Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 139 The five treacherous ministers, Wei Zhongxian became the vanguard of reform!

Chapter 139 Five treacherous ministers, Wei Zhongxian becomes the vanguard of reform!
"Uncle Guo is opening a royal store for His Majesty, so we should naturally do our part to share the kindness of the king and the people."

Han Yu was the first person who benefited from the cooperation with Zhang Gui in running the Xichang store, so he agreed first.

Moreover, he also knew that as a civil servant, he could not directly ask the court to open an official store.

Because now in the Ming Dynasty, officials and merchants have long been integrated, and behind every merchant is the background of officials and gentry.

If he did this, he would be scolded even worse by bureaucrats and bureaucrats, scolding him for competing with the people for profit.

As a member of civil servants, he naturally dare not risk the disgrace of the world, but like Xichang, because he has the support of the emperor, he can ignore the feelings of the world's officials, gentlemen and bureaucrats.

Therefore, Han Yu can only share part of the business interests of the world's officials and gentry by investing in Xichang as a nutrient to nourish his Han family.

Yuan Keli also knew that most of the business interests in the world were seized by dignitaries and officials like the local clan, and it was naturally inconvenient for civil officials in foreign dynasties to seize these people's profits in order to save the country's money. When you become a shareholder, you can enjoy the kindness of the king and the people!"

Chen Zizhuang and Wei Zhongxian also agreed.

"That's right! Reform and reform can't only make the country rich but not the family rich. How can we get our family to support us in doing so?"

"If you don't buy shares, I'm afraid His Majesty won't allow you to preside over reforms anymore!"

"Since everyone is willing, when the time comes, you send the money to make a book, and I will ask Han Gui to report to you on the operating status of the West Factory direct store on a regular basis."

Zhang Gui said with a smile at this time.

Wei Zhongxian also laughed and said: "We are all colleagues of the Planning and Strategy Department, how can you just buy shares in the West Factory and not the Share Factory?"

Zhang Gui looked at Wei Zhongxian after hearing this: "Your East Factory is also opening a store?"

Wei Zhongxian said: "The emperor agreed, our East Factory will also increase the income of the Emperor like the West Factory, and by the way, we will also learn from the West Factory and sell the grain and salt obtained from the house raids at a low price to stabilize prices. , the emperor is benevolent, I don’t want to see people who can’t afford salt, and can’t afford food in disaster years. The servants also want to do more for the people. Now, just to expand the number of stores, if you need money, just wait for the princes Also take some shares."


Zhang Guidao: "If you invest in the shares of my west factory, I will naturally also invest in your east factory. Reciprocity."

Han Yu, Yuan Keli, and Chen Zizhuang also agreed.

Seeing this, Wei Zhongxian smiled and said: "After all, we are all in agreement with the policy department. Next, let's continue to talk about the reform. This post office system must be changed according to the wishes of the uncle of the country!"

"Others don't know, but our family is the most supportive of this change. Only by this change can our common people live a better life, and our emperor's great cause for thousands of years can be realized!"

Because it was in his own interests, Wei Zhongxian suddenly seemed to be the vanguard of reform.

Zhang Gui said at this time: "Since this is the case, please ask Yuan Zongxian to ask the imperial court to reform the post administration!"

"In addition, from the subordinate's point of view, it is better to expand the selection of officials, so that subordinate officials and students can also be selected as Beijing officials. In this way, the subordinate officials will deal with the subordinate officials, and the students will deal with the students."

"That's not bad! Subordinates deal with subordinates, and students deal with students. Uncle Guo has learned a lot, from seeking truth from facts in Han Shu to this sentence, I am enlightened."

After Yuan Keli agreed, he said, "I am going to ask you to change the post administration right now!"

"I'm afraid that some people don't understand the original intention of the imperial court to reform the post administration in order to prevent the people from being exploited. The "Da Ming Daily" here still asks Chen Shilang to write more articles to analyze the purpose of this policy for the people of the world. If the imperial court does not guide this issue publicly , will be manipulated by treacherous people."

Zhang Gui said to Chen Zizhuang again.

Chen Zizhuang, who was in charge of publicity, nodded in agreement.

Wei Zhongxian said: "Our Dongchang will not be idle. If anyone is still dissatisfied with the reform and new policies after reading the newspaper, we will arrest them directly!"

Han Yu followed suit and said, "I won't leave now. Mr. Yuan will give the plan to the servant after he plans to change the system. The servant will vote here!"

Wei Zhongxian followed and said, "Then I'll criticize it here too!"

Seeing this, Zhang Gui smiled. He had to admit that the efficiency of Daming's reforms had improved a lot with the presence of an institution like the System Policy Department.

So, next, the new post office system was officially issued in the form of an edict.

Because the Lijian controlled by Wei Zhongxian, the cabinet controlled by Han Yu, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate controlled by Yuan Keli were all active in this matter, they quickly selected the Xunyi Yushi who inspected the station, Qianhu who controlled the station in Xichang, and Zhayi Jiancheng of Dongchang.

When all the officials heard about it, they were all horrified, and secretly cursed that the five treacherous ministers of the Ming Dynasty had controlled the imperial court, and wantonly seized the benefits of officials and gentry in the name of political reform.

There is Li Kuilong, a doctor of Wenxuan Division, who was dissatisfied with the new policy because of the reform of the official selection system and could not rely on selling officials to make a fortune. Now, seeing that the Policy Division is also reforming the post office, he is angrily complaining, accusing the minister of the Policy Division of colluding internally and externally. Control the Chao Gang and hold the emperor in the sky.

