Dao Shaohua

Chapter 198 So far, there is no more weirdness in this world

Chapter 198 So far, there is no more weirdness in this world

The ghost banshee, the blood-stained banshee, and the mad demon banshee, unknowingly formed a banshee army here.

Yang Xiuming was very happy.

The 42 beams of light went out one after another, which meant that many third-order weirdnesses had been refined by them.

Some robbed a lot, some robbed less, and some didn't grab anything, and kept hiding to keep their third-order weirdness.

Yang Xiuming won't merge with his own destiny, and the rest will wait silently.

He seized the time to practice.

Practice "Taibai Wugou Stepping Songs Dancing Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra".

Fu Xialiang said: "The "Taibai Wugou Stepping on the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra" is the core inheritance of Nine Taibai.

Taibai, Kuangge, Yinshi, Ailian, Xiujian, this is what I know about them.

In this sect, the monks' swordsmanship is as good as gods, and they are all arrogant, but they are very righteous, and there are very few existences that cause harm to the world.

Accurate Taibai sect monks, all knights!
However, they are too arrogant, sometimes they can't make sense and it's difficult to communicate..."

Disciples of the Supreme Dao know a lot, so Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue listened attentively!

After talking for a long time, Fu Xialiang said: "Come on, let's practice!"

The three of them practiced together, and Yang Xiuming silently rehearsed the "Taibai Wugou Stepping Songs Dancing Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra"...

"I swear by the Styx here..."

The oath was made, and suddenly paragraphs of scriptures appeared in the minds of the three of them!
"One day the roc rises with the same wind, and it soars up to [-] miles. If the wind stops when it comes down, it can still shake the dark water."

"To be happy in life, you must have fun. Don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon. I am born to be useful, and I will come back after all the money is gone.

"A pot of wine among the flowers, drinking alone without a blind date. Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people."

"Kill one person in ten steps, and leave nowhere for a thousand miles. Go away and hide your name and name."

Every sentence is a poem, but it is poured into the brain, merged and changed with each other, and turned into a complete set of cultivation methods.

From the sitting posture at the beginning of the practice, to the breathing during the practice, to the thoughts in the mind, everything is clear!

From the Qi refining stage, to the foundation building stage, to the Jindan stage, to the Nascent Soul stage...

All of a sudden, this exercise was integrated into the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing".

Under the guidance of "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing", "Taibai Wugou Singing and Dancing the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", "Taishang Qingjing Sutra of Birth and Destruction of Heaven", "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Sutra" are perfectly integrated and turned into A scripture!
Immediately, the third layer of "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" was slowly lit up.

Yang Xiuming sat down uncontrollably, practiced according to this sutra, straightened his body, sat in meditation, settled down, and felt the sense of energy!
"Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing" is silently promoted!
Inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, inhale...

The original "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing" that he practiced was perfectly replaced with the latest "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing". Yang Xiuming's true energy in his body improved by leaps and bounds.

Skyrocketing, infinite skyrocketing...

Yang Xiuming has a feeling that as long as he moves slightly now, he will immediately be promoted to the foundation establishment stage.

But he firmly suppressed this feeling.

Because this promotion is just a natural promotion, which belongs to the authentic foundation building.

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang both established the foundation of the way of heaven.

He must also be the foundation of heaven, so he suppressed this feeling of foundation.

After a long time, Yang Xiuming had to stop practicing.

Because the body has reached its limit!
It was a pity to let out a sigh of relief, but Yang Xiuming did not regret it at all.

Then Yang Xiuming saw a sudden strong fluctuation of Yuan energy in the distance.

A person who has come to this combat position, his life is strangely fused, unable to control himself, and starts to become weird.

In that void, there seemed to be a faint light falling.

The Blood Buddha began to rescue, sacrificing his own origin, interrupting this person's deviance, and returning him to a normal human race.

This is the most fundamental mission of the Blood Buddha, to protect the human race.

You can leave here immediately, and the Blood Buddha is even more careful, it is the same as before, nothing has changed.

This is the case for every combat role. What kind of strange fusion of natal life is completely deceiving them, only one end becomes weird.

However, with the continuous rescue of the Blood Buddha, some people's integration was interrupted and they survived, and they were promoted to the third-tier legend.

And those who successfully merged, all turned into weirdness.

The Blood Buddha found that the other party was unsaved and was no longer a human race, and immediately killed them.

This is life!

Yang Xiuming watched silently. Seeing these trial battle jobs, some of them became strange, and then a ray of light fell and evaporated directly.

