Dao Shaohua

Chapter 201 Taiyuan has 9 levels, 9 manifestations and 9 hidden

Chapter 201 Taiyuan Jiuzhong, Jiuxian Jiuzang

"who am I?"

"I'm Yang Xiuming!"

"Where am I?"

"I'm in the Tibetan Divine Sect's Red Dust Formation!"

"Where do I come from?"

"I come from Yinzhou, I come from Earth!"

After asking three questions in an instant, Yang Xiuming answered.

After a moment of sobriety, he was immediately arrested by the magic circle of the world of mortals.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell, locking Yang Xiuming tightly.

Under this brilliance, it was like being thrown into an ice hole, it was very cold, and Yang Xiuming's consciousness became clearer.

Even if you are not awake, you will naturally wake up when the magic circle is excited.

It can be seen that the Tibetan God Sect is encouraging mortals to awaken, let them wake up as soon as possible, and then join the Tibetan God Sect.

Under this brilliance, Yang Xiuming quietly operated "The Rhythm of Everything" to suppress himself, so that all his cultivation was scattered, and he became an ordinary mortal.

"The Rhythm of Everything" has five layers, and this ability.

However, the magic circle covered hundreds of millions of people, and it was only a general scan, without the ability to find out the difference between Yang Xiuming.

Or don't care what strength people have.

Then Yang Xiuming hypnotized himself and shouted:

"I'm Yang Xiuming, what is this place, and why am I here?"

"This strange world is so weird, I wake up, I wake up!"

That brilliance seemed to confirm that Yang Xiuming was awake, and suddenly changed, a little stream of light injected into Yang Xiuming's brain.

"Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method"

The core inheritance of Tibetan Shenzong was injected into Yang Xiuming's heart.

"Heaven and earth, hiding all things, heaven 36, earth 36, majestic and restrained, not to mess with scriptures, Pengdao Sansi, Qisha officials and soldiers, Bijin Shenzhu, evil dragon bundle shape. The three realms respect you, as you wish, everyone The ground has no inclination. Urge like a law..."

Yang Xiuming felt this scripture silently, and his heart moved, and he began to practice "The Rhythm of Everything" to practice this method.

Immediately, in my heart, it seemed that something was ignited, and the spirit turned into a little light, which quietly lit up in the depths of my heart.

It's as simple as that, just get started directly with Shenzong, and give birth to your own heart light.

It's just that after Yang Xiuming's heart light was born, he lost the opportunity to sacrifice and refine his body, so he didn't have to use this to draw spiritual energy into his body and enter the period of refining energy.

He is in the foundation building stage, so it has no effect on him.

Fu Xialiang smiled and said: "Little leftist way of thinking, it's so simple.

Brother, why are you still practicing it? It’s pointless. "

There was incomparable contempt in the words.

Yang Xiuming sensed silently, another ray of light fell from the void.

"In the magic circle of the world of mortals, Zhuangzi dreamed of a butterfly, Yang Xiuming naturally awakened, and obtained the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

Ignite yourself, turn into heart light, illuminate yourself, and break away from mortals so far!
Yang Xiuming, please continue to practice in the mortal world, cultivate according to the scriptures, and enter the realm of refining Qi, so that you will be led into the outer sect of the Tibetan Shenzong and escape from the circle of mortals! "

It turns out that you have to practice in the world of mortal circles to the level of Qi refining before you can escape.

Yang Xiuming is all about building foundations, so he can leave immediately.

But he won't do that, after three or five days, he will be promoted to Tibetan God Sect.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

Now that the times have changed, Yang Xiuming checks the outside.

Impressively, the original modern high-rise buildings have become the ruins of the apocalyptic era.

Other families don't know, but their own family is fine, they still run a shop, and they have money and rice.

This time it's still a steamed bun shop, but with more bread making business...

In these last days, who still has the leisure to eat bread?

Yang Xiuming was a little speechless...

Mr. Dafang became a teacher, his father became his apprentice, and his good friend Zhu Jian became a hired worker in a bakery.

And when I wake up, I no longer have a job, and I am a social idler...

Yang Xiuming was even more speechless...

On this day, everyone is adapting to their new identities, and they can't see who is doing what, and they are all in a daze.

Yang Xiuming didn't practice, and "The Rhythm of Everything" has reached the fifth level. Normally, he should be promoted to the second level of foundation building.

But Yang Xiuming suppressed himself, and waited until he stabilized to talk about it. First, he established a foothold in the Tibetan God Sect, gained status, and slowly promoted.

Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue returned separately.

