Dao Shaohua

Chapter 200 The hidden treasure of Shenzong, the awakening method!

In this world, there is no weirdness to kill. Yang Xiuming wandered around in the middle of the night, and finally had to go home to sleep.

The whole world is almost full of mortals, and there is no supernatural power. It is an ordinary world.

The world of mortals is in a maze, covering all directions.

Yang Xiuming even suspects that this place is similar to the world in his brain, a virtual space...

Because every three months, the world changes.

I have experienced the age of mythology, the age of magic, the age of ancient martial arts, each era is very real.

But how?
It's just like the legend of immortals, moving mountains and filling seas, changing the world and changing the world.

Yang Xiuming didn't understand, he really didn't understand with his foundation-building realm.

Back home, Yang Xiuming was lying on the bed. His private room was very clean.

The room is not big, but very comfortable.

Lying here, I am no longer afraid of any strange attacks, just light up the lights, open the windows, and look at the outside world casually.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help laughing.

Your own efforts are not in vain!

He was fascinated, soared into the sky, and headed for his base camp, Shitai World.

When he got there, Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and the world of Shitai changed.

Now it has a radius of twenty feet, and the original metal fence has become a metal wall, protecting the world of the stone platform.

The bonfire is burning like a furnace, bringing endless flames.

The spring turned into a small river, which flowed by the campfire and continued onwards, disappearing by the metal fence.

The wooden house has also become larger. It used to be a single thatched house, but now it has become a three-room wooden house.

On the stone platform, a spiritual land appeared, and it was full of spiritual plants.

Yang Xiuming is here, as are Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang.

"Brother, how is it?"

"Now our base camp is not bad, right?"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "You two brothers, thank you for your hard work!"

Every bit of change is due to Zhang Yue Fu Xia Liang's great efforts and painstaking efforts to make this change.

Zhang Yue replied: "It's not hard, it's a coincidence.

Xia Liang and I did some tasks and made some money. "

Yang Xiuming came to the spiritual land and asked, "What kind of spiritual plant is this?"

A voice answered slowly:

"My lord, the Void Vine is on the left side of the spiritual land. After cultivation, it can be planted on the edge of the world, so as to absorb the power of the dimension outward, inject it into the origin of our world, and expand our world.

The one on the right is Nine Grass Trees, which can generate various auras out of thin air and increase the aura content of our world.

The last one is clover, a spiritual flower that can bring luck to our world. "

Yang Xiuming asked late, "Fifth?"

"My lord, I have become the Immortal Qin Faling of the Buddha World, in charge of all affairs in the world."

Yang Xiuming nodded, that's fine.

"Buddha World?"

Yang Xiuming asked.

Fu Xialiang said: "The fifth brother brought the core of the Blood Buddha to merge with our stone platform.

So our Shitai continues to use the name of Buddha, but the bloody character is removed.

In the future, we can call it Jade Buddha, Golden Buddha, Stone Buddha...

In this way, we can make better use of the resources of the Futu. "

Zhang Yue said: "The teacher is famous!"

Yang Xiuming said, "It makes sense!"

There are three wooden houses, one is a storage room and the other is a tea room.

The three came to the tea room, and Zhang Yue made tea.

This tea is Qingxin tea from Baiqi City, and it has already begun to be harvested.

He took out a set of tea sets, a pot of six cups, pots, bowls, cups, tea caddy, spoons, everything is missing.

Bring water from the stream of the world into the pot, boil it with the fire of the bonfire, put in the tea leaves, and when the true energy is urged, the roses on the teapot will bloom, forcing out all the spiritual energy of the spirit tea.

Zhang Yue poured a glass for Yang Xiuming.

This teacup has white porcelain as the base, the porcelain surface is like snow, almost transparent, and there is a pattern of blooming roses on the outside, which is just about to bloom, beautiful and moving.

Yang Xiuming took a sip and said:

"The tea color is green and green, the smell is fragrant, and it contains the brilliance of pure heart, good tea!"

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, they were all very happy, very happy!
Fu Xialiang said: "This set of tea sets was sent by the great eagle Magnus, a friend I made during the Five Elements Tengu trial last time.

You said, she is a big eagle, how could she have such an exquisite tea set? "

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Why do I feel that Magnus seems to be interested in you?"

