Dao Shaohua

Chapter 203 The 2nd world loser earns tens of thousands of dollars a day

Chapter 203 The lord of the two worlds earns [-] a day

After getting the three meritorious service, Yang Xiuming thought about it, but he was not in a hurry to redeem it. He was not in a hurry at first.

Looking carefully at the knowledge, Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding, many of them were priceless.

If you look carefully, not all these knowledge can be exchanged for meritorious service, but also spirit stones.

Yang Xiuming has eight hundred spirit stones on his body.

He asked Fu Xialiang:

"Old Fu, how many spirit stones do you have?"

Fu Xialiang replied: "This year, I have tossed and tossed several times, and now I still have [-] spirit stones in my hand."

In the last war, Fu Xialiang invested all 25 spirit stones, and now there are [-], which is already quite a lot.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "It looks like we have to find a way to earn some Lingshi!"

But now my task is to be familiar with the sect and the environment, and to find out everything about the Tibetan God Sect.

Then leave the Tibetan God Sect and find a safe place.

If Zhang Yue hadn't discovered the secret of the hidden god sect, the outer skin hides the god sect, and the inner dark demon sect would inevitably be annexed by Southern Chu in the future.

There is nothing wrong with Yang Xiuming staying here. In fact, Yang Xiuming of the Tibetan God Sect quite likes it. The sect is tolerant and peaceful, not as introverted as Taishangdao.

However, in the future, this sect will be devoured by the Dark Demon Sect, so they can only go away.

In fact, Yang Xiuming walked away by himself, very relaxed.

However, he has a big family!
Parents, second brother and his wife, four nephews...

If you want to leave, you must take them with you.

However, according to Zhang Yue's plan to sense the other party, it will not be realized in ten or eight years, so there is no rush.

In the final analysis, only when one's realm is high can one be able to do what one wants to do.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Looking for a place to live..."

This is the key, first find a place to live, calm down and press a cave, and then talk about other things.

In the world of mortals, there is very little spiritual energy, which is not conducive to Yang Xiuming's cultivation at all.

It's okay to go back to see your parents if you have nothing to do, but to live and practice outside, you must find a new cave.

The General Core of the Tibetan God responded immediately...

Immediately, thousands of habitable caves appeared in front of Yang Xiuming.

These caves are scattered all over the surrounding area.

Sure enough, the ten thousand li around is the territory of Tibetan God Sect.

With Yang Xiuming's status now, he can choose a cave to live in at will.

Yang Xiuming felt that these caves had various names.

Yangjiadong Mansion, Zhangjiafang City, Li Family Zongmen...

They are all wearing various clothes and pretending to be various small forces, but in fact they are all the caves of the Zongmen of the Tibetan Shenzong.

Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "Consume one merit, please recommend!"

What to save meritorious deeds for, it's spent!

Immediately, one meritorious service disappeared, and then thousands of caves dissipated, and finally there were 110 seven caves, which were the most suitable caves for Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming looked at them one by one.

"The Hong family of Xiuxian family, among the family's caves, there are three foundation-building caves, full of spiritual energy, beautiful environment..."

"Water Willow Sect, Sanxiu Sect, among the mountain gates, there are three foundation-building caves, you can choose, the aura is average, and there are many disciples to drive..."

Yang Xiuming shook his head slightly, but it was not very appropriate.

"Longshan Island in Qiandao Lake, there are three caves, and one foundation building cave is uninhabited, you can choose, the aura is abundant, the environment is beautiful..."

Seeing this, Yang Xiuming nodded.

Yang Xiuming was very envious of Fu Xialiang's lake cave.

Now it was his turn, so he subconsciously chose the cave in the lake.

With a light touch, the color of the cave suddenly changed, and a sign appeared, which was Yang Xiuming's cave.

When a token is dropped, the cave can be occupied. In addition to the token, there is also a piece of spiritual consciousness.

"The original owner of the Dongfu on Longshan Island in Qiandao Lake was old man Boyu. He went up the mountain to gather medicine and died under a spirit beast. The control hub of the Dongfu was picked up by casual cultivators. You can buy it at the price of three hundred spirit stones..."

Yang Xiuming was speechless, and there was a background introduction...

That's it, Yang Xiuming left the hall.

But he is not in a hurry to get out of here, but down.

Go to the outer door first, and then enter the world of mortals to see your parents.

Flesh golems have imitated him to live at home.

