Dao Shaohua

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 The Gao family destroys the family, and the Qin Qin trial (thanks to the lord Shangxian Qitian)

After beating Zhao Fei to death, Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief.

Another Lai Yizong monk was killed.

This guy came to deliver food by himself, was surrounded by three people, beaten to death, and committed suicide.

The Shitai World Base Camp was handed over to Zhang Yue and the others, and Yang Xiuming immediately returned to himself.

My body is fine, but the tea is cold, and it has been a while.

Let it be cold, Yang Xiuming drank it in one gulp.

The taste is average. When the tea garden in Baiqi City is harvested, there will be good tea to drink.

It doesn't taste good, but it quenches your thirst. Yang Xiuming gulped down three cups.

So far, when the crisis was resolved, he let out a sigh of relief, and he was fine.

Suddenly, in a trance, the ground shook.

Then around the Imperial Capital University, countless magic circles were activated, and I don't know what happened.

What's wrong?The Jing family was extinct last night, and something happened today?

Su Xiaomei suddenly appeared: "An accident happened again!"

"what happened?"

"Look for yourself, there is no time to stop."

Yang Xiuming nodded and turned into the eternal night snake.

The scope of the night expanded for thirty miles, and the induction deepened several times. The entire Imperial University was under Yang Xiuming's perception.

In all directions, there are countless strange creatures forming a battle group and surrounding the Imperial Capital University.

Five Great Families Allied Forces!

Qu, Zhao, Xiang, Xiong, Wu!

Last night's battle ended, and today is the start of a new battle.

It's just that the aggressiveness of yesterday is completely gone. Whether it's weird or aristocratic disciples, there are only [-]% of yesterday's numbers.

But the Gao family was even worse, the head of the family died, most of the fourth rank died, leaving a group of lame, old, sick and blind.

It may be that the Gao family performed too poorly yesterday. They first surrendered to the Jing family, then counterattacked the Jing family, and then suffered heavy losses, so it is their turn today.

Yang Xiuming frowned, and the five coalition forces surrounded Imperial Capital University.

The lights are brightly lit, and the night is as bright as the day.

However, Yang Xiuming still has a way to escape, and flying away is completely feasible.

He was not in a hurry to escape, but wanted to see what happened in the end.

The Gao family can be counted as retribution, and they must watch them die.

Suddenly, in the campus, someone started broadcasting:

"All students, please pay attention, there is a special event, all students please prepare to fight!"

"All students, there are thugs attacking the university, they want to kill all the students, please prepare to defend yourself!"

"All students, gather at the gate of the university immediately, prepare to fight, and protect our campus!"

Too bad, this is to use all students as human shields, send them out as hostages, or block knives.

Yang Xiuming will not go out.

But the other college students didn't know this, rushed out recklessly, scouted around cautiously, and listened everywhere for good things.

Suddenly, a powerful force descended from the sky.

The disciple of the Gao family who was still chattering on the radio made a pop, his head was crushed, and he died instantly.

A voice came slowly:
"This is a matter of the Gao family. All students, return to their dormitories and don't need to get involved in this matter.

All teachers outside Gao's family of the university, don't act rashly, everything is safe. "

"All members of the Gao family, I will give you a chance to commit suicide, otherwise, kill them all!"

There was endless coldness in the words.

Yang Xiuming knew who he was, the Taoist official who made the move yesterday.

He crushed the fourth-tier sanctuaries of the Jing family to death one by one like ants.

In his words, Yang Xiuming suddenly felt a huge force sweeping through the Imperial Capital University.

Before this power, the assimilation of the night and the flight of the sword are all jokes.

Yang Xiuming was honest and honest, closed the door of the dormitory and never went out.

A big battle started outside, screaming again and again.

But Yang Xiuming felt that nothing happened in the dormitory area of ​​the university.

Moreover, there is no problem with the teaching area, various teaching buildings, and special facilities in the university.

It's just that the Gao family didn't keep a single one, whether it was their weirdness or their clansmen, they all killed them.

But the Taoist officials didn't make a move, it was all a death fight between these families.

Although the Gao family exterminated the family, at the last moment, they fought to the death, and groups of weird people were released.

They have operated strangely for generations, and naturally there are countless strange things in the family, which also caused great casualties to the five major families.

The sound of killing, explosion, and crying sounded all night.

The fire was soaring into the sky, and blood was everywhere.

By morning, the fighting was over.

The Gao family was wiped out, leaving no one left.

Not only the imperial capital, but also the branches of the Gao family in other cities, all of which were wiped out.

Just like the Jiang family back then, one repays one repayment.

At the end of the war, some people were in charge of putting out the fire, some were in charge of cleaning the bloodstains, and people everywhere got busy.