"Bah, bah, she's an eagle, I'm a human, what's the point!
Besides her father, I'm afraid. "

Yang Xiuming laughed.

Zhang Yue said: "You still remember the Five Elements Heavenly Dog Trial, there was a dog, Wang Fengkuang.

With our benefits, there is not even a word of thanks. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I remember this guy!"

"The last trial of the sect, he was educated badly by the two of us, and he fully understands this grievance."

"it is good!"

"At that time, there was also an old man, Huang Mengbi, who did not expect that he would be promoted to the Foundation Establishment stage with the addition of Yangshou through the last trial.

He is very good with us and has been very close recently. "

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and asked, "Where is Chaotianjiao?"

"This guy, who turned into a five-element dog, disappeared. It is said that the sect focuses on training."

They chatted with many friends...

After drinking for a while, Fu Xialiang said:
"Over the past year, I have investigated a lot of hidden secrets of the Shenzong, and there are still some things in this sect!
Brother, see for yourself! "

After finishing speaking, he passed on a lot of spiritual knowledge to Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming checked silently and said:

"Hidden God Sect? It turned out to be a branch of Taiyuan Sect?

The Taiyuan Sect was divided, one of them broke away, and later joined the Shenwei Sect, so it was named the Tibetan Shenzong? "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Although the Zang Shenzong is only heretical now, our ancestors were also rich in the past!

He is also the world-renowned Supreme Master and one of the former Nine Tais. "

Yang Xiuming continued to check, and said in his mouth:

"Hidden spirit, heart photo, Tibetan environment, heart domain, Tibetan appearance, mind spirit, hidden emptiness, heart way, hidden heart!"

"Is this their unique secret of cultivating immortals? In the name of Tibet, Heart, respectively, corresponding to the nine realms of cultivating immortals?"

"Tibetan God corresponds to the realm of body forging, and can break through quickly.

Xinzhao corresponds to the state of Qi refining, which can speed up the refining process.

The Tibetan Realm corresponds to the Foundation Establishment Realm, which can be rapidly improved...

It's a bit interesting that it's similar to the secret biography of the Nine Paths of Cultivating Immortals, but it's also self-contained. "

Fu Xialiang said on the side:
"As expected of a sect whose ancestors were rich, it's not easy.

They not only have the qi refining system of Xiuxian Sect, but also have their own secret system on top of the qi refining system.

The body training period of other sects is all about the cultivation of one's own physical body. Through training, the physical body can be brought to the extreme, so as to attract spiritual energy into the body and enter the Qi refining period.

On the basis of self-cultivation, they build a vast world of mortal magic circles, in which hundreds of millions of mortals live, and the era changes every three months.

Many sentient beings are in the midst of this change. If someone finds something is wrong, Zhuangzi dreams of a butterfly and wakes up from the world of mortals.

It will ignite the self, transform into the light of the heart, and illuminate the self.

So far, seeing the essence of the mortal magic circle clearly, the soul hides the spirit, and under the impact of this opportunity, you can automatically get the core inheritance of the Tibetan God Sect "Wanzang Yangshen Illumination Method", and complete the cultivation of the realm of body training in one step.

Great success in physical training, and suddenly promoted to the realm of Qi refining.

During the Qi refining period, they are also different from other sects.

On the basis of self-refinement, the mind light of the hidden spirit born in the state of body training will be strengthened, released, and illuminated around one's side, from the inside to the outside. This is called heart light.

Their heart photos allow them to quickly complete the cultivation of the Qi Refining Realm and directly advance to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

There is no need for any auxiliary pills such as foundation building pills, the heart is illuminated, and the foundation is built directly.

In the future practice, the light heart photo will be transformed into a scene, which is called the Tibetan realm.

After a lifetime in Tibet, he directly builds a foundation and advances to Jindan.

The Tibetan scenery, if you continue to practice, it will turn into a real realm, and you can easily advance to the Nascent Soul Realm. This is called the heart realm.

Then from the mind domain, cultivate a Dharma-phase Nascent Soul, and directly break through the Nascent Soul realm, this is called Zangxiang.

I will not be able to find out about it in the future cultivation path. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Entering the country so quickly, it's almost a step up to the sky, it's interesting!"

Fu Xialiang said again: "I once asked Master.

