Dao Shaohua

Chapter 197 Relatives of Southern Chu, Blood Buddha

Chapter 197 Relatives of Southern Chu, Blood Buddha

Time always flies so fast.

The three-day vacation is over.

Yang Xiuming returned to the imperial capital, ready for the trial.

Early in the morning, the flying boat was ready to take off, and Yang Xiuming was on the road.

His relatives saw him off again.

Still reluctant to part, especially my younger brother and sister crying loudly.

They couldn't bear the third brother so much, they grabbed the corner of his clothes, not wanting to let him go.

The parents also had tears in their eyes, but they didn't show it.

Good guys are ambitions everywhere.

In fact, they didn't know what Yang Xiuming was going to face.

Only the eldest brother Yang Xiuqing understood the danger of this trial, so he silently saw off his younger brother.

Reluctantly say goodbye, no matter how reluctant you are, you still have to say goodbye in the end.

The flying boat started, and Yang Xiuming returned to the imperial capital.

The journey back will take five more days, and there may be a strange attack.

Yang Xiuming was very careful not to leave the guest room and concentrate on his cultivation.

The three exchanged their insights on 33 days.

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "Fulfilling my mission, I have completed the cultivation of the battle formation spell of Sword Jue "One Sword Shocks the Heaven".

I have practiced many sword skills, but the most valuable to us is the last move of the battle formation, Sword Forest! "

After speaking, he passed on his cultivation experience.

Jianlin's move is not weaker than Fu Xialiang's Yunlei.

With one move, countless sword auras burst out of the ground within a radius of five miles, stabbing all enemies within the range.

This sword can also be combined with Dao Jue's Daoshan, just like the sky falling apart, the spell range and spell power are doubled all of a sudden.

It's just that this move is too powerful, but it doesn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and the preparation time is too long, so it is not as mysterious as the extraordinary swordsmanship.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I also have to practice the "Dark Sky" battle formation spell. The last trick is definitely valuable."

Although Yang Xiuming hadn't mastered the "Dark Sky" battle formation spell, he had already completed the "Dark Sky" in the foundation building period.

"Dark Sky" is broad and profound, some choose and some give up.

Fu Xialiang said: ""The Crazy Step of the White Horse Crossing the Gap" still doesn't work. The super-sacred method is too difficult, and I haven't understood it."

"It's okay, take your time, I haven't practiced much in "The Netherworld and Darkness Master"..."

Zhang Yue said: "You are all too lazy.

Five days on the road, come, let's practice together and quickly become one. "

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said: "It's better to use "The Great Capturer of Nether Dark Darkness", "White Horse Crossing the Gap and Crazy Steps" is too difficult!"

"Okay, then come this!"

The three practiced together, united from time to time, and concentrated on research.

The return of the flying boat was also very safe this time. In fact, there was still a strange encounter on the way. Two crew members died, but the strangeness was quickly eliminated.

Yang Xiuming didn't care about these things, he was just practicing.

Finally, the flying boat returned to the imperial capital, and Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief, completing the practice of "The Great Capturer of Netherworld and Darkness".

In fact, it is not difficult to practice "The Great Master of Netherworld and Darkness". Yang Xiuming used the grafting method of "Darkness and Darkness" to integrate this "Great Master of Netherworld and Darkness" into "Darkness and Darkness".

Then use "The Rhythm of Everything in the Hand of Heaven" to control it repeatedly.

In the end, the night demon and the night watchman also played a key role.

"Great Hand of the Nether Darkness" is completely in control, giving birth to the law.

French meaning: black hand

After Lei An, he has completely controlled an extraordinary Taoism.

The three of them were overjoyed, but they stopped practicing when they arrived at the imperial capital.

Fu Xialiang said: "Our next step is to complete the 33-day foundation building period.

Then we practiced "White Horse Crossing the Gap Crazy Step" together. "

Zhang Yue said: "There is also "Golden Pupil Misunderstanding Cave True Eyes", you must practice the third binocular vision."

Yang Xiuming said: "The most important thing is that I have to advance to the foundation stage.

And it has to be the foundation of heaven! "

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang both established the foundation of the way of heaven, and Yang Xiuming secretly made up his mind that they must also establish the foundation of the way of heaven.

"This trial is the key.

The eldest brother grasped the promotion to Tier [-] legend.

Then look for opportunities to build the foundation of heaven! "

Zhang Yue said: "But we don't know how to devour the strange life, the strange fusion of the life!"

Yang Xiuming said slowly: "It won't be better, I won't let the weirdness of my life swallow any other weirdness.

Because, Wei Wuguo is us, those weird things are not worthy of us! "

As for Su Xiaomei, Yang Xiuming didn't mention it, let alone force her to eat something weird.

Fu Xialiang also said: "That strange fusion of natal life is even more impossible.

