Dao Shaohua

Chapter 206 The old 5 geniuses, the road is blue!

Chapter 206 The old five geniuses, the road is blue!
Shen Yuanqi silently appeared in this Buddha world.

It shocked Yang Xiuming and others.

Shen Yuanqi looked at them and said:
"Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, are you secretly doing something behind my back?"

Shen Yuanqi was not tall and had a fair complexion. Although he was smiling when he asked this question at this moment, his eyes were cold.

Abandoned by heaven and earth, Yang Xiuming felt a pain in his heart, this child did not know how many betrayals he had experienced.

Born with a suspicion, doubt everything mentality!
Yang Xiuming reached out, grabbed his head, and rubbed his hair vigorously.

"You little brat, you look like a dick!"

All of a sudden, Shen Yuanqi was so stupid, he struggled hard twice, and then he broke free.

At this moment, he is really a child, and few people are so close to him.

After breaking free, his eyes were red, as if no one had treated him like this for many years.

"I'm over 30, you guys are the brats!"

"Hahaha, it's useless to be over 30, you are the fifth child, and you are the youngest!"

Fu Xialiang said!
Directly characterize Shen Yuanqi, the youngest fifth.

Yang Xiuming asked: "Old Shen, how many years have you lived on the island by yourself?"

Shen Yuanqi thought for a while and said: "For more than 20 years, no one has talked to me for a long time!"

Sure enough, he was always alone on the island, living alone.

Think about it, the patron saint of the island was killed by him, and the invading siege crab was also killed by him, and the other murlocs ran away, so he was really alone.

"Old Shen, you practice slowly, and when you can fly with the sword, you can leave the island then."

Shen Yuanqi smiled and said, "Leave?"

"Where can I go when I leave?"

There was a distressing sense of loneliness in the words.

"Come and find us!"

"Yes, everyone is here, we will never be alone!"

"Yes, Old Shen, you are me, I am me, let's live a good life together and live a wonderful life!"

"Brother, did you just say that you are me and I am me?"

"Hahaha, I was wrong, don't worry about it!"

Several times, no one else could hear it, but Shen Yuanqi did it...

"Brother, after you left Liaochang Realm, you let go a lot, and you like joking!"

"Maybe you feel better?"

Zhang Yue said: "Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble."

Zhang Yue is still very prestigious. As soon as he said it, everyone stopped making trouble.

Zhang Yue said: "Drink tea, drink tea first, and then everyone arrange things for the future."

Everyone sat around in the world of the pagoda.

This is a custom-made long table, round, with a total of nine positions.

Yang Xiuming sat in the first place, and everyone lined up one by one.

As soon as Yang Xiuming stretched out his hand, Di Yuanqi Zhan Wei Wuguo suddenly appeared, also sitting there, motionless.

"Old Shen, this is Old Wei. Although he has become strange, he will always be our brother."

Zhang Yue said: "We are our own people, and we will never leave!"

Fu Xialiang patted Di Yuanqi Zhan Wei Wuguo on the shoulder, but said nothing.

Shen Yuanqi solemnly nodded and saluted to Di Yuanqi Zhan Wei Wuguo.

It's time to cover the sky with one hand, and Di Yuan Qi Zhan Wei Wuguo disappeared.

Zhang Yue squeezed a little bear out of mud and put it there as a substitute...

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "The first thing is, everyone takes turns teaching Old Shen.

Teach Lao Shen all our skills. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Fu Xialiang and said, "Old Fu, look at Lao Shen's attributes."

Fu Xialiang began to check, and then said: "Don't look, it must be light. His Taoist body is a light prism, so it must be light."

This inevitability was soon confirmed, Shen Yuanqi's attribute was light, pure light.

"The body of light prism is naturally proficient in light magic. It is three times the power of ordinary people casting light magic, and the consumption is one-third of that of ordinary people. Especially the beam of light spells, the power is increased several times, and it is almost indestructible."

Fu Xialiang explained, and Yang Xiuming nodded and asked, "The 33rd day of the Taishang Dao is the extinction of light?"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "There is no problem with Guangjue's "Fair and Bright"!"

Yang Xiuming nodded, looked at Shen Yuanqi and said:

"Okay, Old Shen, let me tell you formally about your future cultivation history!"

Seeing Yang Xiuming being so formal, Shen Yuanqi nodded solemnly.

Unknowingly, the image of Yang Xiuming's big brother has been determined.

"Old Shen, our core inheritance is the "Nine Changes and the Transformation of the Common People's Heart Jue".

Five pages have been opened so far, Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue, Fu Xialiang, Wei Wuguo, Shen Yuanqi!