Parents will not be abnormal, even if they find out, they will be dispelled by the big circle of mortals.

Yang Xiuming can go home at any time and switch identities with the flesh and blood puppets.

When he came back, he had another meal, chatted with his parents, and played a game of chess with Mr. Dafang.

"You smelly chess basket, are you worthy of playing chess with me?"

In the end, after being ridiculed by Mr. Dafang for a while, Yang Xiuming left.

Parents are here, every once in a while, he will come back to see.

This time, he really left the inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect.

Going out from the brothel again, the bustard still shouted loudly:

"Guests go away, Xiao Taohong sees them off!"

Yang Xiuming wanted to kick her to death!

Leaving here, flying away, heading straight for Qiandao Lake.

Among the tokens, there are guides and directions.

Qiandao Lake is not far from Zhuji City, and it took an hour to fly to arrive.

At a glance, the lake is hundreds of miles long, with magnificent waves and beautiful scenery.

Yang Xiuming nodded, and continued to follow the guidance, landing on a small island.

This small island has beautiful scenery, the water and the sky complement each other, and the bell is beautiful.

Yang Xiuming is close to the island. On that island, it is protected by its own magic circle, and ordinary people cannot approach it.

Yang Xiuming took out the token, waved it lightly, and the magic circle opened immediately, revealing the cave on the island.

The so-called Dongfu is not a cave, but a courtyard, located in the island.

The courtyard with three entrances and three exits is full of aura, surrounded by winding runes, engraved on the ground, arcing back and forth, outlining countless complicated and deep magic circles.

Yang Xiuming nodded and stayed here. The place is full of aura and can completely support his cultivation during the foundation establishment period.

It's just that this place is not as good as Fu Xialiang's with various resources. There is not even a spiritual spring here, only a cave.

But there are no servants on the island, only Yang Xiuming is alive.

Such a big cave has not been inhabited for a long time, and it will take a while to tidy it up.

Yang Xiuming didn't want to clean it up, Fu Xialiang's outside servants came to clean it up, so he didn't have to do it himself.

When Yang Xiuming was hesitating, he had just arrived here. There was also a foundation building cave on Meifeng Island next to Longshan Island.

Someone saw someone coming back here and came to visit.

"Hahaha, but Fellow Daoist Boyu is back?"

Yang Xiuming opened the magic circle and let the opponent in.

He said slowly: "Friend Boyu, you have fallen.

Someone got his relic, I spent three hundred spirit stones, bought it, and lived here temporarily. "

The opponent, the foundation-building cultivator, looked at Yang Xiuming stupidly and didn't speak for a long time.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and looked over, he was a member of the trade fair.

Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "We met Li Jiapo during the day, you called..."

"Call, call..."

Can't remember!
The other party hastily shouted: "My lord, my name is Jixiang, old Jixiang!"

"Ah, Fellow Daoist Auspicious!"

"My lord, you can't be called a fellow daoist, you can't be called."

"I'm not an adult, my name is Yang Xiuming, you can just call me Brother Yang!"

"How did this work?"

"We met by chance, and we are neighbors, what can't be done?"

"Okay, how old am I? I'm going to call Brother Yang!"

Jixiang didn't know what to say. The plague god who had been sent away not long ago turned into a neighbor.

But he rolled his eyes and said: "Brother Yang, since you are staying here, I will ask someone to clean up the cave for you!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "It's troublesome!"

It just so happens that I don't have to work!
Jixiang immediately called his disciples and sent over a dozen of his men to clean the cave for Yang Xiuming.

In fact, Jixiang also hesitated, but seeing Yang Xiuming's righteousness, like a spring breeze, he knew that Yang Xiuming must be a disciple of the Supreme Daoist, so he didn't dare to offend him.

Yang Xiuming smiled, feeling the attitude of the other party, and replaced Fu Xialiang.

After thinking about it, he took out a set of tea sets.

The tea set with the spirit gourd in the base camp is full of aura and is not damaged.

"These little things, let them deal with them, let's drink tea."

There are six cups in a pot, pots, bowls, cups, tea caddy, spoons, all of which are missing.

"Since this place is called Qiandao Lake, and the lake is so beautiful, there must be spiritual water here, right?"

Ji Xiang hurriedly replied: "Yes!"

"Tianchi Island, Mishan Island, and Huangshan Peak all have spiritual springs.