They used this to practice "The Rhythm of All Things in the Palm of Heaven", Fu Xialiang was promoted to the fourth level of foundation building, Zhang Yue was at the peak of the fourth level of foundation building, and was almost promoted to the fifth level.

"Brother is good to be back.

The two of us have worked hard for more than a year before we were each promoted to the first level realm.

When you come back, we will be promoted to the first level immediately! "

Zhang Yue was silent.

After a long time, he said, "Xiu Ming, I always feel that there is something wrong with this "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method"."

Yang Xiuming was taken aback and asked, "What's the problem?"

"I don't know, but it just feels like it's not that simple.

The Zang Shenzong is the sect that likes Tibet the most. Let's study it again. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, Zhang Yue's intuition was very accurate, if he said there was a problem, then there must be a problem.

The three of them studied together and practiced the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

"Wanzang Yangshen Illumination Method" This method is very mysterious, awakening the soul to condense a kind of heart light.

This is the illumination of the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

Then use this heart light to condense a kind of primordial spirit.

This primordial spirit is different from all the primordial spirits in the world of cultivating immortals.

It is insignificant, extremely small, invisible to the naked eye, and unknowable to the soul.

If it is similar, it is similar to the nano-robots in the previous life.

Everyone's condensed soul is different and has thousands of changes. This is the Wanzang in the "Wanzang Nourishing and Illuminating Method".

This kind of primordial spirit is slowly supported and turned into tens of thousands of billions. They are insignificant, but they cover the sky and cover the earth when they are gathered together, and they can imitate the vitality form of countless other sects.

Many sects are different in essence at the core, which is the vitality form of each sect.

Taishang Dao is the true essence that dominates all living beings, and Taiyizong has ever-changing characteristics.

But this Tibetan God Sect can use the tiny Yuanshen to imitate the vitality form of any sect, so that the monks of the Tibetan God Sect can hide in any sect without being discovered.

This is the cultivation of the spirit in the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

The three studied repeatedly, but found no difference.

But Zhang Yue became more and more determined.

"This method must have something to say!"

Seeing Zhang Yue's determination, Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang also agreed.

But how do you discover the difference in this method?
Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Come on, the three of us will become one!"

Suddenly the three became one.

Yang Xiuming controlled the three of them, but he did not study the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method", but practiced "The Rhythm of Everything and the Will of Heaven".

Analyze yourself based on the five levels of "The Rhythm of Everything" and then turn to "The Method of Rejuvenating the Spirit and Illumination of Ten Thousand Zangs".

Take this opportunity to try to see if you can comprehend the hidden mysteries of "Wanzang Yangshen Illumination Method".

Sure enough, once this method is activated, "The Rhythm of Everything" controls the heaven and the earth, and all laws are in the heart.

Then in this state, analyze the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

Sure enough, it worked this time.

"Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method" slowly changed, the scriptures were changed, the number of words changed, and there was indeed something to say.

Changes come, changes go, for a full three hours, it suddenly turned into another scripture!
"Taiyuan Nine Layers Nine Displays Nine Zang Celestial Eclipse Sutra"

The three were shocked!

It turned into this scripture?
Fu Xialiang said: "It's all a legend. The Tibetan God Sect is a branch of the Taiyuan Sect. It seems to be true!"

"Tai Yuanzong?"

"Taiyuan Celestial Eclipse, once one of the Nine Tais, their poem name is: Taiyuan is below, the Nine Layers will not die! In the Nine Abyss, all demons are reborn! Above the Ten Thousand Abyss, the star sea and sky eclipse!"

"I didn't expect to get their core inheritance?"

The three of them were ecstatic, and Yang Xiuming felt it silently, practicing "Taiyuan Nine Levels Nine Manifestations Nine Tibetan Heavenly Eclipse Sutra".

Immediately, the "Taiyuan Nine Levels Nine Signs and Nine Zang Heavenly Eclipse Sutra" soared up, and paragraphs of scriptures appeared in the minds of the three of them!
"Taiyuan is here, Jiuzhong will not die!"

"In the Nine Abyss, all demons are reborn!"

"Above myriad abysses, the sea of ​​stars and the sky are eclipsed!"

"Raksha, Raksha, Blood Raksha, Sea of ​​Blood, Sea of ​​Blood, Sea of ​​Blood..."

"Students of the younger generation, practice my Taiyuan magic spell, practice my Taiyuan magic skills, restore my Taiyuan inheritance, and promote my Taiyuan prestige!"

Each scripture is poured into the brain, merged and changed with each other, and turned into a complete set of cultivation methods.

From the sitting posture at the beginning of the practice, to the breathing during the practice, to the thoughts in the mind, everything is clear!

