Dao Shaohua

Chapter 202 Man, change your name if you go or sit without changing your surname!

Chapter 202 Man, change your name if you go or sit without changing your surname!

Stepping up the ladder, Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and walked up slowly.

A passage opened invisibly, and Yang Xiuming walked slowly upwards along the passage.

In this hall, many people watched Yang Xiuming leave with envy.

This means that he has completely left the magic circle of the world of mortals and entered the real Tibetan God Sect.

I don't know who cheered from behind.

This was a celebration of Yang Xiuming's promotion.

Everyone cheered, Yang Xiuming can be promoted, so can they.

Walking up slowly, Yang Xiuming felt like he had walked a thousand steps.

The last step, one thousand and one steps, is completed, and another hall appears in front of it.

But looking at it, there is no difference between it and the outer sect of the Tibetan God Sect.

Another bar, on the side of the bar, was the same maid who welcomed him outside the door last time.

"No result? Welcome, join our inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect!"

Yang Xiuming was speechless, unexpectedly seeing her here again.

"Is this the inner door?"

"Yes, by entering here, I have truly become a disciple of the Tibetan God Sect."

"My name is Shi Jing. Since you are here, I will be your guide."

This time, unlike the outer door, they didn't say anything, not even a name.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I've seen Senior Shi Jing!"

"Don't call me senior. Our Tibetan God Sect is different from other sects. There is no so-called order of seniority, and there is no so-called master-student inheritance."

Shi Jing slowly explained!
"We Hidden God Sect disciples almost have no choice but to get out of the world of mortal circles and are born to be Hidden God Sect disciples.

Our Zang Shenzong's position in the world of cultivating immortals is actually very weak in a sense.

We Zongmen monks, because of our core skills, we can be promoted quickly. For example, if you practice in less than half a year, you will be promoted to the foundation building state.

But you's real strength can't be compared with those foundation-establishing true cultivators of the sects of the masters. We are just heretics, and we can't even beat some casual cultivators.

And as our realm improves, this situation will become more and more serious.

There is no way to do this, it is determined by our birth, and the monks of the Tibetan God Sect are destined for this.

So we can only find another way, pretending to be a tiger, pretending to attack Guo, and using the general trend of those superiors and sects to make up for our weaknesses.

How can we better take advantage of their general trend!
That is to join them, become a part of them, master their power, command their monks, and use them to accomplish what we want to do.

The so-called cultivating immortals is nothing more than seeking longevity. Although our combat power is insufficient, our realm is easy to improve, and our lifespan will naturally increase.

Although Wang Ba is weak, he can live for thousands of years.

If we can't provoke them, we can hide them, and when they die, we will go to their graves to drink.

You can live forever, don't care about these small weaknesses.


Yang Xiuming listened stupidly...

"Yes, I know what you want to say, isn't this a cuckoo or a parasite?

Yes, we are the cuckoos, replacing their real children with us.

Lurk to become their monks and absorb their nutrients as parasites.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are thousands of sects, each with its own mysteries. This is the characteristic of our Tibetan God Sect!
You want to say why we don't cultivate well and master our own strength.

I'm sorry, when you practice the "Wanzang Rejuvenation and Illumination Method", you have basically lost this possibility! "

After a long time, Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I understand!"

Shi Jing smiled and continued: "Of course, this is not absolute, everything is possible in the world of cultivating immortals!"

"Okay, now you have been promoted to the inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect.

Our inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect has three methods and two tactics, five super-sacred methods, according to the sect's rules, you can choose one of them. "

Yang Xiuming's eyes lit up, and he said, "Can I choose "Chongshen Jue"?"

"Of course it is. In the future, within the sect, you complete the missions of the sect and get rewards from the sect, which can be exchanged for other three methods and two formulas."

"When the three methods and the two tactics are all practiced, you can implement the Zongmen's long-distance travel plan."

"Zongmen travel plan?"

"Yes, our true disciples of the Tibetan God Sect basically lurk in other sects.

Staying in the Tibetan God Sect has no future. "

Yang Xiuming was stunned for a moment, and said, "No future?"

"There is really no future!"

"Aren't you afraid that if you enter another sect, you will really become a disciple of another sect and betray the Tibetan God Sect?"

Shi Jing smiled and said:
"Whatever, you choose yourself, you are willing to become a disciple of other sects, break away from the Tibetan God Sect, and you are completely free."

