Dao Shaohua

Chapter 205 The Holy Body of Tongtian, the 5th person comes out!

Chapter 205 The Holy Body of Tongtian, the Fifth Person Comes Out!
Money is easy to do!
At night, the Jiang family of Yulongshan's cultivating family immediately asked the sect for help.

In the Lingtian of Jiang's family, there were three big rats who became demons, harming the crops and destroying the property of the Lingtian. The Jiang family asked the sect for protection.

An old sect family like the Jiang family can ask the sect for help every ten years. This is the benefit of the sect paying taxes for so many years.

This task was uploaded layer by layer, and finally appeared in the core of the ordinary inner sect of the Tibetan God Sect, waiting for the disciples of the Tibetan God Sect to accept it, and the Jiang family paid the corresponding rewards. After the sect was transformed, it became three meritorious rewards.

But the task was not displayed for a long time under the deliberate suppression of people.

It wasn't until Yang Xiuming came here and just checked the mission core of the sect that it appeared in the mission announcement.

Yang Xiuming immediately chose this task, then left Zhuji City, and went straight to the Jiang family of Yulongshan Xiuxian family.

When I got there, I didn't even take a sip of water. I found three fist-sized mice in the spiritual field and strangled them to death one by one.

So far, the task of the Jiang family of the Immortal Cultivation Clan of Yulongshan was completed, and the Jiang family left a seal to prove that Yang Xiuming returned to the sect to pay the task and received three meritorious service.

Over there, old Jixiang sent out spirit stones to Jiang's family, a total of [-] spirit stones, Jiang's family kept [-], and [-] spirit stones were handed over to the sect as a task reward.

So far, I have earned [-] spirit stones, so everyone is happy.

As for the remaining [-] spirit stones, they were naturally lost by Lao Jixiang.

Then the next task is to transport the treasure to Qingyunpo, 13 miles away.

After taking over the task, Lao Jixiang naturally prepared people early and traveled 13 miles. As long as Yang Xiuming produces the spirit stone, there is nothing difficult to do.

Yang Xiuming was within the sect, took over the task and went over to hand it over.

Someone specially ran darts for him, and the spirit stone was delivered, and five more meritorious deeds were included in the bag!
Like this, among the sects, an industrial chain has long been formed, and everyone can communicate with each other, so you can save effort, and I feel comfortable.

This is true of any regime. Over time, this kind of corruption will inevitably appear internally.

In this way, Yang Xiuming quickly completed each task, with as few as two or three meritorious deeds, and as many as five or six meritorious deeds. In less than five days, Yang Xiuming had accumulated [-] meritorious deeds.

Of course, a total of [-] spirit stones were taken out!

Old Jixiang was still very efficient, although he lost a lot of spirit stones, his face was flushed, and he couldn't help giggling.

But nothing went wrong, and Yang Xiuming felt confident after many meritorious deeds.

Coming to the hidden hall again, connecting to the core of the sect, Yang Xiuming silently checked the practitioners and blood practitioners...

Followers are meaningless to Yang Xiuming, so he doesn't need to check.

The key point is that Yang Xiuming is looking at those Dao treasures.

Six categories, as many as 37 kinds.

Yang Xiuming said, "Xia Liang, shall we have one?"

But Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "Don't be in a hurry, just be steady."

"Tai Shang Dao, I have already started to apply for the Martial Arts Hall."

Yang Xiuming nodded, he also knew.

It's not easy to apply for Taishang Dao Yanwu Hall. They didn't have much hope and queued up slowly.

Now at the [-]th meritorious service, Fu Xialiang said that he is not in a hurry, but he has already looked at those Daobao.

"Wine bottles and bonfires are two types, Tao treasures that I don't have on the Tao.

Then come to this, open-air drinking of Daobao wine bottle spirit! "

He said no with his mouth, but he was very honest with his hands.

Fu Xialiang will choose this Taobao.

However, the three were taken aback.

I still want to be simple!

Impressive practitioners reminded that although the true disciples of the Tibetan God Sect only need twelve meritorious deeds, they can be exchanged for one Dao treasure.

However, basically under Nascent Soul, only one can be exchanged.

Dao treasures are powerful and have a wide range of uses. It is very difficult for monks under the Nascent Soul to exchange for a Dao treasure.

The second Taobao can only be exchanged after the Nascent Soul Realm.

Therefore, please choose carefully, and you will have no regrets.

All three of them were stupid, but after thinking about it, this is normal.

Taishang Dao, Taishang Lianbaojue, is also in the Nascent Soul realm, and only then can you get started with Daobao.

Why are you here, in the foundation building realm, thinking of infinite Taoism, how is it possible?

