Dao Shaohua

Chapter 199 Universe 1, The New World

Chapter 199 The first in the universe, a new world

"Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" turned into a wave of swords, sweeping the entire Liaochang world.

Yang Xiuming slowly withdrew his sword, but the Blood Skull said, "Not enough!"

Although "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" is invincible, there will be phenomena such as disobedience for death. At the beginning, Yang Xiuming and the two shared the sword and they were not dead.

There are countless weirdnesses, all kinds of weirdnesses, and all types, so there must be weirdnesses that have survived.

"Come again!"

Yang Xiuming smiled and said:

"it is good!"

After speaking, he raised his sword again, and another sword.

This sword was struck by Zhang Yue.

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

With thoughts turned into swords, all thoughts are true, nine days and ten places, there is no disadvantage!

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Jinxian are blood-stained.

The wave of swords that should have dissipated swept up again.

Dodging the weirdness of the first blow, under this wave of swords, one after another died again.

Then Yang Xiuming let out another breath, and raised his sword again, another sword strike.

With this sword, Fu Xialiang made a sword!
After the three swords, "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" swept all directions, repeated again and again, not repeated again and again, all the strange things were all extinct!
With a click, the blood streaks on the ground were shattered.

Then the long sword in Yang Xiuming's hand was also shattered.

At this point, the blood skeleton of the terracotta warriors began to change, and it no longer looked like an old man, but turned into a clay figurine.

Yang Xiuming was very happy, and shouted loudly: "So far, there is no weirdness in Yinzhou, there is no weirdness in Liaochang, and there is no more weirdness!"

But Blood Skull said, "It's not easy!"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Is Wei Wei dead?"

"In a sense, the strangeness is the existence of jumping out of the laws of heaven and heaven in the universe. It seems that they are all dead, but some will return."

"Ah, what to do then?"

"Actually, it's easy to do!
They were all broken by us just now, and those who can return are now in the form of wraiths.

Since it is in the form of wraith spirits, just save them! "

After finishing speaking, the blood skeleton sat down slowly.

"Come on, read with me."

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life will eventually die, the spirit will eventually perish, and all things will eventually perish. In glory, there is nothing more than a handful of loess and a handful of green ashes! A hundred years of life is like a dream. Is there anyone who is eternal? In the end of the setting sun, horror can be heard, but the time is fleeting..."

Yang Xiuming chanted along with him:
"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt..."

Under the spellcasting of Blood Skull, this spell spread throughout the Liaochang Continent.

In every corner of the world, in those strange places of death that were beheaded, countless black smoke gradually appeared, turning into wraiths one by one.

They were all angry. Originally, they were all human beings, but they were harmed by weirdness and turned into weirdness.

But in this scripture, they were saved one after another and gradually changed. They no longer looked weird, but turned into their human appearance.

They bowed to Yang Xiuming in all directions, then slowly dissipated, entered the Styx River, and returned to reincarnation.

After reading the scripture nine times, the blood skeleton said slowly:

"Remember, this is the reincarnation curse, left by the saint, it has the power to change the world, and the power to change the world, so you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he stood up slowly, looked around, seemed reluctant to part, took a long breath, and said slowly:
"Zhongnan Qingming is unattainable.

When the rain is in the middle, the clothes are stained.

The wind is deep and the clouds are cloudy.

Wash away the jade and embrace the old people's hearts. "

After finishing speaking, the blood skull began to slowly shatter, and finally only a glazed heart was left, shining brightly.

This glazed heart is the core of the blood floating slaughter.

Yang Xiuming, who lost the warrior, stood there unharmed.

He dissipated the fly ash towards the bloody skeleton, saluted, and said:

"Thank you senior!"

Then he carefully took out the spirit gourd, put it in, and sent it to his base camp, Shitai World.

After being sent into this realm, the Blood Buddha suddenly shook, and a voice came from the fifth child:
"I discovered the world of the void dimension, which can be fused for the Blood Buddha to load the origin of various void fortresses. May I ask if the master has fused?"

The three of Yang Xiuming looked at each other, and Yang Xiuming said slowly, "I support integration!"

Yang Xiuming's base camp is actually just a simple empty soul dimension space. After Liu Fan's rest, this has hidden characteristics.