Yang Xiuming couldn't help but said: "How is it possible? Could it be that the Tibetan God Sect is so generous in cultivating disciples for others?"

"It's not generous, but it's really not afraid.

For so many years, those disciples of the Tibetan God Sect who sneaked into other sects finally chose to return to the Tibetan God Sect.

Do you think those sects are easy to mess with?
Those Daoist sects were tested from time to time, and if they were not careful, they died due to lack of strength.

Those demon sects fought to the death internally, survival of the fittest, life and death were always in sight.

Without the external support of Zang Shenzong, everyone huddled together to keep warm.

Leaving the Tibetan God Sect and wandering around the world on his own, hehe, he either died, or came back crying for help. "

Yang Xiuming was silent for a while, thinking of Fu Xialiang's trials, it was indeed the case, and he died if he was careless.

It took him a long time to react and said: "Innately deficient!"

It is easy for Tibetan God Sect to advance, but its strength is inherently insufficient, so there is no way.

"As soon as the Red Dust Magic Circle comes out, our fate cannot be changed!"

Shi Jing said unwillingly.

Yang Xiuming didn't know what to say.

He changed the subject and asked:

"Fellow Daoist Shi Jing, there are three relatives in my family, all of whom entered the Tibetan Divine Sect first, can you contact them for me?"

Shi Jing thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask!"

She seemed to ask something, and then said: "It's true, you can ask, what are their original names?"

"My elder brother Yang Xiuqing, fourth younger brother Yang Xiuchun, fifth younger sister Yang Xiuxia."

"Let me see……"

Didn't everyone use fake names?

It's nonsense, the Tibetan God Sect actually has the ability to lock the real name internally.

"Good guy, these three relatives in your family are amazing.

They have all implemented the Zongmen's long-distance travel plan.

Your fourth brother Yang Xiuchun and fifth younger sister Yang Xiuxia happen to be young, and they sneaked into other sects without any sequelae, they are really lucky.

But what kind of sect, there is no record, so there is no record, it is either a heretical sect, a side sect, or even a superior!
Your eldest brother is actually later than them, but there is no record of any sect.

After three years, they are eligible to visit their relatives before the news can be delivered. "

Yang Xiuming sighed, there was no other way.

"Fellow Daoist Shi Jing, what will happen to my family when I leave the world of mortals?"

"You have two options, one is to create a false memory, saying that you have gone out to work or something, so you are not at home.

One is to create a blood puppet like you and let him replace you.

By the way, your elder brother, fourth younger brother, and fifth younger sister have accumulated enough meritorious service for your family.

Your family is under the protection of the Red Dust Magic Circle. No matter what era, you will always have no worries about food and clothing.

And there is no problem of longevity. After 36 ages, all life spans will be restored automatically, and everyone will have longevity benefits.

It depends on your choice. I suggest using blood puppets instead, so that your family will have an extra large labor force to serve your parents. "

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Then I'll use a blood puppet instead."

"After a while, you choose yourself, and you will deduct meritorious service!"

During the chat, she took Yang Xiuming to the front.

Entering a large hall, it is endlessly wide.

In the center of the hall, there is a huge ball of light emitting endless light.

"Concentrate, let's show your own exterior view.

Use your own location to connect to the main core of Tibetan gods! "

Yang Xiuming condensed the exterior scene, and the endless night thunder appeared again.

"Very good, I didn't expect your location to be so majestic.

My exterior is just a clock mirror, so I call it Time Mirror.

This is the only way for our Tibetan God Sect to contact the General Core of the Tibetan God.

As long as you get in touch, no matter where in the world, you can use your location to contact the General Core of Tibetan Gods.

This is the secret contact method of our Tibetan God Sect. It is not subject to any restrictions or influences. Only we can do it for all the sects in the world! "

Shi Jing said proudly.

Yang Xiuming drives his own location and slowly connects to this ball of light.

At the moment of connection, Yang Xiuming felt that part of his external scene was eaten by this light ball.

The light sphere is also part of the transmission, so far the two form a connection.

Immediately, countless consciousness appeared in my mind.

"The Tibetan Divine Sect has no results. After completing the external training, you will be promoted to the Qi Refining Stage, and you will be rewarded with a point of merit. After completing the Tibetan cultivation, you will be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, and you will be rewarded with a point of merit!"