No matter how powerful the Dark Demon Sect is, it is impossible to be so powerful.

Could it be that the monks who are too high-level have always been fools?

Immortal Nine Paths, how can it be so simple!
This is actually the same as the follower of tricks, there are many tricks, only one can be chosen.

Like the blood trainer, there are so many bloodlines, only one can be chosen.

So even though there are many Dao treasures, you can only choose one, and you can only choose the second one in the Nascent Soul Realm in the future.

That's why there are so few meritorious deeds, it's like giving them away for nothing.

Because giving you is also free, and you can't choose the second one.

This time, you must pay attention to the choice!
The three looked at each other, and this choice was to give up.

Let's talk about it later, only once, be careful.

Finally they went to see the blood trainer.

61 groups of witch blood, arranged in a row, evolved separately there.

Fu Xialiang stared at it tightly, remembering the changes of these witch bloods from time to time. In the future, he will be qualified to perform martial arts in the Yanwu Hall, and rely on these changes to deduce them.

After Wu Xue finished observing, Fu Xialiang went to watch Daobao.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xialiang returned to Taishang Dao and received a message from a flying talisman.

"Fu Xialiang, the elite sequence of the Zongmen, hereby informs you that your application for the Yanwu Hall has been approved.

Please bring [-] spirit stones to the Yanwu Hall to perform martial arts within ten days. "

Fu Xialiang was taken aback, although he is now an elite sequence, but it is very difficult to apply for Yanwu Hall, and it is very rare to be able to apply after a few months.

This is someone helping behind the scenes.

This is definitely not Master Suitie's help, he must come here to sell favors, and this kind of thing, Suitie will not do anything.

The six senior sisters would not help silently like this, and suddenly a person appeared in Fu Xialiang's mind.

Xin Chunfeng...

Only she can do this!

He couldn't help but let out a long sigh!
No matter what, the next day, Fu Xialiang called from afar, Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming were here.

When Yang Xiuming arrived at Taishang Dao, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's been a long time!"

Fu Xialiang said: "Brother, you are also a disciple of the Supreme Master now!

It's just that you are a demon, I want to slay demons and eliminate demons, and destroy you, the dark demon! "

"Hahaha, little cultivator of the Supreme Dao, you have been taken away by my dark devil, and you don't know that you have become my dark devil's subordinate!"

"Okay, you big dark devil, take me to be the Supreme Daoist, and slay demons and demons!"

Zhang Yue said speechlessly: "How old are you two, so childish!"

Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang laughed out loud, very unhappy.

Fu Xialiang went to Yanwu Hall, with the previous experience, it went very smoothly.

This time, he didn't have a token, so he took out [-] spirit stones directly, after the other party confirmed.

"Faling performs martial arts, no need to line up, martial arts hall on the [-]th.

The time is three hours, and it will automatically exit when the time comes. "

Fu Xialiang saluted and said, "Thank you very much!"

He went over immediately without queuing up, and quickly found No. [-] Yanwu Hall.

Liang entered it, and the Martial Arts Hall was very spacious, about [-] miles long, and there were various training instruments in it.

Fu Xialiang smiled endlessly, facing the floating light beads, said: "Please give advice from the Faling of the sect!"

As soon as the light bead moved, it flew to the top of Fu Xialiang's head in an instant, and then the light bead turned into a beam of light, penetrating Fu Xialiang's head at an angle of 45 degrees.

This technique is definitely Xianqin technique, exactly the same as that of Futu.

Fu Xialiang even suspected that the so-called Yanwu Hall was also a fortress relic of Xianqin.

In an instant, Fu Xialiang seemed to have come out of his body and came to a large hall.

In this hall, countless brilliance flows, and each brilliance seems to be a scene of a sect's powerful Dharma transmission.

"Fu Xialiang, what do you want?"

Faring asked!

The voice is cold, without any emotion!
Fu Xialiang said slowly:
"I am Fu Xialiang, Baron of Hengsha, the [-]th class of Xianqin, may I have welfare support?"

This guy couldn't help but give it a try.

Fa Ling seemed to be stagnant, and then said:

"Fu Xialiang, your information is behind, you have become the nineteenth-class baron of Shanyan."

This time, not only Fu Xialiang was stupid, but Yang Xiuming and the others were also stupid.

Yang Xiuming piloted the Blood Buddha, escaped from the siege, and completed the task, so he was naturally rewarded.

It's just that they couldn't connect to the equipment of the Xianqin ruins, and they didn't know that they had been promoted.

Now that Fu Xialiang has arrived here, he has officially received a promotion order. They have been promoted from the [-]th-class Baron Hengsha to the [-]th-class Baron Shanyan.

