Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 122 Dare to stop me from reforming?Go to jail!Whoever I let go to prison will do so!

Chapter 122 Dare to stop me from reforming?Go to jail!Whoever I let go to prison will do so!

Yang Jingchen couldn't speak anymore.

However, Wu Yu, the imperial censor of Zuoqian, stepped forward, and Sun Chengzong didn't have time to stop him.

Wu Yu only said: "Your Majesty! I think it's inappropriate. You can only talk to scholars, not to ordinary people! Warriors are rough people, how can they know propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame? Ordinary people don't know etiquette. And for ordinary people, don't let them A world of mourning, mourning, starvation and death can be called a prosperous world! How can they still have the right to talk about officials, this is simply chaos!"

"Your Majesty! There is no disorderly distinction!"

"The people are the most important, the king is the least, and the country is second. This is what the sages said. If you choose a knowledgeable common people, you can go straight to the rank of a speaker, and speak for the father of the king. What kind of dignity is messed up?"

"Unless the words of the saint are wrong!"

Chen Zizhuang retorted directly, and said: "What's more, there is also a statement in the "Da Gao" made by the Taizu, that the people can report illegal things to the emperor."

"Could it be that Taizu's words are also wrong?!"

Wu Yu retorted and asked: "Officials are the parents of the people, how can a son sue his parents!"

"This is not suing the parents, this is asking the people to make a statement to the father!"

Chen Zizhuang replied.

Wu Yu found that he couldn't argue with Chen Zizhuang himself.

Because Confucian learning often means that the public says the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right. It depends on how you use it. And the so-called ancestral system, organized into arguments in favor of itself.

Chen Zizhuang, who was born in second place, has this ability.

Wu Yu can't argue with Chen Zizhuang now, and he can only label Chen Zizhuang: "Chen Jisheng, your current remarks are deceiving the emperor and the country!"

Chen Zizhuang ignored it, because usually when the other party took the hat, there was no need to argue any more, he just reported to Tianqi: "I only ask your majesty for the holy order! You can accept it, or you can't accept it!"

Tian Qi remembered the term "civilian dictatorship" mentioned by Chen Zizhuang, and decided resolutely: "Draft the decree, discuss Chen Qing's words with the policy department, and submit it as a topic of speech reform!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Chen Zizhuang also replied here.

He didn't want to speak for his relatives, nor did he want to ask the court to change the system according to his relatives' wishes.

But he also had to admit that among the powerful and bureaucrats in Ming Dynasty who really cared about the life and death of the country and the people, and even offended the rentiers, it was only Uncle Zhang Guo, which made him have no choice but to choose to be with the majority of depraved morale It is better to be the Austrian aid of Zhang Gui, the uncle of the country, in the clean stream.

Anyway, the emperor is not a fool, so he won't understand him.

Zhang Gui just smiled at this time, and now he had to admit that it was indeed more appropriate for someone like Chen Zizhuang to stand up than himself.

The Daming Yanguan system, which originated from the Taijian system, originally functioned to control the cabinet and the six ministries.

But because of this, officials often become resistance to the reforms of the cabinet and the six ministries, and also become the root cause of bad government policies.

Therefore, the first thing Zhang Juzheng did in history was to use the examination method to control the six subjects.

Zhang Gui also knew that the Yanguan would be the biggest obstacle to the reform, and even if he added a Liaonan Town outside the customs, he would be hindered by the Yanguan.

Sometimes, Zhang Guizhen hoped that Tianqi could directly abolish the speaker system.

Because the Ming Dynasty now has mature printing technology and a large number of popular scripts in the market, it is entirely possible to let the emperor see the public opinion by running a newspaper instead of only a small number of civil servants. The speech of the whole world.

But Zhang Gui knew that this was not possible at present, Tian Qi, as the emperor, still hoped that the cabinet ministers and ministers could be checked and balanced by the officials.

Moreover, it is estimated that most people in this era may not be able to accept that there is no admonisher in a dynasty.

Therefore, Zhang Gui only chatted with Chen Zizhuang, hoping to give more people the power to make suggestions, gossip, and events, especially people in non-civilian regimes, because the emperor cannot only listen to people from the scholar-official class.

"Think twice, Your Majesty, this system must not be changed!"

"Speaking officials must use scholars, and they must be scholars from the top two rankings, otherwise, I am afraid that all the officials will use the power of gossip and gossip to make profits!"

Wu Yu continued to remonstrate.

"Could it be that now we only use civil servants who are on the two list of Jinshi, and the officials don't take advantage of this?"

"For example, if it wasn't for Li Ke's anti-insidious scheme to build slaves this time, who admonished Zhou Bangrui and others for bribes, would Wu Changchun be able to use him?"

