Dao Shaohua

Chapter 204 Hidden God Dark Demon, Dao Treasure Witch Blood

Yang Xiuming started to search, he closed his eyes and opened them silently, and it was already Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue checked quietly and began to follow.

"Sure enough, it's suppressing tricks here!"

Zhang Yue said slowly.

"Can you find it?"

"In front of me, there is no escape!"

Zhang Yue carefully searched for traces, summed up little by little, and then followed the traces quietly.

Yang Xiuming couldn't see the traces, Zhang Yue had to do this kind of careful work.

Zhang Yue tracked it carefully, and finally tracked it to a wall of the inner door.

The snow-white walls are as crystal clear as marble.

When he came to the wall, Zhang Yue said slowly: "That's it!"

"The trace disappears here..."

Yang Xiuming nodded, he looked carefully at the wall, and suddenly he bumped into the wall.

On the wall, there is a light, which is a kind of magic enchantment, so that people can't see any difference here, and it feels the same as a normal wall.

But this restriction, in front of Yang Xiuming, was like an illusion. With a puff, he entered the barrier and broke through it.

Cosmic Title: Rampant Sky

In the universe, anywhere, Yang Xiuming can come and go freely, not affected by any environment.

Similar to freezing, cobwebs, chains, and embarrassment, Yang Xiuming is immune to these control magic powers.

So this restriction was easily broken, and Yang Xiuming came to a large hall all of a sudden.

Impressively, this hall is almost exactly the same as the inner door hall, except that the inner door hall is full of sunshine, endless light, and dignified.

But here it is silent and gloomy, without sunlight, it looks so dark and gloomy.

The core of the inner gate hall is a ball of light, emitting light.

But here is a black ball without any light, as if absorbing light inward.

This place is completely different from the inner sect, and it is only here that there is a little bit of the style of the demon sect and the feeling of the secret sect.

There is also a group of monks here, about a dozen, they are wearing black robes, covering their faces, all of them are mysterious, and they look like people in the evil way.

In Yang Xiuming's imagination, how did this hidden god sect lurk in other sects.

Turning one's hands into clouds, turning one's hands into rain, and stirring up rebellion in the world with a single word, this is the spirit of the sect in Yang Xiuming's imagination.

Otherwise, these days, Lao Jixiang and the others are almost confused by Yang Xiuming. They are all honest and responsible, hard-working, hard-working, and seeing Yang Xiuming's submissiveness, there is no such thing as a Tibetan monk.

Arriving here, Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief and couldn't stop nodding.

There was a man in black robe next to him, hesitantly said: "No result?"

It was Time Mirror, and she was indeed here.

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "I changed my name. I am Yang Xiuming!"

After saying this, a monk next to Shi Jing looked at Yang Xiuming hesitantly and said:
"Yang Xiuming? So familiar? Yang Xiuqing? Could it be your brother!"

There was hatred in the words.

This man was dressed in a black robe, with a cross mustache and a long face, very handsome.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "That's my elder brother, Yang Xiuqing!
what happened?Need advice? "

Before the man could speak, the strong Shi Jing said: "Huo Qilin, he just entered the inner sect of the God of Tibet, you are not allowed to bully him!"

Is this protecting Yang Xiuming?
As they quarreled, several people gathered around.

A female cultivator, who was not wearing a black robe, was wearing a light veil, showing her body faintly, with a charming face, like a snake.

A burly man looked like a ferocious beast, and an old man with crouching silkworm eyebrows and flushed face, like Guan Gong.

There is also a man in his prime, with bloodshot eyes and turbulent blood all over his body. He is not a simple person at first glance.

Yang Xiuming looked at them, there was no dark aura of Shenzong hidden in these people.

It's not just that they didn't, there were some monks around who didn't come over, and they didn't have any dark energy.

Perhaps, this is the real inner sect of Tibetan God Sect, where the real elites are located!
Huo Qilin looked at Yang Xiuming and said suddenly:
"Everyone, let's talk about the truth.

This is the true core of our Tibetan God Sect, and only elites can be here.

This kid is just an ordinary disciple, he failed the selection of the elders of the inner sect, and was led here by Shi Jing, which violated the sect rules of the Tibetan God Sect, shouldn't he be punished! "

This guy obviously has a grudge against elder brother Yang Xiuming, so he vented his anger on Yang Xiuming.

