Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 113 Indescribable, Cthulhu Faith Builds!

Chapter 113 Indescribable, Cthulhu Faith Builds!
Leaving from the unruly land, he returned home with Chi Yan at night.

And got the news from Chi Yan, it was exactly as Zhuge Hongjing said.

Including the rewards applied by the World Association, they will all be delivered tomorrow.

Shen Hui was so excited that he didn't sleep all night.

At noon the next day, Shen Hui's reward finally arrived.

"Shen Hui, your things have arrived, and they are all in the World Association."

Chi Yan received the call and told Shen Hui who was sitting at the door and looking outside.

"President, let's go, aren't you going to work in the World Association?"

Shen Hui urged excitedly.

But Chi Yan replied indifferently: "It's fine today, so there's no need to go, let's get it tomorrow."

When Shen Hui heard it, there was no waiting.

It was even more uncomfortable than the girlfriend who had been dating for ten years and found out that it was a man when they got married, and he was older than himself.

"President, it is said that those who can do more work, a beautiful and powerful person like you must fight on the front line."

"It's okay to find something to do, isn't there something to do, let's go, or I will go alone."

"You, it's a dog's mouth that can't spit out ivory. Can you speak better."

"Then let's go, I'll accompany you for a walk."

Chi Yan looked at Shen Hui helplessly, the young man was impatient.

Come to the World Association, in the material dispatch room.

Shen Hui saw his thank you gift, which was a total of five boxes.

What was inside made him very curious.

"The reward given to you by the World Association is to increase your membership level and add two rare quality world origin crystals."

"As for the thank you gifts from the other big families, I don't know, you can see for yourself."

After Chi Yan finished speaking, Shen Hui directly brought the five boxes into his own death world.

"Find a place to build the world well, and I'll show you outside."

Shen Hui nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and went directly to find a private room.

The mind is immersed in the world of death.

The five boxes were opened one by one.

The time flow card, the potion of the world's original power, the terrain structure card, the biological structure card, the crystallization of the world's original power, the scene progress card...

Basically, they are cards from the infrastructure world, but the quality is at least rare.

Shen Hui quickly saw what Zhuge Hongjing promised to exchange with him.

A set of basic resource cards of perfect quality, and the rule evolution card that Shen Hui is most looking forward to.

As for the [-] million, it was transferred to Shen Hui's account yesterday.

Looking at the dead world, there are so many resource cards floating.

Shen Hui showed a satisfied smile.

First use the obtained potion of the world's original power.

Because there are certain restrictions on using the potion of the world's original power.

So these big families have also considered one point, what is given to Shen Hui is the pure power of the world's origin.

Just like the one obtained in the nascent world, there are no restrictions.

After using all of them, you have a total of [-] world origin powers.

Adding Shen Hui's original, there are [-].

All can be used to expand the land of newborn.

Relying on those cards, basically you don't need to use the power of the world in other places.

Looking at the floating crystals of the world's original power, Shen Hui began to refine these things.

The black mist that crystallized one after another began to fill the world of death.

The rules and will of the world become stronger.

Prepare for what comes next.

Now that the prelude is ready, it's time to start creating.

Because to build believers who believe in Cthulhu, the new land must be bordered by the sea.

So let's create the ocean first.

The sea, of course, must be big.

Now that it is decided to be Cthulhu, the ocean will become one of the main themes in the future.

Shen Hui's current dead world has a diameter of only 567 kilometers.

Not a particularly big world.

So Shen Hui decided to transform half of the world into the sea.

With Shen Hui's thought, the topographical structure card turned into a power to rewrite the rules, sinking into the ground.

The ground of the dead world began to tremble.

The humans of the Land of Rebirth know that something has changed in this world again.

But this change is not within the scope of their information, so it becomes unknown.

No one knows whether it is closely related to their lives.

The fear of the unknown is spreading.

Everyone started praying, but they didn't know whom to pray to.

The ground shook, causing a crack to appear on the ground.

The cracks quickly spread to the surroundings, and they continued to grow vigorously, like a giant tree, with branches and leaves scattered.

It didn't stop until half of the dead world was occupied by cracks of different sizes.

Between these cracks, began to collapse into each other.

There seems to be an endless abyss underground, swallowing up all the falling soil and gravel.

Finally, a huge tiankeng of thousands of meters was formed.

The seabed has been constructed, and the next step is to create the water.

Dust uses all resource expansion cards and converts them into water resources.

At this moment, the entire seabed began to seep seawater continuously.

The sea water began to surge crazily, rising higher and higher until the kilometer-deep sinkhole was completely filled.

A vast ocean appeared in front of Shen Hui.

It's just that this vast ocean is icy cold and terrifying, even glowing with black light.

There is no vitality at all.

But next, Shen Hui will create the vitality that belongs to the sea.

But every step, Shen Hui didn't know if he could succeed or not.

Therefore, Shen Hui used the scenario card, and everything was carried out in the simulation.

After confirming, turn all this into reality.

Take out the source of faith, take out the biological structure card, take out the rule evolution card, and take out a time flow card.

Everything was ready, Shen Hui took a deep breath and began to concentrate his mind.

"The god who sleeps under the sea, the great Cthulhu, the Lord of R'lyeh."

"Your believers will spread all over my world, take you as their belief, and create your servants."

"One day, when the stars return to their positions, you will be awakened from your slumber by them."

Crush the source of faith.

A trace of madness with truth awakens from the fear of the unknown in the dead world.

He has always been, He has always been everywhere!

In a daze, Shen Hui saw the depths of the newly created sea.

There is a mass of wriggling green tentacles, like billions of mating snakes.

Filthy, dirty, sticky.

They seemed to enclose something, which seemed to be the outline of a human being.

But it is truth, and it is the most primitive fear.

Do not!It's nothing, it's just twisted, indescribable.

No one can see clearly what it is.

It can only be known through small, insignificant conjectures that it is Him!

Something that cannot be described in any language!
If it is roughly expressed in human language, it is the great Cthulhu!
Shen Hui's eyes were hot, staring at the bottom of the sea, replaced by complete madness.

But in the next moment, the powerful will of the world cut off Shen Hui's sight.

Pulled it back from that state.

The madness gradually disappeared, and Shen Hui's perception of everything around him became clear.

He took a deep breath, with a fear that he didn't dare to face again.

He looked at the bottom of the sea again.

There is nothing there, but there seems to be everything.

Shen Hui knew that Cthulhu's faith was already in place!
(End of this chapter)

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