Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 102 The dynasty is hard to last for 3 years, will Zhen be the king of subjugation?

Chapter 102 The dynasty is hard to last for 300 years, will Zhen be the king of subjugation?

Next, Zhang Gui came to the front yard near a female wall in the Emperor's Xiyuan, and asked several servants who were ordered to monitor the underground movement: "How is it, is there any movement underground?"

"Back to the son, there is no movement."

The whole family put their ears away from the mouth of the jar buried on the ground and replied.

It turned out that in order to prevent someone from digging tunnels in the Xiyuan area and endangering the safety of himself and the royal family, Zhang Gui had people bury a row of vats in the ground near his home near Xiyuan, and let a team of servants take turns here monitor.

After all, Zhang Gui is now nominally the general manager of the entire Xiyuan Imperial Guard.

This simple method was known by Zhang Gui in later generations. It uses the resonance principle of sound to bury the jar underground, and you can hear the movement from far away.

"It's fine if you don't! But if there is a situation, you have to report it immediately."

Zhang Gui instructed.


After that, Zhang Gui asked Zhou Neng to bring all the recent posts posted in Taikangbo Mansion.

Zhang Gui is now considered an upstart in the imperial court, and there are quite a few people who want to see him every day.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the crowd, there are quite a few people who post to meet him, or invite him to participate in some activities such as literary and poetry meetings.

But Zhang Gui basically ignored it. After all, the country was about to be destroyed and his family was about to die, so he didn't have the heart to copy poems at some poetry conference to pretend to be aggressive.

However, Zhang Gui will still read some posts when he is free. After all, he will still meet people sent by people from the Ma family of Shijie and the Mu family of Yunnan who need him to make friends.

After Zhang Gui got these posts, he casually flipped through them. Seeing the posts sent by Shang Zhouzuo, he thought to himself: "This may be the future father-in-law's house, I'd better go."

After Zhang Gui thought this way, he ordered the outside clerk to reply, explaining that the day had passed.


The next morning.

Zhang Gui then went to Shang Zhouzuo's house.


"Yue Weng! You really agreed to marry the country's father?"

In the past few years, due to a large number of courtiers being killed for crimes, and the introduction of the examination method, many courtiers were also dismissed, so the courtiers changed rapidly, and Qi Biaojia, who was originally an official in Xinghua, was promoted earlier than in history. For the censor.

And Shang Zhouzuo also temporarily lived with his family in Qi Biaojia's mansion in the capital.

At this time, Qi Biaojia talked to Shang Zhouzuo because Shang Zhouzuo had agreed to discuss marriage with Han Yu.

Shang Zhouzuo said: "It's just a promise, there is no Najib yet, so it can't be called a marriage. One is that the teacher's order is hard to break, and the other is that I think this uncle Guo and Jing Hui are a good match. People who can run an academy like Xilin Academy ,not simple!"

In ancient times, there were six procedures for marriage, which were called the six rituals. Among them, the ritual that determined that a man and a woman were suitable for marriage was called Najib after reading the horoscope of the birthday and calculating it as an auspicious omen.

After Najib, it was Nazheng who officially announced the engagement.

"Yue Weng always mentions this Xilin Academy, is this Xilin Academy really so amazing?"

Qi Biaojia asked.

"Xilin Academy allows scholars to really contact the common people, and even organize the common people."

When Shang Zhouzuo said this, he asked Qi Biaojia: "You think this kind of academy is great?"

"It's incredible!"

Then, Shang Zhouzuo put the teacup on the table and took the initiative to reply.

Qi Biaojia nodded: "It's different, Xilin Academy did not keep the scholars above them all the time."

"Master, Uncle Guo is here to pay respects!"

At this time, a servant's report came from outside.

After hearing this, Shang Zhouzuo immediately got up and smiled and said, "The old man and son-in-law are here, please ask them to come in quickly."

Qi Biaojia frowned: "Why do you have to be so eager? I don't know if it's your virtuous son-in-law. Now I am the only one who can be called your virtuous son-in-law!"

Shang Zhouzuo smiled: "I hope so, so I can also let him arrange all the children of my merchants to go to his Xilin Academy, including the children of your Qi clan. People, those who will be able to govern in the future will undoubtedly be from Zhejiang!"