"Taizhong Jue", "Chongshen Jue", "Shenyuan Method", "Tianji Method", "Returning Burial Method"

There are five methods, one by one, Yang Xiuming can find one.

So far, a little merit has been consumed.

"Taizhong Jue" is a method of spiritual consciousness operation, which can sneak into other people's brains, connect with the other's spiritual consciousness, and sense all the other's feelings.

Even in the later stage of cultivation, you can use this to control the opponent and turn the opponent into your own puppet.

"Shen Chong Jue" is a kind of magical power similar to self-hypnosis, so as to integrate one's spirit, energy and spirit, and integrate all powers into one.

"Sinking Abyss Method" uses secret methods to build an abyss in one's mind. In the abyss, countless monsters can be cultivated, and then released with these monsters to occupy the souls of other living beings, thereby mastering countless Dao soldiers.

"Tianji Method" uses one's own mind to transform into auspicious auspiciousness, stimulates auspiciousness with aura, cleanses the body, and sublimates the soul and mind.

Let the physical body be reborn, wash the marrow and change the tendons, enlighten the Tao and become holy...

In this way, scenery can be quickly generated, and it is even possible to metamorphose into supernatural powers.

The "Burial Method" finds a special place, builds a tomb for oneself, and worships it seven to seven days with a secret method. In the future, except for accidental death, the body will be buried there, automatically resurrected, and start again.

Yang Xiuming looked at the five methods, without any hesitation, he immediately chose "Chongshen Jue".

"Chongshen Jue" is actually the single-mindedness of "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue".

Yang Xiuming has practiced the military way of killing boxing, and already has the one punch and one method of "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue", plus the single-mindedness of "Chongshen Jue", there is still one thought and one breath, so far it is complete.

But he didn't expect that after choosing "Shen Chong Jue", the five methods did not disappear, and there were still four shining.

What does it mean?
Fu Xialiang immediately understood, and said, "Brother, you can still choose, this is treating us as three people!"

This has happened before, and Yang Xiuming is used to it.

He said slowly, "What else to choose?"

Zhang Yue said: "The "Returning Burial Method" seems to be able to resurrect, but I feel that this method is the most useless.

The so-called resurrection is just a lie. The ghost knows what is resurrected.

So I don't recommend this method. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Okay, give up the "Return Burial Law."

Fu Xialiang said: ""The Law of Heavenly Signs", you must choose, the three of us now have locations.

With this method, you can obtain supernatural powers by turning the exterior scene into a heavenly trace.

This is a supernatural power that came for nothing, so don't want it for nothing, so I chose the "Law of Heaven". "

Yang Xiuming said again: ""Chongshen Jue" and "Heavenly Trace Method"!"

There are two left, "Taizhongjue" and "Shen Yuanfa"

Zhang Yue said: "These two exercises are very evil, and they are both a method of controlling others..."

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said: "Abandon the "Shen Yuan Fa", which uses the abyss of one's own mind to cultivate a group of demons and seize the body of Taoist soldiers.

But I don't need it, I have a grassroots path, which is much easier than controlling a group of Taoist soldiers. "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "Yes, give up "Shen Yuan Fa" and choose "Tai Zhong Jue".

I don't think this method is simple. I have checked the relevant classics of the Dark Demon Sect in the past few days.

The monks of the Dark Demon Sect seem to have similar spells to infiltrate other people's souls with their consciousness. "

Yang Xiuming said: "Okay, then the three of them!"

Immediately, Yang Xiuming made a choice, "Taizhongjue", "Chongshenjue", "Tianjifa"

A large amount of spiritual consciousness poured in, and Yang Xiuming sensed it carefully and absorbed it slowly.

After getting three inheritances, there is still a little merit left, which is a big deal.

The time mirror on the side didn't see the problem at all.

Or it can be seen that she doesn't care.

Cultivation in this sect depends entirely on personal fate.

Wait until Yang Xiuming has almost absorbed it.

Mirror said:

"No results, your current task is to study by yourself.

Practice the three methods and two tactics until the practice is completed, and then start the next step to implement the Zongmen Yuandu plan.

During this period, you can come and go from our Tibetan God Sect at will, and even go to other sects at will.

Even if you don't come back and completely break away from our Tibetan God Sect, that's fine.

