The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 329 The Law of Assimilation, Different Blood Immortality

Chapter 329 The Law of Assimilation, Different Blood Immortality
ps: (The immune system is crazy!)

"Alien Blood Saint!"

"It's the highest shot!"

"Is it saved?!"

"But...why didn't you save us?"

Many wizards have discovered this problem, but the number is too large, almost filling the death black hole in the palm of the Necromancer Master.

They... are like lambs queuing up to be slaughtered, so helpless and helpless.


"You can't do this to us!"

"We are also members of the Truth Society..."

"My family has shed blood for the truth, and we have stood at the forefront for those 2 years!"

"It's the same even now, you despicable!"

"You are not worthy to be the Twelve Supreme Wizards!"

"Despicable Greyrat!"

"The truth will not be worthy of our efforts!"

"Damn it, Kyle was right."

The massive insults did not shake the will of the Alien Blood Saint. Since he decided to cut off all the carrion, it is inevitable to hurt the bones and flesh.

Words could not shake his resolve.

Those wizards seemed to have discovered this too. After finding out that insults were useless, a group of legendary wizards escaped the punishment of the black hole of death by using the bottom-of-the-box method.

This group of people belonged to the real top group in the legend.

Talent, opportunity, and disposition are all excellent.

Since there was a way to escape, the Alien Blood Saint didn't take any action to keep them. It can only be said that the time is fate, the time has come, and this opportunity must be seized.

Now, the Necromancer also came to his door.

Rudeus's black eyes and blood pupils showed obvious excitement, and he was full of joy when he looked at the arms that crossed the boundary.

If he had an immortal arm as a promotion material, then...the probability of breakthrough would increase by 50%. This was his confidence.

"It's finally here, Master..."

"Death's the trick, old man! I can smell you."

"No, no, this is the process of living to death."

Rudius opened his hands, and the bloody chains pulled all the bound friendly soldiers into a space channel, and they were teleported to nowhere.

Only the Necromancer, who kept crushing life, and himself remained.

The wrinkled skin began to tighten, and the white hair turned black, becoming younger and younger.

Patterned gaps were split under the skin, and blood as bright as a galaxy flowed out.

"I have witnessed the rays of thousands of suns, and I have also seen the fall of countless stars. Do you know that I have lived for so many years, and what is the greatest harvest?"

The Necromancer felt something was wrong, subconsciously withdrew his hands, and the screams in his ears were not so pleasant, but he recovered quickly, and roared in the face of Rudius' provocation.

"I am... Immortal! What are you?"


"I am the first god slayer, Tu Hakam is my student, I am the best friend of the fire passer, and I am the creator of the immortal magic core! I am also... the source of blood, the ancestor of all things! "

"I am immortal and the only one! The greatest wizard in history, Xinghe should praise my name!!!"

Rudeus' voice became louder and higher, and the cosmic vacuum couldn't stop him from delivering his own voice.

That moment.

He seemed to be standing on the throne of the universe, holding up the scepter of rules, and pointed at the Necromancer.

The power belonging to the universe is helping him.

In terms of gold content, in today's wizard civilization, Rudius is the strongest, undisputed!

His law of assimilation has reached its peak.

A finger that gathered the consciousness of the world, and tapped on the arm of the Necromancer who came across the boundary.

- Crack!
It broke without warning, but without accident.

The withered arm wrapped in the bone armor fell, the black hole of death lost its strength and collapsed, and the wizards who lined up to die survived from the desperate situation.

The entire fleet resisting the natural disaster of the undead has tens of millions of people, and the blood saint Rudius only selectively rescued 10,000+ people.

And in this wave, millions of people just died.

This number of deaths made the Advent Ceremony more powerful, and the Necromancer was extremely angry. He wanted to kill this guy who humiliated him.


The passageway of descent was further expanded, and he even squeezed half of his body, the exclusive characteristics belonging to the immortal took effect, and the lost arm quickly grew out.

And the arm that Rudius had just acquired turned into black ashes and dissipated.

The existence of Immortals is rather special.

His body and soul are immortal. Unless the concept of the arm is cut off from the concept, ordinary attacks will have no effect at all. All immortals are immortal.

The only thing that can deal with immortals is immortality, or something more special.