But the future development is a cloud of fog, and now it can be integrated with the core of the Blood Buddha, and there are traces to follow in the future development.

The Blood Futu is the fortress of Xianqin, even if the wreckage has fought against Nanchu for 40 years, it can be seen that it is not simple.

So Yang Xiuming supports integration.

Zhang Yue said: "Based on my intuition, there are only advantages and no disadvantages."

Fu Xialiang said: "I listen to the elder brother and the second elder brother!"

Yang Xiuming shouted: "Fusion!"

As soon as the order was issued, the core of the Blood Buddha suddenly split apart, turning into thousands of lights, and quietly merging with Yang Xiuming's headquarters, Shitai World.

Following this fusion, the world of Shitai shuddered, and then the area expanded from nine feet to ten feet, eleven feet, twelve feet, thirteen feet...

It didn't stop until fifteen feet.

The world has changed drastically.

But Yang Xiuming didn't have time to watch it. He had a feeling that he had to return to the world of Liaochang.

He returned immediately, his soul entered his body, and he felt a shock all over his body.

Without the blood skeleton of the war warrior, Yang Xiuming stood in the wilderness.

Hundred miles of wilderness, endless, he is the only one here!
There seemed to be an invisible vortex of spiritual energy appearing on his body, slowly spinning.

Countless auras of different colors radiate this brilliance, disperse, gather, and finally do not distinguish between each other.

Then, outside the distant void, endless spiritual energy was quietly injected.

At this moment, Yang Xiuming's mind was in a mysterious state, and his skin was glowing, revealing a layer of moist purple air.

A series of indescribable changes occurred.

Floating and flickering, it fits with the world and is true with the Dao.

In a trance, he realized the mystery of good fortune, and it seemed that the river of fate was opened to him in the dark.

Yang Xiuming's whole body is radiant, like a morning star, shining brightly.

Foundation of heaven!

When he was a teenager in fresh clothes and angry horses, he lived up to his youth and knew how to do it!
So far, Yang Xiuming has been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Realm!
Looking at my body, I have a perfect body, like a perfect Dao body carved by heaven and earth. The streamlined muscles contain infinite power, and it seems that every move can attract the power of heaven and earth.

Infinite mighty power gathered on himself!
In the dark, nine days away, monstrous luck is coming towards the sky!

There seemed to be a dazzling sound, and the world was silent, but Yang Xiuming understood it automatically.

"Yang Xiuming! Refining Qi and killing Yuanying, changing the life and death of a world, reversing the fate of the world, and pacifying hidden dangers in the universe!"

Although Yang Xiuming relied on the war warriors to change their lives against the sky, the universe doesn't look at these things, but only looks at Yang Xiuming's actions. The so-called blood floating massacre blood skeletons are just tools, ignore them!
"Yang Xiuming, Qi refining is promoted to Foundation Establishment, number one in the world!

With the realm of refining Qi, exterminating a world of strangeness is a miracle of the universe!
Unique, awarding the title of the universe and running rampant in the sky! "

Yang Xiuming killed Taoist officials, pacified the world, promoted the foundation of the Dao of Heaven, and this is nothing to the universe.

But in the end, he killed the whole world's weirdness and transcended all the weirdness. This is the real great merit.

Because these weirdnesses are all man-made, not a product of the universe, they exist against the universe, but because of the protection of the Nanchu monks, various shielding secrets, the universe cannot clear them.

Now Yang Xiuming has wiped them all out, and all the weirdness in the whole world has disappeared. This is an unprecedented event in the universe, so it is unique and attracts the attention of the universe!
Therefore, the universe rated Yang Xiuming as the best in the world, a big prize!
Infinite luck flowed down to Yang Xiuming.

Then, following Yang Xiuming, it was injected into the bodies of Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang who were far away in the void.

Then continue to inject, turning into a weird Wei Wuguo, who is also injected, and the fifth page is also injected...

Click, under this spirituality, the sixth page, the seventh page, automatically recover!

Many creatures, promoted to the realm, evolved themselves, and those who gave birth to miracles, will be rewarded by the universe!