Zhang Yue was in Baiqi City, even if he was killed, he would not dare to reveal his title of Immortal Qin.

A large group of Nascent Souls is the [-]th-class Baron Hengsha, he is a small foundation, and the [-]th-class Baron Shanyan, waiting to be dissected and studied.

The twentieth-class Baron Hengsha is as insignificant as gravel.

The nineteenth-class barons of mountains and rocks gathered sand to form a tower, turning into a rocky mountain.

Fu Xialiang couldn't help asking: "Lord Fa Ling, is there any reward for my promotion to the title of Immortal Qin?"

"Sorry, no rewards!
"Fu Xialiang, do you want to continue practicing martial arts? If not, please leave immediately!"

Cold and ruthless, with no rewards.

"Yanwu, Yanwu, thirty thousand spirit stones!"

"I have a friend who was drifting in the universe and accidentally discovered the blood of witch blood.

But the bloodline of the witch blood is so chaotic that it is difficult to identify it, and I asked Fa Ling to identify it for me..."

After finishing speaking, he began to visualize the appearance of 61 bloodlines of witch blood.

Immediately, those blood vessels appeared in the void, and the Taishang Faling suddenly started to operate, and deduced...

Fu Xialiang waited silently for an unknown amount of time, when suddenly consciousness appeared in his mind.

"No. 20 seven bloodlines, ordinary witch blood, black turtle bloodline!"

Fu Xialiang nodded, and the bloodline went out immediately, not deducing.

After a while, there was another result.

"No. 30 nine bloodlines, ordinary witch blood, and the bloodline of the hundred-eyed demon!"

Another one disappeared, and the deduction continued.

"The No. 30 eighth bloodline is ordinary witch blood, the bloodline of Henggong fish!"

In this way, the 48 ordinary witch blood were all discharged one by one.

Fu Xialiang frowned as she recorded them one by one.

"It's time for the martial arts performance, please pay [-] spirit stones, and start the second round of martial arts performance, the time is three hours!"

"If it is no longer recommended, the deduction can end. Is all the deduction process retained? If it is not retained, it will be automatically destroyed immediately to prevent leakage?"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Renew, [-] spirit stones, start the second round of martial arts!"

The current Fu Xialiang is a rich man, so he directly renews the spirit stone.

Then the deduction began, another round!
"The second bloodline is the blood of the true god witch, the bloodline of the Vulcan branch!"

"The fifth bloodline is the blood of the true god witch, the bloodline of the blood god branch!"

Soon another round ended, and six bloodlines were deduced.

"It's time for the martial arts performance, please pay [-] spirit stones, and start the third round of martial arts performance, the time is three hours!"

This time, the cost of performing martial arts was directly increased to [-] spirit stones.


Fu Xialiang continued to deduce.

"The third bloodline is the prehistoric witch blood, and the Haiwa branch bloodline!"

Immediately, the blood vessels were reduced again, this time the blood of the prehistoric witches was reduced.

Once again, the cost is [-] spirit stones!

After deduction again and again, the number of spirit stones decreased visible to the naked eye, until the last deduction, only 830 five spirit stones were left on Fu Xialiang's body.

So far, there are only two bloodlines left.

"The No.13 bloodline is the witch blood of the ancestor of the witch, and the blood of the twelve ancestor of the emperor Dijiang!"

"Eight bloodlines, indistinguishable, indistinguishable!"

There are so many witch bloods, this is the best, 61 witch bloods have a bloodline of twelve witch ancestors, it is unbelievable.

As for the unidentifiable bloodline, it may be the supreme bloodline above the Wu ancestor, or it may be a garbage bloodline that is nothing.

So far, Fu Xialiang can no longer deduce, there is really no spirit stone.

Even if there is a spirit stone, it can't be deduced, so stop here.

"The deduction is over, all deduction process, deduction results, all destroyed!"

Fu Xialiang ordered slowly!
"Okay, the name of the Taoist Lord on the ether has been completely destroyed, and will not be leaked!"

Fu Xialiang let out a long breath, then flashed, and exited the state.

"Brother, that's the only way to go, you choose yourself!"

He is now a pauper again, even only has 830 five spirit stones.

"The No.13 bloodline is the witch blood of the ancestor of the witch, and the blood of the twelve ancestor of the emperor Dijiang!"

"Among the many lords, the White Feather Sacred Witch Sect, the Black Feather Demon Witch Sect, the True Yang Heaven Witch Sect, the Chizi True Body Sect, the Fragrance Jieyu Sect, the Great Dream Cangtian Cave, the Stealing Luck Guantian Sect, and the Seven Great Witch Sects have none of them. How many bloodlines of ancestor Wu.