But the fourth younger brother Wei Wuguo was attacked by someone. He turned into a strange soldier and died for us. Now he is my best friend in the night. I hope that one day, he can recover himself and return to his position.

"Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", we will strive to open the sixth and seventh pages in the future, and continue to find new selves to join! "

Shen Yuanqi said: "I understand, it's back to the seventh page now! So, there are still two people to add!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and continued:
"Our cultivation inheritance is "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing", which is now the fourth level.

They respectively integrate the "Taishang Jingjing of the Pure and Negative Birth and Extinction of Heaven", "Taiyi's Wonderful Transformation of One Yuan and One Qi of Heaven's Mandate", "Taibai Wugou Singing and Dancing the Sea and Sky Lotus Sutra", and "Taiyuan Nine Layers, Nine Displays and Nine Zangs of Celestial Eclipse".

If we can get the new Jiutai inheritance, we can continue to improve.

In the end, we have to complete the Nine Tais, so far, the "Nine Tais Laojun Kaitian Jing" has been completed and turned into the pride of the sky, let us be proud of the universe in this world! "

Shen Yuanqi said: "I understand, this is the core of our cultivation!"

"In addition to this core, there is also "The Rhythm of Everything" which is already the fifth level.

It is our auxiliary inheritance, allowing us to perfectly control ourselves, control the rhythm, and control everything! "

"The core inheritance is the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Jue", the cultivation inheritance is the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing", and the auxiliary inheritance is "The Rhythm of All Things and the Palm of Heaven's Will".

Then there is our combat heritage!

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" has four layers, and can stab eight swords in one day.

"Slaying the Immortal Sword with One Mind and One Mind" has one level, one sword per day.

The second level of "Three Cleans, Four Trues and One Qi Hammer", complete the practice of Zhenyuan Hammer.

In the first level of "Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method", Fu Xialiang and I each have a Five Elements Puppet.

And then there's our defense heritage!

In "Tianyuan Yaomingxuhuangjia", the three of us have completed the armed road and the immovable mountains and seas.

Finally, we haven't fully obtained "Xianqin Zhidao Refining Qi Jue". "

Shen Yuanqi listened silently, and said, "That's amazing!"

"You have to practice all these, and you must reach the same level as us.

It's just that "Three Purities and Four Truths One Qi Hammer" can only be practiced by old Fu, and we all need to practice from scratch.

"Five Elements Heaven and Heart Lantern Method" requires heaven and earth spirits, but according to the order, the next one is Zhang Yue, and the next one is you.

If you are in danger, you can advance.

"Tianyuan Yao Ming Xuhuang Armor", we need to find a set for you, there are three pieces of armor that are very difficult to buy, this can only be done slowly! "

Shen Yuanqi nodded and said, "I understand, I understand!"

Yang Xiuming continued:
"These are the inheritance of the Xianqin secret law.

It is now under the inheritance of the secret law.

You have to practice "Golden Pupils Mistaken Light Cave Real Eyes" to get three binocular clairvoyance, golden pupils will not hurt, extreme eyesight will be comfortable, and everything will be empty!
This can only be practiced by yourself!

You must be proficient in using our shared talents, Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost, Sha Sheng and Death, and Kunlun!

You must be proficient in using our shared supernatural powers, cover the sky with one hand, unite the sword with a clear heart, shake the sky with one sword, shake the thunder with three, and open the three suns!
You have to practice and master the five extraordinary swordsmanship, "Ao Song Shenghua Sword", "White Ape Holds Peach Sword", "Shaking Rivers and Seas Falling Clouds and Clouds", "Void and Illusionary Birds Soaring into the Sky", "Purple Qiu Chaos Sea Chaos Excalibur"

Use this to master the five sword intents: suppression, assassination, shock, illusion, and chaos

You have to practice and master the five extraordinary Taoism: "Mysterious Ji Wuguang Yushu Thunder", "Ziwu Mighty Qiankun Thunder", "Nine Extinguishing Heavenly Yin Thunder in Kanshui", "Great Capture of Darkness and Darkness", "Crazy Steps of White Horse Crossing the Gap"

Use this to master the five major Dharma meanings: Lei Hai, Lei An, Lei Kan, Black Hand, Flash Epilepsy

In addition, there are three transformations of Taishang Chijing: Five Elements Tengu, Nine Gangs Dragon, Eternal Night Snake...

To be honest, we don't know if we can share it? "

Hearing this, Shen Yuanqi was a little silly, his mouth was so big that he couldn't believe it.

Yang Xiuming continued:
"In addition to these, you must have your own unique inheritance!