This qi refining promotion and foundation building is not just the qi refining promotion and foundation building of the human race's immortal civilization, but also other cosmic civilizations. In the entire universe, Yang Xiuming is No. 1!
In front of Yang Xiuming, the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" appeared automatically, and opened his page!
Name: Yang Xiuming

Lifespan: Seventeen/260
Body: no
Bloodline: Spiritual Fortress
Fate: God of Devouring Demons, God of Heaven's Absolute Misfortune
Title: Rampaging Sky

Boundary: First Level of Foundation Establishment

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost, Sha Birth and Death, Driving Kunlun
Supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, the heart of the sword penetrates the mystery, one sword shakes the sky, thunder strikes three, and three yangs open up Tai

Exercise: "Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (third level)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (fourth stage)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Fourth Stage)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lamp Method" (Level [-])
"Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" (Second Level)
"Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor" (first stage)
Sword Intent: Repression, Assassination, Concussion, Illusion, Chaos

French meaning: Lei Hai, Lei An, Black Hand

Transformation: Five Elements Tengu, Nine Gangs Dragon, Eternal Night Snake

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, prevent "Zhen Jia Wen Zen"

Verdict: No. [-] in the world, rampant in the sky

Yang Xiuming was promoted to the realm of foundation establishment, and the universe rewarded him heavily.

The Yangshou period of the foundation building period became 260 years.

Get the title of the universe: the sky is rampant

This is not the title of heaven and earth, but the title of the universe.

In the universe, anywhere, Yang Xiuming can come and go freely, not affected by any environment.

Similar to freezing, cobwebs, chains, and embarrassment, Yang Xiuming is immune to these control magic powers.

Yang Xiuming has an extra talent

Drive Kunlun!
This time he fought with the Blood Skeleton of War Warriors.

So far, Yang Xiuming has mastered this kind of war equipment like war figurines or avenue weapons without a teacher, and has super control.

However, based on his talent, Yang Xiuming deduced that the so-called Kunlun Mountain was also a war fortress similar to the Terracotta Warriors?

After absorbing the Lotus Sutra of Taibai, the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" was promoted to the third level.

Comprehension of the Great War, "The Rhythm of Everything" breaks through from the third level to the fourth level.

In the 33rd day of Taishang Dao, Yin Jue's "Dark Sky" automatically completed the Great Consummation, and turned into Yang Xiuming's instinct, which disappeared just like Jian Jue.

Watching the changes in the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", Yang Xiuming silently controlled himself, refined his spirituality, and absorbed a lot of luck rewarded by the universe. He was in a natural state.

At the same time, in the universe, in a temple, someone opened his eyes and looked into the distance:

"Daoism, this started? Ten years earlier than my deduction?"

"Who is so shameless to take away the best luck in refining Qi in the world?"

In his rage, infinite divine power erupted, and all the gods roared.

The void of the universe runs through thousands of worlds in the Styx, and there is a person walking.

"Who is this? To seize the world's number one refining Qi luck in advance?

I arranged badly, prepared in vain, can't surpass, I will kill you! "

Following his roar, countless dead souls roared together in the Styx.

In the Great Zen Temple, Qiru, the Buddha, just glanced at it and remained calm.

Just when chanting sutras, with a light tap, the wooden fish in front of my eyes shattered!

In the Tianmo sect, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the holy son was furious, killing people to vent his anger.

Not to mention someone in the sect frowned and said:

"Who is this? It's immoral, breaking the rules we set for fighting for justice.

He takes this step, breaks all of our arrangements, find, find him, kill! "

In the world of great strife, countless geniuses who have been preparing for many years to win the first place in Qi refining in the world are so desperate.

Yang Xiuming's deeds, killing a world of strangeness, is not insurmountable, but surpassing them, this is something that no one can do in today's world.

Because the "Curse of Rebirth" has been lost for 800 million years with the destruction of Xianqin.

The blood skeleton is the most primitive terracotta warrior of the Qin Dynasty, so it is the one who mastered the "Curse of Rebirth" and passed it on to Yang Xiuming.

At this point, everyone's path to transcendence is broken.

And in this world, outside the endless void, there are immortals who open their eyes and look towards the world.

In a bamboo forest, many great sages silently calculated.

Amidst the endless flames, a spirit wakes up and checks the world.

In the marketplace, an old man selling wontons looked into the distance.

A salesman, among the many women who bought goods, suddenly burst out laughing.