As Chen Zizhuang spoke, he reported to Tianqi: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, the reason why most ministers in the court are dissatisfied with Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji is related to the fact that they were recommended by the uncle of the country, but in essence, it is because Sun Chuanting During his tenure as the governor of southern Liaoning, countless fertile fields in the three states of Jinzhou, Fuzhou, and Gaizhou were reclaimed, and many officials in the court deliberately sent and scattered acres of land in these three states, and threatened impeachment, because His Majesty issued an order The land in these three prefectures has not been taxed for three years, so if you rent tenants and collect rent in these three prefectures, it is not a huge profit! But Sun Chuanting clearly rejected the invitation of the powerful bureaucrats, and only divided the land with the common people."

"His Majesty ordered Sun Chuanting to recruit [-] people with salaries in southern Liaoning. Many officials asked him to give them empty salary quotas and threatened to impeach them, but Sun Chuanting still refused!"

"This has led to dissatisfaction among the ministers in the court, especially the officials who have the power to hear rumors. Sun Chuanting refused to let the affairs of the real border be spoiled by corrupt officials, which caused criticism from the court!"

"And it can be seen from this that the officials who are only civil servants are not clean. It is better to introduce honest and honest people who are not civil servants, and maybe they can supervise each other."

"Your Majesty, I also think what Chen Hanlin said is very appropriate."

Xiong Tingbi, Minister of the Ministry of War, who was deeply hurt by the officials during his tenure in Liaodong Economic Strategy, also stood up and replied, "For example, this time, if there are military officials who are familiar with border affairs among the officials, no one will say that Sun Chuanting They will collude with Jiannu, because those who know a little about soldiers will know that the thorn in the flesh that Jiannu wants to get rid of most now is Liaonan. At this time, it is rumored that Sun Chuanting colluded with Jiannu, which is undoubtedly Jiannu's plan, and he will not believe it. An anti-indirect trick to build slaves."

Chen Zizhuang followed suit and said, "That's right, in this case, there is no need for Uncle Guo to come out to protect it, and the speech officer can let His Majesty hear the true and fair words."

Yuan Keli, who made great contributions to the recovery of southern Liaoning when he was the governor of Denglai, also said because he was constrained by the officials: "I also think that perhaps the officials should choose more military officials who are familiar with border affairs and military affairs. It is beneficial for His Majesty to make a decisive decision!"

Civil servants who had served as frontier towns and frontiers all chose to support it.

Tianqi has also personally experienced the situation that the border affairs have been repeatedly disrupted by the officials since he took the throne. This time, he witnessed Sun Chuanting and others were almost accused of treason by the ministers of the DPRK and China in cooperation with the scheme of establishing slavery and rebellion, so he continued to speak. : "There is no need to discuss this matter again. For Zhongxing Mingming's plan, the way of speaking cannot only be open to civil servants. Anyone who discusses it again must be dealt with strictly!"

But for the civil officials of the DPRK and China Qingliu, this is indeed a disguised check and balance on them, a disguised civil and military check and balance.

Therefore, Wu Yu was still unwilling, but he did not dare to expressly object.

He knew that all of this was premeditated by Chen Zizhuang and Zhang Gui, the uncle behind him, and taking advantage of the chance that the officials waited for the Jiannu rebellion scheme and almost ruined the affairs of Daming, he raised it. Only for Chen Zizhuang:
"Your Majesty, Chen Hanlin himself admitted just now that he is a clique of foreign relatives. He mentioned that he did this because the uncle of the country tried to protect the border ministers. He was obviously instructed by the uncle of the country, and he was forming a clique!"

Chen Zizhuang looked at Wu Yu with a bad face: "Your Majesty, I have learned! I didn't mean that just now! I don't have cronies. If I have cronies, I am an imperial party just like my uncle! If Wu Qianxian insists that I am my uncle Clique, that minister is willing to go to prison together with Uncle Guo, and accept the strict investigation of Dongchang!"

Zhang Gui also said: "I am willing too!"

"here we go again!"

Tian Qi was speechless, and suddenly shouted: "Enough!"

Then, Tian Qi said: "The Imperial Prison is not something that anyone can enter if they want!"

As he said that, Tian Qi looked at Wu Yu: "Pass the decree, Wu Yu, the censor of the Zuoqian capital, will bite the ministers and relatives at will, speak nonsense, and have no virtue of upholding justice. He is unworthy of being a courtier, and he will be sent to prison!"

Wu Yu suddenly raised his head to look at Tian Qi, with question marks all over his face: "I'm not the one who said I'm going to prison!"

(End of this chapter)

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