Some interrupted the fusion, sat there for a long time, and promoted to the third-tier legend.

It's not that Yang Xiuming doesn't want to be promoted, but he doesn't know how to be promoted to Tier [-] Legendary.

Just looking good...

Six days later, 42 people successfully merged with 26 people, all of them became weird and were killed.

Including Yang Xiuming, 16 people failed to fuse, and they all survived.

Among them, 15 people have made breakthroughs, and all of them have been promoted to the third-order legendary venerable.

Only Yang Xiuming is still a second-tier elite night watchman, and he doesn't know how to advance to a third-tier legend.

But he is not in a hurry, just wait and see.

Everyone has been promoted regardless of failure or success. Suddenly, a voice came from Yang Xiuming's ear:
"Everyone, the trial is over, please go to the courtyard and return to the Dao Palace."

Yang Xiuming was speechless, could this be the end?

But there was no way, he went to the elevator.

As soon as he walked around, Yang Xiuming was suddenly taken aback, in a trance, as if he had realized something.

In the dark, it seems that a door has opened.

The whole body shook, and suddenly, the night watchman seemed to explode, emitting countless energies.

All of a sudden, Yang Xiuming understood.

The elite night watchman, continue to move up and be promoted to Tier [-] Legendary.

At this point, there are two choices, one is Bloody Night Venerable who can turn day into black.

To replace the night with the blood night, to assimilate the white night, to make up for the weakness of the night watchman, there is no distinction between black and white, this is Venerable Blood Night.

One is the Night Lord strengthened by the night.

Make the night darker and darker, the strong will always be strong, and the night lord who increases his night power even more.

All of a sudden, two choices appeared in front of Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming frowned, and only then did he understand why Yang Fuyuan and the Golden Buddha didn't say how to advance to the third rank.

In fact, there is no need to do anything at all, as long as you come here and do nothing, you can be promoted automatically.

The Xianqin ruins contain a lot of spiritual energy.

As long as the combat position reaches this point and absorbs psionic energy, it will automatically be promoted from elite to legendary.

Similar to the Foundation Establishment Pill of a human monk, it will come naturally.

The so-called killing and the strange fusion of natal life are all deceptive, there is no need to do it at all, just stay here.

Yang Xiuming's strength is too strong, and he has five major ranks, so until he is about to leave, he has accumulated enough psionic energy to promote the night watchman.

Looking at the choices in front of him, Yang Xiuming smiled.

In his smile, the original two choices quietly changed.

There are extremely dark nights, blood-red nights, the last dark night before dawn, gloomy nights at dusk, moonlit nights with bright moonlight, and strange and chaotic nights...

There are as many as nine kinds of Ye Shilords!
This is the change brought about by Yang Xiuming's practice of "Dark Sky".

But Yang Xiuming shook his head and just chose the night.

The reason is simple, Yang Xiuming likes the purest night, and doesn't want other messy nights.

So far, his Night Watchman has been promoted to the Night Lord!
Just after he was promoted, Yang Xiuming still couldn't get the ability of the Lord of the Night, he shook his head, but so far he knew how to raise the elite rank to the legendary rank.

As long as you have enough spirituality, you will naturally improve.

Yang Xiuming walked towards the elevator, and in silence, with a flash, he returned to the captain's cabin.

There is a terracotta warrior there.

From the past, it seems to be made of mud, only the size of a fist, simple to the limit, very cute.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and asked, "Is this the blood skeleton?"

"The Nascent Soul Warrior Blood Skeleton.

I have saved all the dimensions of the core of the Blood Buddha in this terracotta warrior.

Also please save the adults. "

Yang Xiuming asked, "How to save it?"

"My lord, please coagulate it with blood, so it will remain in your blood.

So far, after being sealed by the other party, it will not be discovered by the other party.

After leaving the sealed place, you can choose to activate it.

At this point, you can load the Nascent Soul Warrior Blood Skeleton! "

"However, my lord, please note that the Nascent Soul Warrior Blood Skeleton can only support one battle.

After the battle, he will turn into the seed form of the Blood Buddha, no longer the Nascent Soul Warrior. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and asked, "What about you?"

"My lord, it's your choice.

If you choose me, I will hide in the blood skeleton of the Nascent Soul Warrior and leave here.

You can take me back to your dimensional cave, and I will become your exclusive fairy Qin Faling.

If you don't choose me, I will stay here and slowly dissipate. "

To put it nicely, all life seeks to survive, and the spirit of this law is alive, how can it wait for death like this?
Dissipate slowly?If you choose this, I'm afraid it will make you dissipate!
Yang Xiuming said slowly:
"You are the Blood Buddha, if you are gone, how can there be any Blood Buddha.

