Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 147 The Who Was Digged Up***-173

Chapter 147 - The Unearthed
Three months later, the operations in Steam City had completely returned to normal.

Thick smoke from factories rose into the sky, and smoke and thick fog enveloped the city.

Steam-driven vehicles were driving in the hazy streets, and the white mist that spewed out made passers-by turn their heads away.

Gentlemen and ladies in tuxedos, or dresses, and pocket watches are walking on the streets.

There were also homeless men and orphans in battered leather jackets roaming the streets.

After these years of development, class stratification has emerged in the steam city.

Especially after the Great Debacle, such classes will be enlarged again.

The steam robot is patrolling with the city guard.

Some beautiful and delicate insect models made of pure gears are flying in front of some shops.

Attract children to stop and watch.

There are also people wearing crow masks, walking into some houses with white cloth strips hanging on the door.

They are urban epidemic doctors. Although they are proficient in medical skills, treating patients is not their biggest task.

The purpose of their establishment of this organization is to target the abhorrent ghost stories.

So their main duty is to dispose of the corpses.

The crow's beak mask on the face was also developed by them to avoid rancid smell and blood spatter.

After every big failure, there will always be some people whose spirits are stimulated.

Mild ones will be sent to Arkham Asylum, and serious ones.

Will commit suicide one after another in the follow-up time.

The task of collecting his body also fell on these epidemic doctors.

Everything seems to be under calm.

But none of them really returned to normal life.

The coming of the great ruin every year is a gutter they cannot cross.

In particular, the Great Destruction has become even more terrifying.

The research and development of steam technology, as well as the understanding of the power obtained from the great Cthulhu, are all under urgent development.

More energy sources began to be mined, and research on weapons began.

The birth of Dagon also brought more profound teachings to the followers of Dagon's secret sect.

There are even regular election ceremonies in the secret sect of Dagon.

The chosen believers will be taken to the underwater city in the sea of ​​death.

They will be there, accepting the fear of the deep from Dagon, and the SAN value is reduced.

It can make it easier for them to understand from sleep, after unconsciously dreaming about Cthulhu's dream.

Of course, whether it can resist the SAN to zero depends on everyone's luck.

If you don't carry it, you will go crazy and be directly used as a sacrifice to Cthulhu.

If you resist, you will become crazy.

But they can also wield some power from it.

Just have more piecemeal power and piece it back together.

Then they will continue to be improved.

The year is coming to an end again as Steam City grows.

The Great Destruction is coming again.

Research on steam technology weapons has made some progress, but not much.

After all, there is no transformative innovation.

It's just that huge weapons, turrets, armored vehicles have been developed...

All are spliced ​​together by huge armor plates, fastened with a large number of rivets.

In addition, a complete set of steam engine starters needs to be placed, which is very huge and full of oppression.

It has the same violent aesthetics and unrestrained wildness.

It's not enough to put it in front of weird things.

Steam robots and exoskeletons have also been improved.

In the secret sect of Dagon, known as "scholars", more and more people live in Arkham Asylum.

It's just that there are no breakthrough changes yet.

The catastrophe came as expected.

Although it had been prepared for a long time, after the monsters that appeared with the other world, and the bloodbath of weird creatures wandering around the city.

Another sleepless night of fear.

It's just that the death has been controlled and reduced to about [-].

Otherwise, based on the deaths in the previous year, the steam city may be extinct in a few years.

The wandering doom also followed the bust again.

After the Great Debacle, the records of wandering misfortune became more detailed.

It's just that this kind of detail refers to the specific appearance and body shape described on the blank page.

They don't understand this world at all.

He couldn't even understand the range of the newborn land he was in.

It's another year after the big bust.

Everything is business as usual, people in Steam City continue to conduct different researches, and are in a period of vigorous development.

It's just that all of this quickly got broken in one day.

It has been raining incessantly for three days in Arkham.

The water mist and the steam produced by the city's operation made the sky above Arkham city more hazy and blurred.

In the distance, only the blades of the huge wind energy collector can be seen, and the steam airship keeps appearing and disappearing in the clouds and mist.

Because of the heavy rain, there are fewer pedestrians on the street.

However, in an open-air construction site, it is still operating under heavy rain.

The sound of the "boom, boom, boom" of the steam engine was accompanied by the rotation of huge "creaking" gears.

A machine similar to an excavator is in operation.

This is an undeveloped place, ready to expand and build factories.

The work here has started a few days ago, and the digging stopped because of the heavy rain.

However, due to the deadline, I have to continue working now.

"Unlucky weather, just like these bosses, they should meet those strange stories, and die sooner."

"And you can't meet Fu Jiang's strange story, otherwise you will die too happily. You must be a pig-headed butcher or Sadako!"

A middle-aged uncle who operated the excavator spit out a mouthful of saliva and cursed very unhappy.

Because the heavy rain slapped on the glass windows, it was impossible to see the specific situation in the dug pit.

And maybe there is a danger of landslides.

"Don't talk about it, old Ke. If it weren't for this job, we would be like those homeless people who huddled in the corners of the street to avoid the heavy rain."

"The current collapse is really disturbing."

"No one knows if they can live until tomorrow, or next year. We're almost done. Let's go to Huajie Bar."

"The beautiful girl is still waiting for us there!"

"I heard that there are female deep divers from Dagon's secret sect mixed in there today. This is not uncommon!"

An old man who looked like five or sixty years old laughed while huddling in the place where the steam engine was fueled.

The driver who became Lao Ke rubbed his hands when he heard the Flower Street Bar, showing an excited expression.

"That's ok, let the fire burn up, the power will increase, and I'm going to have a big fight, hahaha!"

As more combustible materials were added to the steam engine.

The fire was booming, and the power riveting was enough to start work.

But just after Lao Ke dug for a while, the bucket suddenly hit something hard and couldn't shake it.

"Old Ke, why did you stop, it's almost over."

The old man who lit the fire asked.

"Damn it, why is there a big rock buried below here?"

"Old man, go down into the pit to see what stones you dug, put on the hook, tie me up and hang me up."

(End of this chapter)

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