Shi Jing suddenly said angrily: "Huo Qilin don't talk nonsense, why did I lead him here?
I didn't guide him specifically, he came in by himself! "

Huo Qilin said angrily: "Impossible, there is no one to guide here, how can he come in by himself?"

The crouching silkworm eyebrow old man said: "Whether you guided it or not, this is the true core of our Tibetan God Sect.

He is just an ordinary disciple and shouldn't be here, Canmei thinks he should be expelled.

Green snake, golden leopard, red eye, what do you think? "

The woman with the waist of a water snake looked at Yang Xiuming with charming eyes.

"This little brother is pretty good-looking. As long as you sleep with me, I, the green snake, won't drive you away."

The big man who looked like a beast said: "My golden leopard is the most annoying little boy, I think it should be expelled."

The big man with blood-red eyes also said: "I also think that they should be expelled."

They were pushing them there, and Yang Xiuming ignored them at all.

He looked here, noticed the black core, and quietly played his own exterior.

A piece of endless darkness was instantly connected to the core.

Huo Qilin was furious: "Boy, what are you doing!
You are desecrating the core of our sect, not only expelled, but must be killed, you insult my sect's sacred object..."

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath, and immediately felt the countless divine senses passed on.

He couldn't help smiling and ignored these guys at all.

Huo Qilin was still yelling in anger, Shi Jing retreated quietly, avoiding Yang Xiuming and the others, she flinched.

Several other people were furious when they saw that Yang Xiuming ignored them at all.

The golden leopard jumped up suddenly and grabbed Yang Xiuming.

"Little beast, is this the place where you are rampant!"

This grasping force is full of tens of thousands of catties, like a wild beast, grasping in the void.

This is the use of spells, such as golden leopard hand, monstrous grasping and so on.

Yang Xiuming didn't even look at it, and continued to feel, just smiling.

This caught Yang Xiuming's body, with a click, but it was like hitting the sky, earth, mountains and seas, Yang Xiuming didn't move at all, not hurt at all.

The golden leopard was also extraordinary, and when he found that he couldn't hurt Yang Xiuming, his hand suddenly changed from a human hand to a leopard claw.

The leopard's claws were about ten feet long, and it was like a beast's palm. It was endlessly ferocious, and in just an instant, it changed from a huge bombardment to a terrifying tearing.

The five leopard fingers, like endless sharp blades, wanted to cut through Yang Xiuming's immovable mountains and seas.

With a click, the leopard's claw was almost shattered.

Jin Bao let out a muffled snort, stepped back quickly, and cursed: "The monsters from Nanchu are really not easy!"

Having said that, it seems that he has suffered a lot before.

Yang Xiuming didn't care at all, he was silently assessing the opponent's strength.

Fu Xialiang said:
"This is not an ordinary grasping method, just now it was the Leopard Transformation of the Supreme Ten Thousand Beast Incarnation Sect.

This son is indeed the elite of the Tibetan God Sect, and he is not an ordinary disciple in the Supreme Ten Thousand Beast Incarnation Sect. "

"But, that's it. It's a little bit higher than ordinary disciples, equivalent to the level of Taishang Dao Baili. To you and me, it's like a dog."

Yang Xiuming also laughed, and said: "Beyond ordinary disciples, like a dog!"

Fu Xialiang nodded and responded: "That green snake, I suspect it is from the Five Poison Sect, be careful of her poison.

However, the strength is beyond ordinary disciples, ordinary dogs! "

The aura on Canmei's body is dim, but the induction is strong, it should be from the Supreme Sensation Sect!
But it's just a matter of one sword!
The red-eyed blood is rolling, it should be the Supreme Blood Sea Sect, this guy has some skills, he must get three or five swords! "

Fu Xialiang made assessments one by one, and finally came to the conclusion that it was all like a dog, a matter of one or two swords!

Seeing the Jinbao suffer, Huo Qilin shouted loudly: "Everyone, this son trespassed on our core and desecrated our sect's sacred objects. You son of a bitch from Southern Chu, let's take action together and take him..."

This guy is really a disciple of the Tibetan God Sect. He is instigating there, but he doesn't do anything himself.

"This guy is also from the Myriad Beast Incarnation Sect, but this guy is just an ordinary disciple, a sword is wasted."

"Sure enough, it is the Tibetan God Sect. Heretics are heretics, even the real elites are like this!"

"That's not right. If it's really strong, why would it return to the Tibetan God Sect? It would have already fallen behind the other masters!"

"But yes, these guys, alas!"