From the Qi refining stage, to the foundation building stage, to the Jindan stage, to the Nascent Soul stage...

All of a sudden, this exercise was integrated into the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing".

Under the leadership of the "Nine Tai Laojun Kaitian Jing", "Taiyuan Nine Layers Nine Displays Nine Zang Tian Eclipse Sutra", "Taibai Wugou Treading Song Dancing Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", "Taishang Qingjing Sutra of Birth and Destruction of Heaven", "Taiyi Sutra" Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Scripture perfectly merged into one scripture!
Immediately, the fourth layer of "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" was slowly lit up.

The so-called Myriad Zang Yuanshen is actually a simplified version of Taiyuan Celestial Eclipse, exactly the same.

Yang Xiuming sat down uncontrollably, practiced according to this sutra, straightened his body, sat in meditation, settled down, and felt the sense of energy!
"Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing" is silently promoted!
Inhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, inhale, exhale,, exhale, inhale, inhale, exhale...

The original "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing" that he practiced was perfectly replaced with the latest "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing". Yang Xiuming's true energy in his body improved by leaps and bounds.

Skyrocketing, infinite skyrocketing...

This time, Yang Xiuming didn't suppress his realm, and was directly promoted to the second level of foundation building, and then promoted again, and then promoted to the third level of foundation building.

Three flowers gather on the top, five spirits rise to Yuan!
The night range has been increased from five miles to six miles.

Jump at will, without using any magical powers, you can come and go freely in the dark night range.

The zhenqi is stronger, [-]% more than before!
A rising tide raises all boats, and the power of all kinds of supernatural powers is also increased by [-]%!
All three are unbelievable.

"This Hidden God Sect is interesting, isn't it?"

"Yeah, there is something."

"Continue to practice?"

"You must continue to practice."

With Yang Xiuming's strength in the foundation period, with a slight movement, the light in his heart grows rapidly, and quickly shines outside his body.

But Yang Xiuming was not in a hurry to reveal it, and decided to wait a few days, and then pretend to be a ray of light, and thus enter the Zongmen of the Tibetan God Sect.

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang returned, and they took advantage of the fourth stage of "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" to advance to the fifth stage of the foundation establishment period.

But in order to advance to the sixth level, Yang Xiuming needs to be promoted to the third level in the foundation establishment period.

I don't know when it will start. There should not be too much difference in realm between the three of them.

In this way, Yang Xiuming lives in the end times.

This era is miserable, everyone has no food to eat, and there are zombie beasts attacking survivors from time to time.

There is danger at all times, but in fact the danger is not great, as long as it is a harsh environment.

The Red Dust Magic Circle is just a simulation, not the real end of the world.

However, the Yang family lived a well-to-do life. They had an underground grain field and could produce and sell their own wheat.

The life of the Yang family is very good, but Yang Xiuming knows that this is due to the contribution of the elder brother, fourth younger brother, and fifth younger sister.

It's a special arrangement, inherently safe, and the goodies are endless.

But the fourth brother and the fifth younger sister were absorbed by the Tibetan God Sect at such a young age, so I don't know what happened.

Mr. Dafang also joined the Yang family this time, his father was so happy that he played chess with him whenever he had nothing to do.

Although the last days are miserable, business is still very good, just bartering.

Of course, from time to time there are some customers who want to spend no money, but under the shotgun of the second brother, they are all honest.

For the past five days, Yang Xiuming held the battle quietly. Seeing that there was no danger, everyone got used to it, it was almost done, and then he began to relax.

Shine the light around you.

The radiance of the heart light represented that Yang Xiuming had entered the realm of Qi refining.

Suddenly, he found that the surroundings changed quietly, turning into a gloomy scene.

But in the distance, there is endless light.

"In the circle of mortals, Yang Xiuming practiced the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

Transformation produces heart light, illuminating the outer self, so far you have entered the outer gate of the Tibetan Shenzong, and escaped from the world of mortals! "

A voice appeared again, and then a light guided Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming followed the light and soon came to a lake.

Looking at the past, there is a staircase in the lake, going straight to the bottom of the lake.

After walking to the lake, Yang Xiuming went down the stairs.

Just stepping into the water and suddenly it seems like the world is turned upside down.

The original world seemed to be a shadow world, hanging upside down under his feet.

And I climbed the stairs, step by step, to the real world.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and walked up step by step.

There are a total of [-] steps, and when you go up the last step, a lobby appears in front of you.

In front of the lobby, there is a bar counter, where a woman waits silently.