Brother Yang, wait a moment, I'll go back as soon as I go! "

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Then I will trouble Brother Ji Xiang!"

Brother, Jixiang almost died laughing so beautifully.

He returned quickly with water.

Yang Xiuming took a look, and among the three springs, Tianchi Island was the best.

Start to make tea, boil the tea with Tianchi Island spring water, put the Qingxin tea of ​​Baiqicheng into the pot, boil it, and when the true energy is urged, the roses on the teapot will bloom, forcing out all the spiritual energy of the spirit tea.

He poured a glass for Jixiang, "Brother Jixiang please!"

Good luck seeing this!
The bottom of the teacup is made of white porcelain, and the surface of the porcelain is like snow, almost transparent. There is a pattern of blooming roses on the outside, which is just about to bloom, beautiful and moving.

This is really an upright teacup, which belongs to the internal supply. I don't know if it belongs to the senior sister. Fu Xialiang let it go, and a disciple like Baili can't get along with it.

One sip, the tea color is green and green, the smell is fragrant, it contains the brilliance of pure heart, and the spirit is flying. If it is not the Supreme Master, how can there be such a good tea?
Endless pouring!
After drinking tea for a while and thinking about it, Lao Jixiang secretly arranged for someone to send him a three-foot fish and ten catties of Lingmi.

"Brother Yang, this is a specialty of Qiandao Lake, the Seven-Scented Mandarin Fish, a second-order spiritual fish, and it's especially delicious."

Yang Xiuming nodded, but did not move.

"Brother Yang, you don't know how to cook fish, do you?"

"Hahaha, senior brother Jixiang made a joke, I really can't!"

"Hahaha, that's good, leave this to me!"

As a qualified disciple of the Tibetan God Sect, Lao Jixiang does what he does and loves what he does. He once secretly worked as a spiritual chef. Cooking a fish is nothing more than a trivial matter.

Soon he cooked the seven-scented mandarin fish, and boiled Lingmi to make a big pot of rice.

Yang Xiuming put away the tea set, and the two began to eat, Yang Xiuming was full of praise.

Watching him eat alone, in fact, three people enjoyed it, not to mention that the fish is really good.


"Brother Yang, if you think it's delicious, I'll make you a delicious meal every day."

"Ah, is this too troublesome?"

"It's okay, I'm staying here, and it's my honor to be able to cook for Brother Yang!"

"Actually, I once worked as a chef for 12 years. When I think about it now, I can't stop thinking about it..."

This old auspicious person may have been an undercover chef in that sect, and he really likes cooking from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Jixiang, how many spirit stones are needed for the material, we will settle it once every ten days, and we will double it for you!"

"Ah, no need for that!"

"No, Brother Jixiang, you don't treat me as an outsider, and I don't treat you as an outsider either."

Yang Xiuming was very happy to have such a good cook.

As for the few spirit stones for cooking, Yang Xiuming didn't take them seriously.

After eating, the two chatted for a while.

Jixiang bid farewell and left, and Yang Xiuming sent it far away.

When Ji Xiang walked away, Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said:

"Can I bring some goods from Taishang Road, and exchange some spirit stones here?"

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "I just arrived here, let's talk about it after a while."

"Look at the situation!"

"it is good!"

"Steady, let's see what's going on here?"

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said: "I am practicing "Three Cleans and Four True One Qi Hammer" now, and it will take a while before I can practice it."

"When I become [-]% of the "Three Purities and Four Truths One Qi Hammer", Jindan Daoist will kill casually!"

Yang Xiuming asked: "Is "Three Cleans and Four True One Qi Hammer" so difficult?"

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang replied together: "It's hard!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Then we will come together in the future, I don't believe it, the three of us can't practice it!"

Fu Xialiang continued: "Except for this, "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia".

We still have to find an armor set, preferably from the Holy Armor Sect, so that we can list the second Dao Armor. "

Yang Xiuming said: "That's right, on the last avenue, armed forces did not move mountains and seas, which saved us many times.

So, the second group column must be found.

You said, will the Tibetan God Sect have this group? "

"Give it a try, let's go and have a look!"

"Well, go back and look for it, just in case!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said: "The "Nine Transformations of the Common People and the Transformation of the Heart" has restored three pages. Let's take a look at the fifth page. Can you find a chance to open it?"

Fu Xialiang said: "This is feasible!"

