Dao Shaohua

Chapter 207 Refining Bird Fat, Eating Meat and Drinking Soup

Chapter 207 Refining Bird Fat, Eating Meat and Drinking Soup

The flying boat moved forward, and at night, there was a whistling sound, and Jiexiu appeared.

A total of hundreds of kalpas repaired, each controlled the magic weapon, and launched an attack on the fleet.

They are all flying in the sky, as easy as electricity, and all of them are in the realm of foundation building.

In the fleet, the major magic circles were activated, and everyone fought against each other, and the battle was evenly contested.

Looking at this fleet, the flying boats were chaotic, but they were actually a caravan from the Tibetan God Sect. Those who went out for a walk were all Foundation Establishment monks. Although their strength was a little weaker, the Caihua Sect could not take advantage of it.

Everyone is heretic, and there is no winner or loser.

Some even scolded each other!

"Bastard of Cai Huazong, do you think we are easy to bully?"

"Hahaha, you bastards of the Hidden God Sect are easy to bully!"

"Then you are here, see if you can break our flying boat."

"You wait, after breaking it, I will kill you to fill the boat."

The so-called Tibetan God Sect and Caihua Sect are neighbors. After so many thousands of years, who doesn't know who?

This is not any other Xinghai, other sects, you have to look at the dark atmosphere of the Zangshenzong, they are all old things who know the basics, and you can know what shit the other party is going to shit by poking your ass.

So scold each other and directly reveal the bottom line.

Yang Xiuming looked at it with gusto, suddenly there were more than a dozen Caihua sect monks who came straight to Yang Xiuming's flying boat.

"This flying boat is gorgeous, this guy is rich!"

"Newcomer, haven't you seen him?"

"At first glance, it looks like a bad thing that is rich and unkind. Rob him."

"Kill him and seize the flying boat!"

"Look at the outfit, rich guy, kill him!"

"When did this group of poor country folks who hide gods have such a rich old hat?"

Yang Xiuming was very speechless, as soon as he stretched out his hand, thunderbolts appeared on his body.

Lightning, breaking through the sky, shot one after another.

Under his thunder, the two people in front were immediately killed.

The third person, the brilliance appeared on his body, turned into colorful, guarded him, and was not headshot by a thunder.

"Not good, Lei Jue is too good, run away quickly."

"Battle formation spell, dodge!"

"Ruthless character, a barbarian who is too good at the border, murders ruthlessly, run away!"

In an instant, the dozen or so people behind all fled.

Don't say you have good eyesight, you can see the Tai Shang Dao Lei Jue?

So far, no Caihuazong monks have come rushing towards Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming slowly withdrew his hands, there was no point in killing them all.

Soon the melee ended, and the remaining Caihuazong monks dispersed, except for the two killed by Yang Xiuming, one survived...

Yang Xiuming slapped his thigh, he went too far.

Start hard!

The Caihuazong monk left, and the flying boat continued.

But it's nothing, no one is talking nonsense, everyone is going on their way honestly.

Yang Xiuming killed the opponent, on the contrary, everyone respected him, and almost all of them took him as the leader.

Jindan real people like Li Qiming treat Yang Xiuming with respect.

The Tibetan God Sect is really too weak, but don't think they are easy to bully.

Yang Xiuming vaguely discovered that powerful puppet war spirits were hidden in these flying boats.

Zang Shenzong's own strength is not enough, but it can use talismans, cultivate Taoist soldiers, control fierce beasts, make puppets, and buy war spirits.

When it comes to fighting, it's actually not weak.

Otherwise, do you think that all the various inheritances in the sect were prepared for nothing?

If you are weak, you can rely on external objects, which are just as powerful!
It's just that after Yuanying, the foreign objects are getting weaker and weaker, which means that the strength is not enough.

Continue on the road, although there are often attacks by foreigners or monks, but they are all safe and sound.

Yang Xiuming also kept practicing on this road.

Not only he cultivates, but other people also cultivate.

Soon, Shen Wenqi assisted Zhang Yue to complete the training of "Three Swords of God and Heaven".

This sword technique is infinitely fierce, infinitely majestic, proud of the world, and slashes horizontally with an irreversible domineering aura, like a mighty river, surging and surging!
This sword, with mighty sword light, soared into the sky, and it was all-powerful.

In addition to being fierce, this sword technique also has a sword intent: breaking the sky.

