Creation of All People: I Create a World of Weird Talk

Chapter 237 The Creation of the Skaven

Chapter 237 The Creation of the Skaven

After Shen Hui determined the resources for Chi Yan, she also took the initiative to add three star cores to Shen Hui.

According to her, it doesn't matter a little more.

Although Shen Hui still has the star core given to him by the transcendent before, it hasn't been used up yet.

But no one has too many good things, these are all good things that can effectively improve the foundation of the creation world.

After receiving the materials, Shen Hui also noticed that Zhuge Hongjing had almost chosen.

The ones he chose were all related to the improvement of luck, the change of dynasties, and the inheritance of history.

It is the world of creation that fits the national flow system of his dynasty's luck.

This kind of world often has very outrageous combat power when it is promoted, with high or low polarization.

I don't know how Zhuge Hongjing's world was created.

"Brother Zhuge, I'm done choosing, so let's go first."

Shen Hui greeted Zhuge Hongjing, and left with Chi Yan before he could respond.

After Shen Hui left, the middle-aged man who was with Zhuge Hongjing asked:

"What resource did Shen Hui choose?"

Zhuge Hongjing thought for a while: "I glanced at it just now, and it seems to be related to the reproduction and evolution of living species."

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment: "It has nothing to do with the resources he chose last time, and those things he chose last time are quite weird."

"I really don't know how these things fit into the same world."


Shen Hui and Chi Yan returned to the memorial service site, and there were not many people there compared to the morning.

Shen Hui can also leave.

It's just that this memorial service will last for three days, and Chi Yan will not leave.

"Shen Hui, you go back first, it's not good to stay here all the time, contact me if you need anything."

Shen Hui nodded. With the resources, Shen Hui couldn't wait to start building.

Of course I don't want to stay here.

Ye Long and the others also left one step ahead, and Shen Hui returned to the water area alone.

Now Shen Hui doesn't have a fixed residence, he may live in a hotel today, or sleep in a bridge hole tomorrow.

Rest wherever you go.

But today I want to create a world of creation, and I will be immersed in the world of death for a long time.

So for the sake of safety, Shen Hui went directly to the World Association to find a separate lounge.

Shen Hui lay on the bed and adjusted the most comfortable sleeping position.

Consciousness began to be immersed in the world of death, and a huge, cold world unfolded before Shen Hui's eyes.

The steam city was still the same, and the mutated rats did not attract much attention.

It's just that the establishment of the Miskatonic School recently is a big news in the steam city.

The Miskatonic School was established for a different purpose than ordinary schools.

The knowledge and teaching learned in the Miskatonic School are all to investigate this unknown world and those strange supernatural creatures and events.

And the admission requirements are also very special.

As long as they have experienced or participated in the massacre of various strange creatures, or people who have survived supernatural events.

You can sign up directly, and you can enjoy a life with food and accommodation after successful registration.

So once the news spread, a large number of orphans and homeless people poured into the Miskatonic School.

It's just that in the later study, everyone's standards will be judged again.

Therefore, a large number of people were brushed off, not as many as imagined.

If people without tragic experience want to enter the school, they need to pass a series of assessments set up.

This assessment includes art, observation, fantasy, abstraction, sixth sense, etc., which seem to be very outrageous tests.

But no matter what, the Miskatonic School was established in the world view of the dead world.

It is destined to become a top-notch school.

So whether it is the upper class or the lower class, they are all flocking to it.

And Francis, who gave the letter of introduction through Shen Hui, has successfully entered it, and passed the assessment in the follow-up courses to stay.

Shen Hui no longer paid attention to the development of human beings, but focused on those mice that belonged to the "underground kingdom".

The mutation of the mice did not change much from Shen Hui's last observation, on the contrary, quite a few mice died due to this mutation.

So the purpose of sinking ash is also very simple.

That is to speed up the mutation speed of the mouse, through its own control, and finally endow it with the identity of the Skaven.

Beside Shen Hui, there were cards and spars floating with different lights.

Among them are those received from Caizhong's material library, as well as ordinary cards left over from before, and those extracted from Shen Hui's challenge to the low-level creation world in the past few days.

Draw the hyperbreeding card from it.

Shen Hui selected those mice.


The speed-breeding card dissipated into the air, turning into an invisible force that merged into the race of rats, this kind of life.

[Super-breeding card, giving dead world rats 90% reproductive ability improvement]

[The growth period of mice is prolonged, the pregnancy period is shortened, the number of reproduction is increased, and the maturity period is advanced...]

As the most common mouse, it directly triggered the 90% bonus of the maximum limit of the speed breeding card.

And this 90% is not a value that nearly doubles in terms of word count.

It's from all aspects of improvement, and the final combined value is definitely far more than 90%.

Therefore, the reproductive ability of mice will reach a terrifying level in the future.

While Shen Hui was thinking, quite a few mice had already started to do things...

After the increase in quantity, there is the degree of mutation.

Relying on the mutation caused by the pollution from the magic energy, the speed is always a bit slower.

So Shen Hui took the Distorted Mutation Card from his side, and came to help him out.

[Twisting the Mutation Card, giving mice the chance to increase the chance of breeding offspring]

The twisted mutation card also disappeared, turning into a force of the five elements and filling the mouse's body.

After the preparatory work was completed, Shen Hui took a few time acceleration cards from his side and began to accelerate the flow of time in the world of death.

Time flows.

a week later.

The time has not been very long, and the number of rats has not increased significantly.

But the mutated mouse that was born has been greatly improved.

Basically, 80% of the newborn mice have different mutations.

These little mice waiting to be fed are about to grow up and become one of the huge breeding groups.

(End of this chapter)

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