The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 328 The Immortal Descends

Chapter 328 The Immortal Descends

ps: (The water hanging effect in the hospital is good, I am back)


Disappointment is disappointment, he can't ignore it, his own territory is also here.

After thinking for a while.

Lin Suo ordered Elise, in the name of the Rhine family, to contact the scattered pioneer wizard families in the entire southern star field, and publicize the secret meeting of the high-level war field.

The cornerstone of the pioneers is a large number of civilian geniuses like Jon Luhr. They have no background, no resources, and after giving up the way of marrying, everything depends on their own efforts.

Today's War Realm plans to use [Ursa] as the front line and abandon the outer areas of the southern star field, which can be said to have set off a huge wave.

In addition to the Rhine family, there are many peripheral pioneer families with eight hundred if not one thousand. Once they can be twisted into one rope, their strength will not be weak.

Take this opportunity.

Lin Suo secretly contacted the Pioneer family on the same side, and provided a special price starship building service. They provided materials and money, Lin Suo provided technology, and gave them a large number of war weapons at a friendly price.

It can not only make money, but also win people's hearts.

Elevating the status of the Rhine family, Elise has half the succubus blood and is good at playing with people's hearts. Don't look stupid in front of Lin Suo, but it is completely different when facing other people.

Things are done very well.

What's more, the Thorn Starfield has been connected by stargates built in hidden locations. These are private routes that can provide countless wealth.

Stargate technology was developed by the "Star Sea First Research Institute" more than ten years ago, and there should be many stargates inside the [Truth Society].

Therefore, Lin Suo sent another highly mobile team to secretly explore the location of the [Truth Society] to build the star gate by using the "Star Gate Co-location Resonance Device" he developed.

intelligence!No matter when, it is the first priority to collect important information.

Just when Lin Suo was in full swing doing things secretly.

The natural disaster of the undead far away in the northern star field ushered in the final chapter in an extremely abrupt way. Before halfway starting the business, the middle way collapsed!That's the situation.

Planet Lucernehal.

After receiving the letter of pressure from War Realm, the Grand Duke of Natural Disasters immediately called Haska, Kane and others for a meeting, preparing to speed up the process of closing the net.

After all, the Truth Society is currently under attack from the north and the south, and its interior is not stable. A large number of criminals who escaped from the Forbidden Tower have caused many bloody incidents.

Most importantly, civil strife has not stopped for a moment.

In the case of increasing losses, there is no choice but to make a one-size-fits-all solution.

The natural disasters open the meeting.

A list in his hand was secretly sent to the Alien Blood Saint. The list was all the branches of the wizard family that he had explored during this period of time and had no intention of splitting.

First of all, if they can respond to the summoning order and come to the northern star field to resist the invasion of the undead, they have already passed the preliminary screening. Those branch families that are still stirring up wind and rain in the central ring of the corona galaxy are basically sentenced to death.

And he used his performance during the war here to infer that those with bad intentions, those who did not work hard, or those who deliberately disrupted the situation, were not eligible to be on this list of survivors.

It's documented above.

Descendants of the brave, the Tuhakam family.

The Snake of Words, the Snake family.

The Dark Demon Mondiot Family.

Sons of the Sea Yepes Family.

And so on and so on, etc., are the lucky ones who have passed the certification of the Grand Duke of Natural Disasters.

In this list, there are only fifteen families.

The alien blood saint who has been lurking near [Lucernhal]——"Rudius Greyrat".

Finally came the spirit.

He opened a pair of weird eyes with no whites and scarlet pupils. As the founder of the life transformation school, the "Magic Core of Longevity" he developed is almost one of the three powerful cornerstones of wizards.

Together with the wizard's meditation method and the knowledge of the Dharma ring, they together constitute the three cornerstones of the wizard's civilization.

Be real old monsters!One of the founders of the wizard!

His transformation of himself is also the craziest guy. He is no longer a human species at all, which makes his early combat power almost invincible, representing the peak combat power of a realm.

His celestial appearance is beyond doubt, definitely one of the best wizards.

But so is success, and so is failure.

How to integrate too many powerful foreign bloodlines into one has become a problem.

This allowed him to reach the peak of the Holy Spirit early.

How to break through immortality, there is no way to find it.

Until his later years, when his life was nearing the end, two thoughts arose.

One is to abandon most of the foreign bloodlines and only seek one, purify it to the peak, and then promote immortality.

This path will be much easier for him, but it also means giving up the almost invincible combat power of the same border.

