The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 441 Destruction of Insect Plague

Chapter 441 Destruction of Insect Plague

in his field of vision.

The twisted Void Devourer is only part of the bargaining chip in the scale of victory. The Titan God King Uranus is so strong that he will be able to solve it sooner or later.

when time passes.

In January 195 of the Advent Calendar, after more than half a year of rushing, the Dawn Fortress has been hanging behind the swarm.

Their distorted master is also an immortal insect king whose individual strength has been developed to the extreme. After breaking through the seal by "lucky luck", he displayed the cerebellum characteristics of the void zerg.

Almost immediately, all the clansmen rushed towards the god's domain where the Titan atmosphere was extremely strong. Wherever they passed, a crack darker than darkness was left in the universe.

Like a black abyss, it brings an indelible wound to the universe.

This situation made Lin Suo a little uneasy.

Because the matter was vaguely out of his control, it was true to stir up troubles for the Titans, but if it caused irreparable damage to the entire universe, this was not what he wanted to see.

Just when the swarm arrived near God's Domain.

corona galaxy.

Western Thousand Islands Battlefield.

The fall of the sun god brought only endless anger and shame to Uranus. How domineering what he said at the beginning is as embarrassing as it is now.

Embarrassment is not enough to describe this disgrace.

Only by washing with the blood of the wizard can he become the invincible Titan God King again!

At this moment.

It has been more than a month since he started a full-scale war with the wizard.

Some wizards died at his hands, but not many.

Because at some point, there was another mysterious immortal combat power on the side of the wizard, who was able to copy part of his power. The usual methods may be different from ordinary wizards.

With the eyesight of Uranus, it is natural to see at a glance that the other party is not a strong man in this universe.

When foreign aid is invited, one against two.

He was even more unable to kill the holy spirit wizard, which led to a lot of losses for both sides in the recent battle.

In the army of gods on his side.

The God of Lamp, the God of the Furnace, the God of Storm, the God of Flood, the God of Gold, the God of Night, the God of Art, etc., all died in battle.

The number of dead titan gods was as high as a thousand.

On the side of the wizards, the Holy Spirit wizards had about [-] deaths and injuries. It seemed that the wizards had made a profit, but many of the Titans who died in battle were high gods, which was similar to the legend of the wizards.

The loss of high-end combat power, the wizard actually suffered.

At the meeting of the gods.

Uranus frowned. Recently, he always had a bad premonition in his heart. The whim of the strong is not just a state, but has the ability similar to prophecy.

It had to be paid attention to, and the God of Wisdom, as a military adviser, made suggestions.

"Your Majesty the God King, could it be that the wizards still have their cards in their hands? After all, judging from the current intensity, it is not enough to kill the Sun God and wipe out the Yao Japanese army..."

"Maybe there are stronger foreign aids who are always ready to replicate the battle with the Sun God and try to deal with you in the same way."

Uranus shook his head uncharacteristically.

"If this is the case, I'm not worried at all. I'm most worried that the wizards will attack the west and send a large army to attack the domain of the gods. The mother of the world tree is the foundation of our protoss."

"Mother Goddess Gaia is not as powerful as me, or even the Sun God. If she is tricked by a wizard, she may encounter the same situation as him."

When the God of Wisdom heard the words, he immediately closed his eyes and calculated, but quickly shook his head and denied Uranus' conjecture.

"Your Majesty, the environment in God's Domain is not suitable for wizards to exert their strength. The power of elements is basically controlled by the mother of the world tree. Even if they use up all their magic power, they can't borrow a trace of elements from nature!"

"It's even more so for those strong outsiders! Even if they don't use elements, they can't resist the suppression of the triple Yggdrasil realm!"

"With such an advantage, there is no reason for Mother Goddess Gaia to lose."

"I hope I think more."

"The battle with the wizard needs to end as soon as possible, rule Metatron and the others, and launch the final offensive in one day!"

"As ordered!"

Although it feels a little rushed, but if you are willing to pay enough casualties to forcefully take down the Truth Society, the God of Wisdom only compares the strength data on paper and thinks that the winning rate exceeds 80%.

Basically stable and acceptable.

And the truth will be this way.

Immortal Rudius found Lin Suo's Titan clone again.

"Line, when are you going to do it?"

"Uranus's recent offensive has become more and more fierce. Even if the Black Emperor is added, we will almost be unable to stop him..."


Lin Suo's spatial avatar serves as a communication channel for both sides, and has just received new information.

Then he said decisively.

"The main body is almost ready. It just so happens that tomorrow the Titan God King Uranus will unite the three-party battlefield to launch a general attack."

"I'll teach him a lesson."

"That's good, I hope you don't disappoint the Sun God's gift."


Lin Suo was speechless. He hadn't had time to deal with the body of the sun god, let alone increase his strength after devouring it.

The main body is in the Dawn Fortress, and it is impossible to take out the body of the Sun God in public, it is too dangerous.

"I'll teach Titan a lesson."

After finishing speaking, he looked around at the thirteen Titan clones who were sitting cross-legged all the time, plus this space clone, would be the suppression of the fourteenth world tree domain.

Although it doesn't have the power of the main body, but when superimposed, the effect is absolutely not inferior, and even steadily surpasses it, after all, it is too much.

Who can hold fourteen big snipers on their foreheads?

The next day.

If it succeeds, this will be the last battle. If it fails, the next stop will be delayed for a long time. No matter who wins or loses, it is basically impossible to completely destroy the opponent.

At most, they will be disabled and their vitality will be seriously injured.

Inside the Thousand Islands Battlefield.

The Titan God King Uranus took the lead and rushed into the wizard's camp furiously. Just as he was about to start the killing ring, he found that his surroundings immediately turned into a pitch-black nothingness.

The Black Emperor and Rudius fought.

The three immortals seem to be still in the battlefield, and the aftermath of the battle continues to break the shackles of space and tear the dimension, but in fact they are no longer in the space of this world.

But this time was different.

The wizards all looked at the fourteen figures suspended in the sky, and the strong Titan breath on them surprised the God of Wisdom.

When did wizards have the technology to steal the blood of Titans?
And the blows that followed almost caused the God of Wisdom to fall into the abyss!
Fourteen World Trees, which are larger than ordinary planets, rise from the ground, and the terrifying divine power seems to be falling from the sky!
Under the shocked eyes of all the titans, their strength has all dropped by one rank.

at the same time.

Lin Suo's body, who was far away in the Titan God's Domain, activated the time-space bomb placed at the Gate of Apocalypse.

With a bang, it exploded.

The Gate of Apocalypse was destroyed, and these titans who left the scope of God's Domain suddenly felt unprecedentedly weak. This was the result of losing the protection of the World Tree mother.

Leaving God's Domain means giving up the responsibility of the order titan.

Then the mother will naturally abandon them, and the Gate of Apocalypse is just a trick after all.

Once destroyed.

The titans were weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and coupled with the suppression of Lin Suo's World Tree domain, they lost more than one realm.

The high-ranking members of the Holy Spirit of the Truth Church were overjoyed.

"As expected of you, you have even prepared the method to cut off the gate of revelation."

In this battle, the wizard couldn't think of how they would lose.

So they all rushed towards the army of the gods with ferocious faces, the fire of revenge was burning blazingly!
This trend is unstoppable!
And Titan Dominion is facing the biggest disaster since the birth of [Pantheon]——"Destroy the pests!"

(End of this chapter)

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