You have to practice Taishang Dao 33 Tian Jue "Brightness and Uprightness", and then practice the other four Jue Jian Jue "One Sword Shocking the Sky", Dark Jue "Dark Sky", Lei Jue, "Zixiao Thunder" and "Zhen Jia Wen Zen"...

Lastly, there is your cunning system.

This Night Dao, Thunder Dao, Sword Dao, and Armor Dao are all complete.

In addition to them, you can choose one yourself.

Unfortunately, among our 36 paths, there is no light, otherwise it would be easy! "

Shen Yuanqi couldn't help but said, "This, isn't this too complicated?"

Yang Xiuming said slowly:
"Finally, I have one request for you.

I ask you to establish the foundation of heaven! "

In the words, it is unchangeable and extremely firm.

Shen Yuanqi was taken aback for a moment, and said, "The way of heaven builds the foundation?"

"Yes, because the three of us are Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment.

No matter how you hide, how you pretend, we all know your heart, because you are us.

In your heart, you are extremely proud!

Therefore, it is not we who propose to you that you want the foundation of the way of heaven, but you must decide to build the foundation of the way of heaven! "

After saying this, Shen Yuanqi suddenly smiled and said:

"Brother, you really understand me!"

"It's not that I understand you, because we are you and you are us!"

Shen Yuanqi thought for a while, then suddenly said:
"Then there is nothing to hide!

In fact, my people on the island, they did not leave.

They are always with me! "

In the words, there was an indescribable sickness, and the cold face turned into a boundless bright red!

Seeing that Yang Xiuming was really kind to him, Shen Yuanqi gradually opened up and told the truth

"They say I killed their god, they want to kill me!

So, I killed them all, and ate them all!

I am greedy for my people, the world hates me, and my koi murloc blood is deprived, so I became a human race..."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "That was before, and now is now.

Let the past go, don't care about it! "

"Old Shen, I have a word, no matter how you are in the past, I don't want you to fight among yourself.

Because this world is too big, Wei's death means that our enemies may be countless, and it is the most incompetent performance.

Our future is the sea of ​​stars, the world is ours!

When I reach the limit, I will kill Nanchu and ask my old ancestor why he treated us like this! "

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiuming hugged Shen Yuanqi.

Shen Yuanqi wanted to struggle, but under Yang Xiuming's tremendous strength, he couldn't break free at all.

The child has been alone for too long and needs some reassurance.

Zhang Yue also said: "I don't want to be a talisman anymore, to be controlled by others, and life and death are in the hands of others.

From then on, my life and death are only determined by my sword! "

After finishing speaking, he also went over to hug Shen Yuanqi!

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "You guys, it's so scary to beat people to death.

I just want to live a good life with my seniors and give birth to dozens of children, so that my children and grandchildren will be full, and when the time comes to pay homage to my parents, the ground will be full of kneels. "

He also hugged Shen Yuanqi in the past!

Shen Yuanqi was hugged speechlessly, listened silently, nodded vigorously, and said nothing more.

Yang Xiuming and the others let go and returned to their seats.

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "Okay, now for the second thing, how to make money!

We are out of money again, and there are only [-] spirit stones left by Lao Fu. We are so poor that we must make money. "

In the words, Zhang Yue quietly transmitted:
"Yuan Qi still hasn't told the truth."

Shen Yuanqi still has something to hide!

But Yang Xiuming smiled and didn't care at all, as time goes by, take your time.

Fu Xialiang said: "Go to Shenwei City and sell mouthwash!"

Yang Xiuming said: "This Daobao incident made me feel that this world is too big and too complicated.

The saliva of Shenwei City is sold for fifty spirit stones, so there may not be a black hand behind it.

We can steal the selling point, but if we want to make money in large quantities, it will definitely touch the interests of the other party.

So, let's be careful! "

Zhang Yue nodded and said: "Selling must be sold, it is best to find some new ones.

My tea is ready, and I can sell five thousand spirit stones. "

Yang Xiuming said: "We can search for it, get some goods in Shenwei City, and bring them to Taishang Road for sale.

As long as we look for it slowly, I feel that this kind of long-distance transaction will definitely make a lot of money. "

"Then we have to go over and touch it slowly."

"Yes, as time goes on, let's search more, I don't believe it, we still can't make money?"

Shen Yuanqi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:
"You're talking about spirit stones, right?"

"Yes, Lingshi!"

"That, Lingshi, I have some!"

"How many do you have? How many thousand spirit stones?"

"That's a big pile, take a look!"

Yang Xiuming and the others were taken aback for a moment, and immediately went to Shen Yuanqi's place.

Shen Yuanqi led them to a cave.