But, remember, if you endanger the Tibetan Divine Sect and reveal the secrets of the Tibetan Divine Sect, then you will be miserable, and you will die miserably! "

There seemed to be a kind of playfulness in the words.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Zang Shenzong didn't apologize to me.

Save my family from danger, teach me spells, why should I endanger the Tibetan God Sect.

I am a person who pays attention to repaying kindness and revenge, and I will never intentionally harm Tibetan Shenzong, don't worry! "

Don't blame me for unintentionally causing harm, I don't want to either!

Shi Jing nodded and said again:

"In the meantime, if you want to continue practicing in the Tibetan God Sect, you must complete the following tasks.

The first one is self-study, here are the 680 and seven rules of Tibetan Shenzong.

Study hard, it is related to whether you can live in the future.

Second, you have to perform one sect mission a month. In fact, these missions are all internships for the Yuandu plan.

If you do these tasks well, it is related to your future development. Is the Yuandu Project the best heresy lurking, or is it a shabby little nameless sect. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll remember it all!
Our sect, this is too easy, it's like herding sheep. "

Shi Jing smiled wryly, and said, "Maybe, we are really sheep!"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and asked, "Sheep?"

"Yes, I heard from the elders that there is actually a set of inheritance in the sect.
The true master-student secrets, they are the core of the Tibetan God Sect, who control everything in the sect.

But we are actually sheep, no matter how we practice and develop, it is meaningless.

Whether it is good or bad, life or death, it has no effect on them.

It's just that after we die, our cultivation, or spirituality, or luck, or anything else, all belong to them...

It will be automatically passed on to them, the accumulation of cultivation for them!
The reason why we are allowed to lurk in other sects is that in addition to our own, we can also absorb more luck from other sects...

This is similar to the 72 gods and demons with phases and non-phases in the demon school, the ghost mother and child sentient beings in the ghost way, the nine fire flames in the Taoist school, and the unified Maitreya in the Hinayana of the Buddhist school...

Alas, no one knows, but it's better to be able to travel in this world than to die in the world of mortals. "

After saying this, Yang Xiuming remained silent for a long time, and said, "No way!"

"Is this considered to be out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, it's nothing, I sighed blindly!"

"Okay, come on, let's add a friend, you can ask me if you have anything.

However, if you ask me again, it’s not a free service, I’m going to charge you Lingshi! "

"Spirit stone?"

"Yes, Lingshi, as long as you have Lingshi, you can do anything, including..."

After finishing speaking, she gave Yang Xiuming a wink, and any fool would understand what it meant.

Yang Xiuming just smiled wryly and shook his head.

Shi Jing said: "You can do it yourself!"

She turned away.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while, but instead of leaving, he looked at the General Core of the God of Tibet.

Under the sympathy of the outdoor scene, he received various spiritual messages.

Then Yang Xiuming smiled wryly, hiding the three thousand, 680 and seven rules of the Shenzong...

"The first rule is to lurk other sects. It is best to focus on young children. Everything is shaped by oneself, without being imprisoned by predecessors, without leaving any traces.

While lurking, hypnotize yourself, forget your past name, treat the sect with the utmost loyalty, if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself..."

"The 230th eighth rule, hard work on expressions, design a character for yourself, the more honest and honest the better, don't be a perfect person, you must bring your own small problems.

You can be greedy for money, you can be lustful, you can be cruel, the better the character design, the harder it is to be discovered. "

"The 580th rule of the three, if you encounter a battle, you must first choose an escape position. The Tibetan God Sect is weak, so you must first think about how to escape if you fail."

"The 590th rule of the three sects, I don't know why the disciples of my sect always have a kind of dark air, which can be easily spotted by the disciples of the Supreme Master.

So prepare more spices, cover up the smell, smile more, smile from the heart, and get rid of the darkness inside..."

"The 850th eighth rule, when you meet a senior monk, you can put down a little to survive, when you meet a demon sect, you can kneel down and beg your servants, you can survive, don't care about face, survival is the first..."

This so-called sect rule is simply a hidden encyclopedia, a manual for the world of cultivating immortals, which clearly introduces various rules and hidden rules of the world of cultivating immortals.

The titles of the poems of the various sects, the characteristics of the cultivation methods of each sect, the inheritance and hobbies of many sects.

The characteristics of famous casual cultivators in the world, the characteristics of each star sea region, what are the specialties...

This is simply done at home, and everyone in the world knows it.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding, checked carefully, and recorded carefully.