Among the distant mountains, a stone statue of the Sleeping Buddha suddenly opened its eyes.

The Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs were whispering, as if planning something.

In the universe, there is darkness, and Heisha awakens in it, and their missions appear.

But at this time, Yang Xiuming didn't know anything. He was just in a state of confusion, absorbing the blessings of the universe and practicing silently.

Suddenly, in this world, a beam of light appeared and stretched into the distance.

Yang Xiuming still doesn't know!

This beam of light passes through all existence, goes straight up, and goes straight into the sky.

Going out of the world, in the endless void, towards the distance, continue to travel.

Boom, another beam of light rose into the sky, and all the lives on the entire continent were stunned and unbelievable.

Look carefully, every beam of light appears in a city in the Liaochang Realm, including Yinzhou City.

Then beams of light appeared and stood on the ground.

There was a loud bang, and the world trembled.

It continued to vibrate, and suddenly the world seemed to be pulled up by someone, and flew towards the distance.

It turned out that in this world the Zhao family linked up with the Lai Yizong, the Xiong family linked up with the Tibetan Shenzong, and the Wu family formed an alliance with the Yandangzong.

These three sect monks are going to lead these families to escape from Liaochang Realm and return to their respective sects.

The reason why they are taken away is because they have mastered the method of creating deceitful driving, one of the nine ways of cultivating immortals, so it is worth it.

But when he was about to escape, the remnants of Xianqin suddenly appeared. An old man with a sword killed the Taoist official, destroyed the Taoist palace, and wiped out all the strange things in the world.

The old man is missing, but there are no more Nanchu monks in this world.

The monks of the three major sects did not stop doing anything, and directly pulled the world.

Divide this world into three, and each go back and forth to its own sect.

As for Nanchu's revenge, let's talk about it later.

Therefore, the strength of the beam of light is pulled by the world, but Yang Xiuming is in a state of cultivation and has no feeling at all.

The whole world, floating up.

Endless golden light appeared, illuminating the world, and all living beings, no matter whether they were humans or beasts, monsters or demons, birds or insects, trees or grass, were all surrounded by golden light.

In this golden light, all sentient beings are addicted, suspended in a deep sleep.

The world is moving, following the golden light, flying to the other side of the universe.

It seems to be swimming in the water, rising rapidly from the bottom of the sea, and rushing to the surface of the sea. The pressure on the body decreases rapidly, but there is a feeling of vomiting.

A shock, this shock is actually not a shock, but the feeling that the world has traveled through a time and space, and then traveled through another time and space.

Suddenly, within Xinghai, someone roared, trying to stop Lajie.

But in the starry sky, there are huge dharma figures appearing one after another, using more to fight less, destroying the opponent's block.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming felt a divine sense appear.

There is a choice before him, whether to follow the princess to a star sea, or to follow his parents and relatives to a star sea.

Yang Xiuming sighed and chose his parents.

It was as if he felt the heartbreak of the princess far away, but there was no way!
In the dark, everyone will have such a choice.

Boom, the world is divided into three, flying to different star seas.

The world pulls, and in the universe, visions appear frequently.

A group of giant beasts like crows, each of them tens of thousands of feet high, suddenly appeared, tearing the world apart, and a sword cultivator appeared, holding a golden sword to disperse the flying crows.

A dark phantom invaded the world, and a fairy appeared again. With a flick of the robe sleeve, the dark phantom was shattered.

Endless tides erupted, blocking the front, and another Taoist figure came out, took out a silver pen, stroked lightly, the tide opened the way, and continued to move forward.

However, in this catastrophe again and again, the territory of the world has been captured by the vision.

There is no way to do this, it must be consumed!
However, in the captured territory, the golden light enveloped the living beings, and they would all be teleported back to the world, and they were not captured by those demons and ghosts.

There are monstrous rivers blocking the way.

There is a dark fog, sweeping in.

There is an aura tide, and the horizon erupts.

There are endless herds, attack them.

But in the end, there is a sea of ​​stars ahead, which is extremely bright, and the destination has finally been reached!
With a bang, the world fell into the sea of ​​stars!


"Yang Xiuming, don't sleep!"

"Wake up, it's time for your class, if you don't go, you will be punished by Old Antique."

