The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 442 Battle Situation Everywhere!

Chapter 442 Battle Situation Everywhere!


In the vacuum of the universe, under the light of distant stars, countless insects with twisted and weird limbs, like fish swimming in sleep, wagging their long snake-like tails.

Wanton invasion of Titan God's Domain.

The intruders were first spotted by the patrolling angels. At first no one cared about the weak bugs because they were too weak.

They don't even have the strength of the legendary level, generally around the strength of the fifth or sixth ring.

The Patrol Angels are almost effortless.

Gathering colleagues, they wiped out the advance troops of the distorted void devouring worms, but terrible things happened because of this.

"what's the situation?"

"What it is……"

"It's over!"

"Where did the scary monster come from!"

A black liquid gradually seeped out of the distorted worm's body. Wherever this liquid passed, the space cracked, exposing the opposite scenery directly.

The most important thing is... According to the rules of the normal universe, the shattering of space should be followed by the reverse dimension of the wizard universe. The shattering caused by distorting bugs is directly connected to the void world!

In ancient times, the Void Realm was once powerful and famous, surpassing the demons of the endless abyss because of the existence of this kind of bug.

Let the distorted bugs act as pioneers, and they can always destroy one world after another easily and quickly.

According to legend, the end of the twisted Void Devourer.

It was because the Void Realm provoked a Void Abnormal Existence named [Plague Madman] that it ended, and it has disappeared by this era.

The patrolling angel saw that these insect corpses had opened the passage to the void world, so they had to send out the highest level emergency signal.

Once the gap widens further.

The erosive void energy will turn this perfect paradise - "Yggdrash's Realm" into a paradise for void bugs.

The World Tree mother will naturally be destroyed.

However, the patrolling angel's vision is limited, he only saw that the channel with the void world was opened, but he didn't reveal anything except the black liquid in the distorted insect corpse.

The dark purple markings on the bugs are also working.

The corpse was beating like a heart, and new twisted worms were being bred inside, and the result was the Titan Dominion, which was weakening at an undetectable speed.

This is a sign that God's Domain is being devoured!

Now the base camp is empty, except for the heavily damaged giant god titan returning to self-cultivation and rest, the real main force of the order titans, the "legion of the gods" and "the army of order", are not in the base camp.

The only remaining pillar to support the sky is Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth...

The Gate of Apocalypse was destroyed by Linsuo's remote-controlled time-space bomb.

This level of movement has already aroused Gaia's vigilance, and the warning signal that followed immediately made her unable to sit still.

Under her command, there is also a life of belief in creation.

Its name is [Order of the Earth Knights]. It is a humanoid creature made of earth elements that imitates the appearance of a Titan. It is proficient in controlling the power of the earth and is famous for its defense.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Titan God King Uranus chose Gaia to defend the base camp.

She is good at defense, so let her take charge.

The Mother Earth appeared at the border of the Titan God's Domain in an instant. She had a pair of bright amber eyes and long brown hair hanging down to her heels.

The facial features are exquisite and elegant, and the eyebrows and eyes are warm and soft, giving people a noble and gentle feeling.

The bloated and luxurious dress does not affect its charming charm at all, it is even more exaggerated than the breastfeeding mother Sang~

"Lord Gaia!"

"Lord Gaia!"

The patrolling angels saluted one after another, but found that the expression of Mother Goddess Gaia was more serious than ever, and heard her say in a deep voice.

"This is a distorted worm in the black abyss. There is a problem at the dark frontier. You, hurry up to find the Queen of God, Themis, and explain the situation to her, so that His Majesty the God King will come back as soon as possible."

"But...the front line is in a decisive battle. Once His Majesty the God King leaves alone, it will be a fatal blow to the gods' army."

In fact, they don't know that even if Uranus is on the front line, the Titans have also suffered a fatal blow.

The joint delay of two immortal powerhouses.

Make Uranus completely unable to free his hand, even if he uses powerful moves to intimidate them, the effect is not very good.

Even if he is the strongest immortal, it is very difficult to kill the existence of the same level.

Because if there is no murderous intention, it will be difficult to find a chance to head-on.

Just like the sun god Helios, if he didn't covet the head of the alien blood immortal Rudius, it would still be very difficult to kill him.

His death was mainly due to intelligence suppression.

No matter how powerful he is, he will be calculated to death.

As for the Titan King Uranus, even if Bai Xingtong made a move, it would be very difficult to kill him, according to the prediction given by Senior Yeyan.

The strength of the two should be between equals.

Of course, this is a conclusion drawn from the perception of a special method, and 80% can be confirmed as true.

But still the same sentence, being able to fight does not mean that you can die.

In fact, Uranus was also suppressed by the cut off of the Gate of Apocalypse and Lin Suo's clones of the Titans using the World Tree Domain, and their strength has been reduced by a level.

At this time, the fire wizard can complete his plan.

Maybe it is really possible to kill Uranus.

After all, this brings together so much power.

It's a pity that the awakening plan to awaken the memory of the previous life is destined to take a long time to complete. After all, how huge is it to digest the memory of the ancient Padolon World Tree without affecting the current personalities of Xi and Thea? !

The perspective of the avatar of the Titan and Lin Suo's body are connected, and he can see the situation on both sides.

The army of the gods in the Qiandao battlefield was suppressed and beaten, and the God of Wisdom selected powerful titans to form an assault team, trying to kill the titan clones in the release field!

But when all the Eternal Frost galaxies are launched at the same time, the situation is not so good...

Since Uranus is on the Thousand Islands battlefield, the main focus of the Truth Society is naturally here.

In the case of insufficient manpower, it is difficult to take care of many aspects.

Therefore, the Eternal Frost Battlefield is completely reversed, and the Order God Army is the complete confidant of the Titan King Uranus.It is the so-called Elite Titan.

Although the number is only [-], the lowest strength is also the peak of the legend, which is equivalent to the upper gods of the Titans, and most of them are at the Holy Spirit level (main gods).

Plus the Scarlet Empire, the overlord force that entered the arena.

On the Eternal Frost Battlefield, these days, they are almost defeated again and again. Both the metal dragon clan and the five-color dragon clan suffered heavy losses, and only the defense line of the giant Ursa is not bad.

The high elves who are mainly in charge here feel like they are messing around every day, and the attack of the Order Angel Army ruled by Metatron is surprisingly weak.

Seeing that the Yongshuang battlefield is about to be defeated, they are still fishing for three days and drying their nets for two days. They are very anxious, but they are afraid that it is the enemy's plan.

I am afraid that after separating the garrison forces, it will become the first line of defense to be breached.

(End of this chapter)

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