Then someone registered dormitory one by one.

Although the school was bloodbathed, under the protection of the gymnasium, there was no damage to the facilities and buildings, especially the students, and almost no one was killed or injured.

It seems that Taoist officials attach great importance to the university and take care to protect it.

Register with Yang Xiuming soon.

Someone knocked on the door, and Yang Xiuming opened it.

Three people outside the door, register honestly.

Seeing Yang Xiuming alone, he was taken aback and said, "Yang Xiuming!"

He actually knew Yang Xiuming. Yang Xiuming looked familiar. He should be one of the onlookers in his death fight last time.

"I'm here, senior?"

"I am Xiang Haifeng from the Xiang family. When you fought to the death, I accompanied you to watch."

"Good boy, I thought you were at Xiong's house? You're still in college, come and register."

Yang Xiuming smiled and started to register.

A lot of data are the same as before, but when they reach the realm, someone on the other side can test it, and Yang Xiuming can't hide his strength.

Then Xiang Haifeng said ecstatically:

"Elite tenth rank, that's great, there's another one!"

All three were ecstatic, as if extremely happy.

Xiang Haifeng continued:
"Yang Xiuming, I'm officially notifying you.

You are now at the elite tenth rank, and you have the responsibility and the obligation to participate in the Qin Qin Trial in the Liaochang Realm.

This is an obligation that every person in Liaochang must fulfill. Anyone who resists the test will be wiped out!

If you can pass the trial, you will definitely be promoted to the legendary realm and become a venerable.

The date of this trial is to be determined, please wait for the notice.

Before the trial, you will be given time to go home and visit your relatives, and then return to the trial to serve the world. "

Yang Xiuming frowned, isn't this the trial that elder brother participated in back then?

Now it's my turn?
"I remember that you are the night watchman, and the night watchman is the most difficult to find when hiding."

Xiang Haifeng suddenly held some flying talisman and pointed at Yang Xiuming.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming felt a chill in the void, as if he had been marked as a superior by the other Taoist officer, and he could use this moment to trace his traces.

"I have already used the mark of the Taoist official, no matter where you hide in this world, you will definitely be captured by the Taoist official.

Remember, take part in the trial honestly, there is no way to avoid it! "

"However, remember, as long as you are marked by this, you are the biggest sky in the Liaochang world.

No matter which family, what sanctuary, or any weirdness, they dare not do anything to you, because you have been marked by the Taoist official!
What Xiong family, what Zhao family, don't be afraid of them, they will walk around you until the trial is over.

Because you are now the most fundamental existence in our Liaochang world! "

The other party gave a warning and left.

Yang Xiuming was speechless, and silently sensed that there was indeed a mark in his soul, which locked him firmly.

It seemed that I had to participate in this trial!
Yang Xiuming actually didn't care about this trial at all.

At that time, the eldest brother supported some magic weapons by himself, the most powerful one was a talisman.

In this way he passed in peace.

During this period of time, Yang Xiuming accompanied Fu Xialiang through various trials. How many rivers and rivers have passed by himself? Can something happen to this small river ditch?

My current strength is far superior to all sentient beings, so there should be no problem with this trial.

After passing through, promote to legend.

On the contrary, there are many benefits!
Yang Xiuming has been researching the method of promotion to the legendary rank for a long time, but he has not been successful. It seems that he must go through trials before he can be promoted.

After registration, Yang Xiuming found that although the Gao family was dead, the university was not abandoned.

In silence, the Taoist officials mobilized some other personnel to support the Imperial Capital University.

It seems that there is already a plan for how to solve this problem.

Although the university has lost a lot of strength because of this, it is not a problem for these people to replace the Gao family.

In this world, no one is irreplaceable.

But the Gao family is gone, the Jing family is gone, and Yang Xiuming's identity has been re-established. It seems that everything has returned to the past, and Yang Xiuming is very happy.

Another chaotic day, so far there are only five great families left in the imperial capital.

Yang Xiuming returned to the world of Shitai, and killing Gao Fei here had no effect, but the bonfire grew stronger.

The three gathered together and continued to read the scriptures.

"Xiu Ming, "The Rhythm of Everything" has been promoted to the third level, and now I have re-mastered the ability of the Golden Talisman Daobing back then.

It can release true energy and assimilate the environment. "

Yang Xiuming was overjoyed, this is the real "Rhythm of Everything".

This is the original version, not an improved version of myself, almost invincible.

"Great, Lao Zhang passed on your feelings to me."

Zhang Yue said slowly:

"However, I won't use this ability in the future, it reminds me of that unbearable past.