The sword intent pierces the sky, designed to kill elemental life.

What fire element, ice demon, cloud element, air demon, soil puppet, the kind of elemental life that will automatically recover after being cut.

There are also those zombies whose bodies have been cut off, dead souls who are not afraid of sword energy, monks who practice cloud body and mist body...

Breaking the sky tower refers to breaking them specifically, even the sky towers can be broken, let alone them.

In fact, this sword technique is somewhat similar to Yang Xiuming's Five Elements Heavenly Dog's Heavenly Dog Eats the Moon.

It's just that Tiangou eats the moon to deal with spirit bodies. Those evil spirits are weird, summoning magic objects, ghosts and gods, spirits without entities, and swallow them one by one.

And the sword intent Potian in "Potianque Three Swords of God" is to deal with elemental life, there are entities, and the existence with strong recovery ability, one sword at a time.

The flying boat moved forward, passed thousands of forests, and endless wilderness. Gradually, Yang Xiuming discovered that a village appeared in the forest.

Small villages gradually appeared in the endless wilderness like stars.

They are either gathering danger and defending, or relying on powerful spiritual plants, or are in dire danger...

"This is?"

Old Jixiang said: "We are going to the Shenmu Sect, these villages can be regarded as the periphery of the Shenmu Sect.

Although in the wilderness, it is very dangerous, but you can also take their own rare spiritual grass and spiritual plants, which has advantages and disadvantages. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, and the flying boat has been flying for more than a month, so it is normal that it is almost here.

The flying boat continued to fly, and gradually the forest seemed to recede at once, and countless fields suddenly appeared in front of it.

There are various scarecrows in the green fields, and many farmers are working hard.

This is the field of human beings, sow a seed, and harvest a load of grain in autumn!

All kinds of fields are scattered all over the four directions, and there are countless villages in the fields.

Looking at the intersection of the forest and the field, Yang Xiuming nodded and said:

"It's still comfortable to look at this field!"

Old Jixiang said: "Yes, but this field was bought with blood.

They are all human farmers and warriors, who fought countless times, expelled wild animals, burned down forests, and reclaimed them bit by bit. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, the flying boat continued to fly, and a city began to appear in front of it.

The tall city, the city walls several feet high, are covered with various runes.

Old Jixiang said: "In fact, this is the territory of the human race. Only such a strong city can block the beast tide and guard this land!"

Yang Xiuming looked at the city and nodded.

"When there are fierce beasts that can destroy the city, there will also be monks on the human side to suppress them and destroy them.

Cultivators are the sword and shield of the human race!The patron saint behind! "

The flying boat continued, flying over cities after cities, all of which belonged to the Shenmu Sect.

Here you can feel that in the land below, there are medicine gardens all over the world, gathering spiritual energy.

There are spiritual mountains everywhere, and there are all kinds of spiritual plants everywhere, lush and lush.

In addition to these, there are pill furnaces scattered all over the place.

The exhaust gas from alchemy is almost exhausted, almost covering the sky and covering the earth.

The Shenmu Sect is rich in spiritual plants and spiritual grasses, which are the best alchemy materials, so in the Shenmu Sect, there are countless alchemists and many alchemy masters.

This is also one of the purposes of everyone here, to buy pills and increase their cultivation.

But Yang Xiuming shook his head. To him, the so-called elixir was of little significance.

It was a coincidence that Yang Xiuming's advancement to the realm these years was a coincidence. He fell from the top and was promoted in one rush.

It's not the promotion brought about by the improvement of the skills, or the promotion by absorbing other external forces.

What's even more speechless is that with the support of many external forces, Yang Xiuming and others have a solid foundation and there is no sign of instability.

Because these external forces are too powerful, far more refined and pure than the self-cultivation essence of Yang Xiuming and others, so the foundation is extremely firm and rock-solid.

In this way, he flew for 30 miles.

The fleet continued to move forward, and saw a big tree in the distance.

The big tree rises to cover the sky, and it goes straight to the sky. It is thousands of miles away and can be seen from a distance.

Yang Xiuming and the others were dumbfounded.

There are such big trees in the world!

Old Jixiang smiled and said, "That's the pine tree!
The green pines show off the purple cliffs!
The core of Shenmu Sect, the greatest Shenmu. "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "How big is Tiansong?"

"The entire gate of the Shenmu Sect, which is supported by the pine trees, is thousands of miles away.