Yang Xiuming looked at Huo Qilin just smiled, and said:

"Shadow and formless, neither black nor white, soundless, breathless, unclear; neither good nor evil, neither right nor evil, neither sky nor earth, neither life nor death!"

This is not the poem name of the Tibetan God Sect, but the Dark Demon Sect!
After saying this, Huo Qilin was weak and speechless.

Sure enough, as Yang Xiuming thought, those here are all elite disciples of the Tibetan God Sect, or they may be the special training inheritance disciples mentioned by Shi Jing.

After arriving here, they are no longer named as Tibetan God Sect, but all are disciples of Dark Demon Sect.

The Tibetan God Sect is just a skin of the Dark Demon Sect.

When Yang Xiuming entered this place, only these few people stopped him, and no one else stopped him, so he was most at ease.

If they were not allowed to come here, the sect's ban would have been activated long ago, and they would have directly suppressed it with a powerful move.

In the weak Tibetan Shenzong, there must be many Nascent Soul abilities.

Nothing is happening now, and there is no problem with myself.

Especially after connecting to the core of the sect, Yang Xiuming immediately received a message from his spiritual consciousness.

"Yang Xiuming of the Tibetan Divine Sect, if you find the true core of the Tibetan Divine Sect and conform to the profound meaning of the Tibetan Divine Sect, you can be promoted to a true disciple of the Tibetan Divine Sect.

So far, you have been promoted to an outer disciple of the Dark Demon Sect!
I hide the Shenzong, since I am the Dark Demon Sect, I can invisiblely destroy the life and death of the world!

My sect is innately free, does not establish a mountain gate, does not build a territory, and has no teacher's inheritance. Between heaven and earth, the secrets of all things are always hidden in other sects. One of the most mysterious [-] masters!

My purpose is to participate freely, withdraw at will, without restriction, and share resources.

If you discover the secret of my sect, then you are a disciple of my sect, but remember to keep your secret from anyone, and never let anyone know your true identity.

The Tibetan God Sect is just one of the outer sects of our sect. The three masters of the Tibetan God Sect are the ones who control the Tibetan God Sect.

Old Man Canghai, Gai Yuntian, and Fang Fugui, the three major returning to the void, are the direct elders of the Dark Demon, and you must obey their orders!

Countless spiritual senses came, including the poem number in the door.

So Yang Xiuming reported the title of the poem, which meant that the sect had accepted him as a disciple, and the others were speechless for a moment, what are they fussing about?
But he didn't want Yang Xiuming to untie the connection, so he looked at the golden leopard and said slowly:

"Senior Brother Golden Leopard?"

Jin Bao frowned and said, "Senior Brother? You are not worthy to be my Junior Brother!"

Yang Xiuming just smiled and said, "You grabbed me!"

an eye for an eye!

Jin Bao said angrily: "What are you going to do!"

Yang Xiuming didn't talk nonsense, and immediately stretched out his hand, and he grabbed it too!
A tick for a tick!
With this catch, Yang Xiuming used "Great Grabbing Hands of Netherworld and Darkness".
A big black hand, with a radius of seven feet, was pitch-black and ferocious, with five fingers spread out like death claws, separated from his body, and went straight to the golden leopard to grab it.

It looked calm and calm, but this big hand grabbed it very quickly.

With a roar, the golden leopard instantly transformed into a fat golden leopard, extremely flexible, and his whole body was filled with endless golden light, which possessed powerful defenses.

He also wanted to learn from Yang Xiuming, resist Yang Xiuming's blow, and prove his strength.

But the black hand came down and slapped the golden leopard, causing it to roll to the ground.

This is "Great Capturer of Nether Dark Darkness", the extraordinary Taoism, the simplest, but also the most powerful, fully erupting Yang Xiuming's dark night power.

For a long time, Yang Xiuming relied on thunder and swordsmanship to fight, and now he finally turned his dark night power into a terrifying attack.

With Yang Xiuming's many years of cultivation, the golden leopard he beat in "The Great Master of Darkness and Darkness" screamed.

In an instant, the golden leopard transformed from a golden leopard all over to a short and thin wild leopard.

The golden leopard just now, the incarnation of the beast that focuses on defense, is the Zongbao God Transformation, and this one is the Leopard God Transformation that uses rapid advance.

Facing this blow, he wanted to dodge with speed, and then counterattack quickly.

But Yang Xiuming's black hand changed, suddenly pressed, and pressed the golden leopard tightly, regardless of your changes, he beat you like a son.