Those who get this bloodline and join the seven great masters will definitely become core disciples. "

"Eight bloodlines, unable to distinguish, may be good or bad!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I see!"

"Brother, I don't think the eight bloodlines are garbage bloodlines. If they were really garbage bloodlines, they would have been deduced and discovered long ago."

Yang Xiuming said, "Well, it makes sense!"

That being said, they looked at Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue's intuition is the most accurate.

He thought for a moment and said, "I don't know either, my intuition doesn't work for this."

"However, the bloodline that can make my intuition have no effect should not be simple!"

Yang Xiuming said, "Go back and have a look!"

The three returned and came to the Hall of True Inheritance again, looking at the bloodline.

"Brother, the No.13 bloodline, the bloodline of the Twelve Witch Patriarch Dijiang!
This is already the strongest bloodline, the best in the world, and if you get this bloodline, you will definitely be promoted to the ranks of the best in the world.

I don't think I should take this risk! "

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said.

Yang Xiuming just looked at the two bloodlines, and he said slowly:
"Is that us?"

As soon as these words were said, the three of them laughed.

Yes, don't take risks, get the blood of Wu Zu?That kind of character, how could it be them!
Yang Xiuming did not choose rashly.

Instead, go home, bathe and change clothes, cleanse yourself, go on a diet, burn incense and pray.

At midnight, he moved quietly.

Coming here again, fortunately, this hall is always open.

Once there, Yang Xiuming made a choice.

Twelve meritorious service, choose bloodline.

If you choose the eight bloodlines, even the Taishang Dao Faling is unrecognizable witch blood.

Suddenly, a drop of witch blood split out from the row of witch blood.

The witch blood splintered out, and the eight bloodlines seemed to dry up at once. At least for a thousand years, the second drop of witch blood could not be split.

This drop of witch blood flew out, and all the witch blood seemed to freeze at once.

In front of it, all witch blood was suppressed by blood.

Including the bloodline of the ancestral witch!
A bird is like a forest, a hundred birds are silent!

Seeing this scene, Yang Xiuming laughed, he made the right choice!

The witch blood gradually flew towards Yang Xiuming's eyebrows in a flash.

So far, Wu Xue and Yang Xiuming have become one.

However, witch blood is witch blood, and Yang Xiuming is Yang Xiuming, so they cannot be integrated into one.

It seems that there is an invisible shackle between the two, Wu Xue is too strong, and Yang Xiuming is too weak.

At this moment, Yang Xiuming was blessed like a spirit, and the three of them instantly became one, becoming one.

Then the three performed "Chongshen Jue" together.
"My name is Invincible, I am God, I am Holy, I am myself, I control everything, I own everything, my power is endless, my energy is boundless..."

The "Chongshen Jue", which has not been practiced until now, has been completed quietly and perfectly at this moment.

That witch blood immediately became one with Yang Xiuming.

But still not enough!

Yang Xiuming immediately ran "The Rhythm of Everything" and entered a strange state, perfectly controlling the rhythm.

Then run the "Nine Tai Laojun Kaitian Jing", but it is still not enough!

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and started punching.

Military way of killing punches!
Punch, punch, punch!
It seems extremely simple, but this is "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue"

"My name is Invincible, I am God, I am Holy, I am myself, I control everything, I own everything, my power is endless, my energy is boundless..."

With one punch, that drop of witch blood quietly merged with Yang Xiuming!
After a long time, Yang Xiuming withdrew his punches, and his martial arts killing punches improved silently, to the level of one hundred and seven!

He was ecstatic, fused with witch blood, and began to examine carefully.

But when I saw it, I was dumbfounded.

The body has not changed in any way, it is still the original Yang Xiuming, this is garbage witch blood...

Yang Xiuming shook his head vigorously, this is impossible!

He thought for a while and said: "The gods are self-obscuring, this is hiding!"

As soon as these words were said, there was a roar, and Yang Xiuming felt his body heat up and change quietly.

The "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart-Shattering Art" has changed dramatically.

Name: Yang Xiuming

Lifespan: 21/99

Dao Body: Reaching the Heavens to the Highest
Bloodline: Spiritual Torrent
Fate: God of Devouring Demons, God of Heaven's Absolute Misfortune
Title: Rampaging Sky

Boundary: Foundation Building Fourfold


Verdict: No. [-] in the world, rampant in the sky

Yang Xiuming changed drastically. First of all, his lifespan directly became 99, and his lifespan increased countlessly.