Fu Xialiang said: "It's very comprehensive, nothing less than our Taishang Dao.

As a heretic, it is not bad to be able to do this. "

Among them is the introduction of Taishang Dao. The disciples of this sect are arrogant and murderous, with a strong sense of justice. They look down on monks from other regions.

Seeing the regional discrimination, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue secretly nodded.

After carefully reading these door rules, Yang Xiuming felt humbled.

The monks of the Tibetan God Sect knew that it was not a good experience when they saw this rule. It can really be summed up by enduring humiliation to survive.

Zhang Yue couldn't help cursing: "So, what kind of immortal is he cultivating!"

Fu Xialiang said: "There is no way, it is congenitally deficient, but they obviously have the core inheritance of Taiyuanzong, what do they mean by doing this?"

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Should we screen?

All living beings are actually sheep.

Give opportunity, but also crisis.

Among them, if he discovers the secret of Taiyuanzong by himself, what kind of a proud son of heaven must he be.

We don't count, we rely on the Xianqin Secret Technique, think about it, if there is no Xianqin Secret Technique, just rely on yourself to discover this secret, how terrible is this guy? "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "Yes, it's really scary!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Don't care about them, let's practice, first complete the three methods of Tibetan God, and then go out and do a task to see the situation.

I want to take all my family away. According to the secrets old Fu discovered, something big will happen here sooner or later. "

Yang Xiuming thought for a while, connected to the Tibetan God General Core, and silently made a choice to exchange for a flesh and blood puppet to replace himself.

Suddenly a stream of light fell, Yang Xiuming forced a drop of effort to merge with the stream of light, and then transformed into a human form.

This person was no different from Yang Xiuming, he cupped his fists towards Yang Xiuming, just like a real person, he entered the circle of mortals and replaced Yang Xiuming.

So far, Yang Xiuming's achievements have all been exhausted.

The exercises that can be exchanged for the Tibetan God General Core are not just the five Tibetan God Sect.

Below this, there is a large row of...

Beichen Zong's Talisman Technique, Blood Sea Zong's Blood Talisman Technique, Taishang Induction Sect's Mining Technique, Heavy Xuanzong's Artifact Refining Technique, Pluto's Sect's Artifact Purification Technique, Tianji Valley's Formation Technique, Qiankun Sect's Puppet Technique, Demon Eater Sect's Immortal Cook The art of cultivating corpses from the Temple of the Eight Gods, the method of refining corpses from the Immortal Sect, the technique of Yuanyi from the Sage Armor School, the technique of spiritual storage from Cihang Temple, the technique of spiritual observation from the Tianmu School, the technique of spiritual dreams from the Great Dream Cangtian Cave, and the concept of Stealing Luck The water mirror technique of Tianzong, the painting skin technique of Jiuyou Guiming School, the Tianyin technique of Yinmozong, the star-picking technique of Xingxiu School, the cloud-picking technique of Danxia School, the sacrifice technique of Shenxiaodao, the mantra of Taoism, The Sleeve Cutting Art of the Longyang School, the Immortal Pattern Art of the Shenwei School, the Gu Art of the Five Poison School, the Immortal Wine Art of the Taibai School...

Densely packed, thousands of species.

The disciples of the Tibetan God Sect lurk in various sects. After so many years, although each inheritance is sworn by Styx, they still stole a lot of inheritance.

But Yang Xiuming didn't find any combat-type extraordinary Taoism or super-sacred method.

I don't know if it was deliberately not released, or it was useless to steal it, so I didn't steal it?

Fu Xialiang looked at all this and said:

"Zang Shenzong, although his personal cultivation is not good, but he is very proficient in using external objects.

These are all ways to improve strength in addition to cultivation.

I feel that it is not much less than our Taishangdao. "

After finishing speaking, he checked one by one...

"We all need meritorious deeds. I don't know whether meritorious deeds are easy to earn or not. If it is easy to earn, we should not rush to leave. If we don't learn these things, we won't learn them for nothing.

We are too up-to-date for fear that the monks will not concentrate enough in cultivation, and learning this knowledge will be expensive. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I'll go and see what the tasks are."

He checked the missions, and missions appeared one after another.

"The task of the new disciples of the Zongmen. There is a rat infestation in the Lin family of the Immortal Cultivation Family in Zhuji City. Someone needs to clean it up. I will reward some meritorious deeds."