What are you kidding, hurry up and follow me! "

Sure enough, the other person replied as if in ecstasy:

"Thank you sir!"

"I want to follow my lord, please give me an order!"

This is the key. Only when Yang Xiuming gives the order can Faling follow.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said:
"I, Baron Hengsha, the [-]th rank of Xianqin, order that the Blood Buddha is called Faling..."

He didn't know what the name of the Blood Buddha's magic spirit was...

"Blood parrot!" The other party replied immediately.

"Order, the blood parrot of the Blood Buddha, hidden in the blood skeleton of the Nascent Soul warrior.

Follow me out of here and become my exclusive fairy Qin Faling. "

When the order was issued, the place flickered suddenly, and then countless lights poured into the warrior warriors.

Finally, the lights went out, and all of a sudden the place seemed to lose all vitality, as if a person had died.

The Xianqin ruins are still there, but they are just empty shells.

Yang Xiuming nodded, pricked his finger, and drew blood to drip into the war warrior.

Immediately, the war warriors turned into a stream of blood, flowed upstream, poured into Yang Xiuming's body, turned into a drop of blood, and hid in his veins.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath, and went straight to the courtyard.

When we got there, everyone else had already gone up.

He also walked into the patio and slowly lifted into the air.

During this lift-off, streaks of brilliance scanned his body.

These are all investigations of various seal restrictions. Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief and waited silently.

The many brilliances disappeared after sweeping around but found nothing.

But there was one who didn't move for a long time, locked Yang Xiuming, but couldn't judge.

These seals block the Blood Buddha, but the Blood Buddha has already shed its shell, and the core has turned into a warrior and left. The hull of the Blood Buddha is still underground.

So they are not found the problem.

Yang Xiuming's heart almost jumped into his throat, but fortunately he was fine.

Boom, Yang Xiuming returned to the Taoist mansion and broke away from the seal.

He let out a long breath and finally left the sealed place.

Yang Fuyuan was waiting outside, when he saw Yang Xiuming coming out, he shouted:


The trial is over, go back quickly.

Remember, work harder and rebuild the Nanhuai Yang family as soon as possible. "

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and Yang Xiuming didn't need to respond, just left.

Yang Xiuming also waved.

He remembered this favor!
Leaving here, the trial is over, and the 16 people who survived to be promoted will return to their respective homes.

There is no celebration ceremony either!
Yang Xiuming was told that his college career was over and he could return to Yinzhou City.

He is already a legendary venerable, and the university has nothing to teach.

If Yang Xiuming doesn't serve the big families, where he came from, he will go back there.

The dormitory can also give him a period of time.

Walking out of the Dao Palace, it was noon outside and the sun was very bright.

Yang Xiuming shook his head, went back to the dormitory, and tidied up.

Wash up, take a shower, and get ready for an afternoon nap.

Recharge your batteries, let's talk about what's going on at night.

Night is his home game.

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang also left, returning to their original bodies to tidy up.

But just after sleeping for a while, someone knocked on the door.

Yang Xiuming was speechless, he just came back, who is this?
When he opened the door, he was taken aback for a moment. It was the princess Zhao Wanjun.

"Princess, what's wrong?"

Zhao Wanjun looked around and said hastily:

"The tried man in my family has returned, so I know you have returned.

At noon tomorrow, our Zhao family will act stealthily.

If you want to leave this world, come find me, we get married, and I will take you away! "


Yang Xiuming hesitated for a moment, what was he about to ask...

Zhao Wanjun pounced, hugged him tightly, and kissed him.

Then she turned around and left without looking back at Yang Xiuming.

Tomorrow, at noon, if Yang Xiuming goes, he will leave together.

If you don't go, you will never see me again in this life!

The choice lies with Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming stood there stupidly, not moving for a long time.

Then he returned to the dormitory, lay on the bed again, and took a nap.

As if nothing happened.

When Yang Xiuming woke up, it was already midnight outside.

So far, Yang Xiuming was completely refreshed and extremely comfortable.

Recharge your batteries and give it a go!
He waited for a while, and both Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang returned.

Zhang Yue looked at him and asked, "Have you decided?"

Yang Xiuming smiled and said: "I said before, I want Yinzhou to be free from quirks, and now, I want Liaochang to be free from quirks!"