No matter how fast you are, you are not as fast as the darkness!

Seeing the golden leopard being beaten, the red eyes on the side were furious, his whole body was full of blood, and he roared:
"Boy, don't bully people too much."

Yang Xiuming didn't even look at him, suddenly another black hand appeared, with a radius of seven feet, five fingers spread out, a big hand aimed at the red eye and grabbed it.

The red eyes were furious, and they glared at Yang Xiuming.

His eyes were like fire, and Yang Xiuming felt that his eyes were being stared at, as if he couldn't see people?What kind of spell is this?Destroying the eyes of the enemy?

But Yang Xiuming just sneered, Jin Tong was not hurt, nothing happened.

Yang Xiuming's big hand came down, his red eyes moved, his blood escaped, and he moved in an instant, just to avoid it.

"The monsters in Nanchu are bullying people again. Everyone, don't you just look at it like this? Let him ride on our necks and shit?"

Huo Qilin shouted from the side!
Silkworm Eyebrow stood up instantly, and there were three monks around who also approached.

Only the time mirror, backed away quietly.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while, and made a gesture of covering the sky with his hands.

In an instant, the surroundings were pitch black.

Immediately, everyone is enveloped.

In the darkness, there were crackling, beating sounds, and various screams.

Thirty breaths later, the darkness disappeared, and when I looked over, I fell to the ground.

All the elite disciples of the Tibetan God Sect present, that is, the outer disciples of the Dark Demon Sect, all collapsed and screamed.

Only Shi Jing, Green Snake, and two women, they didn't make a move, Yang Xiuming didn't touch them.

Yang Xiuming sneered.

They talked about the monsters in Southern Chu, they were educated by the big brother before, so Yang Xiuming made such a move.

The people who came here from Nanchu include a group of fourth-order sanctuaries from the Xiong family, and these sanctuaries are equivalent to Jindan real people.

It's just that when you come here, you practice from scratch. It looks like building a foundation, but everyone's strength is there.

The people here are all Foundation Establishment True Cultivators, and their strength is too weak.

So they were beaten and educated, thinking that those people were monsters in Nanchu.

Also speechless, in fact, everyone in the Liaochang world is just a human race raised in captivity in Nanchu, but after arriving here, they have become representatives of Nanchu...

But no one will refute, this halo is still very valuable.

Since someone set a precedent, Yang Xiuming also shot mercilessly.

Respect is written, not talked about!

Yang Xiuming looked at them with a smile. Among the knocked down crowd, Huo Qilin was the most cunning kid, lying there pretending to be unconscious, and being honest, he stopped talking.

But Chiyan still refused to accept it, and struggled to get up, cursing:

"Little bastard, do you think..."

Yang Xiuming sneered, and suddenly Sanyang Kaitai, a sword light, flashed for an instant, and flew over his head.

This sword, like thunder, clicked and flashed.

Half of the hair on the top of Chiyan's head disappeared immediately, as long as he went down a little, his head would burst and he would die immediately.

Chiyan has also seen the world, and was immediately dumbfounded. He knew what it was, the sword of the sword, killing people without bloodshed.

Yang Xiuming looked at him and asked, "Brother Chiyan, what did you say?"

Chiyan said stupidly: "No, it's nothing, I'm talking nonsense, that, Junior Brother Yang Xiuming, you are amazing!"

Yang Xiuming smiled, looked at Huo Qilin and asked: "Brother Huo Qilin, do you have any comments?
Is the "Returning Burial Method" you practiced a great success? "

After the "Burial Law" was killed, he could be resurrected slowly, and Yang Xiuming threatened him with this.

Huo Qilin didn't pretend to be unconscious anymore, and said: "I was wrong, I have no objection!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "That's great, everyone makes money with harmony."

After speaking, he continued to connect to the core without looking at the crowd, and began to understand the difference between here and the outside.

Some people got up and left in embarrassment, some acted as if nothing had happened, spat on their faces, and some gritted their teeth, remembering their hatred.

Yang Xiuming didn't care at all, he checked to see what was different here.

After a while, Shi Jing walked over beside him and whispered:

"Yang Xiuming, you are really amazing!"

Yang Xiuming smiled and said:

"Before we opened the world there, it was hell, and people were weird food. If you want to survive, you have to fight to the death every day, unlike here, heaven."

Fudge it!
Shi Jing nodded and said, "I've heard of it."