It sounds good, what fusion is, in fact, people eat weirdness and use it to advance to the realm.

Just thinking about it is disgusting! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Yes, I will definitely not eat my fourth brother Wei Wuguo!"


Immediately, Yang Xiuming felt as if Wei Wuguo yelled, as if responding.

The three of them were taken aback and checked immediately.

But Diyuan Qizhan is still the same, without any sanity.

However, the three of them felt that he seemed to have become more spiritual.

Maybe in the future, with such continuous training, Diyuan Qi Zhan Wei Wuguo can return to hell.

In fact, Yang Xiuming will never devour Wei Wuguo, because this is the basis for the existence of "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart".

As long as you swallow a thought, you don't need to do it, the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art" will automatically collapse, and Yang Xiuming will go crazy and die directly.

This is the lowest line, the belief that must be adhered to!

When I returned to university, I didn't expect that there would be no trials for more than 20 days.

But these days, the class has been started in a hurry, teaching the method of natal strange devouring and natal weird fusion.

Yang Xiuming went to class and learned these, but he didn't care about it, he would never use these spells.

These days, Yang Xiuming and the others have devoted themselves to practicing, and soon Fu Xialiang's Lei Jue "Purple Cloud Thunder", Zhang Yue's Sword Jue "One Sword Shocks the Sky", and the four people's anti-jue "Zhen Jia Wen Zen" foundation-building exercises All cultivation is basically completed.

However, it is basically completed, and it needs to continue to study hard later.

During this period, Yang Xiuming secretly went to see Princess Zhao Wanjun.

Going home this time, Yinzhou City Lord Zhao Sihai prepared a lot of things for his daughter and asked Yang Xiuming to bring them to her.

Sneaking in quietly, seeing Zhao Wanjun, both of them were very happy.

They kiss, they embrace, they are happy together.

Time is always short, Yang Xiuming left quietly.

Zhao Wanjun looked at him, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"Yang Xiuming, let's get married!"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't believe it, what is this...

"Yang Xiuming, let me tell you a secret.

The elders of the Zhao family are preparing a plan to steal the sky, so as to take the clansmen away from this dirty world of cannibalism.

As long as we get married, I can take you out of here together! "

Leaving Liaochang World?

Yang Xiuming immediately thought of those Laiyi sect monks!
You can leave the world of Liaochang and go to a place where there is no weirdness!

Yang Xiuming's heart suddenly jumped wildly, and he immediately wanted to agree.

But when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't help asking:
"Is it just me? My parents, my eldest brother, my fourth brother..."

Having said that, Yang Xiuming immediately shut up, knowing in his heart that this is impossible.

How could Zhao Wanjun have this ability, he could only take Yang Xiuming away.

The two looked at each other, neither of them said anything more, silently saying goodbye!
Back in the dormitory of Imperial University, Yang Xiuming remained silent for a long time.

Sure enough, the Zhao family is not simple, and has prepared a plan to steal the sky and escape from this world.

Get married, follow the princess, get out of here?

One side is the lover I like, and the other side is my family, it is difficult to choose.

But the next day, don't worry about it.

The notice came, and the trial was held at night.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and prepared silently.

In fact, there is no need to prepare anything. With his strength, there should be no problem with this trial.

Back then, he gave his elder brother a batch of magic weapons, the strongest being a talisman.

Now Yang Xiuming has many abilities, not weaker than that talisman.

Yang Xiuming's attack methods include five sets of extraordinary swordsmanship, two sets of extraordinary thunder techniques, and one set of extraordinary dark techniques.

Battle formation spells: Cloud Thunder, Sword Forest
Supernatural means, covering the sky with one hand, uniting the divine sword, shaking the sky with one sword, thundering with three thunders, and three yangs to open up the world

The means of lore, "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

Defensive means, avenue armed with immovable mountains and seas

Hidden means, dark night assimilation

Auxiliary means, transforming into three kinds of true spirits, Five Elements Tengu, Nine Gangs Dragon, Eternal Night Snake, summoning puppet breathing Yuantu puppet

Magic weapon: a set of night watchman suits, the third-level magic sword, the eagle, the wind and the sky sword, the fifth-level magic weapon, the eight wild roads, and the heavenly chess

With such strength, Yang Xiuming is full of confidence in the Qin Qin trial.

However, Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang also made their own preparations, their physical bodies were protected in the cave, and their souls came over, and the three of them became one to pass the trial.

The time is up, put on the night watchman suit, the third-order divine sword, the Eagle Yufeng Escape Sword, and the fifth-order magic weapon, the Eight Desolation Dao Pan Yatian Chess, are ready, waiting silently.

Someone came to invite him soon, and Yang Xiuming followed the other party to the Taoist palace cave.

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang have all come here to walk with him.

Coming to the Daogong cave again, Yang Xiuming couldn't help sighing,
When Fu Xialiang saw the sacrificial drum, he couldn't stop introducing it.