"It's not just that there is no weirdness, those aristocratic families, those Taoist officials, they will all disappear and die!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiuming pushed hard, and a drop of blood fell, turning into the blood skeleton of the Nascent Soul Warrior.

Yang Xiuming picked up the blood skull and asked:
"Blood parrot...

Forget it, let's call you Lao Wu, it sounds nice. "

"My lord, the fifth child is here, please give me instructions!"

Sure enough, the Blood Float Faling was here along with the Blood Skeleton.

The blood parrot was the previous name, and the fifth child was the current name. It was a choice given to it by Yang Xiuming.

Xianqin Faling immediately made a choice and gave up the blood parrot. He is now the fifth child!

"Old Five, load the Nascent Soul Warrior, I want to change the world!"

"My lord, are you sure? Load the Nascent Soul Warrior Blood Skeleton?"

"Do you think I can change the world?

Once, I had a little friend who wanted to change with me, but Zhu Wu died.

I shamelessly survived...

At the last moment, he sang loudly, "I don't want to live, I just want to die." He died in the hands of my respected teacher Gao Yuanyuan.

You said, will I harm other people this time? "

"My lord, I don't know, but I know there are some things that I have to do and insist on!"

It's as if it persisted underground for 4 years!
"Okay, fifth, load the Nascent Soul Warrior, I want to change the world!"

"Some things have to be done!"

"I'm sure!"

Immediately, the voice of the Faling of the Blood Buddha changed, and it was incomparably mechanized.

"Activate the Qin Qin battle puppet Blood Skull, the blood skeleton is the battle puppet in the early stage of Yuanying, the core Xian Qin secret method: the blood skeleton with thousands of souls and souls!"

The small clay figurines began to change, gradually getting bigger and growing, with a clear face!
Then it and Yang Xiuming slowly merged into one.

Looking at it, the clay figurine's face changed into Yang Xiuming's appearance, and his stature remained unchanged.

"Dididi, the blood skull has been loaded successfully, please add the secret method of Xianqin to the loader!
Blood Skull can supplement the four Xianqin secrets, which are the main combat system! "


Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "Automatically choose to add!"

"Dididi, carry out the order!
Discover the secrets of the Immortal Qin, "Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture", "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", "The Rhythm of All Things and the Palm of Heaven's Will", "Five Elements and Heaven's Heart Lamp Method", "Nine Skys and Nine Abysses Immortal Sword", "Tianyuan Yaoming Xuhuangjia" .

Loading "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" provides powerful fighting power for the Blood Skull.

Virtual simulation, "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" has been upgraded to the fifth level, activating the way of heaven, destiny, and heavenly lotus!
Loading the Blood Skull of "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" provides powerful lethality.

Virtual simulation, "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" is upgraded to the fifth level, five heavens and five abysses will kill Yama.

Loading "Tianyuan Yaomingxu Huangjia" provides a strong defense for the Blood Skull.

Virtual simulation, "Tianyuan Yaomingxuhuangjia" has been upgraded to the fifth level, and the immovable mountains and seas are armed with the five major roads.

Load the "Rhythm of Everything" to provide powerful control for the Blood Skull.

Virtual simulation, "The Rhythm of Everything" has been upgraded to the fifth level, and you can listen to the law with all your heart.

Without the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", the Blood Skull cannot form combat effectiveness.

Get rid of the "Five Elements Heaven Heart Lamp Method", the lowest cost performance, give up! "

Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue, and Fu Xialiang silently felt that this was an experience they had never experienced before.

"Discover supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, the heart of the sword penetrates the mystery, one sword shakes the sky, thunder strikes three, and three suns open the sky

Load them all!

Virtual simulation, the sword's heart can penetrate the mind, thunder and nine scorpions, nine yangs are extremely extreme! "

The supernatural powers were also virtual simulated, Jianxin Tongxuan was promoted to Jianxin Tongshen, Leidang Sanju was promoted to Leidang Jiuyu, and Sanyang Kaitai was directly promoted to Jiuyang Zhiji!

"Discover spells: "Ao Pine Sacred Blossom Sword", "White Ape Holds Peach Sword", "Shaking the River and Falling Clouds", "Void Illusionary Sparrow Flying into the Sky", "Ziqiu Navigating the Sea Chaos Sword", "Mystery and Lightless Jade Shulei" " Meridian's mighty Qiankun Thunder", "Golden Pupils, True Eyes of Misunderstood Light Cave", "Great Hands of Darkness and Darkness" are automatically loaded!
Discover escorts: Necromancer Legion, Ghost Banshee Legion, automatic loading!
Discover the magic weapon: Eight Desolation Dao Pan suppresses Tian Qi, automatically loaded!
Lord Yang Xiuming, please remember that your body is fused into the Blood Skull.