All of a sudden, Yang Xiuming and the others were dumbfounded.

In the cave, piles of spirit stones piled up like a mountain.

Yang Xiuming and the others are all stupid, there are so many spirit stones!

"Developed, developed!"

"I didn't expect Xiao Wu to have so much money!"

"Hahaha, I'm rich!"

Shen Yuanqi smiled and said: "The clansmen are all dead, this is their inheritance.

It's useless for me to keep it, big brother, second brother, third brother, consume them all! "

"What a shame!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's all your family's legacy..."

While saying sorry, Yang Xiuming had already started counting.

Finally, 330 spirit stones were counted.

Fu Xialiang began to arrange:
"First, buy two fourth-order heaven and earth spirit objects.

Let the third brother and the fifth brother practice the first level of the "Five Elements Heavenly Heart Lamp Method", and each person will have a Five Elements puppet.

Then buy a armor for the fifth younger brother, and complete "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor" Fudo Shanhai! "

The crowd nodded.

Fu Xialiang said again: "Then, I want to change the outfits for each of you.

Why does everyone have to have a good set of robes to fill the scene.

Give the fifth brother a third-tier divine sword, and the fifth-tier magic weapon, the Eight Desolation Dao Pan Yatian Chess.

In addition, it is best for everyone to buy a flying boat.

In case of a long-distance trip, a flying boat can save a lot of effort! "

Yang Xiuming waved his hand and said, "Then come!"

"All right!"

While consuming, practice at the same time.

They taught Shen Yuanqi various spells and supernatural powers respectively.

In fact, secret techniques, supernatural powers, and talents are all very simple.

As long as the mind is united and carried a few times, it is all mastered.

Extraordinary swordsmanship and extraordinary Taoism required Shen Yuanqi to practice hard on his own.

During the cultivation process, Yang Xiuming and the others discovered that Shen Yuanqi was a genius in cultivating immortals.

His aptitude is simply not as good as the three of Yang Xiuming combined, he is simply the pride of heaven, he can learn everything at once.

One point will pass, one will pass ten.

It took only three days to practice all of "Golden Pupils of Misunderstood Light Cave" and get three binocular clairvoyances. The golden pupils will not hurt, the eyes will be comfortable, and everything will be empty!
Then continue, complete a set of swordsmanship in two or three days, and master the five swords in the blink of an eye for half a month.

It will take half a month to complete the transcendental Taoism and master the meaning of the law.

Even with all his strength, he mastered Yang Xiuming's "Great Congenital Capture Hand" and obtained the meaning of the law: Qi hand!
Now it becomes him assisting Zhang Yue in practicing the extraordinary sword technique "Three Swords of the Heavenly Sword", and assisting Fu Xialiang in practicing the extraordinary thunder technique "Nine Suns Chiyan Tianshu Lei".

The most powerful Taishang Chijing's three major transformations do not need to be studied specially. He has repeatedly sensed, and he is amazingly self-taught, mastering the Five Elements Tengu, Nine Gangs Dragon, and Eternal Night Snake...

In Fu Xialiang's words, Shen Yuanqi is a one-in-a-million genius.

Soon, Fu Xialiang bought Shen Yuanqi a third-order divine sword, Bingfeng Wuji Qingshuanghan!

Shen Yuanqi liked this sword very much, he couldn't put it down.

In a sense, both he and Zhang Yue are sword cultivators.

It's just that as a sword cultivator, he and Zhang Yue are completely two extremes.

His and Zhang Yue's blood erupted, completely opposite.

Shen Yuanqi is rational and cold.

Incomparably rational, a born assassin, always dormant, and suddenly, violently assassinates.

His personality is completely different from the others, and it may be because of this that he can kill God.

That's okay, everyone is different, and each complements each other.

In addition to this sword, Fu Xialiang bought a five-element suit for Shen Yuanqi, the five-element robe, the golden armor, the long-lived coat, the thousand-wave suit, the red lotus garment, and the mountain-moving helmet... six robes are complete.

Shen Yuanqi also refined them one after another, but the other three core robes of the Holy Armor Sect were hard to find.

This is a good thing that you can't even buy with spirit stones.

This five-element set is inside the refining body, so you have to pass on the robes and clothes outside, right?
Fu Xialiang bought another set of robes for everyone.

This is a specially refined dharma robe in the sect because of Senior Sister Qingliang.

The third-order white snow, green water and sinking shadow robe, [-] spirit stones, with its own magic to float and dream.

I also bought a third-order cloud brocade elegant elixir armor, this armor is the underwear soft silk dharma armor, [-] spirit stones, with the magic golden cicada to escape the shell.