Zhang Yue also said: "This is feasible!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Then there is "Golden Pupils of Misunderstood Light Cave", we have completed the golden pupils that do not hurt, the eyes are extremely comfortable, everything is empty, and the three eyes are supernatural powers.

The next step is to start, one of the two avenues of wrong light or hole truth, and get a new binocular vision! "

Fu Xialiang said: "This is feasible!"

Zhang Yue also said: "This is feasible!"

Zhang Yue said: "There is also "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword", the third breakthrough method, I don't know how to break through?"

The first level of "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" absorbs supernatural powers and shocks the sky with a sword, and the Death Abyss Jue Zhan of the Diyuan Rider, one is the sky, and the other is the Yuan, completing the first level of promotion.

So far, two swords can be cut in one day.

The second level is that Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue used eighteen heaven and earth spirits to complete the day and abyss.

This time it became four swords a day.

But the third breakthrough, there is no other way!
"I can only look for it slowly, and I will have a chance in the future!"

Yang Xiuming continued: "Then there is the thought and breath of "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue". I hope I can find it."

Zhang Yue nodded and said, "You can only find it slowly, it depends on your luck."

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, ""The Rhythm of Everything" has reached the fifth level, and "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" has already reached the fourth level. At least we will not be promoted during the foundation building period."

The two also nodded and said: "There is no other way, no luck!"

Yang Xiuming said again: "In addition to these, our supernatural powers: one hand covers the sky, the sword unites, the sword's heart is clear, one sword shakes the sky, thunder strikes three shackles, three yangs open up, there is no way to improve.

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost, Sha Birth and Death, Driving Kunlun, there is no way to improve. "

The two also nodded in agreement.

Yang Xiuming said: "This is roughly what it looks like!"

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said: "Brother, I still have some opportunities here, I recently contacted within the sect.

From Senior Brother Xiao, you can buy an extraordinary sword technique "Three Swords of the Gods Breaking Heaven". He has contacted me, but it needs [-] spirit stones.

I don't have enough spirit stones in my hand, so I can only delay it.

Within the sect, I can receive an extraordinary spell, and I want to choose one of the masters.

In the future, I want to get you all the masters of the Eighteen Great Masters!
I have a feeling that all these big grabs are ready, will there be any shocking changes?
It's still an old problem, meritorious deeds are not enough, and spirit stones need to be exchanged!
In the end, I should be able to buy a Yushu Leifa on the black market in the sect.

The core problem is still not enough spirit stones! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "This is feasible! Is it a spirit stone? Let's find a way to earn it!"

Zhang Yue also said, "Oh, Lingshi is the hardest thing to earn."

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said: "Sooner or later there will be a way, don't think about it.

Let's practice "Taizhong Jue", "Chongshen Jue" and "Heavenly Trace Method" in a while. "

Zhang Yue said: "It won't take a while, come now!"

"it is good!"

The three began to practice.

This practice, "Heavenly Trace Method" is the simplest.

In less than a few hours, the three completed it.

The key to this method is not the operation of the spell, but whether you have a location, whether the location is atmospheric enough, and whether it can become a miracle.

After the three of them practiced, they looked at each other and smiled, and suddenly Yang Xiuming's exterior scene appeared.

Then with a click, it disintegrated automatically.

It is no longer a situation where the three exterior scenes are mixed together, and Yang Xiuming's exterior scenes are only left with endless nights.

The same is true for the other two, Zhang Yue only has Jinlian, and Fu Xialiang is Infinite Thunder.

Not mixed together, all comfortable.

The three of them felt silently, and Yang Xiuming said, "It's in stock!"

"Yeah, I feel it too. There seems to be a magical power in this exterior scene."

"Not only that, when we advance to the Golden Core Realm, this exterior scene will directly evolve into a Golden Core vision, and a supernatural power will be born!"

But this transcendent Taoism, after the cultivation is completed, is not worthy of being included in the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art".

Without any record, the three shook their heads, but it was normal.

The three continued to practice "Chongshen Jue"

This is difficult!
"My name is Invincible, I am God, I am Holy, I am myself, I control everything, I own everything, my power is endless, my energy is boundless..."

This requires a powerful form of self-hypnosis.

Only by fooling yourself and letting go of shame can you do it.

However, some of the three were unable to do this, unable to hypnotize themselves to the limit.