The battle of blood skeletons does not require you to carefully control them.

It has its own complete virtual personality and combat system, as long as you give the core instructions, it will complete the details by itself.

You don't need to personally control the battle, you just need to feel it. This kind of battle in the Nascent Soul realm will be of unparalleled help to your future cultivation, and can make you avoid detours in the future.

But it's better that you can provide the blood skull with action essence and replenish spirit stones, which can greatly increase the battery life. "

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "I understand!"

Fu Xialiang left immediately, returned soon, opened the gourd with souls, and immediately one by one spirit stones appeared.

"25 spirit stones, all here!"

Soul-attached gourds cannot carry more than [-] catties of items, so Fu Xialiang went to Senior Brother Xiao, replaced all the spirit stones with middle-grade spirit stones, and brought them here repeatedly.

The three looked at each other and smiled.

The Blood Skull sucked in immediately, and all the spirit stones were sucked into the body, and its eyes kept flickering.

Then the Bloody Skull seemed to be more and more like a human being, as if it was alive.

An old man, dressed in a blood robe, with a fairy demeanor, the world is natural.

Looking in all directions, Yang Xiuming immediately knew that he was using "Golden Pupil Mislight Cave Real Eye", as if he was observing something.

Then he shook his head with a jerk.

"The Rhythm of Everything" started, followed by Yang Xiuming's Dark Night Domain.

The Night Realm is no longer currently loaded, but the Blood Skeleton is still available.

It's just that under his "The Rhythm of Everything Moves in the Palm of Heaven", Yang Xiuming's dark night domain is no longer four miles, but three thousand miles.

It happened to be night, under the darkness, he was silently calculating something.

After half an hour, the blood skeleton stopped counting and began to arrange.

Yang Xiuming and the others couldn't understand what he was arranging.

After another half an hour, the arrangement was completed, and the Blood Skull returned to the university, shaking his head, as if smiling.

He began to flick his fingers lightly, and with his flicks, it seemed that the whole world was moving with his flicks.

Fu Xialiang said: "This is Yuanying Zhenjun, who senses the laws of heaven and controls the aura of heaven and earth."

The three of Yang Xiuming were fascinated by watching, they really learned countless skills, like opening the door to a new world.

Sure enough, with the snap of the blood skull's fingers, in the void, countless auras gathered towards him.

Infinite spiritual energy, coming from madness, was absorbed by him.

Then the blood skeleton said slowly:

"No clothes, no sword, bare hands, like a beggar, how do you fight?"

He actually had his own sanity and began to speak.

There is no need for Yang Xiuming and the others to answer.

He patted the ground lightly under his feet.

The thick earth began to gather towards him infinitely.

He pulled towards the void again, as if pulling the endless darkness in the void into his hands.

Yang Xiuming said: "We have seen this before, the Supreme Dao True Self Refining Art, rubbing magic weapons with hands!"

Sure enough, the Blood Skull pulled up a magic robe in the middle of the earth.

This dharma robe is infinitely thick, sturdy and powerful, silent, not bright or visible, but it contains extreme energy, representing the power of the earth. This is the fifth-order dharma robe, the Diyuan Xuanwu robe.

And in that void, a divine sword was pulled down.

The Excalibur is extremely black, but when you look at it, it feels like it is composed of time, like an endless night sky that exists forever. This is the fifth-order Excalibur Eternal Night.

Casting the spell in this way, countless psionic energy burst out here.

The surrounding university students were startled awake, not knowing what happened.

In the void, someone slowly said:
"Chu water soaks the Chu Pavilion leisurely, and the south of Chu is merciless.

Which Taoist friend, come to my Southern Chu Liaochang Realm?What do you want! "

Blood Skull laughed loudly, and said slowly:
"Slay demons and demons, destroy gods and immortals!"

As soon as he said this, the other party immediately became furious and shouted:

"The remnants of Xianqin!"

Suddenly on the opponent's body, endless power exploded.

The blood skeleton slowly soared into the air!

He flew up slowly, shook his neck from side to side, there was a creaking sound of joints, and then a huge sense of consciousness came out through his body.

Yang Xiuming felt that with his glance, he saw through the whole world.

The entire imperial capital, beyond the imperial capital, has a radius of thousands of miles, all in his induction.

At the same time, countless battle experiences poured into the minds of the three of them like a tide.

