Chapter 174 173. Political Marriage?

At noon the next day, Cao Shaoqin rushed over to greet Chen Jiu.

Cao Zhengchun asked him to accompany him outside the Zhengde Gate last night and guarded him for the whole night.

The emperor slept soundly inside, and the uncle and nephew chatted all night.

Cao Shaoqin couldn't help being excited when he heard Chen Jiu's great power at night.

As expected of the man he likes, awesome!
It's a pity that this guy has become too powerful now.

Even if Cao Zhengchun died suddenly today, and the position of Governor of the East Factory became vacant, he would not agree to have a harmonious relationship with him.

Oops, this is so hard.

Cao Zhengchun didn't know that his nephew was so filial and his head was full of weird things.

"Shaoqin, you need to get closer to that kid."

"Don't worry Uncle, the relationship between Master Chen and I is one of brotherhood, heart-to-heart bond, glue-like paint, and love as deep as sea."

Little Eunuch Cao thinks that he and Chen Jiu have been through life and death, and their relationship must be nothing to talk about.

Although Eunuch Cao felt that his choice of words was problematic, he was also very satisfied.

This nephew who lacked a root string in his mind finally relieved him for a while.

They are eunuchs who have no roots at all. If they want to live a nourishing life, they all rely on the support of the nobles.

Cao Zhengchun believed that his nobleman was Zhengde, but when he died, it was hard to say whether his nephew would still be appreciated by the emperor.

Now it's all right, Chen Jiu has already seen that it is not a thing in the pool, and there is such a person taking care of Cao Shaoqin, so he can walk with peace of mind.

Ah bah, our family doesn't want to leave.

Zhengde got up early in the morning.

Last night was really thrilling, he couldn't sleep late, so he got up quickly to discuss the follow-up is a serious matter.

Cao Zhengchun who was guarding the door was called in, and Qinglong who also guarded the door all night was also called in.

"You two lovers, I thought about it last night and felt that these martial arts people are too dangerous. The two lovers think there is any way to punish these people."

Cao Zhengchun knew that Zhengde was frightened, so he came up with some stupid tricks.

"My lord, why don't you invite Mr. Chen to discuss it together."

"Yes yes yes, quickly recruit Chen Aiqing into the palace."

Thinking of what he saw last night, Zhengde immediately felt relieved.

"Wait a minute, Chen Aiqing did a great job in rescuing him yesterday, what should I bestow on him?"

Cao Zhengchun rolled his eyes.

That's right, it is necessary to discuss and discuss, the boy is too young, if he continues to be promoted, he may not be promoted in the future, and there will be no rewards, but it would seem too vulgar to only give rewards.

He thought about it seriously for a while, and finally came up with an excellent solution.

Such and such, such and such.

"Good idea! I'm going to discuss it with the queen mother!"

Zhengde's eyes lit up, his legs were no longer weak, and his spirit was lifted.

"Master Chen, great joy, great joy!"

"Eunuch Cao, why are you so happy?"

Chen Jiu looked at Cao Shaoqin in confusion.

"Uh, anyway, I'm overjoyed, hurry up and enter the palace with our family."

Little Eunuch Cao saw the three girls in Chen Jiu's mansion, and hurriedly dragged him, saying that the Holy Majesty was going to summon the heroes who had made great contributions to saving him last night, and prepared to commend them.

Oh?Zhengde was scared to pee yesterday, but he was still in the mood to commend him?

Chen Jiu originally thought that this was probably the end of the matter.

After all, it was his idea to let Zhengde go to the scene to watch the battle, who knew that such a moth would come out.

But the emperor should not dare to blame him.

Well, once you see Zhengde, you will know what's going on.

Chen Jiu tidied up his clothes, followed Cao Shaoqin into the palace, saw Zhengde in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and took away two masters who hadn't slept all night.

"Chen Aiqing, come here, please sit down quickly."

Zhengde stepped forward happily and held his hand, very kindly.