There is no way to do this, Yang Xiuming sighed, anyway, he didn't find every thought and breath in "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue", so don't worry.

The last "Taihe Jue" is also easy to practice.

"Invisible and shadowless, the supreme demon, with thousands of incarnations, my Tao will be eternal. Tomorrow returns to the sun and the moon, and my identity is heaven and earth, only the consciousness is immortal.

When the sky has the sun and the moon, people have the nature of seeing the sun and the moon.When not moving, there are times when there is air and copulation, and it is sloppy, muddy and sluggish, and there is nowhere to go.Dimly and silently, so-called silent, odorless, without inside, without outside... "

This extraordinary Taoism cultivates a kind of magical consciousness of consciousness, which can be used to occupy other living beings, feel their feelings, even control their behavior, and finally occupy their bodies and cultivate them. Become the incarnation of oneself outside the body, and the highest state can be incarnated into countless incarnations.

While cultivating, Yang Xiuming felt a dark and terrifying feeling. The scriptures rolled in his mind, as if they were alive, like a demonic thought, turning into a demon snake, spiraling and dancing.

After practicing for a while, Yang Xiuming said:
"No more repairs!

This was so uncomfortable, it made me feel extremely sick and uncomfortable. "

Fu Xialiang also said: "It's the same with magic and supernatural powers."

Zhang Yue said: "Me too, this method is too dark and not strong enough!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and gave up "Taizhong Jue".

During the training, on the second day, Jixiang came to cook again.

He was very happy and made a pot of pork rib soup and braised fish, full of flavor.

During the meal, the two chatted, and Yang Xiuming subtly inquired about this place.

Then it's okay to let old Jixiang lead the way and turn around.

This area, in fact, is the territory of the Tibetan God Sect, which is a full hundred thousand miles away.

It is declared to the outside world that this is the radiation area of ​​the Shenwei Sect, and it is a rural place that is extremely remote.

There are countless cultivating families and various small sects here, each occupying their own territory and living their own lives.

In fact, most of them are the forces of the Tibetan God Sect. All the disciples of the Tibetan God Sect in the territory are pretending, you fool me, I fool you...

You think I don't know, I think you don't know...

However, many of them are really not disciples of the Tibetan God Sect, and were brought here by the Tibetan God Sect to be NPCs.

These monks can reach half of the local monks.

Otherwise, it's all pretending to be one's own person, which is so boring!

Yang Xiuming returned to the world of mortals without incident, had dinner with his parents, and then wandered around the inner and outer doors, doing various researches.

In this way, ten days passed.

Yang Xiuming checked the many histories recorded by the Tibetan God Sect in various ways, researched and investigated in every possible way, and finally decided on one thing, which can be done!
When he returned to the cave, old Jixiang was cooking again, and he had been cooking for ten days.

After Yang Xiuming was full, he asked, "Brother Jixiang, how many spirit stones are there in these ten days?"

Jixiang laughed and said, "A total of seventeen spirit stones!"

Yang Xiuming didn't give the money, and pretended to think for a while and asked:

"I went to the Shenwei Sect to do business, and I had some errands, so I need to stay here for a while.

Brother Jixiang, you are a local snake. I have one thing here. I don’t know if you have seen it. "

After speaking, he took out something from the storage bag.

In fact, it is a gourd with a soul, fetched remotely.

A golden jade bottle, about a foot in size, is exquisitely crafted and gleaming.

The jade bottle was opened, and inside was a kind of golden spirit water, which could be used to gargle gently in the mouth.

Rinse your mouth once, you will feel refreshed, and there will be no peculiar smell in your mouth for a few days.

In the past ten days, Yang Xiuming checked carefully and finally confirmed that this matter was okay.

Within the Tibetan Shenzong, there is no supervising power, and there is nothing that cannot be done.

Don't scare yourself, even if you leave the Tibetan God Sect, the Tibetan God Sect doesn't care about your disappearance.

As long as you don't betray and harm the Tibetan God Sect, this sect is completely open to you.

Jixiang looked at it and said immediately:

"I've seen this thing before, it's a gold gargle that has become popular recently!

It is said that this liquid can detoxify all kinds of poisons and nourish the mind and spirit. It is an ancient prescription in Xianqin, and it is priceless.

We need 47 spirit stones for a bottle here, and we can't buy them with money, so we have to go to Shenwei City of Shenweizong to buy them.