Without the Nascent Soul, it is very difficult for a living being to exceed the lifespan of ten thousand years, otherwise it will directly exceed ten thousand years.

The Dao body directly became the highest in the sky.
It turned out that the drop of witch blood was Tongtian among the supreme witch blood.

The original bloodline spiritual fortress directly became a spiritual torrent.

The realm also silently broke through to the fourth level of foundation building.

As Yang Xiuming's realm improved, Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue also rose to the sixth level of foundation building!
Since Yang Xiuming woke up, the realm of the three of them has improved like a rocket.

However, this is the foundation building period, and it is normal to improve, not as difficult as Jindan Yuanying.

The biggest change is the cultivation method. The "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Jue" (fifth stage) is opened silently.

This means it's time to find a newcomer on page five!

Yang Xiuming was ecstatic!
Both Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue were ecstatic. The last time Wei Wuguo made them very distressed, this time a newcomer can come to the village!

"Nine Skys and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword" (fourth level) was silently promoted to the fourth level, which is completely unreasonable.

Obtaining the Holy Body of Babel, inexplicably promoted.

There seems to be an inexplicable connection between the Heaven-reaching Saint Physique and the Absolute Immortal Sword, so there is no need to search hard for a way to advance.

So far, eight swords can be stabbed in one day!
"Three Purities and Four Truths One Pneumatic Hammer" (second level), this one is a surprise, Fu Xialiang shouted:

"My Zhenyuan Hammer, is it done?"

"Didn't master the Dingyuan Hammer? Why did the Zhenyuan Hammer succeed silently?"

"This is the Zhenyuan Hammer, hahaha, I didn't expect it to be so good!"

"I can upgrade the sequence again, so happy!"

This time the harvest was great, and the three of them were all ecstatic.

But what is even more powerful is the Heaven-reaching Holy Physique. Even if Yang Xiuming is promoted to the realm, he will not let go of his breath, make a fortune in a muffled voice, and will not show it at all.

All three of them were ecstatic about the many changes, and their strengths were all improved silently.

Among them, what made them most happy was the opening of the fifth page of "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart".

Yang Xiuming said, "Shall we go and have a look?"

Zhang Yue shook his head and said, "Wait a minute!"

Fu Xialiang also said: "Wait a little longer!"

Wei Wuguo scared them a little last time.

Yang Xiuming also said: "Wait a minute, it's okay, just be steady."

They were all a little scared.

"Pick an auspicious day..."

"Unexpectedly, this witch blood can bring about such a big change."

"This is also the best among witch blood, and the others are fine."

"That Daobao, let's try it?"

"Wait that too, wait!"

This is how newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but they are afraid of wolves when they grow horns!

The three of them dispersed separately, while Yang Xiuming returned to the circle of mortals to see his parents.

Parents have not changed much, but the end-time era is coming to an end soon, and the next era is the farming era.

Everything was fine at home, Yang Xiuming played chess with Mr. Dafang again.

Alas, even if it becomes the Tongtian Saint Body, the loser is still the loser, nothing has changed.

The next day, Yang Xiuming left the circle of mortals, and the three reconciled. Fu Xialiang said:
"I've made a decision, choose a Taoist soldier, dedicate to the sect, and exchange for a big reward!"

He was extremely firm, Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Choose that?"

Fu Xialiang didn't even look at it, and said: "Choose the bonfire category, for three thousand years, Mahasattva!
The weirdest name ever, that's it! "

Yang Xiuming nodded, and immediately chose this Taobao.

Immediately, among those Taoist soldiers, a streamer flew out, one foot in size, like the base of a bonfire stove.

This is the three thousand years of Daobao, Mahasattva!
Yang Xiuming held it in his hand, but couldn't help shaking his head.

No wonder it needs to be refined in the Nascent Soul stage. Holding this treasure in your hand, your own aura can't be refined at all.

He put away the treasure and passed it directly to Fu Xialiang with the soul-moving gourd.

Fu Xialiang took this treasure and gritted his teeth. He didn't go through the master's line, nor did he go to the six senior sisters, but directly reported to the sect.

Through others, it is very difficult to explain.

Fu Xialiang passed it upwards directly through her own elite sequence.

This is the core inheritance of the Zongmen's Eight Ultimate Supreme Treasure Refining Art, the supreme treasure, and the Zongmen should pay special attention to it.

As for the master's lineage, they don't care about these things. Individuals have their own opportunities.

That's what Master was like back then, when he discovered the world, he didn't tell others that only one person destroys the world is the rise.

"Disciple, wandering around, accidentally found a Taoist treasure, hand it over to the sect!"