The gate of Shenmu Zong is completely built on the supporting sky pine, divided into 32 heavens, and there are as many as 29 subordinate caves. "

"Is this too big?"

"Otherwise, why would everyone come to the Shenmu Conference?"

Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding, and Zhang Yue and the others were also watching.

"I really didn't expect there to be such a big sacred tree in the world?"

"Brother, ask me, what level of sacred tree is this sky-supporting pine?"

"It's unimaginable!"

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and asked, "Brother Jixiang, what level of sacred tree is this pine tree?"

Old Jixiang thought for a while, and said, "At least the seventh level, as for whether there is an eighth level, we don't know.

If Shenmuzong didn't say it, no one could see it. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "One tree, one city, one tree, one sect!"

"Yeah, by the way, Brother Yang, you don't know the specifics of the Shenmu Conference yet, do you?"

Yang Xiuming said: "I really don't know!"

"Now on May [-]th, the conference has not yet officially started, and they are all gathered here.

Although the conference was not held, the Shenmu Sect would still be open for fun.

The thirteen food streets are all the best food.

The Shenmu sect produces high-quality spiritual plants and immortal grasses, which feed more spiritual beasts.

The purest ingredients!
Some sects that use food to enter the Tao, such as the Demon Eater Sect, the Tuntian Sect, and the Hall of the Five Viscera, will all come here, so it can be said that they are lucky.

In addition to food, there are also various spirit wines, which are rare in other places, and will bloom everywhere here.

Besides eating and drinking, having fun is also crazy.

There are all kinds of entertainment venues, entertainment venues, night venues, casual play, and singing every night. There are thirteen kinds of goddesses in the Shenmu sect.

Various nuns from other sects also gather here.

But the best ones are the Hongchen Demon Sect and Miaohua Sect. It is a great fate to meet them, and death is worth it.

However, if you are unlucky enough to meet monks from the Sucking Yin Seizing Yang Sect, Lanruo Temple, Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and Longyang Sect, it will be miserable, and you will really die!
For fun, you can also go to the Dragon Slaughter Field, where you can fight various Shenmu sects to cultivate fierce beasts. The timid can fight in virtual battles, and the brave can fight in flesh and blood, completely real battles.

As long as there are spirit stones, there is no problem at all.

You can also go to the death fight field and watch the monks fight to death.

Whoever has no enemies, if they meet here, they must fight to the death.

Those who like to practice can apply for the spiritual practice room. There is plenty of spiritual energy here, and you can practice casually, and you can stay at home for several days a day.

If you like to make friends, you can go to the tea room, drink spiritual tea, make new friends, and make friends all over the world.

Those who like to do business can go to major markets and buy and sell casually.

Those who like to pick up leaks, go to the bottom world, in the bazaars of mortals, sometimes you can also pick up big leaks.

In short, eating, drinking and having fun, you can have what you want, and you will definitely not waste it. "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding and said, "It really is a good place!"

Old Jixiang continued: "On the first day of July, the conference officially begins.

In fact, this conference, similar to the big fair in the world, is only once every 60 years.

Many monks have come here, and everyone is exchanging information about what they need. For various sales, the Shenmu Sect will also open the treasure house and sell all kinds of spiritual plants and immortal grasses.

But the most cherished ones are the elixirs of the Shenmu Sect. Although their sect is not the first-class alchemy sect in the world, their elixirs are the most pure.

If you buy a batch, even if you don't use it yourself, you can earn dozens of spirit stones by transporting it back to the sect.

Toss a little, you can go to Alien Sea, other sects, and earn more from spirit stones.

By the way, the last day of the Shenmu Conference, August [-]th, will be blessed by the Shenmu.

From the top of the sacred tree, blessings descend, some lucky ones will prolong their lives by 30 years, and some will directly advance to a major realm.

Almost everyone has benefits, even the lowest mortals have benefits.

That's why everyone came here. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "It's so lively!"

The flying boat continued, and there were still three hundred miles away from the supporting sky pine. A monk appeared ahead and stopped the flying boat fleet.

At this point, they started to register one by one, and then many monks got off the flying boat and scattered away.

When he arrived at Yang Xiuming's place, he also registered.

"Loose cultivator, Yang Xiuming!"

He didn't write anything too high-level, just casual cultivators.

So far, ten spirit stones have been paid, and the other party gave Yang Xiuming a token, which allows him to enter and leave the Tiansong at will during the Shenmu Conference.