Yang Xiuming walked over slowly, the woman glanced at him and said:
"It's been five days since you awakened, your potential is too low!"

Yang Xiuming was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Come here, register!"

Yang Xiuming walked over slowly and said, "I, Yang Xiu..."

The other party hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

"Remember our Zangshenzong, the first gist, always hide yourself.

Don't tell your real name, never tell anyone your real name.

There are infinite spells in the world of cultivating immortals. Knowing the real name can curse you. "

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and said, "Then what's my name?"

"Choose an alias at will, and change it later if you don't like it."

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Then I'll be called Wu Guo. I will help him complete his life!"

In the ear wheel, it seemed to hear a roar, it was the roar of Diyuan Qizhan.

The woman smiled and said, "No results, very good."

"Now tell me the rules.

When you are promoted to the outer sect of the Tibetan God Sect, everything is based on self-cultivation.

The reason why no one guides you is to cultivate your self-discipline ability.

Our sect, the characteristics of the exercises, is a path of self-silent cultivation.

Among the thousands of people, I am the only one alone, and the gods are all over the sky, and I hide among them.

No teacher, no apprentice, no relatives, no friends, everything can only depend on oneself.

You enter the cultivation by yourself, break your heart, enter the Tibetan realm, and then enter the inner sect of the Tibetan Shenzong to start a new cultivation. The rules at that time will be discussed separately. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I understand!"

The woman said again: "Before you become an inner disciple, you still have to live in the circle of mortals.

Every night at midnight, you can leave the world of mortals, enter the outer door, look for opportunities, and self-cultivate. "

Yang Xiuming clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your guidance, but I don't know the name of my senior sister?"

The woman smiled and said, "You can't remember me even after you say my name. Everything about me is fake. In fact, I might be by your side."

"Hiding the outer gate of Shenzong, Xiaoyin wears a mask, Zhongyin has a phantom figure, and the big Yin is a ghost!

Do it yourself! "

After finishing speaking, he gave Yang Xiuming a sect token.

A golden token with a Tibetan character on one side and a divine character on the other.

"The name you use can be changed once a month!"

Yang Xiuming took the token, saluted, and entered the hall.

There are hundreds of such bars here, and everyone comes here every time they are awakened.

After awakening, one day with good potential will wake up with heart photo, three days with average potential, five days like Yang Xiuming, all have extremely poor potential, but there are also those who come late on purpose, it's all normal.

Yang Xiuming entered the hall, and there were dozens of people wandering in the hall.

In the center of the hall, there are twelve stone tablets.

All kinds of mantras are engraved on it, which are used for the practice of "Wanzang Yangshen Illumination Method".
Yang Xiuming walked over to check these thoughts, but couldn't help frowning.

These spells all have one purpose, to lurk.

There are also various regulations in it, how far the beginner disciples have cultivated, and what benefits the family and relatives enjoy.

My family can enjoy a good life in the world of mortal circles, all of which are the benefits brought by the eldest brother, fourth younger brother, and fifth younger sister.

The eldest brother, fourth younger brother, and fifth younger sister are not in the outer sect. They have already entered Tibet, and entered the inner sect of the Ten Thousand Tibetans.

Fu Xialiang said slowly: "Looking at it this way, the meaning of Zangshenzong in Taiyuanzong is to cultivate the dead.

Later, the Taiyuan Sect disintegrated, but the meaning of the existence of the core "Wanzang Yangshen Illumination Method" of the Tibetan Shenzong remained unchanged, so it could only continue to cultivate the dead space and lurk the influence of other sects. "

Yang Xiuming said: "Okay then, let's continue to practice and quickly enter Tibet and enter the inner sect of Wanzangzong."

The three nodded and continued to practice.

Suddenly Yang Xiuming said: "Well, the Tibetan God Sect has awakened, and we have obtained the "Taiyuan Nine Layers Nine Signs and Nine Zang Heavenly Eclipse Sutra" from the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method".

Could this external photo also have such characteristics? "

Fu Xialiang said: "No way, but a little heresy?"

Zhang Yue said: "The Tibetan God Sect can't, but the Taiyuan Sect has this possibility!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Taiyuan Jiuzhong, Jiuxian Jiuzang, maybe this is possible!"

When Yang Xiuming was studying these steles, suddenly someone behind him shouted unbelievably:
"Yang Xiuming?"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, who knew him?

He looked back and saw a person, it was Xiong Kuosen.

He couldn't believe it, and shouted, "Xiong Kuosen?"

"It's really you, Yang Xiuming, hahaha, I didn't expect to see you here."

Yang Xiuming also said: "Master 35, are you here too?"