It seems that someone scolded him!
Suddenly, Yang Xiuming was startled awake and opened his eyes.

"Me, where am I?"

He gasped for breath, unbelievable, looked around, only to see the bright windows here, a bustling world.

It is similar to the buildings on the earth in the previous life, and I seem to be in an office.

Looking out the window, there are rows of five or six-story buildings lined up one by one.

Under the building, it seems to be a school playground, with many students playing on it.

"Hey, what happened here?"

"Yang Xiuming, it's your class, hurry over."

A burly man next to him shouted.

Looking at him, Yang Xiuming knew who he was, his name was Zhu Jian, he was also a physical education teacher like himself, and he was a colleague...

No, he seems to be his student in the ancient martial arts era in the last life, and he was his teacher in the magic era in the last life?

What teacher, what the hell?

What's wrong with me?what happened?
In a trance, Yang Xiuming suddenly roared.

What you do in this life is the past life, and the story of life is the story!

All of a sudden, countless memories appeared in his mind.

Memories of Earth from the previous life, memories of life in Yinzhou City, memories of Zhang Yue in Tieling Realm, and memories of Taishang Daoist Fu Xialiang came in a chaotic surge.

Yang Xiuming covered his head and shouted, "Stomach hurts!"

"This class, Zhu Jian, please help me, my stomach hurts so much."

According to memory, I rushed out of the office, entered the toilet next to me, opened a squatting position, sat on the toilet, and closed my eyes to think.

Many memories, digested and organized.

No matter what course he is in, he will hide here first and figure out what's going on.

As for fines, let’s fine them, as long as they don’t die.

I have a big battle in the Liaochang world, destroy the Taoist officials, destroy the Taoist Palace, kill all the strange things, and then the universe will bless me?

Then it seemed that the world was taken away by someone, because the eldest brother belonged to the Xiong family, so my family was taken away by the Xiong family's Tibetan God Sect.

The Zhao family was taken away by Lai Yizong.

I chose my parents, goodbye princess?

Then, I followed my family and came to this world...

Then, how messed up?
"Yang Laosan, you are truly awake!"

Su Xiaomei appeared next to Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming was overjoyed and said, "Susu, you're still here, that's great!"

"Of course I am here, and I will follow you forever."

"How is this going?"

Su Xiaomei sighed and replied:
"The world we live in has been taken away by people.

During the leap, one is divided into three, and we are pulled into this sea of ​​stars and merged into this world.

The world merges, our world is swallowed up, and everything becomes a part of the big world.

The same is true for us, everyone's memory is change, they can't remember anything in the Liaochang world, they have become a part of this world.

But for some reason, your memory has not been changed, and it is incompatible with this world, so this world has sealed you. "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding his head and said, "So that's how it is!"

"How is my family?"

Su Xiaomei said: "Your parents, elder brother, younger brother and younger sister are all very good.

It’s just that your eldest brother was awakened during the first world transformation, so your family has been a family in the past few world transformations and has not been forced to separate.

Then your younger brothers and sisters, even though they are young, are all awakened.

Only your parents, your second brother and second sister-in-law are ordinary people. "

Yang Xiuming asked, "What world transformation?"

Su Xiaomei replied:

"This new world is not a good thing either.

Every three months, change it.

All buildings, living environments, and the memories and identities of you people all change.

For the first time, we're here in what seems like an age of mythology, and you're a hero in an army.

Then three months turned into the magic age, and you are a teacher at the magic academy.

Then it became the era of ancient martial arts again, you are the master of a martial arts gym.

Now it is the modern era and you are a high school teacher.

Although you are sealed, you still have some memories, and this is what you said to yourself. "

Yang Xiuming looked around, the world is similar to the 90s of last century, coal burning, electricity, buildings, cars, no internet, no mobile phones...

It is indeed modern!
"How is this going?"

"I don't know, you can study it slowly."

After saying that, Su Xiaomei disappeared.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath, sat on the toilet, and silently circulated his true energy.

The body doesn't seem to have any real energy, but with his operation, the real energy appears, which is very weak at first, but becomes stronger little by little.

Feel silently, in the process of operation, gradually have a feeling.

Boom, Yang Xiuming has mastered "The Rhythm of Everything in the Palm of Heaven", this method returns to memory and controls oneself.