After the registration is completed, everyone is moving forward again.

At this time, the flying boat was not suitable for flying, so Yang Xiuming put it away.

He and old auspicious, escaped from the magic weapon, and soon arrived in front of the support pine.

This sky-supporting pine is boundless, with countless branches and leaves stretching out. Although they are uneven, they form a flat space similar to land. On top of this, there are various pavilions and pavilions.

Old Jixiang said: "Brother Yang, we're leaving now!

I went to find a few friends to catch up on the past. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll contact you later."

"Brother Yang, there are 32 heavens in the Shenmu sect, and the highest twelfth level is the mountain gate of the Shenmu sect, which cannot be easily entered.

There are twenty weights left, we can all enter at will.

We Tibetan Shenzong like to take root in the old Guo family shop in Shiliuchong.

If you don't like it, you can go to Fukang'an on the fifteenth floor, or the Yunji Inn on the twentieth floor. These are the first-class inns in the Shenmu Sect. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "I see, I wish Senior Brother Jixiang success in picking up leaks, and be free and unrestrained!"

The two broke up, Yang Xiuming thought about it, and decided to go to the Yunji Inn in the [-]th place.

This inn has the highest multiplicity, and Lao Jixiang strongly recommends it. The key is the name, which Yang Xiuming likes very much, so he chose it.

The Tiansong where the Shenmu sect is located is very interesting, and it is a strange world by itself.

There is a triple underground space under the big tree, called the underground triple sky, but this is not open to everyone.

It belongs to a special space, the forbidden area of ​​Shenmu Sect.

Then there is the ground, the so-called ground, where the supporting pine is named the fourth heaven.

Basically, the mortals who come here live here, and there are various equipment places specially prepared for them.

Then along the trunk of the big tree, there is an upward passage, a circular step, and a direct upward ladder...

The trunk is thirty li thick and thin, whether it is solid or hollow inside, only Shenmuzong himself knows.

From the Tianzhu up, about thirty feet, there is a heaven, which is the fifth heaven.

In the fifth heaven, the ground is made up of tree branches, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. There are small mountains and rivers and gentle rivers in it, which is no different from the real world.

Then continue upward, and there is another small space composed of branches, a sky.

In this way, the first layer of heaven, one after another, goes up to the 21st layer of heaven, which is the mountain gate of the Shenmu sect, and no one else is allowed to enter.

However, in the world of 21 layers, as long as the monks register, they can fly away at will, and there is no problem entering any layer.

Entering this world from the outside, and falling on a ground that looks like leaves, at a glance, the ground under your feet is like a huge branch, which is dozens of miles away.

The branches on the ground have their own veins, forming roads.

On this road, you can walk, but you are not allowed to fly.

But there is also transportation here.

Among the pine trees, there are three means of transportation, one is called a leaf car, which looks like a piece of leaf, sitting on it, someone drives it, and flies to the four directions.

This is authorized by Shenmuzong, only Ye Che can fly away at will in the 32nd heaven of Shenmuzong.

One is called a silkworm cart, which is like a carriage, except that the carts are not pulled by horses. They are similar to strange silkworms, each of which is the size of a cow or a horse. Sitting on this cart, they run along the tree trunk like electricity.

The last one is called a wooden cart. When you enter it, this wooden cart can be integrated into the tree trunk. Wherever you want to go, it will take you there, and you will be there in a while.

When Yang Xiuming came here, he called a Ye Che, sat on it, and immediately flew away.

Soon came to the twentieth heaven, which is hundreds of feet high from the ground, it feels like the sky.

Ye Che came to Yunji Inn, it was surrounded by clouds, no wonder it was called Yunji Inn.

This inn is very grand, almost occupying a branch of a tree, with tall houses, snow-white walls, and there is a young man in front of the door who is responsible for feeding spirit beasts. The red carpet is spread on the floor, and it is extremely prosperous!
Entering it, the space magic is used in it, the lobby is a thousand feet long, there are several confession free rest places, and there are various restaurants, teahouses, which are extremely luxurious!
The huge barrier kept all the dust out of the inn, and the surrounding walls, using special spells, only saw endless clouds.

Yang Xiuming nodded and entered it, and when he came to the front desk, a beautiful and beautiful female monk said, "Is this fellow Taoist living in the shop?"

