Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 123 Qingliu Wants to Reform?Against Donglin's rule of morality!

Chapter 123 Qingliu Wants to Reform?Against Donglin's rule of morality!

Tianqi just wanted to prove that only he can let anyone go to prison, and whoever can go to prison, so he sent Wu Yu, who was madly expressing his opposition to the reform of the speaker system, to prison, and at the same time let Wu Yu Shut up and stop beeping.

Ni Zhiyuan and Wu Changchun were also temporarily taken back to the Imperial Prison.

Ni Zhiyuan will naturally be executed.

But Wu Changchun was spared his life because of his active cooperation, and Zhang Guizuo asked Tianqi for permission to make him his slave.

This is a good arrangement for Wu Changchun.

He belongs to the kind of person who doesn't mind being a slave, as long as he can be someone else's master in the future.

What's more, being a servant of the uncle of the Ming Dynasty is better for Wu Changchun than letting him be a normal person.

In other words, Wu Changchun's life was in Zhang Gui's hands, if Zhang Gui wanted him to die, he had to die.

Sun Chengzong took advantage of the Nikkei banquet to intercede with Tianqi for Wu Yu.

As an emperor teacher, he has a special relationship with Tianqi.

Apocalypse also attaches great importance to him.

As a subject, he always held the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor, and never had the slightest intention of controlling the emperor.

However, as a member of civil officials and scholar-bureaucrats, he also has sympathy for civil officials and scholar-bureaucrats who are also scholars. In his heart, he does not want the emperor he educates to regard himself as a thief, and he also tries his best to make the relationship between the monarch and his ministers more harmonious. And achieve the harmonious situation of the monarch and his ministers co-governing.

Sun Chengzong reported to Apocalypse: "Your Majesty, although Wu Qianxian did not know enough about the court situation, he still had the opinion of the party and the dissent, but in the end the crime did not result in death. In the opinion of the minister, he has been locked in the imperial prison. If he is not dealt with clearly, he may Let some snobs take the opportunity to stir up trouble, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible."

"I was also annoyed at the time! These officials, who changed the system a little bit, were chattering there, opposing the past and opposing the past, and many ministers and officials agreed with it, and those who proposed the reform clearly argued and refused! Even in the end Crawl and bite at will, like a mad dog, and don't go to prison, I'm afraid they will never be able to shut his mouth."

Tianqi said.

Sun Chengzong said: "What your Majesty said is that maybe this Wu Yu just doesn't agree with the reform of the speech-official system, but he still supports other new policies."

"Since that's the case, let him come to see me! I will ask him personally."

As Tian Qi spoke, he gave Wei Zhongxian an order: "Bring Wu Yu to see me."

Not long after, Wu Yu was escorted to the front of Tianqi Emperor.

Tian Qi asked: "Wu Yu, are you convicted?"

"My minister is guilty!"

After Wu Yu went to the prison, he also thought about it all night, and realized that he had indeed lost his mind in the court yesterday, and ignored today's desire to govern today.

He knows that if he wants to prevent the reform faction in the court from continuing to harm the government, he can only stop the reform in the form of reform. He must first vote for His Majesty's favor before he can gain His Majesty's trust, and only then can he reform in the name of system reform. system.

Therefore, Wu Yu didn't resist after seeing Tian Qi at this time, but became sensible.

Seeing what he said, Tian Qi asked, "Since that's the case, tell me, what crime did you commit?"

"The minister is disrespectful and immoral."

Wu Yu replied.

"How rude and immoral?!"

Apocalypse asked.

"It is disrespectful for a minister to speak nonsense in front of the imperial court; it is immoral for a minister to bite a minister of honor and relatives if he has the heart of party and dissent."

Wu Yu replied.

Tian Qi smiled faintly: "It seems that you haven't reached the point of being hopeless."

Wu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Tian Qi asked again: "How do you want me to deal with you?"

Wu Yudao: "I want to prove that my ministers and others are pure gossip officials. It's not that they are yelling and only know nothing about the people's livelihood. As an official who is close to the people, I am willing to go to a county to preside over the pilot reform, increase the tax of a county without impoverishing the people of a county!"

As he said that, Wu Yu bowed to the ground: "I beg your Majesty to fulfill it!"

After hearing this, Tian Qi said: "I will make you perfect! To be an official close to the people may be good for you, the imperial censor who was born in the Imperial Academy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wu Yu replied.

As a result, Wu Yu was demoted to Yongcheng to be the county magistrate.

Wu Yu called on Sun Chengzong and Yang Jingchen before leaving.

Sun Chengzong said with a smile to Wu Yu: "What you said in front of the imperial court the day before yesterday has strengthened my ambition to be a Qingliu civil official. This is the best way to let your majesty see that my Qingliu officials are not all empty talkers and unrealistic people. I want to be a state-owned official." An official who is close to the people in a county knows the urgency of the people and understands the difficulties of the people, and in the future he will be promoted to Ge Kui and preside over the reform, and he will not worry about being Wu Gong."