Entering the Dao Palace Cave, many soldiers gathered here, as many as 99 people.

There are strong men, young and old, many of whom were born out of the four big families.

But Yang Xiuming didn't know anyone!

Everyone is here, waiting silently.

In less than a moment, someone appeared.

From the past, the other party should be in the third-order legendary realm, very young, with an indescribable arrogance on his body.

When you see him, you know that he does not belong to the world of Liaochang.

Seeing him creates a kind of jealousy in you.

Because you seem to be in a cesspit, but he is the kind of man who is born in the sun, the proud son of heaven in the palace!

Fu Xialiang said via voice transmission: "My lord! It must be a monk from Southern Chu!"

That arrogance is the self-confidence of the monk!

It seems that his realm is only foundation building, but it is normal, the Taoist officials are all Nascent Souls, and they will do these chores there, so they will naturally bring in some disciples to take care of these chores.

He looked at the crowd and said slowly:

"Dear fellows, I am Yang Fuyuan, the host of this trial."

The words are soft, but there is an indescribable firmness.

Zhang Yue joked: "Xiu Ming, this is your distant relative, also surnamed Yang!"

Yang Xiuming said speechlessly: "A distant relative? I do have a grandfather, but he wants to eat me, alas!"

Over there, Yang Fuyuan continued to say:
"This trial, I hope everyone can succeed in the trial and be promoted to the legendary realm.

After a while, everyone chooses the third-order weirdness, the benefits of this trial.

However, these third-order weirdnesses will take ten days to be devoured, please pay attention.

During this ten days, everyone can fight each other and take each other's weird benefits.

Because of the natal fusion in the second stage, the more third-order weirdness you have, the easier it is to succeed..."

Yang Fuyuan introduced the trial rules, and finally said:
"On the road of cultivating immortals, the strong will always be strong, so only the fight, only the victory, is eligible to live!"

Everyone in the room couldn't figure out what it meant when they said the road to immortality.

Only Yang Xiuming understands!
After the introduction, suddenly, countless jade boxes appeared in the distance.

There are as many as seven or eight hundred.

In those jade boxes, all kinds of weirdness can be seen.

They are all third-order, locked firmly, and let everyone choose.

All of a sudden, these people rushed over, choosing the third-order weirdness that best suits them.

But Yang Xiuming didn't care.

He was the last to pass, and he was in no hurry.

These weirdnesses are of no value to him.

Just pick one.

When he got there, Yang Xiuming looked at it casually, and was suddenly taken aback.

He looked at one of the jade boxes in disbelief.

In that jade box, a bride in red can be seen.

The red-clothed bride was wearing a wedding gown, with bright red makeup, but her eyes were full of blood and tears.

Yang Xiuming was shocked when he saw this because it was Qiao Xue.

His classmate back then, one of the four beauties in Yinzhou City High School, after Jiang Si's death, she married far away and became a concubine, but was turned into a matchmaker by Gao Yuanyuan!
I never expected to see it here.

Yang Xiuming picked up the jade box with trembling hands, and looked inside the matchmaker, it was indeed Qiao Xue's appearance.

And she seemed to see Yang Xiuming, and let out a roar, blood and tears splashed even more.

It's really her!

Suddenly, someone beside Yang Xiuming said:
"your friend?"

Yang Xiuming looked back, it was Yang Fuyuan.

He was whispering to Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "My classmate!"

"It's a pity, I was blinded by this appearance."

Then Yang Fuyuan asked: "Yang Xiuming? Nanhuai Yang family?"

Yang Xiuming shuddered, how did this guy know about Nanhuai Yang's family?

"how do you know?"

"When I came here this time, I found that the Yang family in Nanhuai was almost dead, only some branches spread all over the place, and they were all trash.

You are the first Nanhuai Yang family branch disciple I have met. What happened to the Nanhuai Yang family?Where has everyone gone? "

This guy said so, maybe he is really a distant relative?
Don't be like grandpa, a man-eating ghost again!

"Hey, our Yang family in Nanhuai has a wonderful grandfather, Yang Shanren.

He became obsessed with cultivation, and then began to devour his people.

Eat parents and brothers first, then sons and daughters, and finally grandchildren..."

Yang Fuyuan was dumbfounded, and then he smiled in a half-smile.

"No way, our family is prone to such lunatics.

Unexpectedly, there can be such a guy in this remote place.

Your name is Yang Xiuming, right?

Don't worry, I will cover you in this trial, so you can pass it easily.

Remember, don't have any weird fusion of life, I will help you to easily promote to the third-tier legend. "

Yang Xiuming was so dumbfounded that he couldn't help asking:

"Why are you helping me?"

Yang Fuyuan smiled and said: "I can't write a word Yang in one stroke, but we are actually distant relatives!"