The master said that although this set of secret teachings of the Tibetan God Sect can allow the disciples of the Tibetan God Sect to go all the way, step by step to the sky, from forging the body to transforming the gods, there is no problem.

However, this set of secrets, like vines, needs to be attached to a big tree in order to play a better role.

Therefore, monks of the Tibetan God Sect like to lurk in other people's sects, practice the methods of other people's sects, build a backbone for themselves, and then use this set of secrets to quickly advance to the realm.

Other sects all need their own hard work, various trials, and step by step to cultivate to Nascent Soul.

But the monks of the Tibetan God Sect can improve quickly, smoothly and without incident, which is very tricky. "

Speaking of which, Fu Xialiang took a sip of spiritual tea and said again:

"But the master also said that because of this tricky secret transmission, the Tibetan God Sect was harmed.

Their sect monks advanced too fast and their strength was too weak.

The higher the realm, the worse the combat ability.

If they can't beat the enemy, they can only lurk in the enemy's sect, and they don't have to fight and plot against each other.

While lurking, gradually they will forget their original intention.

Lurk for the sake of lurking, hide the god for the sake of hiding the god.

As a result, after reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, their set of esoteric teachings is of little significance.

Therefore, the Zangshen Sect is just before the Yuanying, and it is worth seeing, it is just a heresy.

After Yuanying, the parallel goods turned into gods and could not develop. "

Yang Xiuming said, "So that's how it is!"

Fu Xialiang continued: "Brother, I have arranged everything for you.

I have a spiritual method, you can use it to pretend to be awakened, lighten your heart light, and get the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

Continue to impersonate later, as long as the Tibetan God Sect completes the photo, the disciples of the sect can come and go freely.

When the time comes, you will go to Shenweizong, and then fly a boat to my Taishang Dao, and we brothers will advance and retreat together. "

Yang Xiuming remained silent for a long time.

Then he said: "Old Fu, I don't want to go too high.

In your place, there is actually a characteristic, discrimination, which was difficult for me to develop in the past. "

Fu Xialiang said: "No, brother, you are wrong!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Da Luotian, an outsider, and Bai Li, who was born too high, are looked down upon by others because he was born in Linzhou.

I went, what future can I have? "

Fu Xialiang wanted to argue, but after thinking about it, it was true.

"Then how will big brother arrange his life later?"

Yang Xiuming laughed, and said: "I thought about it, there is no need to pretend.

I feel that the hidden biography of Shenzong is a bit interesting.

In this real era, there is still half a month before the end of the era change.

Then I will be able to awaken directly, and become a real disciple of the Tibetan God Sect! "

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said, "It's possible!"

Zhang Yue said: "Let's come too and wake up together."

The three looked at each other and laughed again.

At this point, it was decided that Yang Xiuming's spirit would return and he would return home.

There is still half a month to go, times have changed, Yang Xiuming can just wait.

But if you wait, you won't be able to find out the problem, so you have to go to work, Yang Xiuming sighed, and began to practice the military way of killing fist.

Yang Xiuming's military killing fist has been trained to 63 weights, which is unheard of for Fu Xialiang.

Yang Xiuming felt silently, and found that in these few eras, his memory was no longer there, but his instinct was there.

Practicing this martial arts killing fist like crazy, he has a faint feeling that this punch is not easy.

Jumping up, Yang Xiuming came to an open space at home and started punching.

He re-cultivated the military skills he had mastered.

This boxing technique is composed of nine styles, cultivated to the extreme, returning to the basics, simplifying the complex, turning nine boxing into one boxing, this is one level.

Then one punch turned into nine punches, and then turned into one punch, this is double.

Such repeated simple and traditional changes, one level of improvement, each additional level, the power of the military way of killing fist will increase a lot.

Before Yang Xiuming's memory returned, he had completed 63 simple and traditional changes, and he had practiced to 63 repetitions.

He practiced here, one punch, one punch, and finally nine punches combined to complete one weight.

Then come again, one punch becomes nine punches, and once again nine punches are combined to complete the double.

Triple, quadruple, quintuple...

In one breath, Yang Xiuming not only completed his own 63 weights, but also added two more weights, reaching 65 weights.

However, this so-called military killing fist is similar to ordinary boxing techniques such as Taizu Changquan and Tanglangquan in the previous life.

