Chapter 271 I, Old Trust

Shen Hui returned to the auction hall, and the number of people coming in through the gate had already started to decrease.

As for the seats in the auction venue where the attic was located, there were already many people.

Shen Hui walked over, and slowly scanned the surroundings under the light of the flickering lamp.

It sits around in a circle, and in the middle is a high platform for auction.

Unlike the seats on the first floor, the second floor and the third floor are close together, but several seats are separated, and the middle is blocked by a screen.

Although the number of seats is smaller, the privacy and activity space are better.

Most of these seats are already occupied, and some still have symbols that identify the organization hung in prominent places.

Obviously, the second and third floors are reserved for those powerful organizations.

In it, Shen Hui saw where the Ye organization was located, and also saw the Xinghuo organization that wanted to win him over.

But there are also quite a few that don't have any logos recognized by the organization.

Just as Shen Hui was scanning, Shen Hui suddenly found a very familiar figure on the second floor.

"That's... Ye Long."

Although the man also had a camouflage, it was a slim, corset-like costume.

The posture and movement are very similar.

Shen Hui reckoned that the big families from every region would also come.

After looking around, Shen Hui found a corner on the first floor and sat down.

As seats dwindle, the auction has officially begun.

"Everyone, be quiet. Now that everyone has arrived, the auction will officially start now."

A charming, exquisite voice echoed in the attic.

Everyone also fell silent.

Then a beam of light shone straight down from the roof in the middle.

It was only then that Shen Hui noticed that there was a golden glazed dragon spitting beads engraved on the top.

And the source of light is the dragon ball.

A man without any disguise, wearing a long black dress, with a delicate face.

Not to mention the beauty of the country, but it is definitely not bad, and she is very attractive, a woman with a touch of charm, walking up with a lovely smile.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. The little girl Qingying apologizes on behalf of Wanwu Auction House."

"Most of the people sitting here must be old acquaintances, but on this occasion, Qingying can't greet everyone one by one. Please bear with me if there is anything that I can't entertain."

People around started booing.

"Stop talking, it's better to tell us what is being auctioned this time after waiting for so long."

"Qingying beauty, why don't you make it up to us, haha."

"Let's get started, it's useless to talk too much."


"Everyone, don't worry. Before we start, on behalf of the Wanwu Auction House, I would like to thank the various organizations for their support. We have the opportunity to undertake this auction."

"Next, we will first auction off the things you entrusted to us at the All Things Auction."

"The first item, a resource increase card, with perfect quality, can increase the resource output of the creation world by 30% in one year, and the starting price is 50 points."

One card is placed in a clear container specially created for display.

Everyone began to bid one after another.

"55 points."

"I will offer 60 points."

"90 points!"


The auctioned items and resources start to be auctioned one by one.

What can appear here are also rare or precious resources, but they are not too rare or precious.

People from big powers basically didn't participate in the auction, basically it was just random people bidding.

The transaction price varies from around one hundred to hundreds of points depending on the effect.

During this period, there were also things Shen Hui liked, but he didn't participate, and just kept watching the others bid.

It's not because Shen Hui doesn't have points on him, and he will buy his own things at auction later.

It's just that Shen Hui locked his target on those things that came out of the forbidden realm of chaos.

The auction went on for a while, and two transparent containers were brought to the auction stage.

One contained two oval eggs, and the other contained a card.

Qingying supported it with her hands, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Everyone, the item that will be auctioned next is two royal beast eggs."

As soon as these words came out, some surprised voices gradually appeared in the venue on the first floor.

On the second and third floors, those big powers who disdained to participate in the previous auction and were listless, this time they heard the words "king-level beast egg" and cheered up.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone understands the value of the king-level beast egg, but let Rong Qingying briefly introduce it."

Qingying smiled lightly.

"Although it is called the Beast Familiar Egg, it is not only applicable to the Beast Familiar World, it is also applicable to all kinds of similar creation worlds with different beasts and fierce beasts."

"So the Royal Beast Egg is very versatile, and it's still at the king level. It's not a weak quality. Everyone must know the value of this kind of value."

After Qingying's introduction, someone immediately shouted:
"Isn't this the auction of the Royal Beast Egg? Why is there something next to it?"

"Yes, what is that?"

Qingying said:

"This is an A-level Beast Familiar Talent Card, and the seller consigned it for auction together with these two Beast Familiar Eggs."

"According to the seller's request, this A-level Beast Familiar Talent Card will be auctioned along with these two Beast Familiar Eggs."

Hearing the auctioneer's words, Shen Hui never said such a thing, it's probably the auction house's own decision.

Through the auction of so many things, Shen Hui also knew the approximate value of some things.

At best, the A-level Beast Familiar Talent Card has the same points as some of the items auctioned before, only more than 100 points.

And once it is bound for auction with the more valuable Royal Beast Egg, there will definitely be a premium.

Anyway, it's all his own stuff, Shen Hui is also willing to sell more points.

Hearing Qingying's explanation, although some people were complaining about this being cheating, most of them said it didn't matter.

Qingying and the others had also anticipated this kind of situation long ago, this is a tricky thing, and those who are interested in bidding don't care about the points at all.

"Two king-level beast-guarding eggs, plus an A-level beast-guarding talent card, the starting price is 800 points."

As soon as the reserve price was announced, someone on the first floor immediately started bidding.

"900 points."

But before he finished speaking, someone on the second floor shouted, "1500 points!"

The price increase was almost doubled, and it was also the first time that the points exceeded [-], which dissuaded many people on the first floor who were preparing to bid for the competition.

Shen Hui looked at that place, it was an organization called Zifeng.

From another direction on the second floor, someone continued to raise the price: "1700 points."



The bidding for such points is already relatively high.

No one participated on the first floor, and most of the second and third floors gave up the competition.

Only a few waves of forces compete.

Among them is the first Zifeng organization that doubled the price. They saw someone raise the price to 1900 points.

A gritted teeth offer: "2000 points!"

Then he said: "I hope everyone can give us Zifeng organization a thin noodle. There happens to be a person in our organization who needs to be trained in the world of beast creation."

2000 points are already considered relatively high value for two Royal Beast Eggs plus a talent card.

And there will definitely be better things later, there is no need to waste unnecessary points.

That's why the people in Zifeng's organization shouted so loudly, and the rest of them had no intention of continuing to compete with the organization.

But at this moment, Shen Hui shouted.

"2100 points!"

(End of this chapter)

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