"Oh, what 35 is less, that's all in the past.

Eh, your memory has not been assimilated? "

"You mean Liaochang?"

"Shh, don't talk about it, don't mention the so-called Liaochang, it's a memory that should disappear."

Xiong Kuosen came over, approached Yang Xiuming, and whispered.

"Our Xiong family, after pulling the world, came here, and most of the people's memories were assimilated.

They can no longer remember the world of Liaochang, and they all think that they are local aborigines.

Only very few can remember past memories. "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking, "Where's the young master?"

The young master was referring to Xiong Kuohai.

Xiong Kuosen couldn't help cursing: "That bastard, he sold our whole family.

When I got here, I immediately awakened, promoted, and left us early.

He disbanded our Xiong family and let us go our separate ways. In the end, he took all the good things and ran away! "

Yang Xiuming was speechless, but thinking about it, with Xiong Kuohai's cunning personality, the Zang Shenzong was like a fish in water.

"When did you wake up?"

Xiong Kuo Sen asked!
"I just woke up in this era."

"Ah, you are a little slow, I awakened three ages ago, but I didn't practice the exterior scene here.

This is completely different from our combat job system. It is too difficult to practice meditation with real vitality. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, it was indeed too difficult for those fighters who had never been exposed to the cultivation of immortals.

Although Xiong Kuohai is very shameless, Xiong Kuosen led someone to save him back then.

Yang Xiuming has a very good impression of him.

"Yang Xiuming, let's add a friend."

"How to add friends?"

"Look at the Zongmen Token, if you enter Yuanneng, there will be a function that allows you to add friends and connect with each other."

The two tried to become friends with each other.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking:

"What about the rest of your Xiong family?"

"Oh, after arriving here, they all dispersed.

Didn't you realize that our combat positions here are severely suppressed, and their power is less than one-tenth of the original.

Some people follow that bastard and get promoted to the inner sect, while some don't want to awaken and spend the rest of their lives in the mortal magic circle.

There are others who struggle with this as I do.

Do you still remember Li Hongbo and Xue Wei? "

"Remember, those are your right-hand men in the university?"

"Hehe, people are so awesome now, they look down on me and call me a waste, this is no longer the world of Liaochang..."

There was deep helplessness in the words.

"What about hiding the gods, hiding a fart, I like to be frank and frank, to cover people's eyes and ears, I can't do it."

It seems that he was stimulated by Xiong Kuohai, and even Xiong Kuosen looked down on the Tibetan Shenzong.

Yang Xiuming shook his head, this is not acceptable.

Perhaps because of this, Xiong Kuosen didn't hide his figure, nor did he wear a mask to disguise himself.

Yang Xiuming is disdainful, no need!

So the two recognized each other at a glance.

"35, what do you think about the future?"

"What else can I do, practice hard and join this inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect.

But here is a good point, you can know how big this world is, it is much better than ours. "

"Yeah, this world is too big!"

"35, is there anything you don't understand about cultivation? Can I explain it to you?"

"Hahaha, thank you very much!"

Xiong Kuosen didn't care about Yang Xiuming's words at all, but he still couldn't help asking:

"You said that in this exercise, what does the atrium turn the universe, and the Tianzhu guides the north? What do you mean?"

Yang Xiuming said with a smile: "Atrium refers to this position, this place is called Zhongting acupoint, which means that the true energy needs to be reversed here.

Tianzhu refers to the human spine. When practicing this method, the left and right sides of the body should be facing north and south, and the back should be facing west and east. "

"Ah, so it is!"

This is the simplest knowledge in the outer sect of Xiuxian sect. Yang Xiuming mastered it through Fu Xialiang, but these fighters have learned it there.

Yang Xiuming gradually felt that this was a kind of silent suppression by the Tibetan God Sect on the fighters from the Liaochang world.

There is indeed a strange vitality here, which is silently suppressing the ability of all warriors.

After chatting for a while, with Xiong Kuosen's gratitude, they each dispersed.

Yang Xiuming's combat role was actually integrated in "The Nine Tai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" and "The Rhythm of All Things in the Palm of Heaven's Will". It has long been a method of cultivating immortals, so suppressing it has no effect on him.

Yang Xiuming looked at the stone tablet in the hall, read it carefully, and began to practice.

The three of them continued to practice in depth, and seventeen days passed like this.

On this day, Yang Xiuming was practicing, in a trance, but felt something.

Sure enough, the so-called external photos also have hidden secrets.

The external light of the heart not only illuminates itself, but also illuminates a secret in the world.