Like a Nascent Soul True Monarch, he taught them how to fight.

Looking at the other party, he is also a Nascent Soul True Monarch, located in the void.

This man was dressed in a big red robe, and looked a bit like Jiang Si.

It was the Nascent Soul Daoist of the Juejing family, the Gao family.

Sure enough, they are relatives.

He glared at Yang Xiuming, and slowly lifted into the air.

As he lifted into the air, two people appeared near him in an instant.

They are all Yuanying Zhenjun, a female cultivator in brocade clothes, and a red-haired old man.

Southern Chu monks, there are three people guarding this authentic palace.

"Unable to send a distress signal."

"The space-time teleportation is destroyed, it will take three days to recover!"

It turned out that the blood skeleton had just destroyed the teleportation circle here.

"There is no way but to fight to the death!"

Fang Nanchu's three Nascent Souls looked at each other, and suddenly a powerful force erupted between the three of them, like a battle formation, forming instantly.

"Although there are three households in Chu, Qin must be killed by Chu!"

This is the strongest battle formation that Southern Chu has researched in order to fight against Xianqin, involving cause and effect, oaths and other laws of heaven.

As long as three Nanchu disciples are needed, it can be driven, and when facing the monks of Xianqin, the combat power will be increased several times.

The three of them vacated slowly!

Looking at the three Nascent Souls of Southern Chu who were exploding endlessly, Yang Xiuming grinned, what is this for, so rigid?

It seems that the blood skull echoed:

"Friar Xianqin has devoted his whole life to war.

Southern Chu is rebellious and vulnerable! "

In the words, the blood skeleton slowly vacated.

Yang Xiuming knew immediately, in the experience from the blood skull.

Nascent Soul True Monarch fights against each other, basically fighting in the void.

Because their mana is too powerful, fighting on the ground will definitely destroy the imperial capital and everyone will die.

Yang Xiuming didn't want to do this, and neither did the other party, so they all vacated and fought in the sea of ​​clouds.

This is the third watch, the darkest time.

But rising into the sky, there is an indescribable brightness in the sky.

The four of them lifted off slowly, breaking through layers of atmosphere.

Generally, there are nine layers of atmosphere in the sky, which protect the world and are called Jiuxiao.

In the blink of an eye, he reached the fifth layer of clouds, and suddenly the blood skull smiled.

Under his deliberate operation, he appeared in the form of a master, cut off the opponent's communication transmission, and was aggressive, forcing the opponent to use Chu Shi Sanhu.

Although Chu has three households, this method can unite the enemy's strength and double it.

But it has a weakness, the three people cooperate and take care of each other, which will cause them to move slowly.

Just a little slower, the two sides vacated, and the blood skeleton was ten feet higher than the opponent.

The ten zhang is actually meaningless. For monks like them, it is just an instant.

But for Blood Skull, this is the key to victory.

In an instant, Yang Xiuming felt that the blood skull was about to attack.

He immediately issued an order: "Fight freely, cooperate fully!"

In an instant, the three of them were one, fully opening themselves up, and all the power was handed over to the Blood Skull for use.

The Blood Skull suddenly flashed and fell from a high altitude.

There were no signs, no spells, and no aura.

It's a free fall!
But this is the most terrifying in the Nascent Soul battle.

Because the Nascent Soul fights, almost all rely on divine sense, intuition, induction, and various spells to observe the movement trajectory of the opponent's magic power.

This simplest and simplest free fall is often overlooked.

As soon as the blood skeleton fell, the opponent ignored it, but it was less than a thousandth of a breath, this was life and death.

The blood skull fell to the ground freely, fell from a height, and slammed into the opponent suddenly.

At this moment, he coincided with the laws of heaven, and instantly fit, Yang Xiuming immediately felt that the blood skeleton activated the "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Immortal Sword" and sent out a slash.

This cut was different from Yang Xiuming and the others, it was completely natural, without wind or waves, it seemed like a random blow, but this blow was extremely terrifying.

And, this is just the beginning.

After activating "Tianyuan Yaomingxu Huangjia", there appeared on him the immovable mountains and seas, complete five layers, equivalent to five sets of immovable mountains and seas.

Blood Skull activated "The Rhythm of Everything" to control everything.

Activate the heart of the sword, and rely on it to unify the supernatural powers and swords. So far, "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" and "Tianyuan Yaomingxuhuangjia" have merged into one.

The strongest attack and the strongest defense, perfect fusion.

Activate the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" to activate the way of heaven, destiny, and lotus, increase the probability of winning, and change the cause and effect of the opponent.