Yang Xiuming immediately asked his own question.

"Is this the inheritance of sheep raising you mentioned?"

Shi Jing shook his head and said, "No, this flock is also sheep. Those who really raise sheep are the three elders of the Tibetan God, right?"

"Have you seen them?"

"No, let alone them, I have never seen one of the Twelve Saints of the Tibetan God and the 330 Eighth Yuanying of the Tibetan God under them.

They are very good at hiding, don't think that you really beat these people, maybe one of these people is one of the 330 eight yuan infants of the Tibetan God!

Our sect is a perverted sect, and everyone is hiding it. Maybe Yang Xiuming and you are also a fake, and you are also a fake by those gangsters. "

Yang Xiuming smiled wryly and changed the subject.

"Why don't people here have that kind of gloom?"

He asked the question he had wanted to ask for a long time.

Shi Jing gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, I have also inquired about that dark atmosphere.

Someone said it was a mark..."

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and asked, "Mark?"

"Yes, we specially let us hide the marks that ordinary disciples of Shenzong have.

In this way, all the superiors can recognize them in the crowd at a glance. "

Yang Xiuming was puzzled and said, "Why! If you recognize this, you will die!"

"To protect us!
In fact, the so-called dark energy can be eliminated by us, and it is not very difficult.

However, ordinary disciples will not teach this.

They walked around, and the senior cultivator saw it at a glance, and then they would say, Xiaoxiao Zang Shenzong, but heresy, it is too easy to distinguish!
They died when they died, and their death proved the harmlessness of the Tibetan God Sect.

The senior monk will relax his vigilance against us, otherwise, a sect that may be lurking around you without this mark, how terrifying. "

Yang Xiuming took a breath and said, "This is using the lives of many ordinary disciples to create a false avatar, and take their lives to protect you!"

Shi Jing shook his head and said, "It's us, you are now a part of us!"

Yang Xiuming changed his words hastily and said, "Yes, yes!"

Suddenly, someone came over and said:

"Brother, are you thirsty? Drink a glass of water!"

It was the Green Snake, who came to Green Tea Yang Xiuming cheaply at this moment.

Shi Jing glanced at her, disgusted.

Yang Xiuming took her teacup with a smile and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister!"

But Yang Xiuming wouldn't drink this water, even if he was killed, he wouldn't drink the tea from the disciples of the Five Poison Sect.

Then Yang Xiuming asked again:
"Senior sister, do you know the situation of my elder brother?"

When asked this, Shi Jing showed a disgusted expression, and finally said:
"Your world has been integrated into the Red Dust Magic Circle, the first time the times changed, they awakened one after another.

There are 11 of them in total, and all of them have been promoted to the third level of cultivation, and some of them are even at the fourth level.

With this foundation, they quickly completed Tibetan God, Xinzhao, and reached the inner gate.

They had been guided by the Zongmen, and they arrived here in less than three days.

These guys are very arrogant, and there is one named Xiong Kuohai, who is shady and wicked.

So here, we had a conflict, and everyone suffered a big loss.

Your brother was very ruthless and burned several people. Huo Qilin was seriously injured by the burn. He was also called Huo Qilin. He was almost burned to death, so he especially hates you.

In the end, your elder brother and the others all carried out the Zongmen's long-distance travel plan, and they didn't know where they were going. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, that's why.

How many people were burned?That must be my big brother...

When these people wake up and enter the gate, they all follow procedures and have been arranged in advance.

As for where to go, I don't know.

They chatted for a while, and Shi Jing also dispersed.

Only the green snake was entangled with Yang Xiuming, bit by bit a little brother.

Yang Xiuming was so annoyed by her that she was speechless, and said: "I really want to slap her to death, old Fu, come and subdue her!"

But Fu Xialiang said: "This kind of vulgar fan, how can I dirty my reputation."

Zhang Yue, who had been silent all this time, said:

"You two be careful, watch out for this guy.

I don't know why, but I always feel that she is very scary!
This is the most horrible snake I have ever seen! "

Immediately, Yang Xiuming and the two were speechless!
Zhang Yue's intuition is that he is number one in the world, and he is what he says.

"Isn't it? This is what Shi Jing said just now, pretending to be young?"

"What are the Twelve Saints of the Tibetan God, the 330 Eight Yuan Infants of the Tibetan God?"

"The Hidden God Sect and the Dark Demon Sect like to hide it, it's almost there!"