In addition, this ability is not as powerful as my sword! "

Silently accepting Zhang Yue's cultivation experience, Yang Xiuming nodded and said:
"The first level of "The Rhythm of Everything" is to control one's own body.

With the help of Night Demon, the environment assimilates me, forming an instant death attack.

The second level is to be able to control other spells and supernatural powers to assist in all cultivation.

Let the cultivation of other Xianqin secret methods be more efficient.

The third level, I can release my true energy, truly affect the environment, assimilate the enemy, and become invincible. "

After practicing for a while, Yang Xiuming shook his head and said:
"No, it's still a bit short. I haven't built a foundation, so I can't release the energy of "The Rhythm of Everything"."

Fu Xialiang said: "It's nothing, big brother, you have no problem building the foundation.

At that time, you will be able to complete "The Rhythm of Everything" and release the energy outside.

In the past few days, I have practiced "The Crazy Step of the White Horse Crossing the Gap", and I have gained some experience, but it is still a little short, and it will take a while.

However, I have slowly realized the foundation-building realm of Lei Jue's "Purple Sky Thunder".

This is a great harvest. The foundation-building realm of "Zixiao Thunder" is basically inherited from personal practice, but with the increase of personal cultivation, the battle formation spells will also be improved. "

Zhang Yue nodded, and said: "I have basically comprehended "One Sword Shocking the Heaven" in the foundation-building period.

Now I want to practice the battle formation spell of "One Sword Shocks the Sky".

In fact, the battle array spells in "One Sword Shocks the Sky" are not as powerful as the ones I have mastered the extraordinary swordsmanship, but the last move of the battle array spells, the sword forest, is very strong and very valuable! "

The three of them passed on their cultivation experience to each other, and if one person cultivated, all three of them would be able to master it.


Yang Xiuming said: "Alas, these days of shit, I don't have time to practice in the foundation-building period of "Dark Sky" and "Great Darkness".

Fu Xialiang said happily: "My master is out of customs, and it has been booked, and a ceremony will be held at the end of the month.

Officially teach me "Three Purities and Four Truths and One Pneumatic Hammer"! "

"this is not bad!"

All three of them nodded, this is the real secret technique of Xianqin!

They practice here.

In this way, seven days passed in a flash.

These seven days have been very peaceful, the university is under reconstruction, and nothing happens in the world.

Yang Xiuming was just practicing, and gradually comprehended the "Dark Sky" of the Foundation Establishment period.

The "Dark Sky" in the foundation building period pays attention to four characters, which are broad and profound!
With the dark grafting method, you can graft and practice all the dharmas in the world, and you can learn all kinds of dharmas and supernatural powers.

With the dark absorption method, absorb everything and all sources, and enlarge your own dark field.

With the dark germination method, constantly hone yourself and strive for perfection.

Using the method of darkness and fuzziness, it connects to the deepest part of the darkness, causing indescribable changes.

The more Yang Xiuming practiced, the more he admired him. The simple and rough three-way, three-method and seven-style during the Qi refining period of "Dark Sky" made it easy for others to practice and get started quickly.

No matter what attribute, what existence, can be transformed into a dark attribute.

In the foundation building period, it began to accumulate food widely, build walls high, accumulate strength, and be broad and profound.

Then the Jindan period must have its own unique development route.

No wonder "Great Darkness" can practice from the Qi refining stage to the Mahayana stage, it is really amazing.

However, Yang Xiuming just chose to be broad and profound.

Big, absorbing everything, Yang Xiuming doesn't like it, he feels that this is a dark field that defiles himself.

Deep, Yang Xiuming has an inexplicable fear of it. In the dark depths, it seems that there are countless unidentifiable existences hiding, secretly peeping at him.

Do not touch this one!
On the night of the eighth day, while Yang Xiuming was practicing, suddenly there was another roar and explosion in the entire imperial capital.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, why did this start again?

Turned into the eternal night snake.

The scope of the night expanded for thirty miles, and the induction deepened several times. A small part of the imperial capital was within Yang Xiuming's perception.

I saw another big battle, this time it was the Qu family, they were besieged by the four major families, and they fought violently.

Zhao, Xiang, Xiong, Wu, besieged Qu's family!
Why is this fighting again?
Yang Xiuming moved quietly, rose from the sky, and headed for the battlefield.

When they got there, they found that Qu's family was heavily guarded.

With scenes and high examples ahead, how could their family not be on guard.

The big formation stood up, countless weird shopping.

It's just that the current number is weird. The big families are only half of the number in the original war, and they are all injured.

Almost none of the fourth-order sanctuaries of the major families appeared.

In the battlefield, there is a feeling of perfunctory.

Yang Xiuming frowned, he quickly discovered Zhao Wanjun, she was also in the middle of the battle, commanding a team of strange.