I bought a bottle once, and then I wanted to buy it again, it was too much trouble, it was not worth it. "

Shenwei City is where the mountain gate of Shenwei Sect is located. It is like the center of the provincial capital, where all the good things are located.

Here, the lower counties and districts of the major cities under the provincial capital, and the small mountain villages under the jurisdiction of the lower townships and towns of the counties...

The three of Yang Xiuming looked at each other and smiled. In fact, this is Qing Lingshu.

"This thing, just arrived here, someone imitated it, but there are special restrictions in it. It looks simple and cannot be copied. The Master is really amazing!"

Jixiang said enviously.

The improvement of ancient prescriptions must be anti-counterfeiting, so that it is difficult for people to copy, so that they can be sold for a long time.

Fu Xialiang dedicated it to Senior Sister Shuling. A bottle of Lingshi cost less than one spirit stone. They thought they could sell a few spirit stones, but who knows that it has become 47 spirit stones here...

The prescription given by Fu Xialiang, Senior Sister Shu Ling originally wanted to benefit Fu Xialiang, but Fu Xialiang is a frank man, how can he want the spirit stone of Senior Sister?
In the end, the benefit he got was that Qinglingshu would be used for free forever, and three thousand bottles were brought to him a few months ago.

Fu Xialiang used two bottles and felt uncomfortable and not suitable for her, so she threw them in the cave to eat ashes.

Settling here now, seeing auspiciousness, Fu Xialiang remembered Qing Lingshu, why keep it?See if you can sell it here.

"Brother Jixiang, this bottle is given to you, which is the cost of my seventeen spirit stones."

Jixiang accepted it happily, very happy.

"Senior Brother Jixiang, I come from Taishangdao Daluotian, this product is produced there, I carry some with me,
Help me deal with the rest, 35 spirit stones per bottle, and the rest is yours.

To be honest, I hate trouble the most, so please help me deal with it. "

As soon as he said this, Jixiang's eyes glowed green, and he said:
"No problem! Brother Yang, how much do you have, I'll sell as much for you!"

"I don't have many, I have a thousand bottles with me, you come to get the goods, how many spirit stones you have, and how many goods you can get."

"Okay, okay, brother Yang, just wait, I'll go back and get the spirit stone right away."

"If I can't eat so much in a thousand bottles, can I call a friend?"

"Okay, just be on the safe side, don't make noise from rumors, I'm a dignified Taishang Dao disciple, I sell gold gargle..."

"I understand, it's too embarrassing, absolutely don't make a mess!"

Jixiang immediately went back to fetch the spirit stone.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help but said: "Buying and selling is a good deal, but unfortunately we can't carry too much."

Zhang Yue said: "Wait for me.

Our soul-attached gourd was transported sporadically back then, and the capacity was too poor.

In our Baiqi City, in fact, there is also a way to transport bulky items, but the loss is not small, so we have to deal with it specially. I didn't care about it before.

Now that they are used, and when the time comes, I will go back and look for them. "

He returns to Baiqi City and will be back soon.

This time bring three golden gourds.

"This is a gourd for transporting the soul, every time it walks with the soul, it can carry a thousand catties.

This is a strategic means of transportation between cities in Tieling.

However, cargo damage must be dealt with, and fifty spirit stones need to be lost every time a thousand catties are transported.

In addition, in the past, we could not carry this kind of gourd in our Qi refining realm, but now that we have built a foundation, we can carry it on our back! "

After speaking, the gourd was put away, and Yang Xiuming and the others took one each.

Yang Xiuming dared to say silently; "Good stuff!"

All three nodded, the things are good.

Fu Xialiang went back to refining, and sure enough, he could hold five hundred bottles of gold gargle.

A bottle of gold gargle weighs two catties!
Then it was transported here, and then taken out with a soul-lending gourd, and five hundred bottles of gold gargle were piled up there.

The three of them laughed, so they could make money!

This time, the method of cargo damage was used, and the fifty spirit stones placed alone were inexplicably damaged.

In addition to the Lingshi, there are also three bottles of gold gargle that are also damaged. There is no way to do this.

After waiting for a while, Ji Xiang returned, but he was not alone, he brought a friend who established the foundation.

"Brother Yang, I can't handle so much food by myself.

So, I called my friend Mo Xing. "

Yang Xiuming smiled, and it's fine as long as he's here.

"Look, this is the golden gargle I brought from Taishang Dao.