Yang Xiuming couldn't believe it, and said, "It's all from the Yang family, why don't you suffer in the Liaochang world?"

Yang Fuyuan laughed loudly and said, "Don't blame me for this.

Who told you that your ancestors were direct descendants of the Yang family, while our ancestors were a branch of the Yang family.

And our unrivaled ancestor was also an old lunatic, who liked to torture his dearest relatives the most, tortured his own son, tempered his descendants, and let you die without a whole body for generations, all for your own good!
Therefore, you are struggling in this cesspit, this is probably the happiness of us branch houses! "

After speaking, he turned and left!

Hearing what Yang Fuyuan said, Yang Xiuming and the others were dumbfounded.

What the hell is this called?

Grandpa killed relatives righteously and only ate his own people.

Is this the same for the ancestor?Sending his own son into a cesspit, and his descendants being eaten strangely for generations?
This is really a family member!
Yang Xiuming was a little confused.

Fu Xialiang said: "Brother, don't think wildly.

That's it, so what?
You have to go through trials no matter what.

When the trial is over, I'll go back and ask someone to check it out for you, a monk with the surname Yang in Nanchu! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Yes, let's talk about it after the trial."

Fu Xialiang said: "Your Yang family has been here in the world of Liaochang for more than ten thousand years.

If you live over ten thousand years, you must be transformed into a god, and if you go higher, you will return to the void.

As long as you spend money, you should be able to find out. "

At this time, everyone has chosen Tier [-] Weirdness.

Yang Xiuming carefully put away the jade box containing Qiao Xue and kept it safe.

Yang Fuyuan said via voice transmission:
"Attention everyone, the trial has begun, everyone please follow me!"

He led the crowd into the palace.

This palace is extremely complicated, and there are countless talismans in it. It seems that it is really guarding something.

Soon, they came to a huge patio.

The courtyard is like a deep pit, looking down, it is bottomless.

Yang Fuyuan said: "Please enter the trial ground, just jump down."

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, someone came to the patio and jumped down.

This is someone who has participated in the trial before and knows what is going on here.

Everyone entered the well one after another, Yang Xiuming waved to Yang Fuyuan, and also jumped down.

Words count!
Yang Fuyuan nodded with a smile as a response.

Jumping into the patio, but not falling straight down.

Instead, it floated down quietly, like an elevator.

He kept going down for an unknown how long, when suddenly his feet lit up, and a huge underground vault of heaven appeared.

In this cave, there is a huge city.

It's really like the big brother said, the abandoned underground ruins.

But when they saw this city, the three of Yang Xiuming were shocked immediately.

"Xianqin Ruins!"

They knew at a glance that this was the Xianqin ruins, because the layout of it was basically the same as that of Baiqi City.

This trial is called the Qin Qin trial. Should it be the trial of refining the Xianqin ruins?
But why not just destroy it, completely shatter it?

Countless questions arise.

Everyone fell to the ground.

Those people in front immediately fled frantically into the city, avoiding everyone.

The first stage of killing each other has already begun.

Everyone is crazy about hiding, protecting themselves, killing enemies, and grabbing more third-order weirdness.

Yang Xiuming landed slowly, and just as he stood firmly, the ground shimmered impressively under his feet.

Then a voice came into his head:
"Dididi, I found the [-]th grade Hengsha Baron of Xianqin!"

"Didi, please confirm the identity of the other party?"

How can you be sure?
Yang Xiuming said softly: "Yang Xiuming, Xianqin, the [-]th-class Baron Hengsha?"

"Liu Fan, the first-class red-capped prince in Xianqin, transferred his meritorious service to be promoted to the title."

The other party responded immediately.

"Confirm your identity!
Greetings from the Blood Buddha, the fortress guarded by Shangzhou of the Xianqin Empire! "

Yang Xiuming said: "Is the fortress of the Xianqin Empire Shangzhou guarding the Blood Buddha?"

The other party slowly said:

"Since the collapse of the Xianqin Empire, the Blood Buddha, the fortress guarding the fortress, has been guarding the Xinghai of Shangzhou, the frontier of the human race, guarding the frontier of the outer domain for the human race.

Until five years ago in 180, Heisha, the mortal enemy of Immortal Qin in Outland, Jinhu, Xuegang, Luyuan and other forces organized a coalition force to attack Xinghai, Shangzhou, a frontier of the human race.

In the Battle of Shangzhou, the opponent's coalition forces were repelled, but the Xinghai collapsed, and the Blood Buddha, which was guarding the fortress, was severely damaged, and the debris fell into the Xinghai.

If you lose the Xianqin network, you can't connect, if you lose the connection to the original source of heaven and earth, if you lose the control of the law of heaven...

37 years ago, the wreckage of the guarding fortress Xuefutu was discovered by the human traitor Nanchu monks. After 33 years of repeated battles, the bloody Buddha was finally suppressed by Nanchu.