But she is at the back of the battlefield, very safe.

Yang Xiuming descended quietly, hiding in the shadows, approaching Zhao Wanjun.

During Zhao Wanjun's time in college, he has already advanced to the second-level elite.

"Princess, what's going on?"

The princess just called her accustomed nickname.

Hearing Yang Xiuming's voice transmission, Zhao Wanjun was overjoyed.

"Hey, today the Taoist officials suddenly issued an order to destroy Qu's family. I don't know what happened to their family?"

"However, there are whispers in our family.

This is a Taoist official, avenge the Jiang family again! "

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean?"

"Well, it is said that this Taoist official is related to the Jiang family by blood.

So at the last moment, the Jiang family asked for help on the Daoguan Square.

It's not that they are stupid, it's that they have news that we don't know, and they are blood relatives with Taoist officials.

So they were firm that the Taoist official would save them, but the Taoist official seemed to be in seclusion and did not show up, and the Jiang family died.

A while ago, the Taoist official left the customs, and the Jiang family died. How could he not take revenge.

Therefore, he found an excuse to promote the war, destroying the Jing family first, and then coming to the Gao family. The reality is the Qu family.

When the Jiang family was destroyed, the three of them were the most ruthless and hardest working.

According to this rule, the next one is the Wu family! "

Hearing this, Yang Xiuming was speechless.

He said for a long time: "This Taoist official wants to exterminate all seven of your families?"

Zhao Wanjun nodded and said, "It's not impossible.

Our Seven Great Families have not existed since ancient times.

If they are extinct, they will be replaced with another batch. People are not enough.

Maybe your Yang family will be one of the seven great families in the future! "

There was a kind of anger in the words.

Yang Xiuming didn't know what to say, but it was really possible.

The war continued, but not tepidly.

Suddenly in the void, someone transmitted a voice:
"Retreat before the battle, fear the battle before the front.

What's the use of Ruel! "

Suddenly, in the void, there seemed to be a fire of karma rising, like a huge sun, igniting the imperial capital.

"Tianming, the Qu family still exists, and all the aristocratic families will be extinct!"

The Taoist gave an order.

As long as the sun rises, the Qu family will not be destroyed, and when the fireball falls, all the families will perish.

Yang Xiuming's face changed, it was not impossible, but it coincided with the Taoist's intention.

These families are about to be wiped out.

Everyone looked at each other with horror on their faces.

They all know that the Taoist officials will do what they say, and when the Qu family is still there at dawn, that is the moment of death for everyone!
All of a sudden, the war broke out.

I used to be able to do foreign work, but now life and death are in front of my eyes.

The four aristocratic families immediately drove their subordinates to attack crazily, and many fourth-tier sanctuaries also appeared one by one to join the battle.

Boom, boom, boom!
The Qu family's defenses were knocked out one by one, and then countless weirdos killed in.

Yang Xiuming was watching from the outside, he didn't want to enter Qu's house.

The last time the Jing family had a big explosion, I still remember it in my heart.

In fact, among the eight great families, the Qu family is the worst, and many of the weird things are created by them.

They have countless blood on their hands, the most cruel and vicious.

Suddenly, Fu Xialiang said hesitantly:
"Brother, look at the third person from the east, this guy is also a monk!"

Yang Xiuming looked and saw someone there, casting spells from a distance, but he didn't realize that the other party was a monk.

That person seems to be Wudao Wuming, is there anything unusual?
But Fu Xialiang saw it!
"This should be a monk from the Yandang Sect.

Smoke Dangzong: Red dust and white smoke are both boundless, and there is a magic formula for the fragrance and soul. "

Yang Xiuming asked Zhao Wanjun, "Who is that person?"

Zhao Wanjun took a look and said, "Wu family, Wu Tong, what's wrong?"

Yang Xiuming said, "It's okay!"

Unexpectedly, the Zhao family has Lai Yizong, the Xiong family has Tibetan Shenzong, and the Wu family has Yandangzong.

How did these aristocratic families contact the foreign monks?

What are they trying to do?
Under the order of the Taoist official, Qu's family was broken, and the massacre began.

Suddenly, in Qu's family, a group of people came out.

They went upstream, killed Qu's family, and went straight to kill outside the imperial capital.

This is the last living force of the Qu family.

Yang Xiuming watched from a distance, he didn't care whether these guys lived or died.

Those Qu family members who came out were surrounded by people, and they couldn't break out at all.

Suddenly, among the crowd, there was a big explosion.

Many members of the Qu family took advantage of the impact of the explosion to rise into the air and break through the encirclement.

Impressively, someone among them flew straight to this side, and just landed in front of Zhao Wanjun.