With Yang Xiuming's attire, one could tell at a glance that he was not a simple monk. Standing there, his face was like a full moon, extremely handsome, making people unforgettable at first sight, smiling slightly, with a kind of serenity beyond appearance.

"Staying in the hotel, how do you spend the room?"

The female monk replied: "There are many kinds of guest rooms in our store, you can see for yourself and choose one!"

Next to the water mirror, the room type and price of the inn are marked on it.

Seeing the price, Yang Xiuming frowned, feeling, expensive!
What he was looking at was only the foundation building suite. The most expensive one cost three thousand spirit stones a day, and the cheapest one cost a hundred spirit stones.

Yang Xiuming chose and chose, and finally Fu Xialiang made a decision.

"Brother, choose the Fortune Room, we can afford it.

Plus, this guest room, complete with a cargo storage, was just right for us! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "The Foundation Establishment Realm Fortune Suite!"

"Okay, guest officer, how many days are you scheduled for?

Guest officer, if you want to attend the Shenmu Conference, you'd better make a reservation until August [-]th, when the conference ends.

Otherwise, once the time is up, it will be extremely difficult to make a reservation again! "

Yang Xiuming said: "Then it will be August [-]th!"

Prepare to go out for one more day, so you don't have to rush.

"Okay, guest officer, you have booked 92 days, and the cost is [-] spirit stones.

In addition, a deposit of three thousand spirit stones is required, please pay! "

This is not cheap, but Yang Xiuming still took out the spirit stone.

"Guest officer, we will give you two meals a day, morning and evening, and you can enjoy them in the lobby of our store!"

It's good to have food included!
"In addition, guest officer, there are twelve free services in this store. We will provide you with a free butler. You can consult him about various matters, and he will serve you during the conference."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Okay!"

After the check-in procedures were completed, a middle-aged scribe-like housekeeper came to Yang Xiuming's side.

"Guest officer, I am your personal butler Feng Delun, do you have any orders?"

He is about the fifth level of qi refining, and he is already in his forties. He looks very handsome when he was young, but he is like this in his life now.

Yang Xiuming said, "Let's go to the guest room!"

"Okay, guest!"

Feng Delun took Yang Xiuming to the guest room.

Follow the branches and ground under your feet, turn three times and five times, and come to a courtyard.

This room has a separate door and is very spacious. It is full of aura, and the service is quite good. It is suitable for cultivation in the foundation period. Yang Xiuming nodded.

All kinds of spells and talismans are opened in all directions at twelve hours, and there are countless beautiful scenery in the manufacturing place. Looking at the sky, it is completely the sun in the sky, white clouds blooming, and the breeze is gentle.

It can be said that even in his own cave, it is nothing more than that, staying here is completely a kind of enjoyment.

This guest room, the best part, has a small storage.

The warehouse is very deep and can put down a lot of goods.

This is the selling point, specially prepared for the guests who come here for business.

Yang Xiuming said: "Okay, not bad!"

Feng Delun asked: "Guest officer, what else do you need?"

Yang Xiuming said: "Go, take me out for a walk."

"Okay, guest officer, according to the regulations, we can use a leaf car for free today."

"Okay! Then take it and use it!"

"Guest officer, I don't know where you want to go to play?
Go for a gourmet meal?Still drinking fine wine, or watching a deathmatch?Or go find a girl? "

Feng Delun thought that Yang Xiuming was going out to eat, drink and have fun.

Yang Xiuming smiled and said, "No, let's make money!"

"Eating, drinking and having fun is not as interesting as making money!"

"The happiest thing in the world is making money!"

I can't tell Feng Delun all of a sudden!
Soon Ye Che arrived here, Yang Xiuming got in the car and asked Feng Delun to lead the way.

"Go to the chamber of commerce, the chamber of commerce that mainly deals in fertilizers."

"Fertilizer? I understand. This is one of the best deals in our Shenmu sect. Good guest officer, let's go."

Feng Delun, a local aboriginal, really knows everything, and took Yang Xiuming to the chamber of commerce that specializes in fertilizers.

Fertilizer is really one of the special products of Shenmu Sect, but outsiders don't know much about this special product.

Others are more concerned about elixir, spiritual plants, and spiritual objects of heaven and earth. Only people in the Shenmu sect care about fertilizers.

Soon I arrived at a market. It looked ordinary, even tattered, and smelled a strange smell from a long distance.

But Feng Delun led Yang Xiuming into here, and saw people coming and going here in an endless stream.