"The mission of the sect's new disciples, Zhuji City needs a civil engineer. It takes ten working days. A little meritorious service will be rewarded."

"The task of the new disciples of the Zongmen is to build a sewer system in Zhuji City, which needs to be cleaned by monks. There are five studios, and a little meritorious service will be rewarded."

It's all civil engineering, sewer cleaning and other jobs. Yang Xiuming frowned, not interested.

"The mission of new disciples of the Zongmen is to participate in the annual foundation-building monk trade in Lijiapofang City, disguised as a casual cultivator, so that no one can find out, and a little meritorious service will be rewarded."

This task has a time limit. Those who want to participate must participate tomorrow. After tomorrow, the task will disappear.

It seems that this task is very simple. Just going to a trade fair is a bit of merit.

Without further ado, Yang Xiuming immediately took over.

Then the details came.

Lijiapo Square City was established by Li Qiming, a Sanxiu Jindan real person. It is located [-] miles away from Lijiapo, and within a thousand miles of the Zongmen. It is the largest square market and holds a trade fair every other year.

Three thousand five hundred miles away, Yang Xiuming had to set off now.

He immediately applied for the mission and was immediately guided.

Following the guidance, I came to a ladder, and climbed 360 five steps, passed through many passages, and passed twelve gates. There was a roar in front of me, a gate opened, and the sun set.

Yang Xiuming heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the real world.

Walking out of the gate, there is a side door of a brothel, and there is a bustard shouting behind:

"Guest officer, come again next time."

Looking at the past, Siye is full of pavilions, but there is no modern architectural style, all are similar to ancient buildings.

White walls, green trees, bamboo forests, red tiles, rich gates, rockery, flowing water, small bridges, pavilions, pavilions, flower stands, different trees, the heights are scattered, and the scenery is beautiful...

Yang Xiuming quickly walked out of the city. This place is called Zhuji City. It is located in a small remote world where the Shenwei Sect controls the Qingzhou star field. It is a rural place that is extremely remote.

There are about 30 people living in Zhuji City. There are three or five small families cultivating immortals in the city, and there is an outer courtyard of the Shenwei Sect, where talents from the small city are sent to the Shenwei Sect every year.

In the whole city, the highest level is only five foundations.

It is a small town of human race that is ordinary to the limit, but no one thought that this is the place where the secret mountain gate of Shenzangzong is located.

In the underground, there are hidden inner and outer double mountain gates of Shenzangzong, as well as the magic circle of the world of mortals, where hundreds of millions of mortals live.

Yang Xiuming shook his head, left Zhuji City, and followed the directions to head east quickly.

To take over the task, I have my own task equipment, an ordinary magic robe, a flying escape magic weapon, and a second-tier magic weapon.

Task completed, these must be turned in.

The rest of the income from the mission was Yang Xiuming's own.

Going outside, Yang Xiuming used the magic weapon of flying escape and pretended to rise from the sky more than a dozen times.

He didn't ask for any maximum speed, and went straight to the so-called Lijiapofang City.

Three thousand five hundred miles is not close, Yang Xiuming didn't dare to use his maximum flying power, pretended to be at a similar speed, and flew for a full three hours, following the guidance of the token, he arrived at the Lijiapofang City.

Along the way, Yang Xiuming also met three monks.

They all went straight to Lijiapo Fang City, looked at each other from a distance, but had no contact.

Arriving at Lijiapofang City, around midnight, Yang Xiuming was ecstatic.

This is the first time in his life that he has come into contact with other monks. Those who are too good are not counted. I don't know what this monk looks like.

When he landed in Lijiapofang City, he was greeted by his own night patrol monks.

"Fellow Daoist, please, come to my Lijiapofang City to participate in the trade fair?"

Yang Xiuming was suddenly dumbfounded.

There was no response for a long time, and he cursed.

The other party was taken aback, what do you mean?How can this be a curse!
Here, Yang Xiuming's combat role is no longer suppressed.

Here, he unleashes his night assimilation.

Now Yang Xiuming's dark night range, with him as the center, has reached a diameter of six miles.

But when it was released, there was a sudden shock.

After being promoted to the rank of Lord of the Night, the ability of the Lord of the Night has not been displayed.

At this moment today, it finally broke out.

Yang Xiuming's night range suddenly increased, from six miles to ten miles.