Zhao Wanjun's face changed, she had only just been promoted to an elite, and she was completely a soy sauce player on the battlefield.

And the two who broke through, the Venerable Dao of the Sword and the Venerable Fighting Dao, were no match for her.

She immediately turned and fled.

But the other party had already seen her.

The two gritted their teeth and came straight to her.

Kill this junior from the Zhao family.

Seeing Zhao Wanjun's life and death in front of his eyes, how could Yang Xiuming not make a move.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he covered the sky with one hand.

But there is no nightfall in this four fields.

This hand covering the sky is just covering his own body. This is what he has cultivated these days. "Dark Sky" is extensive and profound.

The reason for this is that Yang Xiuming's purpose is to release the strangeness of his own life.

With a bang, Di Yuanqi leaped out, came to the Venerable Dao of the Sword and Fierce Saber, and slashed down with his sword.

Diyuan Qizhan flashed suddenly, cutting through time and space, a giant blade appeared, and slashed in the air!
The Dao of the Sword and the Swordsman couldn't believe it, he let out a loud cry and raised his sword to defend.

But with one strike, the opponent cut off both the person and the knife.

Then Diyuan Qizhan went straight to Zhandao Jue Zhan Zunzhe.

Another sword!
At this moment, Yang Xiuming suddenly understood.

This sword is not simple, it is called Death Abyss Absolute Slash.

This is Wei Wuguo entering Hell, fighting countless bloody battles, relying on this slash, he was killed in Hell.

The so-called Earth Abyss Riding Slash was born because of the Death Abyss Absolute Slash.

This sword looks simple, but it contains a terrible cause and effect.

The most terrifying part of this slash is that the blade leaves people dead!
You won't feel anything, and you won't even be able to fight back, because you're already dead!
This is a causal attack. If he makes a move, the result is already determined, and you will die!
Holding the sword here, in fact, the other side has already been hit by the sword. That's how Wei Daoqing died when the golden elixir was perfected.

In a blink of an eye, Di Yuanqi beheaded the two of them, and then he disappeared and returned to Yang Xiuming's Dark Night Domain.

Zhao Wanjun couldn't believe it, he saved his life and said, "Thank you!"

Yang Xiuming had already left without a sound.

When the Qu family is finished, there must be no one left, and all of them will die.

Which one will be next time?

Wu, Xiang, Zhao, Xiong, there must be one, and the next one will perish.

This Taoist official is really vicious, killing people silently and exterminating the clan ruthlessly.

Yang Xiuming returned to the dormitory and did not move for a long time.

Another family has perished, these cannibals have died again.

Although it was destroyed by Taoist officials and dogs bit dogs, Yang Xiuming was extremely happy.

Thinking, thinking, what he was thinking about was no longer who would destroy the next family, but another thing.

It always seems that there is something that I have overlooked.

Can't help but think back, suddenly he used a hand to cover the sky.

The Diyuan Rider appeared, and he performed the Death Abyss Execution in front of Yang Xiuming. Yang Xiuming watched carefully.

Death Abyss Absolute Slash is the ultimate move of Diyuan Riding Slash. If Yang Xiuming does not go to hell, he will never learn it after going through thousands of death fights.

But he just wanted to see it.

In this way, Yang Xiuming used today's single hand to cover the sky, watching the abyss of death slash, and a sword fell.

After a long time, Yang Xiuming laughed loudly and said:

"I understand, I understand!"

Suddenly, on him, "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" quietly changed.

Absorbing Yang Xiuming's supernatural powers to shake the sky with a sword, and absorbing the death abyss slash of Diyuan Riding Slash.

These two supernatural powers are injected into "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword", one is the sky and the other is Yuan, which completely conforms to the characteristics of "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword".

It turns out that the improvement of this secret method needs to absorb the things related to Tianyuan.

One Heaven One Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword, success!

Nine times of nine times, is the great success!
"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" promotion, second level!

The power of "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" has been improved. In fact, this improvement does not mean much. Anyway, whoever loves whoever is stabbed will die.

However, the most important thing is that it can be used twice a day instead of once.

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang immediately felt the promotion in "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword".

Both of them feel very happy.

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" is their last hole card, the most powerful ultimate move.

Yang Xiuming told what the Taoist official did, and the three of them analyzed that the Taoist official's heart was as hard as iron. No matter how the remaining four major families responded, they would all be doomed.

However, to their surprise, on the second day, the self-help methods of the four major families were immediately activated.

They used the secret method to drive the elite ranks of their respective clans to the tenth level of Dzogchen.

This is the core principle of the Liaochang world. All 99 elites who have reached the tenth level of Dzogchen will immediately start the Qin Qin trial.