There is no record of this in Tibetan Shenzong, but in Taiyuanzong, this is called Shenzang.

This secret of the gods is different from person to person, so we can understand it.

In a daze, Yang Xiuming saw a battlefield.

It was a great world, but it was broken and everything was withered, because it had become a battlefield.

The earth was shattered, with countless cracks all over it, the ground fire was boiling everywhere, endless cows turning over, and violent earthquakes.

The clouds in the sky are broken, the sun fires down, there is no cloud cover, the cosmic wind hits, and there is no celestial body shelter.

Corpses are everywhere, corpses are everywhere, hundreds of millions of living beings are dead.

The sea boiled and was completely blood red, stained red with blood.

In this world, there are two people who are still fighting hard.

These two people are thousands of feet tall, covering the sky and covering the earth, but they are all Dharma bodies, changing their actions.

One of them, with infinite power, covers the sky and covers the earth, is ever-changing, and can catch the stars and the moon.

One is just an ordinary old man, dressed in a green robe, and there is nothing strange about it.

The two faced each other from a distance, and they had reached the most critical moment of the battle.

Yang Xiuming couldn't hear what they said at all, and could only vaguely see their figures.

Then the green-robed old man punched, just a simple punch.

He stretched out his right hand, slowly clenched his five fingers into a fist, and aimed at Immortal Qianzhang, it was a blow from a distance!
With this punch, Yang Xiuming was stunned. Yang Xiuming was very familiar with this punch, to the bone.

It is the military way and killing fist that he taught in several eras.

But the punch of the old man in green robe was not his military killing punch, but the most primitive and simple punch!
Just 870 fivefold!

With this punch, in the void, there was an existence with endless power, and in a sudden, under this punch, it fell apart and was directly killed on the spot.

Turned into thousands of fragments, where the fragments landed, big bangs rose continuously, and the whole world was finally destroyed and collapsed.

The green-robed old man slowly retracted his fists, as if to say something in his mouth.

This time, Yang Xiuming heard it completely!
"Xianqin Zhidao Qi Refining Art"

In an instant, Yang Xiuming understood that this boxing technique that was the most widely spread and practiced by countless monks in the world was actually the No. 99 technique "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue" among the 90 secret techniques of Xianqin.

The simplest secret method is also the scariest secret method.

The so-called "Xianqin Zhidao Qi Refining Jue" is extremely simple, one punch and one method, one heart and one mind, one thought and one breath!
Immortals use this method to change the world and change the world, omnipotent!

So Yang Xiuming was in the sealed state, when he came into contact with this method, he had an innate intuition that it was unusual, so he pursued it desperately and practiced hard.

In a trance, Yang Xiuming woke up and discovered a big secret of the universe.

He gasped for breath, but felt that at the same time, Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang were also doing the same.

Each discovers a great secret of the universe.

The three gathered immediately, and each told about the sacred treasure they saw.

Zhang Yue said slowly: "Zangshenzong came from Taiyuanzong, but it's fake.

The Tibetan God Sect is actually a branch of the Dark Demon Sect. "

Fu Xialiang frowned and said, "Are you sure it's the Dark Demon Sect?"

"I'm sure, it's the Dark Demon Sect!"

Fu Xialiang gritted his teeth and said: "Dark Demon Sect, the Twenty-Two Demons Who Turn Back the Universe, this is one of the most terrifying Demon Sects.

The title of the poem in this door is: no shadow and no form, neither black nor white, soundless and breathless, unclear and unclear; no good and no evil, neither right nor evil, no heaven and earth, neither life nor death!
This sect is the most mysterious, there is no fixed mountain gate, and there are no sect disciples, but the world's venerables all regard them as their enemies.

It is said that they stir up the universe and cause chaos in the world. "

Zhang Yue nodded and said, "According to what my divine treasure reveals.

The Dark Demon Sect infiltrated the Taiyuan Sect with the Tibetan God Sect, thereby triggering internal struggles in the Taiyuan Sect, leading to the disintegration of the Taiyuan Sect.

Then Tibetan Shenzong attached to Shenweizong, and the purpose was also to destroy Shenweizong.

This time, Zang Shenzong sneaked into the world of Mutian Liaochang, the training cunning driver of Southern Chuzong, one of the purposes was to get Nanchu's cunning follower.

But he didn't want a coincidence to bring one-third of Liaochang's world back to his sect.

Here they have a big plan. After suffering such a big loss, the Southern Chu sect must take revenge. They will promote the Southern Chu war against Shenwei.

