Chapter 146 The Creation of Dagon

Invisible and intangible, but the negative emotions that can affect biological behavior emanate from everyone's body.

They are condensed on the ground, on the walls, and in the city, gradually possessing entities.

The surface of the wall and the ground began to peel off and become mottled.

The machines and gears running in the city creaked and gradually stopped.

The constantly wriggling minced meat began to grow continuously on all objects in the city.

In the dense fog of the air, white particles began to fall, like a tragic heavy snowfall.

The entire steam city has become like an abandoned city that has been dilapidated for thousands of years.

Everyone was overwhelmed by this sudden turn of events.

Just when they were in a daze, different strange sounds appeared in the space they were in, or on the street.

When they looked towards the source of the sound, the horror in their eyes almost permeated.

Distorted figures emerged from the black mist one by one.

The whole body is covered with a rubber-like material, and only the blurred facial features, constantly twisting body, or the man in the suit crawling on the ground can be seen.

She has a plump body and wears a nurse's uniform, but her face is a swollen nurse with a sarcoma without facial features.

A four-legged leg model composed of two female lower limbs glued together.

A piercer like a praying mantis, but with its head on its lower body.


Products born of different emotions and sources of fear appeared in various places in the steam city.

The people in the city, seeing their appearance, were almost scared to pee.

"These... what are these things!"

"These are not those weird creatures! What are these!"

"Run! Run!"

"But outside... there are those weird creatures outside, I... where should I go!"

"Damn it, I'm fighting with you!"

"Hahaha, these monsters can kill, ahaha, but there are so many, so many!"

All the cities began to riot.

Some took up arms and rebelled at home.

These monsters can be killed, but not too much.

Can only kill a little bit.

Because they are all ordinary people, and these monsters are not only unusual, but also numerous.

Some people started fleeing their homes and onto the streets.

But the mist of lost outside is covered, and the white substance like dandruff is falling slowly.

Can't see any way at all.

It was like a headless chicken running, unknowingly ran into the dry woods, the slaughterhouse, the place where the radio was broadcast, and the crowd of women full of light laughter...

As negative emotions accumulate in the land of newborns.

Triangle heads also began to emerge from the darkness.

Dragging a five-meter-long machete, it grinds sparks of "sizzling" on the ground.

Randomly appear behind a lucky person, chasing them step by step.

Let the opponent run as fast as they want, hide there, the triangle head is like a ghost, and always maintain a constant distance.

Until the man completely collapsed and died under the machete.

A big ruin that was different from previous years once again brought a heavy blow to the humans of the land of new life.

Always after they thought they had settled down like this, huge changes occurred.

It is no longer safe anywhere, and only the deep divers in the secret sect of Dagon are mixed, and some people who have some knowledge of potions have some resistance.

But only for self-defense.

Many people began to pray.

And their prayers were also fulfilled, and an orange light appeared in the dark sky.

Like a ray of hope.

A gigantic creature bathes beneath it, looming on the far horizon.

It was a creature they had never seen, but there were two similar records from their annals.

All who witness the doom of wandering, fall into their sins.

As long as their sins are taken away by this huge creature in front of them, they will be free from here.

They began to go mad, creating more sins to attract the attention of the wandering doom.

Whether it is the process of attraction or liberation, the result of its direction is death...

A bloody night, with the dawn of the next day piercing the sky.

The debacle is finally over.

The mottled walls and the ground returned to their original state, and the minced meat that grew on the surface of all objects disappeared.

But there were more broken limbs and blood.

All cities are still not free from despair and fear.

Shen Hui smiled with satisfaction.

The effect created by the inner world is even better than what Shen Hui expected.

And in this big ruin, the misfortune of wandering also appeared.

Except that Shen Hui had voluntarily awakened once in a previous battle.

This was the first time he woke up on his own initiative.

It also means that Shen Hui's world of death has become stronger, gradually being able to accommodate existences like the wandering doom.

Time passed quickly, after a few days in the steam city.

Everyone is relieved, and the cleaning work after the big break-up is also in progress.

The death toll in this catastrophe hit a new high.

Reached more than 7 people.

Regarding the changes that occurred in this big ruin, as well as the types of various monsters in it, statistics have also begun to be collected.

Although it is impossible to know how these monsters appear, they can be fully prepared before the next encounter.

Even if you want to die, you have to die clearly.

This sentence has become the creed of everyone in the city.

Because the unknown is so terrifying, it is simply beyond death.

Seeing this, Shen Hui feels that today's Steam City is like Xiaoqiang, constantly growing under pressure.

After the inner world is created, Shen Hui should create the leader of the deep divers next.

It is also the source of the name of the secret sect of Dagon - Dagon.

Dagon is the father god of the deep diver family and the closest existence to Cthulhu.

Dagon is not a creature different from the deep diver, but just a synonym.

It is passed down by the deep divers.

Therefore, it can be said that Dagon was not directly created by Shen Hui.

But through the growth of the deep divers, plus a little bit of Cthulhu's power.

Shen Hui's vision came to the underwater city in the sea of ​​death.

The city here is huge, and all the people living in it are ancient deep divers.

They stopped reproducing long ago, so the lifespan became eternal.

In addition to praying to Cthulhu here every day, it is to conduct some transactions with the people inside Innsmouth.

As well as spreading the teachings of the secret sect of Dagon.

And everything they did had obvious results.

All deep divers can sense the darkness somewhere that cannot be peeked at the bottom of the sea.

There are great beings who watch them from time to time.

Today, this feeling is unusually strong.

They sensed some kind of signal from it, and all the deep divers gathered together.

The undercurrent on the bottom of the sea surged, and the sound formed turned into whispers.

All the deep divers formed a circle, and they raised their hands and began to bow down.

Among them, the oldest, the first-born deep diver walked into the circle formed.

His protruding eyes stared deeply at the dark seabed in the distance.

He seemed to have seen something, and there was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

With a hoarse roar, a kind of power injected into his body.

His body began to swell, gradually becoming larger than the surrounding deep divers.

In addition to madness, there was a bit more truth in his eyes.

He is not a deep diver now, but has his own name - Dagon!
(End of this chapter)

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