Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 140: The Hanlin Cane! 3 sticks!

Chapter 140: The Hanlin Cane!Three hundred sticks! (1000 are added)
Seeing the banners of Xichang, Dongchang, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the postman was terrified, so he told the whole story of the reason and consequences of receiving Xinke Jinshi Hanlin Zhang Sunzhen.

Now in Daming, decent people like Zhang Gui, Han Yu, and Yuan Keli are in power, and the officials elected to inspect the post are also very decent, even the eunuch Wang Chengen who represents Dongchang is also a decent person.

Therefore, after hearing this, Huang Degong, Qi Biaojia, and Wang Chengen all felt injustice for the common people and were quite annoyed. They hurriedly sent a team of officials to follow Wu Rui to arrest Zhang Sunzhen.

Zhang Sunzhen was still enjoying himself in the restaurant opened by his family near the station.

He still doesn't know about the reform of post office.

"Beauty, I'll have a drink in exchange for my lord."

Zhang Sun Zhenzheng was joking with a singing girl with great interest, when the door was kicked open with a bang.

Zhang Sunzhen suddenly woke up.

Suddenly, he saw a group of government schools rushing in, drawing their knives and pointing at him: "Follow us!"

Zhang Sunzhen's singer screamed in fright.

And Zhang Sunzhen himself was a little confused, and fell directly to the ground: "You guys, who are you?"

"hurry up!"

Yixichang official school was rather impatient, so he kicked Zhang Sunzhen on the back.

Zhang Sunzhen was furious, but he had to endure it, got up obediently, and followed these people to Huang Degong, Qi Biaojia, and Wang Chengen.

"Your Majesty!"

Huang Degong drank first.

Zhang Sunzhen was a little hesitant, after all, he was somewhat unable to make him a civil servant kneel down to a military officer, even if he was a civil servant.

Huang Degong pulled out his knife directly.

"Kneel down!"

Seeing Huang Degong draw his sword, Zhang Sunzhen had to yell, and then knelt down on the ground aggrieved.

At this time, Qi Biaojia looked at Zhang Sunzhen: "Zhang Sunzhen, do you have an official letter from the imperial court to allow you to return home?"

Zhang Sunzhen did not dare to lie at this time, and replied: "No!"

"Since there is no official letter, what qualifications do you have to extort 3000 taels of silver from the post station?!"

Qi Biaojia asked in a loud voice.

Zhang Sunzhen looked at Qi Biaojia in surprise: "What does this have to do with you?"

"We are ordered to inspect the station in this province, and those who disturb the station will be dealt with strictly!"

Wang Chengen replied.

After hearing this, Zhang Sunzhen began to realize that something was wrong: "Can you forgive me this time, I would like to give all 3000 taels of silver to the three superiors."

Wang Chengen sneered.

Qi Biaojia even said with a somber face: "At least I won't spare you."

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate is not forgiving here, and my West Factory will certainly not be forgiving."

Huang Degong replied.

"The same goes for Dongchang."

Wang Chengen replied.

Huang Degong said at this time: "According to the order, whoever disturbs the post station will be punished with a stick first! Come here, press Zhang Sunzhen to the ground and beat him!"


The Xichang official school first pinned Zhang Sunzhen to the ground.

As soon as the board went down, Zhang Sunzhen screamed: "Ah!"

The Confucian scarf was also directly sent flying out.

Zhang Sunzhen couldn't help shouting: "Add another [-] catties of food! I beg the three superiors to be merciful!"

Go down another board.

Zhang Sunzhen felt that his spine was going to be broken, and the pain was so painful that he had to shout: "Thirty thousand catties! I will give it all! Woohoo!"

Then, another board.


Zhang Sunzhen grinned his teeth, tearing up, and shouted, "Stop beating!"

But the board still kept falling.

Zhang Sunzhen had no choice but to look at Qi Biaojia: "This Fengxian official, everyone is a civil servant, can we show affection to each other, woohoo!"

Qi Biaojia ignored it.

Just a joke, there are representatives from both the East Factory and the West Factory watching from the sidelines, how dare he show favoritism.

What's more, Qi Biaojia also felt that Sun Zhen's nuisance to the station was indeed too much, and he wanted to extort thousands of taels of silver. For a county, this undoubtedly means that the income of thousands of households will be stolen by him for a year. We know that it was difficult for an ordinary family to have an income of more than five taels of silver a year in the Ming Dynasty.

After Xichang Huang Degong ordered Zhang Sunzhen to be beaten with a hundred sticks, Zhang Sunzhen was already on the verge of death, almost only breathing out, not breathing in.

"I hit you too, should you let me go?"

But Zhang Sunzhen is also fate, at this time he still has the strength to speak.

"Just now he was fighting in Xichang, and we have not yet been beaten by the procuratorate."

After speaking, Qi Biaojia shouted to the officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate next to him: "Slap him with a hundred sticks too!"


"Don't fight, don't fight, if you fight again, I will die."

Zhang Sunzhen cried out.

