Chapter 270 I Say a Number!

Although the appraiser's expression was so gray that he couldn't see it, he still had a tone through the other party's actions.

Shen Hui could also know that the other party was panicking now.

Although Shen was a little confused in his heart, he was ready to run away at any time.

But now at least it shows that there is no problem at all.


"Then sit here for a while, I'll be right back."

As the appraiser said, he immediately walked out.

Shen Hui sat on the sofa here, a puff of smoke rose from his arm and turned into a raven.

The raven then turned into a puff of smoke and followed the leaving appraiser.

Shen Hui didn't worry that the other party would just leave like this, if he messed with him, wouldn't he not know how he died.

The appraiser went to another room nearby. There was no one in it, but there was an instrument used for communication.

"Hey, steward, I have someone here who entrusts us to auction some incredible things, and I need you to be the master."

"Yes, there is a set of exercise templates for the world of the 1-9 cultivation system."

"Yes, that's right, it is very likely to be related to the person who died in the previous World Association."

"Steward, tell me, the person who entrusted us...could be someone from the Giant God Cult?"

"Is it impossible? That's right. The Giant God Cult has always been very secretive. It is indeed impossible to do such a self-destruction thing, so I can rest assured."

"Should you tell me whether you want to find out the origin, after all, it has something to do with the World Association."

"Okay, then wait for you to come and deal with it."

After the appraiser finished speaking, he hung up the phone and heaved a sigh of relief, feeling like a heavy burden was lifted.

Shen Hui also heard their conversation through Raven, although he didn't know what the manager on the other end of the communication was talking about.

But from the appraiser's words, it can be known for the time being that he is not in danger for the time being, and there is no need to run away.

The appraiser started to walk outside, and Shen Hui had already turned the raven into black smoke and returned.

After a while, the appraiser came back from outside.

"You have been waiting for a long time, the manager of our auction house will come soon, and he will make the decision."

Shen Hui nodded, and after waiting for a while, a man in neat gray close-fitting clothes came in from the outside.

"The steward, this is the one, the things are here."

Seeing the other party's appearance, the appraiser quickly got up and said respectfully.

The steward ignored him, but looked at Shen Hui, and then fixed his eyes on that prop.

He quickly picked it up to check, and his body trembled involuntarily. Although the amplitude was small, it was accurately captured by Shen Hui.

"My guest, I am the manager of the auction house."

"We all know how precious this item is. If you entrust us with it, that is your trust in us."

"Don't worry, our auction house will not ask about the origin and history of this item."

"However, since this item is indeed too special during this period, if the customer entrusts us to auction, the handling fee may increase."

Shen Hui frowned as he listened to the steward's words.

I thought that good things would make the handling fee lower, but I didn't expect the manager to raise the price with me.

Could it be that the steward really thinks that because of the particularity of this thing, he can control himself?

Shen disheartened and sneered inwardly, the manager and the appraiser's agitated gesture just now betrayed them.

As a party of the auction house, they also very much want to auction this item.

As long as it is auctioned by them, it will undoubtedly show the ability of their auction house, and their reputation will be greatly improved.

Shen Hui said coldly: "Since the steward said so, let me think about it. I won't participate in today's auction."

Shen Hui took the things away as he spoke, and walked outside without stopping.

The steward didn't expect Shen Hui to be so decisive, he quickly stepped forward and pulled Shen Hui back and said with a flattering smile:

"Wait for the customer, it's easy to discuss, easy to discuss, how about this, if you hand it over to us for auction, how about maintaining the original handling fee?"

Shen Hui stopped and opened his hand.

"Could it be that the manager has no sincerity at all? I think it's better to find the seller myself."

Hearing what Shen Hui said, the steward also knew that he was being manipulated by the other party.

"Okay, since the customers have said so, how about I only charge a 4% handling fee?"

As soon as the appraiser heard what the steward said, he immediately shouted in a tone of surprise and panic:

"Steward, no way, aren't we going to lose money?"

"We took a huge risk to take over this item. If the owner above knows about it, then we must be miserable."

The steward waved his hand and took a deep breath, as if he had made a big decision.

"No way, in order to repay the customer's trust in us and reduce the handling fee by half, I am the master!"

"When the time comes to find trouble, I will take care of it."

"How is this guest?"

Under the mask, Shen Hui looked at them expressionlessly, and played himself from behind.

The two of them would be reckless if they didn't engage in live streaming in their previous lives.

Shen Hui didn't answer, but stretched out a finger.

"I said one number, one price, 1% handling fee!"

"If it's okay, I'll entrust it to you, if not, I'll leave."

Seeing that Shen Hui hadn't been fooled yet, the steward gritted his teeth and kicked the appraiser.

"Stop acting, then 1%, go and deal with these things."

Shen Hui felt that if he said no handling fee, the other party might agree.

He took out all the things that were going to be auctioned, and the appraiser took them to prepare for the auction.

The steward continued to communicate with Shen Hui.

"Guest, this is your point card. When the item is auctioned, the handling fee will be deducted and directly credited to your card."

Shen Hui took a black card and a platinum gold card with writing on it.

The black one is a point card, while the platinum one is a card similar to a business card.

"Thank you for your trust in us. If you have any good things in the future, you can find us. This is our auction membership card, and there is a contact number on it."

After looking at it, the card has two big characters written on it.

It should be the name of the auction house, and there is a contact number in the lower right corner.

Shen Hui nodded and put away the things.

"Then the guests can enter and take a seat first, and the auction will begin immediately."

Shen Hui, who was about to leave, couldn't help asking curiously: "What are the things in this auction?"

Although it was said that the auction would be held, rumors had already been released.

But there is no rumor about what will be auctioned.

Shen Hui had asked about Leng Zimeng and the rest of the Red Night organization before, but they didn't know about it.

The steward smiled: "Guests just look forward to it, it will not be weaker than what you entrusted to us."

(End of this chapter)

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