"Among Yunyou, there are similar Dao treasures, but they can't be obtained. There are eleven sects that have not seen Dao treasures. Please support the sect."

Then everything was waiting silently, and the response was really fast.

In less than an hour, a god-man in golden armor appeared in front of Fu Xialiang silently.

"Fu Xialiang, the elite sequence, discovered the Tao treasure, dedicated to the sect, made great achievements, and won the sect award!"

Fu Xialiang was taken aback, this reward is not big.

It's just a great achievement, not a great achievement in the world, it's just a reward, not a heavy reward from the sect!

"Fu Xialiang, the elite sequence, upgraded to 67 rings!"

Just raised the elite level of fifty rings?
"Fu Xialiang, award, you must practice the Supreme Bajue, the Supreme Refining Treasure Art.

Practice Taishang Lianbao Jue and receive a free piece of Zongmen Daobao! "

Then the rewards are gone, the Sequence [-]th ring has been raised, and there is also the qualification to practice the Taishang Lianbao Jue.

If you donate a Taoist soldier, you can get one for free, which is the top bill.

As for the land of wealth and law, there is nothing.

The imaginary great merit is also absent.

Fu Xialiang was a little speechless, and couldn't help asking:
"Senior, isn't this reward too small?"

The golden-armored godman said slowly: "It's just right to reward meritorious deeds!"

"But senior, the Dao treasure I handed over is a Dao treasure that our sect doesn't have!
That is a kind of bonfire, which has lasted for three thousand years, Mahasattva! "

The golden armored godman said slowly:

"Fu Xialiang, the treasure you offer is not a treasure that I don't have at the top!"

Fu Xialiang was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and said, "Are we too good?"

The golden-armored godman said slowly: "You didn't think so, but in fact you are just a foundation-building monk, only an elite sequence, and you haven't even entered Nascent Soul, there are many things you don't know!
If you hadn't completed the basic training of "Three Purifications and Four True Qi Hammers" yesterday, "Taishang Lianbaojue" would not be open to you. "

Fu Xialiang didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, he thought of it.

These Dao Treasures can be exchanged by Dark Demon Sect disciples.

The Taishang Dao is so big, how could it not have been infiltrated by the monks of the Dark Demon Sect before?
These seniors, I'm afraid they have already finished offering their treasures, and when it's their turn, papa can't keep up with the warm ones...

These seniors have gone all the way. It's not that there is no way to be too good, but they are hidden.

The Jinjia Shenren seemed to have seen what Fu Xialiang was thinking, and disappeared quietly.

Fu Xialiang was extremely speechless, Yang Xiuming was a witch blood, had countless changes, and he had a Taoist treasure, and got nothing.

This made him very depressed.

Yang Xiuming didn't know how to persuade him.

But Fu Xialiang has a good thing, the more frustrated he is, the more courageous he becomes!
In the evening, he began to call out to everyone, and everyone came to the world of Buddha.

All three of them came here, they all looked at each other and nodded.

Immediately, the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart-Shattering Art" opened, and the fifth page appeared.

The three of them said together in harmony: "We live together and die together, and we share fortune and misfortune!"

Last time, in Wei Wuguo's world, someone specially ambushed the monk Xianqin. If Wei Wuguo hadn't turned into a weird one, the three of them would have died there.

Therefore, it is not so safe to open the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art".

Immediately, the fifth page of the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" opened.

The pages of the book opened with a splash, and the fifth page appeared, with data emerging!
Name: Shen Yuanqi
Lifespan: 32/85

Dao Body: Light Prism

Bloodline: Koi Murloc
Fate: Go against the sky and change your fate, kill God without regret


Boundary: Triple Stage of Qi Refining Period

Supernatural powers:
Cultivation method: "Slaying the Immortal Sword with One Mind and One Mind" (first level)
Judgment: Fate is rough, heaven and earth abandon son
Looking at this page, the three of them were shocked, this person's fate is very strange.

Fu Xialiang said: "32 years old, third level of Qi refining, this strength..."

Zhang Yue said: "The koi murloc? Isn't it purely human, with murloc blood?"

Yang Xiuming said: "Fate, changing fate against the sky, slaughtering gods without regrets, verdict, fate is rough, abandoning sons, it can be seen that this person's life has been rough, but he changed his fate against the sky, and he seems to have slaughtered gods?"

Zhang Yue said: "He comes with the secret method of Xianqin, "Sword of Killing Immortal with One Mind and One Mind"? And he has already opened the first level. With this sword method, it is normal for him to kill God.

Maybe some little god or fairy, a murloc deity? "

Fu Xialiang said: "The Light Prism of the Dao Body, this one is not weak, it is even better than my Lightning Body of the Dao Body!"