Even 65 Chongtian is ordinary, without any power to break mountains and rivers and change fate against the sky.

When Yang Xiuming was practicing, his elder brother Yang Xiuqing seemed to wake up at night and pass by him.

Yang Xiuqing glanced at the third brother, nodded, and moved on.

Yang Xiuming suddenly withdrew his fist and looked at his elder brother with cold eyes.

At this moment, in Yang Xiuming's dark sense, he was not Yang Xiuqing at all.

In a flash, Yang Xiuming came to Yang Xiuqing and asked coldly:

"who are you?"

Yang Xiuqing was taken aback, and said, "I'm your eldest brother, third brother, what's wrong with you?"

"who are you!"

Yang Xiuming's words were endlessly cold.

Under his persecution, Yang Xiuqing's body suddenly stopped, and she looked over, without any popularity, like a doll.

Said in the doll's mouth:
"Third brother, are you awake?
Very good! "

This is definitely my brother's voice.

Yang Xiuming asked hesitantly, "Brother, what are you?"

"Third son, after I awakened, I have entered the Tibetan Shenzong.

I have succeeded in cultivation, accepted the task, and went out to hide. This is my spouse, and I am here to replace and accompany my family.

Only when you are awakened can I speak to you. "

Yang Xiuming asked slowly: "Brother, when you burned the corpse for me, what was not burned in the sinkhole?"

"A Token of Immortal Qin was finally obtained by the Jiang family."

Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief, this is the real big brother.

"Brother, where are you now?"

"Third brother, you can't say it yet. Anyway, just wake up."

After speaking, Yang Xiuqing returned to normal and left slowly.

Yang Xiuming was speechless, it was hard for my sister-in-law...

Early the next morning, the family had breakfast.

Father shouted: "Fourth, hurry up and buy more."

Yang Xiuchun immediately agreed, took the money and ran out.

He ran to the bakery next door and bought a basket of bread.

Then everyone's breakfast is milk and bread.

Yang Xiuming was speechless. The man who made steamed buns at home didn't eat the steamed buns he made, but the bread next door...

But I ate a piece, let alone, it was delicious, indescribably soft and tender, too fragrant.

I'm eating an extra slice.

During the meal, Yang Xiuming observed silently and found something.

Not only was the elder brother absent, but the fourth younger brother and fifth younger sister were also surrogates.

No wonder after the memory came back, I felt that my fourth brother and fifth sister were not as kind as before.

I thought they had grown up and alienated themselves.

It turned out to be fake...

It's just, how old are they, so they joined the Tibetan God Sect?This sect is too thirsty, right?

Only the parents, the second elder brother, his wife, and their children are the real relatives.

Alas, Yang Xiuming let out a long sigh.

In Yinzhou City, the parents and the second elder brother couldn't practice. They didn't expect that they still couldn't practice in the new world.

Always be an ordinary mortal...

The next day, Yang Xiuming got up, let out a sigh of relief, and went to work.

Come to the school, be a glorious physical education teacher, teach the martial art of killing boxing...

Boring and uninteresting.

There are many teachers and students in the school, but they are not related to Yang Xiuming. There are only two people who have a relationship with him.

One is a good friend Zhu Jian, and the other is an old poisonous teacher.

This old guy, did he like to stare at Yang Xiuming and find fault when he reached menopause?

Yang Xiuming wanted to slap her to death!
But hold back.

Back home after get off work, Yang Xiuming shouted:
"Fourth, come here and press my feet.

Fifth, come and rub my shoulders! "

These are not real people, but awesome slaves.

Come over and give me a massage.

The puppets were obedient, and came to serve Yang Xiuming one by one.

It is very comfortable.

After pressing it for a while, Yang Xiuming got up, checked that his father was not there, and asked casually:
"Where's my dad?"

In this world, his father, Yang Xiuming, is called Dad.

The mother replied: "You can still go there, the bakery next door is learning art!"

"Go, call the old thing back, don't do any work at home, go to the bakery every day.

Our family runs a steamed bun shop, if this continues, who will come to our house to buy steamed buns. "

Yang Xiuming thought about it, and went to the neighbor's store.

Next to Yang Xiuming's home, Yang Ji, there is a Julilai cake shop, which specializes in sliced ​​whole wheat bread.