This is completely unacceptable for a genius.

So he chose to take the second path, ten thousand blood belongs to himself, and the body and soul prove immortal, which will drive the power to merge and return to one under the shackles of the law.

At that time, he will be the ancestor of all things, the source of blood!
The only one is immortality!
There are many pseudo-eternal races in the universe, and in the end he took a fancy to the bloodline ability of the ancestor of the blood race.

Because the blood race already has the power to devour and assimilate.

They absorb the blood of a large number of dragons, can awaken dragon power, dragon breath and other abilities, absorb the blood of void races, and can awaken void walking, void shuttle and other abilities.

Absorbing the blood of the phantom monster can obtain the speed ability, and absorbing the blood of the succubus can evolve the physical appearance to be more perfect and obtain the charm ability.

Kindred draw their strength from blood.

In his opinion, it is a kind of idea that ten thousand bloods are one, so he got one of the three drops of the ancestor's blood from the Silver Star Alliance.

It has been prepared until today, which is to use the blood sacrifices of many lives to gather the blood of all spirits, so that the body and soul can be promoted to immortality first, to drive the integration of energy.

There is nothing wrong with planning.

He himself also prepared the blood of some rare creatures in advance, whether it is successful or not, it is today.

at this time.

Broken star meteorite belt.

Under the arrangement of the death lich Kyle, the legendary peak undead, Amsultan led a team of cold dead servants, and stepped into the expected encirclement together with the undead vanguard.

The time was much earlier than both parties originally expected. Obviously, they both received the news that the southern star field was attacked by the Mechanicus, and they couldn't sit still.

The main army of hundreds of millions of undead followed, boarding the skeleton warship and using the holy spirit-level miracle "The Sorrow of All Beings" given by the master of the undead to cover their tracks. The commander here is Kael'thas Ansar and his death knight troops.

Death Lich Kyle sat quietly on the Frost Throne, closed his eyes and meditated, not knowing why.

Kael'thas Ansar always felt that today's mentor breath was a bit weak, as if... had left here.

The situation on the scene changed rapidly.

Just when Kael'thas was hesitating to wake up the mentor, the Truth Society troops who had been ambushing for a long time broke through the barrier of a layer of transparent tulle.

Brazenly killed the undead vanguard.

This is also a hidden Holy Spirit-level miracle <Vail of Mist>. Although the undead were planning to plan, they finally stepped into the encirclement.

In the face of enemies rushing out from all directions, it is inevitable to fall into a disadvantage. Facing the overwhelming salvo of ship-borne weapons, one-fifth of the skeleton warships will be blown up in one encounter.

The shadow bone dragons exhaled extremely cold dragon breath, and wherever they passed, even ice tracks were frozen in the vacuum of the universe.

On the side of the Truth Society, the melee wizards belonging to the descendant of the brave Tuhakam family are the bravest, and Huskar is the most powerful among them!

To know.

The wizard's initial enemy was the Titan God, and the one who dared to draw his sword first was the real brave man. The name of the Tuhakam family was obtained by their ancestors who slaughtered the gods.

That's why it's also called the God Slayer Family!
What flows in the blood vessels is the blood of the slaughter god called courage!
In the universe, Huskar was burning with blood-colored arrogance, and his body suddenly became bigger, like a giant covering the sky with one hand, pulling out the short spear behind him.

Electric fires a throwing attack that is extremely sharp.

Each spear can blow up several skeleton battleships, and no one can stop where it passes. It is like starting an unparalleled massacre among the undead, which attracts the attention of more enemies.

In the face of massive attacks, although Huskar was beaten bloody, the strength in his hands became stronger. Every time he killed an enemy, his physical strength was obviously restored.

Bloody battle to the end, the more you fight, the stronger you become.

The places that are not noticed by both sides, whether it is the red blood shed by wizards or the black blood shed by undead, all float and disappear in the vacuum of the universe.

As if it was collected by something.

On the side of the undead, Am Sultan commanded the cold dead waiter, sneaked into the back row of the Truth fleet, and precisely killed some long-range weapon operators who continued to attack.

Do your best to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy.


Kael'thas Ansar said to himself, the vanguard of the undead was defeated, but they also successfully killed a large number of wizards, and the conditions for launching the second hand have been met.

Kael'thas looked to the mentor on the throne.

"Mentor, the number of deaths has reached the requirement, do you want to release the one-time weapon given by the Necromancer?"


