Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 103 Apocalypse: Go Rebel!Rebel against me!Kill the world's officials and gentry!

Chapter 103 Apocalypse: Go Rebel!Rebel against me!Kill the world's officials and gentry!

Zhang Gui would like to say, of course you are not, your next job will be. Of course, history has no assumptions, so it is impossible to know if you live 17 years longer than in history, whether you will also go to Meishan and hang yourself.

"Your Majesty is so wise, naturally he will not be the king of subjugation."

Zhang Gui replied with a smile.

Tian Qi said: "It's hard to say! There are too many people and too little land. It is no longer a problem that I, wise, can solve."

After Zhang Gui heard this, he secretly sighed who said that the ancients didn't know where the social crux of their own dynasty was. It's just that in many cases, even if they knew, they didn't know how to do it because of the limited knowledge development of the times.

"I suddenly thought that I should just be a foolish king who doesn't care about everything. Anyway, the treasury is also abundant now, and it is enough to have the West Factory to guarantee the continuous supply of food."

Tianqi said.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui looked at Tianqi in surprise, and said in his heart: "I have presented you the survey report on private land and population of Xilin Academy scholars, not to ask you to lie down! Daming didn't let you lie down for a few years." , as if saying that my country uncle doesn’t want to lie down.”

After thinking this way, Zhang Gui said: "Your Majesty, think about it for the eldest son of the emperor."

Tian Qi nodded: "Yes, for the eldest son of the emperor, I have to do something for him. You, the uncle, have to do something too."

"What does your majesty mean?"

Zhang Gui asked.

"Go to the people to rebel."

Tian Qi said suddenly.

Zhang Gui was stunned in place.

Urgent online.

Can anyone tell me what the apocalypse is doing.

No emperor would take the initiative to instigate his subjects to rebel against him.

"Even if I don't want Daming to perish, I still know that Daming has reached a point where it is hard to return."

"I thought about it all night. If you hadn't frequently said that it was a big deal to let my ancestor Taizu go back to Fengyang to raise troops again, I really don't know how to solve the problem that Ming Dynasty will surely perish. Fortunately, after you said this, let me I thought of a method that is not a solution, and this method is that someone rises up to rebel!"

Zhang Gui: "...".

Tian Qi said, "Don't look at me like that, I'm telling you very seriously!"

"All the reasons why the Great Ming Dynasty is hard to return to are because of the large population and the lack of land. The only way to solve this problem is to reduce the population and use weapons to make a large number of people disappear!"

"Besides, you yourself said just now that in the Ming Dynasty, there are more people who enjoy the honor and fewer farmers and producers. But the people who enjoy the honor are mostly the nobles and officials of the clan! Therefore, to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, you only need to reduce them by a large amount. That is to say, kill most of them. But I am the Son of Heaven, I have to find a reason to kill them, otherwise I am trampling on my prestige! But you are different, if you go to rebel, you are a rogue, think You can kill how you want, no reason is needed, you just need to give your rebels a bite, and they will support you to kill."

Speaking of this, Tian Qi said again: "After you go to rebel, go around killing people, especially killing officials, gentry and powerful people, and my clan relatives can do it too!"

"I assure you that as long as you don't become a bandit, I will never seriously suppress you, and will send someone to secretly inform you. In addition, I will also consider you as the younger brother of the queen and the uncle of the future crown prince." Come on, make an order in advance that the civil and military forces of the world can only capture you alive and not kill you, otherwise you will be severely punished. Once you are captured alive, I will also spare you the death penalty. After all, you are the uncle of the country, and the queen will kill you if you destroy the nine clans. ?”

"Hey, he Liao general can support the captives, and I can support the bandits!"

As Tian Qi spoke, he asked Zhang Gui: "How?"

"When you kill more than half of the world's officials, gentry, tycoons, and clans, the problem of too many people and too little land will naturally disappear, and the problem of too many people enjoying honor will disappear, and Daming will be reborn from nirvana and rejuvenated again! Wait for your nephew to ascend the throne Afterwards, maybe not only will he not be the king of subjugation, but he might also be the lord of the prosperous age."

Tian Qi continued to fool around.

Zhang Gui had to admit that Tianqi's brain hole was really good.

But he wasn't sure if Tianqi was trying to test himself. After all, with the pissing nature of the clan and gentry, it was very likely that the fake rebellion would become a real rebellion, and Tianqi shouldn't have considered the risks involved.

Therefore, Zhang Gui hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you don't use your relatives like this. I won't rebel, and I don't want to rebel, let alone dare to rebel."

"Then why did you say that you would go to Fengyang to raise troops with me?!"

Apocalypse asked.

"If you are with His Majesty, His Majesty takes the lead, and I am willing, after all, it is not a rebellion against His Majesty, but a rebellion against the world's rentiers. But it is different. You let the minister rebel against you and the eldest son of the emperor, and I will do it." No, I am afraid that before I have time to explain, I will be assassinated by someone sent by your loyal minister."

Zhang Gui replied.

"Then what do you say?!"

"I want to just be a foolish emperor, but if you say no, let me think about it for the eldest son of the emperor; I want you to rebel now, but you won't do it; do you still want to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, and want to keep your nephew's country?! "

Tian Qi became manic, walking around the hall with his hands on his hips.

"To solve the problem of more people and less land, you don't have to think about reducing the number of people. Why don't you think about increasing the land? Overseas, there is arable land. Even if you want to kill people, wouldn't it be better to kill the barbarians directly than let the ministers become rogues to make you fight against yourself? How about Chinese people?"

Zhang Gui said at this time.

In his opinion, the pattern must be opened up, there is no need to just stare at the land of China, just fight within the game, you can jump out and use the whole world as the chessboard!
Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui and asked, "Is there so much cultivated land outside?"