At first the two families competed, but later his father, Yang Dejun, surrendered directly and sent the fourth child to buy bread for breakfast every morning.

Yang Xiuming wandered to Julilai cake shop.

Julilai Bakery is not big, and the owner is an old man who calls himself Mr. Dafang.

A bread seller named Dafang must be very picky.

Sure enough, that's really the master who doesn't wipe out a penny.

Pushing open the storefront, Yang Xiuming walked in.

Sure enough, the old father was here, playing chess with Mr. Dafang.

His face was covered in sweat, his face was red and red, and it looked like he had lost, and he was in a hurry to beat someone.

"Dad, my mother is calling you home for dinner!"

"What's for dinner? What time is it, don't go back!"

Seeing that the old father lost, he was so angry that he wanted to throw the chessboard.

"Dad, this is what you said. I told Mom that you are the one who won't go back!"

Vaguely, Yang Xiuming's words were threatening.

Thinking of his wife's furious appearance, Yang Dejun shuddered.

"Son, come and help me with the next set, I'll go back and have a look."

Yang Xiuming walked over and took a look, chess looks very simple.

"Okay, I'll help you play the next game, you go back quickly, otherwise everyone will have a hard time tonight."

Yang Dejun said goodbye to Mr. Dafang.

Mr. Dafang is a fat old man, not tall, he looks like a birthday boy, he just sneered.

"Go, let me educate your son.

Your family is a stinky chess basket, if you don't clean up you, I'm really sorry for my reputation as a generous chess master. "

The old man is quite crazy!
Yang Xiuming sat down and started playing chess with the old man.

Down and down, Yang Xiuming also started to sweat.

It looks very simple, why is this chess so difficult?
This is to lose!
Yang Xiuming couldn't help shouting in his heart: "Brothers, where are you?"

Immediately Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang arrived here.

"Help me, I'm going to lose!"

"Brother, you are such a waste, you can't do this?
I'm so ashamed of you for not being able to win even a country old man! "

"Stop talking nonsense, come and help!"

Then, lose!
"Grandpa, give it another shot. I shouldn't have lost. My car didn't go right in the end."

Mr. Dafang laughed loudly and said:
"You cook and love to play, so come again!"

Then, Yang Xiuming lost again!

"I don't believe it, give it another shot!"

This time, the three of them gathered together and fought against the old man.

"Brother, your step is wrong, you are going wrong!"

"Xia Liang, you command blindly, how can you play chess like this!"

"Old Zhang, you stay and go, you stinky chess basket."

Three people in one, one can't, and the other two can't be too strong, they really can't play chess.

Yang Xiuming finally shouted speechlessly:
"Come on, let's unite our minds!"

Suddenly the three of them fit together and played chess together, I couldn't believe it!
Then lose again!
Mr. Dafang hummed a little tune.

He looked down on Yang Xiuming.

"Go on, go on, I don't believe it!"

Zhang Yue said: "Can I cut off this old man?"

Go ahead and lose again!

Yang Xiuming continues to come again...

Next, the father is here.

"Third, it's getting dark, you still don't go home for dinner!"

Yang Xiuming looked outside, his innocence was so dark, he didn't know how many games he had lost.

Zhang Yue said: "I lost thirteen games!

Can I kill this old man? "

Mr. Dafang put away the chessboard with a smile and said:

"Come again.

You father and son are my latest source of happiness, and we will fight again tomorrow! "

Yang Xiuming and his son left.

Walking outside, Yang Xiuming couldn't help complaining:

"Dad, don't play chess with this old guy in the future, he is not a good person!"

Yang Dejun said: "Playing chess is secondary. He promised me to play chess with him and teach me the recipe for making croissants!"

"Do you think I can't beat him? I let him go, fooling him, in order to learn his skills!"

Strongly explained that Yang Xiuming knew that his father could not do it, and he could not do it either!

Yang Xiuming said: "Dad, you are a mantou maker. Learn how to make bread with him? Don't you feel sorry for our mantou shop?"

Yang Dejun thought lightly, gave Yang Xiuming a hug, and said:
"What do you know, I'm a spiritual chef, specializing in pastry baking.

Yinzhou City is full of poor people who cannot afford the pasta I baked, so I started making steamed buns when I had no other choice.