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Senior Sister Green Snake is well!"

Fu Xialiang said: "You can't do this, your voice is not sweet enough.

Yuanying old thing, I haven't conquered it yet, look at my brother's methods! "

After finishing speaking, change, Fu Xialiang is here.

This guy is really powerful, after chatting for a while, it was the elder sister and younger brother who shouted.

The green snake was coaxed comfortably by him, and finally wobbled away.

The three let out a sigh of relief!

This moment is completely clean.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Look at the treatment of the outer sect of the Dark Demon Sect."

The three of them checked and found that the treatment was similar to that of the inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect, and those from various inheritances are also available here, there is no big difference, but it seems to be [-]% cheaper than outside.

"It's really speechless, so we lost a lot of spirit stones!"

"It's actually [-]% cheaper here, so I'll learn here from now on."

"What to study next?"

"The spirit storage technique of Cihang Temple and the spirit peeping technique of Tianmu Sect are both good."

"Okay, just these two."

Suddenly, if Yang Xiuming felt it, he thought about it and asked the core of the sect:

"Displays Zongmen rewards that can only be exchanged for meritorious service."

Since spirit stones can be exchanged for these inheritances, there must be some spirit stones that cannot be exchanged, so Yang Xiuming said something casually.

But I didn't want to, but there really was.

Beyond this, three special series appear.

Those who enter the Tao, those who practice blood, and those who follow tricks!
The three of them froze for a moment, looked at each other, and looked at these three.

These three series seem to be insignificant. If Yang Xiuming hadn't asked such a question, they would never have appeared.

Yang Xiuming said hesitantly: "Followers!"

Immediately, the series opened, and Yang Xiuming frowned when he saw it.

This is obviously the deceitful driving system of the Liaochang world.

It’s just that there are 36 avenues in the world of Liaochang, and there are only 27 avenues here, without nine avenues such as mushroom, paper, bone, fog, idol, poison, soil, grass, and drum.

There are not all combat positions, only 75!

The fire is on the way to the sea of ​​fire, the sky and the earth are happy at sunrise, and the sea of ​​fire is full of ghosts and gods.

Fighting and fighting heroes, life is a hero, death is also a ghost hero.

Dharma, Dao and Dharma are dead, thousands of years have passed, and life is still hopeful, Faen reaches the end of the sea in one day
The tricky way and the hunting, the early frost flies on the three autumn mosques, and the feathers hunt in Hirata and Asakusa.

Swordsmanship and madness, one sword, one sword, ten years of snow, then you must sing drunkenly and wildly.

Thunder Dao and Thunder Talisman, thunder is born on the flat ground, thousands of changes!


But above the 27 avenues, there are second-tier elites, fire burners, night watchmen, sword bearers, and thunder masters, all of which are complete.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and checked carefully.

As long as there are meritorious deeds, twelve points of meritorious service, disciples of the Tibetan God Sect can choose a trick to change jobs.

After perfect refinement, 36 points of merit can be exchanged for the corresponding second-level elites for advancement.

As for the third level, no one has practiced it yet.

Seeing all this, Yang Xiuming frowned.

For a long time, the three of Yang Xiuming relied on the power of deception to surpass all living beings.

It is now discovered that all true disciples of the Tibetan God Sect can be selected.

Treacherous driving is no longer the secret specialty of the three of them, but everyone in the world has mastered it.

It was as if one's most precious wealth was discovered to be plundered.

He was panting heavily, almost unable to breathe in distress, but thinking about it, it was normal.

The world of Liaochang was taken away, and among them, the technique of refining tricks was naturally obtained by the Tibetan God Sect.

And not only the Tibetan God Sect, but also the Laiyi Sect and the Yandang Sect will get it.

It is normal for a large number of monks to master it.

When I think of this, my heart feels like a knife again.

This is the ability to surpass others and be different!
Fu Xialiang said beside him: "Brother, it's okay.

We are all so distressed, how can Nan Chu let it go?
This is the treasure of Southern Chu, how can they let everyone in the world have it?

There are also bad things behind the dark demon sect. This trick will be taken back by Nan Chu in the end.

In fact, it's not like it hasn't been leaked before, since the Nine Paths of Immortal Cultivation, since it is a path, it is natural for someone to walk through it, so how can it not be leaked.

But in the end, they were all taken back by Nanchu, and only Nanchu owns them, so don't worry about them. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said: "I'm narrow-minded, we rely on the method of transcending all living beings, and become the world's universal, alas, my heart hurts!"