"Although I have no intention of fame and wealth, please rest assured that the elders will live up to the expectations of the elders and Qingliu in the court. I will let your majesty know that it is we Qingliu who can revitalize the Ming Dynasty, not Qingliu." It can be compared to the lucky officials who travel in the gate of foreign relatives and dignitaries!"

Wu Yu cupped his hands and replied.

"well said!"

Yang Jingchen immediately agreed, saying: "Your Majesty, please accept my worship!"

"Not good!"

Sun Chengzong replied, "Don't disappoint Your Majesty!"


Wu Yu agreed.


"You said it well in the court! You also succeeded in getting His Majesty to approve the reform of the speaker system."

"From now on, the way of speaking will no longer be controlled by civil officials. This will be of great help to further rectify the world's morals and people's hearts! In particular, the system of running official newspapers will be a sharp tool for unifying thoughts in the future, and unifying After thinking about it, we can better carry out reforms.”

Zhang Gui also told Chen Zizhuang about his performance in court.

Chen Zizhuang said: "It all depends on Uncle Guo's advice. Otherwise, how would a scholar who is an official under the government know these good strategies? Especially running an official newspaper, it is considered a pioneering work. In the future, it will not only be used to unify the thoughts of people in the world who are active in reform and reform." , and can also identify those who are determined to rejuvenate Daming and those who are not."

Zhang Gui nodded: "So next, your focus should be on handling the official newspaper! Use the pen in your hand to guide the public opinion of the world! Xishan Industrial Division has developed lithography, which uses mimeograph instead of movable type printing, and the printing speed is faster than that of the market. The printing of copper letters on the Internet is much faster, and it can be regarded as the backing of your newspaper’s printing and distribution efficiency being higher than others! In addition, the information points of Xichang will also recruit a large number of newspaper readers to publish the newspapers published in your newspaper. Propagate the content to the lowest level of the common people!"

Chen Zizhuang was quite excited after hearing this: "This may really change the current world style of people being insensitive and fighting for dogs."

"The most important thing is, let us Han people change the habit of only focusing on inner sages and tending to be reserved and conservative after the great prosperity of Neo-Confucianism, and we should repeat the openness of the Han and Tang Dynasties and the courage to expand outward!"

"First of all, it is necessary to oppose Donglin's policy of restoring the sea ban and moral education to govern the country! You can't just limit yourself to benefiting the people by sacrificing corvee and sacrificing taxes, but find a way to enrich the people and strengthen the country!"

Zhang Gui replied.

Chen Zizhuang nodded in agreement.

As a native of Lingnan, Chen Zizhuang did not support the sea ban.

Because there are many mountains in Lingnan, there is not much benefit in confining the people to the land, unlike Jiangnan, where there are good fields everywhere, and the ban on the sea can confine the people on the land, and the aristocratic family will monopolize the right to trade at sea. Therefore, Chen Zizhuang hopes that the court will actively expand Overseas interests, so that the Chen family, as a big family in Lingnan, must also benefit from it.

In this regard, he and Zhang Gui have the same views.


The heads of Zhou Chaorui, An Tong and others were to be passed on to all sides according to the will, and the first place to be sent was southern Liaoning.

Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji who were in southern Liaoning had just learned that an official in the court impeached them for colluding with slavery, and they were both a little panicked.

"Sun Gong, do we want to write a letter to defend ourselves? Let the court understand that this is probably Jiannu's countermeasure."

Zhou Yuji took the initiative to find Sun Chuanting to bring this matter up that day.

Sun Chuanting waved his hands and said: "No need! Have you forgotten what happened to Xiong Tingbi? Every time the judge impeached him, he would fight for it! As a result, it made the judge even more rampant! This matter is not just whoever is right, whoever is right, Just wait, since in order to win the hearts and minds of the people in southern Liaoning, we only distributed the fertile land cultivated to the common people, and we refused to pay empty wages and bribed the ministers of the court, this result is doomed."

Zhou Yuji punched the table helplessly.

Sun Chuanting was not angry because of his recklessness, but smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"There is a decree! Sun Chuanting, governor of southern Liaoning, and Zhou Yuji, chief soldier of southern Liaoning, will receive the decree!"

At this time, an eunuch's voice suddenly came from outside.

After hearing this, Zhou Yuji hurriedly asked: "Did you come with our will?"

After pondering for a moment, Sun Chuanting said: "Go out and receive the decree, and let someone set up an incense case. By the way, remember, if we are really escorted to Beijing, when we are tried, all the crimes will be pushed on me. I am a Jinshi. What will they do?" , and will not dare to force His Majesty to kill me rashly! This will also save your life, and it can be regarded as leaving a general for my Ming Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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