Uncle Dafang is capable, and the bread is so delicious, I will learn some skills from him now, so that I can live up to my status as a spiritual chef! "

Yang Xiuming didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Yang Dejun was taken aback, and said:

"What Yinzhou, we are Zhanjiang, what kind of Yinzhou is there..."

After speaking, he remained motionless.

Yang Xiuming was dumbfounded, what's going on?

Is this feeling the world of mortals?
Is father going to wake up?
But the father soon recovered, and said:
"Go, go home, if you don't go home, your mother will be turned upside down!"

It's a pity, it's one step closer to perfection.

After returning home like this, my mother was furious.

In fact, in Yinzhou City, my mother was not like this, she was very gentle and considerate.

But here, I like to chatter when I have nothing to do, but this chatter is not for nothing, in Yang Xiuming's view, it is a kind of expression of love.

Yang Xiuming quite liked his mother's nagging, and his father seemed to be addicted to it too.

In Yinzhou City, life is in danger at all times, and the mother can only hide her fear and deliberately be gentle to make her relatives comfortable.

Now here, there is no danger, just let go of your true nature.

The second breakfast is still bread, continue to work, and Yang Xiuming gets off work early.

Unconvinced, he went to play chess with Da Fang.

This is not just him, Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang are also the same.

"Brother, don't be afraid. I went back last night, found three chess books, and studied them all night. I will definitely beat him."

"Me too, but I found five who can play chess and learned it all night!"

"You guys, if you don't cultivate well, you will lose your ambition!"

Entering the bakery, the old father was wearing pastry clothes and working there.

Looks like you really learned your craft!

Mr. Dafang saw Yang Xiuming coming, he laughed and said:
"Are you here for revenge?"

"Must, I studied three chess books last night, this battle must be won!"

Then, Yang Xiuming was abused again.

After losing the next game, Yang Xiuming was sweating profusely and continued to lose.

Losing and losing, old man Dafang doesn't like to play anymore.

"You are good at cooking and love to play. You should study the chessboard carefully today, and I will teach you tomorrow."

The old man Dafang not only educated Yang Xiuming on the chessboard, but also went to Yang Dejun's side, inspected the work, and even sprayed him!

"How did you get along here?"

"Haven't you eaten? Don't you have strength?"

"You also open a shop with this craft, if you can't do it, give me a new one!"

Yang Dejun kept nodding, honest and obedient.

Yang Xiuming looked at it, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that his father was working for nothing and being exploited generously.

"What's the matter? Do you feel sorry for your father?

Then you come, you help your father! "

"That's it? Your old Yang family is still competing with me? I think you will go bankrupt within a year!"

In this way, the father and son went home at night.

Yang Xiuming murmured, "Why is this bread so difficult to make? It's not so difficult for me to practice?"

Zhang Dejun replied with a smile: "If it is not difficult, how can it be so delicious.

Otherwise, how would I learn this way?
Son, continue tomorrow, we will steal all the craftsmanship of this old man! "

The next day, the two went to work again in Bai.

Yang Xiuming has to be responsible for losing the chess, which is really impossible.

The three of them worked together, but they couldn't do it.

Mr. Dafang was very happy to see two free laborers:

"Blessed are you father and son, I will teach you something real!
Remember, the great way of the world is hidden between square inches, and there are universes in the subtleties.

Everything is dense in a square inch, full of heart, filling the universe, nothing more than this principle.

There is a world between square inches.

Don't underestimate this for making bread.

This place hides the supreme law of heaven in the world, and the mastery of industry is the result of diligence and lack of play..."

After a lot of reasoning, Yang Xiuming and his son couldn't help nodding their heads.

However, when playing chess the next day, Yang Xiuming found that there was a chess record next to it. These words were all in the game record, and the old man even recited two sentences wrong... 7200
Day by day passed by like this, and the days were very relaxed, like a fairy, without any worries.

In a blink of an eye, at the end of the month, Yang Xiuming silently calculated that three months had passed, the time had come, and it should be time to change the world again.

There are already three people in the family, the elder brother Yang Xiuqing, the fourth younger brother Yang Xiuchun, and the fifth younger sister Yang Xiuxia, all of whom were promoted to the Tibetan God Sect.

Therefore, no matter how the world changes, the Yang family will not be separated.

It's just that three months is worth a year, and the unreasonable consumption of life is really unbearable.