35 spirit stones, take as many as you have! "

Jixiang checked carefully, and then became very excited.

"It really is gold gargle, developed!"

Mo Xing said over there: "We have all of them, but we don't have enough spirit stones, can we make a turnaround?"

Yang Xiuming ignored him, but said: "I hate trouble the most, you can get as many spirit stones as you have!"

So they took out seven thousand spirit stones and took away two hundred bottles.

In the evening, another [-] spirit stones were brought and [-] bottles were taken away.

Early the next morning, [-] spirit stones were sent, and [-] bottles were taken away.

During this period, the three of Yang Xiuming tossed about and brought all the three thousand bottles from Fu Xialiang's house.

It seems to work well.

Fu Xialiang made a special visit to the sect. There is also an internal sales window in the sect of Senior Sister Shuling's family, with a bottle of five spirit stones.

They are all Taishang Dao disciples, so the price is what it is, and he doesn't dare to make any money. They belong to internal circulation items.

Taishangdao is too far away from Shenweizong, so it is so expensive to transport it here.

Fu Xialiang bought another [-] bottles and moved them over one after another.

Originally, Fu Xialiang wanted to buy more.

Yang Xiuming said: "Forget it, [-] bottles are enough.

A disciple of the Supreme Dao goes far away and takes too many with him, so there is a problem. "

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said, "Forget it, 35 bottles, [-] spirit stones, it's like picking up money."

On the second night, besides auspicious, other monks began to come here.

Come here quietly, without making a fuss, with a respectful attitude, come to buy goods.

Yang Xiuming smiled and said: "You can pick up the goods yourself, as long as you have Lingshi, as long as you don't trouble me, you can do anything."

The other party spent seven thousand spirit stones and took two hundred bottles.

They all came quietly and took the goods quietly. No one knew who came and how much goods took away.

On the third day and the fourth day, Li Qiming came.

On the fifth day, all [-] bottles were sold out.

Yang Xiuming said to Jixiang: "I brought a thousand bottles with me, but I didn't expect them to be sold out.

I can only let it go. "

In fact, a full [-] bottles were sold out.

Everyone lamented, but they had no choice but to disperse.

But it's normal, everyone understands how much a wandering monk can bring.

Many of them went to the site of the Shenwei Sect in the center of Xinghai, where they could sell fifty spirit stones and make a fortune.

[-] mouthwashes fell here, and they were digested without even a splash.

Yang Xiuming earned a full 35 Lingshi.

He left [-] spirit stones, and gave the rest to Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang said: "I now have 35 spirit stones, and I will continue to find someone to buy fourth-order heaven and earth spirit objects, and give my second brother the "Five Elements Heaven and Heart Lamp Method".

In addition, I haven't bought the three extraordinary Taoism mentioned above! "

Among the three, Zhang Yue didn't have a five-element puppet, so he had to buy a fourth-order heaven and earth spirit object to activate this method.

The fourth-order heaven and earth spirits are not cheap, they all start from hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "After a while, let's go to Shenwei City to have a look.

It's not like here, where you can sell any amount of goods.

When the time comes to find a business opportunity and ship more goods over, it is impossible to become rich and wealthy. If you work hard with millions of spirit stones, you should be able to do it. "

Fu Xialiang said: "Wait a little longer.

And it's not just Shenwei City, why is the eldest brother here these past few years, we will open this sea of ​​stars for them. "

"Well, but the most important thing is to practice!"

"If you are not strong, everything is meaningless. The spirit stones are prepared for others!"

At night, something really happened.

A monk came here quietly to explore Yang Xiuming's island at night.

Money moves people's hearts!

The local aboriginal monk who came was not a disciple of the Tibetan God Sect, but an NPC who joined the scene. When he saw Yang Xiuming selling so many spirit stones, he became greedy.

As for the Supreme Master, they are a group of casual cultivators, so they know this.

Even if he knew what Yang Xiuming was, the ignorant had no fear, so he came to snatch it for the Lingshi.

Four foundation-building monks quietly came to the edge of the island, and began to break through the formation with special magic weapons.

It looks like they've done it before, and they know how to do it.

Yang Xiuming was speechless, quietly opened the formation and let them in.

The four monks sneaked in quietly, and Yang Xiuming was going to release the death knight army to kill them all.

But Zhang Yue said: "Let me do it, I haven't practiced swords for a long time!"