But he likes it.

Chen Jiu was about to salute him when he was dragged onto the stool.

"Aiqing, it was thanks to you last night."

"My lord, this is what I should do."

"It should be good, it should be good, hahahaha."

Zhengde was a little incoherent, and finally clapped his hands, signaling Cao Zhengchun to announce the decree.

"Jinyiwei Town Fushi Chen Jiu listens to the order!"

"The minister is here."

Chen Jiu was a little happy.

No wonder Cao Shaoqin said he was overjoyed. It seemed that Zhengde was clear about it, but he didn't know what good things he was planning to reward him with.

It's not about letting Qinglong take care of the elderly, let him be the commander.

Nor is it unacceptable.

Cao Zhengchun spoke in his expectant eyes.

"Zhao said: According to the empress dowager's benevolent order, my younger sister, Xiurong, has been educated and reasonable since childhood, has a dignified disposition, and is respectful and cautious.

Now there is Chen Jiu, the governor of Jinyiwei, who is pure in character, capable of both civil and military skills, has the courage to face danger without fear, and has the ability to turn the tide.

Now, in the year of the princess and Ji, the special Jin was conferred the title of Princess Yunluo, and gave her marriage to Chen Jiu. Wanger and Er agreed to marry Qin and Jin forever.

All the etiquette will be handed over to the Ministry of Rites and Qin Tianjian to take care of it together, and a good day will be chosen for the wedding.

Announcement at home and abroad, salty to hear it.

This is it. "


Chen Jiu was a little confused.

What the hell is this Princess Yunluo?Isn't he Cheng Shifei's daughter-in-law?
Oh, by the way, there is still a vacancy for No. [-] agent of Tiandi Xuanhuang, so Cheng Shifei doesn't know where he is staying.

Chen Jiu's views on political marriage are neither in favor nor against.

But, he already has three wives.

If Zhengde has the ability, let Yunluo be the junior, otherwise there will be no discussion.

"Master Chen, why don't you thank me soon?"

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Cao Zhengchun quickly reminded him in a low voice.

Chen Jiu didn't accept the order, but reminded Zhengde, wondering if he made a mistake.

"Ahem, my lord, this minister already has three wives, and I mentioned this to you before."

Masanori was taken aback.

It seems that there is such a thing.

What to do now?

"How about loving you?"

Chen Jiu frowned, thinking that he was thinking about fart.

"If I can't do the thing of throwing my wife away, please ask the Holy Majesty to take back the order. If not, I will resign and go home to take care of myself."

It can be seen that there are not enough people in Zhengde who dislike rebellion.

Cao Zhengchun cursed secretly in his heart.

It was his idea to let Chen Jiu and Zhengde get married. Now that there is such a big oolong, the emperor won't hold grudges against him.

He looked at Zhengde cautiously, and found that the other party was really angry, and he didn't know whether it was directed at Chen Jiu or Cao Zhengchun.

He hastened to make up for it.

"My lord, why don't you ask the queen mother to recognize Mrs. Chen's family members as righteous daughters?"

good idea!
Chen Jiu is happy.

He thinks this idea is very good, but he doesn't know if Zhengde agrees with it.

What can Masanori do?

With a dark face, he left the Hall of Mental Cultivation in a hurry, guessing that he went to discuss with the Queen Mother.

The emperor didn't say to disband, so Chen Jiu and the others could only wait here. It was near night before this buddy slowly returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Well, the Empress Dowager thinks that the three virtuous wives of Chen Aiqing's family can be role models for women, and they are specially accepted as righteous daughters. Aiqing, accept the order."

When Zhengde spoke, he was a little weak.

Regardless of what he thought, Chen Jiucai happily accepted the imperial decree, thanked him and prepared to leave.

"My lord, something is wrong!"

A eunuch shouted loudly outside the door, making Chen Jiu's pace stop.

Something is wrong again?

How could there be so many bad things this day.

(End of this chapter)

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