This God of War might be defeated, and the mountain gate of the Tibetan God Sect must be taken away by Nan Chu, and then they used this as an elite disciple to sneak into Nan Chu! "

This is a serial poisonous scheme, and the arrangement is clear.

If Zhang Yue hadn't unlocked Shenzang, the three of them who killed Yang Xiuming would not know these inside stories.

It took Yang Xiuming a long time to realize:
"Here, don't stay for long!"

The three of them nodded. The Tibetan God Sect was already waiting for Nanchu's revenge, and a gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall!

But it was easy for Yang Xiuming to leave, but it was difficult for his parents and elder brother's family to leave.

Yang Xiuming shook his head and said, "Think slowly, there must be a way."

They looked at Fu Xialiang, wondering what kind of treasure he saw.

Fu Xialiang said: "The Shenzang I saw is the same as my elder brother.

In the immortal battle, use the 870 five-fold "Xianqin Zhidao Qi Refining Art" to blow up the enemy.

But I saw it, but it was different from my elder brother.

What the elder brother saw was the one punch and one method of the "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue" of the military way of killing fist.

But what I saw was the single-mindedness of Tibetan Shenzong's "Chongsheng Jue" as "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue". "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking, "Single-minded?"

"Yes, the Tibetan God Sect has three methods and two tactics, five super-sacred methods.

"Taizhong Jue", "Chongshen Jue", "Shenyuan Method", "Tianji Method", "Returning Burial Method"

I originally thought that nothing but mediocrity was useless, but I didn't expect that the "Chongshen Jue" was actually the whole-hearted effort of the "Xianqin Zhidao Qi Refining Jue". "

Everyone looked at each other.

Yang Xiuming said slowly: "We must master "Xianqin Zhidao Qi Refining Art"!"


All three nodded.

Fu Xialiang said: "Then let's continue to practice.

From the outside, into Tibet! "

Zhang Yue said: "Maybe, the so-called Tibetan realm also has such hidden secrets."

Fu Xialiang said: "There must be. This is the characteristic of Taiyuanzong. Taiyuan has nine levels, nine manifestations and nine possessions."

The three nodded and practiced here.

Returning to the real world during the day, this time there is no school in the last days, Yang Xiuming does not have to go to work, and sells bread at home.

In fact, there is no need for him to work, it is enough to have the second brother and his family.

The second brother has already given birth to three children, Yang Zhenzhu, Yang Zhenying, Yang Zhenxiang...

The originally scheduled Yang Zhenqing was used by the eldest brother's child.

This name is really overbearing, Yang Xiuming is very speechless, very speechless about his father's ability to name.

The sister-in-law met several times, but it was also fake. She left with the elder brother, and the child was left to be raised by the grandfather.

The children of the second brother's family are all four or five years old, very cute.

Yang Xiuming likes to play with them.

It's a pity that the four brothers and five sisters are all gone, just puppets.

Entering the outer gate of the Tibetan God Sect, Yang Xiuming discovered that the Tibetan God Sect especially liked the awakening of children.

Because children are awakened, they are not very old, so they can easily be sent to other sects to hide.

Like the eldest brother, he can only sneak into other sects with a false identity, and it is difficult to enter the core high-level of other sects.

Four brothers and five sisters are the best seedlings of the Tibetan God Sect.

It's okay, Yang Xiuming is playing chess with Mr. Dafang.

This time the times changed, Yang Xiuming had to call Mr. Dafang Grandpa.

Yang Xiuming was very resistant to this.

My dear grandfather is not a good thing.

But under the rattan education of the old father, Yang Xiuming finally succumbed and had no choice.

During this period of time, Yang Xiuming has never won a game of chess. He will lose a game in the next game, even if the three of them play together, he will still lose. He has completely lost his resistance, adapted to it, and stopped reacting!
In this way, the three of Yang Xiuming practiced hard, and soon the light of their hearts gradually formed a scene in their bodies.

After completing this step, the disciples of the Tibetan God Sect will automatically be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Realm, and Yang Xiuming doesn't have to hide his strength.

Another half a month later, on this day, Yang Xiuming suddenly felt something in his heart.

Immediately, his heart lighted up beside him, and a scene automatically appeared.

Looking at it, it was like a dark night.

Boundless and endless night, endless silence, deep, dark, serene...

Yang Xiuming felt it silently, and it was extremely quiet.

The dark night is pure, the Supreme Being is pure, tolerant of all powers!
Yes, Taishang Qingjing, Yang Xiuming's night scene, is the most direct explanation of Taishang Qingjing.

Yang Xiuming silently felt that this Tibetan God Sect really doesn't matter.