Not long after, Zhang Gui came to Shang Zhouzuo's place, and after the gift, he and Qi Biaojia also introduced each other.

Immediately, Shang Zhouzuo said: "The next post invites Uncle Guo to come for nothing else, just for two things. One is to host a banquet for many poor people in Zhejiang to thank Uncle Guo for saving them from the fire and water. Uncle, one is that Gouzi is still studying in his hometown of Shaoxing, I want him to study in Xilin Academy, I wonder if Uncle Guo can also let Xilin Academy accept him as a student."

Because Zhang Gui has not officially married Shang Jinghui yet, Shang Zhouzuo still calls Zhang Gui the uncle of the country.

"It's rare for Shang Gong to value Xilin Academy, so it's natural."

Zhang Gui replied with a smile.

Afterwards, the three of them chatted for a while, and Shang Zhouzuo obviously planned to make friends with Zhang Gui even if he could not become the son-in-law with Zhang Gui, so he took the initiative to entertain Zhang Gui.

After Zhang Gui finished the banquet at Shang Zhouzuo's place, he was about to leave.

But as soon as he walked out of the eaves of the corridor, he found a woman in a used honey-colored dress and a pleated skirt peeping at him in a corner.

It looks great.

But when Zhang Gui was about to take another look, the woman pulled her head back.

Zhang Gui stepped over the railing and walked over.

This woman was Shang Jinghui, she secretly ran from the backyard to the front hall because she wanted to see what the man she was talking about looked like.

At this time, Shang Jinghui was facing the green bricks and black tiles, covered his face with his hands like water onions, his little head on his jade neck shook slightly, and muttered: "I can't see me, I can't see me!"

Zhang Gui tapped her shoulder lightly with a folding fan: "Hey, I saw you."

Shang Jinghui was stunned for a moment, and after a long while, he turned around shyly, folded his hands on his slender waist, and made a bow, showing his pear dimple slightly.

"Are you from this mansion?"

Zhang Gui asked.


Shang Jinghui immediately lied because he was afraid of being misunderstood by Zhang Gui that he was not demure enough.

"what is it call?"

Zhang Gui asked.

Shang Jinghui lowered her eyebrows, blushed, thought for a while and said, "Qingmei."

"Then why are you here?"

Zhang Gui asked again.

"Come and see for the girl."

Shang Jinghui replied.

"Four girls?"


Zhang Gui nodded: "But you sniffed green plums. The fourth girl of your family would name the maid like this. Are you her personal maid?"

Shang Jinghui raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhang Gui, then pursed his lips, smiled slightly, and then nodded his head: "Yes."

"Then if you discuss marriage in the future, will you marry into your husband's family?"

Zhang Guizhuang asked boldly.


Shang Jinghui responded shyly, then turned and ran away.

Zhang Gui stood in place for a while, and did not leave until the back in front of him completely disappeared, he couldn't help touching his chest, and said in his heart: "Damn, the first time I was tempted after coming to this world was actually because of a maid!"

The next day.

Zhang Guoji arranged for someone to go to the merchant to accept the lottery, the first gift in the process of getting married.

But Zhang Gui came to Xiyuan to see the apocalypse.

After Tianqi saw Zhang Gui, he said: "I have read all the things submitted by your students in Xilin Academy, these letters you called the practice investigation report, and found out from this that Daming has reached this point. It is no longer enough to clear the land and pay the taxes.”

After hearing this, Zhang Gui said: "Your Majesty is wise! The Ming Dynasty has been in the country for more than 250 years. The number of clans and gentry is far from comparable to that at the beginning of the country. There are more people who enjoy honor and less farmers. Many preferential regulations have to be changed. If it is not changed, new sources of income must be found, but this new source of income cannot be obtained directly from the people, because the people are already overwhelmed."

Tian Qi nodded, and said: "The statistics collected by the scholars of Xilin Academy according to your request, including the situation of Qingzhang's farmland submitted by Zhao Yan, all show that most of the land is owned by clan officials and gentry, and most of the small people are almost There is no place to stand, and it seems that the Ming Dynasty has been subjugated."

As Tian Qi spoke, he suddenly asked Zhang Gui: "Since the Qin Dynasty, it is difficult for the dynasty to last for more than 300 years. Do you think that the Ming Dynasty can continue for several generations of emperors. Will Zhen be the king of subjugation?"

(End of this chapter)

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