The head crown is a third-order flowing cloud and clear wind spiritual light crown, a purple streamer, used to bind hair, and a thousand spirit stones, which increase the power of spiritual perception and vision, which are just used with the divine eyes.

Approved outside is the third-order vast yellow sand flying brocade, which has the defensive spell yellow sand thousands of miles.

On the waist is the third-order nine-star Lingxi jade belt, on the legs is the third-order dragon skin Jinxiu Lingfa pants, on the feet are the third-order big free sea-crossing sky boots, on the neck is the third-order golden sun, moon and star pendant, finger He wears the third-level Emperor Tian Zaide Sun Ring, and the third-level Empress Earth Endless Taiyin Ring.

Immediately put on four sets of magic robes, everyone put on good treasures from head to toe, and the defense power soared immediately.

Putting on such a suit, Establishing Foundation Zhenxiu can have the defensive power of a Jindan real person.

As the lord of Baiqi City, Zhang Yue's power has become increasingly stable, and he is no longer afraid of what anyone will say, saying that it is an ancient relic.

Everyone has changed, incomparably handsome and elegant, the purple streamer on the hair bun is flying in the wind, personable, dressed in white clothes that surpass the snow, standing out from the crowd like a chicken.

On the sleeves of the cloak, there are all embroidered mysterious patterns of strange beasts, with a golden dark light half hidden in it, knee-length boots of the same color, a handsome face, and a jade tree facing the wind, like a fairy born from the dust.

In addition to these, Fu Xialiang spent another 38 spirit stones to buy a third-order flying boat, Xuanjin Qinghe Flying Sky Shuttle, which has magical functions such as escaping from the ground and flying into the sky!
With the flying boat, if you stay in the base camp, whoever wants to use it can use the soul-moving gourd.

But this Zhang Yue can't use it, which really can't be explained.

At the critical moment, Broken Tie still had to save face, and tossed two fourth-order heaven and earth spirits from other real people.

All of them are heaven and earth spirit gold, clear and bright, and big day gold, which is a special product of Shangzun Sun God Palace.

In fact, Zhang Yue's nature is gold, so refining this heaven and earth spirit gold is completely blind.

But the fourth-order spiritual objects are too difficult to find, and there is nothing to pay attention to at this time, Zhang Yue and Shen Yuanqi each have one.

With previous experience, Zhang Yue first refined.

Lay out the magic circle, and arrange the heaven and earth spirits to be clear and bright Dainichi gold.

Run the true essence silently, and release the five elements, heaven and heart lamp method.

"The mortal world refines the furnace, and all living beings lead the fire of karma.

How fearful life and death are, life is at stake in the morning dew.

The five elements and heavenly hearts are on fire, and the purple gold body is extremely sharp!
Show me, the ultimate purple diamond. "

The heaven and earth spirit gold automatically dissolves and turns into a bright lamp.

A golden giant slowly appeared.

But Zhang Yue found out speechlessly that this was the Extreme Purple King Kong refined by Fu Xialiang back then.

In fact, Zhang Yue is Fu Xialiang, no matter how they change, the essence remains the same.

Therefore, the Purple King Kong summoned by Zhang Yue and the Purple King Kong summoned by Fu Xialiang are both one.

However, they are in different worlds, so they can only consume the fourth-order heaven and earth spirits to have their own extreme purple diamonds.

Of course, if they live in the same world in the future, since they are all Purple King Kong summoned by consuming fourth-order heaven and earth spirits, two people can summon two Purple King Kong at the same time.

Although the Purple King Kong of the Extreme Dao is one statue, it does not affect the two bodies of one statue.

Jidao Zijingang looked at Zhang Yue and said:
"Huh, Fellow Daoist? We meet again, this universe is so small!"

Zhang Yue didn't even know what to say!
"Yeah, we meet again!"

"I was born in that body, transformed into heaven and earth, and became the ultimate purple diamond. I have the inheritance of Taibai Jinxing...

But you bunch of trash, none of you are cultivators..."

Jidao Purple King Kong seems to have a lot of opinions. He summoned twice, it seems that his spirituality has also improved, at least he can chatter.

Then he slowly transformed into the same appearance as Zhang Yue.

Drilling into the top of Zhang Yue's head, it turned into a golden lamp birthmark similar to a tattoo.

When many supernatural spells came, Zhang Yue let out a long sigh. He didn't even understand his sword skills, so how could he have the time to practice these gold spells?
Since having Shen Yuanqi, Zhang Yue has silently felt a lot of pressure.

It seems that my sword repairer who is proficient in swordsmanship is gradually surpassed by others.