This criterion is higher than all the laws of the Liaochang Realm.

Even the Taoist officials have to abide by it. Once the Qin Qin Trial is activated, the Taoist officials cannot give orders at will to affect the Qin Qin Trial.

This is the self-help of the four major families, at least until the end of the Qin Qin trial, they are all safe and sound.

The 99 people included others from before, including Yang Xiuming.

Zhao Wanjun was fine, she did not become a member of the Zhao family who sacrificed and catalyzed.

Yang Xiuming was notified soon:

"Yang Xiuming, the elite Dzogchen has reached 99 people, and the Qin Qin Trial will be activated immediately.

Please prepare and go home to visit relatives. After fourteen days, you must return to participate in the trial. "

The trial came so quickly?

"Yang Xiuming has a special flying boat, which has already docked in the flying boat field. Please take the flying boat home immediately to visit relatives."

Going home to visit relatives, there is a special flying boat to pick them up, the speed is extremely fast, one round trip can be made in ten days, and he is given three days to visit relatives.

Yang Xiuming did not leave in a hurry, but walked around the imperial capital.

He bought all kinds of gifts, and he has 300 million in his hand, which can be spent casually.

However, the streets were very chaotic. Many people were frightened by the three exterminations.

Prices soared, but it didn't affect Yang Xiuming. All kinds of gifts were prepared, parents, eldest brother, eldest brother's girlfriend, second brother's family, younger brother, younger sister, everyone had a share.

There were a lot of big and small bags, and then they went directly to the airship, which was dedicated to him and picked him up alone.

Getting on the flying boat again, Yang Xiuming was extremely careful.

The last time the flying boat almost died on the road, it was very scary.

He is in his own room, never going out.

Safety first!

However, this kind of fourth-order weirdness is not something that everyone can encounter.

How can there be so many fourth-order big weirdness.

This time, the wind went smoothly, the flying boat traveled safely, nothing happened, and it arrived in Yinzhou City in five days.

As if in a dream, Yang Xiuming came home like this.

The captain specially explained that Yang Xiuming went home to visit relatives for three days, and returned immediately after three days.

In fact, there was an extra day, but Yang Xiuming was only allowed to go home to visit relatives for three days because he was afraid of accidents on the road.

Yang Xiuming strode home, but found that he couldn't find his home.

In the original home, the door was locked directly, and no one lived here anymore.

But someone immediately recognized Yang Xiuming and shouted:

"The third kid from the Yang family is back?"

"Your family has moved!"

"Go to Xuanwu Street, your family has moved to Xuanwu Street."

Yang Xiuming went to Xuanwu Street and saw the word Yang Mansion from a distance.

The family is really rich. They bought a property in the central street of Yinzhou City. The mansion is magnificent. The Yang family has become one of the big families in Yinzhou City.

It turned out that the four major families in Yinzhou City, Li, Zhu, Jiang, and Zhang, all died.

Not just them, except Liu Jinfa, the president of the Guild of Guild, many people died.

Yang Xiuqing took advantage of the power vacuum here, and the Yang family rose.

Directly turned into a mansion, not weaker than the Li Zhang family back then.

When Yang Xiuming came home, he had just arrived at the door when his eldest brother appeared.

Yang Xiuqing looked at her younger brother and couldn't help asking, "Trial?"

Yang Xiuming nodded, and the elder brother let out a long sigh, not knowing what to say.

Yang Xiuming said: "Brother, it's okay, I know.

Don't tell your family, don't make them worry. "

"I know!"

"By the way, brother, do you have a subordinate named Li Rui?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Brother, this guy was arranged by Xiong Kuohai. In the future, when you completely control Yinzhou City, he will kill you and replace him."

Yang Xiuqing's complexion changed, and she said, "I see, don't worry!"

Yang Xiuming knew that Li Rui was doomed.

"By the way, third brother, I'm married.

That your sister-in-law Luo Yan is pregnant, there's no other way, I didn't wait for you to come back..."

"Congratulations brother, this is my gift to you!"

Back then, Yang Xiuming specially kept two Fire Artifacts for those military weapons, and they were both given to Yang Xiuqing.

Yang Xiuqing was very happy, and said: "These are all Jing family's special instruments, they cannot be bought!"

"Brother, the Jing family is in the past tense!"

"I know, what a pity!"

"In the past few days, there was a lot of trouble in the city. I received an order to cooperate with the city lord Zhao Sihai to kill all the vassals of the Jing family and the Gao family.

The Qu family has no influence here, so don't worry about it!
Why is this world so chaotic? "

"Brother, let me tell you in detail tonight, the world has changed!"

At this time, Yang Xiuming's parents saw their son, and Yang Xiuming immediately went in to meet his parents.