Zhang Yue said suddenly: "It's not that simple, please look carefully."

Among the many tricks, there are many monks' remarks, which are all cultivation experience.

But if you look carefully, among these monks, it is easy to refine one trickster, but it is very rare to refine two tricksters. There is only one message, and three tricksters are refined.

This person is indeed one of the so-called Twelve Saints of the Tibetan God, Nandou Xingke, this is the True God of Transformation!

Yang Xiuming couldn't help but said: "Why is this happening? It's easy for us to refine five tricks?"

Fu Xialiang replied: "We are able to do this because of "The Rhythm of Everything".

The secret method of Xianqin is controlled by resonance, so we can so many perfect refinements.

They don't have this Immortal Qin secret method, so they can't refine as many as five. "

Zhang Yue also said: "Also, Yang Xiuming, you are a native of Liaochang.

You are born to be able to control the tricks produced in this world, that's why you can refine five.

We are really you, and so are we.

But these monks are not natives of Liaochang at all, and they don't have 100% safe ghosts, so there are at most three of them, even if they are transformed into gods, they can only refine three ghosts. "

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and said, "So, we still have an advantage?"

"It's not just us, Xiong Kuohai and the others are also natives, and they also have this advantage!"

They checked repeatedly, and the follower was the cunning system.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while, quit this, and check out the practitioners.

It didn't matter, Yang Xiuming didn't notice anything, Fu Xialiang almost screamed.

"This, this is Daobao!"

"how is this possible!"

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "Taobao? The Taobao of the Nine Paths of Cultivation of Immortals?"

Here, treasures one foot in size are arranged in a row.

Many treasures are divided into six categories: lamps, mirrors, beads, altars, wine, and camps.

Each major category has several subcategories, a total of 37 kinds of Taobao.

Fu Xialiang looked at them very excitedly.

He said slowly:
"Sects in the world, those who inherit the Dao treasure, the eight masters, headed by my Taishang Dao and Daluo Jinxianzong!

There are 31 side sects, all of which are branches of Shangzun, but these side sects have at most three Dao treasures.

Who has what Taobao, everyone is clear and clear.

I am too good at Taoism, and I am too good at refining treasures. What I sacrifice are Taobao, Daowei armament, natal magic weapon and other things!

I am too good to be able to condense the sixteen categories and 82 kinds of treasures.

Among the sects, only those who enter the Tao and become the True Monarch of the Nascent Soul can apply for the Tao treasure.

But here, there are two types of wine bottles and bonfires, which are treasures that I don’t have on the Tao.

Let me see……

There are 37 kinds of Dao treasures here, and I am too good at at least eleven of them!
Developed, developed! "

Yang Xiuming asked: "As long as we exchange these Taoist treasures and hand them over to the sect, will we be rewarded heavily?"

"Yes, not only rewards, but also teach me the Taishang Treasure Art, and maybe even Taishang Purity, there is no problem."

"What is the ninth absolute, I am the ninth absolute, the revenge that hurt me back then will definitely be avenged!"

Seeing that Fu Xialiang was calm and calm, he actually remembered the hatred of being framed back then.

Yang Xiuming nodded, examined it carefully, and said:
"There is no exchange limit, twelve meritorious service can be exchanged for one Taobao.

In other words, if we have meritorious service, we can exchange it continuously. "

"Zang Shenzong, don't leave yet, let's do our mission well here, accumulate a lot of sect merits, and exchange all these Taoist treasures before the catastrophe strikes!"

"Don't pull one!"

Fu Xialiang said firmly!

"Don't pull one!"

Yang Xiuming responded to him!

The three looked at each other and smiled.

Zhang Yue said: "Look at the next one, there is something in the Tibetan God Sect!"

"All kinds of hard goods!"

Reluctantly, Fu Xialiang looked at the second blood trainer.

This one is different from Daobao's splatter, this is a ball of blood, controlled by suspension.

These bloods are formed into clusters, and there are various visions in them.

Like countless ferocious beasts floating out of them, roaring loudly.

Each has its own vision, different, strange and colorful!

After careful inspection, there are a total of 61 balls of blood, big and small.

what is this?
Fu Xialiang watched it for a long time, then suddenly said:

"No, it's witch blood!"

Yang Xiuming asked again: "Witch blood from Nine Paths of Immortal Cultivation?"