Moreover, the night assimilation induction suddenly strengthened, and his night range became even darker.

His best friends in the dark night, the death knights, and the ghost banshees, have all increased in strength by at least [-]%.

Then Yang Xiuming covered the sky with one hand, and suddenly became nine times a day, [-] breaths each time.

In this regard, the special ability of the Lord of the Night has not yet awakened.

In the darkness of the night, Yang Xiuming suddenly found that everyone in Lijiapo, including the so-called Jindan Daoist, had a gloomy aura on them.

At the beginning, he was a monk of the Tibetan God Sect who discovered it by relying on this breath.

In the Tibetan God Sect, there is also this rule. They don't understand why the senior monks can feel this kind of dark air, and they call for more incense burning, drinking more, and all kinds of cover-ups.

The whole Fang City is full of this dark atmosphere, which means that the entire Lijiapo Fang City, up and down, are full of monks from the Tibetan God Sect.

Everyone either came here to do missions like Yang Xiuming, or they pretended to be passers-by here and cooperated with other people to do missions.

This is a big play house, you fool me, I fool you, you know I fool you, I know you fool me.

Yang Xiuming was so speechless that he couldn't help cursing.

But think about it, this is normal. After all, the Zangshenzong is a Zongdao sect, how can it be just a small Zhuji city?

It can be said that a hundred thousand miles around is their territory.

Zongmen monks are not like Yang Xiuming, who just came out of the world of mortals. If they don't practice like this, they will be discovered when they go out.

So this is normal, a large theater, everyone will act together!

Yang Xiuming said speechlessly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scold you, I just expressed my feelings."

"I'm here to attend the trade fair!"

"Fellow Daoist, please also disclose your identity."

Normally, Yang Xiuming should say that he is a monk in Zhuji City.

But Yang Xiuming thought about it, and said proudly:
"From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite."

This is not playing the cards according to the routine, and the opponent is suddenly stupid!

According to the rules of the world of cultivating immortals, this is to announce the title of the poem, but the monks on the other side don't understand this.

Yang Xiuming looked at him and said proudly:

"I'm the supreme monk...

Yang Xiuming is also! "

"Today, I'm a guest of Shenweizong, passing by your place, and seeing the crowds here, come here to have a look."

The words are arrogant, but neither arrogant nor coquettish.

If you love to play so much, I will play with you.

As for the Zongmen Poetry Name, there are introductions in the mountain gate of the Tibetan God Sect.

The cultivator on the opposite side immediately bowed his head and said:

"Senior, wait a moment, I'll call my master!"

If he can't fix it, go to the master.

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Good!"

The monk hurriedly backed away, and then it seemed as if the whole city had exploded, the lights were bright and the crowds were surging.

There is an old monk, flying slowly, the golden core realm.

It was Li Qiming who opened up Lijiapofang City.

But Yang Xiuming frowned, with a dark air, he was still a disciple of the Tibetan God Sect.

"I met fellow Taoist Yang Xiuming, I am Li Qiming."

To be honest, Li Qiming didn't believe that Yang Xiuming was a disciple of the Supreme Master, and he was too upright, what a fool!
Yang Xiuming looked at him with a cold face, but at this moment, Yang Xiuming had already replaced Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang doesn't need to act, his every move is too elegant.

Under Fu Xialiang's gaze, Li Qiming couldn't help but feel terrified.

At the beginning, I didn't believe it, but gradually I became a believer. This is the real disciple of the Supreme Dao who passed by!
Thinking of the people who are too superior is always scary, the sum of all the people in my city is not enough for others to breathe, life and death are in front of their eyes...

Gradually Li Qiming began to sweat and his face turned pale.

Suddenly Yang Xiuming smiled and said:

"Meet fellow daoist Li Qiming, good!"

Li Qiming breathed a sigh of relief and survived...

He said hastily:

"Fellow Daoist Yang Xiuming, please come in quickly. A banquet has already been held for fellow Daoists in Fangshi."

Li Qiming carefully introduced Yang Xiuming into Fangshi.

Food and drink, all kinds of spiritual food, and even dancers are prepared.

Here, Yang Xiuming and the host sit down and accept their warm hospitality.

This is a bit interesting, otherwise what is the pain of haha.

Anyway, everyone is acting, there is nothing to be afraid of.

When the host and guest were seated, Yang Xiuming was unsmiling, but treated others like a spring breeze.