Then start "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing"...

It seems to have entered the first level of Qi Refining all at once.

Then Qi Refining Level [-], Qi Refining Level [-]...

In one breath, return to the First Stage of Foundation Establishment!
Many abilities are all regressions, and he has mastered the night devil, so he can assimilate in the night.

Yang Xiuming smiled, as long as his own strength returns, he is not afraid of anything, he runs the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art"...

Suddenly, I realized that this page was also changing.

Name: Yang Xiuming

Lifespan: 21/260
Body: no
Bloodline: Spiritual Fortress
Fate: God of Devouring Demons, God of Heaven's Absolute Misfortune
Title: Rampaging Sky

Boundary: First Level of Foundation Establishment

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost, Sha Birth and Death, Driving Kunlun
Supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, the heart of the sword is clear, one sword shakes the sky, thunder strikes three, and three suns open Tai

Exercise: "Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (third level)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (fourth stage)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Fourth Stage)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lamp Method" (Level [-])
"Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" (Third Stage)
"Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor" (first stage)
"Three Purities, Four Truths and One Pneumatic Hammer" (first stage)
Sword Intent: Repression, Assassination, Concussion, Illusion, Chaos

Meaning: Lei Hai, Lei An, Lei Kan, Black Hand, Flash Epilepsy, Lei Kan

Transformation: Five Elements Tengu, Nine Gangs Dragon, Eternal Night Snake

Verdict: No. [-] in the world, rampant in the sky

I was four years older and turned 21, wasting four years?

The supernatural power Jianxin Tongxuan became Jianxin Tongming.

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" changed from the second level to the third level.

"Tianyuan Yaoming Xu Huangjia" changed from the first level to the second level.

There is one more "Three Purities, Four Truths and One Pneumatic Hammer".

Fayi has an extra flash, Lei Kan.

33 Tianjue, it seems that they all disappear, and they all reach the state of Dzogchen.

This should be Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang's hard work for a year, right?
With a heartbeat, the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" opened, the second page, the third page...

Then, a familiar voice came from beside him.

"Xiu Ming, you are awake!"

"Brother, you're awake!"

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang are here.

The three looked at each other, very happy.

"It's great to see you guys!"

"Yes, brother, I haven't seen you for a year."

"Your page just can't be opened at all, we can't get here, but the two of us can still contact each other."

Yang Xiuming asked: "Do you know what's going on?"

"You're sure we'll see each other only for one year, why is my lifespan shortened by four years?"

"Brother, this is the vast mortal magic circle of the Tibetan God Sect, which has consumed your lifespan."

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "This year, I have made a special investigation.

Brother, you are now in the Tibetan God Sect! "

Yang Xiuming frowned, and asked, "Zang Shenzong?"

Fu Xialiang continued:
"The Hidden God Sect! There is no place to hide in the sky, and the emptiness really depends on people's hearts.

One of the three thousand leftists, he is now attached to the supreme god Weizong.

The disciples of this sect are best at lurking, hiding in other sects to be dead.

This door has three methods and two tactics, and five super-sacred methods, but the high-end has no combat power, so it is just heresy, and the side door is not even considered.

The Tibetan God Sect likes to train mortals. They control the world and build a vast circle of mortals. Hundreds of millions of mortals live in it, and it changes every three months.

Many sentient beings are in the midst of these changes. If someone finds something is wrong, they will naturally awaken and automatically master the core inheritance of the Tibetan God Sect, "Wanzang Yangshen Illumination Method"

So far awakening, igniting the self, illuminating the darkness, seeing the road clearly, becoming a disciple of the Tibetan God Sect, and breaking away from the boundless circle of mortals.

Otherwise, you will stay in the boundless circle of mortals forever, experiencing thousands of lives until you die of old age.

And this magic circle runs for three months, and the world changes once, requiring mortals to consume a year of Yangshou as the source of power.

Brother, you have been here for one year, and the era has changed four times, so it consumes four years of life. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said: "I understand, I have experienced four eras here, every three months changes, and every change loses one year of life!"

"Brother just wake up, the world will change by then, I have a way to make you pretend to be awakened, and enter the Tibetan Divine Sect.

After getting used to Tibetan God Sect, you head to Qingzhou Xinghai, which is the sphere of influence of Shenwei Sect.