The sound of selling, one after another!
"The best blood fat, made from the flesh and blood of an earth-moving dragon for ten years, it is full of fat, and there are three spirit stones per catty!"

"The best sea beast from Donglaji is fat, and the sea clan's dharma is very capable of refining. It uses the sea eye spirit water of the East China Sea. You smell it, is it strong or not? It's five spirit stones per catty!"

"Thunder Demon Sect, the powerful thunder and lightning gathers the gods, all of which are spells and hard work, the number is limited, whoever gets it, twelve spirit stones per catty!"

Yang Xiuming smiled, wandering around in the market, asking all kinds of questions.

Then he came out and said, "Change place!"

Feng Delun immediately said: "Okay!"

He took Yang Xiuming to another market.

Yang Xiuming checked it carefully, and several people studied it repeatedly.

They have to make sure of their goods, whether there is a market, and how to sell them at a good price!

In the evening, back at the inn, Feng Delun saluted and left.

Yang Xiuming said, "Wait a minute!"

After finishing speaking, he threw ten spirit stones to Feng Delun.

"The emperor will not send hungry soldiers, continue tomorrow!"

Feng Delun's eyes lit up, but his expression remained unchanged, and he saluted and thanked him.

Watching Feng Delun leave, Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and said:

"Brothers, work!"

"There is a market for our fertilizer, and a large amount of spirit stones are waiting for us!"

Four people dispatched, all went to Taishang Dao.

These days, Fu Xialiang had already prepared and applied for bird droppings from the Zongmen.

He found an excuse at random, consumed ten rings of meritorious service, and bought it at the internal price of three spirit stones for a catty of bird droppings.

Apart from him, only spiritual planters are interested in this thing, otherwise no one wants it.

After the purchase, the outer disciples brought the bird droppings over in an endless stream.

These bird droppings have undergone special treatment, have no smell, and resemble fist-sized white stones.

The four arrived here and started to work. Fu Xialiang loaded the car with his own body.

A soul-carrying gourd, loaded with a thousand catties of bird droppings, plus fifty spirit stones, began to transport.

Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue, and Shen Yuanqi are in charge of transportation.

Use the soul gourd to transport it to the inn and put it in the warehouse.

Every time it is transported, fifty spirit stones must be crushed, and some bird droppings outside of business will disappear, but I don't care.

However, you can only transport five times a day.

Too many time and space transfers, no one can bear it.

That is to say, [-] bird droppings can be shipped in a day.

On the second day, Yang Xiuming summoned his Xiyuantu puppet and used it as a tool for transporting goods in the warehouse.

I continued to visit the market with Feng Delun, Zhang Yue, Shen Yuanqi, and Fu Xialiang continued to deliver goods here.

When he came back at night, Yang Xiuming started to transport the goods, [-] catties a day.

In this way, after walking for three days, Yang Xiuming visited the market of the chamber of commerce where Shenmuzong sells fertilizers. He calculated silently and finally made a decision.

"Feng Delun, I have a job for you.

Order this wooden box for me! "

During these three days, when Yang Xiuming went shopping in the market, he chose a wooden box.

The wooden box is small, very delicate, made of nanmu, and the space inside can hold a tea brick.

There are countless shops in the Shenmu Sect, which can be catalyzed by magic power and are economical.

Feng Delun took a look and said: "Guest officer, this kind of wooden box is very easy to catalyze, and six hundred are worth one spirit stone."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "According to this shape, order me 100 million pieces!"

Feng Delun took a breath and said, "One million?"

"Yes, 100 million!"

"Okay, no problem!"

Feng Delun held back his curiosity and immediately agreed.

"The quantity is so large, I can bargain and keep the price within [-] spirit stones!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said again: "Is there a gold leaf refining business here?"

Feng Delun nodded and said: "A lot of medicines need to be sealed with gold leaf. There is no problem, but the price of gold leaf changes with the quality."

"Go ask me, contact the merchant, I need a lot of gold leaf!"

Yang Xiuming made gestures according to the wooden box.

"Okay, sir, no problem!"

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "If you find me a mortal again, you need someone with ingenuity.

I have sub-packaging work here, let's start with 30 people, the mouth must be strict!
Salary, according to the market price, give the highest price! "

Feng Delun's eyes lit up, and he said: "Can you be a monk? My family members are below the third level of Qi refining. They are dexterous and very strict with their mouths."

