Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 143 Follow the plan and deal with those who oppose the reform!

Chapter 143 Follow the plan and deal with those who oppose the reform!
Xia Yunyi was a little surprised, he didn't expect Zhang Gui to be so calm about smallpox.

Seeing this, Zhang Gui also guessed the doubts in his heart, and said:

"I forgot to tell you that during the time you were not in the capital, the doctors of the Medical School Epidemic Prevention Research and Development Institute invested by our West Factory in Xishan successfully cultivated vaccinia with very low toxicity."

"Moreover, many people in Benhou and Xishan have already been inoculated with this pox, so that there were a few refugees who suddenly contracted smallpox in Xishan, but the vaccination did not lead to a large-scale smallpox outbreak!"

"We also extended the shelf life of this slurry with a new ice-making method."

"Right now, the Marquis asked someone to bring some here, so that they can quickly vaccinate the people of Suizhou with vaccinia, lest smallpox will really appear in the area where we are piloting the reform."

"Vaccinia vaccination?"

Xia Yunyi was quite suspicious after hearing this.

Zhang Guidao: "How can I lie to you, this method is really effective!"

"Ge Hong's "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescription" in the Jin Dynasty stated that the purpose of epidemic prevention can be achieved by injecting the same kind of epidemic virus with less toxicity into the human body."

"Benhou also got inspiration from this, and asked them to try to select the sera with lower toxicity and the best anti-epidemic effect to eradicate smallpox. As a result, they found a way to eradicate smallpox. "

Xia Yunyi saw that Zhang Gui could tell the reason, and that Ge Hong was indeed quite famous in history, so he became more convinced, and said: "I didn't expect that there would be a method to prevent smallpox in the Jin Dynasty. If it weren't for Hou My master is well-read and knowledgeable, but I didn’t know it when I was born late.”

"That's why, Benhou has always asked you to read more books from various schools of thought, not just to learn classics and talk about Taoism."

"My Chinese culture has always been profound, and there is a lot of knowledge that needs to be discovered and passed on. Don't stick to one family's learning, but seek truth from facts to explore knowledge that is beneficial to the society and the people's livelihood!"

Zhang Gui then said: "For example, the prevention and treatment of smallpox, in addition to the vaccination technique has already been mentioned by our ancestors of the Han family, and the mechanism of smallpox transmission has long been recorded in books based on their own practice. did you know?"

Xia Yunyi cupped his hands and said, "Please Lord Hou give me advice!"

Zhang Guidao: "During the modern temple period, Grand Sima Guo Zizhang had a monograph called "Boji Rare Acne Formula Theory."

"It is recorded that smallpox is transmitted by qi, and when this qi meets people's true qi, it is incompatible with each other, and it can cause people to be infected. The amount of true qi given to people is different, so there are different degrees of illness!"

"And his practical experience is that it is necessary to resolutely isolate, and use those who have recovered from smallpox as the soldiers of the epidemic prevention, responsible for supervising the sick, because these people who have recovered from smallpox will often not get sick again, all of them are true spirits overflowing people."

Zhang Gui was a human being in two lifetimes, and he was a practitioner of medical experiments in his previous life. He is still very clear about the development history of immunology, and he knows that the ancient Chinese did find out many laws in the practice of preventing smallpox.

For example, as early as the Jin Dynasty, there was a theory that a low-virulence strain was injected into the human body to generate an immune response, and in the Ming Dynasty, there was a view that the virus was transmitted through the air.

As for why the later natural sciences are not as good as the West, this cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

In short, what Zhang Gui has to admit is that because these theories of immunology and disease prevention that have been summed up by the predecessors have not been well inherited and developed, and are even rarely known by scholar-bureaucrats, many times, later generations On the contrary, I don't know the research results of predecessors, so that I don't know how to use it in life practice.

It was also the first time that Xia Yunyi knew about these books through Zhang Gui. As a child who only received Confucian education, he did not have the awareness that many non-Confucian cultures in China need to be inherited and developed.