Everyone was a little skeptical at first, but after a few conversations, they became extremely respectful.

This is definitely a disciple of the Supreme Master, with a great demeanor.

Li Qiming is also in the show, and it is rare to have this opportunity to receive the disciples of the Shangzun Dapai, and he is still a true cultivator of the Supreme Dao.

This evening banquet, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

The trade fair started the next day, and Li Qiming was very respectful and introduced Yang Xiuming to the venue.

A total of 58 Foundation Establishment True Cultivators were present, and they were divided into guests and hosts, and Yang Xiuming naturally sat in the main seat.

These people have all started their own performances.

Some people act like dogs and flatter their beards, some people pretend to be arrogant and ignore them, some people don't seem to care about anything, but they are actually very careful.

Li Qiming accompanied Yang Xiuming to hold the Foundation Establishment Fair here.

The monks from all walks of life took out their items one after another and started trading.

Someone took out a skull. All the bones in this skull were as white as jade, exuding strange energy, and I felt that it was flame energy. It didn't look like a human skeleton, with a huge sharp beak, it should be a bird's head!
"This is the treasure handed down by the Shenwei Sect, the head of the demon Liluan clan strongman, this demon was beheaded by the Shenwei power, and the severed head was seized as a spoil of war.

This skull contains endless primordial energy, which has the ability to destroy heaven and earth, and it can be refined by a foundation-builder cultivator, and his realm will be raised by at least one level.

Alright, the lowest price for Li Luan's skull is [-] spirit stones, and the price will increase by [-] spirit stones each time, and the auction will start! "

"Five hundred and five!"

"Six hundred!"


In the end, it was bought by a foundation-building cultivator for thirteen hundred spirit stones.

Yang Xiuming watched with a smile.

Someone took out another treasure...

You come on stage, I will sell it, one after another, and perform here separately.

Sometimes, in order to compete for a treasure, someone's face is red.

Yang Xiuming sat there, motionless.

He doesn't have a spirit stone and can't afford one...

So it seems to look down on these treasures.

On the contrary, everyone admired him. As expected of the disciples of the Shangzun Dapai, everyone is rich and everyone is a rich man. It is normal to look down on me as a country thing.

Everyone present became admired and awed.

If Fu Xialiang knew what they were thinking, she would shed helpless tears!

Halfway through the fair, Yang Xiuming thought about what he was doing sitting here.

It's almost over, let's go back to Zongmen.

He got up suddenly, bowed to Li Qiming, and said, "Young Daoist Li, I still have something to do. I'll go to Shenweizong, I'll take a step first!"

Li Qiming immediately sent him off respectfully and sent him ten li away from the city before he left.

At the last parting, Li Qiming carefully sent over a storage bag.

Yang Xiuming took it with a smile, and there were eight hundred spirit stones inside, so rich!

At this point Yang Xiuming left and returned to the sect.

When Yang Xiuming walked away, everyone present stopped trading and began to discuss cautiously.

"It's really a disciple of the Supreme Master, with a majestic aura."

"Do you think he can kill us all by himself?"

"I don't believe it, why can we escape one or two people!"

At this time, Li Qiming came back, looked at everyone, and said suddenly: "He left and didn't notice our abnormality!"

Immediately, cheers erupted in the hall, all cheering, full of joy.

And in the distant void, someone looked at it stupidly, and then laughed loudly.

"This kid is interesting!"

"Give him another trial."

"This is a naturally expensive species, but it can be considered a fun one."

Yang Xiuming returned to Zhuji City.

Go out for a walk, eight hundred spirit stones, let alone this task is interesting.

Back in Zhuji City, it was still the same brothel. After entering, in the welcome of the old bustard:
"The guest officer is here, please hurry up, the little Taohong inside misses you to death!"

Enter the underground hall.

When they came to the inner gate hall, Yang Xiuming came over to hand in the task.

"The inner disciples of the Shenzang Sect have no results. They have completed the Foundation Establishment Fair and deceived sentient beings. The effect is excellent. I hereby reward three meritorious deeds!"

Not only the task is completed, but also rewarded...

Yang Xiuming laughed out loud, this is much more interesting than fighting before.

After thinking about it, he said:
"Don't call me fruitless in the future!"

"Please rename!"

"Big man, if you don't change your name when you're going, I'm Yang Xiuming!"

(End of this chapter)

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