When they were discussing, suddenly, they seemed to travel through endless time and space, infinite universe. This feeling has not been felt for a long time.

Yang Xiuming shouted: "Here we come, everyone be careful!"

Then his eyes lit up, and he saw everyone attached to a young man.

This boy is very young, he doesn't feel that he is fourteen or fifteen years old. He has a handsome appearance, is not tall, has blond hair, and some colorful ones.

When you see this boy, you have a feeling that he is very cold.

It seemed that he didn't care if the sky fell apart and his body was shattered.

The three of them were completely taken aback, didn't they say 32?How does it feel so small?

Fu Xialiang said slowly: "Murloc blood, and it's a koi, so it's young and doesn't look old."

The young man seemed extremely surprised. Hearing what Fu Xialiang said, he replied:

"My family is 32 years old, but it is only equivalent to the age of seven or eight years old in the human race.

I assassinated the gods of my race and committed a great crime of blood, so the hundreds of years of life I should have had was shortened, and in the end I only had 85 years for the blood of the human race.

Everyone, who are you? "

He spoke in an orderly manner, facing the three of them, he was not surprised at all, and his heart was as clear as ice!
The three of Yang Xiuming breathed a sigh of relief, and Yang Xiuming said slowly:
"Our own people, we are our own people!"

Zhang Yue also said slowly: "I am you, you are me, and we are our own people."

They are no longer anxious.

Fu Xialiang was even simpler, quietly passing on the memories of the three of them, as well as the life and death of Wei Wuguo.

Shen Yuanqi slowly digested the memories they passed on.

He was in a trance.

The three checked here, and it was a temple here.

In the temple, the offering seems to be a water god with signs of murlocs.

But the water god, whose divine light has dissipated, is just a statue.

Fu Xialiang said softly: "Basically, this is the god to be slaughtered.

The blood ancestor god of their koi family? "

Shen Yuanqi stood up slowly, and suddenly started punching.

It was obviously Yang Xiuming's military killing fist, but it was completely different.

Fu Xialiang said: "This is, the Sea Emperor's explosive fist?"

This and Yang Xiuming's military killing fist are both branches of "Xianqin Zhidao Practicing Qi Jue".

Following Shen Yuanqi's punching technique, his breath exploded.

At this moment, he is revising the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing", "The Sutra of Taishang's Purity, Obscurity, Birth and Extinction of Heaven", "Taiyi's Wonderful Transformation of One Yuan and One Qi of Heaven's Destiny", "Taibai Wugou Steps on the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", "Taiyuan Jiuzhong Jiuxian Jiuzang Tianeclipse Sutra quietly changed him!
At the same time, he began to master "The Rhythm of Everything" to practice!
In a blink of an eye, it is time to break through the third level of Qi refining, and then continue, to the fourth level of Qi refining...

His realm, rapidly improved, continued to break through.

The fifth level of Qi refining, the sixth level of Qi refining, and the seventh level of Qi refining...

There was a click, as if some restriction was shattered, and his lifespan immediately soared...

In the end, Shen Yuanqi had cultivated to the ninth level of Qi Refining, and couldn't break through the Foundation Establishment Realm, so he was stuck here.

After a long time, he said:

"I've always known that I'm different, I have the ability to kill immortals, that's why."

Then he bowed to the three of them and said:

"Thank you three brothers for pointing out the maze and giving me the road to immortality!"

Immediately, various auras appeared on him and changed quietly.

At the same time, the three of Yang Xiuming obtained all his memories.

Shen Yuanqi is a poor child. The island he lives in is located in the sand and water world in the middle of Fengzhou Xinghai. This island is called Jiaojing Island.

It is Qishan Road, one of the eight hundred sects, who controls this place.

The title of the poem in Qishan Daomen: Ten thousand lives belong to one Qishan Dao, and one spirit can change freely!

There is no discrimination in the door, and all kinds of life can be introduced.

On Jiaojing Island where Shen Yuanqi's family is located, there are several murloc tribes living here. Among them, they have been enlightened by Qishan Dao, and they are no different from ordinary human races.

Shen Yuanqi's father, Shen Heling, a great Confucian of the human race, is the son of the Prime Minister of the Qi Kingdom.

He traveled all over the world and wrote his biography. The big ship encountered a storm here, hit a rock and sank.

Unintentionally, Shen Heling was rescued by Shen Yuanqi's mother, A Cai, a girl from the koi clan. The two met and fell in love and gave birth to Shen Yuanqi.

Shen Heling couldn't adapt to life on the island, and died of illness 15 years later. A Cai died of love after crashing into a cliff.