For 650 years, Southern Chu has been killing the origin of the Blood Buddha. It is estimated that after 560 years, the Blood Buddha, which guards the fortress, will collapse!
Please, His Excellency Yang Xiuming, the [-]th Baron of Hengsha, preside over the Blood Buddha, turn the tide and eliminate the monks of Nanchu! "

Yang Xiuming was a little confused, but he calmed down quickly.

He said, "How can I preside over the Blood Buddha?"

Suddenly, a brilliance flashed under his feet, and Yang Xiuming disappeared.

Yang Xiuming took a closer look and found that he had been teleported into a large hall.

This place is similar to the control room of those interstellar spaceships in the previous life.

He sits on a throne similar to that of a captain.

A beam of brilliance descended from the sky.

It runs through the top of Yang Xiuming's head at a 45-degree angle.

This is exactly the same as the light that Fu Xialiang deduced in the Martial Arts Hall...

It should be the same ban!
Then countless pieces of information were passed into Yang Xiuming's mind, and Yang Xiuming immediately understood everything.

Really everything, including everything in the Liaochang world, everything in the entire world!
Guarding the fortress, the Blood Buddha has been guarding Xinghai, Shangzhou, the frontier of the human race, after the collapse of Xianqin.

After a great battle, all the monks in the Blood Buddha were wiped out, the fortress collapsed, drifting in the universe, and repairing itself.

Then it was discovered by the monks of Southern Chu that, just like Wu Wei, these six tyrants most like to be enemies with Xianqin.

Southern Chu and the Blood Buddha fought for 43 years, and the Blood Buddha was defeated 650 years ago and was completely sealed.

Only the most primitive fairy Qin Faling is left, holding on hard.

This sealed place is the Dao Palace on the ground of the Blood Buddha.

Then the Taoist palace expanded into the imperial capital, and then the imperial capital expanded into the world of Liaochang.

Even though the Blood Buddha was defeated and sealed, it still has terrifying power.

Among the many great powers in Southern Chu, no matter whether it is Mahayana or returning to the void, no one dares to take action directly, that is to seek their own death.

Nan Chu couldn't completely destroy it, it could only seal it, but there was a way to destroy the Blood Buddha.

The Xuefutu is the Xianqin Fortress, one of its missions is to protect the human race.

So Nan Chu sent some human monks to enter the ruins every once in a while.

Then these human monks began to mutate, no longer human, and turned into weirdness.

The way is to combine the weirdness of the natal, and any promotion to the legendary realm is a lie to deceive them into becoming weird here.

According to the core mission, the Blood Buddha must rescue these human races.

How to rescue?Only the core source of the Blood Buddha can be consumed.

They used the Xianqin ruins to protect the mission of the human race, and bit by bit the Blood Buddha wasted.

This is the origin of the Qin Qin Trial.

Forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty seven years ago began to kill the trial.

Nan Chu dispatched disciples from all walks of life in his own sect, and finally concluded that it is most appropriate to refine Qi to promote foundation building.

After a long time, they were no longer sent by Southern Chu, and the locals trained human monks, cultivated by themselves, produced and sold themselves.

After 3 years, the Blood Buddha has become weaker and weaker, and the last three Nascent Soul True Monarchs are here to preside over the overall situation, which is completely sufficient.

This is the origin of Dao Palace.

This place has been transformed into a small world, and resources cannot be wasted, so start refining tricks here.

How to refine tricks?Requires a lot of cultivation of weirdness.

How to cultivate a lot of weirdness?It is best to use the human race here as the material.

In this way, the world of Liaochang was gradually formed.

Ordinary mortals are used as materials, and they are used to cultivate and refine strangeness.

They are pigs, the raw materials, let them eat and grow fat, and they all die in the end.

Under their cultivation, Weird thrives!

Then the elite human race collected the third-level weirdness, used the weirdness to refine all kinds of weirdness, or refined the weirdness into training materials and handed it over to the sect.

At the same time, use these created tricks to arm ordinary mortals, so that they can be fattened and durable.

Select the elite among them and let them advance to the second level and tenth level, which is the great perfection of the Qi refining period.

Then send them to the Blood Buddha, in the name of cultivation, trick them into becoming cunning.

The Blood Buddha will definitely rescue them, and those who are successfully rescued will be regarded as successfully promoted and become the third-rank legendary venerable.

Return to the ground and be used by Taoist officials.

Those that cannot be saved will directly become weird and used to consume the origin of the Blood Buddha.

With such an arrangement, the entire Liaochang world is clearly arranged.

It is not only to consume the source of the Blood Buddha, but also to create many strange weapons and materials. From time to time, it will also absorb some disciples from big families to go to Southern Chu to practice.

It's just that the most unlucky people are those ordinary people.

I can only suffer them!