The plan to seize the arm failed, and Rudeus transformed himself without even frowning.

The body of the ancient dragon, which is ten times larger than the planet, manifested.

The chest and abdomen are covered with dense tentacles, and there are three pairs of blood eyes on the head. The joints of the whole body break through the shackles of the skin, and grow metallic bone blades.

The crown formed by the entanglement of demon horns on the top of the head, and the tail is a translucent soul form, covered with hideous and distorted faces.

The dragon wings are even more exaggerated, with the heads of various races hanging on them, no... it should be said that they grow directly from the flesh and blood. There are not only races in the universe, but also many legendary creatures from Padolon in ancient times.

Phoenixes, demons, elves, dragons, centaurs, dwarves, goblins, vampires, humans, giants, monsters, beasts, murlocs, various forms of orcs...etc.

Claiming to be the source of blood, the ancestor of all things has no problem at all.

"Sage of Alien Blood" - Rudius Greylat.

A true fusion troll!
"Screw it and drag it!"

An incomprehensible spell sang from the dragon's head, and a beam of galaxy-colored energy spit out from the dragon's mouth, hitting the face of the Necromancer directly.

But the other party is an immortal!The means are weird and unpredictable.

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of official wizards were squeezed and deformed like toys, forming a strange-shaped flesh and blood shield in front of them, which easily withstood the attack of the alien blood saint.

But it's not over yet, Rudius Dragon Wing instigated.

Countless translucent flying-headed soul bodies were blown away like a tornado, and the whirring sound was like the elegy of the banshee's soul, about to shatter everything around it!
This time the Flesh Shield is not working.

The howling wind directly blew the Flesh Shield into gray, and it immediately collapsed into debris and disappeared.

The Necromancer repeats his old trick.

With a soft snort, the power of the law of death spread, and the souls of hundreds of thousands of wizards were drawn away again, forming a shield of howling souls, which was blocked again.

The surviving wizards were about to cry, jumping repeatedly on the edge of life and death, and their ups and downs, only those who were present at the scene could empathize.

But obviously it didn't work, Rudius seemed to be dazed, sending out one after another attack that the Necromancer could block with a wave of his hand.

The Necromancer is not in a hurry.

The more wizards who die, the stronger his ritual power, maybe he can really come across the border.

Rudeus also had his own reasons for doing so.

Right or wrong, he needed the wizards who survived to die in order to take that step.

The two were clearly hostile, but tacitly played tricks on the survivors.

It's outrageous that the main force of the undead stared at it without showing mercy, and didn't dare to go up, but could only watch.

at last……

When there were only a dozen or so surviving wizards left, the two sides stopped tacitly.


"Enough is enough for me!"

The Necromancer laughed, and tore the passageway into an exaggerated arc. The black aura representing death adhered to the passageway and completely solidified it.

The upper body has completely entered the wizarding world, just when he raised his legs.

The void vibrated and shattered like a mirror.

The law field belonging to Rudius was reflected, it was an endless river of blood!
Anything that falls inside will be turned into a puddle of blood by the law of assimilation, and endless blood surrounds Rudius' deformed and huge dragon body.

The three pairs of blood eyes revealed humanized sarcasm.

"You lost... the master."

The Necromancer also showed a mocking look.

"It was you who lost... Wizard."

"Do you think I didn't notice your little tricks? I found out,'s useless, you can't stop me from coming to this world."

Rudeus suddenly burst out laughing.

"You dare?!"

The river of blood flowed, one end plunged into the passageway solidified by the undead master, and the other end plunged into the abyss, and was quickly assimilated by the power of the abyss.

The Alien Blood Saint didn't resist either.

Instead, connect the two, and use the domain to insert the passage of the Necromancer's descent into the bottomless abyss.

The power of the abyss spread, and the space the two were in was no longer in the wizard universe.

If the Necromancer dares to come out, the will of the abyss will already judge the intrusion. The bottomless abyss and the world of the undead are both big worlds with underlying operating logic.

A necromancer is not enough to fight those immortal demon gods.

This kind of situation makes the undead dominate the air to break the defense.

And the Alien Blood Saint, who had already made such preparations, directly borrowed the power from the invasion of the abyss to operate the law of assimilation to the limit.