However, based on Yang Xiuming's understanding of his eldest brother, he would never watch his family members waste their lives in vain, but he didn't do anything. There must be a reason for it, but he didn't know it.

When it was time to change the world, Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang came here, and Yang Xiuming waited silently on the bed.

Around midnight, suddenly, the world seemed to stand still.

It's like time pauses.

The earth trembled slightly, and everything seemed to change quietly.

The general topography of the world, mountains, canyons, rivers, rivers and seas, remain unchanged.

But the details of the environment, such as the city where people live, the buildings they live in, and the clothes they wear, all change quietly.

From the original modernity, it has suddenly become a feeling of the end of the world.

The buildings are dilapidated, the streets are in chaos, and there are littered waste everywhere.

First, the world changed, the world shifted, and an era was directly changed.

As times change, all people, too, will begin to change.

People also changed quietly, from the original real people to survivors living in the last days.

The clothes are automatically dirty, the house is automatically dilapidated, sent to different places, and the memory in the brain is also changed accordingly.

They are all survivors of the last days, and all their memories have changed quietly.

Unreasonable places, automatic optimization, become reasonable.

If it is really impossible to change, it will be directly sealed and deleted, so that they cannot remember.

In a family like Yang Xiuming, some people awakened to join the Tibetan God Sect, the family members remained the same, and the family status was very good.

Their family has become a steamed bun seller in the last days...

In the past three months, they will not be wronged, and it is also a good day.

Others are unlucky, families are broken up, relatives change, memories change...

If you can feel this change, Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, roar and question, and get out of this change.

This means that you have escaped from the magic circle of the world of mortals. Through this awakening, you can be promoted to the Tibetan God Sect and escape from this melting pot.

Seeing the changes before her eyes, Fu Xialiang said slowly:
"Just like I thought, it turned out to be an illusion. The so-called Red Dust Maze is actually an illusion magic circle."

Yang Xiuming also nodded, and said: "The illusion world is constructed based on the real topography of the world. Everyone lives in an illusion, just like the real thing."

This is illusion, I didn't notice it before, but during this change, I can see clearly, so I can see through the truth.

"Brother, are you ready to wake up?"

Yang Xiuming said: "You must wake up!"

"But, brother, you were already awake, how did you wake up?"

Yang Xiuming was silent, just about to speak.

Zhang Yue next to him said: "It's not right!

I feel that what you said is wrong, but I don't know where it is wrong! "

After saying this, Yang Xiuming was taken aback.

Zhang Yue continued: "It's just wrong, but I can't fault it. This is my innate intuition. I swear on my life, it's definitely not an illusion!"

Yang Xiuming gritted his teeth, looked around, and observed intently.

But watching the world change is an illusion.

But what Zhang Yue said was wrong, he intuitively felt that the three were the first, and if he said something wrong, it must be wrong.

Yang Xiuming let out a loud roar, opened his eyes vigorously, and used his "Golden Pupils, True Eyes of Misunderstood Light"...

Suddenly, he seemed to see a chessboard.

A chessboard covering the world, one by one the chess pieces fall, and as the chess pieces fall, the world changes.

This is something Yang Xiuming is familiar with. Back then in the Taishang Dao Competition, he followed a chess piece, Chaos Dao Chess.

This means that it is not an illusion at all.

Illusion is a way of blinding the eyes and deceiving all living beings. The real method is really changing the world. What kind of illusion is there, the real method of immortality.

It's really hidden Shenzong, what you see is only a false appearance, and the real truth is hidden under the false appearance!
Seeing through all this, Yang Xiuming yelled, blood and tears flowed from his eyes, and he became blind.

Then he closed his eyes and said:
This is not an illusion magic circle at all, this, this is Chaos Dao Chess! "

After saying this, the three of them were shocked.

Feeling what Yang Xiuming saw just now, Fu Xialiang said:

"Brother, it seems so!

In all the records of the Tibetan God Sect, it is recorded that this is an illusion magic circle.

But, really not, this is Chaos Dao Chess.

No, to be precise, it is a chaotic chess game.

The so-called changing the world is not an illusion, but a real change, like a fairy art, creating something out of nothing, changing time and space! "

Zhang Yue said, "Why?"