Many past events were passed into Yang Xiuming's head from the Blood Buddha.

It made him gnash his teeth, that's why.

Unexpectedly, this is the case.

In this way, my ancestors and ancestors were all from the Southern Chu Sect, and they should also be the direct descendants of the old ancestor of the Yang family.

It's just that this ancestor likes to deceive his relatives the most, so he sent his own son into a fire pit.

While Yang Xiuming was thinking wildly, a voice appeared:
"Master Yang Xiuming, Baron of Hengsha, would you like to save the Xianqin Blood Buddha?"

Yang Xiuming immediately said: "I am willing!"

"Just, what should we do?"

The other party seemed to be thinking, and then replied:
"The Blood Buddha has 650, 830 and [-] deduction times, and there is only one way."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Say it!"

"The Blood Futu must abandon the body, collapse the fortress, and hide the core system and dimensionality reduction in the blood skeleton of the fifth-order immortal Qin warrior!

Only in this way, Master Yang Xiuming can carry the Blood Buddha and break away from the suppressing and sealing formation of Southern Chu. "

Yang Xiuming said, "The golden cicada has escaped its shell?"

"You can say that.

Lord Yang Xiuming, please continue the trial, pretend that the trial is successful, and leave the Xianqin ruins.

When you leave, the Blood Buddha will be automatically disassembled, and the blood skeleton of the fifth-rank immortal Qin warrior will leave the seal of Nanchu with you. "

Yang Xiuming replied: "I understand, no problem.

Just leave, where do we go from here? "

"My lord is already the captain of the Blood Buddha.

The Blood Buddha will continue to follow the Lord and obey the orders of the Lord!

After arriving in the outside world, the Blood Buddha will be transformed into a Blood Skeleton of Warrior Warriors, which can be equipped by adults, and has a fifth-level Nascent Soul combat power.

I just checked my lord, you have always wanted to kill all the weirdness in the world, and kill all the Taoist officials of Nanchu.

Xianqin Terracotta Warriors can realize this ideal for you! "

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, and said, "There is nothing wrong with Yinzhou?"

"Yes, not only Yinzhou Wugui, but the whole world is Wugui!"

This is the ideal that Yang Xiuming has always wanted to realize.

But now he is not the reckless boy in Yinzhou City back then, he couldn't help asking:
"I'll kill all the weirdness here, kill the Taoist officials, there will definitely be people from Nanchu here, will they harm others because of this?"

"No, in fact, all of you here are disciples of Nanchu.

After the war, the Blood Buddha collapsed, and the existence of this place would lose its meaning.

Southern Chu will inevitably bring this world back to the Southern Chu Xinghai. Population is a basic resource no matter where it is.

However, it is not ruled out that Nanchu will continue to build a world similar to the big pigsty, using them as nutrients to continue to cultivate cunning. "

"It's just that we have to leave this world quietly, wandering in the universe, looking for other seas of stars.

There is a lot of uncertainty here, maybe we will die floating in the universe. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Yang Xiuming, be brave!

then do it! "

"Okay, Lord Yang Xiuming, please persist in the ten-day battle. According to my calculations, they are not your opponents together.

Then ten days later, you don't have to merge the weirdness, I will make a false appearance and try my best to save you.

It's just that you pass the trials and wait for them to pick you up. "

Yang Xiuming said: "That's not necessary, it seems that the person who presides over the trial is a distant relative of my family.

He told me that there is no need for a strange fusion of natal life, just wait for him! "

"That's no problem, it's better this way!"

After finishing speaking, a water mirror appeared in front of Yang Xiuming, with various tasks written on it!
"The task is to find a new foreign world, discover and occupy it, and you can get 300 million merits."

"The task is to capture the outlander demon heretics and refine the demon heart pill. A seventh-level demon heretic in the outer domain can get [-] meritorious deeds."

"The task is to explore the earth's lungs and collect the earth fire. You can get three thousand merits. If a large-scale catastrophe is triggered, one million merits will be deducted."

"The task is to explore the void and find precious mineral deposits. You can get [-] meritorious service and enjoy one-tenth of the distribution rights of the mineral deposits."

"The task is to build a heaven and earth cave, and to create a creation in the void, and you can get five thousand merits."

"The task is to manufacture the magic spirit of the cave according to the standard. According to the quality of the magic spirit, you can get one to three thousand merits."

"The task is to accept the mission of saving the Blood Buddha, and the reward is 350 [-] meritorious service."

"The task is to capture the deep sea dragon, and you can get a thousand merits."


Yang Xiuming suddenly looked stupid, and said:

"What is this for?"

"My lord, although you have become the captain of the Blood Buddha, you must follow the rules of the Blood Buddha.

All rewards are issued in the form of meritorious service.

The other missions are all false missions, and the only real mission is to save the Blood Buddha.