When you get there, brother, you can take the flying boat of Tianxing Jianzong to come to my Taishang Dao and practice with me. "

Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "Go to Qingzhou Shenweizong first, and then go to Yuanzhou Taishang Dao? Is it far?"

Fu Xialiang hesitated for a moment and said: "Not close, the flying boat will take seven years to fly."

Yang Xiuming scratched his head immediately and said, "Seven years? That's too long."

"There is no other way!"

Yang Xiuming changed the subject: "Have you gained a lot this year?"

Zhang Yue said: "It's not bad.

I will continue to be the owner of the White Flag City, and I will be stable for a year, earning money in various ways.

You have been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, and I have been promoted to the Fourth Stage of Foundation Establishment through this.

I advanced the supernatural power Jianxin Tongxuan to Jianxin Tongming.

The heart of the sword is clear, no fear, no obstacle, no past, no future.

Just one sword, only one sword, where the heart points, the sword goes.

Taishang Chijing transformed, Wuxing Tiangou awakened Wuxingdun, Jiugang Shenlong awakened Dragon Blood, and Yongye Hell Snake awakened nothing.

Xia Liang and I gathered eighteen special heaven and earth spirits this year.

Nine sky elements, nine abyss elements, and then merged to change "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" from the second level to the third level.

We can strike four times a day! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Okay!"

Fu Xialiang said: "I practiced in the sect and was promoted to the third level of foundation building.

With the help of my second brother, I continued to do Zongmen missions, and I have accumulated seventeen rounds of elites.

The six senior sisters are all fine, Ye Qingshuang and Bai Li are also fine. I have recently developed another junior sister, Yue Qingsi, and I am still working hard to develop.

I started to practice Taishang Bajue "Three Cleans and Four True One Qi Hammer" and the Dingyuan Hammer, but I haven't practiced it yet.

"Tianyuan Yaoming Xu Huangjia" changed from the first level to the second level.

We can fuse the second set of nine pieces of armor, but we haven't found a new set, so we don't dare to fuse them randomly.

The 33 days of Taishang Dao, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder" and "Zhenjia Wenchan" are all practicing Dzogchen.

In addition, "White Horse Crossing the Gap, Crazy Steps" has been practiced into a flash of dharma.

I got an extraordinary Taoism "Kan Shui Nine Destroying Heavenly Yin Thunder" from Junior Sister Yue Qingsi, and I have already cultivated it into Fayi Leikan.

It's a pity that "Golden Pupils and Real Eyes of Misunderstood Light" seems to be unable to refine the third binocular clairvoyance if you are no longer there. "

In the words, they passed on their cultivation experience to Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming absorbed it silently, and it would take a certain amount of time to completely refine it and turn it into his own.

At this time, in front of the toilet door, Zhu Jian shouted:
"Yang Xiuming hurry to class, Old Antique is coming!"

Old Antique is the director of the school's teaching department. He is very annoying and takes care of everything.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and said, "I'm here!"

It was nothing more than class, he walked quickly to the playground.

Start remembering what you taught yourself...

In the playground, there are more than 30 students, all fifteen or sixteen years old, playing there.

Seeing Yang Xiuming appear, he immediately calmed down and started queuing.

Yang Xiuming remembered what he was teaching, a set of boxing techniques.

What is it called a military killing fist?
It's a very simple boxing method, but it seems to be very complicated?

It seems that when I entered this world, I learned it in the first age of mythology. At that time, it was called Shishi Shenquan.

Then in the second era, the era of magic, this boxing method is still there, called the Explosive Magic Boxing.

In the third era, the ancient martial arts era, I mastered this set of boxing techniques and opened a martial arts gym. At that time, it was called Tianba boxing.

Now, this modern age is called Jun Dao Sha Fist?
Yang Xiuming frowned, looked at the students, and shouted:

"Today, I will continue to teach everyone the military way of killing fist.

The professor is the third form..."

Here he teaches.

Looking at Professor Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue couldn't help but said, "This boxing method seems to be interesting."

Fu Xialiang glanced at it and said, "I know this punch.

This is the military boxing left over from the Xianqin era.

This is similar to Taizu Changquan, Tanglangquan, Five Tigers Breaking Door Knife and so on in our previous life.