As long as the external scene is formed, the real energy in the whole body will immediately explode and attack, directly breaking through the realm of Qi refining, and promoted to the realm of foundation establishment.

For ordinary monks, a big difficulty, the insurmountable foundation building period, is the same for them.

Easy pass.

However, all gains must be lost.

It is too easy for them to advance to the foundation-building realm, which will cause their actual combat ability to be far weaker than the foundation-building monks of the same level.

This is also impossible.

And as the realm improves, they will become weaker and weaker, and finally reach the Nascent Soul realm, completely a batch of parallel imports.

When you reach the realm of transforming gods, stop here, and it will never be possible to advance like this again, to heaven!
Yang Xiuming mastered the location of the God of Tibet, and so did Fu Xialiang, and they continued to master it.

The exterior scene of Zhang Yue is like a lotus flower.

The golden-white lotus flower, without any dirt, is pure and flawless.

This is easy to understand, Zhang Yue was originally a lotus artificial human.

It's just that Zhang Yue's lotus has a characteristic, which is endlessly sharp. This is the characteristic of Taibai Wugou, Taibai Jianzong, and there is no room for filth.

This has something to do with the Taibai Sect "Taibai Wugou Stepping Songs Dancing Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra" they practiced.

And Fu Xialiang's location is related to his cultivation, boundless sea of ​​thunder, endless thunder.

But his thunder has nothing to do with Tai Shang Dao.

It is the Thunder of the Nine Heavens, the Supreme One who dominates the void with arrogance.

This should be related to the Taiyi Sect's "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Scripture" they practiced, but for some reason, he does not have the characteristics of Taiyi, but has the same characteristic of Taiyi.

All three were born on location, but a strange phenomenon appeared.

Originally, the locations of the three had their own characteristics, but gradually their locations changed silently.

The location of the three of them suddenly turned into one.

In the endless night, a golden lotus opened above the void, and in the golden lotus, a thunder figure sat upright.

The three people's exterior scenes are all one, I don't know why this is the case.

If you don't know, you don't know, Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief, and can be promoted to the inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect!
It's just that the three of them didn't discover the real secret hidden under this exterior scene.

Came to the outer gate hall again, but did not see Xiong Kuosen.

Yang Xiuming slowly came to behind the stele, where there was a wide stone chamber.

He entered there slowly.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in the stone room:

"Practitioners, those who enter this stone room must master the external scene.

Release the external view to the Tibetan realm, enter the foundation establishment realm, and join the inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect.

If you don't grasp the location and enter this stone room, you will be bombarded by sky thunder and kill yourself! "

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "I have mastered the Tibetan realm!"

"Cultivator, please show your Tibetan realm!"

Yang Xiuming slowly used his hiding place, and suddenly the endless night quietly descended.

This night is incomparably silent, endlessly quiet, deep, dark, serene...

The dark night is pure, the Supreme Being is pure, tolerant of all powers!
In the dark night, a golden lotus is not stained with any filth.

In the golden lotus, the infinite thunder seemed to turn into a figure, standing proudly on the top of the void!

Such an exterior scene, infinite atmosphere!
After a while, the voice came:

"Cultivator, you have mastered the Tibetan realm and advanced to the foundation-building realm.

So far, you have become an inner disciple of the Tibetan God Sect.

Please enter the inner door of Tibetan God Sect! "

Suddenly, beside him, a door opened, and a ladder to the sky appeared.

Yang Xiuming breathed a sigh of relief, stepped on the ladder, and entered the real Tibetan God Sect!
 Recommend a friend's book "I really don't want to be an emperor at the end of Ming Dynasty"

  In July of the fourth year of Chongzhen, Cheng Shijie, who traveled through time and space in the late Ming Dynasty, came to Dengzhou.

  He originally wanted to use the time-travel door to make some money.

  However, the general trend was like a tide, but it pushed Cheng Shijie step by step towards the turbulent stage.

  Start from Dengzhou Weizuo Qianhu.

  He wiped out bandits, put down rebellions, and sheltered one side.

  Take back Lushun, return to southern Liaoning, and spread majesty in all directions.

  Ke Jiannu, suppressed Mongolia, expelled Xiyi,
  Open up settlements, promote industry and commerce, and open up borders.

  In Daming, where natural disasters and man-made disasters, corrupt officials, and all horses are paralyzed, he is the only hope.

  Song Xiance said: "Your Majesty, a country cannot live without a king..."

  Cheng Shijie sighed: "You are falling into injustice!"

  Li Yan said: "Your Majesty fell into the injustice of one person, but it is a great fortune for the world!"


(End of this chapter)

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