Among them, the meritorious deeds are rewarded, for all my meritorious deeds now, all are rewarded to you! "

Only then did Yang Xiuming understand that this is a procedure!

Fortresses can be destroyed, and all personnel can die, but the program cannot be destroyed!
He a little bit of that task.

"The task is to accept the mission of saving the Blood Buddha, and the reward is 350 [-] meritorious service."

Immediately, that mission disappeared, and Yang Xiuming felt that there seemed to be something extra in his imprint of Baron Hengsha.

I haven't done the work yet, so give me the reward first.

"What is the use of this feat?"

"My lord, the Blood Buddha is on the verge of collapse, and all the resources and mines in the cave are completely consumed.

Only the main database is left, and there are several exercise cheats for you to choose from. "

Suddenly, several options appeared in front of Yang Xiuming!

"Taibai Wugou Singing and Dancing the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", "A Feather in the Eternal Sky", "Nirvana Relying on the Sky and Stars Fighting the Cold", "The Eternal Cutting Needle", "Six Like Laws", "Hongmeng Xiantian One Qi Jue", "Heavenly Movement, Healthy and Tired Earth Jue", "Four Nine Heavens Tribulation God Thunder Record", "Karma Transformation Art", "One Yuan Nine Dao Xuan Universe", "Endless Sun and Moon Cutting the Breeze", "Time Passes, Time Without Trace", "Taigang Pure Yang Opens the Sky", "One Mind and Ten Thousand Body Freedom Sutra" "Taiyue Tongtian Mahayana Consummation Heaven Heavy Sutra"...

Yang Xiuming was dumbfounded.

However, many of the secret books of exercises are already incomplete.

These are all the damages of the Blood Buddha.

In the end, Yang Xiuming just found out three suitable and complete exercise secret books.

"Taibai Wugou Stepping Song Dancing Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", "Taiyue Tongtian Mahayana Consummation Heaven Heavy Sutra", "Tian Xing Jian Hao Mo Tien Tien Jue"

These three are intact and can be cultivated.

However, it takes [-] to choose their meritorious service, and Yang Xiuming can only choose one meritorious service.

This is the rule, written deep in the core of the Blood Buddha, there is no flexibility.

So Yang Xiuming can only choose one of the three.

Abandon the first "Tian Xingjian No End Tired Earth Jue".

Fu Xialiang said: "Brother, this should be the core inheritance of Tianxing Jianzong.

This is not weaker than our Taishang Dao's "Taishang Qingjing, Obverse and Negative Birth and Death Sutra", but it is not one of the Nine Supremes, so I give up.

The other two are "Taibai Wugou Stepping Songs Dancing Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", which is the core inheritance of Taibai Sword Sect, and "Taiyue Tongtian Mahayana Consummation Heaven Heavy Sutra" is the core inheritance of Taiyue Daomen.

Both of these can be included in our "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing".

However, you can only choose one. "

Yang Xiuming didn't know how to choose, so he asked: "Taibai, Taiyue, are they still one of the Nine Tais?"

"Tai Bailian, with unparalleled swordsmanship, has always been one of the Nine Tais.

Taiyue Tianzhong had already collapsed and withdrew from Jiutai, leaving him as one of the eight hundred sects. "

Yang Xiuming immediately made a choice: ""Taibai Wugou Steps on the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra""

Immediately, the brilliance fell, and the Dharma transmission began.

"I swear by the Styx here..."

"I practice the "Taibai Wugou Stepping on the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", intentionally or unintentionally, I will never teach any spirit. If it is leaked, the Styx River will prove it. Super born."

Contrary to Yang Xiuming's expectations, there is also the Styx oath in the transmission of the law from Xianqin?

Sensing Yang Xiuming's question, Xuefutu replied: "My lord, please respect the original version. Prostitution for free is immoral!"

The three of Yang Xiuming felt silently, remembered it in their hearts, and got the "Taibai Wugou Stepping on the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra"!
For a long time, completely remembered.

The Blood Buddha sent another sound transmission: "My lord, please enter the ruins and go through the trial of ten days of bloody battle.

I will help the adults to pass the trial successfully. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said: "Okay, the so-called help, don't be too conspicuous. With my strength, there should be no problem!"

"Okay, the teleportation begins."

In a flash, Yang Xiuming left the hall and was sent into the ruins.

This ruins are barren, ruined and dilapidated.

Yang Xiuming is smiling here, but in fact there is no Blood Buddha, Yang Xiuming is also invincible here.

Because this is an underground cave, there is almost no light source, there is no so-called day, it is completely night, this is Yang Xiuming's home field, and it belongs to his world.

In the range of night for four miles, everything is under Yang Xiuming's induction.

Suddenly someone ran quickly and escaped into his induction.

Behind this person, there were people following him desperately, chasing and fleeing.

Yang Xiuming shook his head, and softly shouted: "Get lost!"