The family reunion is extremely lively.

Both Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang are here.

None of them have parents or relatives. They just feel this kind of excitement when they come here.

Made a good meal for a table in the evening.

In fact, the Yang family already had servants, so they didn't need their parents to cook, but Yang Xiuming's parents still insisted on cooking and cooked all kinds of delicacies for Yang Xiuming.

During the time away, the child of the second brother's family can already learn to babble.

Then the second sister-in-law was pregnant again.

The eldest brother also got married, Luo Yan became a sister-in-law, and Yang Xiuming also brought her a gift.

Looking at the rouge and gouache, Luo Yan was very happy. She thought of her life in the imperial capital and missed it very much.

A big family, talking and laughing, had a good meal.

At night, the oil lamps were lit. Now that the Yang family has become the upstart of Yinzhou City, no one dares to attack them at night.

But the old habits are still there, relatives should rest.

Yang Xiuming and his elder brother are making tea and chatting, they have a lot to talk about.

Yang Xiuqing said with a smile: "I am operating Yinzhou City in secret, basically there are no accidents.

Third brother, your original ideal, Yinzhou Wugui, I basically realized it for you! "

Yang Xiuming didn't know what to say.

He thought for a while and said, "Brother, Xiong Kuohai is not a good guy!"

Yang Xiuqing said: "If he is a good guy, how can he be the talker of the Xiong family.

What happened in the imperial capital during this period of time?
Genocide and murder every day, chaos. "

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "The thing is like this..."

He began to tell about the situation in the imperial capital!
Yang Xiuqing was dumbfounded, then couldn't help frowning, and finally nodded silently.

In his eyes, a flame called ambition quietly rose!
It is not impossible for the Yang family to become bigger and stronger, not just for the rich families in Yinzhou, but also for several big families in the entire Liaochang world!

Yang Xiuming spent three days on vacation at home, and lived a very comfortable life.

In the past three days, he almost gave up practicing, just to be with his family.

Cook with parents and play with younger siblings.

Chat with the elder brother, and play with the children of the second brother.

Don't think about anything else, don't care about anything else, just enjoy the beauty of family affection and family happiness at home.

Everyone has a gift, and Yang Xiuming keeps the rest of the cash at home.

The next day, the elder brother nodded slightly to Yang Xiuming and made a beheading motion.

Yang Xiuming knew that Li Rui had been dealt with.

This [-]-year-old boy was lurking beside the eldest brother and was cleaned up by the eldest brother.

In the evening, the two of them made tea and chatted together again.

Light the lamp, drink tea, chat, so happy!
Yang Xiuqing said slowly:
"The Qin Qin trial, I always feel that something is wrong there!"

He is passing on the experience of his trials to Yang Xiuming.

"Brother, please speak carefully."

Yang Xiuqing picked up a teacup, full of thoughts, and began to say:
"How should I put it, this trial has a kind of weirdness.

At that time, we gathered 99 elite tenth ranks and started the trial.

Enter the Daoguan Cave, where there is a descending passage, going down, into the depths of the ground.

Deep underground is a magnificent huge city, just under the Daoguan Dongfu.

It seems that the existence of Daoguan Dongfu is to cover up and suppress this huge city.

The entire imperial capital exists to suppress this huge city.

No, maybe our world exists because of this! "

Hearing this, Yang Xiuming couldn't help saying, "The ruins!"

Yang Xiuqing nodded and said, "Yes, the ruins!
After the city entered, it was very desolate, like a ruin.

When participating in the trial, everyone will be given a corresponding third-order strangeness, which is used to devour the strangeness of life..."

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Brother, what is the strange devouring of life?"

Now it was Yang Xiuqing's turn to be taken aback, and said, "You didn't study in college?
The three most critical classes in the university, the weird summoning of the natal, the weird devouring of the natal, and the fusion of the weird natal! "

Yang Xiuming was dumbfounded, he just learned the strange summoning of his own life, and summoned Di Yuanqi to kill Wei Wuguo.

And then the world starts falling apart...

"I didn't learn it, I learned the strange call of my life."

Yang Xiuqing said: "Impossible, you haven't learned the strange swallowing of life, how could you be promoted to the elite tenth rank so quickly?"

Yang Xiuming is speechless, he is so fast, but his main job is not a combat job, but a cultivator...

"Brother, I really didn't learn it, and I haven't had time to teach it yet. The Gao family is destroyed!"

Yang Xiuqing suddenly exclaimed: "Ah, what should I do?
Basically, universities will take these three courses.

The strange call of life, summon the strangeness of one's own life.