Zhang Yue's job is done here, it is Shen Yuanqi.

Shen Yuanqi followed Zhang Yue to refine it once, he was really a magic genius, and he succeeded directly.

Immediately, the Jidao Purple King Kong summoned successfully.

It was still the golden giant who saw Shen Yuanqi and said:

"This, this, why did we meet again?"

"Don't be like those two trash, who don't know the treasure!"

"Yes, yes, I understand! I am a genius, different from them!"

Just like Fu Xialiang's regional sarcasm, Shen Yuanqi, who gradually got acquainted with each other, also showed his flaws, and began to sarcasm...

After all this consumption, there are 180 million Lingshi left!

Just like that, Fu Xialiang still wanted to go to Yanwu Hall to practice Leifa, he didn't want to be overtaken by Shen Yuanqi, and held back by Yang Xiuming.

The place to spend money will come later!

Take it easy, don't kill yourself!

On this day, Lao Jixiang came to cook again. After eating, Lao Jixiang said:
"Brother Yang, in our sect, there is a caravan going to the Shenmu sect recently.

Brother Yang, are you interested? "

Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "Shenmu Sect? What's going on?"

"That's right. Every 60 years in the Shenmu Sect, there is a Shenmu Conference. It happens to be that time this year. Let's go and have a look."

Yang Xiuming thought silently.

Shenmu sect, one of the three thousand orthodox ways, the poem name in the door: green pines show purple cliffs, white stones grow mysterious valleys.Ganoderma lucidum on the bank of the rock, forest god tree on the top of the peak.

It is said that he used to be one of the supreme masters, but later fell into a state of decline, thanks to the protection of the Shenwei sect, he has survived until now.

After so many years, it has slowly developed, and has returned to heresy.

Like this kind of sect, the Xinghai where the Shenwei Sect is located has 67 heresies.

Shenwei Sect especially likes to protect small sects. When many sects are down and down, they will ask for help from Shenwei.

However, the Xinghai where the Shenwei Sect is located does not have a sect, because these heretical sects have developed to a certain extent and are promoted to sects, they will all leave here and establish their own sects.

The reason why the Shenwei Sect is like this is caused by their special inheritance.

Shenweizong uses the power of gods to make falsehoods come true.

Therefore, they naturally like to protect small sects, and they are blessed with rain and dew, all of which are divine powers, so as to become their own divine powers.

It has been 7000 years since the Shenmu sect sought the protection of the Shenwei sect here, and it has developed now.

There are a lot of elixir and fairy grass in this door, so every 60 years, a meeting is held, attracting countless monks to trade here.

Originally, Yang Xiuming wanted to go to the Shenwei City of the Shenwei Sect, but it was too far away from here.

Tossing once, it will take at least three years on the road to Shenwei City.

It only takes two months to go to the Shenmu Sect, so many monks of the Tibetan Shenmu Sect choose to go to the Shenmu Sect.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "You can have this.

Brother Jixiang, I'm going too! "

"That would be great, the Shenmu Sect's last Shenmu meeting, I was still young at that time, and I was still working as a chef in the Canghai Sect.

I went, that would be interesting, wooden girls are passionate, lotus girls are loving, bamboo girls are slippery, pine girls are juicy..."

Canghaizong: Flying spirits across the sea, listening to the waves near the sea

This is also the protection sect of the Shenwei Sect, one of the three thousand heresies, this sect pays attention to the majesty of true energy, like the waves of the sea.

Yang Xiuming smiled and just went out for a walk.

In this kind of large-scale trade fair, all kinds of goods circulate like a sea, so I can find an opportunity to make a lot of money from him.

Fu Xialiang was also scheming, saying:

"When we resell other substances, either the supply is scarce or the profit is not much.

Those goods with huge value are all occupied by cross-border business houses, and the trade balance has long been formed, so if you want to make a lot of money, you must find a good product. "

Yang Xiuming said: "This is true, there must be a good source of goods."

Fu Xialiang said: "So, I researched and visited these days, and found a good product!
The Shenmu sect takes spiritual wood as the core, and if you want to grow spiritual wood well, you must have good fertilizers.

We have a green island here, and countless cosmic birds live on it.

They migrate from world to world, and like to inhabit and multiply on Luyou Island. The entire island is covered with bird droppings.

In our sect, there are monks who collect these bird droppings and refine them into grass fertilizer. The effect is very good, and there are three spirit stones per catty.

I feel that this grass fertilizer is absolutely top-notch in terms of the quality of the goods, and it is definitely a big seller in the Shenmu sect.

This kind of grass fertilizer, in our sect, belongs to the internal spiritual fertilizer, and it is rarely available from the outside.

