, and then give her those house deeds.

At night, Yang Xiuming jumped into the air, and the night assimilated.

Coming to the sky above Zhao's house, Yang Xiuming nodded.

Fortunately, he can fly with a sword. After this big battle, the Zhao family was heavily guarded and guarded tightly.

But they subconsciously didn't guard against a monk like Yang Xiuming who was flying with a sword and could blend into the night.

Quietly coming to the depths of Zhao's house, Yang Xiuming descended and sneaked into the night, looking for Zhao Wanjun.

The Zhao family courtyard is so deep that it cannot be found at all.

Yang Xiuming gritted his teeth, and suddenly transformed into the Eternal Night Snake.

The range of darkness expanded thirty miles, and the induction deepened several times. The entire Zhao family was under Yang Xiuming's perception.

Immediately found Zhao Wanjun, he moved quietly, avoided the patrol team, guarded the sanctuary, and came outside Zhao Wanjun's residence.

Yang Xiuming knocked on the window quietly, Zhao Wanjun was alert immediately and asked, "Who?"


Needless to say, for me, Zhao Wanjun recognized Yang Xiuming, and quietly opened the window.

Yang Xiuming immediately followed the window and entered the room like flowing water.

Zhao Wanjun said angrily, "Yang Xiuming, what's going on with you?"

When Yang Xiuming left yesterday, he pretended to be taken away by the Jing family, but he did not expect the Jing family to perish.

The so-called illusion immediately became a joke.

Yang Xiuming made a nervous look and said:
"Princess, be careful, there are people in your Zhao family who are not human.

The doctor Zhao Fei is weird.

I was attacked by him and finally escaped. "

I'm sorry, Zhao Fei can only be blamed on you.

Hearing Zhao Fei, Zhao Wanjun frowned, she was also very afraid of him.

"I was taken away yesterday and then there was a big fight, a chaos.

I escaped in the chaos, and accidentally met a disciple of the Jing family. I snatched the items he was carrying. These are useless to me, here they are! "

After speaking, Yang Xiuming gave the land deeds to Zhao Wanjun.

Zhao Wanjun took a look and was shocked.

"There are so many land deeds and house deeds, which are worth tens of millions!"

Yang Xiuming said: "It's valuable to you, but useless to me.

It's all from the Jing family. Without the background of the Zhao family, I can't get through. "

Zhao Wanjun said: "Who said that, this is an unnamed land deed that is not in the Jing family. Anyone can transfer the title."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Yang Xiuming with a half-smile.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, an unnamed land deed that anyone can transfer?
But yes, if you can't transfer the ownership, why hide there?

Immediately, I seemed to have lost tens of millions!

But he didn't say he didn't notice it.

"It's just some land deeds and house deeds, in front of me, it's like dung.

I gave it all to you, as long as you are happy, I like it! "

After saying this, Zhao Wanjun's face turned red.

The two of them chatted here.

After chatting for a while, Yang Xiuming suddenly put his arms around Zhao Wanjun and kissed him.

After a long time, the two parted, and Zhao Wanjun said angrily, "What are you doing!"

Yang Xiuming didn't say much, he hugged her, put her in his arms, and kissed her again.

Zhao Wanjun struggled a few times, but gave up, and then snuggled into his arms.

The two continued to chat, and Zhao Wanjun asked:

"If Zhao Fei attacks you.

Xiu Ming, you should leave the Zhao family.

Zhao Fei, in our Zhao family, he is a very special existence.

I asked many people, and no one told me what happened to him.

I'm also afraid of him, and I can't afford to provoke him. "

"I understand, don't worry, I'm living well outside."

Zhao Wanjun didn't ask Yang Xiuming where to hide, and Yang Xiuming didn't say either.

It was already the third watch at this time, Yang Xiuming thought about it, and said goodbye to Zhao Wanjun.

Zhao Wanjun was reluctant to part with her, but she still said goodbye.

The reason why Yang Xiuming left was because he suddenly felt as if someone was quietly peeping at him again.

He left Zhao Wanjun and immediately hid in the darkness.

But the feeling of being watched is still there.

Yang Xiuming rose with the sword and flew back to the dormitory. That feeling continued to follow.

Yang Xiuming frowned. He knew in his heart that Zhao Fei, who was responsible for the blame, really came?

Then there is no other way but to give it a try.

He came to Shi Hama's dormitory and waited silently.

I just brewed a cup of tea, just when the cup was filled with tea, suddenly my surroundings changed.

Looking at the past, countless flames were already burning around him.

These flames, in piles and pieces, surrounded themselves.

Yang Xiuming sneered, this is similar to Zao Wou-ki's forest of wonders.

Their Laiyi sect is best at making use of wonders, the souls of bad guys, and then seizing them.

A person appeared in the fire, it was doctor Zhao Fei.

He looked at Yang Xiuming, smiling all over his face:

"Yang Xiuming, I didn't expect you to sneak away by yourself.

I knew you would come back to find Zhao Wanjun, but you were still blocked by me.

However, your flying ability is so powerful, I think you are also a fellow Taoist from Outer Domain! "

Yang Xiuming made a startled look and shouted:

"What kind of place is this, Zhao Fei, who are you!

What do you want to do?I also joined the Zhao family, we are our own people! "

Zhao Fei looked at Yang Xiuming with a smile, and said slowly:

"Break the body, quench the soul, shed the body, and wear the Xiayi with thousands of bodies!"

"I've taken a fancy to your body, it's mine now!"

In a trance, many flames burned up, trying to turn Yang Xiuming into fly ash!
Yang Xiuming yelled, made a frightened look, and suddenly returned to the world of Shitai, the base camp, with a flash of his body.

Zhao Fei laughed, and said, "We have already connected with each other, let me see where you can escape to?"

He just came after him, Yang Xiuming sneered, and quietly opened the iron fence outside his base camp.

Zhao Fei followed Yang Xiuming into this small world.

When he got here, he was taken aback for a moment, and said in shock:
"This is……"

Yang Xiuming looked at him, laughed loudly, and said:

"Fellow Daoist, you are right, I am indeed a cultivator from the Outland!
From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite.

Fellow Daoist Lai Yi invited you, you haven’t thanked him for the green pine left by your fellow disciple last time! "

After listening to Yang Xiuming's poem, Zhao Fei let out a scream:
"Too good!"

He turned around and fled, but the iron fence had blocked him, so he couldn't come and go!
The three of Yang Xiuming rushed over, the battle of souls, simple and rough, hugging Zhao Fei, pushing down, pushing down, stepping down, chopping off with the big sword...

In less than a moment, this Zhao Fei was also beaten to death, turned into a lot of meat, and gradually absorbed by the world.

The bonfire roared, and the flames seemed to double in size.

This is Zhao Fei's spectacle flame, absorbed by the bonfire.

Then the world of the stone platform gradually grew larger, from seven feet to nine feet!

(End of this chapter)

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