They exist in every corner of the universe, each developing independently.

What domineering fist, killing fist, divine fist...

Our Taishang Dao is called Taishang Dao Quan.

This boxing can strengthen the body and enhance talent, but only the first ten weights are effective.

I have practiced in the outer sect, but I just practiced to the No.15 weight and lost the enhancement effect, so I gave up.

Therefore, it is normal for the Tibetan God Sect to have this inheritance. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, that's why.

He taught his students here, every move was very unfamiliar at first, but the more he practiced, the more proficient he became.

Fu Xialiang looked at it, and suddenly asked: "Brother, how hard have you practiced this martial art?"

Yang Xiuming said: "I don't know, but I feel very high.

I am more familiar with familiar! "

He continued to use his martial arts and killing fists, each move was powerful.

Half a day later, Yang Xiuming said:
"I remembered, I have already cultivated to 63 weights!"

Fu Xialiang gasped.

"How is it possible, 63 weights? Very few people can cultivate to more than [-] weights?"

"I don't know, is this my year's harvest?"

Soon after this lesson was confused, Yang Xiuming continued to smooth out his memory, and then went home according to his memory.

I searched step by step, and gradually found my home.

I couldn't help being speechless, the family still opened a noodle shop and continued to sell steamed buns.

When I came to the door of the house, I saw my father at a glance.

Seeing him, his father shouted, "Third brother, are you off work? Did you go well today?"


Yang Xiuming yelled and couldn't help sobbing.

In Yinzhou City, Yang Xiuming always called his father, but in this world, after several changes, Yang Xiuming called him Dad!

"What's the matter, third child, have you been bullied?

Your elder brother is now the leader, whoever bullies you, find him! "

"it's okay no problem!"

"What happened to the third child?"

"Third brother, are you alright?"

The mother also came out, and then the second brother, the second sister-in-law...

The whole family showed up, thinking that something had happened to Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming was very excited to see that all his relatives were here and healthy.

In this world, no matter how it changes, there will be no more weirdness at night, and no more danger to life.

All the sacrifices are worth it.

Then there are younger brothers and sisters, but Yang Xiuming saw that the younger brother has become 16 years old, and the younger sister is also ten years old.

In this mortal circle, they all grew up rapidly.

The second brother already has three children, all four or five years old.

The eldest brother also has a child, also four years old.

Yang Xiuming immediately felt that he had to take them out of the world of mortals, otherwise it would not be a good thing to spend a year of life in these three months.

The family is reunited, neat and tidy.

In the evening, my parents cooked a good meal, and my eldest brother and sister-in-law also returned.

They have all become leaders, have exclusive secretarial services, and are full of momentum.

Everyone had dinner, the eldest brother opened two bottles of good wine, and the family was happy.

It was night, and parents, younger brothers and younger sisters all went to bed very early.

There are feasting lights and various nightlife outside, but they sleep in the dark and never go out.

Although the memory of Yinzhou City in Liaochang has disappeared, the habits have been engraved into their bones. No matter how many times they have experienced changes in the times, they will never forget it.

But now everyone no longer needs to sleep in the same room, everyone has their own bedroom, and the environment is infinitely better.

Yang Xiuming also pretended to be sleeping, no different from before.

It's just that at twelve o'clock in the evening, he quietly got up, assimilated into the night, and wandered in this world.

This world is similar to the appearance of the 90s in the previous life. At night, there are some entertainment on the street.

Various booths, nightclubs, dance halls, video halls...

It's just that it's already twelve o'clock, and many stalls are closed.

In fact, this world is much better than Yinzhou City.

It's just that a change in three months will consume a year of Yangshou, which is not a good thing.

Yang Xiuming walked in the world, assimilated into the night, and inspected the world.

Suddenly, he was taken aback, he saw an acquaintance.

Xu Heyuan!
Yinzhou City, as well as a classmate from the university, did not expect that he also came to this world.

Xu Heyuan seems to be a big boss. In the nightclub, with his left and right arms hugging a beautiful woman, he laughed and had a great time.

Seeing him, Yang Xiuming suddenly smiled.

There is no weird world at night, which is great!
My own efforts are not in vain, all the efforts are worth it!
On this hill, I am shouting, asking for a monthly pass, and please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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