As soon as Li Kuilong's memorial was published, he was confiscated and exiled for the crime of falsely discussing government affairs and turning truth around.

Obviously, the five ministers of the Planning Department who already have common interests and goals do not allow anyone to obstruct the reform.

And the reform of the Tianqi Dynasty is also continuing to make great strides forward.


Zhang Sunzhen, who successfully resigned and returned to his hometown, lived in a restaurant opened by his family members near the post station after arriving at a post station, and was reading a copy of "Daming Daily".

But he didn't read it for long, and he tore the newspaper to the ground in dissatisfaction after seeing the "Da Ming Daily" report on why the departure investigation was carried out.

Then, Zhang Sunzhen asked his servant: "Has the Yi Cheng here delivered the silver?"

The servant replied: "My lord, the postman here said that they really can't give 3000 taels of silver, please forgive me."

After hearing this, Zhang Sunzhen thought that he had been an official for less than a year and had not made any money. Now he had to resign early and return to his hometown.
"Go and tell him that one tael of silver is not enough! Otherwise, believe it or not, a letter from the official can make him, the postman, lose his head!"


The servant agreed and said, "Young one, go and tell him."

"you come back!"

But at this time, Zhang Sunzhen called his servant again.

The servant replied, "Master, what else can I order?"

"When will the [-] catties of grain we brought back from the capital be shipped?"

Zhang Sunzhen asked.

In line with the purpose of being an official in Beijing once, Zhang Sunzhen, like many officials who leave Beijing, will take a batch of supplies to resell at high prices.

Moreover, he also used his power to conscript a group of people to serve as free labor through the local post station to deliver these materials for them.

But now, because Xichang has shipped a large amount of grain to the capital by purchasing grain overseas and paying taxes, the price of grain in the capital is low, but the grain price in the south of the Yangtze River is much higher than that in the capital, so Zhang Sunzhen brought a batch of grain Ready to resell in Jiangnan.

At this time, his servant replied: "Not yet. According to the station, too few people were caught. In addition, the people asked for a full meal before they were willing to help us transport food. Why don't we give our food to the people?" One stone, so they can pull the boat faster?"

replied the servant.

"Dirty balloon!"

Zhang Sunzhen slapped the servant directly, cursed, and said, "Whose slave are you, to speak for the untouchables! I want to transport the food back to the south of the Yangtze River in exchange for silver to honor Enfu! Less Not even a stone!"

The servant had no choice but to knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy: "Master, calm down, master, please calm down! It's the slave's mouth, the slave's mouth is cheap!"

Zhang Sunzhen saw his servant kowtowed and saw blood on his forehead, and the depression caused by reading "Da Ming Daily" was swept away in this way, and he regained the pleasure of being a master, so he waved and said:

"Go down! You take the people in the house to remind the people in the post station in person. And grab a few women to cook by the way!"

Because of this servant, a gang of slaves under Zhang Sunzhen found the Yi Cheng here.

As soon as the postman saw the servant Wu Rui, he smiled and asked: "Master Rui, what did Master Zhang say, would you like us to give less at the post?"

"One tael of silver can't be less! Unless you, Yicheng, don't want to live anymore! These are the original words of our master."

Wu Rui covered his face and said angrily.

The postman said "ah": "But we really can't afford so much, the county has never been rich."

"What's the use of telling me!"

Wu Rui replied, and said, "Don't forget the ten taels of silver you promised me."

The Yicheng agreed: "Hey" and then asked Wu Rui: "Your face."

"It's not because you passed the message that you were beaten."

After Wu Rui said something, he said: "The people pulling the boat will continue to arrest, and by the way, a few women will be arrested to cook for our master."

"Master Zhang, can you promise to give them some food?"

The postman asked.


Wu Rui replied.

The postman didn't say anything after hearing this, he just ordered his postmen to continue to arrest the nearby people.

A farmer, Li Erdan, was passing by here when he was stopped by two postmen.

"What are you two bad guys doing?"

Li Erdan asked in a panic.

Without saying a word, the two postmen tied up Erdan Li and shouted, "Masters will enlist you to serve in the army!"

Li Erdan struggled and shouted: "My eldest brother has already served in the military, why are you arresting me!"

The two postmen ignored him and only arrested Li Erdan.

As for Li Dadan, because Zhang Sunzhen refused to give him food, he said a few more words, and he was being beaten by Wu Rui's orders.


Li Dayan screamed, and said: "You have so much food, you don't want us to eat a little, you just want us to work for nothing, we are so hungry, we can't pull the boat!"

This Wu Rui lashed Li Dadan with a whip: "If you can't pull it, you have to pull it. You are hungry, what does it have to do with me!"

"Big brother!"

Li Erdan came over at this time and saw this scene and couldn't help but yelled.

At this moment, Huang Degong, Qianhu in charge of the post station, Qi Biaojia, the censor of the post station, and Wang Chengen, the supervisor of the post station, happened to pass by here with their respective official schools for inspection.

Huang Degong first asked: "Who are you, why are you beating people here!"

Seeing that Huang Degong and others were holding the honor guards of Xichang, Dongchang and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Wu Rui knelt down in fright and said: "We are the slaves of the Zhang family in Huoshan, and the owner of the family is Sun Zhen, a Jinshi Zhang family. "

At the same time, Qi Biaojia called the Yi Cheng here and asked, "What's going on here?"

 There is another chapter to add tonight

(End of this chapter)

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