"Why not? In some places, it is no problem to raise billions of people!"

Zhang Gui replied.


Apocalypse asked.

"Really! "Kun Yu Wan Guo Quan Tu" has all the pictures on it, there are many places besides Ming Dynasty."

Zhang Gui replied.

"But those Xiyi people said that the outside world is not as rich as my Ming Dynasty, and there is not much land to cultivate."

Apocalypse replied.

"They are deceiving the emperor! Absolutely! They are afraid that the Celestial Dynasty will covet their territory and seize their territory, so they say that!"

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui, thought for a while, and said: "It makes sense! I am the emperor of the Han family, and I have so many people. If I open the door to the country and let them attack everywhere, they will indeed feel scared."

Suddenly, Tian Qi asked again: "But why did the court ministers say the same? They said that the barbarians were poor and barbaric, so they were banned from the sea and only allowed to pay tribute."

"No one wants their tenants to go out to cultivate wasteland because of the high rent."

"And in their opinion, wouldn't it be better for more people to be their own slaves than to let them out?!"

Zhang Gui replied.

Tianqi nodded: "Why don't they think about the imperial court! There are too many people, and a large number of them become refugees. If they don't let them out, they will become hidden dangers sooner or later. Xu Hongru from Shandong is an example. He gathered so many people to rebel and forced me to mediate. It took a large number of frontier troops to calm down."

"Your Majesty, why don't you try it? Since you want to kill people anyway, it's better to let them go out to expand the territory and kill foreigners!"

Zhang Gui suggested.

Tian Qi said: "You can try it, who doesn't want the Great Ming Dynasty to open up thousands of miles!"

"However, reforms in the imperial court still have to be changed, and many powerful officials and gentry still have to be killed."

Zhang Gui said.

Tian Qi asked: "How do you say that?"

"Your Majesty would not expect the current Han people to go out and expand the territory by themselves? Without the imperial court coordinating the dispatch of material resources and manpower, sending large troops, and immigrating with a strategy to open up the territory, it would be difficult for the common people to go out and expand the territory for the emperor. They will even collude with foreign barbarians and domestic profiteers, which will damage the national strength of our Ming Dynasty."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi asked: "Can't you count on it?"

"I can't count on it!"

"Actually, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there have been quite a few Han people who went to sea! But now, no one can destroy the barbarian country overseas and become a king for himself, but instead contribute to the coastal pirates. Does your majesty know why?"

Zhang Gui talked.


"They are all good at fighting among themselves, and they are good at colluding with foreign barbarians to deceive their own people. As for uniting and fighting against foreign barbarians, it is impossible to destroy them. No one is willing to marry others."

"Nowadays, the Han people don't have the Han and Tang style of destroying a country by one person. If His Majesty wants them to kill foreigners to obtain land, he can only force them to do so in the name of the court, with military discipline and state law, to organize them, to Reshape their bloodliness, so that we can reproduce the prosperity of the country and the pride of the people!"

Zhang Gui replied.

"That is to say, those who are disobedient have to be killed."

Tianqi said.

"Your Majesty is holy! If the Ming Dynasty is not His Majesty's Ming Dynasty, then Your Majesty will not be able to rebuild the prosperous world by expanding the territory! It is better to kill the disobedient dignitaries and officials than to let the ministers rebel and cause a large number of innocent people to die in vain."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi nodded: "That's right! If Da Ming is not my Da Ming, why would I want this Da Ming?"

Tian Qi said, "We still have to change the law, and we have to change the law quickly. There are more soldiers and horses, a stronger national power, and the ability to try to expand the territory! If the expansion of the territory does not work, I will Let you rebel again!"

Zhang Gui: "..."

"It's just how to continue reforming. I think you can try whatever the students from Xilin Academy have mentioned."

Tian Qi said again.

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "Then why don't your majesty let them use officials like Zhongshu Sheren or Hanlin Review to form the policy department, discuss with the imperial court and the ministers of the policy department, formulate the next reform regulations, and then send A minister of the Department of Policy and Policy goes to a county to try it out. If it doesn’t work, it will only affect one county. If it is good, or there are good and bad, then it will be revised and then piloted, and then promoted to the whole province, and even the whole country.”

"Very good!"

Apocalypse nodded.

Zhang Gui said again: "However, Your Majesty, whether you want to reform or transfer the population overseas in the future, you will not leave Your Majesty. Therefore, we have to take precautions, and the incident of the Wu Temple will be repeated."

Tian Qi's expression became serious: "What do you want to say?"

"At least the safety of the eldest son of the emperor has to be taken into consideration!"

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi hurriedly walked up to Zhang Gui, stared at him, gritted his teeth and asked, "You mean, they will make me childless?!"

The corner of Zhang Gui's mouth slightly raised: "If your Majesty has a son, how can the son change the paternal system and give the father a bad posthumous posthumous title after the eternity of His Majesty? Use the greatest malice to speculate: Generally, the son of your majesty will be removed first, and then the son will be removed." His Majesty!"

"They dare!"

Apocalypse said angrily.

"When you can't rebel directly, and you can't stop His Majesty, you can only use despicable means."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tianqi nodded: "You said, what should I do?"

"Place reliable people next to the eldest son of the emperor!"

Zhang Gui replied.

"The queen is still unreliable?! That's his own mother!"

Apocalypse asked.

"The empress is a deep palace woman after all, she has no strength to restrain a chicken."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi chuckled, and looked at Zhang Gui: "I know you must have an idea, tell me, who do you want to recommend for the palace? No matter who you recommend, I will approve it!"

"Zhang Fengyi! Let her be the nurse of the emperor's eldest son!"

(End of this chapter)

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