Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 141 After launching the public opinion offensive, the traitors who invested in gold reacted

Chapter 141 After launching the public opinion offensive, the traitors who invested in gold reacted strongly

Han Yu ignored Luo Bi's abuse.

Because the dividends given to him by Xichang are so good, it is impossible for him not to support the reform.

Especially after making great profits for the imperial court through reforms, his Han family can also share the small profits of officials and gentry with several other reform ministers.

The world's officials and gentry almost monopolized Daming's commercial profits.

And the scale of Daming's commodity economy can be said to be the largest market in the world in this era.

The profit here is not small.

Therefore, it is not a small amount even if it is only a small profit for the officials and gentry in the world.

Han Yuzuo asked the emperor to kill Luo Bi for the crime of deceiving the emperor, not only to express his support for the reform, but also to block the mouths of other officials who opposed the new post administration system.

It's fine if one radical official stands up and learns a lesson, and other officials who oppose it should stop hitting stones with pebbles.

"Why did you start to be so intolerant?"

Therefore, Sun Chengzong couldn't help but asked Han Yu next.

Han Yu smiled slightly: "How can you tolerate a bully?"

"But don't you worry about being infamous behind you?"

Sun Chengzong asked.

Han Yu still smiled faintly: "Let them laugh and scold you, good servants will do it."

After hearing this, Sun Chengzong suddenly didn't know what to say.

Civil officials like Li Kuilong and Luo Bi who couldn't help but speak out because their own interests were seriously damaged are still in the minority.

Even though most of the civil servants who opposed the New Deal were seriously dissatisfied with the serious damage to the interests of their officials and gentry, they could only curse secretly in their hearts, and did not dare to say it clearly, and even supported Zhang Gui's reforms on the surface. People who are more respectful, and even write some flattering poems for ministers like Zhang Gui who support the reform.

In any case, because of the support of the emperor, and because the main controllers of the cabinet and ceremonial supervisors also supported the reform through the way of binding interests, the uncle Zhang Gui also supported the reform, so the reform and new deal went smoothly.

"Daming Daily" is still in mass circulation.

As a result, more and more people began to understand the government, and began to know that the imperial court was making reforms to prevent their lives from getting worse.

At the same time, more and more people have begun to discover that the scholars who represent integrity and kindness are not really kind, and many of them are as selfish and hypocritical as some of their own people, even more selfish and hypocritical than some of their own villages. It's even worse.

The common people also began to know that Xichang had been working hard to make up for the deficit, refunding and reducing taxes for their people, and collecting taxes from the powerful nobles without fear of sacrifice. .

The bureaucrats and bureaucrats who objected to letting the people know these things could not stop them, they could only go into hibernation temporarily.

And because of this, "Daming Daily" began to appear outside the customs, and even through some secret channels, appeared in Shenyang City where Jiannu was established as the capital, and also appeared on the tables of the Eight Banners nobles such as Huang Taiji.

"Old Khan was taken away by Xichang!"

At this time, Jierharang said something first.

The Jiannu people often called the previous Great Khan the Old Khan, so Jierhalang also called Nurhachi the Old Khan at this time, because now Huang Taiji has become the new Houjin Khan.

After Ji Erhalang said, he said again: "I just didn't expect that Zhang Gui had already set his sights on us."

"The name is called the Xichang anti-rape team. They must have come for Li Yongfang, but our old sweat was caught by them by chance!"

Amin continued.

Dai Shan said helplessly: "Now it seems that the fact that Old Khan was captured by the Ming people can no longer be concealed! Because since this newspaper can be seen by us, it means that it will also be seen by the Mongols, Sun Chuanting, Yuan Chonghuan and others !"

"That's right!"

At this time, Huang Taiji nodded with a sullen face, and got up, glanced at Fan Wencheng and Ning Wanwo, and said: "This "Da Ming Daily" can't cover up this shame and humiliation even if we want to cover it up. What's more frightening is that he They clearly told us that we may have been infiltrated by them, and we are full of holes! What's more, they are talking about the invincibility of the nation, obviously threatening the Han people who surrendered to us, and let them surrender Our Han people dare not be loyal to Da Jin, otherwise, they will be assassinated and captured!"

When Huang Taiji said this, he slammed his fist on the table: "Very vicious! In the name of talking about the nation to kidnap the people of insight in the world, and prevent the Han people in the world from surrendering to me! But Ben Khan only heard Whoever has the Mandate of Heaven will be loyal to the people of the world, I have never heard the saying that even if you are not loyal to the king, you cannot betray the nation!"

As he said that, Huang Taiji said again: "If my Dajin wants to become more prosperous, I can't let the national ideals embodied in the "Daming Daily" be carried forward! Let the Han people in the world understand that my destiny is in my Dajin, and anyone who desires Those who are rich or powerful, regardless of their clan, should serve my Dajin! Whoever receives the destiny will be the lord of the world!"

"Master said yes."

Ning Wan, Fan Wencheng and Hanchen all replied at this time.

And Huang Taiji also looked at them and continued: "You gentlemen are also Confucian scholars who are familiar with the classics and history collections. Please write more articles to criticize the theory of "Daming Daily" and refute Li Yongfang. If you want people in the world to believe it, it doesn't matter. Only good ministers are loyal to the Mandate of Heaven, and Xichang's conspiracy to kidnap Li Yongfang and even my Dajin Laohan is not an act of a gentleman, nor is it done by a great country. The plan is nothing but their slander!"


Even though Ning Wan, Fan Wencheng and I apparently agreed to defend Huang Taiji against some of the viewpoints mentioned above in the "Daming Daily".

However, after the two knew that Daming had placed secret operations in Shenyang and had adopted various attack methods against traitors like them, they were still very disturbed.

Fan Wencheng couldn't even sleep because of this. Now he was very worried that someone would appear suddenly and try to assassinate him, saying that he was a traitor of the Han family.

After Ning Wan, I even had a nightmare, dreaming that people from the Xichang anti-rape team also came to arrest him.

"A good minister chooses the master, what's wrong with me!"

"I'm not a traitor! I'm not guilty! He Zhang Hongfan can be an official, why can't I be an official! He also said that I'm sorry for my ancestors!"

"When I help my big gold win the world, I will return to my hometown one day! My ancestors will be proud of me and will not laugh at me as a traitor! Later generations will not call me a traitor or a second official. I will live forever and be recorded in the annals of history as the founding father of Dajin!"

Ning Wan, I shouted loudly in my dream, and when he woke up, I found that no one came to arrest him. Then I realized that he was just dreaming, and after touching the cold sweat on his forehead, I sent a copy of " Da Ming Daily picked it up.

And after he read it for a short time, he angrily tore the "Da Ming Daily" to pieces.


"It's useless if you tear up ten more sheets!"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly reached Ning Wan's ears.

After Ning finished listening to me, the whole person seemed to be frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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