The voice turned into whispers in the range of his night, and poured into the ears of the two, producing a terrifying magic sound.

Those who chased and fled were all stunned.

The chaser turned around and left, while those who fled went in another direction, avoiding Yang Xiuming far away.

Really invincible, this is his world.

It's just that Yang Xiuming has no interest in the so-called third-order weirdness, and doesn't want to kill others, otherwise he can leave none of the remaining 98 people.

After driving away the other party, Yang Xiuming wandered here, looking for a suitable place.

Under the guidance of the Blood Buddha, they quickly found a hall, which was very suitable for Yang Xiuming to rest.

Those who participate in the trial will basically bring enough food for the march, not to mention that they don't need to eat for ten days and a half months, and there is no problem for one or two months.

Here, Yang Xiuming sat down and ate a piece of marching rations, which are necessary supplies for every trial. After thinking about it, he took out the jade box.

This is the strangeness he received, the third-level matchmaker's strangeness!

Yang Xiuming saw that the matchmaker was tricking Qiao Xue, and it seemed that Qiao Xue was also looking at Yang Xiuming in the jade box.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help shouting, "Qiao Xue?"

The matchmaker seemed to hear Yang Xiuming's call, and suddenly roared.

She seemed extremely angry and unwilling, because Yang Xiuming was alive, she had become weird.

Looking at her, Yang Xiuming didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Su Xiaomei appeared and said:
"This little bitch ended up like this."

Yang Xiuming looked at her and asked, "What should I do?"

There must be a reason for Su Xiaomei's appearance out of thin air.

Su Xiaomei said: "Oh, classmate, although she's a bit of a bitch, she can't do nothing, leave it to me!"

Yang Xiuming gave the jade box to Su Xiaomei.

She said again; "Come, cover the sky with one hand!"

Yang Xiuming immediately resorted to this method, covering the sky with one hand, and the surroundings became darker and darker.

In this darkness, Su Xiaomei appeared, but she was no longer normal, but turned into a ghostly banshee.

She pinched it hard, and the jade box shattered, and Qiao Xue appeared in a matchmaker's wedding dress, very bleak.

The ghost banshee pounced on her, and the matchmaker was immediately infected and transformed by her.

Gradually, Qiao Xue changed from a matchmaker to a banshee.

Bloody Banshee!
It's the same as other death knights being controlled by Diyuan Knight.

The blood-stained banshee was also controlled by the ghost banshee, and became her subordinate, joining Yang Xiuming's strange ranks.

The night disappeared, and looking at the past, the matchmaker disappeared completely.

Seeing that Diyuan Qizhan has its own knight army, so Su Xiaomei also started to build her own banshee army?

Yang Xiuming was a little speechless, does this count as the strange devouring of his own life?
All that's left is to wait!

Throughout the ruins, there are battles happening all the time, and explosions appear from time to time.

The 99 testers are fighting to the death here.

However, it has nothing to do with Yang Xiuming.

He just waited silently here, waiting for time to pass.

In the beginning, there were some trialists who didn't have long-sightedness, and they came over and wanted to have a try.

Then, he fell into a deep sleep.

Instead, he got three more trophies here.

Essence and blood are weird, strange monsters are weird, hissing is weird
Soon, all the testers knew that there was an old night devil here, which was very scary, and they all avoided it from a distance.

Yang Xiuming didn't care either. This trial can be said to be the easiest among his trials.

Soon, ten days are here!
Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Then, in the ruins, beams of light appeared one after another, and there were 42 of them in total.

This is a natural phenomenon brought about by the strange unsealing of the third level in the jade box.

It is useless to seize the strangeness now, so the battle is stopped.

This time is the second stage of the battle, everyone is devouring Wei Wei individually, and then refining their own Wei Wei.

Yang Xiuming didn't know how to devour the weirdness, but Su Xiaomei appeared, looked at these trophies, and said:
"Yang Laosan, give them all to me!"

"Okay, you take it all!"

Yang Xiuming didn't care. In fact, Su Xiaomei became stronger because of Su Xiaomei refining these strange things.

"That's great!"

"One more hand to cover the sky!"

Yang Xiuming used one hand to cover the sky again, and in the darkness, Su Xiaomei released the strange essence and blood, strange monsters, and strange hissing.

Essence and blood are strange, strange monsters are strange, hissing and strange break through the jade box seal, they show their figures, looking at everything in confusion.

Su Xiaomei turned into a ghost banshee, and immediately rushed forward with the blood-stained banshee.

Withering, charm, frenzy, poisonous, blood...

The law possessed by the ghost banshee appears repeatedly here.

The darkness disappears, the blood is strange, the strange monsters are strange, and the hissing and strangeness all disappear, being swallowed by Su Xiaomei, and behind Su Xiaomei, there is an extra mad demon and banshee!
(End of this chapter)

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