Yang Xiuming nodded, and immediately turned into Zhang Yue.

He took out the third-order divine sword Tianying Yufeng Escape Sword and leaped into the sky.

Seeing Zhang Yue Yujian approaching, those monks were not afraid at all and went to meet him.

As soon as Zhang Yue's sword light moved, he just fought and let out a long sigh.

The opponent is too weak!
It's just a child, it's unfair to lose.

But don't waste it, one sword at a time, there is no resistance to counterattack, fleeing and struggling, the four foundation-building monks were all beheaded by him.

It's like killing a chicken.

After killing, he took four storage bags, refined the body into fly ash, and returned to the ground with a speechless expression.

These four foundation-building monks have a total of [-] spirit stones on their bodies. Yang Xiuming sorted it out, and it's not bad.

The next day, Ji Xiang was so worried.

"Brother Yang, I heard that we are full of thieves here, and they seem to have plans for you, so be careful.

This swarm of bees has been rampant here for many years. "

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Is the swarm of bees the four Foundation Establishment cultivators, the head of which has white hair?"

"Ah, they attacked you? Where are they? You must be careful!"

Yang Xiuming laughed, pointed to the outside, and said, "Over there, it's all flying ashes!"

Old Jixiang was left stunned!
He practiced here for another ten days.

In the past ten days, Fu Xialiang bought the extraordinary swordsmanship "Three Swords of the Heavenly Sword" from Brother Xiao, and Zhang Yue practiced it.

In the black market, he bought the extraordinary thunder method "Nine Suns Red Flame Tianshu Lei", and Fu Xialiang practiced it by himself.

In the Zongmen, he exchanged for a new big capture method for Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming chose it himself, "The Congenital Great Capturer".

All three of them chose Transcendent Taoism, and they were all happy.

Fu Xialiang still has 29 spirit stones left in his hand.

"Brother, do we have to go to Shenwei City?"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said:
"Go to the inner door for the last time, let's go shopping."

"it is good!"

Yang Xiuming returned to the inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect again, and randomly selected a "Hunyuan Sect Taoist Training", which required a thousand spirit stones, and then Yang Xiuming started to study.

During this period of time, he has learned a lot about these inheritances.

Here, as long as you have money, you can learn anything about cherishing inheritance.

Even Yang Xiuming was looking for two sets of "Tianyuan Yaoming Xu Huangjia" here.

In fact, there are three sets, and the inheritance is "Holy Armor Patriarchal Robe and Armor Set"

There are three sets in total, one of which is the formation of Fudo Mountain and Sea, and the other two sets are other formations.

Yang Xiuming was ecstatic when he found it. This is the inheritance that the monks of the Tibetan God Sect lurked in the Sage Armor Sect back then and stole it.

But the Tibetan God Sect didn't know what the significance of this inheritance was, it just thought it was an ordinary set, and here it priced a set of 150 spirit stones.

Yang Xiuming immediately bought all three sets, and compared them, there was no difference.

Even the group of Fudo Mountains and Seas is called Fudo Mountains and Seas, but the Tibetan God Sect doesn't understand the specific content, and just treats it as an ordinary inheritance.

This is cheaper Yang Xiuming!
Pay Lingshi and get "Hunyuanzong Daobing Training" to pass on spiritual knowledge. Yang Xiuming hadn't read it carefully and understood it, and was suddenly taken aback.

He felt the breath of Shi Jing, and Piaoer walked by not far away.

Long time no see, my guide.

Yang Xiuming went over to say hello to her.

But after a long turn, the time mirror disappeared.

This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

Yang Xiuming watched her walk here, the inner door is only so big, and there is no other passage, it is impossible to just disappear like this!

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming frowned.

Suddenly, he slapped his thigh and burst out laughing.

The Tibetan God Sect likes hiding and hiding the most. Everything is different from the outside, and has hidden content.

Could it be that the inner door he was in was actually just a watch?

Didn't he find the real inner door?

Invisibly, I have been eliminated! ?
Yang Xiuming suddenly thought of such a possibility!
I thought I was very smart, but in fact I did something stupid. I knew that the god sect was hidden on the outside, and the demon sect was hidden inside. I was born to know the cards, but I still ignored it?
Is this okay?

Find, must find her!
Yang Xiuming immediately searched quietly in the inner door, followed Shi Jing, and investigated the situation!
(End of this chapter)

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