Therefore, the source of goods is also scarce.

I am an elite rank, I can consume ten rounds of elites, and buy 50 catties at an internal price! "

Yang Xiuming and the others began to calculate.

"50 catties, 150 spirit stones are lost on the road, which means the cost is [-] spirit stones."

"Plus ten elite rounds?"

"This is one of the uses of Elite Thousand Wheels, and it belongs to our benefits. Otherwise, who will die for the sect!"

"Okay, we can do this business!"

"Then come back and buy some special products of the Shenmu Sect.

This time, we can make a lot of money no matter what! "

A few people calculated beautifully.

At this time, everyone discovered that Shen Yuanqi had a problem.

He has no interest in this kind of thing, and his head hurts from hearing it.

He doesn't like doing business and has no concept of money!

The caravan set off in two days, and Yang Xiuming returned to the mortal circle.

Go see your parents and sort out family matters.

There is nothing wrong at home, and the second brother will arrange the house properly.

But, seeing Mr. Dafang, Yang Xiuming's hands were itchy, and he played two more games of chess, losing completely.

Mr. Dafang sneered and sneered, while the old father was still helping.

Shen Yuanqi was furious immediately.

How could a young man of his own generation, a genius hero, watch his elder brother being bullied.

Unconvinced, and then lost three more sets...

He was dumbfounded and foolish when he lost, he had never been hit like this in his life.

In the end, Yang Xiuming could only run away in embarrassment...

There is no way to do this, talent!
Go back to the cave, make some preparations, activate the ban, and set off with Lao Jixiang.

Most of the entire caravan were disciples of the Tibetan God Sect, and Li Qiming was among them, a total of hundreds of people.

Seeing Yang Xiuming, Li Qiming hesitated, why didn't this Supreme Dao disciple leave?
But he didn't care, and released a third-order flying boat, and a hundred people boarded it.

Yang Xiuming glanced at it and just smiled.

He didn't get on the boat, and when he stretched out his hand, he also released a third-order flying boat!
The streamlined body is exquisite and unusual. The entire flying car is crystal clear and rosy from the beginning to the end, shining with a strange metallic luster. The shape of the flying car is like a flying bird with a strange long tail. The head of the flying car also shows the shape of a bird's head. The shape is exactly Qinghe.

The third-order flying boat, black gold, green crane and flying sky shuttle, has magical functions such as escaping from the ground and flying into the sky. It is worth 38 spirit stones, which is something that these poor ghosts can't see!

All of a sudden everyone is stupid!

Old Ji Xiang rushed onto the flying boat and called some friends. We all sat in a big boat, which was much more comfortable than Li Qiming's small flying boat!

The flying boat started, and people gathered one after another to form a fleet and fly towards the distance.

The Xuanjin Qinghe Flying Sky Shuttle has its own navigation, as long as it has enough spirit stones, Yang Xiuming doesn't need to control it at all.

Everyone flew away together, Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking:

"There must be a reason for so many people to gather together?

Is there a robbery repair on the way? "

Old Jixiang said: "Our Qingzhou area is full of sects, 67 sects, and countless small sects, so naturally there are robbery and cultivation everywhere.

Shenweizong also likes to pretend to be gods and ghosts, to make the world fear and worship them, so as to show their power, so there are gods and demons everywhere on the road.

Therefore, it is only safe if everyone gathers together to move forward. "

Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "How could this be?"

"There is no way, this is already good!"

In this way, sure enough, one hundred thousand miles away from Zhuji City, the four fields visible to the naked eye began to be desolate.

The spiritual energy in the four fields was scarce, people began to gather in cities and villages to live, wasteland in all directions also increased, and forests began to multiply for thousands of miles.

Gradually, fierce beasts appeared on the ground.

They are no longer afraid of people, looking at the flying boat in the sky, howling unceasingly, as if swearing their sovereignty.

Yang Xiuming frowned. In fact, it shouldn't be like this. Shenweizong has the full strength to open up this wilderness, where people can farm and live.

Fu Xialiang also said: "Yes, how many people can live here?

In our place, this kind of man-made wilderness will never appear.

Every inch of land that can be harvested for food will be used to multiply, generate population, and resist foreign races. "

In the Qingzhou Xinghai of Shenweizong, there are no foreign enemies at all, so there is no need to use every inch of land in this way.

They do this deliberately, but it is actually a kind of freeing sentient beings and man-made trials.

In this way, the flying boat flew another [-] miles, and suddenly there was a cry of an eagle in front of it.

Looking at the past, the sky is covered in the distance, and a group of eagles are attacking.