Fu Xialiang said: "To deceive all living beings, all the sects' records on the Tibetan God Sect were deceived by them!"

The blood and tears in Yang Xiuming's eyes disappeared, and the golden pupil did not hurt. The eyes that were originally blind recovered automatically, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"I seem to have awakened the third pair of eyes in "Golden Pupils Misunderstanding Cave Real Eyes", and everything is empty?"

"Can you see through illusory methods naturally, illusory things?"

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "Okay, if you wake up, I will wake up too."

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "This supernatural power is good, but everything is imaginary, it is not so absolute, most of it is illusory."

Yang Xiuming said: "That's not bad!"

Yang Xiuming couldn't help looking at the world again.

In fact, the so-called mortal magic circle is just a chaotic chess game.

Now the chaotic chess game is falling step by step, and the world changes accordingly.

This is not two people playing chess, but a chaotic chess game like a replay, with a fixed program going on step by step.

Looking at this chaotic chess game, Yang Xiuming knew that there were 36 eras in this world.

The eras are connected one after another, and 36 eras end, exactly 12 years.

After all the rotations are completed, people in the world spend 36 years.

Then do it again, 36 epochs, and continue to do it all over again.

Only at this time, the world changed quietly. All people who lost 36 years of life will automatically regain 24 years of life.

Of course, among them, people whose lifespan is exhausted and die will die as soon as they die, which can be regarded as contributing to the chess game.

Then a new era begins again, another 12 years.

Here people will marry wives and have children, multiply and prosper.

If there is a problem and the population is insufficient, the Tibetan God Sect will purchase population from other places to supplement it.

During this viewing, Yang Xiuming went blind twice again, but with the golden pupils, he was fine.

The reason why Yang Xiuming watched like this, if he had a feeling.

As if to comprehend something.

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang also watched together.

Look, look, they're all yelling together!
"I see!"

Boom, they have made a breakthrough in "The Rhythm of Everything" that they practiced.

From the original fourth level, it was promoted to the fifth level!
Concentrate on listening to the law, I am God!
Yang Xiuming immediately felt that his cultivation had improved, and directly broke through from the first level of foundation establishment to the second level of foundation establishment.

In addition to the improvement of the realm, the range of the night has suddenly expanded from four miles to five miles.

The other two will do the same when they go back, and they will both gain something.

"The Rhythm of Everything" has been promoted to the fifth level, and there are more magical effects. In fact, when it is promoted to the third level, Yang Xiuming can release his true energy, truly affect the environment, assimilate the enemy, and become invincible.

But Yang Xiuming hasn't practiced it yet, and he can slowly grasp more mysteries when he calms down in the future.

All three are extremely happy, the world is still changing.

To suppress the promotion of "The Rhythm of Everything" has to be done.

Fu Xialiang asked: "Brother, how did you wake up?"

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Of course there is a way!

Awakening requires the feeling of Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly.

But I'm wide awake right now and won't wake up at all, so it must be confusing me. "

After finishing speaking, his five-element puppet Xiyuantu puppet appeared and said:

"Old Fu, come, control him, hit me.

Confused me, the bastard is stiff, wake up, wake up naturally! "

Fu Xialiang said, "What kind of bad idea is this?"

Then he entered into the Xiyuantu puppet and said: "Brother, it's not that I want to hit you, it's you who begged me to hit you, it's not that the third brother is not particular, it's that you really begged..."

There seemed to be a smile in the words.

Zhang Yue also passed by in an instant, and said, "What nonsense!"

Then it turned into a puppet of Xiyuantu, and a stone stick automatically appeared, and it took turns to hit Yang Xiuming's head.

Yang Xiuming said: "It seems that you are quite happy?"

With a click, the stone stick shattered.

Unmoved mountains and seas appear.

Yang Xiuming laughed loudly and said, "Are you happy for nothing?"

Fu Xialiang said: "Come again!"

This time it is the protection of the Holy Shield.

Come again!

When the stick came down, Yang Xiuming immediately felt his head sink, his eyelids were cracked, and black pearls burst out, as if a silk shop had been opened, red, black, and purple would come out.

But it seems to have made a dojo of water and land, with chimes, cymbals and cymbals ringing together.

In this confusion, Yang Xiuming seemed to gradually wake up, and asked himself:

"who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"Where do I come from?"

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