Zhang Sunzhen soon got a slap from the official school of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, gritted his teeth and said: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, I dare not disturb the post station anymore!"

"Wang Fa is ruthless! It's useless to admit your mistakes."

Qi Biaojia said and ordered: "Keep fighting until the [-] hits are reached, don't let people from the West Factory and the East Factory think that we are all being favoritized by the procuratorate!"


As a result, Zhang Sunzhen was completely killed by the rod, and he lost his breath.

Zhang Sunzhen's servant, Wu Rui, felt both relieved and scared when he saw this scene. He had to admit that these people from the court were really ruthless.

Wu Ruiqie also asked at this time: "Everyone on the job, my master seems to be dead. Can the younger one carry him away?"

"Not yet!"

Wang Chengen said something at this time, and said: "I haven't fought in Dongchang yet."

If you have power and don't use it, it will be uncomfortable, just like taking off your clothes and not having sex.

The power of inspecting the post office is also power, and Wang Chengen cannot use it. Besides, he Dongchang also needs this power to prove his sense of existence.

Therefore, Wang Cheng'en also ordered: "The Dongchang people also beat him with a hundred sticks!"


So, Zhang Sunzhen continued to hold a hundred sticks, and in the end, his back was beaten into red flesh, and his blue silk clothes had already been shredded.

And the Yi Cheng here was dismissed and investigated.

The slaves of the Zhang family, Wu Rui, were also exiled to guard the border according to the law.

All the assets of the Zhang family here were also confiscated.

The two brothers from the Li family were also sent back.

It is no coincidence.

After the establishment of the system of patrolling the post office, most of the officials and gentry who disturbed the post station like Zhang Sun Zhen were found out and severely punished.

The post station system in the Ming Dynasty was also much clearer, and the people in the vicinity were no longer exploited by the officials and gentry who came to the post station to extort money.

As a result, public grievances have been greatly reduced.

In addition, after Xichang and Dongchang confiscated the properties of criminal officials and gentry near these post stations, they quickly expanded a lot of direct-operated imperial stores near these post stations.

Because the West Factory and the East Factory opened these royal stores in the name of stabilizing prices, they both set the prices of daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil, and salt relatively low, making it difficult for local wealthy businessmen with official and gentry backgrounds to inflate the prices of these common people’s necessities. , and took this opportunity to plunder the people wantonly.

"good very good!"

Zhang Gui also received Huang Degong's handling of Zhang Sunzhen and others when he was inspecting the post office, and he even claimed a few words of praise.

In Zhang Gui's view, the inspection system with the three forces checking and balancing each other is indeed better than the single eunuch's dictatorship and civilian dictatorship. In the past, the local inspection system was all in charge of the inspector and censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but the results were not ideal. But now that Xichang, Dongchang, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are patrolling together, the post administration of the entire empire has been rectified.

Zhang Gui decided to take the opportunity to tell Tianqi that officials and gentry like Zhang Sunzhen were successfully punished because of the post administration reform.

But just when Zhang Gui was about to tell Tianqi about this matter, at the Sutra Banquet that day, there was Hanlin Luo Bi who took advantage of the Sutra Banquet to speak and directly reported to Tianqi: "Your Majesty! The new patrol post system is taking advantage of the people, and the patrol post officials sent by the imperial court in various provinces also use their power to abuse the people, causing people's resentment to boil. Your Majesty, this is not what should happen in a prosperous age! Your Majesty, please decree to abolish this system , It is strictly forbidden for the factory guards to open Huangdian stores in various post stations and disturb the people!"

Although the reorganization of the post office has reduced the public's grievances a lot, the grievances of the officials and gentry have increased a lot. Therefore, Luo Bi couldn't help complaining bitterly during the banquet at this time, and deliberately forced Tianqi to express his position directly.

At this time, Chen Zizhuang, who also participated in the banquet, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Luo Hanlin is deceiving the emperor! The post station has nothing to do with the people, so where is it disturbing the people? Those who have always used the post station are either officials or officials, and patrolling the post station is the most nuisance." Post station officials and officials who use official post stations are not capable of abusing the people at all! As for Xichang and Dongchang opening imperial stores near the post stations, it is impossible to talk about taking profits from the people. Those who can open shops near the post stations are not afraid of being exploited by the postmen. Could it be ordinary people? Therefore, Xichang and Dongchang opened stores near the post station, and they did not compete with the people for profit."

Han Yu followed suit and said, "Your Majesty, Luo Hanlin is indeed deceiving the emperor, he should be executed immediately!"

Tian Qi nodded: "Robi is indeed deceiving the emperor, but I have to be merciful, so let's change the punishment from beheading to death with a stick."

After speaking, Tian Qi ordered: "Pull Luo Bi out, and he will be killed with a stick for the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

"Your Majesty is as benevolent as heaven!"

Han Yu quickly flattered her.

After hearing this, Luo Bi yelled at Han Yu: "Han Puzhou, you treacherous minister, you are in vain to be the chief assistant, you are in vain to be the chief assistant!"

 The novel is worth a thousand, add a more

(End of this chapter)

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