These hawks were all half-man, half-eagle, and they looked like women with their heads. They all held sharp weapons. There were more than ten thousand of them, and they attacked the fleet frantically.

In the fleet, the alarm sounded, and shields appeared on each of the ships, and many monks operated their magic weapons to protect the flying boats.

Immediately, the battle began, and in the sky, like a rain of blood, countless Ying people were directly killed.

The fleet was Yang Xiuming's airship, a total of six ships, under the shield, nothing happened.

Fights happen quickly and end quickly.

With a howl, seven or eight hundred eagle people died, and then disappeared without a trace.

Come fast, go fast.

Yang Xiuming didn't even make a move, relying on the shield of the flying boat, he guarded it tightly.

"What is this?"

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking:

"Eagle!" Old Jixiang said.

"Just attacking the human race like this, no one cares?"

"This, Brother Yang, no one really dares to take care of it.

It is said that these Ying people have reached the sky in Shenweizong.

It is said that Yingren used to be a low-level foreigner here, and then there were three Ying girls, who were accepted by the powerful Shenweizong, and finally became the ancestors of Huashen. These are all their descendants, who would dare to touch them?
It is also said that these Yingmen are Dao soldiers refined by the three ancestors of Shenwei Huixu, and they are used to overcome tribulations, and no one dares to touch them!
However, these hawks don't hurt people, they just like to snatch men away, and then bring them back to their nests to have children, and they will release them in the end, and they will also give a lot of money.

The man has been seriously ill for several years after returning home, but it will not hurt his life!

There are even many single and strong men in the surrounding towns, who will come to the edge of the forest on July [-]th, waiting for the eagle girl to choose. After working hard for a few months, they can bring back a lot of money and live a good life for ten years. "

Yang Xiuming hesitated for a moment, and said, "Is this considered prostitution?"

"Forget it, otherwise a single strong man wouldn't be able to meet a woman."

"Is it really not life-threatening?"

"Everyone says that, I'm exhausted, do ghosts come back to report.

Survivors are biased, anyway, those who sent back the letter came back alive! "

Yang Xiuming was a little speechless. It is really better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. There are all kinds of situations.

After flying another thousand miles, they suddenly saw two giant beasts fighting in the distance.

A six-armed giant is a hundred feet tall, and a golden-armored rhinoceros is also a hundred feet tall.

These are all desolate beasts that have reached the realm of the Nascent Soul's dharma appearance, showing their dharma appearance, and they don't know what they are fighting for.

The fleet speeded up desperately, avoiding them far away, it was really dangerous.

Flying thousands of miles away, I saw a fleet of ships in the distance.

The other party's five flying boats formed a row and flew past in the distance.

The two fleets meet, but they don't get close, they just look at each other from a distance, that is, they go away.

Old Jixiang said hesitantly:

"Looking at the appearance of the other party's flying boat, this is the left way of Caihuazong. The poem in the door is called: Collecting the essence of heaven and earth, gathering the aura of the sun and the moon

But this sect is the worst. They have changed from taking the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to taking other people's lives and treasures from other sects. "

Yang Xiuming said: "Is there another saying?"

"Look, there must be Jiexiu coming tonight!"

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming saw a group of pedestrians on the ground under his feet, some with cars, moving forward slowly.

"This is?"

Old Jixiang glanced at it and said, "Mortal!",

"Mortal? We are all struggling, how can they advance above the ground?"

"Why not, human beings are the most tenacious life, there are no footprints of us human beings there.

As the saying goes, snakes have snake ways, and rats have mouse ways.

For such a large-scale celebration, earning a spirit stone in the past is enough to live for a lifetime when you go home.

Therefore, countless mortals will form a team to go to the Shenmu Sect every Jiazi.

There are many teams of tens of thousands of people, and few teams of thousands of people. Like ants, it takes several years or even ten years to go to Shenmuzong. "

Yang Xiuming hesitated for a moment and asked, "But, isn't it dangerous?"

"How can it not be dangerous!"

"What should I do?"

"Take your life and fill it!"

"As long as you live to the Shenmu sect and earn a spirit stone, it will be enough for a lifetime, and you must risk your life to win.

In addition, although there were various attacks along the way, none of the creatures dared to do it. After all, this is the territory of the Shenwei Sect, and the little mortals can also ask for help from the lower realm of the Gods. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, looking at Tianshu with extreme eyes.

In the endless forest, in this dangerous and countless world, teams of mortals, they are struggling, breaking the thorns to make a way, and moving forward firmly!
What can stop their progress!

The human race, that's it, occupying the entire universe step by step!
(End of this chapter)

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