Raise the butcher knife that belongs to the abyss.

Slashing fiercely at the Necromancer, this wave of operations can be said to be a model for wizards who grow older and become more demons. Wizards who play tricks and are good at thinking are never worthy of anyone.

And the necromancer has been invincible for so long, it is inevitable that he will relax his vigilance against the ants in his eyes.

"You can't kill me!"

The necromancer is still stubborn, propping up the rule-level shield formed by the law of death, ready to bear the knife.

The Alien Blood Saint nodded approvingly.

"Indeed, I can't kill you, but I don't have to really kill you."

"What's the meaning……"

Using the underlying logic of the will of the abyss, Rudius only made one cut, but it was enough.

The blood blade formed by the power of the abyss condensed the blood river, split through the defense of the necromancer like a bamboo, and cut down obliquely, cutting off the shoulder and part of the body of the necromancer obliquely.

Rudeus laughed and took the prize.

The blood river domain was directly shattered, and the power of the abyss immediately became boundless duckweed, and it was only a matter of time before it was cleared away.

But the power that can restrain the characteristics of the immortal has been exerted.

The Necromancer finally realized the problem.

Under the butcher knife of the will of the abyss, he lost part of his body forever, and his strength was about to decay.

The situation reversed.

The alien blood saint didn't pay any attention.

The backhand that had been arranged a long time ago started, directly broke all the confinement, and teleported him away. At the same time, the space including the "Broken Star and Meteorite Belt" was isolated.

It turned into a space cage and was directly exiled into the void.

At this time, even if the Necromancer really came, the location would be in the void, and it had nothing to do with the wizarding universe.

The power of death has been used to stabilize the passage.

He never really came to the Wizarding Universe, and can't be found.

A wave of plans, loss to grandma's house, the blood loss is not enough to describe, it is completely a bloodbath, and I don't know how long it will take to recover.

He is not the only immortal being in the world of the undead, and the competition is also very fierce. Once he is in a weak position, not only his opponents will covet his soul fire, but his subordinates will also betray him.

Undead are more real than demons.

It is very likely that Rudius will never see this Necromancer again...

"Do not!!!"

No matter how crazy he was, he couldn't change the fact of failure.

On the side of the Alien Blood Saint, with a blushing face holding the arm of the Necromancer, appeared in a designed desolate star.

The concealment mechanism here is perfect, and no one knows this place except him.

"Finally waited for this day."

Rudius took out a drop of scarlet blood, which is the blood of the ancestors. So far, only three drops have been found, one is from him, the other was snatched by the Scarlet Empire (Lin Suo), and the last drop is Pado The King of Eternal Night that Long raised had been taken back.

"The blood of the ancestors..."

He swallowed it without hesitation. The soul and consciousness inside had been wiped out by it long ago. The moment he swallowed it, his body began to mutate, transforming into a cursed race.

If you want Li Daitao to be stiff, of course it's not as simple as swallowing.

The ground, which belongs to the manifestation of the formation of alchemy.

There are six blood-colored obelisks standing around, and the space inside has been enlarged thousands of times, and all of them are filled with blood of different races!
Rudeus first made many cuts on his body.

The blood of the various races that had already been initially fused continued to flow out, lighting up the formation beneath him.

He is going back to the source, returning to the purest and cleanest human blood, only in this state can he seize the blood of the blood ancestor.

Then there is the already shattered Blood River Domain.

He also used a special method to temporarily cut off the connection with himself. This time was when he was weakest, and he was very old and out of shape.

But he still survived, and in just seven days, he reached the final step.


The forming formation under the body began to rotate according to the mechanism, and after twisting and turning, it became another forming formation.

The blood stored in the obelisk continued to flow into the refining formation, and Rudius' skin became more and more ruddy. Gradually, a layer of blood cocoon completely wrapped him inside.

The Shattered Blood River Domain also merged into it.

This is the last step.

The day when the blood cocoon is broken is when he achieves immortality, provided that... this place is not destroyed!Don't be interrupted!
At the same time, those legendary wizards who managed to escape in the Society of Truth uploaded a video, which was the cold-blooded performance of the alien blood saint!

(End of this chapter)

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