Then use your own weirdness to devour other weirdnesses, so that you can be promoted to the second level, and then to the third level. In the process, you will also absorb your own strange energy, as you advance! "

Yang Xiuming laughed, and said: "Brother, my original destiny is the strange Yuanqi Zhan, which is directly the fourth rank!"

Yang Xiuqing was speechless for a long time before she said: "You have cultivated to the tenth level of elite fighters and participated in the trial.

With the help of the trial environment, start the strange fusion of natal life!
In the process of fusion, subdue the strangeness of life, unite human beings, and use this strange power to advance to the third rank and become a legendary venerable!
If you can't subdue the weirdness of your life, you will go completely crazy and mutate into weirdness! "

Yang Xiuming nodded, this explained why he saw many Tier [-] legends, and they didn't have a strange life, they were all fusions.

The so-called strange life is a promotion introduction such as a job transfer certificate, a promotion certificate, and the like.

Suddenly, he thought of something: "No, I see that many people still have strange lives."

Venerable Jinsuo, who fought to the death with Yang Xiuming, has a strange earth maze.

Yang Xiuqing remained silent, and said for a long time: "I also suspect that there is a problem here.

I have also seen many disciples from aristocratic families whose natal strangeness is still there. They did not devour the natal strangeness at all, but they were promoted to the third-tier legend.

I don't understand, I'm curious, I've asked, but there's no answer.

These people are all important core disciples of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families, such as Xiong Kuohai.

So, you get it! "

Yang Xiuming nodded, thinking back carefully, those who are above the third level and have a strange natal life, either because their natal eccentricity is particularly special and they should focus on training, or because this person is the core existence of the opponent's family.

The rest of the Tier [-] legends are basically not as strange as their own lives.

The Gao Yuanyuan and Gao Yunpan that I killed were not strange in their own lives.

So they went to a remote place in Yinzhou and became the strange commander.

I don't know if Jing Shaojing Runhua has a strange life.

Yang Xiuqing continued to tell:
"When we enter the ruins, everyone will send a third-order weirdness, which will be devoured by us.

However, just entering the ruins, within ten days, it cannot be devoured.

Each person has a third-level weirdness, but the more this kind of weirdness is devoured, the better, the more likely it is to be promoted to legend.

So within ten days, the first stage of the trial appeared.

Everyone kills each other, steals others to give away weirdness!
This was the cruelest battle. During those ten days, I fought to the death. If I didn't have the treasure you gave me, third brother, I would have died there.

Ten days later, Weird can devour Weird, and the first stage of killing each other is over, let our own natal Weird devour Weird.

In this way, everyone's natal weirdness will reach the third-order limit.

Then began the weird fusion of natal life.

If the fusion is successful, you will be promoted to Tier [-] legend, but if the fusion fails, you will die in the relic trial.

In the first stage of the battle, we had 99 people and 37 people remained.

In the second stage of fusion, 13 people succeeded and left the ruins alive.

However, I always have an indescribable feeling that in this trial, whether we are promoted to legend or not is of little significance.

Their real purpose is not us, we are like bait, it is indescribably weird. "

Yang Xiuming poured a cup of tea for Yang Xiuqing and asked:

"Among the ruins, are there any weird monsters?"

"No, there's nothing alive but us!"

"Is there a trap?"

"No, it's a habitable place, and there are some sundries in it, all of which are used by the human race."

"But during fusion, I always feel that someone is saving us.

Under their rescue, I survived. "

The two of you are talking here, and I am communicating with each other.

On the second floor, Yang Xiufeng was in the shadows, watching them.

Second sister-in-law Wang Shufang appeared, looked at second brother Yang Xiufeng, and said:

"Husband, if you want to go down, go down, have some tea and chat with the eldest brother and third brother."

Yang Xiufeng's eyes were filled with envy and an indescribable sadness.

He is just a sub-job and cannot change jobs. He is just a spiritual chef all his life.

"No, they are studying the business, I will not bother."

Listening to the words are plain, but it contains endless unwillingness.

The second sister-in-law Wang Shufang nodded and said, "Well, if you don't want to go, then don't go."

"Come on, let's go back to the house!" Yang Xiufeng said firmly!

"Go back to the house?"

"Yes, go back to the house, let's make children!"

Immediately the second sister-in-law Wang Shufang blushed.

Second brother Yang Xiufeng said word by word:

"I'll be like this all my life, but I don't believe that my son, my grandson, they will be the same as me, unable to change jobs!"
Leader Jiageng, the last manuscript has been saved, ammunition is exhausted, and there is no trick so far. My wife and children are already goats. I just have an itchy throat and a cold body. Write quickly. Write more. Please ask for a monthly ticket. It looks comfortable, and the power of codewords!

(End of this chapter)

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