Death Lich Kyle slowly opened his eyes. As the Six-Scarred Holy Spirit, he saw far more things than his subordinates.

This battle is doomed to failure.

He will not be used as a gun by the Necromancer, but the transaction conditions must be fulfilled. This is the value that Kael'thas should embody.

What remains on the Frost Throne is only a projection of him.

The main body has already left here.

Taking advantage of the Truth Society's focus on the natural disaster of the undead, he wants to obtain his true goal of becoming immortal in the future.

The inner ring of the corona.

A small star gate built in secret is glowing like a star, and a figure in a black robe, exuding the aura of death, walks out of the nebula-shaped door.

This is the inside of a giant meteorite, and a dense witch array is arranged outside to block the breath.

The figure that stepped out was the body of Death Lich Kyle.

And not far from this meteorite is the old continent brought back by the wizards from the parent planet of Padolon, and it is also the place where the gods of Padolon are buried and sealed.

The purpose of the death lich Kyle is the corpse of the god of death among the gods of the ancient Titans. Titans are born with immortal bodies and souls.

It is one of the best ladders to advance to immortality.

immortal person!
Kyle's ambition has never been concealed, this is his real purpose, and he is also a member of the guardian family who is responsible for this burial place.

The layout started long before the deal with the Necromancer...

The line of sight returned to Kael'thas.

After getting the teacher's permission, the uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be sent.

Hesitation is death, so he decisively activated the backhand.

"Death Sacrifice Ceremony!"

This is a kind of advent ceremony, and the target of the prayer is the master of the undead who is far away in the undead world!

As a master of the dead who has been famous for a long time and is famous in all the heavens and worlds, he has long been a true immortal.

But because of the restrictions of the world rules.

If it wants to come to other worlds, it will inevitably face the risk of being rejected, and the Advent Ceremony can temporarily evade this counterforce from the world.

As long as he can defeat the Truth Society and complete the replacement of sovereignty over the territory of this world, then he has a real ticket to enter.

That's how the deal with Death Lich Kyle came about.

The opponent provides an advent ceremony, which gives the opponent a pseudo-eternal lich body, and injects the power of the undead to enhance the opponent's strength and potential in the way of the undead.

The number of deaths that meet certain conditions.

The power of death representing this area exceeds the standard, which is a prerequisite for the ritual to be launched.


The death ritual covering the entire broken star and meteorite belt took shape, and the strong power of death turned into lines, and the covering area could not see the end at all.

A huge crack appeared in the void, a palm bigger than a planet suddenly rested on the edge of the crack, and a pair of faint green eyes looked over from behind the crack.

It made countless wizards terrified in an instant!
On the skeleton mothership, Kael'thas's master statue turned into powder. He looked at his mentor on the Frost Throne for the third time, and some kind of psychology was about to move.

"Mentor... foster father..."

No longer hesitate.

The Sword of Death slashed out, directly piercing the projection of Death Lich Kyle, which caused a subtle expression to appear on Kael'thas' stiff face.

Without further ado, he activated a void teleportation scroll and disappeared on the mothership with the 100 strongest death knights.

Obviously, he found the problem.

Retreat immediately.

As for the other undead, they lost their commanders, but saw the master of the undead. Although the vanguard suffered heavy losses, the real main force did not suffer much damage.

The whole army pressed up directly, wanting to show a wave in front of the master, to get appreciation and promotion.

The cold, deadly language of the undead sang among the undead.

as one of the high-level languages.

The language of the undead naturally also has extraordinary characteristics. The more undead chanting, the more power the necromancer can exert.

In the blink of an eye, an arm wrapped in bone armor stretched out.

Spreading his palms, he looked towards the Truth Society troops.

A pitch-black magic ball was formed, exuding sudden suction, like a collapsed black hole, even the surrounding undead were not spared, they were sucked into it one after another, and stirred into dust-like powder.

Terrifyingly powerful!

But this is the power exerted by the immortal, and even Huskar, who is at the peak of the legend, can't resist, roaring angrily, and being sucked into the death black hole.

But at this time.

Numerous bloody chains extended from a hole in the void, entangled and held a large number of wizards including Huskar, at least 10,000+ people.

But most of them were the guys who were abandoned by the chains. The blood chains clearly passed by, but they ignored them and only rescued the identified targets.

From regaining hope to falling into despair again.

All the wizards couldn't help looking at the source of the bloody chains. The old man who walked out of the void was exactly Rudius Greylat—"The Saint of Different Blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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