But if you don't move the mountains and seas, the blood skeletons can't move.

But he is now in the process of falling, so not moving is also falling.

He fell suddenly and went straight to the opponent!
It just exploded in an instant, and a sword fell.

Fang Nanchu's three Nascent Soul Taoist officials did not evade, they firmly believed that the three of them, under the three households of Chu, would definitely be able to kill each other.

So they were crazy shots instead.

Behind them, strange things can't stop appearing.

It's all because of their strange natures. There are gods in golden armor, mountain gods with white bones, giant ape king kong, and earth raptors...

There are a total of eight strange souls, which are equivalent to eight Nascent Soul True Monarchs, and they will fight together.

In their view, they must win.

It is the transformation of the gods, and it can be killed!

Suddenly the two sides collided together.

Without any hesitation, no matter how the three Taoist officials of Nanchu attack, the Blood Skull has the power to resist all attacks.

This has surpassed the power of the Nascent Soul Realm!

The Blood Skull was intact, taking no damage at all.

But his "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" is invincible.

With a popping sound, Jia Shenren, Bone Mountain God, Giant Ape King Kong, Earth Raptor...

The eight strange things fell apart, and all of them flew to ashes.

The reason why they died first was that the three Nascent Soul Daoist officials felt bad, so they sacrificed them immediately and absorbed the terrifying Absolute Immortal Sword.

Then, the faces of the two Nascent Soul Taoist officials were stiff and their bodies were shattered.

In their dantians, each had a Nascent Soul, which flew out instantly.

One of them turned into three Nascent Souls and fled in three directions.

The battle of Yuanying Zhenjun is so simple and unpretentious, one blow in an instant can decide life or death!

Blood Skull stretched out his hand to grab the two Nascent Souls who had escaped, and he caught them.

The other Yuanying Daoist, the Jiang Family Daoist, was the strongest. There were so many dead ghosts in front of him, so he was seriously injured and survived.

He immediately flew up and went straight to the Dao Palace.

When you get there, you have your own restrictions and can protect yourself.

But the Blood Skull smiled, and he pinched the two Nascent Souls he had captured.

The two Nascent Souls immediately screamed, as if they were covered in blood.

With a bang, they turned into thousands of blood shadows, each of which looked like a sky demon with the shape of a skull.

Immortal Qin Secret Method "Thousand Souls, Thousand Souls and Blood Skeletons"

This is the origin of the name of the Blood Skull of the War Warriors, and it is the immortal Qin secret law that remains at his core.

Those blood shadows turned into a cloud of blood and swept away.

Thousands of blood shadows, each blood shadow is a blood puppet, a blood demon.

Once this blood cloud rises, it will be boundless and endless.

In an instant, Xueyun caught up with the Nascent Soul Daoist, and it was only a roll. While the other party was screaming, although he used many magic weapons, it was meaningless, and he was immediately culled and turned into countless blood shadow skeletons, joining the blood cloud among.

Blood clouds filled the sky, countless blood demons, they made all kinds of screams, the demons reached their limit.

The real blood puppet looked at the Taoist under its feet, and suddenly pointed.

Countless gorefiends descended from the void and headed straight for the Dao Palace.

Everywhere, everything turned into rotten fly ash.

In the Dao Palace, various defenses were activated and countless restrictions were activated.

But the three Dao officials were all dead, and the resistance of the Dao Palace was futile.

Boom, boom, boom, the Taoist palace shattered, the building collapsed, and the restriction dissipated...

In that palace, dozens of figures rushed out and went their separate ways.

Some of these are left-behind personnel of the local Taoist palace, and some are disciples brought by the Taoist officials.

But no matter how they fled, a cloud of blood rolled up, and they chased in all directions, and then screamed one by one.

They were all rushed by the blood cloud and killed directly.

Yang Xiuming's heart moved, and he saw a monk fleeing in a flying boat, it was Yang Fuyuan.

"Don't kill that one!"

Xue Yun had already caught up with him, and with a sudden flash, he retreated automatically, giving Yang Fuyuan a way out.

This distant relative of the Yang family helped Yang Xiuming in the underground trials, so Yang Xiuming returned the favor and saved his life.

The Dao Palace was completely reduced to ashes, and all the monks chased and killed them all.

The blood cloud returned and gathered suddenly, like a vortex.

Then, in the vortex, terrifying blood energy was generated, and suddenly, a column of blood fell down.

This blood column, like a high-energy laser, fell from the sky and hit the wreckage of the Dao Palace.

