Chapter 173.

The Mid-Autumn Festival ended successfully.

All the great sects present licked their faces and greeted Chen Jiu, who dared to say that it was not consummated?
There were also tens of thousands of forbidden soldiers who came here to maintain order after hearing the news, and this mess was finally over.

With the departure of the martial arts figures, Beigongmen gradually became deserted.

Chen Jiu and Ye Gucheng greeted each other, and asked him and Lu Xiaofeng to go back to Shenwu Villa to rest, while he himself helped Li Xunhuan dissolve the medicine, and then left the words that Lao Zhang gave him to this elder brother.

After finishing his work, it was almost midnight before he could go back to his house to rest.

The Chen residence was a little quiet.

He stood at the door for a while, then finally opened the door and walked in.

A figure was sitting at the entrance of the main hall.

"Waiting for you for a long time."

"Wait for me to take you on the road?"

The eyes of the two collided, and the last figure waved his hand lightly, signaling Chen Jiu to calm down.

"You messed up my plan, shouldn't you compensate me?"

"Okay, I will burn some more paper for you during the holidays. Is this compensation meaningful enough?"

"Then you have to be able to do it."

The black shadow spread his hands, with an indifferent attitude.

Chen Jiu felt a little annoyed.

After he returned to Beijing, he never showed his true strength, just to prevent this kind of thing from happening, but unexpectedly, this troublesome thing still appeared.

I really envy those who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers can always hide so deeply.

This uninvited guest was Shi Zhixuan, and the other party obviously came to use his family as a threat.

"Don't talk nonsense, what are you doing here?"

"now it's right."

Shi Zhixuan was very satisfied with his attitude.

"You are also a member of the Holy Gate. We can cooperate. Why do you fight and kill? There is so much disharmony. By the way, there are two factions and six ways. Which one do you belong to?"

"Sunflower Pie."

"What are you talking about, if there is a character like you in the Sunflower faction, why do you still need to do things secretly?"

Shi Zhixuan was very dissatisfied with this answer, he felt that the other party was fooling him for a fool.

Chen Jiu didn't expect to be exposed so quickly, he turned his head and thought of a shield again.

"Okay, I won't hide it from you. Teacher Xiang Yutian, let everyone open the sky and tell the truth. You want Zhengde, which is impossible. If you dare to attack my family, you will never die. I will use the power of the entire court to pursue Kill Bu Tiandao and the disciples of Huajian Sect."

"Threat me, hehe."

Shi Zhixuan smacked his lips, but didn't take it seriously.

The life and death of Butiandao and the disciples of the Huajian faction has nothing to do with him as the head of the sect.

But Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian's disciples are really in trouble.

"Okay, I don't think much of Zhengde's useless dragon. You promise me a request. In the name of the evil king, I promise not to do anything to your family."

Chen Jiu frowned.

"Tell me."

"One day, I will ask you to help me deal with a person, no, a guy who doesn't know if he is a person."

I don't know if it's a human guy?

Could it be possible to be a ghost without being a human?
Chen Jiu was a little puzzled.


A trace of fear appeared on Shi Zhixuan's face, but then it turned fierce.

"Wudang, Zhang Sanfeng!"

Lao Zhang?

Chen Jiu looked at him suspiciously.

What enmity can Zhang Sanfeng have with him?
Neither of you is a book person, my friend.

But since the other party has grievances with Lao Zhang, why not attack Song Yuanqiao and Xiao Zhang? Although Zhang Wuji is also a half-step heavenly man, his combat power should only be a little higher than that of the great masters. Whether you can't beat it is a problem.

Shi Zhixuan didn't have the celestial aura, but his dragon aura was so weird that even Chen Jiu would have to spend a lot of effort to kill him, and he might find an opportunity to slip away.

Now he made this request.

can agree.

Zhang Sanfeng is at least a top-level celestial being, and maybe he has spied into the supernatural powers. He has no grievances with Lao Zhang, and Xiao Zhang is the bridge. He tricked this evil king, this fool, into slaughtering him, and everyone was happy.


He sneered in his heart, and opened his mouth to Shi Zhixuan calmly.

"Okay, isn't it Zhang Sanfeng? It's done. I'll help you deal with Zhang Sanfeng. After the incident, everyone will go their own way. It's not too late. Let's leave now."

Shi Zhixuan was obviously not two hundred and five.

"If you want to kill yourself, don't take me with you."

"What? Didn't you ask me to help you deal with that old man?"

Chen Jiu felt that this product was a little ink smudged.

He was the one who said he wanted to fuck Lao Zhang, and now he's being cowardly again, it's so funny.

"This seat only said that when there is a need, I didn't say to do it immediately. When I need you, I will notify you separately."

Shi Zhixuan is obviously stern and soft-hearted.

This product didn't take the bait.

Chen Jiu only felt that it was a bit troublesome. If Shi Zhixuan was not ready, wouldn't he be threatened all the time?

No, I have to think of a way.

By the way, Xiao Zhang.

"Since you don't dare to go to Zhang Sanfeng now, why don't you charge some interest first? The Wudang man happens to be in the capital, and he probably hasn't left yet. I heard that Zhang Wuji is Zhang Sanfeng's favorite disciple. How about we kidnap him?"

Shi Zhixuan glanced at him appreciatively.

You are worthy of being a member of the Holy Gate, you really do things by hook or by crook.

It's a pity that people in Wudang can't move.

Shi Zhixuan still had that terrifying figure in his heart, that figure had become his inner demon, before he solved his inner demon, how could he dare to startle the snake.

"It's not right, it's worse than family members."

"Hehe, what a disaster it's not as good as my family."

Chen Jiu squinted at him.

What a double standard dog!I can't afford to offend Lao Zhang, the young master is easy to offend, right?

"You are different."

Shi Zhixuan didn't feel that he had double standards at all.

"You are human, so I can use your family, but I am not sure whether Zhang Sanfeng is still a human being. That's fine. When that day comes, I will notify you. Let me go."

After Shi Zhixuan finished speaking, the figure took a few steps back, hiding in the darkness, and then the roof broke through under his feet, and disappeared without a trace.

"It deserves it."

Chen Jiu cursed and swept the fallen bricks, tiles and wood aside.

If it weren't for the abundance of money now, the cost of repairing the roof would be a mountain.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Hearing the movement, Wuqing and the others hurried to the main hall to observe the situation.

"It's okay, it's okay, a friend who likes to take an unusual path, my husband, I will ask him to pay for it tomorrow."

Chen Jiu stepped forward with a smile and hugged them.

"Go to sleep, Mr. Xiang, I still have some work to do."

"Okay, then you should rest early, don't be exhausted."

The three girls felt sorry for him, and they had to work so hard after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and they all cursed Qinglong in their hearts.

This bastard must have entrusted some task to his husband.

Looking at the backs of the three, Chen Jiu sighed and sat in the study alone.

Shi Zhixuan, oh Shi Zhixuan!
When he was reading the book, he still admired this guy. He is the most soulful character in Ssangyong. Compared with him, the two protagonists are much inferior.

But now.

Sorry, don't give Xiaoye a chance.

The dead evil king is the good evil king.

(End of this chapter)

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