"Okay, as many as you want, give them the monk price."

The reason why there are 30 people is that the warehouse is only so big.

After the arrangement, Feng Delun left, and Yang Xiuming also left by himself.

He quietly went to several shops he had visited a few days ago and bought some materials there.

Black charcoal, dragon's blood, kudzu hay, limestone...

A lot of goods belong to mainland goods and can be delivered directly to the inn.

Then Yang Xiuming returned to the guest room.

In the past three days, [-] catties of bird droppings have been brought in.

Yang Xiuming called everyone to stop.

"Everyone, now is the critical moment, let's compare the bird droppings."

Shen Wenqi couldn't help asking: "Is there a ratio?"

Apart from cultivating a genius, he is really a child in many cases.

I have been alone on the island for too long, and I don't understand many things.

Yang Xiuming said: "It must be proportioned, otherwise the bird droppings will be used directly, and it will be useless."

"Brother, do you know how to match?"

"You think I'm just dawdling in the Tibetan God Sect?

There are countless inheritances there, we can do everything! "

The goods came in one after another, and Yang Xiuming began to match them.

First, I selected eight hundred catties of bird droppings, and then various materials, one hundred catties of black charcoal, five hundred catties of limestone, 130 catties of kudzu hay, ten catties of earth dragon blood...

He carefully proportioned, according to the records in "The Encyclopedia of Fertilizer Proportions of Xiannongzong", he kept changing the weight.

Shen Yuanqi kept watching, and asked, "Brother, I understand the black charcoal, but why is it paired with dragon's blood?"

"The smell of earth dragon blood is the most fishy. Adding it will destroy all the smells, so as not to be traced by them as our raw materials."

"Ah, what about the kudzu hay?"

"The kudzu hay has the effect of black dog blood, and it is also used to break their spell tracking.

As for limestone, it is used to support weight, and there is nothing wrong with it! "

In the end, the proportioning was done, and the fertilizer was a total of [-] catties.

Yang Xiuming looked at Fu Xialiang who occupied the puppet of Xiyuantu, and said, "Old Fu, at the critical moment, the last step is up to you!"

Fu Xialiang let out a long breath and said, "I never thought of it either.

I'm a dignified Taishang Dao elite, and the first one I hammered when I practiced the Qin secret method of the Taishang Bajue Immortal "Three Qings and Four Yuyi Hammers" turned out to be bird droppings! "

"Don't talk nonsense, only your Zhenyuan Hammer can beat these fertilizers into one, it's extremely small, and it has the magical effect of spiritual fertilizer.

In addition, you have also practiced, and you can use one hammer for two purposes! "

Fu Xialiang was extremely speechless, and began to use spells.

Yang Xiuming shouted: "Take it easy, don't cause the phenomena of heaven and earth!"

"Let me tell you, this is a spirit stone. If you hit it with a hammer, it's all your spirit stone!"

After Yang Xiuming's words, Fu Xialiang immediately became nervous. In the void, 360 golden talismans appeared and combined quietly.

The infinite power gathered together and turned into a golden sledgehammer, and then an illusory magic hammer appeared in his hand, only the size of a fist, with a simple style, hard to distinguish with the naked eye!
He pointed forward and shouted "Get up!"

The illusory magic hammer was sent out immediately, turned into a shadow of the hammer, and flew out under the control of divine consciousness!

This magic hammer looks huge and clumsy, but it flies extremely fast, and it arrives in an instant when the mind is on it, hitting the fertilizer all at once.

The Zhenyuan Hammer of the Xianqin secret method "Three Purities and Four Truths One Qi Hammer" is sacrificially refined by the secret method, transforming the power of the three purity and four truths and seven treasures that have first risen in the universe, suppressing the universe and suppressing the world, hammering and killing all existence.

Wherever the magic hammer went, everything turned into dust. This kind of explosion was not a flame rage, nor an explosion of air pressure, but an indescribable feeling, like the most primitive transformation of matter, quantum recombination!

After hammering, Fu Xialiang accepts the method.

Yang Xiuming didn't even look at him, and went straight to Caifei.

He begins to calculate...

"After extreme exercise, there are still 530 catties left."

"Under the magic power, it has been refined to the point of infinity, and the records in the "Fertilizer Ratio Encyclopedia of Xiannongzong" have been completed."

"Sense carefully, this fertilizer is full of endless vitality, the best phosphate fertilizer in the world..."

