Chapter 238 Rat Man Growth
Half a month later, the little mice bred before had all grown up.

Start a new scale breeding, and superimpose with the previous mouse.

The number of rats has officially started to grow by leaps and bounds.

Among the offspring born from rats, except for mutations, the penetration rate is maintained at around 80%.

Not only did the degree of mutation not increase, but it showed signs of decay.

In other words... introverted, the mutation in the body is ready to go.

At least for now, those mice don't look very different from normal mice.

Because of this, the number of rats has increased sharply, wandering in the corners of the city, garbage dumps, and dirty and filthy places.

Once again, it has not attracted the attention of most humans.

There is another reason, that is, the high-level people in those cities will never come to these places.

The only ones who pay attention to the problem of increasing numbers of rats are the homeless people living at the bottom.

Rats have become their formidable enemy for survival, and the amount of food discarded in trash cans has become less and less.

It's not that no one discarded it, but it disappeared and was eaten by mice.

Their responses and appeals did not yield any effective results at all.

A small number of taverns have begun deratting.


One month later, the steam city ushered in a cold winter.

The climate began to gradually cool down.

The reproductive capacity of the mice has dropped a lot, but based on the previous numbers, it is still very scary.

There are more and more mice, but the degree of mutation is still maintained at the previous level.

In the corners of the city, homeless people huddled up near those radiators to keep warm.

Many mice passed by without seeing it, shuttling between the sewer and the ground.

During this month, their initial surprise has become normal.

Although there is less and less food to be found, many homeless people have locked their hungry eyes on these mice.

As for those taverns and restaurants with dirty and messy environments, the rat problem is becoming more and more serious.

Even a lot of fresh food is directly stolen by rats.

But for those taverns and restaurants where rats were removed last time, there were much fewer rats, and their business gradually became better.

Forced by introversion, more and more pubs and restaurants have begun to eradicate rats.


Another two months passed.

The city officially ushered in a cold wave, and heavy snow like goose feathers fell from the sky.

Dye everything a lifeless white.

The harvest of food began to decrease, and human beings had to prepare not only for the winter, but also for the coming catastrophe.

And the number of mice is increasing, and traces of mice can be found in any dark corner.

And in those places where comprehensive deratting has been carried out, there has been a wave of rebound, and the number of rats has not decreased, but has increased.

From time to time in the tavern, rats passed through the gaps in the crowd.

And in restaurants, a lot of food was eaten.

Rats have also begun to infest residents' homes.

On the contrary, those homeless people who prey on rats have lived a good life during this time.

However, when dealing with mice, they also found strange changes in the organs of these mice.

And such a large-scale rat infestation has finally attracted the attention of human beings.

But I just paid attention to it, and didn't pay attention to it. After all, no one would have thought that this group of mice would start to develop towards an extreme.

All cities and towns will be organized by the official organization to conduct a unified rodent control operation.


Another two months passed, after the rodent eradication operation was organized in the whole city.

Rats decreased during this period, or in other words, the time and frequency of activities on the ground decreased.

So from a human point of view, there are fewer rats.

But the reason for the reduction of rat activities is not just because of human rodent control.

There is also a large part of the reason, because of the weather, all the mice are hiding in the ground.

Human beings have no time to take care of other things, and they begin to prepare for the coming catastrophe.

Then at this stage, the mutation of the rats in the "underground world" began to spread outward.

The rat group began to show large-scale mutations, the body ruptured, and various organs and limbs grew out, or the body shape began to change.

These aberrations are basically bad aberrations, and some mice died from these aberrations.

Due to the large number of the remaining mice, the previously stored food was consumed.

Unable to bear the hunger, all the mice went out to look for food.

A wave of rats broke out in the city.

Such a large-scale rat wave, coupled with the deformed appearance of these rats.

It finally aroused the panic of human beings.

Diseases brought by rats may attract aversion.

The reason for the aberrations in these mice is also unclear.

There may be some weird monsters born again.

Humans are officially starting to focus on eradicating these rats.

However, the aggressiveness of these rats has also greatly increased. Many people were injured, and some homeless people were eaten by rats.

This is the first head-to-head confrontation between humans and rat swarms.

It didn't take long to get rid of the rats, and the big ruin came.

After the big break, humans continued to eliminate rats while dealing with various things after the big break.

But after the debacle, the mice became even more deformed.

There are even some rats that are twisted so that they don't look like rats at all, but a lump of rotten meat that can move.

A large group of rats began to perish in the distortion.

Over the next few months, the population of rats began to decline dramatically.

Humans also attribute the reason for the rat's distortion to the Great Destruction.

Without humans continuing to eliminate the mice, the mice once again disappeared from human vision.

But disappearing from human vision does not mean that mice do not exist.

Although the rat population was deformed, the size left after death was far less than the original number.

But for the remaining mice, their physical aberrations were all benign aberrations.

There are even mice with even brighter minds.

Shen Hui made a move at this time, and Shen Hui began to guide the remaining benign deformed mice.

Let the benign distortions in them be passed on, especially with regard to wisdom.

The rat swarm is also under the guidance of the rat swarm eradication plan of human beings, followed by the mice with certain wisdom.

Migrated their nests to caves, tunnels, and mines.

The tranquility of the past has returned to the city, and a few big rats with distorted appearances appear from time to time, and they no longer attract the attention of humans.

In the wild, rats have begun to reproduce on a large scale.

When a certain number is reached, those eliminated deformed rats will become rat swarms that will break out in the city and be sent to humans for extermination.

Because the scale of the rat wave only erupted in a small area, and the area was scattered, there was not much attention after it subsided.

So back and forth, time flies, five years later.

Small-scale outbreaks of rat swarms gradually ceased to occur during this period of time.

During this period, humans gradually ignored the existence of mice.

Then during this period of time, the benign aberrations of the mice, under the rapid reproduction of generations.

Under Shen Hui's directional choice and witness.

It has reached a very high level, which can be called evolution.

In an abandoned mine in a small town, the mice here have grown enormous, half the size of a human.

There is a cunning and wise look in their eyes.

Some can even walk upright.

Their intelligence is getting higher and higher, and they can communicate effectively with each other.

Under their leadership, the group of rats has started a controlled breeding of benign abnormalities.

Compared with those common deformed mice, they can already be divided into two species.

Knowing the threat to humans, they have been hiding outside and growing.

At the same time, in the underground of the city, there are many holes that have been dug by rats long ago, and there are densely packed underground passages everywhere.

Until this day, a group of people came to the abandoned underground mine in the small town.

(End of this chapter)

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