Zhang Gui directly instructed Zhou Neng who came with him: "Go and pass on my words, let Wu Youke, Wu Taiyi and Xiao'e who came with Benhou go to Tanjiazhuang first, and vaccinate the people who have not yet developed the disease. Hurry up, including those in the surrounding Zhuangzi! Imperial Physician Wu is in charge of vaccinating the soldiers and civilians, and Xiao’e is in charge of vaccinating women, children and children, and a team of officials and schools will follow them, and they will temporarily listen to their restraint, and will be responsible for rectifying the order of epidemic prevention!"


Zhou Neng agreed.

After Xiao'e stayed in Xichang, Zhang Gui found that she had a good memory and a good tolerance to flesh and blood, so he asked her to go to the women's medical school in Xichang to learn medical knowledge such as gynecology and disease prevention. And now Xiao'e has mastered the technique of vaccination.

The original intention of Zhang Gui to bring her here was to let her vaccinate the women and children here.

After Zhang Gui arranged the vaccination, Xia Yunyi, the magistrate of the prefecture, was arranged to set up an isolation point and a special shelter for smallpox infected persons, while Wu Youke and Xiao'e still treated the male and female infected persons respectively.

Although the death rate after smallpox infection is high, Zhang Gui still hopes that by treating these infected people, he can help several infected people finally overcome smallpox with their own immunity and recover.

Because of the timely vaccination and timely epidemic prevention, smallpox was finally brought under control, and there was no large-scale outbreak in Suizhou, and even the smallpox in Qinjiazhuang was also brought under control. In the end, there were only [-] infected people.

Xia Yunyi breathed a sigh of relief, and only now was she convinced that this was not a punishment from the heavens after he carried out reforms in Suizhou.

"You don't speak, you have strange powers and gods! You can't worry that even the heavens are not happy with your reform just because you are afraid of the plague."

"The way of heaven is to damage more than make up for what is not enough. Our reform is to damage more than enough to make up for what is not enough. How can it go against the way of heaven! Even if the way of heaven is not benevolent, you can't feel that it is wrong to reform the law for the country and the people!"

Zhang Gui also educated Xia Yunyi after this happened.

Xia Yunyi humbly accepted the teaching and said: "What Master Hou taught is that Wan Sheng is also concerned about chaos. In addition, Wan Sheng didn't expect that the ancients already had knowledge about smallpox, but Wan Sheng was ashamed. If Master Hou hadn't mentioned it today, Wan Sheng would I don't know these things! It can be seen that the late students are superficial!"

"It's great that you have this humility!"

"But Ben Hou still said that, you and I must consciously carry forward my knowledge in all aspects of China, and benefit the people's livelihood, so that some beneficial knowledge cannot be buried in paper piles!"

"Even if you don't have the energy to develop it yourself, you should support others to do these things, and have a few more technical subordinates around you who specialize in medical science, arithmetic, physics, water control, agriculture, etc., and support them. They will sum up and carry forward all kinds of knowledge from ancient times to the present, and provide reference for your governance at any time, so that you won’t be at a loss when something happens, or you can’t plan ahead!”

Zhang Gui took the opportunity to continue teaching Xia Yunyi.

Xia Yunyi cupped his hands humbly and said: "Wansheng remembers Lord Hou's teachings! Now, Wansheng asks the imperial court to let Wansheng buy these subordinate officials, and donate money to them to summarize and carry forward the learning of various schools in ancient and modern times, so as to benefit the society and the people's livelihood!"

Zhang Guixin nodded happily: "So, maybe my Ming Dynasty will achieve a prosperous age beyond the previous dynasties!"

"What Lord Hou said is true!"

Xia Yunyi responded, and said again: "However, Lord Hou, the smallpox is really strange this time, Wan Sheng is worried that it was deliberately done by someone, and the purpose is to target the reform and new policy piloted in Suizhou!"

"It's just that even if it's artificial, it's not easy to check. After all, there are so many people coming and going in and out of Suizhou, it's hard to check them all."

Zhang Gui thought for a while and said: "Then let someone deliberately release false news! It is said that smallpox is rampant in Suizhou. At that time, someone in the court will stand up to make trouble, and then we can know whether anyone is doing tricks, and You can also know who is playing tricks!"

After hearing this, Xia Yunyi asked: "Master Hou, do you mean to follow the plan?"

Zhang Gui nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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