Boom, there was a huge explosion, and a huge pit hundreds of feet deep was blasted out.

But the blood can continue to clot, boom, boom, boom!
Bombing down one after another, the seventh one, the Dao Palace completely dissipated, revealing the underground Blood Buddha!
Although the core of the Blood Buddha has left, the body is still there, and it will take many years before it collapses.

Like a corpse, it is located underground.

Looking at the Blood Buddha, the Blood Skull seemed to be silent for a moment, as if silently mourning.

Suddenly another column of blood fell, hitting the Blood Buddha.

Boom, boom, boom, three more blows, the Blood Buddha was completely reduced to dust.

Completely destroy without leaving any traces for the other party.

After doing all this, the blood skeleton seemed to be frozen, waiting for Yang Xiuming to give the next order.

Yang Xiuming didn't move for a long time, feeling silently.

In this battle, the entire imperial capital was boiling.

Seeing that Yang Xiuming showed great power and killed the three Dao officials, the Four Great Aristocratic Families were completely dumbfounded.

They activated all defenses, but the family members fled and hid among the citizens of the imperial capital.

Suddenly, there was a wailing sound from afar.

Moaning strangely.

The Taoist official was killed and the Taoist palace was destroyed.

The mountain that had been pressing on Wei Wei's head disappeared silently.

The weird innate intuition seems to feel this, and they can't stop howling.

This is trickery!

The real slyness is not the slyness driven by the aristocratic families in the past.

Sending out a strange inner turmoil, they want to kill all the human races.

The Qu family, Jing family, and Gao family that could have suppressed them are all dead, and the Taoist officials are also dead, so at this moment, they broke free from Nan Chu's suppression and began to boil.

If the weirdness boils, then the so-called human city, the human stone house, will be vulnerable.

Except for a very small number of human races, almost all the races in the world of Liaochang will die.

Yang Xiuming's face was gloomy, and he said slowly: "Mie Gui!"

"So far, Liaochang has no tricks, and Yinzhou has no tricks!"

The blood skull nodded, and flew away in an instant, arriving at a vast place.

He fell slowly, and suddenly the blood cloud also fell.

The blood cloud automatically landed on the vast land, turning into a series of blood-colored talisman-like existences.

The entire land, covering an area of ​​ten miles, formed a huge blood talisman.

Fu Xialiang said hesitantly: "This, this seems to be..."

Blood Skull came back to his senses immediately:

"Spirit pattern, the spirit pattern of the Nine Paths of Immortal Cultivation.

The spirit pattern is not only tattooed on the body, but also engraved on the ground, which is more effective! "

Gradually the spirit pattern was completed, like a bloody talisman.

Then the blood skull was located in the center of the spirit pattern, and slowly drew out the sword.

"My generation of monks creates something out of nothing. Faith comes first. Faith is power!"

"Yang Xiuming, come here!"

Yang Xiuming completely controlled the blood skull at this moment, holding a sword in his hand.

Looking around, he seemed to understand something.

"I have a dream……"

He said slowly!
"Let there be no more weirdness in the world!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiuming raised his sword and swung it down vigorously.

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

With thoughts turned into swords, all thoughts are true, nine days and ten places, there is no disadvantage!

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Jinxian are blood-stained.

This sword was slashed by him, and then spread by the blood-colored spirit patterns on the earth. With a bang, a wave of swords appeared like a tsunami.

Jianlang expanded here, heading in all directions.

All trees, rocks and houses are not damaged in the slightest under this sword wave.

All races, pigs, horses, cats and mice, are not hurt at all under this wave of swords.

The only thing is strange, under this sword wave, one by one screamed, and then turned into powder, and was killed by Jianlang!

The sword wave broke out in the center of this world, spreading across the southeast and northwest, and the entire Liaochang world was swept by this sword wave.

In Yinzhou City, Yang Xiuqing was extremely vigilant. There were signs of a strange uproar that night, and it seemed to be strange and spontaneous, which made him extremely nervous.

Suddenly, the sword wave came here and swept away. Wherever it went, all the strange things were shattered and dissipated.

Jianlang passed by, and Yinzhou City is no longer weird!

Yang Xiuqing looked at it stupidly, and it was hard to believe that there was nothing weird about Yinzhou City, and the same was true outside the city.

So far, my son can live in this world safely, and he is no longer afraid of running into tricks!

He couldn't hold back his tears!

Not just him, the imperial capital, other cities, everything, the entire world of Liaochang, so far there is no more weirdness!
Yang Xiuming, fulfill your dream!

(End of this chapter)

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