Chapter 114 The deep diver is built

Faith is ready.

The next step is to create a deep diver based on the belief of Cthulhu.

Because the deep divers have biological characteristics, coupled with their huge number, they are a group.

It is naturally impossible for Chen Hui to construct one by one with the power of the world's origin.

As for the method, it was thought of before.

The biological structure card and the rule evolution card are lightly squeezed in the hand.

The two balls of light that created the rules intertwined and merged into a ball of light.

It slowly descended from the sky and fell into the sea.

Blend with sea water.

And at this moment, the sea is no longer dead.

The source of life begins to bloom within.

All kinds of marine life began to be born.

But after the birth, the violent breath of death swarmed over.

Shen Hui has already made preparations, and all the first wave of life will be wiped out.

But then I was surprised to find that the invasion of the breath of death became extremely slow in the ocean.

A life that would have withered in about seven days, now takes a month.

This sea area seems to have become a special domain because of Cthulhu's belief!

Shen Hui thought of something.

Since this sea area is the origin of the Cthulhu belief.

Naksulu will eventually become real in this sea area.

Isn't this his sleeping place!
All this naturally makes sense.

The entire sea area is actually under His protection.

Such a situation was far better than what Shen Hui had imagined.

That being the case, the next step can proceed smoothly.

I chose one of the blue fishes in the ocean to become the initial target of the deep diver.

The power of the rule evolution card is largely integrated into them.

Under Shen Hui's control, it can help them quickly update and iterate, transforming into a brand new race.

Finally, crush the Time Flow Card in your hand.

Only time will tell whether this is possible or not.

Time began to speed up.

Shen Hui began to construct the appearance of the deep diver, and use it in conjunction with the evolution of the rules.

"I imagine their bodies to be a dull green color, though their bellies are white.

Most of the body is smooth and smooth, except for a high, scaly ridge on the back.

The figure had vaguely human features, but the head was that of a fish, with huge, protruding eyeballs that never closed.

On both sides of the neck, there are constantly trembling gills, and there are webs on the long hands and feet. "

This is the original description of the deep ones.

A month has passed.

Most of the creatures in the ocean began to die, with a sharp drop of 80.00%.

Only a very small number of organisms with relatively fast reproductive ability gave birth to offspring and survived.

And the most abrupt one is the herring that Shen Hui chose.

They reproduce hundreds of generations in just one month.

Compared with the first-generation herring, its appearance has changed a lot.

The body size has grown from about half a meter to more than one meter.

The color of the body has also changed from cyan to gray-green, while the abdomen is white.

A year has passed.

The creatures in the ocean have dropped sharply from a rapid rate, and have come to a relatively gentle rate.

The marine organisms that are still alive inside are all affected by the power of rule evolution.

Without exception, they are extremely fertile.

And compared with the first generation, the appearance has changed a lot.

It was like being distorted by some indescribable force, and it became more and more ugly.

And the original herring, no, it should not be called herring.

The body size has grown from one meter to two meters.

The fins of the fish have also transformed into webs like the legs of a frog's palm, and it has begun to move towards a human form.

They have become the overlords in the deep sea, predators of the remaining living creatures in the ocean.

And a trace of independent will was born, in this trace of will.

Their hazy subconsciousness learned that they can become the overlord in the ocean, and can become the existence that preys on other creatures.

Everyone has his shelter, and he sleeps in the deepest part of the ocean, in a city called La'lyeh.

The meaning of their birth is to wake him up.

Second year, third year, fourth year...

They are still evolving, and the speed has reached a terrifying level.

It has been updated and iterated for tens of thousands of generations.

They are no longer pure fish, but have a human figure.

Except for the towering fish scales on the back, the rest of the body became as smooth as suet jade.

The original webs have also grown completely, evolving into human-like hands and legs.

The eyes protrude and do not close, and the neck has gills.

Looks like a frog with a humanoid fish, or a frog fish.

The current appearance is almost the same as that of the deep diver.

Fifth year, sixth year...

Their body shape did not continue to change, but evolved the ability to move on land.

Possess the amphibious ability, and start to move on land around the sea.

They hop forward chaotically, sometimes on their hind legs, sometimes on all fours... their hoarse, high-pitched guttural voices... convey all the dark emotion that their faces cannot express.

But they didn't dare to stay away from the sea, because their instinctive fear realized that this world was full of dangers.

But as long as they are here, they are safe.

Their consciousness and intelligence also increased wildly during this time.

They become more aware of the meaning of their existence.

They are the great being, servants of Cthulhu.

They will believe in him and bring more believers to him in preparation for awakening him later.

And with the blessing of faith, they obtained extraordinary power from him.

They have fully adapted to this world that has been eroded by the breath of death.

They have no desire to touch each other and do not reproduce rapidly.

They have almost eternal life.

They are a sea race and cannot be seen in fresh water.

They learned from somewhere that they are called——deep divers!
They began to inherit their inheritance and began to build their own civilization.

At this time, Shen Hui also used the material card to plant various resources on the seabed.

Deep divers exploit the various resources of the ocean floor.

In the deep sea, an underwater city with long rows of Cyclos-like columns was built.

A brand new race was completely born on the bottom of the dead world!

Shen Hui took a deep breath, and looked at the deep divers who built a city on the seabed with satisfaction.

They were also successful here.

Later, the father god and leader among the deep divers - Dagon can be created.

But that kind of existence belongs to the hero unit.

So take it easy.


Shen Hui looked at the land of newborns.

The human beings who survived there are still living a rough, almost primitive life inside.

Range and technology limit their development.

Next, Shen Hui should build them there.

After becoming the land of the Silent Hill template, let them border the sea of ​​​​death with insane fear.

Get in touch with Deep One, Cthulhu's minion, and start believing in him!

(End of this chapter)

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