Shen Yuanqi lives on this island, because he has the memory of his previous life, which is not bad.

Jiaojing Island is located in the Dongsha Water World, and the conditions are very good. There are many people living in the fish. They rely on the ancient god La Yazi to guard the island.

This place attracted the peeping of the legendary siege crab Sally Po, who attacked this place and wounded the ancient god La Yazi, the ancestor of the murlocs.

In order to defend the island, many murlocs sacrificed their clansmen to restore the wounded ancestor, the ancient god La Yazi.

Shen Yuanqi, who had no father or mother, naturally became a sacrificial offering.

He also has no way to practice, but like Yang Xiuming, he felt the extraordinaryness of the Sea Emperor's Explosive Fist, and he practiced this fist to break through the realm of Qi refining.

No one would be reconciled to offering it as a sacrifice, so they naturally fought back vigorously. When they were desperate, they were born to explode, activate the "Sword of Killing the Immortal with One Mind and One Mind", and assassinate the ancestor, the ancient god La Yazi.

Once the ancient god La Yazi died, the murlocs here lost their protection, and they fled and left here one after another.

They cursed Shen Yuanqi and left him here, in the island, only Shen Yuanqi was left.

The sea is boundless, surrounded by their own chaotic sea areas, without the traction of the murlocs, Shen Yuanqi couldn't leave here at all.

The legendary siege crab Sally broke through and attacked, but was also beheaded by Shen Yuanqi.

So far, he has been living here alone for three years!
It can be said that he is a poor and extremely stupid child!
Fu Xialiang said: "Qishan Road, Fengzhou Xinghai, this is a truly remote area, far away from us!"

Yang Xiuming asked: "Is this farther than my Shenweizong?"

"Yuan, your Shenweizong is a place where the human race is active.

My place is too high, it is a place on the border of the human race.

This Qishan Road, Fengzhou Xinghai, is the most remote and chaotic place! "

Yang Xiuming said: "It's nothing, old, old Shen, don't worry, with the brothers around, you are not alone, everything is not a problem."

Shen Yuanqi smiled and said, "Thank you, brother!"

He silently inherited Wei Wuguo's title.

Yang Xiuming is the eldest brother, Zhang Yue is the second brother, and Fu Xialiang is the third brother.

Yang Xiuming called him Lao Shen, Zhang Yue called him Yuan Qi, and Fu Xialiang called him Fifth Brother.

However, Shen Yuanqi seemed to be very cold, like an iceman, as if he didn't feel anything.

He also smiles from time to time, but it seems that they are all disguised, like a program.

Maybe this is the reason for the murloc blood?

The two sides chatted for a while, and Shen Yuanqi began to practice again. Yang Xiuming and the others immediately understood Zhang Yue's silent look, and everyone left.

Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue, and Fu Xialiang returned to the world of Buddha.

Zhang Yue said slowly, "He's lying!"

Fu Xialiang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What lie!"

"His story is fake, at least only partially true.

In just an instant, he mastered the method of shielding us and told a story. "

Zhang Yue has super intuition, and Shen Yuanqi has no flaws in his experience, so he immediately saw the problem.

Yang Xiuming laughed and said:

"It does not matter!"

"He is us, and we are him!"

"Let him block it, we will give him everything we have, and change people's hearts, he will be the same as us!"

Fu Xialiang frowned and said, "Can it work?"

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Can you tell me you can do it?"

Fu Xialiang laughed, and said, "You are a big devil of the Dark Demon Sect, you still want to lie to me!"

"Haha, you are too talented, you have already entered the bag!"

Zhang Yue was speechless, covered his head, and said, "You two, don't be so childish!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble.

Finally we have one more person, safe and sound. "

Fu Xialiang also said: "Yes, well, it would be great if you can recover without any results."

Zhang Yue said: "Anyway, with one more Xianqin secret technique, we have made money!

"Slaying the Immortal Sword with One Mind"! "

Zhang Yue likes this sword very much.

But Fu Xialiang didn't care, and said, "Our Absolute Immortal Sword is a bit heavy."

But Yang Xiuming shook his head and said, "Each of the 99 secret methods of Xianqin has its own magical effect, and if we have one more, we will have more strength."

While they were chatting, Shen Yuanqi suddenly appeared, and he looked curiously at the world of Buddha.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, I'm here, I'm here to find you!"
I wrote until five o'clock in the morning, and I wrote all night before I finished writing the ten thousand characters. Xiaoshan No. 17 started to be sunny, and now it is the 26th, and the two bars are still positive. I am really speechless.Here, Xiaoshan, ask for a monthly pass, give me some motivation!
(End of this chapter)

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