"Yes, the spirit pattern witch blood, one is the tattoo on the body surface, and the other is the mutation of the blood in the body.

As long as this kind of witch blood is fused, one's own blood will automatically mutate, and a powerful divine channel body will be born.

My Taoist body is Thunder God, which can actually be regarded as a branch of Thunder God's bloodline, one of the true god's witch blood. "

Yang Xiuming was also dumbfounded, and said, "I didn't expect that the Tibetan Shenzong had such goods?"

He checks the exchange method.

Merit exchange, twelve merits, can be exchanged once.

But one body can only be exchanged for one kind of witch blood, if two are fused, it will explode.

Fu Xialiang said: "I already have the Dao Body of Lei Ji, this is not destined for me."

Zhang Yue said: "My essence is a lotus flower, an artificial human, and I have no way to integrate this."

Only Yang Xiuming could fuse.

He examines it closely, but shakes his head.

There are 61 balls of blood, big and small, but there is no label. They are all witch blood, and everything depends on fate.

Fu Xialiang said: "This one must be carefully selected!

These witch bloods include ordinary witch blood, but after fusion, they are just fierce beast witch blood such as Soaring Snake and Thunder Roar.

There are also True God Witch Blood, Primordial Witch Blood, Witch Ancestor Witch Blood, and Supreme Witch Blood, all according to fate. "

Yang Xiuming asked: "What are the best witch bloods?"

"The best witch blood, the supreme witch blood above the twelve ancestor witch blood.

Primitive, heavenly, supreme, wild, chaotic, natural, Pangu...

This is all I know, I have to go back to the sect and check slowly. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Don't worry, I only have two of the twelve meritorious service, so slowly accumulate!"

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said, "Brother, let's remember these changes of witch blood!"

"What do you mean?"

"We will firmly remember these changes, and then we will return to the sect.

We can't tell the difference, but our sect can!
Be willing to play martial arts, spend money to deduce, and repeatedly deduce.

With the computing power of our entire Taishangdao, I don't believe that among the 61 witch bloods, we can't find the best one! "

Yang Xiuming grinned and said, "This is a lot of spirit stones!"

Fu Xialiang said with a smile: "What are spirit stones? We can make more money without us!"

"Okay, then come on!"

"Find me the best witch blood, and I'll replace all the Dao Treasures for you.

We will completely empty out this hidden god sect! "

Fu Xialiang also nodded and said: "Good things come first, if God does not take them, you will be blamed instead, and the time will not work, you will suffer instead."

The three looked at each other and laughed.

Yang Xiuming waved his hand and said, "Go home!"

The three went home so far, and when they got home, Lao Jixiang was cooking again.

This time I made stewed fish, which was very delicious.

Yang Xiuming and Lao Jixiang ate fish together, and when they had almost eaten, Yang Xiuming asked:
"Brother Jixiang, I have something to ask you!"

"whats the matter?"

"Let's hide the Shenzong, meritorious service, can we exchange it with spirit stones?"

"Yes, of course I can!"

All of a sudden, Jixiang was stupid!
He always thought that Yang Xiuming was a disciple of the Supreme Master, how could he hide from the Shenzong?
Yang Xiuming smiled and said: "I traveled far away to the Supreme Dao, otherwise how could I settle down here, you are the Twelve Sages of the sect, and you have nothing to eat!"

Auspicious ah ah ah ah a long time did not react.

Finally, he sighed and said, "Yeah, what am I thinking, how is it possible!"

"Then you must be a true inner sect disciple?
Brother Yang, do you want to exchange for sect meritorious service? "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Yes, exchange Lingshi for meritorious service of the sect."

Yang Xiuming didn't have time to do any tasks, how easy it would be to exchange them directly with spirit stones.

"No problem, I'll help you get in touch.

This cannot be exchanged directly, we can only release the task ourselves, and then you go to collect it, complete it simply, and get meritorious service.

Finding someone to cooperate with you in completing the task requires about [-] spirit stones for one achievement. "

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "As long as you can get meritorious service quickly, then there is no problem.

Senior Brother Ji Xiang, you can redeem one hundred merits for me first. "

"There are too many of these. I will find someone to do some simple tasks. I will find someone to cooperate with you. You can easily get [-] meritorious deeds."

"Okay, sixty first, let's talk about it later."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiuming took out [-] spirit stones and said, "This is the deposit, so I'll trouble you, brother!"

Jixiang took it, with a happy face, and said: "I will handle the work, don't worry!"

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