Yang Xiuming handled it carefully, wrapped it with gold foil and put it into a box.

The essence of bird fertilizer is nitrogen fertilizer. No matter how it is made into particles, the essence will not change. On the contrary, after this kind of collision, the effect will be better.

Yang Xiuming calculated and said:
"Three spiritual stones per catty of bird droppings, fifty spiritual stones per catty for transportation, and the cost of other materials..."

"Not counting the cost of casting old Fu's spells, not counting the cost of consumable rotations, not counting our transportation costs, the last piece of bird manure, a wooden box of three taels, costs [-] spirit stones!"

In fact, only bird droppings are the most expensive, and other costs, such as wooden boxes and gold leaf labor, are negligible.

Zhang Yue couldn't help asking: "Is it completely formed?"

"It's formed!"

Fu Xialiang said: "I will control the Zhenyuan Hammer carefully in the future, and I can produce more finished products."

"That's even better!"

Yang Xiuming began to summon Feng Delun, and thirty workers arrived here, and began to pack the bird fertilizer.

Sanliang Niaofei is sealed with gold foil, like tea bricks, and then packed into a wooden box.

Everyone continued to work, and [-] catties of bird manure were shipped in every day, Yang Xiuming prepared it, Fu Xialiang beat it into powder, and then divided it into packages.

It may also be that there is too much transportation, practice makes perfect, and on the tenth day, [-] catties of bird manure can be shipped in one day.

And Fu Xialiang's Zhenyuan hammer is also becoming more and more prolific.

But bird fertilizer is rare, only 50 catties, and on the last day of June 110th, [-] boxes of bird fertilizer were successfully produced.

The wooden boxes are not big, one only has three or two goods, and the whole warehouse is full.

On each wooden box, there is a fire phoenix brand.

There are four more words: Rebirth from the ashes!

The wages of the workers were all settled, Yang Xiuming was generous, and they left with gratitude.

Yang Xiuming said slowly: "We have already consumed 170 spirit stones, and Lao Shen's inheritance has basically been spent.

These goods are our future.

Now the most critical step, pricing! "

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, Fu Xialiang asked: "Brother, tell me, how to set the price?"

Yang Xiuming said: "I checked the market, all fertilizers, ours should be considered the first class!

The reference price is twelve to fourteen spirit stones! "

As soon as this was said, everyone was happy.

"Fourteen spirit stones cost 600 spirit stones, which is ten times the income? Those are [-] million spirit stones?"

Shen Yuanqi's calculations were extremely fast.

But Zhang Yue was not happy.

He said: "The price should be the highest.

But other people's fertilizers have been tested for a long time, so they have this price.

Almost no one has tried our fertilizers, so we can't sell them at this price. "

"The key is that no one believes us!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Yes, that's the truth.

So, we are now on to the next step, marketing! "


"Yes, as long as the marketing is good, Papa will become gold!"

"Besides, our spiritual manure is of the highest quality, as long as we publicize it, there will be no problem!"

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said, "Propaganda? Jin Kela from the previous life?

The energy of each grain of gold is like an atomic bomb?

The fertilizer is mixed with Jinkela, and the wheat yield is [-] per mu? "

Yang Xiuming said: "It's almost the same meaning.

But you can't use Jinkela, because the recruits from Xianqin in the previous life are not necessarily the only ones.

The example of Old Wei is the first, someone dedicated to killing us Xianqin recruits.

Therefore, we can't use this, be careful and live long! "

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"However, we can use this to rise from the ashes!
This fertilizer was the spiritual fertilizer used by the sect master of Xiannong back then. Later, Xiannong declined, and this spiritual fertilizer was lost.

So we can use this! "

Everyone nodded, and they have been tossing here for almost a month. Seeing the goods in the warehouse, all four of them let out a sigh of relief.

Yang Xiuming said: "Do you want to send them to the Buddha World?"

Zhang Yue shook his head and said, "No need, it was too troublesome to receive it."

Fu Xialiang said: "The third-order emperor's day Zaide sun ring I bought, and the third-order post-soil endless moon ring, both have storage functions. Everyone brought them here. They should be able to store fertilizers from them."

Everyone acted immediately, and the four sets of rings were transported here, and Yang Xiuming put the fertilizer into the rings.

Soon, the warehouse will be empty!
Everyone looked at these rings, and whether they ate meat or soup in the future, they depended on them.

(End of this chapter)

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